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02x05 - Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum

Posted: 10/16/22 08:04
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[swords clinking]

[thunder rumbling]

Don't you get it, Mother?

I know you want
me to be a ballerina,

but my heart belongs to hip hop.

Are you disappointed?

No, I'm proud of you.

All that hipping and
hopping was breathtaking.

Oh, Mother. Oh, Mariah.

[Anne crying]

And that is the masterpiece,
From Pointe to Poppin'.

Talk about an emotional
roller coaster Whoa!

Sprig! You all right, buddy?

What the heck is
going on out there?

Come on,
Bessie. Come on. [chirps]

Almost there.


[all gasp]

dang it! The ding dang reins snapped.

[sheepbug bleats] [chirps]


[screams] We gotta
get these reins fixed

or we can't control Bessie.

Don't worry, Hop Pop.

There's a town
right down the road.

See? Ribbitvale. Ribbitvale?

The most expensive
town in all Amphibia?

No way! [screams]

Looks like we don't have a choice,

[purrs] [bleats]

[sighs] You're right.

But when we get there,

don't get sucked
in by the fancy.

[all sigh]

Guys, look.

So shiny. So sparkly. [screams]

Hey! Hey! I said look
away from the fancy.

It's like nothing I've
ever seen before.

A ten tier fountain.

A solid gold snail carriage.

There's even a One Eyed Wally.

Wait. What?

[all] One Eyed Wally?

You didn't tell me you were
leaving the valley, you scamp.

Oh, um Walliam,

you know these pungent common folk,
do you?

Uh, yes,
Father. I met them on my business travels.

These must be your
servants from Wartwood then.

Servants? Yes. That's right,

These are my servants. [groans]

And this must be some kind
of exotic beast you tamed.

Though I sooner would
have had it stuffed.

[grunts] [laughs]

Anyhow, I am Wigbert Ribbiton.

Ribbiton? As in
Ribbiton's Ribbons?

The finest web crusty
floss in all of Amphibia?

That's us. And when I retire,

Walliam here will be head
of the Ribbiton family empire.

Right, Walliam? Right, Father.

Can't wait for that.

[sighs] Hmm.

Hello. Looks like
someone needs repairs.

My mechanics will make
her right as rain in no time.

Hup, hup, hup, hup. Oh,
mighty kind of ya.

You'll be joining us back at the mansion,
of course?

[all] Mansion? Oh,
no. They couldn't

[all] Oh, yes, we could.

Here we are.

Some of my prizewinning birds.

Ever seen a frog torn
in half by a peacock?

Grizzly stuff. [peacock shrieks]

It's, uh,
one of our smaller rooms but please enjoy.

What the heck, Wally? [all gasp]

This place is magnificent.

What happened to "Look
away from the fancy?"

It don't count if ya
don't have to pay for it.

Hey, let's go explore. Okay.

[all laugh]

So... Walliam,
what's going on here?

I thought you were a fun loving tramp,
not some little rich boy.

The truth is I live like a
bum in Wartwood because...

Well, it's what I love.

This life may look nice
but there's so many rules.

And if my family
knew the real me,

well, they'd disown me for sure.

Just be honest with them.

Tell them the truth and I
know they'll support you.

Just like my favorite movie
From Pointe to Poppin'.

[grunts] It's just too risky,

I have to hide these around the house,
or I'd lose my mind.

What about that time you told me not
to care what people think about you?

This is different. This is my
family we're talking about.

I still think you should
be honest with them.

I mean,
what do you have to lose?

come with me and I'll show you.

Meant to do that. Yeah,
yeah. Of course.

Welp, we're lost. Probably
gonna be stuck here forever.

Oh, I know. Let's just
open some doors at random.

One of them's gotta be an exit.


Sorry, we're just Carry on.


Hi ya!



[all sigh]

[horse whinnys]

So much of my past is here.

It would break my heart
to leave it all behind.

[chirps] Meet Fiddle Leaf.

I've been riding her
since I was a wee tadpole.


Ugh. Well, if you're not gonna tell 'em,
what are you gonna do?

Maybe if they could see how
happy I was living in Wartwood,

they'd understand and
accept me for who I am.

[groans] Who am I kidding.

I better go get ready for dinner.

Right. Dinner.

Hey, where you guys been?

[both] Around. Rich
people are messed up.

I've just spent the last hour talking

with Wally about
how miserable he is.

tonight I'm gonna help him come clean.

Oof. Are you sure
meddling is a good idea?

Pfft. It's not meddling.

It's the right thing to do
because it happened in a movie.

And movies are
never wrong. Okay.


I hear the market
has really taken off.

[clears throat]

A toast to Walliam's valet.


[all shriek]

[clears throat] Great segue.

To thank you Ribbitons
for your hospitality,

I have prepared a
special presentation.

It talks. Oh,
capital. Gonna ignore that.

Now, please enjoy this video
of Wally's life in Wartwood.

Edited by me.

Wait. What?


I'm a vagrant With a heart of gold

Aw. Whoop. [cat yowls]

[Anne] Wally. What can I say?

I sleep better with company.

La la la la laa La la laa

[whistle blows] Ooh. Gotta go.

[laughs] Oy, oy, oy!

Cue emotional acceptance.

[clears throat] Walliam!

That is how you've been
acting outside of Ribbitvale?

Unacceptable. You have brought
shame onto the house of Ribbiton.

Worse. You've been lying to us.

I I only lied because I didn't
think you'd accept the real me.

you weren't wrong. We do not accept this.

You are henceforth
forbidden to leave this town.

[gasps] Then you
leave me no choice.

[screams] [gasps]

What? What does that
mean? Family challenge.

Come on,
Anne. You've been here long enough.

If my family won't accept
me for who I truly am,

then I don't want to
be a Ribbiton anymore.

I challenge you to a
winner takes all duel.

Very well. One on one
Beast Polo.

You win, you can leave
Ribbitvale and live however you like.

You lose, you take over the family
business and stay in Ribbitvale forever.


I accept.


Kinda went off script there.

Why did you do that?

You told me this
is what you wanted.

You said,
"I wish I could see me in Wartwood."

But I didn't actually mean it.

Look, I just wanted to help
you be proud of who you are.

A poppin' lockin' fresh
don't stoppin' hip hop B girl.

A what? Never mind.
What can I do to fix this?

You know what Anne,
you've done enough already.

I've got to face the
music on my own.

[music plays]


Hi ho, Crumpet the Frog here,

and welcome to the official
Ribbiton family challenge.

A ribbiting game of Beast Polo.

Hey, see what I did there? Ribbiting,
riveting? Because we're frogs?

this guy's quite the character.

[Crumpet] Okay. Here
comes the ball now!

I don't see any

[gasps] [groans]

And now the players
will pick their beasts.

I choose Andromeda. [grunts]

And I choose
Fiddle Leaf. [chirps]

[Wigbert] Not so fast.

Fiddle Leaf is a
Ribbiton family beast.

Since you no longer
wish to be a Ribbiton,

you can't ride any of them.

then what am I supposed to ride?

I'll be your beast.
What in heavens.

Anne? Look.

If you're gonna go down,

you might as well
go down fighting.

Plus, I got you into this.

At least let me
try to get you out.

All right. You know
how to do this?

No, but I'll figure it out.

Well, here. Put this bit in your
mouth. Not happening, bud.

Okay, fellas. Let's keep this
game cool and friendly like.

Three, two, one. Ee eee!

Hiya! [nickers]


[Crump Sir Ribbiton has scored
the first goal.
[crowd cheering]

Turns out dad's still got
it. We might be in trouble.

Well, then come on. Let's step up
our game and demolish this old man.

Steady. He's still my dad.

Sorry, I'm just so competitive.

Ready? Ready.

[whistle blows]

[Crumpet] That beast may be small,
but it sure is agile.

A goal for Walliam.


[crowd cheering]

All right,
folks. This is it. Next goal wins.

[grunts] [laughs]

Oh, no!


[whinnys] [grunts]

Ah. He missed. Second wind.

Come on, Anne. We're so close.

He's too fast.
We'll never make it.

That's what you think.

how long has that been there?

[chuckles] A season at least.


Goal! Walliam wins.
[crowd cheering]

Ooh. They won!

[both] We did it!

I can finally be myself.

Can't be yourself
without your signature hat.

[Wigbert] Ow!

[clears throat]

Well, son, I concede defeat.

I suppose this means
goodbye forever. [sobs]

I don't want to leave forever.

I just want to be able to be me,
wherever I am.

You mean you still
want to be a Ribbiton?

Of course, I do. But you have
to accept me for who I am.

Both Walliam and Wally.

I suppose we can do that.

Ah, accordion, eh?

You know,
I used to love playing the jug,

but I gave it up a long,
long time ago.

Oh, all right. You got me.


You've been holding out on me.

Aw. Isn't this great? I
just love happy endings.

What do you say?
How about a song?

Always works for me.

I don't see why not.

Thanks, Anne, for everything.

not everything. Don't mention it.

Hit it, Pops.

[shrieks] [all scream]