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02x04 - Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher

Posted: 10/16/22 08:03
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[swords clinking]


[Anne] Hey. Looks like we're
almost halfway to Newtopia, HP.

Yep. Making good
time. I gotta say,

this trip has been a lot
smoother than I thought it'd be.

Yep! But the one
thing I'd change...

The only thing I'd change

[Sprig] Stop pushing me!
[Polly] You stop pushing me!

Is that.

[Polly] Get that stupid
stuff out of my face!

[Sprig] Well, sorry for showing
you all this cool moss I found!

Ow! What was that for?

[Polly] I saw a punch
bug! Punch bug!

[Sprig] For the last time,
I'm not playing punch bu Ow!

Two weeks of nonstop arguing
really starting to wear on me.

At least they're keeping
it in the fwagon this time.


[mimicking Sprig] Look
everyone. I'm Sprig.

Look at all this
dumb moss I found.

Wow! Wow! Wow!


Oh, yeah? [inhales]

[mimicking Polly] Well,
I'm Polly,

and I decided we're
all playing punch bug.

Punch bug!

Wow! Wow! Punch
bug! Punch bug!

This is incredibly
annoying but I have to say,

their impressions of
each other are spot on.

always had a knack for that.

Oh, I don't think I can
take two more weeks of this.

If only there were some way
to get them to stop fighting.

Ya! [all] Whoa!

What the heck dude? I almost
bit my tongue. Shh! Look!

"Quarreler's Pass. A road to reconciliation
for weary travel mates." Okay, so what?

Wait, Polly,
you don't think they're gonna

[both grunt] What?

You're seriously
leaving us here?

Aw, quit your bellyaching.

It says right here

that the paths
meet up eventually.

Your fighting is
driving us nuts!

You brought this
upon yourselves!

This is all Sprig's
fault for being so zippy

and obnoxious all
the time! Ow! Ow!

Me? You're the one
who's punching everyone!

No, you are! No, you are!

Mm hmm. See you kids on
the other side and good luck.

Here. If you get in trouble,
just call me.

Ow! Heeyah!

Call me?

[both laughing]

"Call me?" Argh!
There's only one phone!

I don't get it.

I don't get it.

Let's just get this over with.

Try to keep up, slow poke.

[gasps, screams] Oh,
no, you don't!

[both grunting]


"The Beam of Balance"?

[chuckles] More like the
beam of Race you across!

Hey! Get back here,
you dang cheater!

Eat my dust, lame o! Huh?

Whoa! [screams]

Help me, lame o!

Hang on!

[screams, grunts] Whoa!

Thanks. Polly,

I think we're supposed
to go across slowly.


[grunts, sighs]

Okay. This works.
Yeah. Slow and steady.

[Polly] This is gonna take
forever. Let's just jump.

Jump? I can't make that. It's
wider than Croaker's Creek.

[laughs] Remember when you
tried to jump over Croaker's Creek?

Yeah, don't remind me.

You landed right
on a cactus flower!

All those spikes
sticking out of your

[gasps] Wait! Remember
Croaker's Creek?

Yeah! I don't
wanna talk about it!

No, no! There was a rickety bridge,

And the only way
we got across was

[gasps] The walk and roll! Polly,
you're a flipping genius!

[both strain]

[sighs] Forgot where I was.

Let's roll! And walk. Okay,

Whoa! Whoa! Okay, left.

[Polly grunts]

Right! Left! Right! Left!

Right! Left! Right! Left!

[Polly screams] [grunts]

[both] We did it!

let's breeze through this thing

so we can slap Hop
Pop. I support that.

Huh. Wonder how those
two are doing without us?

[wind howling]

Finally. Peace and quiet.

Almost a little too quiet.

[chuckles] Almost a little awkward,
isn't it?

So do you have a
boyfriend back home?


They call us The
impossible two

A super duper
Brother sister crew

[Sprig] ♪ We're a team
That can't be beat

Always gonna
land On our feet

We're almost All
the way through

But the end Of
the pass is fake

It's fake. What the heck?

Someone blocked off the pass and
painted it to look like the end? Weird.

Must be another test. What if
we took that tunnel over there?

Okay. All right! Test passed!

Hmm, that was too easy.

Or maybe we're just the best!

[both] Yeah!

[both grunt] Oh, perspective.

Clever. [both grunt]

Okay. Not much
farther. Hopefully.

[screams] Hey! Oops. My bad!

Watch where you're putting your big,
dumb feet!

You watch where you put your big,
dumb spit!

Ugh! You're so annoying!

No, you are! No, you are!

No, you are! No, you are!

No, you are! No, you are!

No, you are! No, you are!

No, you are! No, you are!

Would you look at
that. Two tunnels.

Why don't you take that one and
find another Pollywog to step on?

Fine! And maybe you can
annoy someone else in that one!

Fine! Fine!



He thinks I'm annoying?
He's the annoying one.

[Sprig] I can hear you!

These rock walls
are surprisingly thin!

You're surprisingly thin!

[female voice] Good one.


Hi. [screams]

didn't mean to frighten you.

That's okay. I meant to eat you!

[screams, grunts]


There's a giant wormy
thing! It's trying to eat me!

I'll save you!

And I'll save you for dessert.

Whoa, whoa.



Well, this isn't a good sign.

[screaming, grunts]

this isn't a good sign. I just said that!

Ah, good catch, Lysil.

Yes, Angwin,
and they sound juicy.

[screams] How many
of you weirdos are there?

[both laughing]

[both] Only one.

What the Shh! I don't
think they can see us.

No, but we can hear you.

And it's only a matter of time
before my bro and I find ya!

That's how we olms do.

Oh, yeah? Well [mumbling]

[mumbling continues]

Into the crack! [olms growls]

[Sprig grunts]

[both screaming]

[gnawing] Oh, great.

We lost 'em in the crack 'cause
you were dragging your feet.

Okay. A, we don't have feet.

And B, I could've helped if you'd
bothered to communicate at all.

I said "Over here!"
Try listening for once.

Ugh! Just help me find a stick
to pry them out of the crack.

You are literally a
pain in my backside.

Ugh! I'm a pain?
You're the pain!

No, you are! No, you are!

No, you are! You are!

No, you are! No, you are!

You are! You are!

Ah! All this bickering
is driving me crazy.

It's like wearing a
beehive on your head.

Can you imagine having to
listen to this for more than an hour?

Or two weeks?

From the back of a wagon?

[Lysil] No,
you are! [Angwin] No, you are!

I guess Hop Pop and Anne
were right to ditch us here.

If we get out of this,
maybe we can call a truce.

Not argue for a couple
weeks? Give them a break?

Deal! [spits]

[Lysil] No,
you are! [Angwin] No, you are!

Now then, how to escape two,
mostly blind,

argumentative siblings?

[gasps] I have an idea that
might make an impression.

Something in your
eye? Just follow my lead!

Okay, whatever.

Let's just eat these kids

and get back to never
talking to each other again.

Ugh! Finally. A good
idea out of your mouth.

let's find that stick already.

[mimicking Angwin] Do it yourself,
you smelly dum dum!

[gasps] Who you calling dum dum?

I found your stick. Right here!

Ow! Hey! Watch where
you're swinging that thing!

[grunts, inhales]

[mimicking Lysil] Not my fault

you've got such a humongous swollen head,

Hey! Now that's
uncalled for! Take this!

[screams] Biting, is it?

[Sprig screams]

[gasps] Sprig!

Belly flop.


[grunts, pants]

Get up! Come on!

[Sprig] Move, move, move!

Mom always liked me best!

That's because she
had terrible taste!

[both grunt]

[both] Whoa, whoa!

[both grunt]

[both laugh]

man. Promise me we never end up like that.

Us? Are you kidding?
We're way too good of a team.

Bring it in, buddy.

Hmm, looks like we're back on the
road. Where's Anne and Hop Pop?

they should be here by now.

[Hop Pop mumbling] Wait,
do you hear that?

[Hop Pop] A
relationship is like a farm.

You plant a seed of trust

and it grows into a
better relationship.

[Sprig] Anne, over here! Anne!

Hi! Sup.

You two! Thank frog!

Anne, you'll be glad to know

we've decided to
stop I don't care!

I need you to fill the silences.

Hop Pop can't deal with
them! He can't deal with them!

Oh, hey, kids. Didn't see
you there. How'd the trials go?

It was fine,
except for the bloodthirsty olms.

And you'll be glad to know
we've decided to stop arguing

That's great, Sprig. Anyway,
we were just getting into the nitty gritty.

Now that you guys are back,
we can talk about Anne's boyfriend again.

[thud] [Hop Pop screaming]