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02x03 - Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desires

Posted: 10/16/22 08:02
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[swords clinking]

[thunder rumbling]

[Hop Pop] All right, kids!

We're about to hit
the Dry Swamp.

Here, Anne. You're
gonna wanna hydrate.

That's okay, dude. It's still a
swamp. How dry could it be‐‐


Gimme that stuff! Whee!

[Hop Pop chuckles] Welcome
to the Dry Swamp, Anne!

Home to giant frog‐eating sand
worms. Bandits. Vagabonds.

You'd know if you'd ever read the
classic play, Fear the Dry Swamp.

Oh, brother. He's gonna act.

"Hark. For I am homeless.

I am friendless.

I am the Dry Swamp."

You know, I was this close
to getting the lead part once.

You don't say. Uh‐huh.

Yep. Before I was a farm frog,

your Hop Pop had dreams.

Next life, I suppose.


[all screaming]

you! Head towards that dune!

We've got a caravan
on the other side

and this thing's
spooked by numbers!




Hey! Thanks for
your help out there!

Don't mention it. You know,

you folks really shouldn't
be out here on your own.

Haven't you ever read
Fear the Dry Swamp?

You know that play?

Know it? Ha! I directed it!

Renee Frodgers is the name and
managing this acting troupe is my game.

An acting troupe? Here?

Wow. What are the chances.

why don't you folks join our caravan?

We could use extra stagehands

and you know what they
say: "Safety in numbers!"

We're in!

Welcome to our humble operation.


To be or not to be.

Ooh! Ah! Oh!

Hey, Francis! Show these
youngsters to the kids' wagon.

As you wish, madam.

I am Francois,
heir to House D'arncool.

He's method.

[all] Uh... He's what‐what?

It means he embodies a
character on and off set!


Ha! Ha! Sharp as a tack, HP.

Care to join me in my trailer?

I'd love to pitch you
our latest production.

Would I?


[clears throat]

You three are free to join
me if you wish. Ha! Ha!

Wow. That guy...

is the coolest
kid I've ever met!

‐Let's go with him. ‐I'm in.

Yeah! Absolutely not!

I was in a school
play once. It was awful.

And this place is
bringing back... memories.

I'm a tooth That's the truth



Four out of five dentists agreed,
I was traumatized.

Anyways, see you dudes later.

I've got a complicated jigsaw
puzzle with my name on it!

[whispering] Yes,
my babies. Yes.

Mm, okay. Bye.

Here we are! Excuse the mess.

We're in the middle
of casting our lead.

But none of the candidates are popping,
you know?

Well, what are you looking for? Uh,
older gent.

Rough around the edges,
but still has a good heart.

Someone like you,
actually. Too bad you're not an actor.

[clears throat] Actually,
I am an actor.

That so? Huh,
you wanna audition?

"Hark. For I am
homeless. I am friendless.

I am‐‐" Stop!

You're hitting me,
but you're not knocking me out.

Know what I mean?

No. You're not
right for the part.


Super! Guess we're
all done here then.

That was your cue to leave.


[sighs] These kids are so cool.

If only I could be one of them.

Eh, it can't be that hard. Here!


Hey! Watch it!

Heh. Sorry. I'm
Sprig by the way.

[others gasp] Hmm. Hmm?

We don't use our
real names here.

For we must become
our characters.

Well, then I'm Spruueg Plantoir.

Your... nemesis. En garde!

I don't believe you.

[sighs] C'mon Polly,
let's get outta here. Huh?

Who's Polly, governor?

I'm Lydia Davenport.
The black widow.

Ignore him, Lydia. He clearly
doesn't have enough... character.

[all laughing]

[laughs] Character.

I'm gonna get in with this
group if it's the last thing I do.

Okay, Hopediah,
this is starting to get a little sad.

Sad? Sad!

I'll tell you what's sad.

Sad is having a dream
that will never come true.

Sad is knowing you'll never be
more than a vegetable farmer.

But you know what?

I'd still rather be sad
and have a dream,

than live life without one.

‐[clapping] ‐Huh?

Now that's what
I've been looking for.

Theater is truth,

and, baby,
you just served up a heaping spoonful.

You got the lead part, Hopediah.


let's get this show on the road.


[all gasp]

We're taking all Of
our hopes and dreams

Just wait For the company...

Oh, come on!

...good show is
coming To your town

We're hitchin' our wagon
And we're caravaning

To our dreams


‐[cheering] ‐Thank you.

‐Thank you. ‐♪ ...and
caravaning To our dreams


Oh, yeah.


Say, Renee,
I've got a dialogue suggestion

for page that could‐‐

Huh? Renee?

So the next town's bank
has two guards unarmed.

We wait till Hopediah's
big death scene,

then take 'em out.

[clears throat] Excuse me.

Is this a bad time?

Ah, nuts.

Boys, will you give us a moment?

[both grunting]

Renee, wha‐‐ What's going on?

Well, Hop Pop,
since you're the lead I'll level with ya.

We're trying to find the best
way to rob this next town blind.

Care for a drink? Oh,
no, thank you.

Wait, what! Why?

Truth be told, there's not
much coin in theater these days.

We're barely scraping by as is.

So we travel from town to town

and while people are
transfixed by our amazing plays...

Blamo! We take what we deserve.

But this is wrong!

What's wrong is how under
appreciated the arts are.

we only take what we need.

And just think about what
this play means to you.

You're the lead. [grunts]

Every dream has its price,
am I right?

‐Well... ‐That's the spirit.

We'll see you tomorrow
for the big night.


[yelps] Anne!

The play's a distraction
for a bank robbery.

On one hand, that's awful.

But on the other hand,
we need to support the arts, right?

What? No! They're using
you to commit crimes.

You can't just pretend
you don't know that.

Hmm. I probably could.

I'm a very good actor, you know.

Thanks for the advice, Anne.

[screams, pants] Anne!

The theater kids don't like me.

[grunts] Seriously?

It doesn't matter what
those theater dorks think.

You're right. It
matters what they feel.

I just have to
speak to their hearts.

Thanks, Anne. Bye.

[grunts] Anne!

I love you, girl!

I love you too, dude.


I hear these guys are good.

I'm excited.


I am a common frog.

Yet my soul burns
with the spirit of...


Francois! Francois! [grunts]

Francois, just hear me out.

I've always wanted to be
a part of a g*ng of friends

and if you give me a chance, we can
become more than just a group of friends.

We can become a family.

Ugh! What are you talking about?

You know what,
Francois. I'm sick of this.

Keep your snotty attitude
and your dumb accent.

I'm out!

That intensity. That hatred.

Now, this I believe. You're in.




‐[all gasp] ‐[groans]

All right, boys. That's our cue.

[guard grunts]

Seize this nonsense,
Archibald Hopperdink.

Join us and we'll make
all your dreams come true.


Only a selfish frog
would put his own dreams

against the needs of others.

Against justice,
against righteousness.

[sighs] Goodbye, my dream.

Didn't know you long,
but you were a swell fella.

uh‐‐ I don't remember this part.

Everyone, this is a sham!

They're robbing you blind.

[all gasp]

The jig is up,
boys. Every frog for themselves.

‐[crowd yelps] ‐[Renee grunts]





[yelps, screams]

‐[laughs] ‐[yells]

Dah! You idiot!

What about your big
break? Your dream?

That's the thing about dreams,

Sooner or later
you gotta wake up!

[screams] Oh!


Ha! Ha!


Now that's dramatic.


I gotcha! I gotcha!

Oops. Kinda misjudged that arc.

Philistines! Barbarians.

Hey, thanks a lot for helping us out,
actor guy.

Aw, don't mention it.

And you're sure you
didn't know nothing

about this robbery beforehand?

Scout's honor.

[grunts] Dude!

I told you not to
help them rob a bank.

[laughs] Uh, she's joking.

Uh, good one, Anne.

Hop Pop. We joined the theater g*ng.

‐Just like you. ‐[all grunt]

Silly, kids, making jokes.

Well, gotta go. Bye! Yah!

Movies are better!

[theme music playing]