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02x01 - Handy Anne/Fort in the Road

Posted: 10/16/22 08:01
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[swords clinking]

[thunder rumbling]

[music ends]

[frogs croaking]

Yep, it's been three months.

Still up here.

[sighs] Spring is finally here.

All right, Sprig.
New season,
new possibilities.

I'm ready to blossom
into my best self.

So, you're feeling better
about the whole Sasha incident?

Yep. Totally fine.
Oh, cool.

'Cause if I had
to fight like that,
I'd be devastated.

Heck, I'd be upset
just hearing someone
talk about it.

Oh, look.
Hop Pop and Polly.


Whoa! [grunts]

Whoa, Hop Pop.
What is this thing?

Impressive, huh?

This here's an all‐terrain,
custom‐modeled family wagon.

Calling it the fwagon.

Fwagon? Really?

Cheap too.
The previous owners
died in it.

So why do we need a new wagon?

[Hop Hop] Fwagon.
Not calling it that.

Well, with the snow melted
and the mountain pass open,

we can finally travel
outside the valley

to Newtopia!

Oh, my frog!
We're going to Newtopia?

What's in Newtopia?

[Hop Pop]
It's the beating heart
of Amphibia.

A bustling metropolis
full of ancient knowledge,

run by the wisest of newts.

If anyone can help you
get home, it's them!

[gasps] So mystical.

I can't believe it.
You mean this could actually
be my ticket home?

Not only that, but maybe out
on the road we'll find Marcy.

You betcha.
Pack your things, kids.
We leave tonight.

[all] Whoo‐hoo.

We're going to Newtopia!

Say, Anne,
since you don't have
a lot to pack,

could you give Chuck
the spare key
when he swings by?

‐Who's Chuck?
‐We played bugball together.

‐He grows tulips.

Nope, not ringing a bell.
Why does he need a key?

Because I hired him
to protect the house

from all the things waiting
to destroy it.

Wait! What?
An empty house
is vulnerable, Anne.

Needs protectin'.
Not to mention our crops,
the very soul of a farm.

Left alone to face wildfires,
locusts, tornadoes,
flaming locust tornadoes.

Anyway, here you go.

Didn't realize you guys
are risking so much to help me.

Eh, he's just being dramatic.

[man screaming]


All right, kids.
Time to get packing.

Starting to feel
a little guilty
about all this.

Well, at least Chuck's
gonna handle it.
Whoever that is.

[snail chirps]


Actually, I'm Dave.
That's Chuck.

I grow tulips.

[snail revs]

Oh, yeah. Chuck.

[gargles, spits]



[screams, grunting]

No, no! There's no way
this guy can handle the job.

The house is doomed,
and it's all my fault.





Chuck, buddy, turns out
we won't need you after all,

because I'm gonna disaster‐proof
the house myself.


Okay, first I need supplies.

But they can't just
be any supplies.

They have to be
the best supplies.

'Cause the Plantars
are risking everything for me.

Their home, their livelihood,
their frog‐hoppin' future.

And that means
they deserve the best, right?

I mean... it's a shovel.

I'll take ten.

I'm finally going to Newtopia!

My first trip outside
the valley.


But how to pack
for the most important
journey of my life?

Blap. [munching]

Well, I need
my trusty slingshot. Duh!

But which trusty slingshot?

I mean, Rocky's got
the most launching power.

And Slingerton's better
for close‐quarters combat.

And Silver Bolt,
you've always had my back.

Is it weird I talk
to my slingshots?

[as Silver Bolt]
No, Sprig. It's normal and cool.

Aw, thanks, Silver Bolt.

[groans] This is hard.

[gasps] I know.
I'll let fate decide.

Let's try that again.

[hums] Oh! Hiya, Anne.

Let me guess.
your house?

Oh, yeah.
I got everything I need
for the house.

Just need something
for the crops.

The very heart and soul
of a farm.

‐You got anything for that?
‐As a matter of fact, I do.

Hmm, that was weird.
Yeah, didn't feel right.


My latest concoction.

This gunk won't just
protect your crops,

it'll awaken
a power within them.

A power, some would say,
that's better left‐‐

I'll take it.
Wait, really?

Don't you wanna hear the rest
of my cryptic warning?
Hmm, nope.

Works for me.
Cash or credit?

Thanks, Loggle.


Boom! [grunts] All done!

Hop Pop, I'm bored.

Well, I could use
some help with these ascots.

They require
a very delicate fold.


How's it going... bro?

I had a packing crisis.
Went a bit overboard.
I admit it.

But, uh, it's fine. [chuckles]
I figured it out.

Great. I'm done packing too.
Wanna play?

Done? [laughing]
No, sweet, sweet Polly.

I figured out
what slingshot to bring.

Now the real packing begins.


Maybe I can help.
What's next on the‐‐

Oh. You picked this one?
What, what, why?

No, it's great.
I'm sure you picked
the right one.

Pretty sure. Maybe.


[techno music playing]


Just got to be
really careful here.

Now, for the final touch.

[music ends]

[grunts] Oop!
Let's see here.

"Give your crops
a fighting chance
with Loggle's Miracle Glop!"

Blah, blah, blah.
Boom, baby!

Whelp, let's get
the fwagon loaded,
shall we?

Whoa, Sprig,
are you okay?

Yes, great. How are you?


Chuck really outdid himself.

Ain't nothing
happening to this place
while we're gone.



What the‐‐
What's going on?




[gasps] Veggie monsters.

I've had
this nightmare before.
[all hissing]

Oh, wow.
How could this
have happened?

Don't worry, fam.
I got this.

Fly true, Silver‐‐ [grunts]

[laughs, screams]


Polly! All right, everyone,
action time!



Hash browns!

[gasps] I'm sorry
for messing with ya.

Now sling me!


We did it!
And the house
is undamaged!




‐[all grunt]



Yes! Wait, no!

Don't go that way.
That's toward the house.


[screaming] No!

Our home!
[both scream]

The house. Everything
I worked so hard to protect.

Oh, you just made
a big mistake, buddy.




[spits] Eat your vegetables.


Anne! That was amazing.

You saved our tails.

Yeah, but the house.

The important thing
is we're all okay.

It's not your fault
a mysterious green energy
turned the crops evil.

Actually, it is.

Say what?
But why? How?

So, uh, it's kind
of a funny story.

I got rid of Chuck,
then I fortified
the house

and maybe fed the crops some
evil curse magic Loggle made.

‐[all] You what?

I just wanted
the house to be safe

while you guys were taking
this big trip for me.

Anne, we're not taking
this trip for you.

We're taking it with you.

We got your back no matter what.

Thanks, fam. That‐‐ [sniffs]
That means a lot to me.

We can hold off on Newtopia.
I'll fix the house first.

No need.

[tulip blows]


I grow tulips.

Hoopa da boopa.

Why do you think I hired
Chuck in the first place?

Sorry I doubted you, dude.

I grow tulips.

Yes, he does.

All right, kids.
It's a two‐week journey
to Newtopia

so we better get going.

Whoo‐hoo! Yeah!
Let's a‐go!

Hey, Hop Pop. I was thinking...
wouldn't it be a good idea

to bring the music box
with us on the trip?

Oh, uh...


No, no, no. Uh,
it'll be safe with my contacts
for the time being.

All right, HP.
I trust your judgment.

Well, let's get this fwagon
on the road.

No turnin' back now.

Did we give the key to Chuck?

[Hop Pop]
We're turning back now.