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03x11 - Stormy Lani

Posted: 10/16/22 06:54
by bunniefuu
I was a girl in the village doing all right Then I became a princess overnight Now I gotta figure out how to do it right So much to learn and see Up in the castle with my new family In a school that's just for royalty A whole enchanted world is waiting for me - I'm so excited to be - Sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about Sofia the first Making my way, it's an adventure every day Sofia - It's gonna be my time - Sofia To show them all that I'm Sofia the first Look.

I think I see it.

So this is Hakalo.

MIRANDA: I see why they keep it hidden.

Looks like paradise.

They're here, they're here! Welcome to Hakalo! - Sofia! - Lani! SOFIA: I missed you.

Me, too.

I'm really happy you came.


Welcome to Hakalo.

King Kamea, Queen Halia.

Thank you for inviting us.

And we are honored that you could join us for our Fire Pearl ceremony.


The festivities have already begun.

Greetings, honored guests, and welcome to Hakalo's Fire Pearl ceremony.

Throughout our history, the young royals of our kingdom have been asked to prove they are wise and strong enough to join the circle of leadership that rules our island.

By climbing up Mount Hakalo, and retrieving the sacred Fire Pearl.

And now, it is our beloved daughter Leilani's turn to take this difficult challenge, and prove she is ready to join the circle.

But that is for tomorrow.

Tonight, let us all enjoy the feast, and the music of Hakalo.

( playing island music ) Are you excited? Uh-huh, but nervous, too.

- Can I ask you something? - Sure.

Come on.

Come with me up to the lanai.

What is it? Is everything okay? Yes.

But I get to choose one friend to help me get the Fire Pearl tomorrow, to be my guide.

My ahkahuna.

And I'd like it to be you.

Why me? Because when we first met, you believed in me when nobody else did, Sofia.

Will you do this for me? Of course, Lani.

I'd love to be your ahkahuna.

Thank you.

Here's something special I made for you to wear.

It's your ahkahuna bracelet.

I love it.

Thank you.

And you'll need this map, since you'll be guiding me and all.

All right.

Let's see where we're going.

It looks like there are a lot of different ways to reach the top of Mount Hakalo, and none of them look very easy.

They're not, Sofia.

We'll have to get past dark jungles and wild animals.

Lani, can we really do this? Well, there's something that will help us.

Something I haven't told you about yet.

- What is it? - My powers.

- What? - Everyone in my family has the power to control the weather.

Watch this.

I can create wind to blow out these torches.

That's what this ceremony is really about.

It's a test to see if I can use my powers to get the Fire Pearl.

They look pretty amazing to me.

They are.

Oh, I'm so clumsy.

( thunder crashes ) ( all gasping ) Oh, no.

It happened again.

- Lani.

- Sofia.

Was Lani just upset? Yes.

How did you know? When Lani loser her temper, she loses control of her powers, which can whip up terrible storms.

To control her powers, she must first learn to control her temper.

That is the only way she will succeed in the Fire Pearl quest.

I promise I'll help her in any way I can, King Kamea.

Princess Sofia, you are a good and true friend.


Milo! Here I am, reporting for duty.

Evil duty.

Be quicker next time, or you'll wind up a permanent decoration.

So what are we doing back here in Hakalo? King Kamea thinks he's so high and mighty, banishing me for stealing a few jewels.

Actually, it was a lot of jewels, ma'am.

And don't forget, you also tried to steal the emerald key.

Be still and listen.

I will take my revenge by destroying his kingdom.

How are we gonna do it? We're going to make Princess Lani's journey up Mount Hakalo so difficult that she will lose her temper and cause a storm big enough to wash away this entire island! Princess Leilani, may this trail lead you to the wisdom and strength needed to be a great ruler.

( blowing lilting melody ) You can do this, my daughter.

Okay, ahkahuna, which way should we go? This is an easy one.

Straight ahead.

- Wow.

- ( gasps ) What's that? Uh, the lava gates.

This must be my first challenge.

( straining ) These are really strong.

I have to use my powers.

Maybe some wind can blow them open.

( frustrated groan ) They didn't even budge.

It's okay, Lani.

Why don't you try using your powers on something that'll knock the gates open? Like that boulder.

Great idea, ahkahuna.

Sofia, step back.

That's one challenge down.

Now which way should we go? The trail on the right is easier, but a lot longer.

The one on the left is shorter, but a lot steeper.

I'll go whichever way my ahkahuna says.

I trust you, Sofia.

Let's take the shorter path.

The sooner we get you to the Fire Pearl, the better.

Princess Lani passed that first challenge too easily.

I'll have to make sure her next challenge is impossible.

Yes! Uh, wait.

I thought we were trying to make her mad.

We are.

The harder the challenge, the more mad she'll get.

The more mad she gets, the bigger the storm.

That makes sense.

And I just know I can make that princess mad.

Can I give it a try? Patience.

Your time will come.

LANI: It's really hard to walk.

It should only be a little ways longer before we get to the - Ah, the map! - What happened? It's blowing away.

That's the only map we have.

You can't lose it.

I know, Lani.

I won't.

Okay, okay.


( breathes deeply ) Let's keep going.

One, two, three, four, who can chew through wood galore? Mamanu, Mamanu.

Yay! ( evil chuckle ) Lani will never get across now.

She'll have one of her temper storms, and then, it's good-bye Hakalo.

What can I do to help? Give me a mission, please.

Your mission is to keep out of my way.

Ooh, they're coming.

We must hide.

Come on, Lani.

Over here.

According to the map, there should be a bridge here.

I don't see a bridge.

Are you sure you're reading the map right? I'm sure.

( laughs ) Now go ahead, princess.

Get good and mad.

How are we gonna get across now? Ugh! Come on.

There must be a way.


That big totem pole might be long enough to make a bridge.

What if you used your powers to get it down here? Good idea, Sofia.

What are ahkahunas for? Whoa! LANI: Timber!! Perfect.

Oh, no, she made a new bridge.

I'll take care of this.

Look what it did.

Now there's really no way to get across.

We shouldn't have gone this way.

Why did you make us take this path, Sofia? I thought it was the best way.

Well, it wasn't.

Now we're stuck here, and I'll never get the Fire Pearl.

Lani, stay calm.

That doesn't look good.

Maybe we should go up there.

Lani must do this on her own.

We cannot interfere.

Lani, if you don't calm down, you'll never get the Fire Pearl.

Don't you think I know that, Sofia? Just take a deep breath.

- That won't fix anything.

- Lani, listen.

You know what always calms me down? Thinking about the things I love.

Happy things.

Whenever I feel stormy And want to yell and shout I have a little thing I do To help me mellow out I let go of my anger Stop feeling so distraught Forget what made me gloomy And think a sunny thought Like flyin' in the derby Or fencing with James Dancing with Amber Big dazzleball games Summertime picnics That last all day long Magical dragons who break out in song These sunny thoughts always help to remind me That I can put those bad feelings behind me Now you try it, Lani.

I don't think it will help me, Sofia.

Can you try anyway? Okay.

Coconut bowling, exploring sea caves Swimming with dolphins Or splashing in waves Taking a journey with a good friend Seeing a rainbow When a storm ends These sunny thoughts always help to remind us That we can leave those bad feelings behind us That's how we leave those bad feelings Way, way, way behind us No! Where did this miserable sunshine come from? I don't think this totem pole's going to be big enough to make a bridge.

But we can use it to sled down the hill, and right over the gorge.

I guess that could work.

But you usually need snow for sledding.

Leave that to me.


Let's go before it melts.

Climb on.

- Yes! - No.

I'll have to find another way to trick her into starting a storm that will destroy this island.

Oh, oh, please, let me do it.

I'm the right snake for the job.

All right then.

But I'll need to make you a little scarier.

Yippee! A mission! Finally.


We're almost at the top.

Nothing's going to stop us now.

Are you ready to chase them down the mountain? - Ready.

- Willing.

And evil.

See? That wasn't so bad.

And according to the map, it should be an easy hike from now on, - ( hissing ) - ( screaming ) Get the map, troops.

If we get the map They'll never find the Fire Pearl.

She'll be so mad.

I won't let you take the map.

- Sofia! - Run! ( gasps ) The map! - Got it! - Victory! Evil victory.

I told you to be careful with the map.

Lani, the wind you made blew it out of my hand.

Because you led us right to a giant three-headed snake.

Not on purpose.

I never should have asked you to be my ahkahuna.

If that's how you feel, I won't be your ahkahuna.

You can find the Fire Pearl yourself.


I will.

I don't need the map or an ahkahuna.

I can do this by myself.

Oh, no.

Which way am I supposed to go? I'll just try this path.


( frustrated groan ) I'm going in circles.

I can't do this by myself.

What have I done? Sofia! Wait! Sofia.

I know none of this is your fault.

I was frustrated and angry, and I took it all out on you.

I'm sorry.

You really need to learn to control your temper, Lani.

I know, I know.

It's the only way I'll join the circle of leadership.

It's not just about being a good leader.

It's about being a good person, and a good friend.

You're right.

I just can't help myself, Sofia.

I ruin everything.

You can still do this.

How? By listening to your ahkahuna.

You'll be my ahkahuna again? If that's what you want.

More than anything.


You'll need this.


First, we need to get the map back.

Hurry, boys.

Time to report back to base camp.

Yeah, but where is base camp? The map.

We need to get him to open his mouth.

I know what to do.

- What is that? - Ow! It's hail.

- Ow! - Ooh! The map! Great job, Lani.

We're almost there.

The maps says take the center stairs.

You let them get away! We tried to complete the mission.

But she made it hail.

You failed me, just like all the useless snakes that came before you.

All right, I'll take care of those princesses myself.

This is it.

We're here.

It's so weird to think my parents came here when they were my age, and my grandparents.

And now it's your turn.

Huh? The fire pearl, it's missing.

Not exactly.


What are you doing here? My father banished you from Hakalo forever.

Give Lani back the Fire Pearl.

Why? Does me having the Fire Pearl make you angry? Does it make you furious? - ( gasps ) - Just give it to me! You'll never get the Fire Pearl from me, princess, and that means you failed your quest, you failed your parents, and you failed your whole kingdom! Don't listen to her, Lani.

She's trying to make you lose your temper.

Another storm.

Lani will come down.

I know she will.

( laughing ) You have to calm down, Lani.

I can't do it, Sofia.

I can't control my powers.

You have to.

Your storm is flooding the island.


Sunny thoughts.

Climbing a palm tree as high as the moon Um Paddling my kayak across the lagoon It's working, Lani.

Keep going.

Building sand castles with seashells for domes Hugging my parents when I return home The storm is going away.

See that? You can control your powers.

It doesn't matter.

You're going to fail your test because you're never getting the Fire Pearl.

- No! - Yes, I am, Mamanu.

Wow! You can control volcanos too? I guess I can.

Don't act so pleased with yourself, princess.

Your powers are no match for mine.

Look out! Leave my island alone! No!! Wow, Lani.

You really controlled your powers.

I controlled my temper.

That was the real test.

And I think I passed it.

( panting ) How humiliating.

She did it! ( gasping ) My noble daughter, you have proven this day that you are ready to take your place in the circle of leadership.

Do you promise to always protect your people, and your island? I promise.

Kanaha! All hail the princess! ALL: Kanaha! Kanaha! Lani, I am so proud of you.

Thank you, Father.

Congratulations, Lani.

I couldn't have done it without my ahkahuna.