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03x02 - Cedric Be Good

Posted: 10/16/22 06:47
by bunniefuu
I was a girl in the village doing all right Then I became a princess overnight Now I gotta figure out how to do it right So much to learn and see Up in the castle with my new family In a school that's just for royalty A whole enchanted world is waiting for me - I'm so excited to be - Sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about Sofia the first Making my way, it's an adventure every day Sofia - It's gonna be my time - Sofia To show them all that I'm Sofia the first Come on, Sof, go faster.

I can catch 'em.

Okay, James, get ready.

Maybe you should just catch them the normal way.

I want to make sure we have enough for all the kids in the village.

Whoa, look at that.

Cedric's got a new contraption.

Cedric, can we ride in your flying machine? Yes, can we, Mr.

Cedric? Please? I'm so sorry, children, but this is my most prized possession.

So the answer is a big, whopping no.

A successful trip to the charmacy, Wormy.

Behold the extremely rare petal of the alabaster rose.

This ivory beauty only blooms every 100 years, but now that it's blossomed, I have everything I need for my power plucking potion.

Oh, at long last, I shall be able to use this potion to make the amulet of Avalor give me any power I want.

Let's just keep you nice and safe in here, shall we? Now, all I have to do is get Sofia's amulet by switching it with this fake one I made.

Then I shall have plenty of time to use the potion on the real amulet and give myself a power so great, I'll finally be able to take over the kingdom! Come along, Wormy.

Let us find the princess.

Just a few more, okay? Wormy, go and distract them.

Hey! Wormwood! Switcherwitchitus switcheroo! I-I-I I can't believe it.

After all these years, the amulet of Avalor is mine.

Mummy, the day I have been waiting for has finally come.

You stole the amulet.


And Sofia doesn't even realize it's missing, so I'll have plenty of time to extract one of its powers with this power plucking potion.

But the amulet can give you so many powers.

The power to be invisible, to read minds, to grow as tall as a giant.

Which one will you choose? I want the power of supreme strength.

Then I shall be the mightiest in the land, and no one will be able to stop me from taking over the kingdom.

Now let's get this power-plucking party started.

I simply dip the amulet in the potion and - What's wrong? - My hands are stuck.


Let Mummy help.

Oh, my potion.

Oh, no! It's all gone! And I'm stuck again.

Why are my hands so sticky? Oh, you put the amulet on? Well, of course I did.

Why? Once you put the amulet on, you're bound by its rules.

"For each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse.

" The amulet cursed me.

Yes, my dear, with sticky fingers, for stealing Princess Sofia's amulet, no doubt.

I must undo the curse.

But how? "The only way to break the curse is to make up for your bad deed" Well, since you took something from Sofia, maybe you should give something to her.

But what? Surely not the amulet.

Of course not.

You need that to take over the kingdom.

Give her something else.

Something as important to you as the amulet is to her.

What do I have that the princess could possibly want? Let's go ask her, shall we? Mummy, I do not need a chaperone.

Of course you do, Ceddy.

Now let's hurry.

It's only a matter of time before Sofia realizes she's not wearing the real amulet.

There she is.

( squawks ) Oh, yes, we mustn't let her see that.

Hi, Mr.


Want an apple? No! No, no, thank you.

You're too kind, Princess Sofia.

In fact, I'd like to do something kind for you in return.

Is there anything you want, anything at all? Oh, that's nice of you.

But I don't need anything.

Oh, I'm not asking what you need.

I'm asking what you want more than anything in the world, hm? Coming in for a landing.

I know.

How about a ride in your flying machine for both of us? Oh, absolutely not.

It's the most precious thing I own.

Oh, that's okay.

I understand.

But Ceddykins, giving Sofia that flying machine might help you get rid of your sticky fingers.

Right, Mummy.

What I meant to say, Princess Sofia, is that I can do ever so much better than giving you one measly ride in the flying machine.

I'll be right back.

Oh, lovely.

It's Furball and the feather heads.

Of course, if they try and chitchat with the princess now, she'll figure out she doesn't have the real amulet.

Well, I've got to keep them away.

Why, hello there, friends.

Why, hello there, bird breath.

We're looking for Sofia.

Whatever for, when we could have so much fun ourselves.

Fun? Did you just say fun? You never have fun.

Do you even know what the word means? I am quite aware of the definition of the word fun.

I shall prove it.

Oh, yes, see.

Look at me.

Splishing and splashing simultaneously.

Come join me, won't you? Ha ha, yeah.

That's cute.

We're gonna go find Sofia now.

Have a nice bath.

Wait! Uh it's just that it gets so lonely up in Cedric's workshop.

No animal friends to talk to.

Oh, how I would love a few friends to jump about with.

Oh, we can keep you company, Wormwood.

Right, Clover? Ew.

If you guys wanna yuk it up with Cranky bird here, you go right ahead.

Me, I'm gonna go see what Sofia's up to.

Oh, well, then I suppose I shall have to show Robin and Mia how to get into the castle's food pantry without you.

Whoa, whoa.

You can get us into the food pantry? Who's fun now, Furball? There.

Whew! That's the last one.

- Let's get going.

- Princess Sofia! I would like to give my flying machine to you.

Give it to me? That's really nice of you, Mr.

Cedric, but I couldn't possibly accept it.

Of course you can.

But it's your most prized possession.

Which is why I want to give it to you, because sometimes, we must part with the things we cherish most.


Take it.

I insist.


If you're sure.

Thank you, Mr.


No, not a hug.


- No.

- What is it? ( gasps ) My hands.

What about them? It doesn't matter.

Go enjoy your new flying machine.

Can we go for a ride in it, Sof? But the apples, remember? It'll just take a minute.

- Okay, but just a quick one.

- Brilliant! Prepare for takeoff.

Liftoff! You were right, Mummy.

The good deed broke the curse.

My hands are sticky no more.

Oh, that's wonderful.

But how can I get a power from the amulet now? All my power-plucking potion is gone.

You'll have to get a power the way Sofia gets them.

By doing very, very good deeds.

I don't know the first thing about being good.

( laughing ) Ah, but she does.

Why, yes, the princess is an expert at being a goody-goody.

I'll get her to help me do kind acts.

Good thinking, Mummy.


Cedric, that was a-mazing, but I've got to go.

I'm giving all these apples to the villagers.

Of course you are.

Can I have another ride? Liftoff again.

Brilliant! Princess Sofia, would you mind if I accompany you? Oh, I'd love that.

You can help me hand out the apples.

Oh, how wonderful.

Let us do some good.

Come on, Mia, bring me home.

Oh, no, you're not gonna score on me and my boy, right, Wormwood? Righto.

Go, team, go.


There you have it.

Yes! Catch it, Wormwood.

Yeah! Out! We win! We win? We win?! We win! Yeah.

Nice play, Wormy.

We are the victors.

Hooray for us.

Boom-boom squawk, boom-boom squawk.

Good game, guys.

Shall we go find Sofia now? Or we could play a round of waffle hockey.

I shall be the goalie.


Who'd like an apple? They're very sweet and uh, apple-y.

( all exclaiming ) Oh, you're so welcome.

It isn't glowing, Mummy.

Giving away a few apples is not a good enough deed to grant me a power.

You've got to do something bigger.



How about this for nice? Super-size-o, orange tree.

Become a fruity jubilee.

Mom, that pear is huge! And look at the size of that watermelon?! Aye, fruit salad for everyone.

Wow, Mr.


That was really nice of you.

It's glowing.

Does that mean I have a power? I'm huge! Like the giant fruit I conjured.

Being this size will make taking over the kingdom a breeze! I can simply squash anything in my way.

Oh, no.

What happened? Oh, please, make me big again.

Are you kidding? You took away my power just for squashing one teensy, tiny little wagon? Fixitus upitus.


I fixed it.

All better now.

So make me big.

Big-ify me.

( whimpering ) The power is gone.

Oh, Cedric, you have to stop doing bad things, as hard as that may be, and do another good deed, quick.

Yes, Mummy.


Cedric, everyone loves your fruit tree.

Yes, yes, how very heartwarming.

But Sofia, I need you to help me do more nice things.

- More? - A lot more.

I don't ever want to stop.

Oh, please.

You must teach me how to be a better me.

I think you're good but let me suggest A sure-fire way to bring out your best Open your heart and just look around Till you find someone who's feeling down Look at that girl there She's off her game and lost her pep So give it a whirl there I know what to do Put a small spring into her step Get her on a roll, help her score a goal That's what you do when you wanna be A better you Try to save her day and make things go her way Now I can see that I must be A better me Great job, Mr.


You really helped that girl out.

What's this? A new power.

Let's find some more people to help, Princess Sofia.


( giggles ) I have the power to bounce really high! ( chirping happily ) Get away from me, you bothersome birds.

Shoo, shoo, shoo.

My nose, it's a beak.

I've been cursed.

Oh, Princess Sofia, I must help someone immediately.

If someone's home seems more like a zoo Clean up the mess, make their problems shoo I'll find someone whose luck Has really gone sour 'Cause I've got to get a new power Give someone a treat when they're feeling beat That's what you do if you wanna be a better you I'll have a "be nice" binge Although it makes me cringe They're gonna see I'm gonna be A better me Yes, hopefully soon I can become A far, far better me My hands.

I have a new power.

I can freeze whatever I want.

Nothing can stop me from taking over the kingdom now.

( evil laughter ) Wait, I didn't mean it.

I take it back.

Oh, the power is gone again.

No matter how hard I try, I just cannot be good.

Oh, I better fix this before Sofia sees.

Oh, there you are, Mr.


I guess we should head back to the castle.

Oh, so that's it then.

Pack up the kindness coach and go home.

I'm surprised at you, Princess Sofia.

I guess you're right.

There's always a good deed to be done somewhere.

And this time, I won't do anything unkind that will get me cursed.

I will not, I will not, I will not! Mr.

Cedric, come quick.

There's someone having a lot of trouble over here.

Oh, marvelous.

( straining ) Well, in need of some help, are we? I'm trying to build this house for my family, but my cart broke, and the stones are so heavy.

Can you use your magic to help lift the stones? Well, I could, but I could also use my magic to build the entire house.

The time has come to end this chore.

Build a house from roof to floor! Great goblins! It would've taken the strength of 100 men to build a house this fast.

I thank you, sir.

Come look.

Oh, it's glowing.

Did you give me a power? Well, what is it? I don't feel any different.

Could it be the power I've been longing for all this time? Yes! I have the power of supreme strength.

Oh, how glorious! With strength like this, I can overcome anyone who tries to stop me from taking King Roland's throne.

Come along, princess.

It's time to return to the castle.

Get out, you scalawags.

Scoot, scoot.

Clover, Robin, Mia! Oh, no! I haven't seen you guys all day.

( no audio ) That's weird.

I can't understand you.

No, no, no.

Don't talk to them.

Wormy, what are you doing? - ( squawking ) - Stop, Wormwood.

I think something's wrong with my amulet.

I wish to be small.

I can't shrink either.

My amulet's not working.

I better take it to Mr.


Maybe he can tell me what's wrong with it.

That's what I get for having fun.

Hey, Wormwood, where you goin'? None of your business, feather head.

I knew it was too good to last.

Oh, where is he? Ah, the king's throne.

Or should I say, my throne.

What are you doing with the king's throne? That does not concern you.

Now go fetch King Roland.

I have some important news for him.

Go on.

Be quick about it.

Oh, I can't wait any longer.

( sighs ) I hereby declare myself the new king of Enchancia.

From now on, everyone shall do whatever I say, or go straight to the dungeon.

I shall rule with an iron fist.

Oh, no.

My fists have turned to iron.

Oh, the amulet cursed me again.

But why? For trying to take over the kingdom? That's not a bad thing.

I deserve to be king.

( sobbing ) I do.

( cawing ) Oh, Wormy, this is terrible.

No one will obey a king who has ridiculous metal hands.

I must go to the workshop and find a way to fix them immediately.

( cawing insistently ) Oh, what's the use? He can't understand a word I'm squawking.

Oh, Mother, come quick.

What is it, dear? Look what the amulet did to my hands.

That is one dreadful curse.

You must help me get rid of it.

The only way to break a curse this nasty is to do the most noble, kind-hearted act you can think of.

What could I ever do that would be kind enough to break such a wretched curse? SOFIA: Hello? What happened to your door? And floor? It's a long story.


Cedric, I really need your help.

Something's wrong with my amulet.

What makes you say that? It's just not doing things it usually does.

Do you think you can fix it? Fixing your amulet is probably the most noble, kind-hearted thing I could do, isn't it? It would sure mean a lot to me.

( sighs ) All right.

I can repair your amulet, but the magic only works if you close your eyes.



Switcherwitchitus switcheroo! All right.

Your amulet should be as good as new.

Oh, Mr.

Cedric, you've made me so, so happy.

I've gotta go.

Thank you.

You gave the amulet back? It was the only way to get rid of the curse, Mummy.

Then I suppose returning it was the right thing to do.

It's a shame it had to come to that.

Mia, Robin, Clover.

Sofia! Mr.

Cedric fixed my amulet.

Who wants to go for a ride? I do.

You're the best, Mr.


Well, that's something, I suppose.

( Sofia laughing )