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02x21 - The Leafsong Festival

Posted: 10/16/22 06:31
by bunniefuu
♪ I was a girl in the village
doing all right ♪

♪ Then I became
a princess overnight ♪

♪ Now I gotta figure out
how to do it right ♪

♪ So much to learn
and see ♪

♪ Up in the castle
with my new family ♪

♪ In a school that's
just for royalty ♪

♪ A whole enchanted world
is waiting for me ♪

- ♪ I'm so excited to be ♪
- ♪ Sofia the First ♪

♪ I'm finding out what
being royal's all about ♪

♪ Sofia the First ♪

♪ Making my way,
it's an adventure every day ♪

♪ Sofia ♪

- ♪ It's gonna be my time ♪
- ♪ Sofia ♪

♪ To show them all
that I'm Sofia the First ♪

Okay, class, let's try
that spell one more time.


Ooh, I did it.


- It split in half.
- Aw!

- Bounciglius.
- Bounciglius.

It won't bounce.




Oh, I give up.
I'm terrible at magic.

Good try, everyone.

You can practice
more tomorrow.

Although, we won't
be here.

We won't?

No, we'll be at the United
Fairy Teachers meeting.

- We will?
- Yes.

Which is why
you arranged for

a substitute teacher to teach
tomorrow's sorcery class.

- Was I supposed to do that?
- Oh, dear.

How are we going to find a substitute
sorcery teacher by tomorrow?

I have an idea,
Miss Flora.

Maybe our royal sorcerer,
Mr. Cedric,

can teach the class.

Oh, what a wonderful idea.

He's really good at
teaching magic.

He helped me
earn a gold star.

Do you think he'd do it?

I'm sure he'd love to.

Sounds absolutely dreadful.
No, thank you.

Please, Mr. Cedric.

Can't you see I'm busy
brewing an important potion?

Yes, but it's only
for one day.

And we could learn so much
from such a great sorcerer.

Hmm, that's just it.

No one thinks I am
a great sorcerer.

- I do.
- No one besides you.

Which is why I am
brewing a potion

that will make my face
appear in every mirror

in the kingdom,

so all will finally
behold my true greatness,

whenever they fix their hair.

No, I'm all out of
vex vine.

And without it,
I can't finish my potion.

You know, we have vex vine
in our school's Greenhouse.

- You do?
- Uh-huh.

You could pick some right
after sorcery class tomorrow.

Yes, I suppose I could.

Great. Then I'll
see you tomorrow?

Yes. Tomorrow it is.

Oh! Thanks, Mr. Cedric.

Wait. Did I just agree
to teach her class?

Good morning, class.

Good morning,
Mr. Cedric.

Today, we are going
to learn

how to sit at our desks
and be quiet

for a whole hour.


I am going to
the Greenhouse,

and then I'll be back
to check on you.

But, Mr. Cedric,

You're supposed to be
teaching us magic.

Yes, well, think of
how magical it would be

if you all sat there
without making a peep.

We started learning
a bouncing spell yesterday.

Maybe you could
teach us that.

Oh, all right.
Easy enough.

Here we are.

These should be good
for beginners.

Here's one
for each of you.

Just point your wand
and say the magic word,


Now you try it.


- Bounciglius.
- Bounciglius.

- Bounciglius.
- Bounciglius.


Vivian, aren't you
going to try the spell?

I tried yesterday, Sofia.

I'm just not
any good at magic.

Well, it looks like you could
all use some practice,

so I'll leave you to it.

Mr. Cedric.

Can you show us how
to do the spell again?

Oh, all right.

I'll show you the spell
one more time,

and that's it.

This is going to be
so great.

You'll ruin the surprise.

Is that a purple horse?

Ellion, stay focused.

Right. Right, okay.
Ready to prank.

On the count of three.

One, two, three.

Thunderias boomica!

What's this?

The horses!

It's Hexley Hall
prank day.

Oh, when I catch you kids.

Look out!

Better catch
your horses first.

Um... It's not supposed
to do that, is it?


It kinda worked.

What is the problem?

It couldn't be
more simple.

Try it, Vivian.

Do you hear that?


- Yes!
- Nice one.

I know those robes.

- You are from Hexley Hall.
- The sorcery school?

You know it. I'm Kurt.
This is Ellion.

And I'm Amy.
Happy prank day, everyone.

Prank day?
What's prank day?

One day every year,

Hexley Hall students come
and play tricks on Royal Prep.

Yes, it's been happening ever
since I was a young Hexley Haller.

One year, they turned
the whole school upside down.

It took weeks to get
everything right side up again.

And that's nothing compared to
what we're gonna do today...

Miss princess.

Yeah. At noon, we're gonna
fill your school

with so many bubbles,
it'll float.

- Bubbles?!
- Not again.

It'll be lunchtime
at Hexley Hall.

Everyone'll be outside.

And Royal Prep
will float up so high,

they'll all see
our prank.

That's awful!

No, it's awesome.

It'll be the best
prank ever.

And we'll be
the best pranksters ever.

Come on, I've got
a hankerin' for more prankerin'.

- So do I.
- Float ya later.

How about a little faster?

These paintings are
missing something.


We sure surprised them.

Ooh, I've got
a good one.

Slick and slippery
make this hall,

so those who go here
slip and fall.

- Best pranksters ever.
- Oh, yeah.

Mr. Cedric,
help us.

Floatzipa undipa!

Mr. Cedric,
you have to stop them.

And why would
I do that?

When I went to
Hexley Hall,

I looked forward to
prank day all year.

They'll just play
a few harmless tricks

and then, they'll be gone.

But that bubble prank
isn't a harmless trick.

It could close
Royal Prep for months.

If it doesn't ruin
the school forever.

- That's not really my problem.
- Yes, it is.

The fairies aren't here,
which means you're in charge.

Besides, how would it look
if a royal sorcerer

can't even protect
Royal Prep?

From a bunch of kids.

Especially when it would
be so easy for you to stop them.

Oh, yes, I suppose
you're right.

Sit tight, kiddies.
I will handle this.

Oh, the old
trampoline floor trick.

Oh, right.

You look like popcorn.

I'm afraid there will be
no more pranks today.



Now run along
back to Hexley Hall.

Prank day is over.

No way. We're not
going back till

we've done
our bubble prank.

Perhaps you didn't know
that I am a royal sorcerer.

If I say prank day is over,
it's over.

Stickflava wallava!

Look out.

Got it.

Take that.

What should we
do with him?

Ooh, let's stick him
in that chair.

Even better, let's stick him
to the chair.

Here's your sticky
spell back.

- Stickflava wallava!
- Oh!


Oh, Merlin mushrooms.

That was too easy.

Some royal sorcerer
you are.

You're even worse than
that Cedric guy in Enchancia.

I am that Cedric guy
in Enchancia.

That explains it.
Let's go.

Come on,

That's better.

Oh, I'll get you,
you little pranksters.

Oh, Neptune's nettles!

It sounds like Mr. Cedric
needs our help.

grab your wands.

- All right!
- Uh, okay.

But, you guys, we're not
any good at magic.

- She has a point.
- It's our school.

We have to try
to protect it. Come on.

- Look out!
- I can't stop!

Children, I could use
some help.

Oh, Mr. Cedric.
What happened?

There were too many of them,
and they got me with a sticky spell.

I can't even
flick my wand.

We can get you unstuck.
Just tell us the spell.

Oh, it's no use.

Only an advanced sorcerer
can undo a sticky spell.

Well, if we can't
get you free,

how are we going
to stop those pranksters?

We're not going to.


I'll show those magical brats
not to mess with

a royal sorcerer.

I'm going to teach
you all a spell

that will save
the school.

- You will?
- What spell?

A Disappearo spell.

It'll make their bubbles
vanish into thin air.

- Brilliant!
- Now, all you do

is lift your wand
like so.

Oh, no.
I'll just tell you then.

You flick your wand
sharply and say

"Disappearo" in a clear,
confident voice.

That's it?

Yes, that's it.

Now go ahead and try to make
those mustaches disappear.

Go on. Your wands
won't wave themselves.


Oh, I didn't do it right.




Ha! Got it!

Oh, James!

Sorry. Uh, Disappearo.


Oh... Disappearo.

Oh, you're
making it worse.

Get it off, James.


Wow, what a view.

Hey, you guys, I can see
Hexley Hall from here.

That's the idea,

Everyone from Hexley Hall
will come out for lunch,

and see Royal Prep
floating away.

It's almost noon.
Let's get started.

- Yes!
- Bubble time!


Hey, you there.

You stop this pranking
at once.

Sorry. We're having
too much fun.

Wait! No, no!

Put me down!

We will, sir...

when we're done
with our prank.

Vivian, why aren't you
trying the spell?

Because I know
I can't do it, Sofia.

Now, now, we'll have
none of that.

We need all the help
we can get.

Wand up, Vivian.



I'm terrible at magic.

I'm sorry, Sofia,
but none of us can do the spell.

- May as well give up.
- Nonsense.

When I first
got to school,

I couldn't do
the Disappearo spell either.

Or most of the other
spells, come to think of it.

But then, my teacher
taught me the sorcerer's secret.

What's the sorcerer's secret?

♪ When I first began to learn
the ways of sorcery ♪

♪ I quickly found it wasn't
the easiest course for me ♪

♪ I blew things up ♪

♪ then burned them down ♪

♪ Made water float ♪

♪ then nearly drowned ♪

♪ I wanted to run and hide ♪

♪ But my teacher
took me aside and said ♪

♪ The sorcerer's secret ♪

♪ is never giving up
the fight ♪

♪ You must keep trying till
you finally get it right ♪

♪ Learning magic
can be tricky ♪

♪ And occasionally sticky ♪

♪ So don't you ever forget ♪

♪ the sorcerer's secret ♪

♪ The sorcerer's
secret ♪

Now give it another
try, princess.




That's it.


- Try again.
- Disappearo.

Well done!


Oh, yes!

Now on to
the trampoline floor.


Now you try it, Vivian.


I'm just making
things worse.

Yes, but you see...

♪ The sorcerer's secret ♪

♪ is never giving up
the fight ♪

- ♪ You must keep trying until you finally get it right ♪
- ♪ right! ♪

- ♪ Learning magic can be tricky ♪
- ♪ tricky ♪

♪ And occasionally sticky ♪

♪ Sticky ♪

♪ If you put in
lots of practice ♪

♪ I know you're
surely gonna crack this ♪

♪ It's a simple lesson ♪

♪ you should never forget ♪

♪ the sorcerer's secret ♪

♪ Secret ♪

♪ It's the sorcerer's secret ♪

- ♪ Sing it! ♪
- ♪ Secret ♪

♪ It's the sorcerer's secret ♪

Well, someone's
catching on.

oh, no, it's noon.

Get me out of this.

Let's do it.

Bubble, bubble,
let's make trouble.

Fill the school
on the double.

Here come the bubbles.

We'd better hurry.

Open the windows.

- Ellion!
- Ellion!

I like bubbles.

Bubble, bubble,
let's make trouble.

Fill the school
on the double.

You know what to do.



- Disappearo.
- Disappearo.

Oh... Uh...


Oh, no, I'm making
the bubbles bigger.


Hey, stop popping
our bubbles.

No way, prankster kid.
This is our school,

and we're not going to
let it float away.


That's what you think.

Oh, my wand.

Bubbles and wind,
combine to form

a giant, blusterous
bubble storm.

I can't see.

That'll stop you
from popping our bubbles.

And it's easy
to make more.


Let's go inside
and make more bubbles.

- That'll float the school quicker.
- Good idea.

I have to get them out.


I have to remember
the sorcerer's secret.

Keep trying until
I get it right.

Whenever that is.





Vivian, did you
just do that?

I did.

- Whoa!
- Impressive.

Yes. Great job.

Mr. Cedric.

I kept trying,
like you taught me,

and I did the spell.

But popping the bubbles
isn't enough.

They just keep
making more.

We need a spell that can
stop the pranksters

once and for all.


What about
the Bounciglius spell?

You could bounce them
right back to Hexley Hall.

Great idea, Mr. Cedric.

Uh, except none of us
can do that spell.

Sofia can.

Yeah, but it'll take
more than just me

to stop
the three of them.

You're right, princess.

So you will have to
show the others

how to do the spell.

You want me to teach them?

But I just
learned it myself.

You already know the magic word...

All you have to do is show them how
to flick their wands just right.

I know you can do it.

Just remember
the sorcerer's secret.

Okay. I'll try.

And keep trying.

I will.

Now gather round,

We don't have
much time.



The school!

Royal Prep
is floating away.

That's it!

Prank day is over.


No! Stop!


Why don't you leave
the magic to us, kiddies?

Let's show 'em
how it's done, Ellion.

- Try again.
- Bounciglius.

- Yes!
- Oh, yeah!

Hey, put us down.

Not until you promise
to go back to Hexley Hall.

And never prank
our school again.

No way.

We have to finish
our bubble prank.

It's already
finished. Guys.



So now do you
promise to leave

- and never prank us again?
- No.

Then we'll just keep
zapping you until you do.

Okay, okay.
We promise.

Oh, let's get
out of here.

We did it!

Yes, we did!

Children, what are you
all doing outside?

Oh, Cedric.

Did they do this
to you?

No. It was Hexley
Hall prank day.


Oh, Sir Gilliam.

Oh, my.

Thank you.

I can assure you,

the Headmaster of
Hexley Hall

will hear all about this,

and those pranksters
will be punished.

They better be.

But if you were
stuck to the chair,

who drove off
the pranksters?

These fine young
students right here.

We couldn't have done
it without Mr. Cedric.

What are you
talking about?

You did everything
without me.

He taught us
all the spells, Miss Flora.

And the sorcerer's secret.

Very impressive.

Only a great sorcerer
could teach a spell

without waving a wand.

You think I'm
a great sorcerer?

- The greatest sorcerer.
- Yeah.

- You're much better than I thought.
- Yes, the greatest.

I guess you can go to
the Greenhouse now, Mr. Cedric.

The Greenhouse?
Why would I go there?

To get your vex vine,

Oh, right.
The vex vine.

My potion.


Oh, my potion can wait.

There are still a few spells
I could teach you.

What do you say,
princess Vivian?

Are you ready to learn
some more magic?

I'd love to.

We can start with
some potion-making,

and then, we'll move on to
my favorite...

Turning rocks
into ravens.