08x07 - Finsterella

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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08x07 - Finsterella

Post by bunniefuu »

( kids laughing )

( snoring )

( yells )

( kids laughing )

( dog barking )

( kids giggling )

( yells )

Do you want
something to eat, Chuckie?


Are you thirsty,
little guy?


( slurping )

You ever going to amount
to anything, Chuck?


Our Chuckie talks.


How come all
the grownups want to do

is hear Chuckie say "no"?

I don't know, Phil.

They've been doing that

ever since we was at
that big church in Paris.

I guess that must be
their favoritest word.

We are so proud
of our sweet boy.

( fussing )

( chuckles )

( speaking Japanese )

You know
I love you, too.

Would you like
more juice, Chuckie?


( sniffing )

( sniffing )

( dog barks softly )

( imitates soft bark )

Hi, Fifi.

( laughing )


How come you never
licked my face, Lillian?

I guess I just never
thinked about it.

I just love playing
with you, big brother.

You're not bad
yourself, Kimmie.

Now, would you let go
of my head, please?

You're crunching my glasses.

( barking )

I bet you really like having
a new sister, huh, Chuckie?

Oh, yeah...

Kimmie's lots of fun...

except when she walks in
when I'm on the potty

and then she gets in my stuff

and jumps on my tummy
when I'm sleeping

and climbs up on my daddy's leg
when he already gots me and...

( inhales )

Have you seen
my room lately?

( sneezes )

All you all right?

I'm sorry about Fifi.

I didn't realize
how much

she'd affect
your allergies.

Oh, that's okay.

My immune system should kick in
in a couple of years.

Are your feet cold, Charles?

Maybe you'd better
put your shoes on.

I'm fine, Mom.

Oh, but
speaking of shoes,

did I tell you Kira's
going to be in a play

for the Children's
Nursery Rhyme Theater?

That's nice, son.

But what's the connection?

She's going to play

the old woman
who lives in a shoe.

It's challenging.

The character is mean
and yells a lot,

but when I need inspiration

I just think
of my old boss, Koko.

( children exclaiming )

( laughing )

Oh, that reminds me.

I promised to read
the kids a story.

When I'm done, I'll
go to the courthouse

and pick up
Kimmie and Chuckie's
adoption papers.

While you're out, Charles,

would you mind picking me up
a few things?

And I'd better
get to my cleaning

before our guests arrive.

Hmm, maybe I'll practice
some of my lines.

Okay, come on, kids,
time for your story.

( blows kiss )

( sighs )

Okay, let's see...

Uh... "Once upon a time

"there was a young girl
named Cinderella

"who lived
with her mean stepmother

"and her two awful stepsisters
in a big house.

"They gave poor Cinderella
rags to wear

"and made her work
from morning till night.

She even had to sleep
on the floor."

Which can result in sciatica
if you're not careful.

Anyway, "There was going to be
a neat party in a nearby castle

"and Cinderella was the only one
who wasn't invited.

"Well, you can imagine
how sad and left out she felt

and she started to cry."

( sniffling )

"But when her fairy godmother
saw her tears,

she magically appeared
to help poor Cinderella."

( humming )

"So, Cinderella married
the prince and lived...

( groans )

happily ever after."

Boy, you're awfully strong
for such a tiny thing.

Come here.

( giggling )

( sniffs )

Whoo, your diaper's
pretty strong, too.

I think it's time
for a change, Kimmie.

Boy, those mean, awful
steppin' peoples

was really scary.

I'm sure glad I don't
gots a steppin' mommy.

You do, Finster!

And you got a stepsister, too--
just like Cinderella.

Hey, maybe I ought to start
calling you "Finsterella."

Get it-- Finster... ella?

( laughing )

( gasps )

Guys, Angelica says
I gots a steppin' mommy

and a steppin' sister, too.

But, Chuckie,
your new family's
really nice.

They're not mean
like those ladies
in the story.

Yeah, don't be ridiculous.

( chuckling ):
Yeah, you're right.

What was I thinking?


What are you doing here?

"Kimmie, what are
you doing here?"

( blathering )

( imitating Angelica )

Not bad, Shorty.

Not bad, Snorty.

( straining )

Give me that, Lillian.

No, Phillip, you
give it to me!

All right.

( screams )


I wanted to be all prettiful

for the party today.

You guys are going
to a party?

Sure are.

Aren't you
going, Chuckie?

Uh-uh... no one tolded
me about any party.

Well, Kimmie's going.

She even showeded me
the party dress she's wearing.

Kimmie gots a new dress?

I didn't get any new clothes.

Oh, well, um...

maybe your mommy
bought you some

and hanged them in your closet.

Come on, let's go check.

There's no
new clothes, Tommy.

I guess
I'm really not going.

Oh, don't worry,

I bet the party won't
be no fun anyways.

Yeah... well, except
for the good food

and the neat stuff to play with.

Oh, and us guys
running around

laughing and...

Um, that will be
enough, Phillip.

( huffing )

( imitating Angelica )

You gots way too many toys
on the floor, Kimmie,

and you just... ( stammers )

clean up your mess.

Aw, clean it yourself,

Clean it yourself,

( yells )


you're almost
good enough

to be my sister.

"Who left the laces open?

"Look at this place.

"It's a mess!

Clean it up."

( chuckles )

Oh, I do sound like Koko.

I don't know what gots
into Kimmie, you guys.

She's acting mean like Angelica.

She couldn't be, Chuckie.

Even if she is
a awful steppin' people,

at least your mommy's
still nice.

Yeah, she don't make
you clean all the time

like Cinderella's mommy.

"This house is a mess.

I want it cleaned
from heel to toe."

( gasps )

Did you hear that, guys?

I never heared
my new mommy talk
that way afore.

Don't worry, Chuckie.

Nobody's going to
treat you mean.

We're going to make sure
you go to that party

if it's
the lastest thing...

( chatter and laughter )

Here are
the little rascals.


Time to get you pups ready

for the big shindig.

( car ignition starts )

Bye, guys.

Have fun at the party.

"What are you doing in bed
at this time of day?

Get up and get to work!"

No, that's not right.

Where's my script?

Come on, Fifi.

Let's go look for
my party clothes again.

Maybe they falled under
my bed or something.


I finded
my old toothbrush,

but I didn't find
no new clothes.

Everybody's going to the party
except me.

Now I know just
how Cinderella feeled.

Hey... what's
my old shirt doing here?

Let's see.

Oh, here it is.

"Why are you still in bed?!"

No... that's not right.

"Why are you
still in bed?"

"I said change your clothes!"

( squeals )

"And get to work!"

Yes, steppin' mommy.

( gasps )

"Is that room
cleaned yet?!"

"You call that clean?"

"Clean it up!"

Looks like Angelica's right.

I really am Fintsterella.

( yawns then snores )

( snores and mutters )



( screams )

What? What?

Coming, awful stepped-sisters!

( laughing )

We're hungry and we
want our breakfast!

Yeah, breakfast!

Okay, um,
what would you like?

I want cookies and cake
and jelly beans

and ice cream with
chocolate syrup and cherries

and sprinkles of course!

I want
what she's having.

Gosh, I hope I can
remember all that.

Uh, let's see, that was beans
and cherries

and, um, cookies with syrup...

And, Fintsderella,
after you make breakfast,

don't forget to scrub the
floors, brush Cynthia's hair

and wash all our clothes.

Yeah, wash our clotheses!


Yes, awful stepped-sisters.

( sniffs )
Ew, pew!

( coughs )

( muttering )


( groaning )

Hold still!

( screams )

( doorbell rings )


Yeah, I'm Hansel
and she's Gretal.

I... I can see that, Phil.

What do you want?

Yeah, we're losted.

Well, you're more lost
than you think

because you're
in the wrong story.



Now, if you'll
excuse me,

I've got loads
of work to do.

( doorbell rings )

I got it!

( laughing )

( tires screech )

( doorbell rings )


There's going to be a party

and all the kids in
the land is invited!

( gasps )

Ooh! Ooh!

I'm so excited!

Oh, we're going
to a party!

It's going to be
so much fun!

Who said you're going,


She said all the
kids is invited.

All except you.

'Sides, you don't got
nothing nice to wear anyways,

and you didn't finish
your chores.

Come on, Kimi,
let's go.

( humming )

( humming )

( sniffling )

I wish I could go
to the party, too.

( sobbing )

( sobbing and muttering )

( sobbing )

I'm crying, fairy Bob mother.

I said, "I'm crying,
fairy Bob mother."

You're not my fairy
Bob mother, Tommy.

I know.

( blows )

I'm you're fairy Bob brother.

Sorry I'm late.

I was at a party.

You were?

Well, that... that's just what
I wanted to talk to you about.

I want to go to the party, too.

Can you help me,
fairy Bob brother?

I wish I could, Fintsderella,
but I gots to get back.

It's almost time for pin
the snail on the donkey.

Bu-But, fairy Bob brother,

the storybook says
you're supposed
to help me!

Oh, you don't need my help,

You stopped your daddy

from marrying that cuckoo lady
in Paris, didn't you?


If you can do that,
you can do anything.

( groaning ):

I'm going to the party
and nobody's going to stop me.

( kids laughing )

( sighs )

There, that looks pretty good,
huh, Fifi?

Now, I gots to sneak
to the garage

and hide
in the back seat of the car,

and that way, when my family
leaves to go to the party,

I'll be going, too.

( laughs )


What's wrong
with you guyses?

Maybe we don't like
mean stepped-sisters.

Spespecially ones
that tell Chuckie

to clean up their messes.

And who have parties but don't
invite their onliest brother.

What are you guyses
talking about?

You been acting all
mean like Angelica.

But I was just playing a game.

Hmm? Huh? What?


( burps )

( burps loudly )

Oh, she's good.

Oh, so that's what
you was doing.

I get it now.

That explains everything.

Okay, well, I gots to go
now and find Chuckie,

sos I can bring him
to the party.

Wait, you might
need our help.

( panting )


Fifi, bring that back.

I don't see him nowheres.

Maybe he's hiding
in the closet.

Maybe not.

( gasps )

The car's gone!

They lefted without me!

Now I'll never get to the party.

( sobbing and sniffling )

I wish I had a fairy Bob brother
who wasn't busy at the party.

How about a fairy Bob sister?

( gasps )

What are you doing here?

I live here, remember?

I know that.

But you're supposed
to be at the party.

I know, and sos are you.


Ah, I'm sorry it took so long.

I had to go
to 12 different stores

to find all the items
on Mom's list.

( sweetly ):
Well, hello,

I haven't seen you
all afternoon.

I've been
so busy cleaning

and rehearsing
for my play.

Did you dress
yourself, Chuckie?


( laughs )

He must have anxious
to get ready.

I bet he was excited
when he heard about the party.

I didn't say anything
to Chuckie.

I thought you did.

But, I thought you did.

Surprise! Surprise!

Come on, little guy!

Let's go put on
your party clothes.

( people chattering )

Uh, excuse me, everybody.

Excuse me, everybody.

Well, as you know,
a couple of weeks ago,

Kira and I celebrated
our marriage.

( people clapping )

( chuckling )

Well, today we'd like
to celebrate our family.

Chuckie, Kimi...

there's something
we'd like to tell you.

But I don't know if
you can understand
this, sweetheart,

but I've adopted you.

And I've adopted
you, Chuckie.

What that means is,

we love you so much,

we want the world
to know

that we're a family.

( sobbing )

Now, we've got
two grandkids.

I'm glad we're a family.

Me, too, Chuckie.

( smacking lips )




Okay, now I'm ready.

( giggling )

( laughing )

I'll kiss you now,
magnific brother.

( slurping )


( babbling sweetly )

( giggling )

( screaming )

( giggling )

( people chatting and laughing )

( both laughing )

( jabbering )

( quacking, boing )

I'm crying, fairy Bob mother!
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