06x17 - All's Well That Pretends Well/Big Babies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x17 - All's Well That Pretends Well/Big Babies

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )





( Grunt )

I think that's
what dil wants.

Ugh! He can
have it now.

Are you kids excited about going
to see the cirque du dummi bear?

Why, I can't remember
the last time I saw

A special french-canadian

Of the dummi bears show.

Maybe never.

( Doorbell buzzes )

( Buzzing )

Sorry we're late, didi.

We think our cat's sick.

We heard these horrible
sneezing sounds all day.

It was fluffy.

I know, pumpkin,
that's what you said.

Come into the kitchen.

Stu's hosting a pre-show
dummi bears discussion group.

( Sniffling )

( Babies talking )

( Babbling, laughing )

Give me that.

I don't believe it!

There's dummi bear
stuff that I don't got.

Oh, I just got to go
to this circus thing.

( Sniffling )

Are you sick,


( Sneezes loudly )

Goodness, what was that?

It was, uh...

Dil, aunt didi.

Oh, dear.

I hope you're not sick,

I wouldn't want you
to miss the show.

Stu? Has dil
been sneezing?

That wasn't
very nice, angelica.

Dil's not sick,
you are.

No, I'm not!

'Cause if I was, I couldn't go

To the circus of dummi bears!

And I've been waiting
a whole month for that.

It will be
the greatest show ever!

Even better than reptar on ice?

A bazillion
times better.

Music, lights, dancing

Trapezius artists!

You babies wouldn't want me to
be the onliest girl in the world

To grow up without seeing
a show that good, would you?

Well, hmm... I guess not.

But just don't say dil's sick
no more, angelica

'Cause he wants to go, too.

Okay, okay.

( Gasps )

Stu, there is
going around.

He's fine. It must
have just been
a powerful burp.

All right, but we'll have
to watch them all closely

For signs of anything unusual.

We can't bring a sick child
to cirque du dummi bear.

It could cause
an international epidemic.

Cynthia, if aunt didi

And uncle stu
find out I'm sick

They'll never take me
to the show.

I got to see it!

I'll just have to
make sure those babies

Look like the sick ones, not me.

Well, I hope this
show's not in french.

My parlez-vous
is a little rusty.

Oh, don't
worry, betty

The dummi bears speak
an international language:


aunt didi, is it

Okay if I help you
watch the babies?

You know, in case
one of them is sick.

Oh, that's very thoughtful
of you, angelica.

I know.

So, what kind of stuff

Should I be watching them
for, exactly?

Well, let's see.

The main symptoms of
the virus going around

Are pale and blotchy skin

Shivering, if they have a fever

And of course, a runny nose
or sneezing.

( Stifling sneeze )

Okay, thanks. Bye!

( Trying to stifle sneeze )

( Sneezes )

( Sniffs, growls )

( Chuckles mischievously )

Get ready, everybody.

We're about to have
an epidermis on our hands.

Hey, babies!

The grownups said
since we was

Going to the circus, you babies

Could dress up
like circus clowns.


That's a great idea!

Not for me, thank you.

Clowns are scary.

I think phil would make
the bestest clown.

He's kind of
funny-looking already.

Hey, I'm
funny-looking, too.

Not as funny-looking
as me.


All right, all right.

You're both funny-looking.

Now get over here!


Um, I think you
made their pokey dots

Too small, angelica.

They look like clowns
who gots the chicken pops.

Nah. That's the way
all circus clowns

Is wearing their dots now.

Can dil and I
be clowns next?

Um, sure, tommy,
good idea.

( Sneezes )

Kids, are you okay?

( Shrieks )

Ear light

Nose light,
throat light.

Oh, where is that
electronic thermometer?

Well, I've never seen
anything like it.

It must be tropical.

Here it is.

These digital models

Are very accurate,
you know.

Negative 55.67?

Ah, forget all
that high-tech stuff.

All's you need
is a mother's hand

To tell if a pup's
got a fever.


( Sputters ):
hey, what, what the...?

This is baby powder!

And lipstick, for...

( Laughing )
crying out loud.

( Quietly ):

Aw, you pups.

Well, cynthia, pale and blotchy
didn't work.

Let's try making those babies
cold and shivery.

they must have been
playing dress up.

You know, howie did a lot of
that when he was a pup.

Hey, you guys
aren't clowns no more.

The grownups thought
we was sick clowns.

Yeah, they didn't think
we was very funny.

Hello, babies.

You tricked us, angelica.

You made it look like lillian
and me were sick.

We might not have got to go to

The dummi bear
circus thingy!

It's true.

It's all true.

And I'm sorry.

I just hope you babies can find
your hearts and forgive me.

No, angelica!

We forgived you one time;

You did the same thing again.

I'll give you ice cream.

I forgive you.

Me, too.

Well, I guess
if you're really sorry...

Hold on, you guys--

What if this is
just another trick?

( Clears throat )

Tommy, what could be wrong
with ice cream?

Hmm. Well...
I guess you're right.


( Gobbling, slurping loudly )

Nice job, babies.

Guess that ice cream
was pretty cold though, huh?

( All shivering )

Aunt didi, the
babies are sick!

( Adults gasp )

Oh, my goodness!


They're looking
pretty shivery, huh?

Oh, dear.

They've got the chills

And, ew... I think
their noses have been running.

I can't find anything
wrong with them.

( Sniffs )

They even smell good.



Oh-ho... Just like
I figured.

Vanilla! The kids
got into the ice cream.

They're fine.

Let's pen these pups
back in the living room.


Let's see, pale and blotchy,
chilly and... Sneezing!

Hmm, now let's see.

The fezzer duster!

( Babies laughing )

One touch of this and finster

Will be sneezing
till he's a grownup.

Oh, this is too good
to be true.

( Angelica chuckles )

( Snarling )

( Growling )

( Sneezes rapidly, loudly )

( Sniffling )

( Sighs )

Well, this one
seems to be working.

One hundred and one.

I'm afraid you can't
go to the show, princess.

You're sick.

( Wails ):

I know you're

I tell you what, we'll stay here
until everyone comes home

And then we can hear
all about it, okay?

( Groans loudly )

( Starts engine )

( Gasps )

( Sniffling )

( Whimpers )

How about a dummi bears
video, sweetheart?

That should cheer you up.

Let's see, there's

Dummi bear christmas

Dummi bear chanukka

Dummi bear arbor day.

I don't want to see
the stupid old dummi bears.

Who cares about them, anyway?

Okay, princess.

I'll come check on you
in a little while.

( Voices outside )

( Babies coughing,
sneezing )

We're back.

What happened?

You were only gone half an hour.

Soon as we got
to the arena

The kids all started
sneezing and coughing.

It was the
strangest thing.

Apparently they came down
with what angelica has.

we'd better consult lipschitz.

Hey, what's going on?

You babies aren't sick.

Well, we just

Have any fun at the circus

Knowing you was missing it.

You couldn't?


So we pretended to be sick

So we could come home
and keep you company.

You did?

It was kind of scary
there, anyway

So I didn't have
to pretend to shiver.

You babies did that for...

For... For me?

Hey, what are you
dumb babies doing?

You don't want to get sick,
do you?

( All laugh )

before we left

I went over to
the gift stand

For souvenirs,
and look what they had!

The entire show on videotape!

Not to mention laser disc

Dvd, hdtv, cd-rom,
beta, eight-track...

Did you hear that?

You're going to see
the circus after all.

I am?

Gather round, everybody.

It's starting.

( Bouncy instrumental intro )

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

( All joining ):
♪ sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy... ♪

( Sneezes )

( Spike barks )

( Laughs )

( Grunts )

( Giggles )

Ba! Ba!

Okay, dil, you can
throw it this time.

( Babbling )

No, dil, you gots to let go.

He's not big enough
to play this game yet.

Yeah, this is for big babies.

When is he going to be
a big baby, anyway?

I don't know.

I guess when he's done
being a little one.


Conflab it!

You could put an eye out
with this thing.

Another wombat meeting,

Today's initiation day.

Bad news is
that durn fool

Conan mcnulty's
trying to join up.

Good news is,
we get to put him through

Our secret wombat initiation.

Uh, what exactly is
your initiation?

I can't tell
you that.

It's a secret.

But I will tell you
that by the time

We put old mcnulty
through a few of our tests

We'll know
if he's ready

To play with
the big boys.

( Chuckles )

Hey, guys, I think I know how
we can make dil into a big baby.

We'll give him a itchy nation.

What's a itchy nation?

Well, it's supposed to be
a secret

But I think it's what
you have to go through

To show you're ready to play
with the big boys.

Um, or girls, I guess.


Um, tommy, how come I never got
an itchy nation?

Yeah, me neither.
Neither did i.

We all must have had one, guys.

We're big babies, right?

We probably don't remember
'cause we was little.


I guess that
makes sense.

Um, but tommy, since none of us
can 'member our itchy nation

How are we going to know
what to do for dil's?

I guess we'll have to
make it up ourselves.

But firstest, we better go
to a secret hiding place

So the grownups won't hear us
talking about it.

We'll be back soon, dilly.

You stay here and get ready,

( Huffing )

( Grunts )



( Squealing happily )

Not as quick
as you used to be
on the court, huh, howard?

You're sadly mistaken, charles.

I have the energy of a man
half my age.

Okay, dilster...

Give daddy the birdie.

Dil, dil!

( Both laugh )

Can't keep up
with his own kid.

( Panting )
I'm as fit as I ever...

Dil, would you
hold still already?

( Thump )

( Panting )

I'll bet you two couldn't
keep up with your kids either.

Is that so?

Well, I'll bet
a sausage pizza

I could keep up
with both of mine

Better than you could
keep up with tommy.

( Laughing )

And that goes double
for you, buster.

Oh, yeah?

Or are you boys

( Clucking )

Chicken, chicken.

It's a bet. It's a bet.

Well, our hideout
is nice and secret.

But it's not very-- ow!--

Okay, tommy, what are we going
to do for dil's itchy nation?

Well, I guess we're opposed
to test him

And see if he can do the stuff
us big babies do.

Well, I know how to blow all
the fuzzies off of a dampy lion.

And I can eat a whole worm
by myselfs.

And I can fill up my whole diapy
with mud.

What can you do,

A somersault...

With my eyes closed.

( Others gasp )

I don't know if even
I could do that.

Well, maybe dil
won't have to do that one

If he can do
the other stuff.

Come on, guys.

Let's get started.

Okay, let's get
this straight.

Each dad's got to do
whatever his kid is doing.


( Groaning ):
no... Cutting... Corners.

Ooh... Yah!

Oh! Charley horse!

Wait, time out!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Let the games begin.

Okay, guys,
dil's firstest test

Is blowing on a dampy lion.

Tommy, I think I gots one.

Okay, they're
picking dandelions.

Nothing hard about that.

There's one.

I saw it first.

Did not.
Did too.

Did not.
Did too.

Did not! Did too!

For heaven's sakes, would
you two behave like adults?

( Cackles )
you snooze, you lose.

Let's try a full nelson.

Gee, our daddies are acting
kind of funny today.

It hurts.

( Whimpering )

Not mine.

Okay, dil, if you're going to be
a big baby

You gots to blow all the fuzzies
off this dampy lion.

( Sneezes )

Um, does sneezes
count, tommy?

He blowed all the fuzzies off.

Yeah, but I think it was
a accident.

Hmm, yeah, I'm not sure
that counts.

Maybe we better try
the nextest test.

All's we need
is one good worm.

Hey, here's a nice, big,
juicy one.

Guys, how come our dads keep
doing what we're doing?

What do you mean?

Well, afore, when we were
picking dampy lions

They started picking
dampy lions, too.

Oh, no! I think they're trying
to make us think they're babies

So's they can find out
about our secret itchy nation.

Well, that's just great.

We finally get a secret
of our own

And right away they're trying
to find out what it is.

Let's finish
while they're not looking.

Okay, dilly,
eat the nummy wormy.

( Coos )

Hey, where'd they go?

They were just...

Tommy, no!

( Laughs gleefully )

Sorry, kids.

Dil's going
to go play

On the patio
for a while.


How is dil going to get to be
a big baby now?

I got an idea.

Our daddies are doing
everything we do, right?


( Whispering )

( Whispering )

( Giggling )

( Panting )

lucky it's not mom.

We'd never wear her out.

( Grunting )


( Breathing heavily )

( Yelps )

( Jabbering... )

( Laughing )




( Crashing )

Good work, guys!

Okay, well, the dampy lion

And the wormy
didn't work out so good

So I guess it's time to try
the mud.

No problem.

I gots a good puddle going
right over there.


I'm hurrying, lillian.

Now, let's see what
dil does with the mud.


( Laughs )

Well, his diapy's
all full of mud now.

Yeah, but he didn't do it
his self, philip.

The way things are going

I don't know if dil's ever
going to be a big baby.

Then it looks like
we'll have to give him

The somersault test.

( All gasp )

We better do it fast.

( Dads grunting and groaning )

Come on, guys, we gots to get
dil to our secret hiding place.

( Grunting )

Look, they're pulling
the reptar wagon.

Ha! I can pull it
faster than you two.

In your dreams, deville!

( Groaning )

I got it now.

Get your hands
off of it.

It's mine,

Give it
to me.

I got it,
I got it.

I got it, I got it.

It's mine.

( Dads groan )

( Yawns )

Think I'll just
rest a minute.

Time out.

Then I'll be right back on my...

( Hits ground )

Now's our chance, guys.

Let's get him!

( Sighs )

Hey, he's asleep.

I guess all that testing
kind of wore him out.

Isn't he just so cute
when he's sleeping?

( Snores )

He sounds like
a little kitty.

Yeah, but he can't do the
somersault while he's sleeping.

Well, he didn't exactly do
everything the right way

And he did fall asleep in
the middle of his itchy nation

But maybe we could
let him be

A big baby anyways.

What do you
think, guys?

Sure! Yeah!

Should we wake him up
and tell him?

No, let him sleep.

We'll tell him after his nap.

Sleep tight,
little big baby.

we might not have got to go to
the dummi bear circus thingy!
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