06x09 - Hand Me Downs/Angelica's Ballet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x09 - Hand Me Downs/Angelica's Ballet

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Train whistle blows )

( Gasps )

Dil, that's our train.

( Both grunting )

( Gasps )

Tommy, get that train
back on the track

Or cynthia will be late
for her beauty 'pointment.

I'm trying.

Let go, dil!

( Gasps )

( Coos )


Got it!

Hey, your brother's
getting baby drool

All over cynthia.

That's not for you, dil.

There you go,

Yuck! Baby germs.

He really wants to
play with the older
kids' toys, huh?

Susie was the same way.

What did you do?

We gave her edwin's old toys.

Worked like a charm.

Oh, that's a great idea.

I've got a whole box of tommy's
old toys in the basement.

Only now they'll
be hand-me-downs,
right, sweetie?

What's a hammy-down,
you guys?

I don't know.

Maybe it's like
a hammy sandwich.

( Giggling ):

They're what moms and
dads take from one kid

And give to another kid.

I get them
all the time.

Wow, tommy!

Maybe your mommy's giving you

Some of dil's stuff

Because dil's always trying
to take your stuff.

I don't know anything
dil has anything I want.

Hmm, except he does
have those diapies

With the teddy bear on them.

Those are kind of nice.

And he has that shiny new spoon

And that fluffy pillow, and...

I think giving dil
tommy's old toys

Is a big mistake.

Hand-me-downs can be damaging.

Oh, honestly, stu.

Deed, you didn't suffer
the cruel humiliation

The shame of getting
somebody else's toys.

Now, honey, tommy's toys
are like new.

Things will
be different.

But, deed, they made me
wear my brother's shoes

And his socks--
did I mention his socks?

I wore the man's underwear
for six years, deed!

( Gasps )

Oh, hi, lucy.

Oh, lucy, look.

He'll love these.

See anything
you like, tommy?

Uh... I already have
keys like that.

( Squeaking )

Oh, I used to have
a squishy ball

That squeaked
just like that.

And that's my wormy.

Hey! What's going on here?

That's all my stuff.

( Jingles )

There you go,

( Babbles and giggles )


I should chip the
old baby food off

Before I give
them to dil.

I have a scalpel in my bag
that'll take it right off.

( Dil giggling )

Yep, those are
hand-me-downs, all right.

But this is
my stuff, susie.

Right, they're giving it
to dil.


They're called

From the bigger kid
down to the littler kid

Else they'd call
them hand-me-ups.

Boy, I don't think
I like hand-me-downs
very much.


Oh, no!

I hope it isn't
too late.

What are you doing, angelica?

It's just like
my mommy says--

The one with the most toys wins

And the one with no toys
is nothing.

You know what that means.



If they give your toys away

You disappear.

( Gasps )

That's not true, angelica.

Sure it is.

It's happened to lots
of people, like, um...

Susie's sister, yvonne.

Susie doesn't have
a sister named yvonne.

Ezactly-- they kept giving
yvonne's stuff to susie

Until one day, there wasn't
nothing left of her.

And poof!

So sad.

Angelica's right.

I never seen susie's
sister yvonne.

Uh... Maybe I'd better
ask susie about this.

Oh, no,
don't do that.

Susie gets all sad
when people talk
about it.

Once she cried so much

They had to take a boat
to the bathroom

So she could blow her nose.


Tommy, we got to hide
these toys from dil.

Sorry, dil, I don't
want to disappear.

( Wailing )

( Dil's wailing continues )

Dil, what's
the matter, honey?

( Gasps )

Now, how did those...


I can't believe
he's acting

So childishly
about this.

Here you go,

( Coos )

Well, that little plan
didn't work.

Nice knowing you, tommy.

See you around-- oops!

Guess I won't see you
around since you'll...


( Sinister laughter )

Well, I'm not going to let
my bestest friend disappear.

I'll just... I'll...

I'll hold onto you.

( Breathless ):
maybe we could find dil

Some other neat toys
to play with.

Then we can take my toys back

And I won't have to disappear.

That's a great
idea, tommy!

( Sighs )

I hope this stuff works.

( Sniffs )

( Giggling )

hey, dil...

Hug for me.


What are
we going to do?

Oh, well...

My mommy and daddy have
lots of toys.

I guess we could borrow some.

( Alarm rings )

He doesn't
like it, tommy.

Okay, you got anything else?

He's got to like
this stuff.

Nobody's more fun
than my grandpa.

Radio announcer:
...and a swing.

Oh, edwards just
caught the corner...

He likes it!

Now's all we got
to do to save you

Is hide your stuff.

I know-- we can dig a big hole
in the backyard

Like for buried treasure--

Nobody'll ever find it.

( Both grunting )

If it isn't one thing
disappearing around here

It's another.

He's had a remarkable
season here-- 93 home runs.

Now, sprout,
these are my things.

We'll just find you
some baby stuff to play with.

Who's winning?

( Babbles )

Now there's some toys
for you, scout.

Okay, I think the hole's
big enough now.

No, dil, don't!

I'll disappear.

Grab that stuff from him, tommy.

It's already
getting hard
to see you.

( Gasps )

( Wails )

Boy, you sure like
the toys, huh, dil?


Throw them in here!

( Gasps )

( Toy squeaks, dil coos )

Hey, chuckie, he figured out
how to do it.

Good job, dilly.

Tommy, I can still hear you.

Hand me the toys.

Uh... Uh... No.


But if... If dil gets those toys

You're going to disappear.

I don't want to make him cry
no more, chuckie.

Look how happy he is.

Dil, meet mr. Wormy.

( Babbling )

Boy, tommy, I'm sure
going to miss you

Now that you're going
to be all disappeared.

I'll miss you,
too, chuckie

But you can be dil's
bestest friend now

Because he's got
all my stuff.

( Giggling )

See, deed,
they're right there

And I had nothing
to do with it.

That's odd-- I really want
to have that man come in

To check for poltergeists.

Look at those two.

I guess you were right--
hand-me-downs can be okay.

Come on, let's get the rest
of tommy's old stuff.

You know, I can actually feel
my inner child healing.

Poor tommy-- I guess your
mommy and daddy made you

Give your dumb baby toys to
your little brother after all.

They didn't make me.

I just want him to be happy.

Hey, tommy!

You didn't disappear.

Who said he was going
to disappear?

Angelica did.

Um... Just like
your sister yvonne.

Yvonne? I don't have
a sister named yvonne.

We know--
she disappeareded

When she didn't have
any hand-me-downs left.

People don't disappear
from giving away hand-me-downs.

Angelica, have you been
making stuff up again?

Those dumb babies
will believe anything.

All's I know is, I'm sure glad
I get to keep all my stuff.

Hi, cupcake.

Oh, daddy.

I'm glad I'm your
only little cupcake.

Oh, me, too, princess.

And since you are
my one and only

I thought we could give
all your old toys

To your cousin tommy.

( Angelica gasps )

Isn't that neat?

( Angelica screams )

( Humming tune )

I know what
I'm doing, drew.

It's just some
broken tiles.

I'm telling you

There could be
dry rot under there.

guys, need a hand?

No, thanks,
we're fine.
Sure, come on over.

Hi, angelica.

Oh, hello, susie.

hey, susie.

How come you're dressed
the same as cynthia?

Because I was just
at ballet class.

What's that?

It's like school

'Cept in ballet class,
we dance to music.

Right now, we're practicizing

For a dance we're going
to do called swan lake.

We go up on a real stage
and wear pretty costumes

And have lots
of people watch.

Wow! Can we come, too?

( Babies exclaim )

Oh, well, I'll ask my mom.

Do you want to come, too,

Well, I would, susie,
'cept I'm much too busy

Practicizing for my big dance.

It's called "angelica's lake,"
and I made it up all by myself.

Wow! Maybe I could
help you with it.

Miss svetlana says
I'm doing really good.

Oh, I don't really think
you could help, susie.

"Angelica's lake"
is full of lots

Of grownup stuff I learned
when I was in ballet school.

you were in
ballet school?

sure, I was
the bestest dancer

In the whole class.

In fact, I was so good

That after
only two lessons

I graduated
from ballet class.

You're making all
this up, angelica.


Well, miss mow-it-all,
you'll see.

"Angelica's lake"
is going to have a stage

And pretty costumes
just like your dance.

Yeah?! And who's going
to be in it?

A real ballet has
more than one person, you know.

Uh... Them.

( All gasp )

Yeah, the firstest
ballet with babies.

I think they're going
to put it on tv, too.

We're going to be on t.b.?

( Exclaims )

Tv?! You are making
this all up.

It's true--
I'm going to be a famous tv star

And you'll just be susie.


Then I guess you won't mind

If I invite all the kids
in the neighborhood

To come see your dance.

Um... Sure, invite them all.

The more, the berrier.

Come on, susie
daddy needs to

So he can help
with the roof.

If I hurry, I think
we can still save
the house.

Are we really
going to dance

On the t.b.,

Yeah, yeah, sure.

I'm going to say hi to reptar.

I'm going
to wave to daddy.

Hi, daddy.

I don't want to be in it.

I don't even know how to dance.

You're going to be
in it, finster.

All of you babies
will be in it

Or I'll look dumb in
front of susie carmichael.

Now, everybody line up
according to size

So I can teach you
how to dance.

First, you gots
to kick like this.

( Babbles )

( All grunting )

Boy, dancing's easier
than I thought.

What else do we do, angelica?

Well, let's see...

There's kicks and...

There's, um...

Don't you 'member
how to dance, angelica?

( Miss svetlana on tape ):
ladies, line up along the bar

And we'll practice
our positions.

Ready... First position.

Oh, hi, angelica.

You don't mind
if I practicize
for my dance, do you?

Go ahead, susie.

Maybe you'll get
some ideas from me.

Okay, listen up,

When I say "first physician,"
do this.

Not like that--
the other way.

I can't help it.

They just go that way.

Then everyone do
what tommy's doing.

( Thud )

Second position, pull up,
toes turned out.

Okay, second physician.

Like this.

Hey, I'm doing it,
I'm doing it.

Third position, elbows bent...

Now third physician.

Hurry up.

( Growls )

And plie and plie and plie...

( Babies yelling and laughing )

I said plie, not play!

Excuse me,
mr. Chuckie's dad

But I'm teaching
the babies to dance.

And I'm sure you're doing
a wonderful job, angelica

But I really have to take
chuckie home now.

But you can't!

say, chas...

Could you bring up
that crowbar?

You got a problem
on the roof?

It's just some
broken tiles.

Dry rot.


Oh, I had the same thing.

Turned out to be termites.

Here, let me show you

How to test
for them.

( Sighs )

( All panting )


I think I teached
you babies enough.

Now, let's see, we're going
to need music and a stage

And some costumes.

Hmm... I'll be
right back.

You keep
your dancing.

Anyone 'member how to dance?

( Babbling )

Look at me.

I'm a princess.

No, you're
just a girl
who feeds the cow.


But I wanted to be
a princess on t.b.


I think... I think you gived me
the wrong costume.

Let me see.

Oh, gee...

Do I really have to wear this?

Well, I was going
to wear it

But this is prettier.

You don't want
me to have to wear
icky stuff, do you?

( Gasps )

Oh, I don't want to dance
in front of peoples, tommy.

And... Oh, my tummy hurts.

Chuckie, just keep thinking
about how we're going to be

The onliest babies ever
to dance on t.b.

( Groans )

And if you have
to frow up

Frow up on tommy

Because he's
the doctor.

( Dil giggling )


I can't dance with all
those peoples watching.

you got to
dance, chuckie

And not just for me,
but for...

Well, mostly for me.

So just 'member
what I teached you.

Get out there and break a egg.

Oh, I just know I'm going
to mess up and...

Why do we got to break eggs?

Where are
those eggs anyhow?

I don't know.

You're the cow.

And now, angelica prevents
"angelica's lake"

Starring angelica
and made up by angelica.

That's the lake

And that's a tree.

Hmm... I guess I can use
my "cynthia work-out" tape.

Better than what
susie was playing.

( Pop music plays )

Woman ( on tape ):
ready? Here we go now.

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now. ♪

♪ ♪ ♪

♪ She's got those moves ♪

♪ Long as you move
her arms and legs ♪

♪ She's moving out
on the floor ♪

♪ She's ready
to break some eggs ♪

♪ Make an omelet, cynthia! ♪

♪ Shake it, shake it,
you're so fantastic ♪

♪ Just don't break it,
you're only made of plastic ♪

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now... ♪

Those dumb babies are
messing everything up.

♪ She's got real neat hair ♪

♪ She's got those
big brown eyes ♪

♪ She's got
her high-heel shoes ♪

♪ She's ready to accessorize ♪

♪ Buy all her outfits, girls! ♪

♪ Shake it, shake it,
you're so fantastic ♪

♪ Just don't break it,
you're only made of plastic ♪

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie... ♪


( Screaming )

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now. ♪

Come on, girls!

get them off!

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now. ♪

One more time!

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now. ♪

( Cheering and applause )

( Giggling )

Dumb babies
wrecked my ballet.

Hey, angelica--

That was great!


I didn't think

You could teach babies to dance,
but you really did.

Um... I was wondering

Would you make up
a ballet for me?

Maybe we could call
it "susie's lake."

You want me to make up
a ballet for you?

I mean, I guess I could

But I don't know about
calling it "susie's lake."

I was thinking something
more like "susie's puddle."

( Sternly ):

Okay, okay...

How about
"susie's pond"?

Well, guys, I guess
we really did it.

Susie said I was
a good dancer.

Hey, let's dance some more.

Come on.

( Babbling )



Well, you were
right, stu.

Everything looks
pretty good.

I guess I was wrong.

No termites.

See, I told you.

My roof is just fine.

( Thunder )


Here we go now.

( Laughing )

♪ Cynthia, she's
a really cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia, boogie
to the groove now. ♪

♪ She's got those moves ♪

♪ Long as you move
her arms and legs... ♪

♪ Shake it, shake it,
you're so fantastic ♪

♪ Just don't break it ♪

♪ You're only made of plastic ♪

♪ Cynthia, she's
a real cool dancer ♪

♪ Cynthia,
boogie to the groove now. ♪

♪ She's got real neat hair ♪

♪ She's got those
big brown eyes ♪

♪ She's got
her high-heel shoes ♪

♪ She's ready
to accessorize... ♪

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