06x08 - The Magic Baby/Dil We Meet Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x08 - The Magic Baby/Dil We Meet Again

Post by bunniefuu »

( Whirring )

( Snoring )


( Whirring )

( Kids laughing )

( Dog barks )

( Giggles )

( Whirring )

( Squeals )

( Heavy footsteps... )

Fi, fie, foe, fum.

I smell the blood
of an englishman.

"the giant chased jack

"Down the beanstalk that had
grown from jack's magic beans.

"When jack reached the bottom,
he cut down the beanstalk

"And the giant dropped
out of the clouds

"Like a sack of old potatoes--

And everybody lived happily
ever after."

Time for breakfast.

Wow! That was
a great story.

I like the part
about the magic beans

That turned-ed into
a big beanstalk.

I like the part
about the giant.

I wonder if
I could be

A giant when
I'm growed up.

Are giants real?

'Course not!

just stories

Grown-ups tell

To scare kids, like monsters

And sea slurpents and cavities.

Oh, great.

I'm scared of all of that stuff

And now I have to worry
about cavities, too

And I don't even know
what they are.

Finster, you're the scardiest
little baby I know.

Come on, cynthia.

Let's leave scardy
little baby land

And go play grown-up stuff

Like fairy princess.

Don't listen
to her, chuckie.

We all get ascared

Come on, let's play
with my new horsey.

( Gasps )

Oh, tommy, what
a nice, new toy.

You know, all cynthia's ever
wanted in the whole wild world

Is a pony.

Well, he's kind of busy
right now.

He's taking reptar for a ride.

Reptar's too big to ride a pony.

He'll squish it!

No, I think he's okay.

I'll have you know
you're breaking

All kinds of pony laws

And I'm going to resort you
to the pony police.

Aunt didi, tommy's being mean
to his pony!

Angelica, it's his toy

And we have to promote
his autonomy

By letting him
play with it
his own way.

But aunt didi!

The lawn grower 2000
is ready, deed.

Come watch me sprinkle
my way into history.

( Sighs )

I'll be right back, dear.

( Growls )

( Slurps )


Maybe we can get you that pony
after all, cynthia.

Hey, babies!

Guess what I just found...

Magic beans.

( All gasp )

I want some!

Not so fast.

These are the most magicest
beans in the whole mooniverse

But I might trade them for,

Tommy's pony.

I don't know, angelica.

I don't think my mommy
would want us to grow

A beanstalk in the house.


What if a giant climbs down it?

( Shudders )

You don't have to grow
a beanstalk.

You can, uh, use the magic beans
to wish for

Whatever you want.

What do you
think, guys?

Yeah, tommy, do it.

Get the beans.

Come on, tommy,
do it!

Well... Okay.

Angelica, it's a deal.

Gee, I guess you babies
aren't so dumb after all.

( Laughing )

So what should we wish for?

I wish for
a big, juicy worm.

And mud, a really big
blob of it.

I wish I was

And I had a hundred
ice cream cones

And, um, a penny.

I just wish I could
tie my shoes.

Where's all our stuff?

Maybe we're opposed
to hold the magic beans

While we're wishing.

( Dil laughs... )

But, but where
did they go?

( Dil burps )

( Kids scream )

Dil ate eated 'em!

Now we'll never
get our wishes!

Maybe we can get him
to spit up.

You can't
do that!

He does it
when no one wants him to.

I don't want to wait

Till they come out
the other end.

We can't make dil do stuff
he don't want to

'Cause we're bigger
than him.

That'd make us like
that mean giant in the story.

We don't have to
to get the beans out.

Maybe since they're
inside dil

Dil's magic now, too.

Maybe you just
have to rub him

Like a magic lamp.

( Burps )

Here we go, deed.

One small step
for a pickle

One giant leap
for gardeners everywhere.

And this baby can fertilize
and water our whole lawn

In under three seconds.

( Whirring )

I wish for lots of mud.

Pretty impressive,
huh, deed?

( Both gasp )

Those babies will believe

What do they think,
they wish for mud

And a bunch of it is
going to fly in the window?

( Splatting )


( Yelling )

( Kids gasp )


Hey, I thought those beans was
just yucky stuff off the floor.

I traded real magic beans
for a dumb pony?


It worked.

Dil really is magic.

You babies cheated me
out of my magic beans.

I want them back.

But, angelica,
they're in dil's tummy.

Well, then I'll just
make a wish on dil.

But it's my turn.

I was already wishing.

leave them alone!

I wish I wasn't
ascared of the monsters

Or sea slurpents
or cavities

Or specially giants.

( Yelling )


Oh, no, what was that noise?

( Gasping )

It's a giant
coming to get dil.

A giant?

Now he ate
those magic beans

The giant will
take him back
to his castle.

But you said giants and stuff
wasn't real.

I meant giants aren't real...

And I'm getting out of here

Before this one shows up.

I got a bad feeling
about this.

( Villainous laugh )

( Arguing )

( Heavy thumping )

( Gasping )

Fi, fie, phones, crumbs.

Give me the beans

Or I'll eat
you little babies.

Giant, run away, run away!

( Screaming )

( Pants, grunts )

( Moans softly )

( Thumping )

( Gasps )

( Giggling ):
yucky, yucky!


I'm a scary giant.

Don't go back,

You'll be doomed.

I have to, chuckie.

We forgot dil.

Oh, no.

The giant's gone,
and he took dil.

We gots to find
that giant, you guys.

Tommy, the giant is big

And he wants to eat english

Well, okay.

You watch the window.

Yell if the giant
goes outside.

Oh, thanks, tommy.


Yeah, yeah.

Okay, shorty,
let's get started.

First, I want
to be a princess

Who, um, has a
bazillion cookies

And doesn't have
to take baths.

What are you--


Where's my crown
and cookies?


You'd think a giant
would be easier to find

In a little house
like this.

Maybe he's napping.

Giants don't take naps.

That's why
they're so grumpy.

Did you find them,


Maybe he's going potty.

( Sniffs )

Naw, I think
we'd know.

Let's go check.

Come on, I gave
you a cookie

Now give me my wishes!


Oh, forget it.

You're not getting
your slobber
on cynthia

Even for three wishes!

Unh! Let go of her!

( Yelps )

Hey, get this stuff off me!

( Screams )

What was that?

( Rattling )

( Angelica shrieks )


( Grunting )

Oh, my gosh.


I got to save him.

( Grunting )

( Screaming )

Hey, get back here
with my magic baby.

( Screaming... )

Hey, here comes
chuckie with dil.

Where are you going, chuckie?

Away from that giant!


( All screaming )

Come on out, you guys.

The giant's gone!

Good job, chuckie.

You saved dil.

Weren't you scared
of the giant?

Well, I thought I was

But then I saw dil and,
and I saved him

And I guess, I guess...

I wasn't scared after all.

Hey, my wish came true.

You made a wish?

But it was my turn.

no, it was mine.




The magic beans.

Dil didn't eat them after all!

He just stuffed them
in his diapy.

But that means dil was not
a magic baby.

He must have got magic

I wasn't scared of the giant.

Maybe the magic was inside you,

You mean i, I beat the giant
all by myself?

I don't feel so good.

There you are, sweetie.

Time for lunch.

This is no fair.

Phil gotted his mud

And chuckie
wasn't ascared

But I never gotted my wormy.

Here we go,
the 15th time's the charm.

( Screaming )

Now look what
you've done.

It's raining worms!


Good thing you didn't
wish for a puppy.

( Laughing )

Let's go outside!

( Gasps )

The magic beans!

They're mine!

Now I can have anything I want.


Oh, great.

Okay, firstest of all

I want to be
a princess.


Spike, stop it.

I'm not petting you,
I'm rubbing you.

Howard ( on bullhorn ):
attention, attention, lou.

I'm sorry, but as safety monitor
for the block party

It's my duty to inform you

That you're involved in
a potentially dangerous...

( Didi humming )

( Kids babbling, chewing,
slurping )

I like watermelons 'cause
they make my mouth wet.

I like them
'cause they make my diapy wet.

( Giggling )

Want some watermelon,

( Squeals )

Uh... Duh...

I don't know if eating that
stuff is a very good idea.

'Member that time
that I eated a seed

And angelica said
the whole watermelon

Was going to grow in my belly,

I don't want you guys
going up my nose again.

don't worry, chuckie.

My mommy taked out
all the seeds

So nothing bad
can happen.

Excuse me, young lady.

Do you have a permit for that?

( Gurgling happily )

( Laughs )
he really likes it, tommy.

Here, dilly.

Here you go, buddy.

Here, dilly.

Some squishy watermelon.

Here comes the melon.


He drooled on me.

( Chuckles )
isn't that cute?

You kids watch out.

If you keep feeding
him like that

He's going to turn
into a watermelon.

You really think babies can turn
into watermelons?

I don't know,
we eated watermelon

And nothing happened to us.

But dil ated the most.

And he's the littelerest.

( Dil cooing... )

Well, he still
looks like a baby.

( Sniffing )

He still smells
like a baby.

He still feels
like a baby.

( Squeals )
( yelps ):

He's a baby all right.

( Gasps )

Don't worry, little guy.

It's just me.

( Sighs with relief )

Guess what, kids?

It's time for balloon animals.

♪ Old macdonald had a farm,
e-i-e-i-o. ♪

♪ And on his farm he had a... ♪

♪ A cow. ♪

Oh, my goodness.

Mommy's going to have to
take you home

And get you cleaned up.

♪ Uh, with a,
with a moo-moo here ♪

♪ And a... A... ♪

I'll be back
in a little while, kids.

That was a funny clown,
huh, dilly?

( Gasps )


( Gasps )

Oh, no!

It's just like
your mom said.

He turneded into
a watermelon!

Look, he dropped
his rattle.

But that can't be dil.



Tommy, dil can't walk.

Oh, yeah.

Dil, is that you?

What'd he say?


See, see?

Dil can't talk neither!

It is him!

I told you watermelons
was trouble.

Oh, no.

This is terrible.

I should have never feeded him.

I'm sorry, dilly.

At least now he
won't spit up on us.

Or pull our hair.

Or poke us in the eye.

But dil's been a baby
his whole life.

He doesn't know how to be
a watermelon.

Well, maybe we can show him.

Yeah, there's probably lots
of fun stuff he can do.

You're right, guys,
and since we're the ones

Who turnded you
into a watermelon

We'll help you figure out what
the fun stuffs are, okay, dil?

I think that means yes.

( Kids grunting )

Sometimes slides can be scary

So you might want to close your
eyes, if you got any.

This is dil's firstest time.

Maybe I better go with him.

( All yelling )

He's the bestest slider
I ever seed!

We're running a sack race,
deville, not going to the moon.

No, now, lou, a safe race
is a smart race.

For your own protection
i, I must insist.

( Grumbling )

On your mark, get set...
( Blows whistle )

Wait, wait,
I'm not ready.

( Grunting... )

( Gurgling )

All right, sweetie.

Ready to go back
to the party?

( Grunting )

( Coos )

( Sniffing )


Howard ( on bullhorn ):
pardon me, ma'am.

Has that been sterilized?

Oh, I better go put the kibosh
on howard.

Last time he was safety monitor
he made 23 citizen's arrests.


Hey, your mommy forgot
to dress dil.

We better put something on him
before he catches a cold.

Here's his diapy.


Um, which end is it supposed
to go on?

I don't know.

This looks like his butt.

( All clamoring )

Okay, maybe we better put on
his shirt, too.

Attention, attention, lou.

I'm sorry, but
as safety monitor

For the block party,
it's my duty

To inform you that
you're involved

In a potentially
dangerous activity.

What do you think?

he kind of looks like
our uncle earl.

Hey, guys,
let's show dil

Some other fun stuff
he can do.

How about patty-cake?

patty-cake... Oops.

Good job, dilly.

( Yawns )

I think dil's getting tired,

Maybe it's time for his nap.

( Lil humming
"rock-a-bye baby" )



I think he's sleeping now.

Dil used to slobber
and make funny sounds

When he was sleeping.


He was the bestest
slobberer ever.

'Member, 'member how he drooled
on my hand.

That was so cute.

I kind of miss him
being a baby.

( Sniffles )

( Sadly )
me, too.

( Adult panting )

Walk, please,
don't run.

Give me that thing.

I paid for
this megaphone.

All right, it's time
for the big event:

The watermelon eating contest.

So everybody, grab a melon

And run over
to the contest area.

Oh, no!

They're going to eat dil!

Hurry, we gots to hide him!

( Kids grunting )

( All gasp )

He won't stay!

What are we going to do?

There's only one thing to do.

We gots to turn dil
back into a baby.

How are we going
to do that?

Well, uh, since we turned dil
into a watermelon

By feeding him watermelon

Uh, maybe if we feed him
baby food

He'll turn back into a baby.

Here's some.

I hope he likes this kind.

well, he still
eats the same.

( All gasp )

I found another one!

Excuse me, champ.

Oh, no.

My daddy's going
to eat dil!

Come on, you guys.

We gots to save my brother!

Now, before the contest begins

I have a few safety tips
I'd like to review.

But maybe I'd better visit
the little boy's room first.

Excuse me for a moment.

I have something
I need to take care of, too.


Now maybe we can finally have
some fun around here.

Which one is dil?

I don't know.

Are you my brother?

Dil, is that you?


( Clamoring )

You stay here, sweetie

And mommy will be right back
with your bottle.

So, dil!

Hey, dil?


( Kids yelling )

( Dil giggles )

Hey, guys, look!

It's dil!

You did it, tommy!

( Cooing )

Yeah, the baby
food worked.

You turned dil
back into a baby!

It's good to see you
be a baby again, dilly.

( Laughing )


( Coos )




( Dil cooing )

( Blows whistle )

( All gobbling... )

Oh, dear.

The contest.

( Clears throat )

safety tip number one...

I just wish I could
tie my shoes.
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