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03x23 - The End of a Beautiful Friendship

Posted: 10/15/22 19:49
by bunniefuu
Okay, are you ready
to roll, mr. Hagen?

I think god's kind of
pissed off at me.

I crashed the car.
Well, let's not worry
about the car.

Let's just worry about
getting you put back together

In one piece.
Yeah, but... It's notju.

I... I screwed up.

Well, everybody screws up.
God knows that.

You're gonna be fine. He put you
on my table, didn't he?

He must have some idea
what he's doing.

(siren wails)
they page you a lot?

They page me when a helicopter
lands at my hospital.

Yeah, but if a helicopter
hadn't landed at your hospital,

You wouldn't have found
some other reason

To call it a night,
you know?
You think I faked
a helicopter landing

To bail on our date?
No, no, but--

You want to bail on a date,
you fake a headache

Not a 2-ton flying machine
that can be seen

From miles away.
Right, right.
I just wanted to make sure.

the insecurity thing?

You want me to stop
thinking about cooper,

Stop acting like him.
I'll wait.

Maybe you'll be done in
a few minutes and, uh... Okay.

I need hand and wrist film,

What have we got? Maya?

And dell. M.V.A.
She's in labor. Uh,
we were on our way here,

And some guy blew through
a red light.
Good lord.

Her contractions
are two minutes apart,

Pain at a seven,
maybe eight.
Sir, you need to sit down.

I'm fine, okay? Maya's--ow.
Sit down. He okay?

So far, some lacerations,
probably a fractured wrist.

We need a fetal doppler,
and where is radiology?
How you feeling, sweetheart?

I'm okay. The contractions
were pretty bad,

But it's much better now
with the epidural.

What epidural? Dell?

Maya... How's that feel?


I'll page neuro surg.

Call amelia.
She doesn't work here.

Call amelia. Sam's in the o.R.
Nai's on her way.

She knows about the labor,
but nothing else.
Addison, did she break--

Dell, sit down. I need a c.T.
Of her spine. Now, please.

we don't have films yet.

But she's got
some distal sensory loss.

She can't feel her legs.
She fractured her spine?

We don't know
what it means yet.
It means
she fractured her spine.

charlotte, you are sweating a.

Is maya gonna be all right?
Naomi's gonna blow in
any minute

Expecting contractions and heavy
breathing. Can we focus on that?

Now go. Sam's got a body open
in o.R. Two.

I got another cardiac surgeon on
his way, but it's gonna take him

About a half an hour
to get here.
I got it.

Not now.

What do you mean, "not now"?
I called you, I texted you.

I tracked you down.
Jan in reception said

There was a helicopter here,
which I can't believe I missed.

But I just need a moment
of your time.

I think we should
have dinner tomorrow night--
uh, no.

Excuse me.

Cooper--can you just tell him
what's going on?

I'd rather not, frankly.
What the hell?

Hey, nai, naomi.
Hey. Maya's in labor.

Oh, she's in labor.

Oh, and I'm--
I'm hyperventilating.

I think I'm a little bit
of a hypocrite,

Because I've been against this
from the get-go,

But now all of a sudden,
I am just sieged

With the urge to just, like,
knit booties and coo.

I mean, I don't even knit.
So maybe I'm more sieged

With the urge to just go out
and by a bunch of booties.
Nai, naomi--

I thinthe universe
is actually giving me

A little bit of
a-a break today.

You know, gabriel is giving
william the a.L.S. Treatment.

William is taking
the a.L.S. Treatment.

I j--I just feel like
it's my day.

The universe is gonna tolerate
just a little bit of hypocrisy

From me and let me--
naomi, naomi.
Something has happened to maya.

She's got
peripheral anesthesia,

Possible fracture
at l-2 or 3.

Okay. Well,
is the cord transected?
I don't know.

What about the baby?
I'm gonna do a c-section.
We're going in now.

The o.R.'s ready.
Naomi, I am so sorry.

Dell, you didn't do this.

Mom, I can't feel my legs.
You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay.

Mommy's here.
Where's daddy?

Hang in there, maya, okay? We're
gonna go have your baby now.

Let's go. Now.
Let's go.

Hey. You got nothing better
to do on a Friday night?

I need you for a quick consult.
Can you step out for a sec?
It could be a while.

This guy avulsed
his pulmonary artery,

Smashed his beemer,
smashed his rib cage.

He thinks
god's pissed off at him.

That's the guy
that hit maya and dell--

On sam's table
under sam's knife.
I know that.

Does sam?
What am I supposed to do?

We can't duct tape
the guy closed.

Sam's gotta keep operating
till mason gets here.

Well, you got a better idea?

C-sections are bad.

I wanted to have him
the regular way.

Oh, c-sections
are not bad.

They are fast
and they're safe.

Addison has done
a gajillion of these.

She could do this
in her sleep.
You just focus on the fact

That you're gonna see
your baby, maya.

Okay. There we go.

You got
a nice-looking uterus, kid.

All right. Lap pad.

What happened?

Her pressure's dropping.
Open up her I.V.

Wh-why is
her pressure dropping?
I don't know.
Run the fluids wide open.

Maya. Maya!
B.P.'s down
to 80 over 30.

What--what-- what did you?
I tilted her uterus. I was
checking the baby's position.

Well, is she bleeding out?
I don't kn--naomi,
you need to get out of here.

Dell, get her out of here.

Do not touch me.
Uterus must have been

The radicular artery.
I can't move the baby

Or she'll bottom out.
Addison, her pressure
dropping. You're losing her.

Naomi, you need to get out
of here or you shu.

The baby stays in.
We need to pack the wound.
(dell) tachy at 140.E're
not picking up her pressure.

Okay, full pressors.
Pull the crash cart.
Maya, stay with me.

Baby, stay with me. Okay?
You stay with me.

How long can the baby
stay in once--
not very long.

Let's just wait and see
what amelia has to say, okay?

I almost lost her.

I know.

I'm here.
I'm late. I'm late. I'm sorry.

But I got the camera,
so she can start pushing.

Was it a false alarm?


I was just
gonna come find you.

I, uh, set up the drip
in pete's office.

You can lie there and stare
at all those jars,

Wonder what the hell
he does with 'em.
We're not going to do
the treatment.

You're gonna go to the hospital,
and I'm going to sun valley.

Naomi's daughter
was in a car accident.

She may have broken
her back.

You mocked me
for having three assistants,

But when you have
three assistants,

You know what's going on.

Valerie's the best one
of the lot.

You should use her
when I'm gone.
What are you--
what are you talking about?

The treatment won't work.
You know that.

It's too late.

You couldn't tell that
to naomi?

She needed something
to hope for.

What's in sun valley?

A daughter
who doesn't like me

And who I don't understand.

And what, you're just
gonna go there to die?

You're not even
gonna say good-bye to her?

Tell her the--the dr*gs
are helping.

Tell her I'm resting,
that she shouldn't bother me.

And when maya's
out of the woods,

Tell her I left...

And I loveer.

You love her, to d?

Be aetter man
than you have been.

it's gonna be a long night.

I could stop by your house
and pick up some clothes.

Nah, I got some clothes
back in my office.

I just haven't had a second
to put 'em on yet.

Thanks, though. You're sweet.
I'm not.

But under the circumstances,
I'm willing to fake it.

I gotta--

Hi, guys.


Hey, uh, lucas
is with danielle,

The sitter from up the street
I told you about with the hair.

Anyway, she's at the house.

She knows it's gonnae
a long night.

I would've td you earlier,
but with all the confusion--

I'm sorry.
You don't have to explain
anything to me, pete.

I kinda do.

It's co-parenting.

That's what we're doing.
I tell you where the kid is.

It's not a hardship.

Well, thank you.

I'm goa go wait for sam.

See right there?
Fracture at l-2

And then another chard of bone
here at l-3.

The baby was stabilizing
the whole area,

So when you shifted the uterus,
all hell broke loose.
So what are our options?

Well, nai, how about
you grab a cup of coffee,

And we can talk
about it a little--
just answer the question.

Nai, I think that amelia
wants to brainstorm a little.

So it's--it's easier when
the mother's not here--
well, I-I'm sorry
if this is difficult for her.

Just stop managing me.
Spit it out.


If we take out the baby,
the cord strokes out.

She's paralyzed from
the waist down for life.

If I decompress the cord

We could lose the baby.

I do a posterior approach,
we could lose the baby.

If I try to repair
the artery first, she could

Bleed out on the tab,
and I k*ll them both.

Does anybody have
a preference?

That guy's blood won't ct
for love or money.

Thank you.
Walk with me.

Five minutes while they
put him on the pump,

Then I want
to get out of here,

See how maya's labor's
Come on. Juswalk.

Okay. Thank you.
Drink this.

I'good. You know there's
too much sugar in that stuff.

It's late at night,
you've been operating, just--
what is this?
You sound li my aunt.

Just drink
the crappy drink, sam.
Okayi'm gonna drink it.
Why e you being so weird?

On their way gonna drink it.
To the hospital.Eing so weird?

Maya and dell
were in a car accident

Maya broke her l-2,
possibly l-3.

They're in the I.C.U.

(sam) hypothermia?
You lower the body temperature,
you decrease metabolic demands

And you limit damage
to the spinal cord.

Gives dr. Shepherd
a lot more time to work

And maybe she's got a shot
at avoiding paralysis.
Yeah, but there's a baby
inside of her. Hypothermia?

It would k*ll the baby.
It may k*ll the baby.

It'll save the spinal cord.
It may
save the spinal cord.

So--so if--
if we save her child,

Then we ensure that--
that she's paralyzed for life,

But if we k*ll the baby,
then--then she will walk again?

Is that what we're saying?

Is that
what we're saying?

Look, I'm not usually the glass-
half-full guy in the room,

But she's not gonna die.

I understand that's progress
from the initial diagnosis.

But she may never walk again.
(gabriel) a chair
is n a death sentence.

I mean, people told me that
every day, and as much as it

Made me want to smack 'em
in the face, they were right.
Save her legs.
I-I want her to walk again.

(sam) wait. Wait.
What about the baby?

That's a full-term child
that she's carrying.
I'm aware of that.

She wanted that child.
That child is hers.
I-I am aware of that, sam.

You have wanted this child gone
since the moment

It's been conceived--
don't you--don't you dare.

This is your daughter
in this bed!
The moment it's been conceived!
What's the deal, naomi?

It's been conceived--
okay, stop it. Stop it.
Don't youboth of you.Dare.

Just take a breath.
Everyone, just...


You're her husband...

The father of her child.

(sighs) I don't, um...

I don't know how to...

(exhales) I mean,
can't you save them both?

(lowered voice)
why didn't I think of that?


I'm a kid. They don't teach you
how to choose between

Your paralyzed wife
and your dying baby

In--in mathletes.

I mean...
(pete) it's okay.

(sam) you heard the man.

You're gonna
have to save 'em both.
How fast are you?

I'm fast, but...

This is a long shot.

If the baby's temp's
not down for too long...

it's not ideal, but...

You'd have to be
pretty damn fast.

Sam. I'm sorry.
I need you.

Patient's ready for bypass.



Hey, I, uh...

I-I just wanted to see
if you were okay.

I mean, obviously,
you're not okay,

But I...

I don't know what I--
what I wanted. I...

I oughta head back inside.


Could you just, uh,
stand here with me

For a minute?


All right. I gotta...


Sam, they're waiting till
maya's contractions stop

Before they start
the hypothermia.

Part of me can't believe
I'm stuck in here.

Part of me is lieved that I
got something to do with melf.


Hey, sam, I--

Is his hand moving?

His h--his hand is moving.

What are you talking--
whoa. Whoa. He's waking up.
(man) holy--

Get the hand
awayrom the wound.
(sam) get me a lap.

Get it away from the wnd.
Push anoth .3
of etomidate.

That's what I'm doing.
Up the sux infusion.

(man) there.
What the hell is going on here?
What washat?

Were you falling asleep?
Back off. The guy's a drunk.

He's going through
the anesthesia

Like it's iced tea.
So then...
Are you saying that...

He's plaster
out of his mind.

How do you think
he crashed his car?

Is this the guy
that hit may

Of course it is.
(monitor beeng erratically)

I should've
figured it out myself.
Dr. Bennett, he's dropping
his cardiac output.

You've gotta
get back in there.


He almost k*lled
my daughter and her baby.

she may never walk again.

(man) he's gonna crash,
Sam, it's not the same guy.

The guy that hit maya
didn make it.

Charlotte was talking about it
in the waiting room.

It's l.A., right?
Car accident every four nutes.

Charlottpete, talking about it
look ame in my face.Room.

Are you lying?

No. I swear it.
It not the same guy.

Shake it off.

Uh... Satinsky.

You're damn right,
god's pissed off at you.

She called dell.


If I hadn't turned my back
on her when she was pregnant,

Then she would've called me
when she went into labor.

She would've called me
to drive her to the hospital,

And we wouldn't be standing here
discussing whether

She might die of hypothermia
or merely never walk again.

I know you didn't
crash the car, dell.

All right? I know
you didn't crash the car.

I'm gonna go get some water.
Do you--do you want anything?

No. I'm fine. Thanks.

Stop beating yourself up...

Just for five minutes.
Can you do that?

Oh, god. William.

Well, he's fine.
Don't worry about him.
Uh, did you start
the treatment?

Yep, all good.
Yeah, and are you checking in?
How's he tolerating it?

Uh, no nausea, nothing.
He's off to a good start.

Okay. Good. I should, um,
I should call him.

He's sleeping.
Let him rest.

Well, then they'll call you
I-if he wakes up?


Hey. What are you doing?

Waiting for damn mason
to get here

And take over for sam.

the guy can operate,

But, boy, he drives about
as fast as a dead cat.

They didn't start
on maya yet, did they?
No, they're
transfusing platelets.

You know, she came to see me
once when she was like 8,

And sam and naomi had given her
the birds and the bees talk,

And she didn't believe them.

She wanted to check
with a medical expert.

You think she walks again?

I'm focused on, does she
survive the procedure?

You need to may me.


I want you to marry me.

Cooper, don't by hysterical.
I'm not.
I was gonna do it tomorrow

With dinner and flowers
and etta james, but I--

Yeah, I'm sure you were.
If you could just--if you
would not talk for 30 seconds,

Then I'm gonna--
the fact
that we're all strg out

And everybody's heart's
beating a little too fast

Does not mean you get to start
throwing around words...

I was gonna do it tomorrow.

But, god.

I mean... A year ago,
violet almost died.

And now maya...

Life is scary and short.

And I love you.

And I've been stupid,
and I can't be stupid anymore.

And I can't carry
this ring around anymore.

And I have to be with you.
We have to be together.

And something good
has to happen tonight

With all this horror


Charlotte king,

I want to spend
my whole damn life with you.

Marry me?

Okay. Now you can speak.

Seriously. Now you
have to say something.


We're just...
Circling the wagons.

Do you want to come?

I've been horrible to you.

I've been horrible to maya...

Nai, no--
to everyone.

Don't do this now.
We've all been horrible.

No, please...
Let me do this, okay?

You're about to operate
on my baby.

You have to let me do this.

(voice breaking)
please forgive me.

I forgive you.

God, there's nothing
to forgive.

U didn't do anything.

You didn't
sleep with my husband.

He's not my husband...

And you didn't sleep
with him.

You were thinking about me

And you were trying
to protect me.

I don't know why
I couldn't see that.

I don't know
what the hell I was doing.

Please forgive me.
I do.

Do you hear me?

I do.

I love you
and I love your daughter.

I delivered that kid.

I was there when she cut
her first tooth.

I recorded her singing
"wudolph the wed-nose weindeer"

Before she could pronounce
her r's...

And I listened to it
on my tape deck

Every night for a month.

I will
take care of that girl.



(inhales deeply)
come on. Let's go.

Oh, thank you. I'm so sorry
that took so long.

He got stuck in traffic.
my daughter's in I.C.U.

I really don't want
to hear about traffic.
How far'd you get?

Uh, vessel's done. You just
need to get him off bypass.
All right, well, thanks
for hanging in there

And operating
under these circumstances,

And on this guy, no less.
You're a good man.

That's the driver.

She lied to you.

You lied.

You knew?

We save lives, sam.

No matter who it is,

No matter what they've done,
we save lives.

I'm sorry. If I thought
there was any--

What else are you gonna
take away from me?!

What else?!

(woman) dr. Lang,
call extension 2-2-7-3.

Dr. Lang, extension 2-2-7-3.


You want one?
No, I'm okay.

You sure?

(dell) I'll take one.


Are we all just waiting for me
to have a p.T.S.D. Freak-out?
(chuckles) no.

(cooper) what?
Ofourse not.
Why would...

Oh, who am I kidding?

I am freaking out.

We should all
be freaking out.

I mean, a year ago...
A year ago, I was dying.

And we got through that. We got
another year under our belts.

And... Once again,
here we are

In the same place...
With somebody else...

I just want to scream
to whoever keeps doing this

To just stop...

Stop bringing us here with
another one of our own dying.

She's not dying.

She's not.

Almost worse being the ones
out here

Waiting for the news,

You know,
I-I-I gotta be honest.

It's actually worse
being the one sliced open

And bleeding on the table.


I'm sorry. I know it was
a bad day for you, too.

It was a really bad day.

Anyway, uh...

Let's not talk about
anything so morbid.

Okay? I-I have something.

This was supposed to be...
For, uh...

Lucas' birthday,

Because I-I wanted
to do something...

Of course, yeah.
Okay, well, this might be
blowing the surprise,

But, um... I wanted to get
a picture of you and lucas.

So I swiped your camera because
I was gonna download one.

But you're a single dad,

So all the pictures
are just of lucas.

There's none
of you two together.

So I looked
at all your phones,

And everybody has at least
one picture of pete and lucas.

(paper rustles)

If this isn't
the crappiest collection

Of out-of-focus
cell phone pictures.

I mean, look.

Look at this.
Oh, wow.

Yeah, that's bad.

I mean, I can't put
any of these in a frame.

It's just embarrassing.

Oh, wow.
You're good-looking,

But you
do not photograph well.

Oh, I took this one.
It's not bad.

It's lucas
and my nostrils.
Yeah, well, it's in focus.

I kinda like this one.

It looks like
he's gonna eat your face.
Or swab me.

That kid can drool.
I'm telling you. Look at that.

(speaks indistinctly)
what's happening?

So far, so good.

Maya's temp is down.
Her pressure's holding.

Baby looks good
on the monitor.

Amelia's about to get started,
so, uh...

I'll keep you posted.

Thank you.

(inhales deeply)
well, if we're looking

For a cheerier topic
of conversation...

Yes. Y, we are.

I'm, um...

Getting married.


To whom?

To charlotte.

Are you serious?
Yeah, got a ring,
popped the question.

You got a ring?
Yeah, you said,
"go get your girl."

I went ring shopping.
You said
"go get your girl"?

Well, I-I meant take her out
to dinner, not marry her.

I was taking her to dinner.
Well, I-I--
I'm sorry, sheldon.

But they are sort of
made for each other

In a twisted kind of way,
but--but for dating--
you are not marrying her.

I kind of am.

I think "congratulations" is
what we're trying to say, right?

it's fantastic, cooper.

(sam) congratulations.
(violet) wow. Wow.

Just say it. Say the word.

Dell. Sheldon. Even you, man.
Come on. Sorry.


(violet whispers) pete.

Okay. Maybe that was
a little too much to ask.

Dell, come on.
Give the man a hug.

He's getting hitched
to a... Difficult woman.


(naomi) dell.


Dell, wake up, sweetie.
Wake up.
(taps leg)

(pete) dell. Dell.
(naomi) dell?
Guys, he's unresponsive.

We have a patient down
in the o.R. Waiting room.

Send a crash cart.

We are not catching
a break today.

Hey, give me some mannitol.
He's bradying down.
He's got a bleed in his head.

Think he's herniating?
Yep. Get me a twist drill.

Burr holes?
I need to relieve
the pressure.

Um, is he good?
Who are you?

I'm marcel, his life partner.
Is he good?

He's done this
plenty of times.
Maybe we call over to the o.R.,
s-see if amelia can step out?

(naomi) no, no, no, no,
no, no. No stepping out. No.
His brain is exploding.

Yeah, and maya's spine
is flapping in the breeze.
Could we get the backseat
drivers out of the room?

Y'all, shut up or get out.
(drill whirring)

Nobody took a picture?

Come on. There was a guy
drilling a hole in my head

With six of you watching.
Nobody pulled out a cell phone?
You gonna make me sedate you?

Get some sleep.

(lowered voice)
cooper proposed to charlotte.

(whispers) that's crazy.

(whispers) I know.
(normal voice) o-oh.

What "ow"?

just a k*ller headache.

Well, they drilled
a hole in your head.

Hands up...

Like this. Don't move.

Oh, damn it.

It's dr. King. I need
a ventriculostomy setup

And a head c.T.

No, right now.

(receiver clatters)

Yeah, there's a bleed
on the contralateral side.

The epidural pressure
was holding it back.

Now it's all over the place.
What does that mean?

It means you gotta crack
your patient open.

How much longer
you got in here?

I don't know.
Maybe an hour.
Think you can do it after?

She's had a long night,
charlotte. Page steiner.

Steiner's out of town. James
is covering. James missed it.
(amelia) well,
it's an honest mistake.

I mean,
with a bleed like that--
it's dell.

The patient's dell.

I'll be out
as soon as I can.

This is a crap day.

it's another bleed.

And it's expanding.
But we can get it.

Just means we need to do
some more damage to yourkull.

And amelia's
almost done with maya,

So she can do the procedure.

Says she'll get a kick
out of seeing your brain.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna get
the most attractive

Of our nurses
to come and shave your head.

And you can work that buzz cut

For a few weeks
until that mop grows back.

Betsey's at home
with a sitter named andrea.

I want you
to bring her here.

Come on, dell--

It's the middle
of the night.
(charlotte) violet...

Get betsey.

I'll go.

So I got into
medical school.

You did?

(chuckles) yeah.

U.C.L.A. I got in.

How are we doing, ladies?

Cord's decompressed. I'm having
trouble placing the last graft.

What can we do
to expedite matters?
(addison) is it the baby?

Yeah, bradycardic.
How bad?

Pretty bad.
You gotta get out.

Wow. You are just full of
good ideas, aren't you?
If the heart rate stays
that low much longer,

We're gonna have a dead baby.
You move that baby
before I finish,

You slice her spine in half.

Is this supposed to be helping?
'cause it's not.

I know guinea pigs like carrots
and--and cucumbers.

They're definitely crazy
about those.

You can give 'em those,

But the pretzels just aren't
so good for 'em.

But that's nice
that you wanted to share.

It shows you were
thinking about him.

I bet that made him feel
pretty good.

You know, you're
a super special person, betsey.

A lot of people love you.

A lot of people
care about you.

I love you more...

you know, there...

I love you so much,

There aren't
even enough words to say it.

A lot of people love you.
(clears throat)

And when your mom died,
that was a really...

Bad thing.

And I got hurt today,
and that's bad, too.

And if anything
ever happened to me...

I want you to remember...

That would just mean that

All the bad stuff that's ever
gonna happen to you

Already happened.

You shouldn't be
a scared person...

Or a sad person.

You should just be happy,

'cause all the bad stuff
will all be over for you.

You had it all at one time.
It's kind of a good deal.

Do you think
he likes tomatoes?

(laughs) yeah.

Yeah, I think he probably
does like tomatoes.

Come here. (kisses)

Who goes first?

Me. (sniffles)

I should go first.

Maya's fine.

Her b.P.'s up.
Her vitals are good.

She's out now,
but she's doing great.

And what about the--
she's strong and screaming.

You have
a beautiful baby girl.

(cooper) that's what
I'm talking about!
Addison montgomery,
ladies and gentlemen!

Nice work.


What you doing?

She's so strong.

I don't know
when that happened.

Dell spent the whole day
taking care of her.

Nobody worried about him.

No one even looked at him.

You want me to explain

Why you can't beat yourself up
about this?

(sighs deeply)
no, not really. No.

Um... I should call william.

Can you sit down for a sec?
Gabriel, no.
I'm gonna call william,

And then I want to get
back in with maya.
I want you
to sit down for a sec.

you can't call william
right now.

Sit down.

Betsey has an aunt
in portland.

She's flying down tonight.

She should be here
in a couple of hours.

She's ready...


Ye, I think so.

If she made it
through tonight,

She can make it through
a night with lucas.

Not for lucas. For you.

It's okay.

You and I...

We'll always be there
for each other, always.

We'll be friends. We will.

But she loves you.
And you love her.

It's okay.

a bunch more paperwork

I gotta deal with
before I c get outta here.

That's okay.

Can I just hang out while you,
uh, while you do it?

So it turned out it was
kind of a crappy day...

For proposing.

Not really the story
you want to tell

About how we got engaged.

I could take it back,

We could do the whole thing
again tomorrow.

Do it again,

Or are you just trying to get
yourself out of this mess?

Woman, look at me.

You... Are everything

I never knew I wanted.

I cannot live without you.

If I propose again tomorrow,

What are you gonna say?

I'm gonna say yes.

Is that, uh--

That is what is
supposed to be.

That's very levelheaded
of you.

You buying it?


Is there some
glaringly obvious reason

Why I'm everybody's
second choice?

Ugh. You and me both.
Oh, no.

Anybody that could
choose you would.

You just can't quite decide
what you want.

Yeah. Well, apparently,
I want everything.

Yeah, you do,
and you should get everything.

You're just scared
of what it will mean.

And being scared--I mean,
no one lays on their death bed

Wishing they had less--
less love--no one.

So if you love the guy,
addison, for god sake,

Just... Don't let it
get away.

Do I make you happy?



You make me happy, too.