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03x20 - Second Choices

Posted: 10/15/22 19:46
by bunniefuu
I guess I should have called first.

Huh, no no, it's fine.

So you and Addison...

I'm... I'm, I'm sorry, I didn't even...

Addison, hello.


He's gotten so...

he's so big...

- Violet...
- Don't cry. I know, I know, I'm crying, but...

look at him, he's like 15.

- He's not 15.
- He's 15.

And I haven't been here.

I was in the crazy, you know...

I was in Costa Rica,
and then New York and...

- You... you were in New York?
- Then I got out of the crazy and I came back here,

and he's 15, and, uh, now
I'm just a stranger to him,

- and... and you and Addison are, uh...
- It's okay, Violet...


No, it's not.

I'm his mother.

I am his mother.

And I haven't...

I'm so sorry I didn't...

I'm so sorry...

That I couldn't... I'm...

I am so, so sorry.

Would... would you...

would you like to hold him?

Can I?

Hey. Come here, pal.

Come on.

Here we go.


- That's your mom.
- Hi.

That's your mommy.


Stop hovering and come in here.

I said that we shouldn't be
hovering, but Charlotte...

- I said you needed space.
- We didn't want to pressure you.

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Oh. Violet, she's here. You're back.

Oh, come on, Sheldon. You knew I was back.

Somebody called you.

Well, there may have been a
text from Charlotte on... ow.

Look, I'm fine, you guys.

But... but go ahead and ask.
I know you're dying to ask.

So you're not all messed
up and freaky anymore?

- Charlotte.
- Well, she said we could ask.

I had this amazing
breakthrough while I was away,

and, um... well, I
know better than anybody

that it doesn't happen overnight,

but... yeah, I'm ready...

to be Lucas' mom.

That's my girl.

- Morning.
- Good morning.

- Morning.
- Hey.

Well, I'm gonna go do...

Some work.


Yes. Okay, well, I got ten weeks
of patient notes to catch up on.

Thank you.

Uh... okay, you seem a little
old for a pediatrician, but...

Oliver had to use the restroom.

Um, Dr. Freedman, I am Kelly.
This is my husband Scott.

Okay. Nice to meet you.

It says Oliver has a stomachache.

Is that just today or
has that been going on?

It's a little more than a stomachache.

It was kinda hard to see.

Wow. Look at you. Uh, you
a hockey player, Oliver?


Okay. Well, um... I'm Dr. Freedman.

We're gonna have to take this off so we...

Uh, I can't. My parents don't let me.

Oliver, um...

He eats things.

He eats things like ice
cream and too many cookies?

- He ate part of his pillow last night.
- Well, it started out small,

you know, pieces of the couch
cushion, um, stuffed animals.

It started after Kelly and
I got married last year.

I don't know if it's the change or...

I think of Oliver as my own.

And I hate to think my coming
along has set him off somehow.

Will you help him? Please.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I thought I'd stop by
and see if you were okay.

I'm fine, Pete.

- I know that this is weird.
- No, it's... it's great that Violet's back.

It's great that she wants to see Lucas.

I mean... it is great, right?

She called me this morning.
She wants to see him again.

I told her I'd bring him
to the office tomorrow.

- Is that okay with you?
- You're his father.

- You have to do what you think is best.
- Addison...

- I'm not his mother. Violet is.
- Yeah, but you're always putting him to bed,

you play with him, you feed
him, you give him a bath,

you hold him when he cries.
You're not nobody to him.

Yes, but he's her child.

I want you to be okay with this...

me letting her try.

This is scary for me.

I don't even know if Violet is ready.

But if she is,

I need you... to help me be okay with it.

I'm okay.

Really, I am. This is...

this is gonna be good for Lucas.

Thank you.

This is embarrassing. If
the guys in my unit knew

I was being checked out by a gynecologist,

they'd never let me live it down.

You smacked your head
passing out on the toilet.

- This isn't the embarrassing part of the story.
- The gyno gave you a referral.

I promise you, I only do brains.

I'm fine, okay? This is crazy.

I probably passed out
'cause of too much r&r.

I talked my way into three weeks

to come back and see the baby born.

I'm just used to living like this.

- Clean sheets, no g*nf*re... it's not normal.
- Has anything like this ever happened before?

Sometimes I get dizzy.

- The summers in Iraq are brutal.
- Have you noticed any visual changes?

- Numbness or weakness?
- Nope.

I'm U.S. Army, top grade-A specimen.

Well, there's no evidence of a concussion.

His head's fine.

See, honey, I told you.
Clean bill of health.

But your screening E.K.G. is
showing some subtle abnormality.

I don't understand. You
said his head was fine.

Oh, she's saying that there might
be a problem with your heart.

Hi. Oliver.

Am I a freak?

Do you think you're a freak?

I ate part of a book once in class.

No other kids do that.

So I got in big trouble with the teacher.

- You see what I mean? It... it...
- You know, when...

kids eat like you do,
you know, weird stuff,

it's usually something called pica.

- Other kids do it, too?
- Yeah.

I mean, it's rare, but that
makes you pretty special.

So it's a thing? You can cure him?

I can prescribe fiber for the stomachache.

But pica can have all sorts of causes.


Do you know why you do this?

I don't know.

I just... I can't stop.


Oh, hey.

What do you know about
pica in 10 year olds?

Well, if a kid's got a
mouth full of splinters,

- and you're missing a box of tongue depressors, it's pica.
- It's not really that simple.

I mean, that kind of
behavior could be O.C.D.

or a nutritional deficiency,
neurological or trauma response.

- I mean, sometimes, we never figure it out.
- Well, I'll give you a head start.

The kid's got a new stepfather.

The problem started around the same time.

The stepfather's solution is to
lock a hockey mask on his face.

I was gonna talk to Violet about
it, but it's her first day back.

- I don't wanna... could you see him?
- Sure, sure. I'm happy to be second choice.


See ya.

You know, I'm glad Sheldon is thorough,
but next time I go out of town,

remind me to have someone cover my
patients who takes less copious notes.



So what's up with you and Charlotte?

- I was asking about you.
- You said "so."

- Yeah, which means "how are you?"
- I'm good. Can't I be good?

Two months, no phone calls,
no e-mails, no postcards...

Now... you're good?

I am.

I'm good.

You know, I... I... I would be better

if I had known that Pete
was sleeping with Addison

- before I came home.
- Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that. I should've...

Oh, wait. No phone calls,
no e-mails, no postcards.


Okay. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

So what is up with you and Charlotte?

I'm maintaining a mature,
professional distance.

She wants to be friends.

And what do you want?

Life is sucky and hard.

Preaching to the choir, baby.

Oh, I'm glad you're back.

Lucia... I know that
you're worried about Carl.

But if there is a problem with his heart,

- Dr. Bennett will find it.
- I hope so.

- He's the best.
- No, I mean, I hope he will...

find something wrong.

This is his fourth tour of duty.

When I hear on the news that a
roadside b*mb went off k*lling six,

I wonder if one of them was Carl.

When officers come around,

I pray that they don't stop by my house.

I just feel like I'm
waiting for him to die.

I'm not sure what you're asking me to do.

If you could find something
or say there's something,

something that means he can't
go back to Iraq at all...

I love him. Help me keep him alive.

Are those, uh, Carl's cardiac C.Ts?

So what, are you not
talking to me now either?

Because you know what? I really
can't handle that today, Sam.

- So be a grown-up. Use your
words. - Vanessa and I broke up.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I am. I know that we
didn't always get along...

You hated her. You hated
that I was with her.

So don't say you're sorry.

It's a lie. You know it, and I know it.

See... you want to have
your cake and eat it, too.

But you know what? You
can't, because I'm the cake.

And from here on out,
I'm taking the cake away.

No more cake for you. I'm good cake, too.

Double chocolate, cream-filled
with the little raspberries on top.

So no more cake for you. So just shut up.


Carl has a block in his L.A.D.
It's called a widowmaker.

We're lucky we found
it. Coulda k*lled him.

- So what are you gonna do?
- Well, he's a perfect candidate for a stent.

After the procedure, he
should be good as new.

Maybe drug therapy would work.

Wait. The kid's serving
in a w*r zone, Addison.

You want to slow down his
heart, his entire system?

You know, do you think he can perform

to the level he needs to
on... on beta-blockers?

Probably not. He'd be discharged.

So you're saying you want me
to do something less effective

- so that they'll pull him out of military service?
- This is not about me, Sam.

Lucia's gonna have his baby.
She wants to keep him around.

Well, you can't always get what you want.

I don't know.

Surgery sounds risky.

- But if I take the medication I can't go back.
- I can't make that determination,

but will it have an affect
on your performance? It might.

But, honey, if you're sick, then...

Look, I'm not sick.

I'm not. I have a thing,
and Dr. Bennett can fix it.

I locate I.E.D.S, bombs.

I have people in my squad who
depend on me to stay alive.

I depend on you to stay alive.

Your baby depends on you to stay alive.

The army can replace you. I can't.

Can you fix this with surgery,
make me as good as new?

I can.

I want the surgery. I'm
a soldier. It's what I do.

And I want to go back.

So how's it been with your stepdad Scott,

- you know, since they got married?
- He's pretty cool.

I've never had a dad before,

so we get to do some
stuff together, fun stuff.

But I think he's a little freaked out

- by this whole eating thing.
- What about your mom?

- She got me the mask.
- Your mom got you the mask?


What do you think of it?

Well, it's uncomfortable,

but it does kinda help me stop.

Without it, I just... I
see something and I eat it.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I'm not even thinking, and I do it.

Well, that's not
uncommon, even for adults.

I mean, if there's an open bag

of salt and vinegar
potato chips in the house

when I'm watching "House Hunters"...

Forget about it. Hey,
no. That's potpourri.

Spit it out.


Thank you.

You know, there's a simple
solution to you getting a job.

Just call your brother.

One recommendation from Derek,

and you'll be on the
top of everyone's list.

Yeah, at a price...
lectures and "I told you sos"

and "you screwed up agains."

Well, there's always a price.

Fight for her, Sam.

I don't follow.


Fight for her.

I mean, you love her, right?

Addison is with Pete.

And the mother of his baby just
came back, and it's all weird.

It's a perfect opportunity.

And you didn't answer my question.

Do you love her?

Well, then fight for her.

Amelia, you're... you're...
you're like family,

uh, so I'm gonna say this nicely.

Stop talking.

It's just interesting

that in the O.R., you are
this kick-ass, take-charge,


and you can't do that in your real life.

- She's not here.
- You mind if I wait?

Come in. I'm drinking.

Oh, well...

Could I have one?

From the woman you called a sex toy?

I never should've said that.

What we had... was more than that.

Yeah, right.

Charlotte... look at me.

It was more than that...

a lot more.

- I should go.
- You should.

Tell Violet I stopped by. Okay.

Maybe I should post a
sign. "Yes, I'm here.

Stop staring."

I'm glad you're here
and that you're better...

or that you think you're better.

I am, Pete, better.

And taking off, going to
Costa Rica, that helped?

Uh, well, C... Costa Rica was a mess.

It was a lot of alcohol.

But, um... one day,

I... I went to the airport, and I just...

I just couldn't get on a
plane and come back to L.A.

I just couldn't.

So I went to New York, and
I decided to live there.

- I even interviewed for a job.
- You were gonna live in New York?

No, no. I mean, yes,
I thought I was, but...

No, not really.

I... it's what we therapists
call a crisis point.

I... it was kind of the beginning
of me coming back here...

To Lucas.

Does that makes sense?

No. Nothing about your life has made sense

for quite some time.

It's not your fault.

You earned your crazy.

But you gave Lucas to me

and you asked me to take care of him.

And I... I have. I am.

That's why I have to ask you...

really ask you...

Are you back, Violet?


I am.

Something's wrong with Cooper.

You mean like he's having a heart attack,

and we all have to rush to the hospital

or like you find his lack
of attention aggravating,

and you want to talk about it,
but it makes you feel petty,

so you want to beat me up for a while

- before you actually get around to it?
- Shut up, Sheldon.

Okay, so, uh, the latter.

He came over last night,

and granted, he was looking for Violet,

- but still, he came in, he had a drink...
- Tell me you didn't sleep with him.

I didn't anything with him.

A kiss almost happened.

But then suddenly, he
was running for the door.

Well, some people might
call this a pattern.

Yes, that's it, a pattern.

He comes close, he runs away.
He comes close, he runs away.

The man is bonkers.

Hi, good morning.

Wow, this looks nice.

So, um, I packed his snacks
in this orange thingy.

- He likes the
smiley-faced Elmos. - Okay.

We've got diapers, wipes, a few toys.

Oh, he loves the squeeze froggy..

- thing.
- What happened to the pull monkey? I thought he l...

Well, he likes that, too,
but the squishy frog...

Is the... the real crowd-pleaser, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, squishy frog, pull
monkey, smiley snacks...

I think I got it.

If you need anything at
all, just call me or Addison.

- That's your frog... your frog.
- Can I have him?

Okay, big man.

Here you go.

You guys can go. It's okay.

You give him vitamins
and an hour of therapy,

and then he goes home and
eats dirt. Literally dirt.

As I tried to explain to you
yesterday, we can work with him.

But there isn't always a simple answer.

Now all we can do is work

to redirect his urges to other things.

- Straight out of the flower bed... dirt.
- I'm sorry.

Kelly, don't you think that
he wants to change this?

I think if he wanted to, he would.

And I'm afraid this whole thing
is gonna be too much for Scott.

He has been patient.

He has been a saint with all this.

But what I need from
you, you professionals,

- is to do something.
- So basically, what you're saying is,

you care more about keeping your husband

- than you do about helping your child?
- Cooper.

I just...

want him to be normal.

Putting a mask on his face
does not make him feel normal.

- I am trying to help him. Are you?
- Why don't we dial this back?

Look, I see a lot of
kids with a lot of issues,

and all I'm trying to
say is, Oliver is hurting.

He is hurting in some way, and
you need to let me figure...

you... you need to let Dr.
Wallace figure out what that is.

And however hard it is on
you, it is harder on him.

That was unprofessional.

She should be worried about her son,

- not her husband or herself.
- Oh, and you think telling her off is gonna make things better?

Look, you are agitated about
this patient and about Charlotte.

- Charlotte has nothing to do with it.
- Maybe, maybe not.

But something about her
still pushes your buttons.

Button-pushing, we call it.

Yeah. She told me about last night.

Oh, that is so none of your business.

When it affects our patient, it is.

I'm not trying to fix something
because my life is broken.

My life is fine. It's the
patient that is broken.

Fix him.

- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

He's, uh, just having a bottle.

Violet, if... if... if
this too much for you...

No. No.

It's not too much.

It's not enough.

I mean, it would be one
thing if I was a bad mother,

if I was mean to my kid or hit my kid.

But I'm... not a mother at all.

You are.

You're his... mother.

- You're more of a mother than I am.
- Violet...

I'm sorry.

You saved my life.

You saved Lucas' life.

And I am grateful for that, really.

It's just that...


you and Lucas, you and Pete...

I mean, I expected a lot
of things when I came home,

but my son loving you was not one of them.

I can't have kids. Did you know that?

I've got, like, one egg left

or something horrible... like that,

and... and I'm okay with it.

I am. I had made... my peace.

I... wasn't one of those crazy women

who cried, you know, every
time she saw... a baby.

I just shut it down.

But then, uh... Pete
and I happened, and...

that meant Lucas, too.

And it was so scary
for me, you know, to...

allow myself to...

enjoy him, to... love him.

But when I did, it was like...

it was like I was broken...

and Lucas fixed me.

And now I can't imagine
my life without him.

I can't. I just...

So you coming back...
and... and I'm thrilled...

that you're back, genuinely,

because I... I like you, Violet,

and what happened to you was so...

But for me, it means...

it just... I'm... it's...

I'm saying, it's hard for me, too.

I want to hate you so badly.

I want to punch you in the face.

Well, I should go. And you...

you're doing fine... with him.

I know.


I mean, I wasn't sure if I would.

I... I've never been good with kids...

other people's kids... but, uh...

I'm good at taking care of my son.

He'll pick you...

because you're his mother, you know.

In the end, he'll pick you.

What are you talking about?

Babies get adopted all the time.

They love their adopted mothers.

They... they don't even think
about their birth mothers.

I wasn't talking about Lucas.

- What happened?
- Oh, my God. Scott and I got in an argument.

- It was over Oliver. He overheard it. He got upset and he ran...
- I found him in the garage. He was looking white

- and he was scared.
- What's in the garage?

- Everything... bug spray, uh, uh, gardening stuff.
- Oliver, can you tell me what you ate?

Hey. Can you tell me what you ate?

I need a chem panel, a tox screen,

- and let's give him 50 of charcoal.
- What... what is that? What are you doing?

They're going to pump his stomach.

Oliver. Hey, buddy, you're gonna be okay.

It's a routine surgery.

I'm coming back.

Your wife really loves you.

I mean, it's gotta be hard on her,

worrying about you all the time.

What, you think that I don't
worry about her, especially now?

Hell, I know that I should be here. I do.

A man should be with his child.

But, you know, Lucia's gonna
be here when I get back,

- and if I stay, I can't say the same thing about my guys.
- There are other guys

who can take your place over there.

- If everyone said that, who'd be there fighting for us?
- Well, I'm guessing your wife

would rather you were fighting for her.

It's a girl thing.

Well, you pull me through this,

and I'll make sure I fight for both.

His vessels have calcified.

I don't know if the stent's gonna hold.

I'm gonna open up his
chest and bypass the vessel.

The stent should compress
and seal the tear.

You could wait, see if it holds.

I mean, you convert to
bypass, he's not going back.

All right, notify O.R. I'm gonna bypass.

So lawn furniture, huh, Oliver?

You ate some moldy lawn furniture.

Just the cushions.

Oh, yeah. I know. I saw
it while it was coming up.

Your throat's gonna be
sore for a little while,

but we'll run some tests,
we'll make sure you're okay,

and then we'll get you home. All right?

I'm just gonna eat more stuff.

Why don't you just keep me here

- and sew my mouth shut?
- Hey, believe me. If I could sew a kid's mouth shut,

I would be a really wealthy pediatrician.

You just worry about getting better.

I'll figure this out. I'm
gonna get you some water.

Um... Lucas isn't here. The nanny went...

Oh, that's okay.

I wanted to talk to you about us.


Oh, not... I mean... Not "us" us.

I... I meant what we're
gonna do about Lucas.

What do you mean?

Uh, well, um, I ordered a crib online

and it should be here on Thursday.

And, uh, my house was
already childproofed.

And I ordered, uh, diapers
and car seats and toys

- and all that stuff.
- You don't have to buy him things, Violet.

Well, I mean, I'm gonna need it.

And I figured we could
work out a schedule,

and I could pay half of the nanny bill,

and I'm totally willing to reimburse you

for any back child care
or any other expenditures

- that you may have...
- W... w... wait... wait a minute. Wait a minute.

What are you talking about?

W... look, I... I know this
is not gonna happen right away.

I know it's a process.

So I figured we could
transition Lucas very slowly.

Start out with daily visits,
then maybe an overnight,

maybe one week with
you, one week with me...



You've been back for two days.

Let's... take this slow.

You were recently thinking
about moving to New York,

- for God sake...
- Right, I... I told you, that was a crisis point.

Which to me means I'm not
letting you have Lucas.

Okay, Pete, Pete, just... let's
just slow down, start again.

All I'm saying is that I want to share...

- No.
- What...

My son is not going to
be part of your therapy.

- I'm his father.
- And I'm his mother.

Who gave him away.

You showed up at my doorstep
and you gave him away.

That was low, Pete.

You know what I've been
through. You know what I...

Y... you know me.

Come on, Pete. You know me.

I do know you, but this isn't about you.

I have to do what's best for Lucas.


Your son is struggling with pica,

and you have it, too, and
you didn't say anything,

to him or to us.

You lied.

How long do you think you've had it?

Since I was a kid.

But only when I was nervous

or when things were really bad.

But I got it under control.

I just... made myself stop...

until today.

- With Oliver so sick, it was just so stressful, I...
- Stressful for you?

It's stressful for him. He's 10 years old.

And he's feeling weird
enough about this problem,

and he has impulses he
doesn't know how to control,

and instead of telling him that you
have it, too, you put a mask on him.

Well, I thought that would stop it.

I wanted to spare him that.

But you lied to him, making
it so he can never trust you...

About anything.

When we opened you up,
your coronary arteries

were too calcified to hold the stent.

Now if I hadn't converted to a bypass,

you would've had a heart attack.

But now you're okay.

So what's the recovery time?

I don't think you'll be able
to return to active duty.

I know you're upset...

I told you that I didn't want this.

This isn't what I wanted.

You're alive, Carl. You've got a wife
who loves you, a child on the way.

This is not a bad outcome.

This is what most people want.

This... is what most people fight for.

It was hard for her.

Lying to your kid is what should be hard.

You want to be a parent,
you should not... do that.

You should not lie.

No. No, you shouldn't.

No parent should.

And if they do and if it leaves a mark,

if that kid or any kid
is troubled by some lie

or something that wasn't said,

then they're really gonna need
to talk about it eventually.

Why don't you come in and sit down?

Why don't we just talk?

Nothing to talk about.

So Amelia told me what happened with Carl.

Why'd you do it?

I didn't have a choice.

Well, you could've done a stent.

Yeah, but instead, I saved his life.

You were right, Sam.

You are... cake.

Really good... cake.

You're a good guy.

And I know it may not feel like it,

but what you did for Carl and
Lucia, it's the right thing.

"The right thing"...

I'm so sick of doing the right thing.

Maybe once...

I should do the wrong thing.


No, S...

No, Sam.

What the hell are you doing?

I am sorry. He kissed
me and I didn't stop it.

And I just... I just can't...
I don't want to be in the way.

All right?

Lucas needs a mother, and
you should be with Violet.

No, no, no. Don't do that.
I am sick of your excuses.

You get a little scared,
so you act a little crazy.

Boo freaking hoo. Get over it!

Because, you know, I've had crazy.

I'm not doing that again.

So if you want to be a mess, be a mess.

If you want to be with Sam, be with Sam.

But don't jerk me around, Addison.

You're right.

I'm scared.

I love you and I love Sam.

And you love me and you love Violet.

And the thing that...

tips the scales all
the way around is Lucas.

I love Lucas so much.

I'm a single dad.

I am not doing this for kicks.

So choose me or don't choose me,

but I'm not gonna wait around.

I hate her.

She lied.

Well, lying's wrong.

And she made you feel bad.

But, you know, she was scared

and... and... when parents are scared,

sometimes they make mistakes.

Yeah. Well, I still don't forgive her.

She could've helped.

She's the grown-up.

She's the one who's
supposed to do what's right.

You know, when I was just about your age,

I found out that my
parents had lied to me,

and I would not forgive them.

And... that's not a good way to go.

It really messed me up.

What'd they lie about?

Well, they had had a kid before me.

His name was Andy.

And for eight years, he was
their son, and then one day...

Well, he was very, very sick and he died.

And then a couple of years
later, they adopted me.

But they never told me about Andy.

And, you know, so I grew up
thinking I was the only one.

And when I found out...

I felt like a replacement.

I felt like they hadn't told
me because they loved him more.

And I would not forgive them.

Yeah, and then you did, and
everything turned out great.

Happy ending. Blah, blah, blah.


No, I didn't forgive them.

I still love them.

And I know the reason they lied to me

was to protect me from their pain.

And I wasn't a replacement.

I know they loved me for
who I was, for who I am,

just like your mother and Scott love you.

But I have not forgiven them.

Which is surprising,
because I thought I did.

The point is, don't be like
me. Find a way to forgive her.

You gotta work really hard on it.


Hey. Can I hide out with
you? It is tense over there.

- I mean, Addison and Pete are, like...
- Yeah, yeah, I know.

Are they breaking up?

This is a good thing...

Will you shut up?

Please shut up.

What are you even doing here?

Running around watching surgeries,

watching other people's
lives, trying to fix things,

and not doing anything
about your own life?

You raise a girl from the
dead, you don't have a job

because you don't want
to talk to your brother,

yet, you're giving me advice on my life?

Deal with your own mess
before you get into mine.

Now if you want to sit
there, fine. Sit there.

But keep your mouth shut.

You are hot when you're mad.

- No wonder Addison l...
- Amelia.

At least you know what you want.

No, Sam.

I mean, you know...

who you are and... and
what you want and...

what's important to you.

I mean, me, I'm... I'm a mess.

I don't have anything or anyone

or even any kind of an idea who I am

or what I am doing or why.

And I have done stuff, Sam...

I have done bad stuff, and I...

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

I'm shutting up now.

My parents had a kid before me who died.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- You never told me that.
- Well, I probably never would've,

except for the fact
that Sheldon is annoying.

Do you think it's possible that I was
so angry with Charlotte because I felt

like a replacement for her first
husband like I was with my parents?

Yeah, being second choice...

Forgiveness issues...

that makes sense.

Wow. Cooper.

This is big.

This is good and big.

You think I should try to get her back?

I think you should try.

Do you think I should
try to get Lucas back?

What do you mean, get him back?

I'm gonna sue Pete for custody.

Do you think I could win?