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03x19 - Eyes Wide Open

Posted: 10/15/22 19:46
by bunniefuu
I'm here, I'm here. You paged me?

Why do you have this baby in my hospital?

It's Lucas. Pete's son. He had
a child remember? You were there.

- Why do you have that baby here?
- He is taking over for
Naomi, she's out of town.

- You paged 911, I was
looking after Lucas.

The nanny is meeting
me here and he meant it.

Now, come on, what is up?

Kayla Lindy, the coma mama.

Her husband's bringing in the big g*ns.

- Who is big g*ns?
- Dr. Ginsberg.

*** Dr. Ginsberg?

He wants her to wake if
wife up from the coma.

You gonna keep playing mommy,
or you gonna get in there?

Okay. Here. Take the baby. (Babbles)

Take the baby, Charlotte.

Take the baby. Okay?

Yeah. The nanny will be here
in about ten minutes, okay?

Here you go. Take it.

Ooh. Be good. (Babbles)

(Exhales deeply) Hello.

I'm Charlotte.

Please don't drool on me.

(Eddie) And then drew got
a triple, slid into third

and scraped the hell out of
his ankle, but you know drew.

He didn't care. You'd have
been really proud of him. Hey.

So... Dr. Montgomery's here.

And Dr. Ginsberg will
be here any minute now.

I know you think she can't hear me,

but, uh... maybe she can.

A-and when Dr. Ginsberg
gets here and wakes her up,

I just want her to know that...

I didn't give up on her.

Eddie, I need to talk to you.

Dr. Ginsberg is an extremely
accomplished neurosurgeon,

but Kayla has been...

She's been in a coma for six weeks.

I just don't want you
to get your hopes up.

Did you know Ginsberg revived a patient

who was comatose for 17
years? I'll get my miracle.

We'll get our miracle. I
mean, she's gonna wake up.

- I don't know why you have to be so negative.
- Eddie...

Why can't you just believe?

I'm sorry.

It's just, uh...

I unplugged the love of my
life, and she didn't die.

She didn't die.

That's gotta mean
something, you know? And...

I'm Dr. Ginsberg. This is my team.

- Which one are you?
- Oh. Hello.

- Dr. Montgomery or Dr. King?
- Dr. Montgomery. Pleasure to meet you.

And this is Eddie Lindy, Kayla's husband.

- Thank you so much for coming all this way.
- I prefer that family members wait outside

during the diagnostic process.

- Dr. Ginsberg...
- No, no, it's, uh, that's fine.

Whatever it takes.

Okay, uh, patient is Kayla
Lindy, 32 years of age,

surrogate mother pregnant with triplets.

During the pregnancy,
complications led to a pulmonary...

I'm familiar with the file.

All right.

I'm gonna need a complete exam
along with a repeat E.E.G.,

an M.R.I. and a cerebral blood flow study.

Come on. Go, people. Go.
(Doctors speak indistinctly)

Oh, so nice of you to
join us, Dr. Shepherd.

I assume you didn't
plan on making a decision

without reviewing the
radionuclide cisternogram.


Hey... Addie.

So long time no see.

You two know each other?

Yes. Uh, yes. I... I was
married to her brother.

(Ginsberg) Ah.

Don't worry.

Ginsberg is a beast,
but she's also a genius.

Amy, why didn't you
tell me you were coming?

What, and spoil the surprise?

- You knew I was here?
- Your name is all over Kayla's records.


Uh, Amelia.

Derek is the only one who
calls me Amy these days.

Amelia... but Derek didn't tell me

that you were one of Ginsberg's fellows.


Did he, uh, did he even tell you
that I went into neurosurgery?

Is that the Geraldine Ginsberg?

My God.

Sam Bennett. You stayed hot.

Amelia Shepherd? (Laughs)

Well, the last time I saw you,
you were, like, 14 years old.

- What happened?
- Now she is a fancy neurosurgeon.

Oh! There you are. Take your kid. Oh.

- Nanny was a no-show.
- Oh, what is it?

I have to get to the
office. He spit up on me.

Oh. I'm sending you a dry cleaning bill.

Okay, apparently there are a lot of things

- that Derek does not say.
- Oh, no, no, no. He's... he's not mine.

He's, uh, he's my boyfriend's son.

Dr. Shepherd.

Uh, duty calls. We will talk later.

I missed you guys.

(Sam) See you later.

Hurricane Amelia made good.

What kind of family is it where the
black sheep ends up being a neurosurgeon?

(Babbles) Wow.

- Huh? Oh, what? Huh?
- How you doing, buddy?

Are you gonna be a doctor, too?

Is that what you're
talking about? Huh? (Laughs)

- Yeah, that's Sam. That's Sam. I think you are.
- You're so good with him.

Thank you. Listen, I gotta
get him back to the nanny.

- Can you, um, tell Ginsberg I'll be right back?
- Mm-hmm. Yeah. All right.

(Babbles) Say bye-bye. Say bye-bye.

See you later, buddy?

Bye. Say bye-bye. Bye. Okay.

(Sighs) If she can help her...

I know it's asking a lot.

But... anything's possible, right?

Wait. You know this isn't your fault?

Look. Hey, look at me.

Look at me.

This is not your fault.

It is.

But thank you for saying it isn't.

Oh, Charlotte. Good. I'm glad you're here.

I... I can't do the sex ed seminar

- at the retirement home tonight.
- You are not bailing on me?

Uh, well, not by choice.

I have a patient. We're
doing an intervention.

- It's a thing. You know, I'm sorry.
- Great. What am I supposed to do about the male point of view?

Well, actually, I have a pitch for that.

You know, uh, what about Cooper?


He's great with people.

- He's great with 5 year olds.
- Come on, Charlotte.

You've been sitting on
your hands for a month now.

How do you expect to win him back

- if you don't just reach out there?
- Who said I wanted to win him back?

You are never gonna
have what you really want

if you don't put yourself
out there and go for it.

You really do give crappy advice.

No, actually, I'm kinda... brilliant.

Application for the FDA approval

for the next stage of my A.L.S. study.

Naomi usually reviews the
data before we submit it,

but with her gone and leaving
you in charge, it's your job now.

Oh, thanks. Looks like a fun read.

Being in charge is not my idea of fun.

I mean, I'm glad that William
finally told her about his A.L.S.,

but I didn't know she was gonna run
off to Switzerland to be with him.

Any word from them?

I heard from Naomi a few days ago.

I guess he hasn't seen any improvement.

- Did Naomi say when, uh, they're planning on coming back?
- No.

Then move that to the top of the
pile so they have a reason to.

It's a little out of my
wheelhouse, don't you think?

Actually, they're not all that
different from horny teenagers.

They got too much time on their hands,

minimal supervision, almost zero regard

for the consequences of
reckless sexual behavior.

- Grannies gone wild.
- It's a real problem, Cooper.

S.T.Ds are spreading through the
elder care community like a brush fire.

The women can't get pregnant.

The men are all hopped
up on P.D.E.5 inhibitors.

Everybody's screwing everybody else.

Nobody's taking any precautions.

As much fun as that sounds,
it's old people, Charlotte.

I'm a pediatrician.

I need a man.

A male.


The male residents are often uncomfortable

- broaching sexual matters with female medical staff.
- Why me?

I'm coming to you as a physician,

a fellow partner of this medical practice.

Put away your fear of
age spots. Help me out.

Kayla's repeat E.E.G.
shows diffuse slowing

consistent with a
permanent vegetative state.

Surgery won't help.

Kayla is not a viable candidate.

I'm sorry, Eddie.

There must... must be something
else you can at least try.

She can't just... stay like this.

I'm afraid I can't help.

What about cannulating
the aqueduct of Sylvius?

- Passing a stent to drain the fluid buildup?
- Dr. Shepherd.

Her C.S.F. studies show a slowing of flow,

not a complete obstruction. It could work.

- You know how to wake her?
- No, she doesn't.

She's referring to an experimental
procedure that has shown very little success,

- and in your wife's case, it will not work.
- I assisted in two of the procedures...

- Now is not the time to bring it up.
- So do it or don't, but don't say that it can't work.

(Addison)- Amelia...
- This procedure is a bad idea.

- (Eddie) If she thinks that it can work, then we sh...
- She is a teaching fellow who is not qualified to make this call.

I graduated top of my class at Harvard.

I did my residency at Johns Hopkins.

I have done dozens of procedures
in the third ventricle.

- I am more than qualified. That's why you hired me.
- Well, clearly I made a mistake. You're fired, Dr. Shepherd.

And it goes without saying that just
because the risk of pregnancy is gone,

the risk of contracting sexually
transmitted diseases isn't.

In fact, in a place of this size,

where many of you are so...

So lucky to be enjoying
considerable leisure time...

Uh, e... exactly.


In a situation like this, transmission
rates can be very high, which is why,

if you're going to have intercourse,

we'd like to urge you to
flash back to high school

and start using condoms again.

Alternatively, um...

There... there are many
ways to be intimate and safe

short of... of actual penetration.

Can anyone name a way to get
pleasure without penetration?

I just feel so awful for the husband.

You know, he's... he's gonna have to

watch her wither away
hooked up to a feeding tube

when it doesn't have to be that way.

It's a crime. I mean, it's
a crime of medical omission.

In fairness, even Derek
said that this isn't doable.

- I e-mailed the scans, and he said it's
a no go.- Derek is just like Ginsberg.

I mean, if he hasn't seen it,
it ain't so. This is just new.

This is a cutting-edge
surgical procedure.

The university of Wisconsin did a
study on a series of 11 patients.

I've seen it. I mean, I could do it.

I'm just saying... I trained for it.

You do realize

we're talking about a woman
with three babies inside her?

And you realize that Kayla
has a husband and two children?

Addie, what do you think?

I th... (Lucas crying)

Oh. Could we pause for a moment, please.

- Here. I'll get it. I'll get him.
- Yeah?


I should get outta here
and go pick up Vanessa.

(Amelia) Vanessa?

His girlfriend.

Yeah. (Chuckles) Thank you.

Uh, all right. I'll see you guys later.

- See you. Have fun.
- Have fun.

Okay, so you and Sam...

What is with the tension?

- There's no tension.
- I was sitting right here.

I mean, you barely looked at him.

There was a thing.

- With you and Sam?
- With me and Sam.

And Naomi did not take it well.

And now I'm with Pete, and Sam
is with Vanessa, and it's fine.

- It's very adult.
- Sounds very messy.

No, it's not, actually. It's great.

My life is working.


I mean, this is me you're talking to.

I caught you with my brother's
best friend and I kept your secret.

I mean, you can talk to me.

You used to trust me.

I chose Pete.

I choose Pete. He's great. We're great.

And... I can't have
kids, and Pete has Lucas.

So that's sort of this...

amazing icing on the cake.

Except for the fact that...

Pete's still in love with
Lucas' mother, which is...

Oh, Addie.

So anyway... cheers.

I missed you.

You know, you were always a
better sister than the ones I had.

And you were way better than my brother.

Are things okay between you two?

He's the golden child. (Clears throat)

Everything's always okay with him.

That was painful.

At least they took some condoms.

Ah, do you have any questions
or... or want some more condoms?

Actually, I do have a question for
the gentleman, if that's all right.

The gentleman.

Of course.

I'll be waiting.


How c... how can I... help?

I don't really know how to say this.

Uh, it's somewhat embarrassing.

No, I'm... I'm... I'm a
doctor. I've heard it all.

(Whispers) Come...


Well... Nora and I...

we've been dating for several months.

She's a really lovely
woman, really lovely.

And our, uh, our intimate
time has been very good

except lately, it's been
difficult for me to...

Oh, you know, as men get older,

it's, uh, it's very common
for them to have difficulty,

as you say, getting, um... trying to...

- No, it's not that.
- Oh.

- I'm still able to perform.
- Oh, good. Good, good, good.

It's just become uncomfortable.
My pelvis is sore.

It doesn't want to
move the way it used to.

So I don't find myself
getting, uh, in the mood.


So... I was hoping you would have
some pills to help with libido.

Given your discomfort, I think
you should have a complete exam

before we prescribe anything.

And you can do that? I could
make an appointment with you,

- and you could check me out?
- It's... it's my associate's specialty not mine.

But I can bring her up to speed
on everything we talked about.

But you really...

you really should make an
ap... appointment to see her.

With a lady?

She's no lady.

Y'all kept me up till 3: 00 this morning.

- Oh, oh, God. I'm sorry.
- No, I'm just kidding.

- Sorry, Sam.
- I'm glad she's here.

I... me, too. It's nice.

I forgot... how much I like
having someone to talk to.

You can talk to me.

No, I can't.


Sam, I can't.


Uh, Eddie wanted to hear
more about the surgery.

So we started talking, and one
thing led to another, and, uh...

And what?

And he asked me to do the surgery.

And I said yes.

I can do the surgery and save the babies.

I just need you in there
to keep an eye on them

and Sam to maintain the
cardiovascular function.

- This can work.
- It's reckless.

How... well, how... how would this work?

Just for Eddie's sake, I want
to know how this would work.

Mm-hmm. I would relieve the obstruction

by placing a stent in the aqueduct,

and then as the pressure drops,

the activity in the
brain stem will return,

- and Kayla wakes up.
- And if it works, what state will she be in?

Will she be able to function?

I don't know. But if we don't
do it, we will never know.

- I'm against this.
- I am, too.

Two neurosurgeons said no to
this, one being your mentor,

- the other being your brother.
- Derek looked at an e-mail of a scan.

I mean, he... he didn't
even see the patient,

which ultimately doesn't matter,

because Eddie Lindy made a
decision to save his wife.

He asked me to do it, and I can do it.

Now will you give me privileges here?


(Addison) Great.

I'll get you an O.R. for tomorrow.

Addison, what are you
going to do to stop her?

- Nothing.
- Look, I was wrong. I made a bad call.

- Yeah, well... (Chuckles) I admit that.
- But we're both on the same side with this.

- We both want to give those babies a chance.
- What, do you really think I can talk her out of it?

- I couldn't talk you out of it.
- I think you could try. I think you could try talking to her.

Eddie wants this, Amelia is set, and she
just got sanctioned by the chief of staff.

You know her. You know
this is wrong. So stop her.

Have you reviewed the application?

- Not yet.
- Overnight it to Naomi.

Really? You don't think
she has enough on her plate?

Why are you rolling around here

with this gigantic chip on your shoulder?

You should've never told
me about William's A.L.S.

You know, I... I get it.

You're upset that your study
isn't going fast enough.

I'll read the application, I'll get...

this isn't about the damn application.

I slept with Naomi.

And... then I told her about William.

Yeah, yeah.

You told Naomi...

(Lowered voice) That William has A.L.S.?


I don't know.

(Chuckles) I wanted more from her,

and I thought it was the right thing to do

or that she'd be pissed
at him for withholding.

I don't know.

Doesn't matter.

She's gone.

Prostate cancer?

I came in for loss of
libido, pain from arthritis.

(Charlotte) Discovery of prostate
cancer is often an incidental finding.

You don't find it if you don't
look, and then it's too late.

What is the treatment?

In your case, I recommend
radiation therapy... either external

or with an implantable radioactive seed.

What about...

what about my Johnson?

Will it still work after?

About half of all patients do
experience erectile difficulty

- following radiation.
- And there are no alternative treatments?

Well, given your circumstances,
not that I recommend.

But there are things we
can do if impotence occurs

as a side effect of the
radiation... injections, pumps...

if I don't have the treatment...

How long do I have?

Four, maybe five years.

It's been lovely talking to you.

Thank you for your time.

Mr. Schmitt.

- (Cooper) He's a man, and you're talking about him losing his manhood.
- I get that.

No, you can't. You're a woman.
You couldn't possibly know

how something like that
would make him feel.

And you're a man, so of course you do.

Yes, that's right.

I mean, is the guy even
making the wrong decision?

Prostate cancer's pretty
slow growing. He's 80.

If he wants to live the life
he has left on his own terms

and not have to talk to you about sex,

- who are we to tell him no?
- So I should just let him die?

- Oh, come on. That's not what I'm saying.
- He's in extraordinarily good health.

And this cancer's aggressive.
His gleason level's a 7.

And if he's made it to 80,

statistically, he's got a
good shot of making it to 100.

Now he's got a woman that he loves...

that he wants to be able to love.

He doesn't want to be
emasculated, Charlotte.

Is it so hard for you to see that?

Are we talking about Oscar
or we talking about you?

Excuse me?

Emasculation seems to be
your catch phrase for me.

I wasn't talking about you, but truth?

Yeah, you like to be
tougher than everyone else,

- and that makes some people pull away.
- I thought we were past this.

You brought it up.

I came to you for help.

- Well, maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
- Clearly.

Dr. Shepherd.

Uh, this is Angie and Simon McConnell.

They're the parents that
Kayla's surrogate for.

They wanted to meet you.

Well, I'd... I'd shake your hands, but...

Dr. Montgomery told us what's happening.

Eddie doesn't want to hear this,

but our babies are barely viable.

- He's well aware.
- We know this is horrible to ask

after all that Kayla's
been through, but...

Please don't do this.

We are so close to having our family.

Would you talk with me
outside for a minute?

You thought if I saw the
parents with their sad faces,

what, I was just gonna back down?

Look, I'm doing the right thing.

Not for the babies. The risk is too high.

The Addison Montgomery I know would
Wade through fire for a patient.

She wouldn't whine about the risks.

I mean, she'd go all super woman on me

trying to convince me to do the surgery.

What is it? What, you're
settling in your personal life,

- so now you're willing to settle with your patients, too?
- I am not settling, Amelia.

You have feelings for someone else.

Pete has feelings for his kid's mom.

- You say it's great. You don't seem great.
- You have no idea what you're talking about.

You seem sad, Addison. And you should be.

Okay, what... you are
way out of line here.

You should want more...

More for yourself and more for Kayla.

I can't decide if it's worse

if she chooses William and he dies

or if she chooses me and he lives.

- You don't want him to die.
- Right, right.

- 'Cause then I gotta compete with his ghost.
- Yeah, but he lives, you gotta compete with all that money.

- It's lose-lose either way, right?
- Yes, which is why we're here. Move on.

Move on.

Move on.

Brings us back to Cooper's dilemma.

Would you rather have 10 to 15
years of life or four years of sex?

- Sex. Sex.
- That's not the dilemma.

The dilemma is how do I continue
working with Charlotte King?

Maybe that's why we're here.

- Maybe it's you who needs to move on.
- No, I already moved on from Charlotte.

I just can't move away from
her and her emasculating ways.

Right, right, 'cause offering standard medical
treatment to a patient is clearly emasculating.

Hey, you know what? You're
not allowed to defend her.

- That's against the rules.
- You guys have rules?

- All guys have rules, dude.
- And he thinks Charlotte has the problem.

- Hey. Hey.
- Hey. Hey.

- Hey.
- Don't "hey" me.

This is what you guys do for fun, huh?

(Wheelchair beeps) What,
so what, now you're leaving?

I'm moving on.

Wow. That guy's a piece of work.


I'm just drinking here.

You think it's my fault, too?

I was not wrong!

So what you're trying to
say is that I overreacted

- and I wanted to pick a fight?
- I'm just drinking here.

Oh, man. All right. Another round?

No, I'll pass.

Re... why?

I don't need to move on.

You're here late.

Am I an emasculating bitch?

I assume this isn't a trick question.

(Chuckles) Is this a Cooper thing or...

my sex ed seminar turned up a
patient with prostate cancer.

He's old, thinks his life
will be over without sex.

He won't even listen to treatment options.

And I think I could help him,
but he won't take my calls.

Cooper thinks I don't understand men.

I think you know he's wrong.

We therapists are good at helping
people talk through their problems.

I don't like talking.

Yeah, well, maybe that's your problem.

Things I tell you are privileged?

Of course.

Addison's patient, the one in the coma...

I left her husband alone in the room.

I knew he might...

End things.

Why'd you do it?

Well, he was there...

Staring at a woman who wouldn't wake up.

It seemed so cruel.

I'm backing a surgery to save her.

Three babies are at risk.

I'm putting my faith in some
20-year-old kid because I...

Because you wanted forgiveness.

I want to believe I didn't do the
wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

Well, maybe you did the wrong
thing for the right reason.

This thing with me and Cooper...

Why did you push me back to him?

Because it's what you want.

Hey. Hey.

When did I become the man

other men tell their problems to?

Could you tell me that?
Maybe the question is,

when did all the men I know become women?

- Because really, it's...
- You know what? Amelia is gonna operate on Kayla.

- Okay.
- And she thinks I'm settling. I'm not settling.

- Are you mad?
- Yes, I'm mad. I'm mad.

You want to tell me what it's about?

You said, "I love you, Violet."

To me. You said it to me.

I... what? I said...

when you were sick and you had a fever,

but, you know, I'm...
I'm here babysitting...

Playing peekaboo with your kid, you know?

- And I... you said, "I love you, Violet."
- Yeah, that was six weeks ago.

- You been carrying this around for six weeks?
- I'm busy. I have a job.

I run a practice. I have
things to do... (Inhales deeply)

I'm trying, okay?

I'm trying here, Pete, and
I just need to know if...

if you... don't want to do this.

Then... then I won't get too attached.

Babe, I will always love Violet.

- She's the mother of my child.
- Okay.

- Good. I'm glad that we cleared that up so...
- No...

- so I can get my...
- Okay, Addison, Addison.

That doesn't mean I don't love you.

(Chuckles) Mm. I love you.

I love you.

I'm not sitting around waiting for Violet.

I have moved on, and
I'm happy I've moved on.



(Laughs) Okay.



Are you here to talk me out
of this again? Because...

I'm here for my patients.

Ventriculoscope is in place...

And I'm moving down to the aqueduct.

So far, so good.

You're doing great. Keep going.

All right. I am in the aqueduct.

Guide is in place.

Preparing the stent.

Almost there.

(Monitor beeping erratically) All
right, heart rate's up to 130. 140.

- She's desaturating.
- She's thrown another clot.

I'm gonna keep going.

The babies are in distress. Sam.

All right. I'll need
time to remove the clot.

Fetal heart rates are in the 80s.

Let's prep the belly.
I'm cutting her open.

- Amelia, step back.
- I can do this, Addison.

- Just give Sam a chance.
- So long as the babies are in there,

she's gonna keep throwing clots,

and they will not survive the procedure.

I need to deliver the babies now.

Amelia, step back. Scalpel.

Baby number one.

Call NICU. Get three vents
and a central line set up.

Baby number two. Come on.

- Why wasn't I paged?
- I have a full team here.

I'm an attending on this
case. You could've used me.

Number three. Sam, you're clear to go.

She's floppy. No spontaneous respiration.

I can't feel a heartbeat.

- Let me assist you.
- I've got it. Set up an intubation tray.

- Let me help you.
- We are here because of you.

This baby is like this because of you.

The best thing you can
do right now is back off.

Give me an E.T. tube.

All right. Suction. She's aspirated.

Is she all right?

Okay, I'm almost there.
Almost there. Got it.

Okay. Hold C.P.R. (Monitor
beeping erratically)

There's no pulse. Resume C.P.R.


Come on.

Come on.

Come on, baby. Hold on.

Good. We got a rhythm... and a pulse.

All right. Let's get her into NICU.

Call an Ecmo unit. This
baby needs to be on bypass.

- Have the techs meet us at the unit. Let's go.
- Is she gonna be okay?

- Sam, you got this?
- Yeah.

(Oscar) Apparently,
you've spoken to Dr. King.


I told her that you had the
right to refuse medical treatment,

- which is true.
- Thank you.

But I also think it's wrong.

Impotence is not an inevitable
side effect of radiation.

She said I have a 50/50
chance of losing function.

And if you come down on
the wrong side of that,

- you still have a woman that loves you.
- But I won't be able to love her back.

Well, maybe not in the
way that you can now.

But with the help of Dr. King...

It's not the same.

Well, you're right. It would be different.

But these options that Dr. King mentioned,

they don't have to...

They don't make you less of a man.

You know what it's like to get old?

People start doing things for you.

They stop letting you
do things for yourself...

Like work a job, uh, or live in a house

or drive your own car down the street.

I lost my wife.

My kids have lives of their own.

I'm stuck here.

But there's one thing that
I can still do for myself,

one thing that makes me feel whole.

And I'm not about to
let that be taken away

or... or have it made
uncomfortable or unnatural.

Well, I admit I don't know
what it's like to get old.

And when it comes to sex, I get that.

And when...

You can't do it...

I mean, that is...

Look, it happens. It happens to every guy.


I was with a woman I loved,

and we were fighting a lot,

and, uh... I was stressed out,

and that made it difficult... to perform.

And it was humiliating.

Oh... it was.

And so I pushed her away
and I treated her badly

because I was feeling
like I was less of a man.

I was... I was wrong.

I was just wrong.

Mr. Schmitt, I can't promise you

that there'll be no side
effects if you do this treatment.

But I do know that you'll be alive

and you will get to continue to love Nora

for a long time to come.

You will be the man in her life.

And that's the most important thing.


Almost there. 30cc syringe.

And clots are dissolving.

Vitals are stabilizing.

The rest is up to you, Dr. Shepherd.

I almost k*lled her, Sam.

And those babies...

they're in Addison's hands.

(Whispers) What am I doing?

You're a doing surgery
on a woman's brain...

A-a surgery you said only you could do...

A surgery you fought for.

Stop standing there and
start acting like a surgeon.

(Normal voice) You sound like Addison.

No, I sound like you

before you started losing
confidence in yourself.

Amelia, can you do this?

Can you wake this woman up

and bring her back to her family?

Or were just spouting a bunch of mess

because you like to cut?

I can do this.

Okay, then. Go. We don't have all day.

Adjust the scope. Set up
the catheter for the stent.

Let's show your brother
he's not the only Shepherd

who can make magic.


(Amelia) It didn't work.

(Sam) You don't know that.

The other patients

were at least marginally
responsive by now.

I freaked out, Sam.

Maybe I took too long.

Maybe I should've stopped.
Maybe Addison was...

She's in pain. Is that good or bad?

That's not a pain response.

(Moans) Whoa. Neither is that.


Pupils are equal and reactive.

- Positive doll's eye response.
- (Eddie) Is she waking up?

Her brain stem reflexes are improving.

- She's waking up?
- (Amelia) She's waking up.

- Baby?
- She's waking up.

She's waking up.

Application looks good. I'm sending it in.

Of course it looks good. I wrote it.

That was some pretty good game

you were throwing last night.

You get her number?

Yeah, I got her number.

Gonna call her?

(Laughs) I don't think so.


Not interested.

Not ready to move on?

Naomi will come back. I'm going to wait.


It worked. I was right.

No. No, you were not right.

You overreached and you overstepped

and you forced me to take out
those babies way too early.

- They all could've died.
- But they're okay.

They survived. They're
stable, at least for now.

But don't kid yourself.
You got lucky in there.

- No, that wasn't...
- You could be a great surgeon.

But right now, you're not half
as good as you think you are,

and I say that as a doctor with
far more experience than you.

But as...

your sister-in-law...

your former... sister-in-law...

look at that.

She's up, she's awake.

That's a family, and you did that.

Those kids have a mother.
He's got the woman he loves.

So... celebrate that,
'cause it's a miracle.

I'm glad to see you both back here.

I decided to go with the treatment.

Nora and I, uh...

We just came in to get
some advice for after.

I'm glad. Why don't you
two get settled inside?

I'll be in in a minute.

(Whispers) Thank you...

(Normal voice) For talking to him,

for getting him to come back.

Yeah, I'm... I'm sorry.
I was an ass to you.


You were.

But maybe we can work together after all

and not k*ll each other.

Maybe we can. I'm gonna go do work.

Hey, what do you say
to a drink after work?

I don't think so.

You afraid to be friends, Cooper?

I'm not afraid.

Then what?

I don't know.

Hey. Big win.

Kayla's awake. The babies survived.

Good stuff, huh?

Look at how much he loves her.

God, they've been through hell.

And no matter how it turns
out, they have each other.

That's how they got through this.

Why didn't you stand up for me?

In the O.R. with Addison...

she shut me out, and
you didn't say a word.

What are you talking about?

(Whispers, voice breaking) If
you're sleeping with Addison, say it.

(Sighs) If I'm just a pit stop, say it.

- Vanessa, please...
- (Normal voice) Stop wasting my time.

Addison is not a factor here.

What does that even mean?

(Whispers) Do you love her?

(Voice breaks) That's what I thought.

How is it that a woman can
be woken up from the dead

- and I can't even be friends with Cooper?
- Addison's patient woke up?

- Yeah. Crazy, right?
- Well, maybe you did the right thing after all.

- See, I... I told you.
- No, I did the wrong thing with her, and it turned out okay.

I did the wrong thing with Cooper,

- and it turned out badly. (Sighs)
- Still no word from your patient?

The opposite. Cooper got him to come in.

He agreed to do treatment.

Then he wouldn't even
have a drink with me.

But you worked together
with good results. Right?

I mean, it's a start.

Stop getting my hopes up.

How long did that man wait
for his wife to wake up?

(Sighs) Ah, he'll come around.

In the meantime, you
come have a drink with me.

I mean, you and Cooper
might not be there yet,

but you and I can still be friends, right?

(Laughs) Right?

(Laughs) Yes.


Oh, there you are.

Thank you...

For letting me stay here tonight.

Amelia is at my house, and I just...

Just wanted it to be... us tonight...

just you, me... and Lucas.

That sounds good to me.


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Hi, baby.

Kayla woke up.

Wow. That's incredible.

Yeah, yeah, it is.

I love you, too.

Hi, buddy.

(Whispers) Hi.

(Normal voice) Okay. Ready? Ohh.


I, uh, I came straight from the airport.


I want to see Lucas.