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03x18 - Pulling the Plug

Posted: 10/15/22 19:45
by bunniefuu
The three fetuses are just too
much for your body to handle.

They're 20 weeks. A few more, and
they'll be viable. I can't lose my wife.

How long have you been sick?
I was diagnosed eight years ago.

Does naomi know? No.

The sex didn't have to mean
we were a happy couple again,

But it had to mean something. That moment
has passed. We can move on with our lives.

I don't want to see you.
he has a right to be mad.

You told him you
couldn't be with him

And you started sleeping with me. But you
are not the ex-husband of my best friend.

I was coming up here to tell
you what happened to me today,

But it seems like all the
real action is up here.

He's still here.

I can't even imagine.

Your wife decides
to be a surrogate,

And she ends up in a coma,

Pregnant with someone
else's triplets.

He won't go home.

He just sits there, talking to her.

It's awful.

He loves her. Addison...

I have to check on the fetuses.
Addison, it's not my fault.

You could've kept your mouth shut.

She saw us. She knew.

There was nothing to see. Nothing happened.
When you-- nothing happened, really?

So there's--there's nothing
for naomi to be mad about?

We never-- she saw what she
saw because it was there.

Now maybe you're afraid to act on it,
but it was there.

So what are you saying,
that it would be better if we had--

I mean, if you and I
had slept together,

You're saying it would be okay that naomi
is mad? Then at least we could be together

Instead of whatever this is.
Okay, I don't know what she is to you,

But she is important to me.
She's my--she's everything.

So then what am I?

You... Have a girlfriend,
and I have pete.

So we are nothing. I have to go.


You should eat something,
have some coffee.

We fought about it, you know...

Her doing this

Carrying these babies.

I told her I didn't want her to.

I told her that we could
manage without the extra money.

Eddie, it's not your fault.

I was already working two jobs,
and we were just scraping.

She wanted to help.

she agreed to be a surrogate,
you know, not a--

An incubator. I'm so sorry.

You know, what-
what if she's aware?

I mean, what-
-what if she's in pain?

Look at her.

Look at her.

She's in limbo, I'm... In hell,

And my kids are a wreck,

And all of you just sit around hovering
and--and waiting

Till you can empty her
out and throw her away.

It's not right.
Eddie, come with me, okay?

Let's get some food or some coffee.

Just some fresh air. No.

You need a break.

She wouldn't want this,
to be like this.

I want to pull the plug.

I can do that, right?

He wouldn't just be
pulling the plug on kayla.

What about the babies she's carrying?
I understand the suation.

And it doesn't horrify you? The fetuses
aren't viable outside of the womb.

Eddie asked me to explain
the process to him,

Not second-guess his moral judgments.
Well, there are two people down the hall

Who are the parents
of those babies.

They should have a say.
I'm sorry kayla's in a coma.

But she's not in any pain,
and if you really think

It's somehow more humane
to euthanize her than to

Keep her alive long enough to bring three
babies to term-- okay, the time to stop this

Was before you convinced
kayla to roll the dice. You--

Calm down, the both of you.
Now we are where we are.

Even though none of
us are comfortable

With what eddie wants,
addison is right.

We're obligated to honor it.

Kayla's only one of the
patients in that room.

There are three others,

And someone needs to protect them.

I'm gonna talk to angie and simon.

You'd be k*lling three babies. How can you
not understand that? You k*lled my wife.

Do any of you give a damn about that? All
right, could we all just take this into the

We asked eddie to talk outside.

He wouldn't leave kayla. I'm sorry. I would
give anything if this hadn't happened.

Kayla is a wonderful person.
She's given us everything.

But she wanted to do this, eddie.

She wanted to carry these babies. You know
she did. She never wanted to live like this.

Listen to that thing.

It shoves air into her
and it sucks it out.

She's hooked up to this,
this, a-all this crap.

That's not life.
I want her to have peace.

She will. Now!

I mean, I knew it was time
to move out of naomi's house,

But betsey hates the new
apartment. I hate it.

The carpets are beige.
The walls are beige.

The neighborhood is beige.
My whole life is beige.

Uh-huh. Do you ever
feel like you're,

You know, like,
just treading water?

Nothing's moving forward.
You're standing still.

Everybody else-- no, I don't.
Here's some free advice.

Kindergarten's over.
Training wheels are off.

Nobody's gonna catch
you if you fall.

If you don't like your life,
you do something about it.

You reach down,

You pull one foot out of the mud,
then the other.

You walk away from it.
You can't walk, you crawl.

You do something. Join a gym.
Join a club. Join a cult.

Do something, anything.

What you don't do is
whine to me about it.


Addison is heartbroken
you won't speak with her.

I'm not gonna talk about it.

If you want to talk about work,
that's fine.

Okay. Well, lucas is sick.
The nanny just called.

She's sick now, too, so I gotta go.

I'll probably be out a day or two.
Okay, whatever you need.


I hope the little guy feels better.

Thank you.

Okay, I-I-I know we should
talk about the kissing.

And I haven't been avoiding you.

I haven't. It's just that, uh...

I'm seeing william, and I--

William's out of the country.
Switzerland, on business.

No, he's not. No.
We have a date tonight.

It's canceled.

He left? For how long?

He didn't say. And he told you?


That's great.

Yeah, that's just...



This is the money I owe you for
the buy-in on the practice.

I know I was kind of a
jerk about it at the time,

But thank you. Thank you for floating me.
You sure you can afford it?

Yeah. I'm good.
I've been putting money aside.

Didn't want the debt
hanging over me.

I never made an issue of it. Wasn't about
the money. Yeah, money's usually about
something else.

What's that supposed
to mean? Nothing.

You lent me money.
I'm paying you back.

I'm trying to be a grown-up.
I feel good about it. Is violet back?

Because this whole grown-up
thing sounds like--

She's not back.
I'm growing up all on my own.

Take the check.

Is this the last thing between us?

Don't make it more than it is.

You're the one who said
money's not about money.

Sometimes it is.

What are you doing?

Charlotte, this isn't the--

Shut up, sheldon.

How long till the
babies are viable?

Six, seven weeks. Look,
if you would just give us that.

No. mr. Lindy.

I'm charlotte king,
hospital chief of staff.

Thank you for coming.

Uh... I have a medical
power of attorney,

And I want to take my
wife off of life support.

She's carrying our babies.
Now I told you what I want--

We got a lawyer.


We didn't want this to
become a legal thing,

But now... Maybe it has to.

You don't have the right.
actually, mr. Lindy,

A judge will have to decide that.

I suggest you get an
attorney of your own.

But she's my wife.

I know that, and I'm so sorry.

But as of right now,
I need everyone out of this room.

I'm not leaving.

You are. Till this is legally
resolved, I have to act.

Essential medical personnel
only in this room.

I-I'm not leaving my wife alone.

I'm not keeping my kids
from seeing their mother.

I really am sorry.

how did you let this happen?

I want to help him somehow.

Well, there's nothing we can do.

It's a legal thing, not medical.
We're out of it.

It's just horrible. There are no-
-no good options. Sometimes, it's--

Just let her go. No. Nai.

Sam and I never meant to
have feelings for each other.

It just happened.

But it never went
anywhere because of you.

Please don't be mad at me. mad?


Did you ever love me?

Don't be ridiculous.

Was I second choice?
When did all this start?

When--when we were
in med school? No.

Wh-when you were maid
of honor at my wedding?

It's not like that, naomi.

It is like that.
I-I can't stop wondering.

Everything is tainted with this.

He--he is the father

Of my child, addison,
and there's a bond there,

And maybe I shouldn't expect
you to understand that.

But you don't get friendship? That's
why we backed off, naomi, friendship.

God, I... I'm second-guessing

Everything that has ever
happened between us.

I've lost every good
memory of our marriage...

And of our friendship.

No, no, I am not mad.

You two have...

Broken my heart.


in the kitchen.

Left his special blanket here.

I thought it would
help calm him down.

Oh. Are you sick? Oh.

Aw, you have a fever.
Oh, yeah, stay away.

You don't want this. Trust me.

I-I felt fine a
couple of hours ago.

Oh, you shouldn't have to take
care of him when you're sick.

Yeah, well, it doesn't
work that way. It's my job.

You know what? let me help.

I'll take care of him.
You guys have stuff here.

Just go upstairs and go to sleep.
Are you sure? He's got a fever.

He's gonna be cranky.

My house, my rules.
I'm a baby doctor.

we will be fine.
All right? Go to bed.

Thank you.

Huh? Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Binge eating.

Oh, just shut up.

william leaving
gets you that upset?

No. There are a lot of things.
There are--

There are a lot of things
that are wrong at once.

Do you want to talk about it?

No. What I want is for this
to make me feel better.

Put the chocolate down and
come here. Oh, gabriel--

Chocolate down now.


Come here.

Sit down. No--

Sit down.


Now isn't that better
than chocolate?

So, um, why are you here
instead of dr. Montgomery?

She has someone sick at home.
The baby just hit eight months.

I was hoping she'd tell me it
was time to get off the couch

And just let the baby
come when it comes.

Bed rest is starting
to make me crazy.

Well, maybe I can tell you
that after I do the exam. Okay.

You're really young, aren't you?

How long since you got
out of med school?

I'm not a doctor. I'm a midwife.

Is she really unavailable?

Can we call her?

okay. Yeah.

Just explain to her that you
have to check her cervix.

If it's dilated,
send her to the hospital.

If not, just check
again tomorrow, okay?

No, I know all that.
Uh, she just wanted to consult you.

Can't we just reschedule?
! No offense.

come on, baby. Try to relax.

Uh, addison, uh, is everything okay?
He's just been up all night.

I can't... Get him
to be comfortable.

I'm good with babies, dell.

I am. It's my job to
be good with babies.

But I cannot get him comfortable.

Huh? Come on.

Addison, addison,
just--just hold him.

You know, talk softly to him,

Let him feel your heartbeat and
smell your presence... Yeah?

And, uh, listen to your voice.

Just talk to him calmly,
smile at him, and just,

You know, keep doing
that till it works.

Sometimes with a sick baby,

It's not so much
about doing something

As being something.
Being something. Okay.

Okay. Thanks, dell. Bye.

Wow. You're good.

Check whatever you need to check.

Thank you.

Am I not allowed to
sit in the hall now?

I know you won't believe this,

But I hate this as much as you do.

No... You don't.

You can't.

Have you talked to anyone?
Someone who could help you.

Help me what, fight them?

I've called three lawyers.

All of 'em want money
that I don't have.

They all say that it'll
take time that I don't have.

You won't even let me be
in there with my wife.

All of you say that kayla...

Doesn't know that I'm there.

But I know that she does.

This is an attorney at
a nonprofit aid group.

Tell 'em I referred you.

Why are you helping me?

Just call.

Sometimes you surprise me.

I have a role at the hospital.

Doesn't mean I don't feel for him.

So you want him to pull the plug?

He's sitting there alone.
I know what that's like.

Yeah. Okay.

Don't look at me like that.

I have feelings just
like a real person, sam.

He's alone. He has to
stare through a window

At someone who just
isn't there anymore.

He needs it to be over.
At any cost?

I'm not saying he's right.

I'm saying he deserves to be heard.

You're saying I need
to keep lying here.

Probably for another
couple of days.

I'd like to come back tomorrow
and recheck you if that's okay.

Worst part is, I can't
even take care of my kid.

Megan, she's 4.
She should be home any minute.

I sent her to school
with a cough today,

'cause if she was here,
I would've gotten up and...

She looked at me with these eyes,
said she was fine.

Yeah, I know the look.
You have kids?

A daughter, 8.

I thought I could do it all,
you know--

Mother, provider, super woman.

But now I'm like a
sick kid on the couch.

I'm moving backwards.

Bye, emma. Mommy!

Hey! Thanks, dena. Hi, pumpkin.


Oh, hey, hey, hey.

You know, when I come back
to check you tomorrow,

I'll--I'll try and rope in our
pediatrician, okay? Thank you.

Oh. You're missing some
buttons there, stud muffin.

They're not missing. Oh,
you like getting your shirt ripped off?

I can't fight you right now. I have to see
a patient. I'm not looking for a rematch.

Your relationship's
none of my business.

Yeah, well, to be clear,
it's not a relationship.

It's just... Sex.

None of my business.

No need to share.

Sorry. I don't mean
to be insensitive.

I'm just having a good time.

I've never had this
much of a good time

With a woman before.

Again, I'm oversharing,
so I'm just gonna go.


You got something to say?

No. Nothing.

You don't happen to have
a needle and thread?

My shirt--some of the buttons
just fell off. Uh, yeah.

Cheap shirt.

Here you go.



You want to talk about it?

Uh, no. You want someone
to eat chocolate with?

Are you trying to be funny? No.
I think talking is better.

But since you didn't want to talk--

I like to work within someone's comfort
zone. Oh. Well, okay. Uh, chocolate's not

Must be bad. Yeah. yeah.

And the worst part is,
the people I would normally

Go to to talk about it, I can't.

So... Well, you and
I aren't that close,

But my door is always open.

Thank you.

Actually, most of the time,
it's closed.

My clients seem to
prefer it that way.

well, look, since you
don't want to talk,

Let me just ask you this--

Is there something that
might make you feel better?

I mean, not talking,
not chocolate...

Uh, I don't know. Um...

Well, I see something.

Um... It's fife.

Oh. It's fife, okay?

And... I-I-I don't even
know how I feel about him,

But, uh, he kissed me yesterday.

And, uh, well, you asked
if there was something

That would make me feel better-
so go with feeling better.

I-I couldn't. I wouldn't even...

I-I don't even know
what I want, so--

What, intimacy is more
wrong than chocolate?

I mean, I think if it makes you feel
better-- yeah, but I-I wouldn't even know
what to do.

Because of the chair? Uh,
no, because of everything.

But, uh, yeah, I-I guess
the chair does make it

A little more confusing.

Oh, god. This is humiliating.
I don't want to talk.

Talking is not good.

Okay, okay, I-I understand,
but in terms of the chair,

That particular impediment,
you should talk to charlotte.

She knows a lot about sex.
I can't talk to charlotte.

We--no, I-I took her job.

We have a mutual contempt. I--

But she knows a lot about sex--

A lot.

And you deserve to feel better.

so... Thanks.

okay, lucas, I'm gonna extract
some mucus from your nose.

Yeah, you're gonna
feel a slight pinch,

But then you're gonna be
able to breathe, okay?

Here we go. No, lucas.
I need you to stay still. Okay?

Oh, gosh. Okay. When you grown up,
you're gonna find out that

There's all sorts of things
that you can't fix, but then

There are certain things
that you can fix, like this.

And if you just let me,
you're gonna feel so much better.

Okay? But I need you to...

Oh, lucas, I don't want to k*ll you.
I just want your snot.

he won't be still.
His nose is stuffed up,

And he won't let me clear it.

He acts like I'm trying
to suck out his brain.

And he's been crying
since I've been alive.

Cooper, how do people do this? Did you
really bring me here to do a bulb syringe?


Oh, you're a doctor.

Why are you acting like a antic,
first-time parent? You're my friend.

Why are you acting like an arrogant

And impatient doctor?

Bulb syringe.


Yeah. Shh, shh. Doo-doo-doo-do-do.


No, no, no, no, no. He hates me.

He's angry and sick. He threw up on me.
And nothing I do helps.

I--I've never felt so ineffective.
I don't like it.

Do you think it's because
I'm not his mother?

I mean, do you think he knows,

Like, I'm the wrong
person to be doing this?

The right person is the
person that's there for him.

okay, you put him
in a lukewarm bath.

It's gonna feel good on his skin.

It's gonna help calm him down.
I gotta go.

Coop. Hey, you can do this.

You can.


* my love *

They're doing well.
Yeah, but he's not.

you say it like you blame me.

No, no, I don't blame you.

It's just, this is
the woman he loves,

And he can't be with her because of these
circumstances. He wants to pull the plug.

I think that he wants her to be
allowed to have some dignity.

And to hell with these babies, right? No,
no, I'm not-- I'm not saying that.

This is about addison.

Okay, th-this is not about-
you know what? I'm fed up.

I've watched you through
this entire ordeal,

And not once have owned
that you were on my side.

You did the surgery.
This wasn't all my fault.

There's no side here.
There's no fault.

This is people in pain and
not being able to fix it.

All of us should be on
the side of those babies.

So why am I the only one
trying to save three lives here

When everyone else is fighting
for a life that's already gone?

*...Say good-bye *

* my love *

You dancing?


Lucas is sick.

Where's pete?

Oh, he's sick, too.
He's in the guest room.


How's eddie?

Uh, he's worse.
Hearing is tomorrow.

The judge is gonna
come to the hospital...

See the situation in person.

He won't stop crying, sam.
He hates me.

Or he could just have a cold.

You don't look too good either.
No, I'm fine. I'll be fine.

I just wish...

I don't know. I thought
it would be easier.

I thought... I thought I'd be better.
Addison, I c--I can't do this.

I-I can't be your sounding board

About your life with...

Keep me out of it. Wh--



* good-bye *

Thank you again for doing this.

Addison wouldn't want her up,

And the kid's cough
sounded like hell.

This is my week to do house calls.

My mommy--

aah! Ah!

Okay, what happened?
She was coughing,

And I-I-I... I picked her
up and I shouldn't have.

My water broke. (pantsÃf¡

The baby's coming. Oh! Ow!

Why would you come to me with this?

Well, you're the only sexologist in the
building. There are other buildings.

What's the nature of
the patient's injury?

Uh, it, uh,
is a spinal cord injury--

Uh, lower body paralysis,
only use of one hand.

So he's in a wheelchair. Yeah.

Have he and the new girlfriend
tried having sex yet?

Uh, no. I believe they have kissed,

But, uh, th-that's as far I
could fit 'em in Tuesday.

Oh, no, no. I don't think
that they want to come in.

They're, um...

Well, she--I think she's
embarrassed to talk about it.


She's embarrassed.


What exactly does she
find embarrassing?

Uh, well, you know,
she's... She's never--

Why not ask your colleague-
dr. Fife?

Go right to the source,
so to speak.

Think he'd be embarrassed?

Are you gonna help
with my patient or not?

Sometimes when people need help,

They need to own it,
ask for it, be direct,

Instead of beating around the bush,

Using intermediaries.

I want to know about having
sex with dr. Fife, okay?

Are you satisfied?

Oh, yes. Maybe this will
help you get satisfied.

It's, uh, all about
the mechanics...

And what the able-bodied person
has to do to make it work.


That kind of thing.

Thank you.


The question is,
does he do it for you?

'cause if he does,
the wheelchair doesn't matter.

please calm down, lucas.

Please. I know you feel awful,

I have been here for you,
and I'm trying. I really am.

I'm good with babies.

I have always been
good with babies.

I am a baby doctor because
I'm good with babies.


Maybe I'm not a mother,
but I wanted to be.

I did. I wanted to be a mother
more than you know. Lucas.

come on, lucas.

I want to be good,
and I want to understand.

What do you want me to do?

What can I do to
make you feel better?

Let me make you feel better.
Let me make you feel better.

Yeah. Oh.

Oh, thank you.

thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ah! Ow.

Okay, I got megan settled upstairs.

Okay? I called 9-1-1.
The paramedics should be here--


oh, dell. I should've
been a better patient.

I should've stayed on the cou--ah! Ow! Okay,
okay, okay, listen to me, listen to me.

I need you to push again
on three, okay? Okay.

One, two, three. Aah!


I can't. I can't.

I can't push. Okay, okay.

everything okay?

Uh, the baby's crowning, but, um...

But--but what? But what?!

The b--the baby, he's stuck.


Okay. Ohh!

I heard from both lawyers
and all the doctors.

And while I'm not eager
to make a legal ruling

In what is clearly so
intensely personal a conflict,

Apparently that is the
only way to settle this?

All right.

Although mr. Lindy's
medical power of attorney

Arguably exempts him
from culpability

Under this state's
fetal homicide ban,

The equities of the situation

Favor the preservation
of three potential lives.

Given that the mother,
kayla lindy, isn't in pain

And wouldn't suffer an undue burden

As a result of remaining
on life support--

What about our undue burden-- me,
my kids? mr. Lindy.

Accordingly, all reasonable efforts

Shall be made to continue mrs.
Lindy's life

Until such time as
the three fetuses

Are viable outside her
body as determined

By a competent
medical professional.

St. Ambrose hospital
is hereby ordered

To keep kayla lindy's room closed

To all except essential
medical personnel

Until the delivery of the fetuses.
You can't do that.

You can't keep him
away from his wife

For the next two or three months. What's
clear, doctor, is this is emotional and

And it is this court's obligation

To protect the health
of those three fetuses.


Okay, what's happening?
Please tell me.

Okay, the--the baby's
shoulder's stuck.

I'm--I'm gonna try to shift
the position. Okay? Okay?

Okay? Here we go.

Ow! Ow! Ugh! What the
hell is going on?! Okay.

The baby's shoulder won't
clear the birth canal.

But the paramedics,
they'll be here soon, right? Yeah.

Right? It'll be okay. The paramedics
aren't gonna get here in time

For you to deliver at
the hospital. Well...

Okay. Okay, what's next?

listen, I'm gonna get
you through this.

Okay? Okay.

Okay. Okay.

Oh, oh.

I'm sorry.

We almost never
spent a night apart.

Not for anything.

And now...

How I can I not be with her now?

She knows how you feel,
eddie. Does she?

Does she understand
why I'm not there,

Why I'm not with her?

I tried talking to the judge.

She won't change her mind.

This is great information. Useful.

You were not supposed to see this.

I'm so sorry that was on my desk.

I'm--I'm very, very sorry.
And I'm... Really humiliated.

Can we just please pretend
like this never happened?

Are you kidding me?
I've never been propositioned

With educational literature before.

It's kind of a turn on.

Naomi, if you had questions,
why didn't you just ask me?

W-- I wasn't sure what I wanted.

I'm not sure about anything.

I can't tell you how you feel.

But I can tell you how I feel.

I like you. I want you.

I can have sex.

And if you're interested,

We can take a bottle of
wine back to my place,

Make out like teenagers,
see what happens.

It hurts.

I know. It's gonna be okay.

She didn't pick up.



So, um...

Yeah, uh... Okay.

I want you to press down
just below her belly, hard.

And I'll free the shoulder. How?

I'll force it free.
You might break the clavicle.

Yeah, that's the idea.
You'll break what?


You can't break my baby.
No, no, no, no, sweetie. No.

Dell, you can't intentionally
fracture a clavicle.

It's crazy. Yeah,
but it's a real thing.

It's called a wood screw maneuver.

No, I-I know what it's called.
Have you ever performed one?

Well, I've seen it done.
Look, we have to get the baby out.

You--you want to break my baby?

I want to save him.

Let's do it.

All right. Okay.

listen to me.

Everything's going to be okay.

Your baby's going to be fine.

When I tell you to push,
I need you to push.






Oh. Oh.

come on, milo.

Oh, trust me, buddy.

You don't not want to catch this.


* good-bye *

* to my santa monica dream *



Wow. You look terrible.


Oh. I brought you some soup.

Chicken noodle? Nope.
Chicken and brown rice.

It's better for you
than the noodles.

So, uh, the judge ruled in
favor of angie and simon.

They've barred eddie
from being in the room

For the entire pregnancy.

Oh. Poor eddie.

How you feelin'?



Like I can't go on
like this much longer.

Well, you got a fever.

*...On the wall *


* good-bye *

I've screwed it all up.



Ah, you're just sick

And feeling sorry for yourself. Mm.

It'll pass.

I guess.

* you tell me stories *

pete's here, so...

* and the ones... *

Eat your soup.

* we left behind *

* and the ones we left... *

* behind *

You got it? Yeah.

Just give me one more big push.
One big push. Aah!

Yes! Come on. Okay, okay.
It's a boy.


Hey, guy.



Is he okay? Is my baby okay?

Is he broken?
Nerve function seems good.

There might be a small
crack in that clavicle,

But babies heal real fast.

This is gonna be a great
story for you someday, buddy.


Why don't you give robin her baby?





Thank you.

Oh, okay. Oh. Shh.

Here for another consult?

Actually, I was wondering if
you'd like to have dinner later.

Dinner? The two of us? You and me,
like a date?

Yeah, well, I thought
it'd be nice to--

We don't have to call it a date.
We can call it an appetizer.

Guess what this guy just did.

He saved two lives in the field
with no equipment. No fear.

No whining? No whining.


You know what? Let's skip
straight to the entrÃf©e.

Charlotte. What?

Probably, I'm thinking too much.

My mother always told
me I think too much.

Paul simon wrote a song about that.
You want to or not?

Of course I want to,
but there's a, um,

I'm not sure--you know,
when you--when you try to--

Good god, sheldon. Just say it.

You're still in love with him.

You're trying to bury your feelings
with mindless sex and-- and?

And it's a bad idea.

It's a bad idea not to be lonely?

No, but it's unhealthy for you

When what you really want is him.

You should talk to him.
I mean, I don't know

If you and cooper can
work out your problems--

You know what? Eat by yourself.


We don't need no stinkin' manual.

It was amazing.

And I was out of practice.

I should go.




I don't know what I'm doing.
What am I doing?

What--what must you think of me?

I mean, william's
gone for five minutes,

And I just jump into bed with you?
I'm not complaining.

No, this is not who I am.
This is not what I'm like, really.

I mean, just to-- to be a cheater.

I'm a cheat-y cheater,
and I hate cheaters.


I should end it.

With william, I should...

I should. I don't want to
be that kind of person.

Oh, what does--what does
william need with me anyway?

He's... Rich

And he's older and... Busy and...



He went to switzerland
for treatment.

He has a.L.S. He's dying.

I figured you should know

Before you break up with him.

* lay down *

oh, my...

* I can see you cry *

* away your life *

* fall *

* like you fell from grace *

* soft but sweetly say *

* this is my dying day *

* and if you don't mind *

* I would like to *

* fly *

* fly far away *

* that's all I want to do is... *

The nurse is on break.
The door's unlocked.

* fly far my way *

* that's all I'm gonna do *

* on my dying *

* day *

* live *

* like you never have *

* take in all you can *

* before the wind decides *

* to lead *

Hi. I need your first
flight out to geneva.

* don't let go of my hand *

Thank you.

* on my dying day *

* and if you don't mind *

* I would like to *

* fly *

* fly far away *

* that's all I want to do is *

* fly, oh *

* fly in my own way *

* where nobody can touch me *

* nobody can *

* and I'm flying *

* flying my own way *

* that's all I want to do *

* on my dying day *


* I'm shaken by the cold *

Mm. Mm. Nice.


Hand on my face.

Mm. Cool.





My head feels funny.


Like a balloon...

A helium balloon.


where's lucas?

He's in his crib. Mm.

I finally calmed him down.
I did it.


Go back to sleep.



I love you, violet.

* where nobody can touch me *

* nobody can *

* I'm flying *

* flying my own way,
that's all... *

sam. Hey.

* my dying day *

I'm sorry.

About yesterday.

I--mm, this case has
got me all... Mm--I...

I didn't mean to
take it out on you.

Okay. Well,
I'm good if you're good.

I'm good.

Well, maybe... You
could come over later.


Oh, my god. He's
disconnected the ventilator.

How did he get in there?

The door's locked.
Eddie, open up the door!

Eddie, open up the door!
What the hell?!


Watch out. Watch out.

Get outta the way!

Get the ventilator.
We need to reconnect her.

Sam. Sam. Pulse ox is going up.

What's happening?

She's breathing.


On her own.