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03x16 - Fear of Flying

Posted: 10/15/22 19:43
by bunniefuu
You left your panties
at my house this morning.

I was looking for these.

You came to work with no panties?

Is she back?

- I... is who what?
- Violet.

She's been gone two weeks.
I k*lled all her houseplants.

- Is she back?
- No, not yet.

She's... awfully into Violet.

No, she's not.

It's just that Cooper's
on vacation with Violet.

And she can't admit that
she misses Cooper, so...

What are you doing?

I'm waiting for Sam. I'm
gonna make him talk to me.

- Make him? - Mm-hmm. For
the past couple of weeks,

he's been avoiding the office altogether,

booking surgery after surgery.

Well... today we have a patient together,

- and he is going to talk to me.
- I know you don't want to hear me say this again, but...

- No, he has no right to be mad at me, Pete.
- He has a right to be mad.

You told him you couldn't be with him

- and you started sleeping with me. - But
you are not the ex-husband of my best friend.

Look, you know, it irritates me.

I mean, doesn't it irritate
you that Violet went away?

She's not with some guy.
She's with, uh, Cooper,

and they... they're touching
monkeys, whatever they call it.

Anyway, she's coming back today, so...

Good morning, Sam.

Morning, Addison, Pete. How are you?

Good. How are you?

Uh, I am great.

Well, good. That's... that's good.

Okay. Good to see you, Pete.

What just happened?

He talked to you.

Um, I have 15 minutes
before my first patient.

Take those panties off.

But he just talked to me.

Panties off now.

Welcome to flight 120,
Pacific Vista Airlines,

nonstop service to San Francisco.

Please turn your attention to
the flight attendant nearest you

- for our safety demonstration...
- We could close the window shade if you like.

I mean, if... if it
bothers you. Leave it open.

Violet says it's good
not to close anything out.

- Please prepare for gate departure...
- She lets her patients call her Violet, huh?

Well, she said anybody who
survived what I survived

- gets to call her by her first name.
- Okay.

To release your seat belt,

lift the upper portion of the buckle.

We suggest that you keep
your seat belt fastened

throughout the flight, as we
may experience turbulence...

If you could just, uh,
a little less squeezing.

Oh, I'm sorry. I...

Thank you for doing this.

If my sister wasn't getting married,

- I would've waited for Violet.
- It's my pleasure.

Good, good. Just breathe. You can do this.

Yeah. I can do this.

Now just find your place of calm.

You know, think about San Francisco,

about the wedding, your... your family.

Slow down, all right?

I made a mistake.

- I can't do this. I can't.
- You can. You can. Just try and ground yourself.

Now... stop the plane! I have to get off.

- You need to sit back down. We've already left the gate.
- No, we're gonna crash!

We're gonna crash, and
people are gonna burn.

She was on the flight 97 crash last year.

It's okay. Natasha...

- Natasha! No.
- Let me off this plane! Let me off this plane!

- Ma'am, please!
- No, we're gonna crash!

- Ma'am, it's okay!
- You better let her off this plane!

Alvin Ailey dance theater.

- No one can get tickets to that.
- I can.


You know, the dinners and the flowers

and the gifts...

Are you just trying to... get me into bed?

Because I am a grown woman.

- You can ask.
- I'm very aware of your womanhood.

And I will ask at some point.

Right now, however, I'm... I'm wooing you.

You are.

Pick you up tomorrow
night about 7:00, here?

Okay. 7:00.

Such a pretty picture...

- The rich dirty old boss and his hot employee.
- Do you actually want something

- or do you just enjoy tormenting me?
- There's a very sweet-looking couple

who can't keep their hands off each other

- waiting for you in the lobby.
- Oh, okay. Thanks.

Is there something else?

You actually like that guy?

I actually like that guy.

I don't ever wt to see a book again.

It wasn't that bad.

For you.

This is the kind of guy who
gets A's without studying.

It's disgusting.

Hey, Elisha and Esau.
How's the happy couple?

Did you guys finish your dissertations?

Yeah, we argued 'em last week.

The committee loved his. They liked mine.

I should be jealous, but I don't care.

- We're done with school and we're off to Vegas tomorrow.
- Oh, Vegas wedding, huh?

- We want Elvis to marry us.
- Elvis?

- Esau loves Elvis.
- Yes, it's... it's Elvis, Vegas.

It's the ultimate American wedding.


Okay, it looks like we can't get
you that physical soon enough.

Did you bring the form?

- Yes, I got it right here.
- Excellent.

My visa has expired.

I need a physical to
apply for a green card.

- Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.

All right, baby's full term.
Could deliver at any time.

Has there been any change with his heart?

Well, the doppler shows
no change in the anatomy.

- There's transposition of the great vessels.
- You'll schedule the heart surgery?

- How soon?
- Well, I'll do the first one within a week of delivery.

And then we can figure out
the rest of the schedule

as the baby grows.

Let's just hope the baby
has your lungs, yeah?

Yeah. All right, let's
get you into that physical,

check out that cough.

You're back.

It's about time...

Not quite who you were looking for?

- What are you doing in here?
- I'm updating the notes one of Violet's patients.

Plane crash survivor getting
over her fear of flying...

Until she had a meltdown

and was completely
re-traumatized under my care.

Like house-sitting for a
friend and k*lling their dog?

- Thank you. That... that makes me feel better.
- She's not back yet.

Who does that?

Drops everything on a
moment's notice and disappears?

We're really talking about Cooper.


I was under the impression
that you'd broken up. We have.

We were doing just fine hating each other

till Maya's wedding.

He followed me into the bathroom.

Long story.

Well, maybe after the long story,

Cooper's just trying to figure things out.

Maybe he's just an ass.

So... this is the guy.

I'm the guy. You know, I'd
given up on meeting someone.

That's why we harvested
my eggs, but then... bam.

Like a lilac bulb bursting
through the winter snow...

- Outta nowhere.
- Henry sells rare Peruvian lily seedlings online.

That's how we met.

I googled all around,
but he was the only one

- that would ship them overnight.
- Not many people understand the differences in lilies.

- Not the way May does.
- It's fate. We're like Henry and June.

But one month off.

Don't make me laugh.
It hurts when I laugh.

- Okay, what hurts?
- He flew all the way over here to meet me,

so we could see if we both lived up

to the e-mails and the
pictures and the phone calls.

And we did. You did, Henry.

- I thought I was being gentle, but...
- Last night was our first time.

I have never had so much pain.

I feel like I'm... on fire.

Okay. All right. Okay. Well,
we will... we will take a look.

- And, uh, we'll get you back on your feet, so to speak.
- Okay.

So, um...

We're good?

- Yeah, we are good.
- No, no, no. I mean about me and Pete.

Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean.

Be... because I want to make
sure you know that it's different.

Me and Pete is different than me and you

because you were married to Naomi,

- and she's my best friend.
- Addison, I don't have to talk about this.

It's water under the bridge.

Pete, glad you're here.
Take a look at this?

Esau's got an infiltrate on his lung

and a pleural effusion.

I think I'm gonna need a consult.

You needed a consult and you called Pete?

He did... call me.

All right, people, I'm good. All right?

I don't think this is.

What's going on?

This is Dr. Wilder.

He's a specialist in infectious diseases.

I'd like you both to put these on, please. Elisha,
if you could just come over to this side of the room,

just for a moment. You're
scaring me. What's wrong?

- Esau has tuberculosis.
- What? No, no, no. Other than the cough, I... I feel fine.

- I feel fine.
- TB doesn't always manifest with anything more than a cough.

- But it's serious.
- No one gets TB anymore.

Not here much, but it's on the rise

- in other parts of the world.
- What... what about Elisha and the baby?

- What if they get it?
- We can test her.

- If she's positive, we can go ahead and treat her.
- The mask should protect her,

but in the meantime, I'd like Sam

to check you into St.
Ambrose, run some tests,

find out what strain you have

- and get you started on antibiotics.
- Wait, I... if immigration finds out I have T.B.,

what about my green card?

- I need you to sign off on my physical, to say I'm okay.
- Esau...

No, his visa's expired.

If you don't send that form
in, they'll send him away.

Dr. Bennett, please.

Okay. So the nurses
are finishing up on him.

Uh, then you can go in.

I put him on antibiotics

and took some cultures
to verify the strain.

And what about the form, Dr. Bennett?

I have a legal obligation
to turn that form in,

- and I... I can't lie on it.
- But he's gonna get deported. We're supposed to be married.

I'm gonna have his baby in a few weeks.

- Can you hold off on sending the form in?
- I don't feel comfortable

withholding information
from the government.

If he doesn't have that form,
he illegal and he can't work

and he could be deported at any time.


Okay, okay, um...

W... we'll just go live with
his... his parents in Kenya.

Elisha, uh...

You can't leave the country.

- If he's going, I'm going with him.
- He's talking about the baby.

He needs surgeries

and extensive care for the next few years.

You won't have access to the
care that he needs in Kenya.

I'll hold off on... on
sending in the forms.

We'll get him treated

- and we'll worry about immigration later.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Thank you, Sam.
- Yeah.

Hey, you.

I thought you were at your office today.

- Oh, hey. Change of plans.
- No.

Uh, uh, Vanessa Hoyt,
this is Addison Montgomery.

Vanessa Hoyt the, uh, perinatologist?

And neonatologist.

- I've heard a lot about you, too. Good things.
- From Sam?

Um, no. I didn't realize the
two of you knew each other.

- I... I didn't realize you two knew each other either.
- Yeah.

Well, Sam asked me to
consult on a case last week,

and we just hit it off.

Well, that's nice...

That he asked you to consult on a case...

Involving a pregnant
patient from his practice.

So I have a minute if
you want to grab coffee?

- Sure, sure. Let's go.
- Okay. Nice to meet you.



Thanks for fitting this into your day.

I thought may was having
an allergic reaction,

- but I... I just can't pin it down.
- No worries.

You seem... more relaxed
than I've seen you in a while.

- Well, that's William.
- Ah, love.

No, not... not love.

Well, maybe eventually love.

No, he's wooing me.

Well, I gotta hand it to
the guy. He's got class.

And it's good to see you looking so happy.

You and Addison...

I didn't think anybody knew about that.

Yeah, well, Addison told me.
What about you and Violet?

Violet's on vacation. Well, don't you
think that could be good for Violet,

- getting away from it all?
- She's spent the last nine months away from it all.

What is it?

The tests from your exam show
that you had an allergic reaction.

- And that's why I brought in Dr. Wilder.
- So what's she allergic to?

She's allergic to your sperm.

My sperm?

Yes, it's a rare reaction
to a protein in the fluid.

Which can lead to an anaphylactic reaction

the next time she's exposed.

It's sort of like a peanut allergy.

Once you have it, next
time's usually worse.

But you can fix it, right?

Well... this type of
allergy is complicated.

I'm looking into possible treatments,

but right now... no, I can't.

We can't be allergic to each other.

A... and what about kids? We
both want to have kids someday.

- And if I'm allergic to his sperm...
- That's... that's where we can help.

We can wash the sperm and inseminate.

And if that doesn't solve the problem,

then we can do in vitro with your eggs.

So, uh, a baby someday.

But... but we can't be, um... intimate?

Y... yes, you can be, just safely.

You need to make sure you use a condom

until Dr. Wilder can figure this out.

I just wanted everything to be perfect.

Thank you.

Buenos dias!

Well, look who forgot the S.P.F.

This is for you.

Costa Rica... best coffee in the world.

- I thought you were touching monkeys.
- That was the plan,

and then we went to the airport,

and we said, "no plans... Costa Rica."

White sand beaches, fabulous music,

a steady stream of alcohol...

It was very zen.

- Did you just say "zen" to me?
- It was relaxing, Charlotte.

Did you go to Central America
or did you join a cult?

Coop, you're back.


He's zen.

Best coffee in the world.

Um, I actually came to
borrow a book from you.

- Semen allergies.
- I'll see what I have.

So... what about Violet?

Is she zen, too?

Oh, Violet. Violet, uh,
she didn't come back.

She decided to stay.

She decided to stay?

I... I... she won't see
her kid, she won't get help,

and suddenly she's a Costa Rican woman.

Ooh. Light just went on in the den.

I bet he's pouring her a glass of wine...

A big old glass of red
wine, my wine. Addison...

Oh, come on. He's dating a
neonatal specialist, Pete.

It's obvious what he's doing.

Ooh, ooh. Light just
went off in the kitchen.

Addison, come away from the window.

Come away from the window now.

Come on.

He's happy.

She's zen.

Come on.

We're horrible.

We shouldn't be jealous like this.

We have each other. We
should be happy for them.

Yeah, I... I know.



Yeah. Thanks.

What is it?

I gotta admit,

I was surprised you asked
me over for dinner tonight.

- Why?
- Well, it's...

Okay, I was actually
surprised you said yes

when I asked you out.

You know, I've been around,
and you never noticed me.

No, I noticed you.

It's just that, um...

Oh, you were seeing someone else?

Well, I'm not seeing someone else anymore.


- Hey, Sam.
- Addison, what, uh...

Uh, Esau's tests came back. It's M.D.R.

- His TB is drug resistant?
- We should tell him.

That was nice of you to come
all the way out here to tell Sam.

I live next door.

Oh. I should go. Um...

- Okay.
- All right, I'll...

- No, no, you know what? I'll deal with it. Just go.
- Oh, thank you.

Uh, I'll meet you after. Your place?

- Okay.
- I'm so sorry.

- From your trip?
- Yeah.

Hey, look at this.

Banana fiber. Can you believe that?

Someone could take a banana
and make that. Costa Rica.

I was wondering if you
had a number for Violet.

One of her patients... I
need to get her on a plane.

- I mean, Violet's patient, not Violet.
- No, sorry. She's trekking in the rain forest,

next couple of weeks.

Cooper, is she... I mean, is
this good or is she running away?

No, no, no. It's good. It's therapeutic.

Well, I'm all for therapeutic...

And you covering her patients
has been very helpful.

- She doesn't have to worry about them. She knows they're...
- Well, great, great. No pressure there.

Sorry. It's just, uh, as I said,

there's one I'm struggling with.

Well, day after day,

the sun... you know?

It's zen.

Oh, I found zen... once.

It was the best couple hours of my life.

How long does he have to be in quarantine?

Up to six months. We
can't risk an outbreak.

They're gonna be devastated.

Always fun to break people's hearts.

He's gone.

They're gone.

So I'm just gonna drive up tomorrow.

I don't need to fly.

I can have a good life without
ever leaving the ground.

You wanted this, Natasha.

What's the point?

We've been over the crash a hundred times.

Then let's not talk about the crash.

Let's talk about yesterday.
Okay? Talk me through it.

We'll see if we can figure
out what triggered you. Okay?


We sat down.

And... then the announcement came on,

talking about the emergency procedures.

And I was still okay.

Then what happened?

I mean, what started you feeling anxious?

I don't know.

I just freaked out.

Think about what you were
thinking before that happened.

You know, you talked about
your sister and the wedding...


What happened?

It was you.

You touched my arm and told me
to breathe just like she did.

Like Violet?

No, the woman who sat
next to me in the crash.

The woman I k*lled.

Any luck in finding them?

I've called everyone in Elisha's file.

No one's heard from them...
the grad school, nothing.

- And Esau has no family here, so.
- They could be anywhere, infecting anyone.

We should've talked to
Elisha more after we told her

- she couldn't take her baby out of the country.
- You're saying I scared her?

- No, that's not what I said, Sam.
- All right. Well, I'm calling immigration.

- No, Sam. That is not our job. We're not the police.
- Leaving isolation at the hospital

- was irresponsible.
- They're not going to knowingly put anyone at risk.

- Let me try and find them, okay?
- Now you're being irresponsible.

Oh, really? I'm being irresponsible?

What is that supposed to mean?

Oh, this is about Vanessa.

She works on babies, Sam.

You're dating someone
you think will get to me.

All right, you're
jealous. And you know what?

You don't get to be jealous
because you made your choice.

Sam, don't call, okay?

Look, they're scared. They're in trouble.

The last thing they need is
immigration coming down on them.

I looked out and...

I saw the wing hit the ground.

And there was...

there was smoke...

and then fire...

And screaming.

I unbuckled my seat belt.

But the woman next to me, she...

She couldn't get her belt undone.

And... she was screaming,

"help me. Please help me."

But I just wanted to get out.

I was so scared.

And I looked at her, and she was scared.

But I ran.

I could hear her screaming, and...

And I just ran away.

You didn't k*ll her. The crash did.

- If you had stayed, you would've died, too.
- I could've done more.

I was awful. I k*lled that woman.

I can't talk my way out of that.

I can't breathe my way past it.


No. Tell Violet I'm done
with therapy. I quit.

I'm only saying,

we can block the formation
of cicatricial tissue...

The neurons are spared permanent damage,

and people like me would be able to walk

no matter how bad the
injury they sustained?

I read last month's "New
England Journal," too.

I'll leave you to it.


I don't like being patronized.

Even by our patron?

What do you have against him?

Hey! What?

William White doesn't know you.
He just likes the idea of you.

You'd be like a trophy in his case.

That's what you'd do for him.

But since I read once,

when you're fighting for a girl you love,

you shouldn't put down the competition

because it makes you look insecure,

I'll bring it back to me.

Um... I know I'm abrasive.

I know I'm snide.


You make me a better person.

That's what you do... for me.

You gonna eat it or make love to it?

Bananas are amazing.

I will never look at
one the same way again.

Here. You can have this
one. I'll find another.

- What's your problem?
- Cut the zen crap, Cooper.

- You follow me into the bathroom and then take off for two weeks.
- I know. It was a mistake, which is why I left.

- But I'm not angry anymore.
- Well, I am.

The sex didn't have to mean
we were a happy couple again,

- but it had to mean something.
- It did. It meant I was still angry.

I've been sitting on a
beach with a therapist

working this out.

That moment has passed. We
can move on with our lives.

- I forgive you.
- You forgive me?


You need to talk to somebody

about your eating disorder.

Shut up.

Fife's in love with me.


You're sure?

Yeah, because he told me so.

He said I make him a better person.

Damn it.


How do you turn down the
guy in the wheelchair?

- What?
- Oh, God. I don't...

I don't even nice the wheelchair anymore.

I mean, but... but who...
who does he think he is?

How does get off loving
me? I mean, he is mean.

He is mean and he is sarcastic
and he's morally adrift.

He'd steal my DNA and clone me

if he could get away with it.

He... he is everything that I hate.

No, he's not... he's not allowed
to... he's not allowed to love me.


You like him.

No. I am dating William.

You like him a lot.

Oh, my God.

I like him a lot.


Uh, she can't breathe.

She... she threw up, and,
uh, she started sweating.

- Slow down. Tell me what happened.
- Uh, we used a condom. I don't know.

We thought we were being safe.

- She almost stopped breathing in the ambulance.
- Epi's on board,

but her pulse ox is dropping.

- I'm gonna intubate.
- I can't breathe...

Don't talk. I need to
listen. Prep the tube,

- but give me one minute.
- She may not have a minute.

- May, I know you're scared...
- Dr. Wilder!

But it's making your breathing worse.

I need you to take slow, deep breaths.

Henry, come take her
hand. Slow, deep breaths.

Feel the air fill your lungs. Good.

Good. Just like that.


Her airways are opening up.

What happened?

How could this happen after
we took every precaution?

I don't know.

I don't know.


Well, I don't know if the
condom broke or leaked.

It could've been too big.

People have a tendency
to buy 'em a little big.

- Anyway, there was seminal fluid present.
- It's not your fault, Henry.

But it is. You're allergic to me.

We got unlucky. It broke.
How often does that happen?

We'll be fine.

I... I can't have sex
knowing that every time,

something could go wrong
and I could k*ll you.

Henry... I love you.

I never thought I'd find
somebody who gets me.

I don't want to be alone, but
the thought of hurting you...

Guys, guys, let me find something.

The last thing I want is
for you to... forgo sex.

I will find a way. Okay?

I haven't been stood up since...

Oh, that's right. Ever.

I'd like to thank you
for letting me experience

that unique humiliation

that I had somehow managed
to escape... until now.

I was supposed to meet
you back at your place.

You're just remembering this?

Vanessa, I'm so sorry.

I had a patient, and...
and he'd left the hospital.

I'm so sorry

I like you, Sam.

I could really see myself with you.

And a few years ago, I'd have
ignored this voice in my head

that says you're not where I am.

I'd try and make you
feel what I'm feeling.

I... I feel... I like you.

Addison Montgomery.

My entire professional life,

I have been riding in the
shadows of the reputation

of the famous double
board certified redhead.

- I am not gonna do it in my personal life, too.
- Ad... Addison and me...

I don't want to know.

I'm a catch, Sam...

An honest-to-god

But you're gonna have
chase me to catch me.


Esau, are you all right?

- It's Elisha. She's in labor.
- Okay, let's notify the O.B.

and get her upstairs on a monitor.

- You're doing great, Elisha.
- We were on our way to her mom's

because I was scared about immigration,

but then the contractions started.

- Come on, we should get you back to isolation.
- No, no. I need to be with her.

It's not safe for either of them.

Come. Come with me. Esau.

You gonna pull your hair out?

No, no. Yeah, well... maybe.

I'm not sure bald's
the right look for you.

I'm just having a bad run.

You, too?

Cooper's back. He's all zen.

It bothers you?

I beat him with a banana.

You gonna shrink me and tell me why?

He's past the anger.

You're afraid it means
he's really over you.

You're pretty good at this stuff.

No, I'm failing everybody.

I try to help people, and they run.

Violet ran. Her patient ran.

Two means you're failing everybody?

Don't shrinks tell people

to avoid global statements like that?

Yeah, well, it feels like everybody.

Do you know how hard
I tried to help Violet?

Maybe you didn't push too hard.
You didn't push hard enough.

I can't force a patient
to continue therapy.

You can let her know
quitting's for losers.

Nudge her in the right direction.

You can show her settling
is a coward's way out.

Or you can sit here and pull
your hair out until you go bald.

Thank you.



You don't have to find a cure.

He broke up with me.

I just wanted to let you know.

- I didn't want to waste your time.
- I'm so sorry, May. Here.

I can't stop crying.

Well, I know it's hard,

losing something you felt was right,

but sex...

is important.

And maybe it's better to end it now

before it got serious.

I know I just met him,

and that may not make sense to you,

but... oh, he was the one.

I've spent my whole life
waiting for someone like Henry.

And now he's gone.

But... oh, he still has my heart.

And maybe he always will.

You'll find someone
else. Just give it time.

Do you really believe that?

I do.

I'm sorry.

Tell Naomi to forget about the eggs, too.

I can't do it on my own.

After Henry...

I'm done.

Elisha's labor is progressing quickly.

- But the baby...
- Everything looks good so far.

I'll have a neonatal team standing by.

I'll give you an update as
soon as the baby's born, okay?

- Is that Esau Ajawke?
- Yes, it is.

I'm Agent Jones with Immigration
and Customs Enforcement.

I have an order here to detain Mr. Ajawke.


- I told you not to call.
- Well, I did what I thought was right.

How is tearing them apart right?

- She can't go to Kenya. He can't stay here.
- What do you want me to say?

Sometimes love doesn't always work out.

No, sometimes it doesn't.

Oh, come on now. I'm
trying to move on here.

I'm trying to be happy.

Yeah, well, good for you.

In the meantime, I have
to deliver Elisha's baby...

A baby that Esau isn't even going to see.

How are they supposed to move on?

"On semen"? A little light reading?

May almost died.

Henry's condom broke or leaked.

He left her.

Oh, that's awful.

They were perfect.

It makes you wonder if there's
some kind of message in it...

Biology telling them they
don't belong together.

Well... I mean, there are the people

that are right for you on paper,

and then there are the
people that are just right.

Is it settling

if you go with the person
who's right for you on paper?

Maybe there's nothing
wrong with settling...

- With being wooed.
- Sometimes the person who's just right...

Doesn't want you.

Or they do, and they are just... wrong.


Are we gonna have...

- Have this discussion? No, no.
- No, okay.

Oh. God, I really wanted
may to get her guy.

Me, too.

I'm sorry. This isn't something I do.

I value your privacy and your
decision to not do therapy.

- Dr. Wallace...
- No, I just have something to say,

and then I'll leave,

and you can do whatever
feels right for you.

- I wanted to be a surgeon.
- Look, I d... I don't...

Medical school, Stanford, 1986...

E.R. Rotation during my internship.

My first night on call,
there was a bus accident.

The place was flooded with people,

and I was assigned this
guy whose leg was mangled,

and... and he was in pain.

He was yelling and screaming at me, and...

I couldn't stop the bleeding.

I called for help, and...
and everyone was busy.

And this guy, he... he started
kicking and yelling at me.

And I let go of the compression,

and he bled out.

And he kept yelling at
me until he was dead.

I faked illness for the rest of the week,

and as soon as I could,
I switched to psychiatry.

See, I ran.

My father was a surgeon.

And that's all I ever
wanted was to make him proud.

I haven't been through a plane crash.

But I know what it's like

not to push through what you want to do.

And y... you saved yourself, Natasha.

That... that's not wrong.
No, it... it's human. It is.

And I don't want to push you to be scared.

I want to push you past being scared

so you can have what you
want, so you can have the life

you wanted to have before the crash.

And I know I'm not
Violet, but I can help you.

So just please... Let me help you.

We'll be heading out soon.

Copy that.

The ambulance arrived. We're
gonna be taking him now.

Uh, I'm sorry. You can't.
The nurses just paged me.

His oxygen levels have dropped.

It's probably due to the infection

- or the fluid that's collecting in his lungs.
- Is that right?

Look, if you take him now,

you'll have a body on your
hands by the time you get there.

Thank you.

Dr. Montgomery's delivering your baby.

If you want to see him, put this mask on

and start acting sicker.

I think you're lying.

Are you sure? Are you a doctor?

You might want to step
back. He's very contagious.

Wouldn't want to put you at risk.

We'll wait till he's stable.


I asked Henry to come
because... he can fix it, may.

You... you can fix it?

I can try to fix it.

There are breakthroughs being made

in desensitizing people
to this type of allergy.

Uh, desensitizing, how?

I would use injections
of Henry's seminal fluid.

Expose you to small traces

and build up your immune
response over time.

- How much time?
- It could take six months, maybe a year.

There's no guarantee this will work.

Look, I told you that it would
be okay, you could move on

but what you two have, I envy it.

So maybe it's enough to survive
for some time with no sex.

He's beautiful.

He's so beautiful.

Thank you.

Okay, I can't stall anymore.

You gotta go now.

I love you.

And I love you.

Do I think about you
when I'm with her? Yeah.

But I can't wait around
for something I can't have.

I won't.

And you shouldn't expect me to.


I've been to San Francisco today...

On a plane with the patient
who was afraid to fly.

She did great. So that's my way of saying,

- "thanks for kicking my butt into gear."
- Congratulations. You did it.

No. No, you did it. So take
the thanks, take the sourdough

and, uh, well, take this.

I know you're not a huggy-type person.

But I, uh, I really needed to do that.

Didn't k*ll me.

Well, I should, uh... go.


Do you like martinis?

I ran track in high school.

Well, I went out for the team.

I... I didn't make it 'cause I had asthma.

But... I can run pretty fast.

I'm sorry. What is your point?

My point is that...

I'm ready to chase you.

But you better be ready to get caught.

You're very good with the lines.

Yes. Yes, I am.


Charlotte, if you're
here, I tried calling.

I gotta send Violet her mail.


What the hell are you doing here?

I'll be gone in a minute. I just g...

Charlotte made martinis.

I think he's lost his zen.

So you're, uh, you're off to the ballet?

Uh, yes, I am.

That what you're wearing?


I was just gonna say, you look stunning.

Shall we?

Uh, yeah.

He's moved on.

So has she.

I don't want to alarm you,

but I am going to cry now.

I'm gonna hold you while you cry.