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03x15 - 'Til Death Do Us Part

Posted: 10/15/22 19:41
by bunniefuu
This music, it's so...

Is that a review or a contraction?


It's resonance therapy.

Combined with acupuncture,

it's gonna get those
contractions under control

good thing Matthew
couldn't make it today...

- because he would hate this.
- It's soothing.


You know, when Dr. Bennett did the IVF,

- she let us bring in our own CD.
- What'd you put on?

Well, the first time we
just picked all these songs

that we used to love in high school.

And then... the second time

we used this muzak that
was supposed to relax me,

but just made me feel like I was having

a gynecological
appointment in an elevator.

And then the third time,
we just picked every song

- that we could think of with the word "luck" in the title.
- And it worked.

- Ah.
- You okay?

Don't worry.

It's just... it's been like
this the past couple of mornings.

I think baby Langston does
not like breakfast burritos.

Okay. You start your t*rture,
and I'll just run a te... ah!

- Ah! Ooh.
- Okay, hang on.

Send Naomi in, please.

Sorry. It's not usually this bad.

Mm. Okay, focus on your breathing.

- Ooh.
- Slow and deep.

Shira, what's wrong?

Strengthening contractions,
a minute apart. Oh!

Oh, this could be real labor. At 25 weeks?

- Can you make it stop?
- Well, we can,

- but we're gonna have to get you to the hospital.
- I'm all wet.

I think my water just broke.

It's blood.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I was just thinking about you.

- Oh, yeah?
- I'm trying to figure what to wear to Maya's wedding.


Uh... whatever.

Sam, women don't do well with "whatever."

Well, what are you gonna wear?


Uh, I have a million
things to do to get ready,

and picking out a tie is
not high up on the list.

What is high on the list?

I have to write a toast.

- Oh, I'm good at toasts.
- Yeah, I know. I know that.

I... I knocked on your door last night,

- hoping that you could help...
- But I... I wasn't home.


Look, you, uh, you don't
want this to be weird.

And... and I'm trying
to make this not weird.

But, uh, you weren't... you weren't home.

Yeah. I was... out.

Look, Sam, I'm just gonna say this,

and hopefully, you're gonna understand,

and it won't be weird and...

I'm seeing someone.


There's an ambulance
downstairs. We need you.

It's an emergency.

It's a placental abruption. This much blood,
the placenta could be completely detached.

It's gonna be hard to
control the hemorrhage

- and get that baby out fast enough.
- Oh, no, please. He's not ready yet.

- Do you have any terbutaline?
- I don't know if we do.

- The book says that he's the size of a cucumber.
- There's no terbutaline, no magnesium sulfate.

- Can she make it?
- I can already feel the baby's head.

- No, no, please.
- This baby's coming now.


We're gonna get you into surgery
and get your bleeding stopped.

- Your husband's on his way.
- The baby?

- Dr. Montgomery's with him.
- He was so small. Will he be okay?

- She's gonna do everything she can for him.
- But will he be okay?

I didn't feel... anything

'cause the doctor... and I was counting...

- They didn't nick his brain or anything, right?
- You know, they go in through the groin

for a hernia repair, so I doubt it.

I just think Ike has a little
bit of an anesthesia hangover.

- Dr. Scott.
- Hey. I'm so sorry, buddy. They made me scrub in

on another surgery right after yours.

- Wasn't nearly as cool, though.
- So everything went okay here?

Yeah, absolutely. I
sutured in a mesh patch.

- Gonna last him a lifetime.
- Great. So how long is he gonna be kinda...

- Oh, he'll be himself in an hour or so.
- I am myself.

Listen, just let him, uh, rest a while.

I'll swing by and check him.

- You're gonna be outta here before dinner.
- Thank you.

Take care.

Oh, man, I'll tell you.
I jacked up my back.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I was playing that,
uh, computer tennis game.

I realize it's a goofy injury.

But, you know, the last few days

I've been, uh, eating
fistfuls of ibuprofen

just so I can stand up in the O.R.

Actually, man, would you mind, uh,

writing me a prescription
for a couple of oxy?

- Oxy a little heavy for a gaming injury?
- Ah, it's just two or three,

just to get me through today and tomorrow.

Then I'm gonna take the
weekend off and rest up.

Hey, listen, if... if... ow.

If it's a big deal, don't worry about it.

I'll suck it up.



You want to grab lunch later,

away from here?

I can do that.

Oh, hey. You know...

you know Charlotte King, don't you?



Oh, is he the doc that...

- Yeah.
- Oh, I see.

- I hope this isn't gonna be a thing.
- It's not a thing.

Okay. Great.

- I'll call you later.
- Mm.

Problem with this?

Not a thing.

You don't rsvp two days before a wedding.

I'm sorry. My friends
have never done this.

You better watch that tone, young...

All right. We're gonna
talk about this later.

I don't even care if they come.

- If it's gonna be this big a deal...
- Enough about the wedding.

Well, if you're done,
she has an appointment.

You okay?

- He looks like his head is about to pop off.
- Don't tell anybody, but around here,

it always looks like your
dad's head's about to pop off.

- I guess I should be happy he's coming at all.
- I'm sorry about your mom.

- She's making me feel like I'm doing something wrong.
- Did you try talking to her again?

Well, you know, I...
I know how hard this is.

I mean, I remember.

You know, Heather and her
mom they never got past it.

- But with your mom... I think you should try again.
- I don't think my dad would like it.

- He's mad at her.
- Well, it's your wedding, Maya.

Does he really need all of that?

He weighs less than 2
pounds, so we need to keep him

under the lights to regulate
his body temperature.

We're also trying to correct

a pretty serious electrolyte imbalance

that's causing convulsions

- and exacerbating a cerebral hemorrhage.
- His brain is bleeding?

How can he have so many problems?

25 weeks is just the cusp of viability.

Addison, his abdomen is distended.

Yeah, we did an x-ray.

He has necrotizing enterocolitis.

I... I don't know what that is.

I means that

not enough blood is getting
to his digestive tract.

- His intestines are dying.
- Is that somethin you can fix?

He'd need surgery

to try to resect his bowel and
save some of the intestines.


So this surgery... can we do it now?

Uh, that's up to Dr. Montgomery.

You need to understand

that it wouldn't be just one surgery.

There would be a whole
series of surgeries.

And in between, he would need
to eat through a feeding tube

and breathe with the help of a ventilator.

He'd be suffering.

And even if we did
manage to keep him alive,

it's unlikely that we could
give him any kind of normal life.

You need to consider if...
this is something that you want.

What's our alternative?

Ending his life?


That's not a life...
shuttling back and forth

between the O.R. and NICU,
being kept alive by machines,

his system overloaded with dr*gs.

He's their child,

and none of us can say we
know what's gonna happen.

- Odds are you're right.
- I am right.

- There have been cases where severe enterocolitis resolves.
- So you're on the side of miracles now?

I understand why they are,

- and I'm not gonna fault them for it.
- I am not faulting them, but...

That baby is suffering.

He's only a couple of hours old,

and you can already see it in his face.

You can hear it in his
cries. He's in pain.

Letting go is not giving
up. It would be them

- putting the baby's best interests ahead of their own.
- Naomi?

You know, kids don't come with guarantees.

They come with problems.

These problems can't be solved.

A lot of problems can't be solved.

You just... you learn to live with it.

No one should have to live with this.

No, we're not gonna tell
the coles what to do.

- They have to decide what they can live with.
- But I'd have to do the surgery,

so I need to decide what I can live with.

Corinne... hey, what are
you... what are you doing here?

Oh, I told Maya I'd pick
her up. She came in to do...

- A prenatal appointment. Yeah, I know.
- I'm taking my daughter-in-law-to-be

on a mini spa day... massage, facials,

and then a test run
for her makeup and hair.

- Uh, I...
- I'm just trying to make this special for Maya.

I think the wedding
will be special enough.

Well, if we just go through the motions,

do you really think it will be?

I... I know this isn't
what you or Naomi wanted.

It's... it's not what I wanted, either,

but it's what's going to happen.

So I've made peace with it as best I can,

and now I feel we should make this

as positive an experience
as we can for the kids.

So is Maya here?

It's not a thing, but the guy's a surgeon.

- Who's dating Charlotte.
- That has nothing to do with the fact

that he hit me up for a prescription. He barely
knows me, and he's asking me for narcotics

- that would slow him down, impair his judgment.
- Well, look, look, look. I am on antidepressants.

Sometimes it makes it hard
to focus, which is not ideal

when I'm in therapy.
Sam's on allergy meds.

When he ups his dose, it knocks him out.

You just have to hope that
someone's gonna be responsible.

- Do... do you have any reason to think that Scott wouldn't be?
- Nothing concrete,

but when he saw that I was uncomfortable,

- he backed off fast, and it felt practiced.
- Well, he... I've heard he's a good surgeon.

- He seems like a good guy.
- What, you've met him?

Oh, she had him to the house, didn't she?

- My God, she gives it up fast.
-Cooper, y...

- What, what, am I wrong?
- He has not actually been to the house.

He's just... picked her up there.

But I don't think that they're...

- Yeah, well, you're just saying that to be nice.
- But she is bringing him to Maya's wedding.

He's her plus one. I have the list.

I have all the lists...
caterers, deejays, florists.

I am knee-deep in wedding,

- and the sad part is, I have never had one of my own.
-That is sad, but back to me.

No one told me that
plus one was an option.

Cooper, the wedding is in two days.

- If you are thinking of scaring up some random hoochie...
- Oh, no, I'm thinking about inviting Jordana Sampson.

Is she back in town?

Mm-hmm. -
Cooper, no.

- She's not random and she's not a hoochie.
- I know, but she's...


You didn't take that personally, did you?

- Is there a reason I should?
- No, no.

- Then I won't.
- Me either.

It's a professional disagreement.


So... are you still good with...

Yes. I think so.

I don't know.

I told Sam this morning
that I was seeing someone.

- I thought we weren't gonna...
- No, we're not. It's just...

he came to my house last
night. I wasn't home.

- I didn't want to lie to him.
- You didn't tell him it was me?

No, no.

You haven't told anyone,
have you, like Violet?

I... I wouldn't even know what to say.

Because... this...


With us...


We're just...

Just getting through what
we're getting through.

Mm-hmm. We're just
helping each other... mm.

Helping each other feel good.

Really... really good.

Want to see if that door locks?

Maya. What are you doing here?

I want you to come to my wedding.

Even though you're not proud
of me, I kof course I love you.

- Do you think it would be better if I didn't get married?
- Yes.

- I... I... I don't know.
- It wouldn't.

- I'm just trying to do the right thing, but I need you.
- You needed me long before this,

but somehow, even though I
tried, I wasn't there for you.

And so for me to sit down

in front of God and everyone we know

for a formal, public reminder

- of how badly I screwed up your life, I...
- That's not what my wedding is.

That's what it would be to me.

The whole time we were
trying to get pregnant,

Matthew kept telling me to
visualize what it would be like

- when we were in the hospital, when we were finally a family.
- Yeah.

After a while, I... I wanted to stop.

It's just too hard, you know?

And it just felt like it
was never gonna happen.

But Matthew... he kept promising it would.

He called the baby "our dream deferred."

Oh, like the poem.

- Langston Hughes.
- Yeah.

We're English teachers.

Can I... can I hold him now?

Oh, we can't... we can't take him out.

Even for a minute? I'm sorry.

So how soon can we do this surgery?

I told Matthew,

at the rate the baby's bowel
function is deteriorating,

you'd have to do the
operation today, right?

It's what they want for their child,

and I told them, if anybody
can help them here, it's you.

Dr. Montgomery...


I'll book an O.R.

He was supposed to discharge
Ike almost two hours ago.

- We kept paging him.
- I'm really sorry.

I said Dr. Scott was probably busy
sewing someone's brains back in.

Well, there might have been an
emergency where he was sewing somebody's

- something back in.
- Still...

No, I... he should not have left
you hanging. I'm really sorry.

All right. You're all set to go. - I
hope that follow-up is the only thing

that he's careless about.

I heard there was a
problem with your patient.

No. Actually, there's a
problem with your boyfriend.

He asked me for oxy this
morning, now he's MIA.

And you're assuming what?

- He has a bad back.
- Well, as his girlfriend,

I'm sure you're very sympathetic.

But as chief of staff of
the hospital where he works,

I think you should be concerned

about how he's treating
it... if it's his back.

If you want to make a
formal complaint, do it.

That's what I thought.



You working on the toast?


Look, Sam, about what I said...

- We don't need to talk about it. It's none of my business...
- No, Sam...

Addison, please. Not today, okay?

I... I c... I can barely get through this.

What do you want to say?

I want to tell them stop,

you know, and don't make this any worse.

I just tried to give that speech.

A patient of Pete's gave
birth to a preemie...

25 weeks, just... so many problems.

Best-case scenario, it lives in the NICU

until I can't do any more surgeries

- or give it any more dr*gs.
- Are you and Pete in sync?

You said it was Pete's patient, right?

Right. It is.

But we're not in sync.

I am a... about to go remove

most of the baby's intestinal tract

because the parents are
hoping for a miracle,

and Pete doesn't want to
take that away from them,

and I couldn't say no.

So I gotta clear my schedule
and head back to the hospital.

Well, I get that... doing
things you don't want to do.

I'm supposed to make this big speech

that makes everybody feel
good about the wedding...

Pretend like everything's okay.

Sometimes weave to pretend.


Oh. No, no, I'm just taking
the dress to get steamed.

It's... it's Maya's.

I figured.

Yeah. Well, you know, it
should be a pretty odd event.

You know, uh, Cooper's
bringing Jordana Sampson.

She's back?

- Oh, wow.
-I know.

Y... you're not bringing
someone else are you,

a... a plus one?

Uh, because among other
things, I'm the rsvp girl,

so, um, I'm just, uh, making sure.

Nope. Just me. You?


I'll see you there.

Hey. You were supposed
to discharge Ike Holden.

I had to come over here
just so they could go home.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my... my back.

It was k*lling me.

I... I laid down. I guess I just went out.

Come on. I know what you're thinking.

You think because I asked you
for a... a courtesy prescription,

what, you think now
I'm... I'm a drug addict

- who crashed out here?
- Tell me you haven't taken anything.

I... I took one oxy.

I don't have any other
surgeries scheduled?

As long as you're not
cutting someone open,

anything short of that,

- it's okay that you show up here like this?
- Listen, I'm really sorry

that it bothers you that I'm seeing
your ex-girlfriend. - It bothers me

- that you couldn't do your job right now and you're still here.
- I have never had a single problem,

- in this hospital or any other.
- You want that to change?

Are you threatening me?

I think you should go talk to
my colleague... Violet Turner.

She has a lot of experience
treating people with addiction...

You want me to see a shrink?

Convince her you don't have
a problem, I will lay off.

- And if I don't?
- We will let this hospital sort it out.

You know,

somehow I think Charlotte's
already decided about me.

Maybe, but I haven't.

How's it going?



There are no clear margins.

The entire bowel is involved?

There's nothing left I can save.

Is there anything you can do?

I can close him up.

- But he survived the surgery.
- Yes, he survived, but...

Then there must be something you can do.

Your baby doesn't have a
functioning digestive system.

So before I could do anything,

I'd have to put a central line in

through his stomach to feed him.

- And how long would he have to have that?
- Permanently.

And although I was able
to stop the cerebral bleed,

we have to assume that there is

- at least moderate brain damage.
- But you don't know that for sure.

No, I don't know that for sure.

But it's more than likely the case.

Just like the longer we
keep him on a respirator,

the more likely it is

that he'll have retinal
failure or that he'll go blind.

I'm not saying there aren't miracles,

but at a certain point,
it's not fair to the baby...

to Langston... to keep waiting for them.

What are the odds?

I want to know the odds.

Of a baby like Langston
living outside the NICU?

Less than 1%.

But it could happen?

And it's our decision?

Uh, yeah, it is.

But he's in pain.

And with so little to hope for, I'm sorry,

I'm not comfortable
performing another surgery.

Are there other doctors
that we can get to help us?

Yes, you could find someone
else to put in a central line.

Then that's what we'll do.

Will you please help us?

I'm sorry.

I understand if you want
to go a different way,

but I can't.

So are the... are the dr*gs something new?

"The dr*gs".

The dr*gs are the occasional oxy

that I take when my back flares up.

You know what? Here you go.

Take 'em, toss 'em, eat 'em.

Do whatever.

- That tell you what you need to know?
- Uh, well,

the fact that you are carrying
narcotics in your pocket

tells me that you may
have a more serious problem

- than you're admitting.
- It's funny how much you sound like your buddy Cooper.

- This has nothing to do with him.
- This has everything to do with him.

He resents my dating Charlotte.

He can't seriously call
into question my judgment

or my hand skills or
anything else that matters.

So he's trying to make me
out to be some kind of junkie,

- and you're helping him.
- I'm just asking questions, trying to understand.

- And I'm certainly not forcing you to stay here.
- No, Cooper is.

- You're free to leave.
- I do that, he makes an issue of it with Charlotte.

- Does that worry you, Charlotte knowing about this?
- I'm not an addict!

Why are you so angry?

I don't know.

Well, maybe we can keep talking,

- find out if there's something there.
- I'm a good doctor.

Which is why you should
also stop seeing patients

- until we get a handle on this, whatever it is.
- And how do I explain that,

to Charlotte, to the doctors who refer me,

the patients I already have scheduled?

It will be easier than trying
to explain what happened

if you hurt someone.

I can help you if you want me to.




- I called you last night.
- Oh, sorry.

No, no, no, I just was worried
about you after you walked out.

- I'm okay.
- Okay.

Well, for what it's
worth, I agree with you.

Enough is enough.


- Addison...
- No. No, no.

- What?
- Not in my office.

- I was just trying to be a friend.
- Well, just, you know, be a friend from there.

Will this help?

Hey, Sam, you got a minute?

I wanted to talk to you about the wedding.

- Uh, talk to Violet.
- No, no, it's not a Violet thing.

- Not now.
- No, now, Sam.

Look, I... I get that
this is hard for you, okay?

But it doesn't change the fact

that Maya's gonna get married tomorrow,
and you signed the paper so that she could,

and now you're making her
feel like crap about it.

I will be there at the wedding.
I will walk her down the aisle.

Okay, but showing up and acting like this?

I mean, it's no better
than what Naomi's doing.

And someone has to be there
for her, to be happy for her,

- to... to support her, and if it's not either of...
- I'm trying.

Try harder.

Oh, hey. Where you going?

I am going to pick up Maya
and Dink's wedding rings.

It's just another thing
that I can check off

this list of errands I never
thought I would do for anybody.

Hey, uh, before you go...

So should I be worried about Scott or...

If I thought he was
dangerous, I would report him.

That's all I'm gonna say.


Were you talking about me?

- No.
- No.

You were talking about Scott.

- Look, I am not gonna say anything to either one of you.
- And you shouldn't.

Unless of course you care
about the health and safety

of any of the patients he
might treat at the hospital

- where he works, cutting them open.
- Which, roughly translated, means "please, violate privilege

- to give me some dirt on my ex's new man."
- I... I don't care about you and him.

I do care that he's

probably smart enough not to
trigger Violet's duty to report,

which means he's gonna
have to hurt someone

- before anyone takes action here.
- I'm... I'm not getting in the middle of this.

You know who needs therapy here? You.

Cooper Freedman.

Yeah, Ike Holden is my patient.

What happened?

And who's doing the surgery?


How's Maya doing?

How do you think she's doing?

She's getting married tomorrow,

and you're not gonna be there.

Where are you gonna be?

I'm going to...

I'm going to Napa...

with William.

- Wow.
- I don't expect you to understand...

Of course I understand.

You think I don't want
to do the same thing,

just run away from all this?

But I can't, because someone
has to be the adult here.

And you left that to me.

- I didn't mean for this to be like this, Sam.
- Just like you're not gonna mean

for Maya to start going to
Corinne with her problems

or for Corinne to be

the one she wants around
when the baby comes,

and then in a little while
for Corinne to be the one

she starts seeing as her family.

Because if you keep
doing what you're doing,

that's what's gonna happen.

So grow up. Do your job. Be a mother.

Now what?

Tell me you are not doing this surgery.

Ike has significant ischemia.

If I don't restore the
blood supply, he could die.

Now I don't know what he's
told you, but this happens

in a small percentage of hernia repairs.

- I didn't do anything wrong.
- You don't have to explain the medicine to me.

- Just tell me if you've taken anything today.
- You're kidding.

- You do realize your ex-boyfriend has issues?
- Tell me there's nothing in your system.

No oxy, nothing.

I don't have time to play games
while a kid's on the table.


Dr. Barker, I said stop.

I talked to Dr. Graham at County,

who said he'd take over.
Do you think he's good?

I trust Dr. Montgomery's judgment.

He's good.

Graham's good.


everything we wanted for him,

all the silly dreams
we used to talk about...

We were gonna expose him
to great books and art.

And he was gonna grow
up to be so cultured.

And one day people like us
were gonna teach kids about him.

I know that's gone now.

But that's not what matters.

What matters is... he's ours.

And I just want him to understand

that we're still here for
him and that we love him.

A child can feel his mother's love.

He knows you love him.

No, he doesn't.

He can't, because I've
never even touched him.

Well, there is a way...

- For you to hold him.
- Don't say that.

Shira, I wouldn't, ever,

if I thought there was any hope.

But at some point, you
have to know when to let go.

Could you?


I'd hope that I had the strength

to do what my child needed,

no matter what the cost to me.

We should.

No. No.

There's a chance. Look,
I'm not letting go.

There's a chance.

Look at you. Fillmore's
not gonna know what hit him.

I... I'm gonna leave you to have
some time alone with your dad.

Check on the groom,

make sure he brushes his hair
and knows how to tie that tie.

I'll see you at the church.

It's going to be wonderful, Maya.

I promise.


I know this isn't what you wanted,

but... please...

be happy for me.

I am. I am.


Honestly, I'm... I'm a little worried.

- But if this is what you want...
- I do.

Okay, well, then you need
to know that I love you,

I will always be here,

and that I'm gonna help you
make sure that ultimately,

this is gonna be wonderful.




How's Scott?

Trying to get better.

Checked himself in somewhere last night.

I hope he does. I do.

You want to say I told you so.

But I won't.

Life's hard. You shouldn't judge.

Everybody needs some kind of a crutch.

So I don't wind up

sitting next to a 15-year-old
texting the whole time,

would you mind if I...

Don't be an ass, Cooper.
Make room for the girl.

Hi, I'm Jordana Sampson.


I can't.

Sometimes when you want
something so badly...

and you get it...

even if it's only for a minute...

You don't want to let go.

I understand that.

It could change.

I mean, he could...

He could get better.

You're hurting him,

and your job as a parent

is to make sure that nothing hurts him.

I love him.

Then let him go.

I thought...

I can't believe mommy's really not coming.

I thought she'd be here.

I know.

I hoped she would.


I think it's time to go.



My mother gave this to me

on the day that I married your dad.


this is your, um,

your something old...

borrowed and blue.

Thank you.

And for your something new...

I bought it for your 16th birthday.

I always wanted one
when I was a girl, so...

"M.B." Maya Bennett.

I hope you'll keep the name...

and remember where you came from.


Now you're ready.

Tell me she didn't destroy her life.

Tell me I didn't.

Oh, Nai. Look at her.

Maya may be a lot of things right now,

but... she is not destroyed.

Have each of you chosen to come here today

and declare before God and his church

your decision to become husband and wife?

I have.

I have.

And who give this woman
to be wedded to this man?

Her mother and I do.

Hey. Thanks.

It was what you deserve.

Uh... you, uh, you save me a dance, okay?

I was not waiting in that line at Sam's.

And Addison has much
nicer skin care products.

Your little friend spilled
bruschetta on my dress.

- Oh, I'm sure she didn't mean to.
- Of course she did.

Yeah, you're probably
right. Why'd you bring her?

Why do you care? I mean,
apart from the tomatoes.

If you'll excuse me, I
have to take this dress off

and clean it.


Uh, first off, I'd like to
thank everybody for coming.

I know I speak for Naomi and Corinne

and Maya and Dink

when I say that we feel so very blessed

that you all came and shared
this special event with us.

Seeing Maya in this wedding dress,

I'm struck by what a beautiful
and elegant young woman

she has grown up to become.

And I know that moving forward,

this image of her will stay with me,

the same as another image of Maya

in a different pretty white dress

has stayed with me as well.

The dress I'm talking about was white,

but it had red and blue
abc's all across the front.

I, uh, I remember,

I came home one evening

after a... a marathon of
kids' parties and whatnot,

and little miss Maya was not quite ready

to take her little dress
off and get in the bath.

So we went to her room
and hung out on her floor,

started talking.

And out of nowhere, she told
me that when she grew up,

she wanted to marry me.

So, uh, I said, "why?"

I asked her, I said, "why me?"

And she looked up at me,

and she said, "because, daddy,

you are my anyway friend."

Now at the time, I didn't
know what that meant.

So Maya had to explain to me

that an anyway friend

is the one person in your life

who, no matter what they say or do,

no matter what they've
been through with you,

they love you anyway.

So my sincerest hope
is that for Maya, Dink,

and for Dink, Maya, is that anyway friend.

Because no matter how old you are

or what your responsibilities,

if you have love...

real, unconditional love...

I think you can make it.

So... to my anyway friend

and her anyway friend.

May you not only make it...

But enjoy it.

Thank you.


Oh. Well, I'm just seeing
how good everything is.

It is my food...

my flowers...

the place... the music.

This is my wedding.


It was a beautiful speech, Sam.


When you slept with Mark Sloan...

I didn't really say anything.

But Pete...

he's my friend.

He's my friend, just
like Naomi is your friend,

but... I guess that doesn't
really matter to you.

- Sam...
- Please.

It's my daughter's wedding.
I'm trying to be happy.

So I'm gonna put this aside.

But, um...

I don't want to see you.

I'm gonna go dance with my daughter now.

May I have a dance with my daughter?