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03x14 - Love Bites

Posted: 10/15/22 19:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

Radio call said her purse was
still hanging off her shoulder.

They found some plastic

and an appointment card
for Dr. Montgomery.

Oh, my god. Lauren.

Lauren, it's Dr. Montgomery.
Can you hear me?

22-year-old pregnant female,
near drowning.

Apneic and hypothermic
at the scene.

She's my patient--
Lauren woods, 33 weeks.

Can you tell me what happened,
Lauren, anything?

Coast guard fished her
out of Santa Monica bay.

Did anybody see anything?
Already in the water
when she was spotted.

Michael? Where's Michael?
Hold on, Lauren.
Hang in there.

(Monitor beeping erratically)

She's in v-tach.
Get her in trauma surgery two.

All right, sounds like
classic v.S.D. Consistent with

a large defect between
the right and left ventricles.

This is new?
Never there before.

The stress from the accident

probably blew
the underlying defect open.
(Monitor beeping erratically)

Pulse ox is dropping.
Her lungs collapsed.
Needs a chest tube.

I got it.
All right, put her under.
Prep for an emergency c-section.

The baby's
in severe distress.

(Multiple monitors
beeping erratically)

(Man) Pressure's dropping.

She's throwing
multiple p.V.C.S
she's back in v-tach.
Crash cart.

Lost her pressure.
All right. V-fib.
Charge to 200.

Addison, we gotta get
that baby outta there.

She's in cardiac arrest.
Addison, now.


All right, clear.
(Defibrillator whines)

(Paddles thunk)



I guess you're going to
the St. ambrose thing tonight?

No choice.
William white's being honored.

He writes my checks. You?

Oh, no.

I used to like parties,
but now...

I don't know.
The big crowd...

Guess that's all
part of the crazy, huh?

Avoiding dull speeches,

big egos
and drunken colleagues?

Maybe not so crazy.

Are you being nice to me?


A little.
(Elevator bell dings)

(Motor whirring)



Did you get a chance to look
at the data I e-mailed you

on my, uh,
human cloning project?

Human cloning.

I've decided it's time
to clone people.

Yeah, well,
I'm trying to work.
Which is all
you've been doing lately.

It's easier here
than at home.

Home is lonely,
and, uh... work is good.

You know, I could help...

With work mostly.

The emotional stuff--
I'm a little crippled.



Thank you.

(Footsteps approach)


I, uh, I...

Um... I'm sorry.
Am I interrupting?


No. No,
we were just working.

I just wanted to say thank you
in advance, for tonight.

I really do appreciate it.

Well, I am honored,

Sucking up to the boss.

No, I am presenting William
with his award

at the ball tonight.
You're coming, right?

Got my dancing shoes on.
Good. (Laughs) Good.

Anyway, I just, uh...

Wanted to express
my gratitude.

I'm sure your speech
will be tremendous,

impressive as always.


(Motor whirring)

(Monitor beeping rapidly)

(Baby cries)

(Beeping continues)

How's Lauren?

Uh, she's sedated,
in I.C.U.

Echo showed a persistent
v.S.D. In her heart.

She needs surgery, and I can't
do that until she's stable.

How's the baby?
Her lungs aren't mature enough.
She's having a hard time.

You were good in there
this morning.

Did you get in contact
with her husband?

I tried.

Okay, well, I'm gonna go
check up on Lauren

and then go back
to the practice.


Can we just...
Will you talk to me?

I'll keep you posted
on Lauren.

"No" is not an option.

Addison's memo said
everybody goes to the ball.

All right, well, I'm gonna
go ahead and pull

the "wife died,
single parent card," so...

I'm out.
Oh, I was att*cked.

You may have read about it?
Yeah, it kinda gives me

carte blanche
to ignore all memos.
No, no, no, no. People, you
know, life happens, we move on.

We use big,
gaudy events like this

to move on with our lives.

Me? Broke up
with my girlfriend.

Small potatoes, maybe,

but I'm really looking forward
to getting out there and...

And forgetting about
the past.

You ever gonna grow up?
Oh, I hope not.

I'm feeling so much younger
and freer lately.

Yes. Hey, can you tell
Dell and Violet

that this thing tonight
is a command performance?

Oh, it is. We all go.
We're gonna brush our teeth,

we're gonna
put on expensive clothes,

we're gonna go
to this fancy party,

and we're gonna have fun.

We're gonna have fun, okay?

Yeah, so...

See you there.

Hey, Sam.

Sam. Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

I have no idea how to plan

a pregnant
15 year old's wedding.

There's no guidebook.
I checked.
Well, it's a wedding.

It's not traditional, I know,

but hopefully it's
the only one she'll have.

She--she just wants it
to be special.
No, what she wants
is a fairy tale.

And to be honest, I'm not
feeling very happily ever after.

Well, find a balance.

You know,
nice but not too big,

everything tasteful,
elegant, but...


You're hired.

No, Sam--
look, Maya's gonna come over.
She's gonna drop some stuff off.

You take a look at it, tell me
if you think it's appropriate.

Could you? Pl--
oh, thank you.

Thank you.


Says you've had a fever
for a couple of days.

Doesn't seem to be affecting
your texting fingers.

That's good.

How's the new school?
It sucked for a while,
eating alone every day.

But I have a lot
of friends now, so it's good.

Good. Friends are good.

You definitely have a fever.

And you look...
A little yellowish.

Let's look
at your glands.

I just need
to take a look.




How'd you get that?

Um, I don't know. It w--
it was just there.

It looks like a bite.

You got a wild little brother
I don't know about?

It was probably
my curling iron.

I've burnt myself
with it before.

did somebody bite you?

No. I'd know
if someone bit me.

The nurse said
she's coming to?

In and out.
Her sats are low.

I was just adjusting
her oxygen.

Lauren. Hey.

Your baby was born.
It's a girl.

Her lungs are weak,
but she's hanging in there.

I'm still working on her,

The pressure--
I can't breathe.

Hi, Lauren.
I'm Dr. Bennett.

The reason
you're feeling pressure

is because your heart
isn't pumping like it should.

We discovered a hole
in between your two ventricles.

As soon as you get stronger,
I'll do surgery.

We can fix this.
Is Michael here?

Has... he seen the baby?
We haven't found him yet.

The coast guard is still
searching the water.

Was... was he
in a boat with you?

Is that what happened?





He told me he didn't love me
and he left.

How did you
end up in the water?

I thought that if I jumped,
the undertow would take me.

I wanted to die.
You shouldn't have saved me.

I w--i want to die.

I don't want to feel better.

I don't want surgery.
I don't want to be fixed.

(Monitor beeping rhythmically)

What happened, Lauren?

W-What happened
with you and your husband?

That's just it.
I don't know.

We were gonna have a baby.
It was fine.

And then I came home,
and there was this note--

a note--

saying that he left.

Most of his things
were gone.

And I don't know why.

I waited for days for him
to come back or call.

I just felt empty.

I couldn't think.
I couldn't breathe.

And I just wanted it
to be over and done

so I wouldn't
feel that anymore...

And I wouldn't be alone.


Well, you're--
you're not alone anymore.

You have a baby upstairs.

And I almost k*lled her.

You can't force me to have
this surgery, can you?

Uh, well, I-I think we'd all
like you to want it.

Well, I don't.

Just tell them
that I refuse.

A human bite?

She's denying it,
but she's got teeth marks

and her liver's tender,
she's got a yellowish pallor.
Well, it's certainly
a unique way

to transmit hep b.
And if the test confirms it,

we're gonna have to find out
who it is,

'cause they're sick, too,
in more ways than one.
You think it's, like,
a sexual predator

who likes biting young girls,
he's got her scared?

Maybe it's abuse.
What about her mother?

I mean, biting her?
I doubt that.

Maybe it's some sort
of s&M thing.

She's 13 years old.

Who goes around
biting 13 year olds?

Try vampires.

I'm serious.

Do you not live in america?
Do the words "twilight"

and "new moon"
mean nothing to you?
They're--they're fictional.

Not to teenage girls
who think

the bite of a vampire's
a sign of eternal love.

How could you let
some boy bite you?

I knew that you shouldn't
be hanging out

with that Amber and Ashley
and what's her name.
They didn't do anything.

You have hepatitis.
You're in the hospital.

You're 13 years old.

Paige, I think we're gonna need
to know the name of the boy,

because he may be sick, too.

You'll tell 'em
who it is, now.
Angie. Angie.

How could I have missed this?

Why don't you go
and grab a cup of coffee,

and let us talk to her?
(Whispers) It's okay.

You don't understand.

He's my soul mate.

We're bound together
for all of eternity.

We love each other.
Well, that's nice,
but it shouldn't involve

biting so hard
that it draws blood.

It's just a sign
of what we are to each other.

And he's not sick, so you
don't need to do anything.

He might not be sick now,
but he's carrying the disease,

and it could be
damaging his liver,

which is very serious.

If my mom knows who he is,

she'll never let me
see him again.

So if I get him to come in,

will you promise
not to tell my mom?
W--she should know.

She can't.

So you promise...
Or I'm not telling.

You can't promise not to tell.
That kid bit her.

He drew blood. He got her sick.
Her labs are getting worse.
I know,
but it's her boyfriend,

and they were necking
in some perverse way.

It's sexual.
It's not violent.

It's like any other consensual
sex act a minor tells us about.

We are bound--
doctor-patient confidentiality.

Your dating habits aside...

Sucking blood is not sex.
Your lack
of dating habits aside,

you heard what she said.

She thinks she's in love--
she's 13.

Bottom line is, it's sex.
It's not v*olence.

We can't do anything about it.
I'll make her the promise.

We'll get the kid in here.
I'll see if he's sick.

We'll figure it out
from there.

You know, we could always
seal his coffin,

expose him to sunlight.

(Sam) Without the surgery,
she will die.

Which is why you have to 51-50
her. Not having the surgery

is just another way for her
to attempt su1c1de.
Well, legally
and ethically speaking,

refusing treatment
isn't the same at all.

And she's depressed.
She's not crazy.

She tried to k*ll herself
and her baby. That's not crazy?

So she tries to k*ll herself,

but gets close enough that
she might actually get her wish?
She agreed to try

That might help. Though I think
she probably only agreed to it

'cause she's hoping he'll
change his mind and come back.
Well, we can't wait for
the antidepressants to work.

She'll die.
We have to force the surgery.
No. Her depression
makes that a bad idea.

It doubles her risk
of dying on the table,

and it's dicey enough
as it is.

All right, then I'll--
I'll go find Michael,

get him to come here.
What, you think it's that easy
to just make him love her?

His wife is dying.
He has a baby.

There could've been a thousand
reasons why he walked away.

I'm gonna go find him.
Good luck
trying to change his mind.

(Knock on door)

We've been calling,
leaving messages.

I know. I got them.

Your wife and child
are in the hospital.

Lauren's refusing to have
a surgery that could save her

because you're not there.

She said you left
out of the blue.
Ou-out of the blue?

Look, this didn't just happen.

I tr--i tried to get her
to see for a long time.

She just didn't...

She didn't want to see it.
She didn't want to listen.

Then she got pregnant,
and I tried to make it work.

But I just--i... I can't.
What about the baby?

I never wanted a baby.
She knew that.

And i-i--look, I tried to be
okay with that, but I'm not.

I don't love her anymore.

Okay, Michael, look,
can you just be there for her,

just for now, just until
she's a little stronger?
Look, I'll support the baby.
I told her that.

But if i--if I go back,
she's just gonna do it again

the next time I go,
and I'll never get away.

Look, what I did to Paige,
it's not a bad thing.

It just signifies
that our souls are connected.

Yeah, but your viruses, too.

It's a health hazard.

So I do need to know...

If you've done this biting thing
with any other girls.

Of course not.
I'm just asking, you know,
doctor to patient, just us.

I don't mean
to embarrass you.

Look, you may not
understand this,

but... (Clears throat)

We're destined
for each other.

I would never betray that.

I've walked this earth
for 2,000 years,

searching for her.


Um, I've used
a lot of lines in my day.

I'm not buying that one.
Well, I'm not asking you to.

Okay, I'm gonna need to know
the names of all the girls

that you've done
this biting thing with.
Paige told me.
You can't tell anyone.

No, but I can tell her
what a little schmuck you are.
And you think
she'd believe you?

She and her friends love
all this vampire crap.

Tell me who else
you have bitten.
No offense, but bite me.


You have a minute?
You okay?

Ugh. (Sighs)
One of my patients

has hung her entire
life's happiness on a man.

He's gone,
and now she wants to die.

Well, she wouldn't be
the first person.

Why do women let men
do that to them,

let 'em get inside their head
and make 'em crazy?

And they make us feel
really good when it's... good,

and then...
They make us want to

curl up in a little ball
and die when we can't have them.
We are talking about
your patient, right?

How's that speech going
for tonight?

Oh, ugh. William white--

I mean, how do you write
a speech about a billionaire?

You write about the man,
not the money.
Yeah, I know,
but it is William white.

You know, that's a man

who could get into your head
and make you crazy.

You know--
you know what I think?
William white?

William white?


All right, there...
There was a look.


And a... moment.

And he touched my hand.
Oh! He likes you.


All right, there was--
there was definitely something.

But I just...

I can't decide whether
it was exciting or...

Sexual harassment-y or--

all the more reason
to go tonight, to find out.

I mean, that's what
these events are for.

And there's an open bar. I mean,
you get drunk, get lucky.
Yeah, but the idea of
getting dressed up

and--and pretending
to enjoy myself

with everything that's
going on, it's just--
oh, come on. It'll be fun.
We could both use it.

William white.

William white.


Your fever's down.

That's good.
How you feeling?

I told you
Seth couldn't get sick.

He's too strong. I must have
gotten this some other way.

Okay, um, Paige, there's
no good way to say this,


He's been biting other girls.

It doesn't work that way.

These other girls
could get sick.

He said they were your friends.
We need to know who they are.
Seth wouldn't do that.

My friends
wouldn't do that to me.
Well, Paige, he--

you don't get it.

stop trying to turn this
into something bad.

Oh, I gotta admit, Sam,
I'm lost.

This is all very pink.

Yeah, she wants, uh...
Pink candy almonds

with "Maya and dink forever"
stamped on them.

So I'm trying to find...

(Laughs) So I guess the, uh,

the horse drawn carriage
is out?
(Laughs) Okay.

Wait. A hot air balloon...

Those are her ideas.




Wow, wedding stuff, huh?

You need a hand?

Uh, no. We're good.
We're good. Thanks.

What's up?
(Clears throat)

I just wanted to talk to you
about Lauren.

Did you talk to the husband?

Yeah, he doesn't want anything
to do with her or the baby.

Do you want me
to go with you to tell her?
We can't.

you can't tell her?

You think it's better
to give her false hope

that he's gonna show up?
If it gets her
into surgery, yeah.

Oh, good. All right.
So then we lie to her,

I fix her heart,
then we break it again.
But she'll be alive.
Unless you have a better idea.

I mean,
this way we have time

for the antidepressants
to kick in.

I mean, maybe he'll change
his mind and come around.

Oh, do you really think
that's gonna happen, Addison?

You really think that she should
wait around for that?

Violet, can you give us
a few minutes?


♪ I know it's not easy ♪

♪ for you ♪

♪ to change ♪

Really, Sam?

You're gonna be
this guy?

I tell you
we can't be together,

so you're gonna be the guy
who punishes me

for doing the right thing?
Oh, please. "The right thing"?
You're afraid of Naomi.

I am not afraid of Naomi.

I don't want to be
a cheater again.
We are two grown,
single adults.

Please tell me
how that is cheating.

Because I would be betraying
my best friend.

She's my ex-wife.

She does not get to decide
what happens between you and me.

She does not get to decide.

I decide. You decide.
You're scared.

I am not scared, Sam.
You're scared because you know
that this could be real.

Nothing's standing
between us.

I'm not married.
I don't live in Seattle.

This could be real, and you
don't know how to do real.

N-No, no, that is not it.

This is about Naomi.
She's my best friend.

You divorced her, Sam.
I'm not willing to do that.
She--she would understand.

If you were honest with her,
she would get over it.
Oh, what planet are you on?

Y--she won't even forgive
her own child

for getting pregnant
by accident.

You're planning a wedding
by yourself.

You really think
she's gonna forgive us?

So my ex-wife
gets to dictate

who I can
and can't sleep with?

Good. Great.


Sam, please...

♪ If you'd just show yourself ♪

William white has shown us all

what can be achieved
when there is a strong will

backed by a kind heart

and deep pockets.

His generosity is...

I love Naomi,

but is this speech gonna end
while I'm still young?

I can't believe I'm here,

stomaching this
about William white.

It's a fund-raiser
for the hospital, Charlotte,

your hospital.
(Naomi) William remains
a small-town boy at heart...

Well, some things
never change.

Cooper. 2:00.

Such a whore.

You okay?

Not like I care.

Ladies and gentlemen,

our man of the year,
Mr. William white.


(Billie Holiday's
"crazy he calls me" playing)

Nice speech.

I'm gonna go work the room.

Our doctors are just
not that much fun.

Tell me about it.
Now have a drink

and tell us what you
really think about him.
I meant what I said.

Right, after he forced me
down your throat?

Uh, figuratively speaking.

Or maybe you've forgiven him

after you've realized
I'm not so bad.

Admit it.
I'm not so bad.

Hell of a speech.

I'm not sure I'm worthy.
It was, um...

Thank you.

♪ Sure I'm crazy ♪

I heard what you're
going through...

With your daughter.

The assistants talk.
Yeah. Um... well, I, uh,

I, uh, I just want you
to know that it--

it's not going to affect
my work in any--
I'm not worried
about your work.

I'm worried about you.

Oh, no. I'm fine.
I'm fine.

Are you?

Yeah. Mm-hmm.


I am. I'm--i'm...


Well, you know, y--

all right. You know what?
I'm furious.

And I'm on edge.

I'm uncomfortable in my skin,

and all I do is work all day.

All I do is mix sperm and ova
into petri dishes all day.

All I do
is make babies for people

who would do anything
to have a baby, you know,

people who are praying
to have a baby.

And my stupid child goes
and makes one in an instant,

and I just kinda
want to scream.

I want to scream because it's
just, like, it's crazy Karma.

And I, uh... and it's like life
spanking me in the face.

And I'm just trying
to push through.

And, you know, I'm just
eating too much cake

and doing as well as I can,
you know?

And then you show up here today,
and--and you're my boss,

and--and I think
you're flirting with me,

which is--because if you're not
flirting with me,

then clearly I can add
delusional to my list of flaws,

and, uh, also fired, because I
just said that out loud.

But I'm just spending
so much time these days

keeping my mouth shut
and not talking about things

and pretending that things
aren't happening,

and--and I just can't
do that anymore, you know?

'Cause I learned
a long time ago

that in order
to make speeches in public,

I-I need to be
a little loosened up,

so I had to drink
three martinis

before I could get up there
and make the speech,

and also two glasses of wine,
and so now--

I'm just a little loose
right now.

I'm just a little loose
and a little furious,

and, um, that's--that's kind
of where I started talking.

So i'm... I'm gonna stop.

♪ ...moves me ♪

♪ with a smile ♪

I don't know where to start.


(Exhales deeply)


I'd be furious, too.

Second, I-I don't think
it's Karma.

I think it's just life.

And third...

I am flirting with you.

You are?

Is that okay?



♪ Crazy he calls me ♪

Come on, let's dance.

♪ Sure I'm crazy ♪

Word is I'm pretty good
on my feet.

♪ Crazy in love ♪

♪ am I ♪

Cooper was just telling us
this great story

about this time when he was

in Fort Lauderdale
on spring break--

And he got thrown into jail
for stealing a boat?

Yeah, well, you should get him
to tell you about the time

his mother caught him
in his closet

with an issue
of "ladies' home journal"--
okay, okay, yeah.
It's good seeing you.

(Laughs) Oh.

Did that help?

A little.
(Laughs) Okay.

(Indistinct conversations)

Violet, you came.

Well, uh, I'm drinking
fruity drinks

with umbrellas in them.

I-I would give you this one,
but it's for Dell.
Oh, that's good
that he's here...

And you're here.

You're done
being mad at me, huh?


Thank you.

Forgiveness is--that...

That's very big for me
right now.
Me, too.


You know I'm still
messed up, Pete.

I mean, I'm better.

But i'm--I'm not...

I mean, I-I can't--
I know.


Well, i--


(Chet baker's "let's get lost"



(Blows air)

Why does this suck so much?

'Cause we're screwed up.

'Cause people
have screwed with our lives,

and now we're... stuck.


You think
they're having fun?

Maybe. Or maybe
they're stuck, too.

They're just better
at hiding it.

Like Sam.

Sam is planning a wedding

for his pregnant
15-year-old daughter.

Naomi's pretending
that's not happening.

Cooper and Charlotte are,
uh... well, they're too crazy

to realize that they're still
in love with each other.

And Addison--i-i don't know.

I don't know what's going on
with Addison.
Addison's, uh, uptight,
twangy all the time.

She's rubber band-y...
(Laughs) Yes.

You know, like a rubber--

She's uptight and weird.

Very--mm-hmm. Very weird.
I don't know.
And Pete...


Well... I guess that's
all on me, huh?

♪ Lost in each other's arms ♪

I should probably
take this thing off, you know?

I mean, after everything
Heather did,

I should just
take this thing off.

I should just take it off
and pawn it.

I just want to move on.

Well, moving on's
not that simple.

I mean, that ring connects you
to something good,

for you and for her
and Betsey.

To take it off is hard.

♪ Let's get crossed ♪

This is all hard.

♪ Off everybody's list ♪

I know.

♪ ...this night
we found each other ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ let's get lost ♪


Having a good time?

Ugh. Like gum surgery.

You want to tell me?

No, because I always tell you,
and you always listen.

And I don't want to be

that girl who only
comes to you for whining.

Plus, it's complicated.

Oh, I'm so tired
of complicated.

Why can't more things
be... easy?

You know what the problem is?
We expect too much.

We just expect to be happy.
What gives us the right?

(Chuckles) You think?

Well, either that
or we try too hard.

I mean, I never wanted a kid.
I got one.

I-I didn't try for it.
I just got one.

The best thing
that ever happened to me.

So you think we find happiness
by accident?


What if you find it
and you can't have it?

(Chuckles) You're getting
a little close to home there.

Oh, sorry. Ugh.

What are we doing here?

All I want to do is go home,

kick off
these incredibly painful shoes,

eat pizza
and watch some really bad TV,

where people's lives
are more screwed up than mine.



(Woman) Simply place
the rhinestone or stud

in the slot...

Push down and...

♪ Let's defrost ♪

Do you think this is just
the depression talking?

I don't feel depressed
right now. Do you?

No. Mm.

♪ everybody's list ♪

Wait. Wait.

Do you think it's
the alcohol talking?

I'm sober.

I know. I kind of am, too.

♪ Mm, let's get lost ♪

Okay, but we are definitely
not doing it.


Oh, we are so doing it.

Get naked now.



That was fantastic.

We're good.

We're great.

We--we have,
like a--like a thing...

Like a you-and-me thing
with the sex.

I know.

We're like...

We're like olympians,
gold medalists.

Oh, ooh, wouldn't that be good
if that was a thing?


(Both moan)

There's something
I have to tell you.

I'm still in love
with Violet.

I think...

I'm in love with Sam.



(Laughs) Well...

Mm-hmm. (Laughs)

Oh, yeah.

Had to humiliate me
last night, huh?
With what's her face?

Yes, what's her face,

the perfectly nice woman
I was talking to.

Yeah. You know what? I didn't
throw her in your face.

We work together.
This is gonna happen.

And we need a truce.
We need a truce.

Otherwise, we're both
gonna go crazy.
And you think you could truce?

(Mutters and sighs)
Show of good faith.

You were right about
the vampire.
Of course I was.

I had to tell her her immortal
beloved was biting around.

Nice. Break her poor
little heart.
Actually, no.

She didn't believe me.
She's 13 years old.

She wants to believe
in the fairy tale

we've all been fed
as little girls

about knights and princes
and vampires.
Last time I checked, vampires
aren't from fairy tales.

They're from horror stories,
and this is health issue.

The bloodsucker
must be stopped,

except Paige won't tell me
the names of her friends

who have been biting ar--
you really don't get women
and heartbreak, Cooper.

This girl's about to get
smacked upside the head

by the first
real one of her life.

Why don't I talk to her?

Pretty sure I know
where she's coming from.

(Monitor beeping rhythmically)


The baby's doing better.
Lung function's improving.

Lauren is still
refusing surgery.

Well, we know those medications
don't work overnight.

So... (Clears throat)

You and Sam...

Is there something the rest
of us should know about?

Is there a problem
with the practice?

Oh, no. No.

There's--there's not
a problem, no.

I've never seen you two
so hostile.

Is it the wedding?
It's nothing to worry about.

You know, I think I'm gonna take
the baby down to see Lauren,

show her that she has
something to live for.

I-I wouldn't recommend that.
Why not?

I... depression isn't
not understanding

that you have something
to live for.

It's knowing that
you should feel differently,

but it's so bad

that all you want to do
is curl up and die.

That's where she is.

You think
she doesn't understand

that she has
a beautiful baby up here?

(Sighs) So what do we do?
We let her die?

We wait. We hope.

We keep trying.

(Charlotte) I know
how it is, Paige, honestly.

You love somebody. You want 'em
to love you back the same way.

You think love
should be magic and perfect.

But real life
isn't like that.

You don't know him.

I know guys like him.

I know he's biting
other girls besides you.

S-Seth would never
lie to me.

(Sighs) Men lie to us
all the time.

And we lie to them.

Sometimes you do it to protect
yourself or the other person.

Sometimes it's how you try
to get what you want.

And sometimes
it's just easier.

If you think love means
never lying to each other,

you're not ready for it.

It's hard.

I know it is.

You get bit.
You think it's for life.


When you find out it isn't,
it hurts.

It leaves a scar.

But we need to figure out
who the other girls are, Paige.

We can't help 'em
if we don't know who they are.

(Voice breaks) I don't
want to be alone again.

I know.


I need your advice, um...

What, did somebody die?

Uh, nope. Getting married.

I'm--I'm helping Sam.


I-I hope that's, uh...

No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's--it's, um, it's good.

I'm, you know, glad he's not
going through it alone.

Um, that's--that's not what
the advice was about.

(Chuckles) Um...


I saw you two
on the dance floor last night.

Oh. Y--uh...

Well, um,

what--what--what exactly
did you see?

I saw my friend, who's been
going through a rough time,

enjoying herself
in the company

of a charming, rich bachelor.

Do you like him?

I don't know.

I mean, I'm flattered.

And I don't care
about the rich.
Doesn't hurt.

No, it doesn't hurt,
but, uh...

I don't know.

I mean, I-I-I thought
he was one thing,

and turns out maybe
he's, uh, more than that.

Then maybe
that's what you need.


Oh, Naomi.

You can tell me
to butt out, and I will.

But this wedding, it--

look, it's all wrong.

But it is
only gonna happen once.

And I would hate to see you
stuck... on the outside.

(Monitor beeping rapidly)
She's in pulmonary edema.

Lauren, Lauren, listen to me.

I found Michael,
and he's not coming back.

You have to face the truth.

You want him and you can't have
him, and I know that's awful.

Lauren, we all lose things
that we love,

but we have to find a way
to move on.
I don't know
if I'm strong enough.

(Monitor beeping erratically)

Look, your baby
fought like hell to survive.

She's one day old, and she found
the strength, and so can you.

You have to do
the surgery, Lauren, now.

(Gasping) Okay.

All right, I'll get a team
to scrub in.

(Beeping continues)

There's someone here
to see you.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry I hurt you.


You did good work.

Yeah, the--the repair
went well.

I'm, uh, I'm happy for her.


Are we gonna get past this?

I'm trying, Addison.



I'm just, uh,
picking out flowers

and... linens.

Who--who knew
that there were, like,

ten different shades of pink?

No more than 50 guests.

St. Mark's for the ceremony,

and afterwards, a small,
tasteful reception.

Call Mark's gardens
for the flowers.

No taffeta or sequins

Uh, Tasha at Renée Strauss
can pick out a dress

that is appropriate
and not ridiculously expensive.

Palisades catering
can do a buffet.

And, uh...

Sparkling cider
instead of champagne,

seeing as the bride
is pregnant and...

The groom is underage.


uh, that's all I can do.

Okay? That's, uh, that's--
that's all I can do.

(Mouths word)



I wish I could do that...

Just some gesture that would
put me past all this.

You could.

I could.

But I can't.
(Ring rattles against table)

Heading out?

Oh, yeah.

Uh, sorry.

It's just been
one of those days.

Well, maybe you should get
a glass of wine with me then.

Oh, I don't... (Chuckles)
I don't know. I--

Naomi, I really enjoyed
last night,

dancing with you.

(Nat king Cole)
♪ ...For sentimental reasons ♪

Why are you
interested in me?

I mean, what, why?

Well, I could give you
all the standard answers,

like, you're beautiful,
smart, funny,

but that's
just what people say.



You make my heart
beat faster.


You just... do.

♪ ...for me ♪

Oh, g--
I got problems, William.

Don't we all?

♪ me ♪

Well, I do like wine.

♪ And say we'll never part ♪

♪ I think of you ♪

♪ every morning ♪

♪ dream of you every night ♪

Do you think
we're ever gonna...


♪ Darling, I'm never lonely ♪


Be in love
with other people?


And Sam.

♪ I love you ♪

I don't know.

Maybe this is okay.

Maybe this is better.

Love hurts.

But this... doesn't hurt.

This feels like--


Yeah, yeah.



♪ heart ♪