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03x13 - Shotgun

Posted: 10/15/22 19:40
by bunniefuu
okay. We're almost there,
renee. You're doing great.

Just a couple more pushes,
all right?

I'm okay. I'm okay.
Just get it out.

Oh, good. You're here.
It's happening fast.

How are the girls?

Getting settled.

A nurs
took some blood, though,

Which didn't go over too
well with niki. They're okay?

They're already complaining about
the food. Renee, you ready? On three.

One, two-




I guess he's as anxious
as you are.

(baby cries)



He's perfect.
Trevor, right?

How's the cord look?
It looks good?


You want to hold him?

Let's just do the cord.

¶ waiting on the back foot ¶


¶ I don't know why
I was scared ¶

¶ I've got
the power of speech ¶

¶ and all the threats
and the v*olence in the world ¶

¶ couldn't make me impeach ¶

(trevor fussing)

¶ I don't know why
I was scared ¶

¶ I've got
e power of speech ¶

Now there's the magic.

We did it.

¶ we were
waiting on the back foot ¶

¶ waiting on the back foot,
waiting for the monster... ¶

What are we doing here,

Uh, could I get some water?

Maybe after you get
to the point.

R- right, yeah.

Just cut to the chase.

(mutters) I mean, you're-

You're a little scary,
dr. Bennett.

And if-if I'm gonna be
a good father,

Then, you know, I-I need
to learn to stand up to you,

Say what's on my mind.

Anyway, uh, you know,
the reason why I'm here-

Or the reason-the reason
why I came here- dink!

¶ ba-dum-ba-ba ¶

We've talked,
maya and me-

Maya and I.

Well... We want to do
the right thing.

I- I want to do
the right thing.

¶ waiting for the monster
to drown ¶

We want to get married, sir.

I've come to ask for your
daughter's hand in marriage.

(footsteps approach,
liquid pours)

(naomi) I need coffee.

Well, you're gonna have to wait.
Lucas was up half the night. Me, too.

I'm seeing someone-
a reference librarian.

She's very well-informed.

So you're dating, sheldon? I'm going
to assume that was said without sarcasm.

So, yes, pete, I am dating.
I have moved on with my life.

I am seeing more women now
than you would believe.

I take lucas to the park.
He's like a magnet.

Well, that's mature-
using your son to get dates.

The only problem is,
after I get home from work

And get him down,
I'm-I'm too exhausted.

I guess that's w you've
got, um... On your shirt?

Oh. Spit-up. I'm turning
into "that guy," aren't I?

I need to talk to you.

Dink came over to see me.

I don't want to talk about
anything named dink.

Well, we need to talk,
because dink w-

He wants to marry maya.

I'm sorry. I have a patient. We need to
figure out what's going on with our daughter,

Who is pregnant, in love
and wants to get married.

I can't, not now.


What's her name?



What happened to serena?

Really? You're gonna
give me a lecture?

I'm trying to get
my life back.

No. I was gonna say, it's nice
to see you in a good mood again.

(sighs) well, it's easy
to be in a better mood.

Oh, my god. Monica...
She can, uh...

Ooh. You think I care
about your sex life, cooper?

I'm sure you can click a mouse, google a
bimbo. No. You know what? I wouldn't do that,

Because I think talkin
about my dating life

In front of you at work
would be inappropriate.

But you know why

I'm talking to my friend violet
about it at work?

Because I can't talk to her

About it at her home
becausyou live there.

Yes. I was invited to stay.
You're getting back at me,

Punishing me by taking
my best friend. Cooper-

See, this is the problem
with you.

You think everything
in the world is about you.

Sorry. Not about you.

I don't-you don't-
you don't see this?

I mean, you are enabling her. Are
we gonna have that fight again?

You should've been happy
that we broke up.

You should've been helping me dump
her stuff out. (cell phone chirps)

Instead... You're letting her get
between us. She's not between us.

She is.


Who's this?


(funny voice) hello, niki.
Hello, kelli.

I'm your little brother. Nice to
meet you. You're weird, dr. Freedman.

But my brother's cute.

Oh, thanks a lot, big sister.
Thank you, doctor.

(normal voice)
you're welcome, sir.

We have leukemia. We're
not stupid. Fair enough.

Well, your mom and dad are up
in the birthing suite,

And they said they'd be down
in a minute.

How long do you think
till they start our chemo?

Well, uh, we have to
check the cord blood

And count the cells
- hey. Can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah. All right.
I will be right back.

- (funny voice) hello, dr. Montgomery.

Do you need a consult or...

(normal voice) no? It's a little
shtick I'm doing with the girls.

I don't have to... The cord
blood is a perfect match,

But the cell volume's low,
really low.

I had the lab run it twice,

After everything we've done,

There's only enough
to save one.

(man) why can't you

Split the blood
between the two of 'em?

Well, if you give them
less than they need,

They'll reject the graft.
We had a baby.

We had a baby
to save their lives,

And it worked.

And now what?
What we're saying is,

We can only give one of them
the cord blood.


I won't do that.


I won't choose to let
one child live and another die.

I won't!

Okay, we could delay
the transplant.

We could try another round of
chemo. The chemo isn't working.

I'll have another baby.
It took over a year

To get the embryos
with the right h.L.A.

The girls just don't have
that kind of time. I'm sorry.

We can't do this.

Live with the idea
that we, what,

Loved one more,
let one die?

I... I mean,
what do you suggest,

We flip a coin?

I mean, how else
do we choose?

Try to figure out
which one's more deserving,

Which one's gonna live
a better life?

I mean,
they're 8 years old!



You're 15 years old.
I thought we were catholic.

Oh, you're really gonna try
use religion against me now?

Because as I recall,

The church
promotes abstinence.

That's no sex before mage.

I made a mistake.
A lot of people make it.

Dink and I...
We're trying to make it right.

And the baby should have a
mother and a father. Fine.

I will not k*ll dink.
The baby will have a father.

But you're gonna stay in school.
You're gonna have a life.

Your mother and I
will provide for you.

Dink isn't... He doesn't
have to take care of you.

He doesn't have to.
He wants to.

He loves me.
We're m.F.E.O., dad.

You're what?
Made for each other.

Ugh. No.

I need one of you
to sign a form

To let us do it.
A form?

Well... (laughs) that is not
going to be happening.

You're not listening.

I love him, daddy.
I'm having his baby.

I'm going to marry him.

No, you are not.


She is mad at me.

She's the one
who's 15 years old, pregnant

And wants to get married,
her mother won't speak to her,

But I'm the bad guy.
Well, like it or not, sam,

In seven months' time, one of
these is coming out of her.

Huh? Yeah.
There you go, buddy.

Hey, buddy.

Man, it's hard to believe
they all start out like this.

He gonna be okay?
Yeah, aside from the fact

That his parents
don't want to see him.

It's like
they blame him for...

Not being savior enough.

He was all they could talk about
for the last nine months,

And now they just want him for spare parts.
They really have to choose which girl to save?

I know. It's awful.

Right now they're willing
to let both girls die

When they could save one.

I mean,
how's that make sense-

To have a cure
and not use it?

Parents can be
pretty screwed up sometimes.


Nai is gonna come around, sam.


There we go.

You guys are gonna
get through this.

Well, sam,
w- why don't you, um...

Tell naomi
what you neefrom her?

And that way,
she can hear it from you.


I know, uh,
that this marriage is crazy.

But it's either
that or adoption. No.

Maya could move in
with one of us,

And-and we could help
raise the baby- no.

Or we could
pay for everything

And-and help her live
as-as normally as possible.

No, sam. No. No.

I am sorry.

I am doing the best that I can,
but I'm not like you.

I can't hold her hand through this
process. I'm not holding her hand.

Sam, you are treating
this marriage like it is

A real possibility. I
didn't say that. Did I s-

Did I say that?
I don't think he said that.

I- I didn't hear it
that way.

Uh, I know
an unwanted pregnancy

Can wreak havoc
with a relationship.

Uh, but-but you two
can get through this

Without tearing
each other apart.

You wanted me to come up.
I came up.

Please. You can't even sit here
and talk about the issue...

This bis coming.
I don't like it.

You don't like it.
But it's coming.

All the choices are bad.
I know that.

But we can't bury our heads
in the sand,

And you can't sit there
and say "no" to every sug-

That's not an option. You know
what? Right now, I'm sorry.

Right now, you know what?
That is all that I have.

Great. That helped.

Well, you know,
these things take time.

Absolutely, absolutely.

I think that was
a- a good start.

"for till
that was finished"...

She's drawn her line
in the sand.

There's nothing to do.

Hey, you two...

You have hung together
through this from the beginning.

Don't let this
get between you.

It's an impossible choice.
No one could make it.

The thing is...

I can.

We all saywe love,

And I love my girls,
both of 'em.

But put a g*n to my head...

And I could.

I could choose.

What does that say
about me, hmm?

What kind of man
does that make me?


I love niki
with all of my heart,

And if I could give my life
to save hers, I would.

You know that.

Just-I can't
watch them both die.

This isn't fair, renee. It's
not fair for any of us. No!

Give the cord blood to kelli
before she gets worse.

No. I won't allow it.

Either they both get it
or neither.


You're going to hell.

(door opens)

She's probably right.

(footsteps approach)

(sighs) I've been
doing the same thing...

E- ever since dink mentioned
the word "marriage."

Doesn't take a doctor
to diagnose my headache.

Corinne davis.
Sam bennett.

Please have a seat.

Is maya's mother
going to join us?

Uh, no. She-she-
she's tied up.


Okay. Well, um...

I- it's just me on...
On our end, so...

I- I know this is
all awkward and awful.

But she's lovely,
your daughter...

(chuckles) and funny.

I- I do love
seeing them together.

You know maya?

All the time
she spends at our house.


They came to me
after you said no,

And we talked.

And, um, I have
a guesthouse in the back.

It's not huge,
but they could move in there.

I- I work during the week,

So we're gonna have to figure
out some kind of day care.

But I-I come home early,
so I could help.

And dink-he'll come home
after school

Or after his band practice
or something,

And-and, um, I don't know
maya's schedule,

But between the three of us

And-and you and your-
well, maya's mother,

And whatever
you're willing to do,

I think that we can try
to help them...

Make this work.

So then,
you're behind this?

You're behind 2
15 year olds getting married

And playing house?


I know it's crazy.

I- I'm just trying
to figure it out

For myself, too, you know,

M- maybe it's crazy
that it's crazy, you know?

I mean, we try and teach
our kids responsibility

And-and that family
is important.

I mean,
for most of history,

This is
when kids got married.

And-and in some parts
of the country, it still is.

Okay. Excuse me.

Uh, I don't-
I don't know your son,

Hardly at all.

But my daughter?
E's just a little girl.

And she doesn't need
a husband.

She certainly doesn't need
a house.

Uh, what she does need
is a high school education.

And she's going to get one.
That's exactly what I'm saying.

If she gets married,

She'll have someone else
to think about,

And her choices will be limited. Or she'll
have someone who supports her in those choices.

Look, I know
that you are against this,

But if you don't sign
these papers,

What happens then?

What happens if they run off
or-or worse?

Look, this isn't what I wanted
for my kid either.

But I would rather have them
close by,

Right or wrong,

So we could pick up the pieces
no matter what happens.


(monitor beeping erratically)
oh, thank god you're here.

You gotta help her.

What's happening? Can someone
take kelli out of the room, please?

I don't want to leave her.
It's okay, baby.

Just go with the nurse.
Okay, she's septic.

I need a c.B.C.
And a chem panel times two.

We're gonna set up a central
line. What's wrong with her?

She has an infection. She may
have relapsed. (whispers) oh, god.

Oh, my god.

Get away from her.

You said it, and it happened. This is
all your fault. I didn't make this happen.

You said it,d it happened.

Get out!

Come on, baby.

Who's buying?
I got dying twins.

I just spent
the last three hours

Stabilizing one with sepsis. I've
got a pregnant teenage daughter

Who wants to get married.
Family trumps patients.

Hey, did I mention that
the dying twins' father

Wants to save his favorite,

The mother
wants them both to die,

No one's talking, no one's getting better?
I've got a pregnant teenage daughter

Who wants to get married.
Okay, I'll buy.

(the r*fles) ¶ winter calls
when I'm alone ¶

¶ and at the end
of the day ¶

Oh, no, no, no. I think she's looking
at me. Unh-unh. I just sent her a drink.

Doesn't look like
she needs a father figure.

Don't kid yourself there, pal.

Being a single father
is awesome.

Now that I finally have a couple of
hours to myself, I'm... (celphone beeps)

I am that guy.

I gotta go.

¶...Man that don't need
anyone at all ¶

So, um... So would it
be okay if I ditched you?

You're not very good company. Just
buy me another round. I'll be good.

All right.

¶...Out in the cold ¶

¶ foolishly shaking my bones ¶

¶ if you don't want my heart,
let me know ¶


¶...Lonely when winter calls ¶

(door closes)

¶ winter calls
the start of June ¶

Guess you're not
going out tonight.

It's comfortable.

And, uh, no, I'm not
going out tonight.

I thought you were going out,
moving on from cooper.

I don't need to
whore around like cooper

To prove I'm over him. Hey,
charlotte, I had a book here.

Jane austen? You're
actually reading that? Yes.

Snuggie, jane austen...

I was gonna make martinis,

But maybe you want
some warm milk.

Book's on the shelf
along with the catalogs,

Next to the mail
and the coupons.

You ever put anything away?

You gonna make those martinis
or what?

(liquid pours)

I think you only like me for my
martinis. I think you're right.

You know cooper's wrong,

About me doing this
to hold on to him?

Yeah, absolutely.

'cause you did
invite me here.

I did. And if you
don't want me here...

No, no, no.
We're, uh... We're good.

(knock on door)


Would you mind driving me
to work tomorrow?

I have-I left my car
at the bar.

(chuckles) what bar?


I have no idea.

I am drunk.
Yeah. I picked up on that.

I like-
I- I like being drunk though.

It makes me cl-I feel clear.
It gives me clarity.

Oh, yes.
Well, medically speaking,

That's exactly
what alcohol does.

It makes you sharper
and more focused.

No, that's for you.
I'm being serious.

Did you figure out
the whole maya thing?



That's-that's the clarity.

This whole thing sucks.

I have a 15-year-old daughter
who is pregnant,

And I can't do
a damn thing about it.

And I'm pissed.
I'm a little sad.

And I keep...

Sh-she had this, uh,
gymnastics competition,

And she-she fell

And she smashed up her foot,

But... She wouldn't quit.

Turned out
she had broken a toe.

But she had to finish.

Even back then, she was-
she was so stubborn.

She's just...

So cute and stubborn
and just...



So little.




¶ get involved, ginuwine ¶

¶ get involved, timbaland,
get involved... ¶


This is a bad idea.

You're drunk.

I'm not that drunk.


Maybe we kiss
when we're upset

As, like, a comfort thing,
a safe kissing place.

Yeah, okay. We're lonely...

Lonely neighbors.

No. No, that kiss
was not neighborly.

That kiss was...

Very hot.

Do you...

Want to keep kissing...

See where it goes?

Do you?

¶ get involved, ginuwine ¶

¶ get involved, timbaland ¶

¶ get involved, misdemeanor ¶

¶ get involved, ginuwine,
get involved, blow your mind ¶

Oh, no, no, no. Wait.
I'm having déjà vu.

No, I can't do this
here in my office, again.

No, no. This ia bad idea.

Because I-I just think-
we're not thinking about...

¶ I just wanna get involved ¶

Naomi. I-

I don't care about naomi.

I'm over naomi.

¶ look so pretty ¶

I know, sam. But you're
my best friend's ex-husband.

I don't care.

(knock on door)
(music stops)



Do you know where sam-
oh, there you are.

Hey. You found me.

I talked to naomi.
I got her to reconsider.

She's in there with violet.
So if you're free,

I think we should strike
while the iron is hot.


Am I gonna be okay?

Well, this is really helping.

Good. 'cause...
I don't want to die.

I know.

Her fever's down,

And she's stabilized
for the time being.

Maybe renee was right.
I said it out loud and-

You did not will this
to happen. But I chose.

God's punishing me.
And niki-

Niki is fighting,
and she's a strong girl.

But, um...This does chang.

I think I could
get her into remission,

But we'll need to use the cord blood to
really give her a shot. But the longer we wait,

This could happen
to kelli, too.

And then we'd be right
back here. I know.

No. We need to do this.

Do the transfusion on kelli.

Okay, I can't do that

Without getting permission
from both of you.

Then I'll get a court order.

I'm not gonna let kelli die

Because her mother
can't make a choice.

our daughter's marriage

With a bunch
of prep school kids...

Having dink and maya
move into your house

And have sex
in your guest room

Because they're married,

Watching you walk
our 15-year-old daughter

Down the aisle
to marry some boy named dink...

I mean, do we-do we even know
what his real name is, sam,

This-this boy-this boy that
wants to marry your daughter?

I'm not saying
that I support it.

I just-I...

I just think that the, uh,
the baby should have a father.

Y- your mother
is a great woman.

I know,
and she worked two jobs

And she's overprotective,
and I love her for it.

But maybe
it would've been better

If my father
werehave been there.

I think
sam's just pointing out

That two parents
could be better than one.


I- I think that sam
just wants you to think about

What the alternatives are.

I don't like it, nai.


They say
that they're m.F.E.O.

M- m.F.E.O.?
Oh, god.

Made for each other.
And, no, they are not, sam.

They are not.


Look, I know you want
to talk about this more,

But I just can't.
I can't. I'm sorry.

I wish I could,
but I can't.

Okay. Well...

Dink's mother is coming back
this afternoon.

If you can't, you can't.

But I'm gonna have to make
some decisions

For the both of us.

There's no way!
I won't let this happen.

No, you'll just watch
both girls die!

Okay. All right. Stop! Stop. This
is awful. I know it is, whoa, whoa.

But you need
to take care of this for them.

We should let niki die? No,
you should let one of them live.

You should give the cord blood
to niki because she's weak

And she needs it. You should
give it to kelli

So you don't lose her, too.
I don't know.

I don't know which one's best, which you can live
with. I can't choose between one child and another.

You already have.

You had a baby yesterday.
You haven't even looked at him.

I want to love him.

I just...

I feel like
he's gonna replace them.

I can't face that.

(sighs) no one
wants to face this.

But we have to.

Uh, can you come with me
to the exam room?

You need a consult?

No. Maya's there.

Maya, are you okay?
Dell said you were okay.

Yeah, I'm fine.
I just...

Show him.

(ultrasound whooshing)


Um... Here's the heart.

It's beating strong.

And the head.

(whooshing continues)

It's pretty cool, huh?

(footsteps approach)

what are you doing?


Trying not to eat
the chocolate.

How's that going for you?

Not good,
but if I eat it,

I'm gonna have to run
for 5 miles

On the treadmill tonight,

And I don't, uh, I don't think I have
5 miles in me. It's just one chocolate.

it's the gateway chocolate.

I eat one, I eat them all.

It's just food, nai.
It's not a solution.

But it's what I can do.

Everything else, um...

It's like I'm 13.

Yeah, I know that I am
a calm, rational person

With many graduate degrees.

I run my own business,

And I am a strong,
smart adult.

And, uh, yet, I have
a 15-year-old daughter

Who was supposed to have
a life.

And, uh...

The only way I can cope with
that is this. (drops box on desk)

Which is what I did
when I was 13.

It was always just me
and the chocolate,

Me and the food.

And, uh, I know
it's ridiculous, and...

I know that I am burying
my head in the sand,

But it's...
What I can do.

I can do this.
I can do this chocolate.

I can, um... I'm in charge
of this chocolate

And my battle with food.

This I can do.

I can't do maya
and babies and marriage.

(paper rustles)

I know you can't.

But you... Pulling out,

You're leaving sam to
figure this out on his own.

And I'm there,
and I'm trying to help,

But... I'm not...

Even sure
how you feel about that.

Feel about what?

Me and sam...
Having these conversations.

I mean, it's just
a little weird, you know.

I mean, we live next door
to each other, we sit and talk,

And, uh... I don't know.

It's like-
it's-it's like...

Sam d I are the couple.



Oh, that's funny, right?

What, you and sam?

Yeah, it's funny. Yeah.

(continues laughing)
thank you for that,

For making me laugh.

I needed that.
Oh, my god. You and sam.

Oh, god. That is just wrong
on so many levels.

Oh! (continues laughing)

It's like, first you sleep with
your husband's best friend

And then you sleep with
your best friend's husband.

(chuckles) (continues
laughing) oh, my god.

You-you-you would be
the worst person ever.

You would need
these chocolates.

(continues laughing)
yeah. Nuh.


(continues laughing)

(woman speaking indistinctly
over p.A.)

(monitor beeping rhythmically)

I can't do this.

I can't break their hearts.

You do it.

T me?

Are mom and dad
still fighting?

No, no. No.

Is something wrong
with trevor?

No. He's fine.
Trevor's fine.

But here's the thing-

We were all hoping
threvor's blood

Was gonna help you both get better.
We're not going to get better?

Well, niki is too sick to have
the treatment right now.

Well, I'm feeling better,

I know, and that's good.

But your body's too weak
for the blood to help you.

And so we need to give it
to kelli.

How long till I get it?

Well, that's the thing,

There just isn't enough
for both of you.

I can share
so we can both get it.

I know. I wish that was
the way that it works.

But it doesn't.

But... (sniffles)

If we both don't get it...

(crying) I don't want it.
I don't want it.

We do everything together,
everything the same.


But you have to get better.

It's lucky.

So you'll get better.



(corinne speaks indistinctly)

Mom... You came.

Yeah, I came.

I'm... So glad
to finally meet you.

I'm, uh, sorry
that I was late.

Well, I'm-I'm here.

(corinne) boy,
I- I know that this

Has been hard on all of us.

They've put us in
a difficult situation.

I know that we all feel
a little... Scared.

But we are all
in the same position, so-

Excuse me. No, we are-
we are not,

Uh, in the same position.

Your son can walk away,
and, uh,

My daughter is stuck with this
in her belly for nine months.

I think that you're
missing the point here.

My son is not walking away.

You're missing my point.
He could.

mrs. Bennett,


Dr. Bennett, ma'am...

I don't want to walk away.

I appreciate that.
I do.

But, um, this idea...

This marrie...

I said
I would...

Sign the consent.

We all...

All of us had
a really good talk.

You weren't here,
so... We decided.


I want you to understand.

I want you
to support all of this.

I guess that's not
for me to say.

His name is fillmore.

Dink-it's just...
Just a nickname...


(monitor beeping rhythmically)

(woman speaking indistinctly
over p.A.)




Niki needs you.


I am so sorry, baby.

Come here.

(footsteps approach)

I wanted niki to spend
some time with her brother.

(trevor cooing)

I tried.

I tried to engage,
but... I was too late.

And now I...

Y- you know, I used to-

I used to think of myself
as a good person.

You know, I was-I was
a good friend, a good mother

And a good ex-wife.

But something happened,
and now I...

You know, I didn't get it.

What you went through
with lucas and walking away,

I didn't get it.

And I know maya's not like that,
but I get it now.

I do. I'm sorry.

You don't get it.

You don't...

I didn't
walk away from my child

Because I couldn't
deal with him

Or because I wanted
to control what he did.

For me,
walking away was

The... Most awful thing
in my life.

But I-I made a choice...

Because I thought it was
in my child's best interest.

I was just...

Too damaged to do anything
but hurt lucas.

So I walked away...

Not to avoid him
or to...

(voice breaking)
control him,

But to save him.

But, nai, you just...

(normal voice)
you didn't get your way.

So you wanto walk away

To avoid figuring out
what comes next.

I didn't get my way.

You didn't get your way.

(voice breaks)
I didn't get my way.


So what do I do now?

(chuckles) I don't know.

(chuckles) if I had the answer
on how to be a mother,

I'd be doing it myself.

(elevator bell dings)

If I tell you something,
you can't tell anyone else.

You're my shrink.
Those are the rules, right?

I'm not your therapist

Or your psychiatrist.

As I recall, we talked once,
just briefly.

Are you gonna tell anyone
or not?

Well, unless you
k*lled someone, I...


If I can help, I'll help.

I do have an office.
(bell rings)

I like someone... A lot.

And my dating life in l.A.
Has been a little... Crazy.

It's been awful and hard.

And suddenly I meet someone
who's easy,

And it's not hard work.

And there's not
that awkward dance

Of "getting to know you."

It's like... It's like
picking up on the 60th date.

It's like what I've
been looking for

Has been right in front of me
the whole time.

Well, it sounds... Perfect.
It could be.

But... Seeing him...

Would hurt a friend.

You care about this friend?

She's my closest friend.


Yes, well...

that could be a problem.

That's not
a helpful response.

When someone like you
poses a problem like this,

I- I think you know
what you want

And that you want it,

And you're looking for me to
tell you that it's all right

To do what you want.
And is it?

I think friendship
is important.

And lord knows, this friend,
this woman you're talking about,

I don't want to see her

Be put through
anything else right now.

But... If this
is really it, right,

The one...

I don't know
that I could walk away.

(steve moakler's "hesitate"

You want to live here, you want
to be friends with violet-

That is your business,

And I will not
make it about me.

Well... Big of you.

she's not home.

¶ the human heart
is a scary part ¶

¶ in fact ¶

So I just signed
a piece of paper

Allowing my daughter
to get married.


Or I'm sorry.

Which do you want?

¶ though my head says... ¶

Okay, I...

I want to pour
these two glasses of wine,

And then take you upstairs
to my bedroom,

Take off
all of your clothes...

And I want to stop talking
about what we both...

Want to do.

¶ so many cards ¶


That was bold.

That-that was a whole lot
of boldness...

Going on there.

I'm-I'm freaked out, too.
I am.

But... I mean, we can either

Talk and talk and talk
and talk about it

Or we can stop talking

And just...

Be sam and addison and...

See how it goes.

¶ I won't hesitate ¶


You and naomi-

All right, wait. Look...
Not me and naomi.

Me and you.

Me and naomi-

Stop staying that.
Naomi is gone!

She walked out...

On me.

She walked out
on her daughter.

Walked out.

So I have no allegiance
to naomi.

When I wanted to give it
another try,

She walked out,
and it k*lled me.

Until now.

Now I don't care about naomi.


¶ ooh ¶

Now I want you.

¶...While I fall for you ¶

Naomi di't walk out on me.
She's my best friend.

I can't...

Look, I'm a cheater.
It's what I do. Ah, don't-

Or what I did. I want it to be
what I did, past tense.

Sam, I know that you and I
don't have vows or rules.

Still, sleeping with
my best friend's ex-husband-

It's cheating.
I'm sorry, but it is.

And I can't do that to naomi.

And more importantly,
I can't do that to myself.

Not anymore. I'm trying
to be a better person.

Why can't just-
just once...

Why can't I get
what I want...

What you want?

Sam- you-you- you
don't want this?

Your heart doesn't want this?
I can't sten to my heart...

not this time. Sam, sam.

¶ ask me now ¶



I'm sorry. Okay, please.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

¶ excuse me
whili fall for you ¶

Yeah. O-okay.

¶ ooh ¶

¶ excuse me
while I fall for you ¶

¶ I fall for you now ¶