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03x11 - Another Second Chance

Posted: 10/15/22 19:38
by bunniefuu
Can I go to school now?

I'm very good at
accepting apologies, Mark.

- I apologized over the phone.
- "Fine. I'll bring her to L.A." is not an apology.

- Wh... what is that?
- That's just a shadow. That's the baby.

- Where's the ATM?
- AVM, sweetheart.

- ATM is where you get money.
- You're not gonna see the AVM here.

- That's just a cluster of blood vessels.
- That aren't supposed to be there,

- and if you pop them, I'm gonna die?
- W... no. Um, Sloan, it's just

a tangled cluster of blood
vessels under the baby.

I'm not gonna go anywhere near them,

so I won't be popping them.

I'm gonna go in, uh, laparoscopically

and very carefully cut
one of the amniotic bands

- from around the baby's legs.
- And then he'll be okay? He'll be able to walk?

- Then he'll be perfect.
- Well, that's what you said last time.

That was my fault, Sloan.

- I shoulda let her finish the surgery the first time.
- Now that is an apology.

What is that? What is
that thing right there?

- Is that something growing out of his head?
- That is a penis.

Sloan, you're gonna make yourself crazy

trying to read the ultrasound.

Has her blood pressure
always been this high?

Yeah, it's been going up. She's scared.

So am I.

Mark Sloan, Pete Wilder.
Pete Wilder, Mark Sloan.

Hi, good to meet you.

- And this is Sloan, Mark's daughter.
- Sloan Sloan? - Sloan Riley.

She got her mom's last name.

Oh, okay. Well, Sloan,
Dr. Montgomery asked me

to help you try to calm down a little.

- She says you're nervous about your surgery.
- What is he, a pharmacist?

- No, alternative medicine.
- Dude, you are not putting those needles in me.

- Most people barely feel it.
- Dude, you heard her. You're not putting those needles in her.

Dude... Pete is doing me a favor.

With respect, I didn't
bring my daughter down here

for witch doctoring.

- With respect, really?
- Mark.

- What kind of medicine do you practice?
- Plastics.

What are you laughing at?

Ah, nothing. Saving the
world one boob job at a time.

- Hey, listen, pal... Okay, okay. Look,
enough. Pete, you're gonna do your thing.

- Mark, you're gonna let Pete do his thing.
- No, I'm not gonna let Pete...

Oh, yes, you are. I'm in charge here.

And if you want me to do this
surgery again, then you're gonna

follow me out of this room right
now. Right now Mark. Let's go.

- Hi, Dr. Cooper.
- Hey, Cody.

- Is your mom home?
- Oh, she ran to the post office.

- She'll be ho soon.
- Could we wait inside?

My mom's a super good mom.

I know. She's super nice.

I know. I've met her. You
trying to fix us up or something?

No. I just...

Okay, come in.

All right. Follow me.

Just be careful you don't
knock over any piles.

- So, uh, your mom likes to hold on to stuff, huh?
- She's a super good mom.

I know. You said that.
I was thinking maybe

one of the reasons you wanted me
to come here was so I could see

- how much stuff she keeps.
- Cody.


Oh, my God. Dr. Freedman, what
are y... what are you doing?

The itching was k*lling me, mom.

- I was gonna go crazy.
- Cody, I would' taken you to the doctor.

- I know, but...
- Dr. Freedman,

I... I know what you must be thinking.
- No, I'm thinking that, uh,

- We're gonna have to take Cody to the hospital.
- What? Why?

- Well, he's got a... a skin infection, a pretty bad one.
- Oh, God.

Cody, you can't scratch that, okay?

- Do you want to take him in your car, you can meet me there?
- Yeah. Yes, thank you.

Mm-hmm. Thanks so much.

See you there.

- She's crazy cakes!
- That's your diagnosis?

Crazy cakes. There is
broken crap piled everywhere.

And I'm not just talking unsanitary.

- I am talking insane.
- Okay. Well, it sounds like she's a hoarder.

That... that's an
obsessive-compulsive disorder, Coop.

Maybe it's genetic.

Maybe it was triggered
by a trauma or loss.

- Or we could go with crazy cakes.
- If you had seen this place, you would.

Okay. Well, I will talk to her.

It's actually a very
hard disorder to treat.

- But, uh, I'll do the best I can. How's the kid?
- The kid is smart. The kid is articulate.

I honestly thought maybe
he had called me there

as a cry for help so I
could see this, but he's got

what I'm pretty sure is a
staph infection on his arm,

so maybe he just needed that cast off.

I've got him at St. Ambrose for the arm,

and he is staying there
until that house is clean.

- Well, that might take some time.
- Okay, but if it takes too much time,

- I'm calling child protective services.
- Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Hey, Coop. How's it
going with Charlotte?

I can't forgive her.

I'm trying, but I just...

I can't seem to forgive her.

- What is the matter with you?
- Me? What's the matter with you?

You're as wound up as I've
ever seen you. I am not the one

- starting schoolyard fights with other doctors.
- You're wound up, Addie. Just admit it.

Bizzy's a lesbian. What?

My mother... she's a lesbian,

which means the captain
wasn't a cheater.

It was all a sham... my whole childhood.

Everything I believed about my
dad, my mom, love, marriage...

it's all turned on its head.

- So, yeah, I'm a little... wound up.
- Wow.

Your turn.

Lexie dumped me.


I asked her to raise
Sloan's baby with me.

Or, you know, raise
it with me and Sloan.

She's a little young for that, don't
you think? - - Do not take her side.

I'm sorry. It sucks.


Your thing sucks, too.

Bizzy's a lesbian?

Thank you.

When did we get so...


I was gonna say sad.

When did we get so sad?

don't you wish we did heroin?

- Addison Forbes Montgomery...
- No, no, I mean, don't you wish we did dr*gs,

drank too much, shot
something into our vein?

I mean, nothing, you know, that
would make you ruin your life

or k*ll you or make you
have to go to a meeting

and say, "hi, I'm Addison.
And I'm an alcoholic."

But just...

you know, Nai... she eats.

She puts food on top of it,

and that numbs the pain,

the malaise, the... the... the sad.

I mean, she puts food on top
of it, and she feels good.

But I... I don't...

I have green juice.

I mean, that's all I really like.

And green juice, I can't
really put that on top of it.

I want to put something on top of it,

but I don't have anything.

- And I hear you. Numb the pain.
- What...

Numb the sad. Feel good.
Put something on top of it.

Mark, I said put something on top of it,

not put you on top of me.

My life is in ruins. It's a mess.

I'm about to be a grandfather,

and I'm alone.

I don't know of a lot of surefire ways

to numb the pain,

but I do know one.

Now... do you want to feel better

or don't you?



Oh, my God.


I can't catch my breath.

Well, we could call in the
dude with the needles...

to help calm you down.

Oh. I forgot how much fun you were.

Yeah, well, that's what happens...

when you date children.

- You forget what it's like... to be with a woman.
- Hey.


No being mean about Lexie.

Did you just spank me?

- Oh, what, what, you want to start something?
- Maybe.

- Come on. Bring it, sister.
- I will, right now, Dr. Sloan.

Oh, I'll give you more of the same.

- Really?
- Oh! My God.

Addi... aah. Oh!

- Sam, close the door!
- Addison, this is a place of business.

Uh, Sam, will you, uh, just
toss me that shirt there, buddy?

Sam, close the door.

- Hey.
- Oh, my God.

Sloan Sloan went right to sleep.
The needles worked wonders.

Thanks. Great job, dude.

Okay, then.

Too bad I joined the other practice.

This place has perks.

Sam, close the door!

I keep everything of Cody's

because he might want it someday.

Report cards, trophies.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, and
there's other stuff that,

you know, needs to be donated
to goodwill or somewhere.

Have you called anybody
about coming to pick it up?

- You know what? I haven't gone through all of it just yet.
- Do you need help doing that?

I know how overwhelming it
could be to be a single parent.

Well, it was easier
when his dad was alive,

but Cody and I are, uh,
we're okay now. We do fine.

When did he die?

- Three years ago.
- I'm sorry. What happened?

I know that you want to help,

but honestly, I don't need... any help.

Cody and I are just fine.

you get 30 seconds. I'm sorry?

We are business partners,
so you get 30 seconds

to lecture me on my business practices.

But if you start to lecture
me on something not related

to my business practices, I will
walk away. Those are the rules.

- Oh, so our friendship has rules now?
- No. We're not talking as friends right now.

- We're talking as business partners.
- Well, I want to talk to my friend.

- She doesn't want to talk to you right now.
- So now you're talking about yourself in third person.

Hi. Did you sleep with Mark Sloan

- on the floor of your office?
- Yep.

- Sam...
- And she's making up rules

- and she's talking about herself in third person.
- Yes, I am, because I have

earned that right. When
you have gone through

what I've gone through with
my family, you have the right

to be a little eccentric
for a few weeks.

You have the right to refer to yourself

in the third person and have
sex on the floor of your office

and apply random rules to old
friendships. You have the right.

Okay. All right, Sam. You
need to leave Addison alone

because you're making her scream.

Addison, I am here
for you if you need me.

- You see that? That is a friend.
- Okay.

Okay. You came to me and you were up,

you were a little desperate,
and I turned you down.

Now I turned you down
because I am a good person.

Mark Sloan had you naked
within an hour of his arrival.

Now what does that say to you?

- Addison.
- You broke the rules. I'm walking away.

Relative harmony?

Well, as long as Betsey's
not with me, she seems fine.

She'll come around.

She hates me.

Maya hates me for no discernible reason.

Try not to take it personally.

Doughnuts help.

I'm not the one who blew up the house.

I'm not the one with the drug habit.

And I lost someone, too.

I went through a trauma, too.

Dell, she's 7.

I know, I know.

She's 7.

I know.

Hoarding is a mental illness, Cooper.

- I can't just tell her to snap out of it.
- No, but you can get a dump truck

- back it up and start shoveling.
- Then she's just gonna start with the behavior all over again.

- I need some time to get to the root of the problem.
- He doesn't have time. He's got staph eating his arm.

Which could happen in a
clean house. You know that.

- And you're treating it at St. Ambrose.
- Yeah, and Charlotte's gonna slice me

for using one of her
precious beds for someone

- that's not on death's door, so... For God
sake, Cooper. A patient needs a bed, admit him,

but don't keep blaming me for
everything. It's getting old.

If Andrea doesn't start throwing stuff

out the front door
tomorrow, I'm calling DCFS.

How long is he gonna keep punishing me?

'Cause I'm about to stop
forgivin' and forgettin'

and get real nasty.

- Do you ever get used to this view?
- No.

So... you're doing the
surgery tomorrow, right?

- I am going to do the surgery tomorrow.
- This is so beautiful.

- Isn't it beautiful?
- And everything's gonna be okay, right, after the surgery?

Yes. I've always
wanted to learn to surf.

Do you want to learn to surf?

Whatever. Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I mean, do you ever
get used to this view?

Mark, that little girl is
not ready to be a mother.

How's she gonna handle it the first time

- the baby spits up in her mouth?
- I'm gonna be there with her,

- every step of the way.
- Really?

How are you gonna handle
spit up in the mouth?

It happens quite frequently.

I can handle it.

I grew up, you guys.

You all ran off to live on the beach,

- and... I went and grew up on you.
- Okay, now that's just crazy talk.

- I think I might move here.
- What?

- What?
- What?

I could join your practice. This is L.A.

I'm a plastic surgeon.
I'd bring in a fortune.

And you could help me raise the baby.

are you out of your mind?

Please tell me you're not... serious.

Addison and I are good
together. Tell him.



Like you said, she's a kid.

But you. You know me.

You get me.

You all do. You're my friends...

my old friends, my good friends.

And this? This feels right.

It feels really right.

You hungover?

You were the one who was drunk, not me.

I wasn't the one talking about
moving my whole life down here.

- That wasn't drunk talk, Addison.
- Oh, come on, Mark.

Let's not talk about it.

- I want you focused on the surgery.
- Montgomery.

- How long you gonna need O.R. three?
- Uh, two hours tops.

Good. Who's hot stuff?

- Uh, um, Dr. Charlotte king, Dr. Mark Sloan.
- Plastics.

- Sexology.
- Sexology.

My God. I love L.A.

I was just telling Addie
I could be persuaded

- into relocating if the situation were right.
- I've been saying we need a plastics guy.

- Haven't I been saying we need a plastics guy?
- Oh, God.

Well, we'll talk, right
after my daughter's surgery.

Actually, you can talk
now on your way out.

On my way out?

Yeah, you're not allowed
within 1,000 feet of my O.R.

And don't let him join the practice

while I'm in surgery.

Thank you for letting me come see you.

Do you remember when this first started,

this, uh, need to keep everything?

Cody made at.

Did it have anything to do
with the death of your husband?

Cody will grow into this in a few years.

These erasers...

they are all still good.

This can be repaired.

How would your life be
different if you threw this out?

- I need it.
- Why?

Because you never know...

when you're gonna need something.

And then if you throw it out,
you don't have it anymore.

I'm not crazy. Maybe
I'm a little eccentric.

I know what people think.

But I'm not crazy.

Surgical time-out's complete.
Let's prep the belly.


- Is everything okay?
- Everything is perfect,

'cause you can't walk
away from me in here.

Look who's making up the rules now.

I am at work, Sam.

You're really going to talk about

my very, very personal
life while I'm at work?

No. No, no, no. Hello, everyone.

I am going to talk to you about dogs.

Where's my mom? Why isn't she here?

She's on her way. How you feelin'?

I want to go home.

Yeah, I bet.

Hey, um, I have a question for you.

Do you have any family around here,

any aunts, uncles?

No, why?

Well, I'm working with your
mom on cleaning your house up,

and it'd be better if you had
someplace else to stay for a while.

No, I need to be with
her. I take care of her.

Well, would you like
that to be different?

You don't understand.

Sh... she needs help, Cody.

She needs more help
than you can give her.

And this separation
would only be temporary.

You can't do that. She'd be...

It'd be like when my
dad and my sister died.

Do you mind if I ask you about that?

My dad had us weekends.

So they were divorced?

I was sick, so it was
just my sister that Friday.

They ran off the road in Latigo Canyon.

I have to stay with my mom.

And then you have golden retrievers.

Now golden retrievers, like labs,

whether they be blond or chocolate,

they're pele dogs. They're
all about pleasing you,

all about making you happy.

You can neglect them,
you can ignore them,

you can walk all over them,

- but still, making you happy is their first thought.
- Snipping the first band.

Now I would be fine if you took up with

a golden retriever or a
lab... heck, even a schnauzer.

But Sloan? Sloan is a dachshund.

Dachshunds like to eat poop

right up off the
street... other dogs' poop.

They're more concerned
with their own needs

than they are with making you happy.

They're filthy and immoral...
- Immoral? They're immoral dogs?

The owners of dachshunds
are desperate...

desperate for affection.

But it's the wrong kind of affection,

- the kind that makes you always take care of them.
- Oh, my God.

- What happened?
- The AVM just blew.

She's bleeding all over.
I can't see a thing.

- Convert to open.
- With the baby still inside her?

Yes. 10-blade.

Was this my fault? I was
talking. W... we were talking.

I'm capable of talking and
operating simultaneously.

You blew the AVM?!

Not on purpose. I already told him that.

- Well, then what the hell happened?
- Stop yelling at her.

She lost a lot of blood,
but she's gonna be okay.

- And the baby?
- I think he's gonna be fine.

- You think?
- I hope. I'm sorry. The AVM is very delicate, Mark.

It's directly below the dissection,

- and it... it... it... it just blew.
- I need to see her.

Okay, look, Mark, she's gonna be
in bad shape when she wakes up.

She hemorrhaged. I had to open her up.

She's gonna be much
worse than last time.

The last thing she needs is to look up

- and see you hovering, terrified.
- What do you expect me to do?

- Why don't we just take a walk? We can just calm...
- Naomi, don't talk to me like I'm a child. I'm not a 12 year...

Mark, please, just go with Naomi.

- She knows what she's talking about.
- Fix this.

That baby has to be okay.

He will. He will.

I care about Mark Sloan.

I loved him once. And
he was our best friend.

And, yes, he's done a
lot of stupid things,

but he also let all of us
do a lot of stupid things.

He let us do a lot of stupid things

and he never judged us.

He's not just a dog, Sam.

Sure, he's got a screwed up
moral compass, but so do I.

He's a good man.

this baby's gotta be okay.

I didn't even know he had a sister.

- Yeah, and the fact that she didn't even mention it...
- Yeah.

It has to be the root of the problem.

- Hey, where's Cody?
- His mother took him home.

- I'm calling DCFS.
- DCFS is not the answer...

she snatched Cody out of the hospital

- and brought him back to the house of horrors!
- Why are you shouting at me?

- Because you have no concern at all for this boy.
- The best thing for that child

would be to have a healthy
mother, and frankly,

- the best thing for you would be to stop displacing your anger.
- What is that supposed to mean?

You're angry at Charlotte.
You're angry at yourself.

You keep lashing out at everybody else

so you don't have to
take responsibility.

- I am trying to help Cody.
- By putting him in foster care?

By ripping him away from his mother?

By breaking his heart?
Get a grip, Cooper.

- Deal with your problems.
- You gotta think Charlotte lied to me...

No, no, Coop. You gotta
talk to her about that

I'm serious. I am out.

Oh, you're out? You're out.

You don't get to be out!

How many times... how many
times have I had to listen to you

go on and on and on about Allan

or Sheldon or, oh, my God, Pete?

Pete this and Pete that, Violet.

And look how well that worked out.

Look how healthy I am.
Yay me. I am super normal.

- Point taken.
- Thank you.

Talk to her... not me.

Work it out or not.

You love each other, you
don't... figure it out...

with Charlotte.

I'm calling DCFS.

Is there some reason why we
are eating in silence yet again?

May I be excused?

Maya, why don't you just
tell me what's going on?

We can talk out it.

- Can I be excused, too?
- Betsey, Naomi went to a lot of trouble...

Thank you for breakfast.
May I be excused?

Sure, honey.


Well, at least you know why
yours isn't speaking to you.

I didn't k*ll her mother, you know?

I'm just gonna say it to her, you know,

- 'cause at some point, you gotta grow up.
- Dell, she's...

I know she's 7. I... I know.

But i-I can't feel like this every day.

- You know, I can't keep being treated like the enemy.
- Well, maybe all she needs is an apology.

What am I apologizing
for? I did the right thing.

Heather's faced was burned off.

You know, she burned her
face off getting high.

- You really think I should've let Betsey into that room?
- Okay, you're in mourning,

and, uh, you are my friend,
and you've been through hell,

so I've been really gentle with you.

But I think I am not gonna
be gentle with you anymore.

I think I'm just gonna
tell you the truth

because that's what I
would want you to do for me.

Are you okay with that,
if I'm not gentle anymore?

- Yes.
- Okay.

I think you should've
let her in that room.

I think you should've let
her say goodbye to her mother.

I think Pete was right, and I
think you owe him an apology.

And I think that Betsey
has a right to be pissed.

I would be pissed, too.

7 or 37, I would be pissed.


Hey, Sloan. It's Addison.

Where am I?

You're in the hospital in Los Angeles.

You just had surgery,
but everything is fine.

- You and the baby are fine.
- Where's my mom? I want my mom.

Well, Mark's here. Your dad's here.

- And he's gonna be here in just a few minutes.
- I don't want him. I want my mommy.

I don't want any of
this. I don't want a baby.

I just want to go home.
I want my life back.

I want to go home.

I'm delirious.

I am delirious with exhaustion.

Lucas thought it was
morning at 2:00 a.m.

And then again at 3:00 a.m. and at 4:00,

and I'm... I feel like I'm underwater.

See? That's what I'm talking about.

You're a grown man, and you're a wreck.

- That's what you were talking about to who?
- To myself...

in my head.

Sloan Sloan... she's...

she's pretty simple,
you know, and young.

And her mom had her when she was young.

And I don't think she's
even thought about adoption.

I don't think anybody's counseled her.

And I think she feels trapped,

and I think it's my
responsibility as her doctor

- to give her her options.
- Well, of course it is. What's the problem?

Mark. He really... wants this baby.

He wants to raise it with her.

Are we talking about
the plastic surgeon?

oh, the contempt

that seeps from your every word...

do you have that for every
plastic surgeon or just,

- you know, ones that I sleep with on the floor of my office?
- I just...

I don't think there's
anything to debate, Addison.

- You're her doctor, she's a kid...
- She's 18.

Yeah, well, still,
it's your responsibility

to counsel her, give her the options.


Back in new York, you know,
Mark and I were together,

and, um... I got pregnant.

And I told him about
it, and he was excited,

and... I... wasn't,

and I had an abortion.

I didn't talk to him about it first.

I made the decision for both of us.

And he wanted it.

And he wants this one.

one thing can't inform the other.

Your loyalty to your friend
and your... your guilt

or your remorse, it can't
inform your patient care.

You gotta give her the
options and let her choose.

Maybe it'll go his way.

And I'm sorry.

It sounds just awful.


- Don't fall asleep on my head.
- I'm up. I'm up.

How's the baby?

Heartbeat's holding strong.

I haven't taken my eyes off it.


That's, uh...

That's good.


This midlife crisis, uh, you're having,

all this talk about moving to L.A... -

whatever is... is going on with you,

something worse is
going on with Addison.

And I'm not about to let
her be your landing pad.

What the hell do you care, Sam?

Well, she... she just
spends a lot of time, uh,

trying to take care of
everyone at the practice,

so, you know, I'm trying
to take care of her.

I'm saying, I like you, Mark,

but what you've been doing around here,

it's not you at your best.

And I ask again, what
the hell do you care?

I just care.


Looking for me?

Yeah. I wanted to let you know
I have a staff meeting tonight.

I'm not sure when I'm gonna be home.

You lied.

Why did you lie? I
just want to know why.

- I told you why.
- No, y... you told me that there are things you can't t...

- I told you I didn't want to go there.
- Were you ever gonna marry me? Was that a lie, too?

- Oh, can you answer the question?
- The nerve to do this here. Can you not ask it? I have answered it?! What?

You, uh, you seen Addison?

No, not recently. Not down here.


Your son?


And you bring him to work?

Naomi is cool with that?

I'm sorry. I, uh, I'm
about to have a kid.

Or my kid... my kid
is about to have a kid.

And, uh, you can skip the grandpa jokes,

because they have all been made.

My kid, she's, uh... she's young.

She's gonna need a lot of help.

So I think it's really great

that you get to bring your baby to work.

L.A's a pretty liberal place.

Naomi's a pretty liberal boss.

You know, I don't think
I've ever even held a baby.

I mean, obviously, I held lots of kids

during my peds rotation
when I was a resident.

But I don't... I don't...

I don't think I've
ever even held a baby.


Go ahead.


Just be gentle. I just got him quiet.




Wow, you're cute.

Shh. It's okay.

So have I got this straight?

You think my favorite
hobby is sitting around

- dreaming up ways to emasculate you?
- You humiliated me

when you bought me into the
practice without asking me.

That made me less of a man.

You made yourself less of a man

when you spent all the
money in your bank account.

You know what? Let's
just... start over here.

No, no, no, no. This is good.
Get it all out. This is good.

- Charlotte King finally opens up. Come on.
- What's that supposed to mean?

I mean, I am there for
you and there for you,

but all you want to do is
screw and not talk and...

All I want to do is
screw? All I want to do?

Oh, you are gonna have
to look in the mirror,

because the pot is definitely
calling the kettle black.

Screw is all you know how to do.

No, no, no. No, I'm a person.

I'm a whole person with
feelings and friends

and a practice full of patients,
and what do you have? You.

Don't you say that like it's
an insult. Don't you dare.

I am not a freak. I'm
not the freak, Charlotte.

I'm not the freak that got
fired because I'm heartless.


No, you're the freak who
needed me to bail you out,

which is how I know I'm not heartless.

The 50 grand I spent to buy
your ass a place in this practice

- proves I am not heartless.
- And we're back to the money again?

- You are such a bitch that you can't...
- I do what needs to be done.

I do what needs to be
done, and you resent me.

Why, 'cause I don't go all
crybaby every five seconds?

It's not about crying.
It's not about crying.

It's about being a person.

It's about being a
normal woman, for once.

It's not my fault you're not a man.

So don't tell me I'm not a woman.

I literally... I am
full of hatred right now.

Oh, join the freakin' club. W...

Do you know how ridiculous it is
that you would take me aside...

There's the heartbeat.

And it's strong.

So... I have to ask you this.

Has anyone ever talked
to you about adoption?

What, like when you pick a
family from the "pennysaver"?

No. That's just in "Juno."

No, in real life, there are agencies,

and all they do is screen families.

They find you safe, wonderful families

who would love your
baby as much as you do.

There are agencies. In fact,
we have one at the practice.

Don't tell Mark that we're
having this conversation,

'cause I know that he'd
freak out, and, like,

all my stuff is still at his apartment.

No, I'm... I'm your doctor,
so I can't tell anyone

anything that we're talking about.

And... and for the record,

I think that you could
be a great mom, Sloan,

and I know Mark would be an amazing...

So these agencies...

like, what exactly do they do?

We are breaking up.

Coop, we're having a fight.

No, we're done.

I'm done.

You don't get to be done.

- You don't get to decide what happens to us.
- Goodbye, Charlotte.

Okay, this...

this is the problem right here.

You won't man up and face stuff.
You want to just cut and run.

- We're having a fight.
- No, the problem is...

You are a sex toy I
found on the Internet.

The problem is, you're
just a trashy little girl

who's trying to please her dead daddy,

and I shouldn't have
expected much from you.

My bad.

You act warm, all cute, cuddly Cooper.

But the bitch of it is,
you're the one who's heartless,

not me.

You. You're a mean,
cold, miserable bastard

who doesn't know a
thing about forgiveness.

You screwed another man, I forgave you.

That's just sex.

I was talking about us.

I was talking about love.

You're supposed to love me.

Were you ever planning on marrying me?

doesn't matter now, does it?

They can't just come and take my boy.

DCFS does not want to take Cody.

They will, but they don't want to.

But if you and I can show them
that you're fixing the problem,

then they will do anything
they can to have Cody stay here.

Mom, just throw some stuff out.

Maybe Cody can go to his
room so you and I can talk?

It'll be okay, mom.
Just listen to her, okay?

You can do it. I know you can.

I can't.

This doesn't fill the hole.

This doesn't make up
for divorce and death.

You didn't tell me about your daughter.

You didn't tell me because
what happened was unthinkable.

It's unbearable. But this
isn't working anymore, is it?

It's not working to
keep away whatever it is

that's eating you from the inside.

Did you divorce your husband
or the other way around?

How old was your daughter?

How did you find out they'd been k*lled?

Did you have to identify the bodies?

How did you tell Cody that his
father and his sister were dead?

I divorced him, okay?

I didn't love him anymore.

He was a good husband and
a good father, but I...

I tossed him out like a sack of garbage.

And if I hadn't done
that, then my daughter

- wouldn't have been in that car in that place at that time.
- You don't know that.

I do know that.

you want this gone?


how about that?

How about this?

Maddy was 4 1/2.

She wanted to stay with
Cody because he was sick,

but I made her go with her
father because I felt guilty

on the weekends.

And he loved them more than anything!

he loved them, and he loved me,

and I didn't want him!

No. No, they can't.

No, they can't take Cody.

They can't take him.
They can't take him.

Hey, hey, hey. Did you see what you did?

You threw stuff out. Can
you leave it out there?

- Can you do that?
- I think so.

I'm Ellie Farraday, DCFS.

Hi, Ellie. We're just doing
a little housecleaning.

I'm sorry.

For everything, I'm sorry.

That's quite a punch you've got.

You coming?

Oh, no. I'm just riding up and down.

- Lucas likes the motion.
- Yeah.

You like the motion.

I don't care what Sam
says. This is ideal.

What did Sam say?

Nothing. Forget about Sam.

This is ideal.

Three parents...

no one gets overwhelmed,

- everyone still gets to have a life.
- Mark...

this is our second
chance. Don't you see it?

What if there wasn't a baby?

Why? What happened?

Nothing. Nothing
happened. The baby's fine.

It's just, what...

What if Sloan changed her
mind or there wasn't a baby,

would you still want to move down here,

join the practice, be with me?

Because you keep asking, and
you paint a pretty picture.

And I'm just lonely enough
and I'm just scared enough

and I'm just freaked out enough
that if you ask me again...

I might say yes.

So I'm asking you not to ask me again

if it's not about me.

If you're just heartbroken
or in love with someone else

or you just want me
to help you with a baby

that you may or may
not be able to raise...

Don't ask me.

Because I don't know... anything.

I don't know... Anything anymore,

except, I can't fall in love with a man

who's in love with someone else.

That much I know. I can't do that again.

So please, if you're still
in love with the Grey girl,

then go back to Seattle.

But if you're not...

I mean, if you're serious...

and you want me...

then ask again.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, Red.


Me, too.

I was mad at her...

at your mom.

I was. I was so mad at
her, and I made a mistake.

I made a mistake. I was scared...

And I was just trying to protect you.

And I made a mistake,
not letting you see her.

I should've let you say goodbye.

I should've let her say goodbye to you.

And I'm...

so sorry.


We're... we're supposed
to know what to do.

But when we get scared
sometimes, we don't.

And I'm sorry. I... I...

I'm sorry for not
letting you say good-bye.


I'm just so sorry.

you should've let me.

I know. I know.

I know. Come here. Come here.

Come here, come here.

I know. I know.

Sweetie, I know I'm not
always that easy to talk to.

My... my mother wasn't
very easy to talk to either.

But, um...

Whatever's going on with you, Maya,

I hope you feel that
you can talk to somebody.

Talk to Dell or your dad or...

Talk to someone, Maya,

because the hard stuff...

it always gets easier
once you let it out.

Addison... can I talk to you?

Sure. Come on over.

Hey. What's the matter? Are you okay?

What's wrong?

What happened?

Sweetheart, whatever it is,
you can talk to me about it.

It's gonna be okay.

It's not gonna be okay.

It's not gonna be okay.