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03x09 - The Parent Trap

Posted: 10/15/22 19:36
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

Eleanor Bergen.

23 weeks in, the o.B. Noticed
an abnormality with the baby.

She's here today for
a 3-d ultrasound to follow up.

I know.

Well, there's a buildup
of cerebrospinal fluid.
Doctors split
on what to do here.

Some say wait as long
as possible to take the baby,

then clear it once it's out.
Well, if the swelling continues,
the baby could have

severe brain damage and possibly
rupture the mother's uterus.

Well, that's the other camp.
They say deliver the baby now.

23 weeks is way too soon.
Or terminate.

Eleanor and her husband
didn't know what to do,

so they called me, and I
called you to break the tie.

That's the husband.
Hi, Ronald.

This is the doctor
I was telling you about.
Hi, Addison Montgomery.

Thank you so much for coming.
My wife and I

a little freaked,
a lot freaked, actually.

We look at the scan,
at the baby's head...

And she's in there praying
that you're not gonna tell us

to give up.
Let's, uh, take a look
and we'll talk after, okay?

This is my wife...

Well, maybe this is
my penance for pushing.

I never thought I'd have
a child until I met Ron,

and then we just both thought,
why not?

Why not try for everything?
So it was a year

of looking for an egg donor,
three cycles of I.V.F.

Now look. Just look.
What were we thinking?

Congenital hydrocephalus

isn't necessarily correlated
with a mother's age.

"Necessarily" being
the operative word.
It's a waste of time
to feel guilty.

This is our baby.
This is our chance.
If Eleanor were to
stay here and be monitored,

would it be safe for her to
continue with the pregnancy?

I wouldn't, but there
could be another option.

I might be able to do
what's called

an in-utero
intracranial septostomy.

Meaning I'd go in
through the uterus

and into the baby's brain,

create a hole
between the ventricles.

That would drain
some of the fluid

and relieve the pressure.
Brain surgery
while the baby's inside me?

Is that... safe?

He means, is it safe
for a woman my age?


I'm leaving now
if you want a ride to school.

I'll catch the bus.

All right. Sit near
the emergency exit.

Love you. Bye.


What the hell is that?

Um... clothes and makeup.

And you were just gonna wait
until I left

so you could go to school
dressed like that?
This is how all girls dress.

Not this girl.
You have five seconds

to get upstairs, wash your face
and put on something decent.

We'll discuss how long
you're grounded later.
You're ruining my life.

What did you say?
Excuse me. What did you say?


She's 60 years old, Addison.

The risks of major surgery--
stroke, arrhythmia,

getting her off the ventilator--
they're all much higher.
It's still the best option.

For the baby, maybe.
But not for Eleanor.
If we try to string this out

and bring it closer
to viability,

it is not just the baby
that could be in trouble, Pete.

I mean, you saw the scan.

She's got, like, a little
time b*mb in her uterus.
Then we should advise them
to terminate and try again.

And what are the odds
of that happening?
They could use a surrogate
or adopt.

You think somebody's gonna give
a 60-year-old woman a baby?

You think Eleanor's
too old to be a parent?

I think it's a little weird

to introduce your prom date
to your 80-year-old mother.

That's one of the downsides

of getting good
at fertility treatment.

Everyone thinks they should be
able to have their own baby,

even at 60.
I don't know.

Maybe this child
just wasn't meant to be.

Not my b--not our--
not Lucas.

A patient.
She's 60 and pregnant.

Well, if she's happy sending
her husband out

for dentures and diapers,
then more power to her.

Yeah, well,
the husband's 30.

Even more power to her.

Now wait a minute. When Pete
was dating younger woman,

you said it was disgusting.
Don't bring me into this.

No, I'm just pointing out that
Violet has a double standard.

There is a stigma attached
to dating older women,

so I figure if a guy does, he's
in it for the right reasons.

Oh, right. Lunch.

Uh... Pete, this is
my father, the captain.

Nice to meet you.

And, uh, this is, uh...

Oh, hi. Sorry.

Not at all.

It is disgusting.

Come on, let's go.

I almost k*lled
your child today.
Oh, so today she's my child.

No, you would've had to
Bury her body in secret

to keep me from going to jail.
Okay, what'd she do?

She tried to
sneak out of the house

dressed up like some
25-year-old I don't know what.

You remember when she
used to put on your lipstick--

Sam, she's not 4,
and this is not sweet.
Oh, come on now, Nai.

Don't "Nai" me. She was trying
to pull one over on me.

And then when I called her
on it, she stomped away

and slammed the door,
in my house.
You said you
almost k*lled her, right?

I am not gonna let
our daughter turn into

one of those snot-nosed
private school kids

who just thinks that they can
do whatever they want.
That is not Maya.

Well, apparently,
we don't know Maya.
Well, try not to get
yourself all worked up.

Sam, she is
hiding things from me,

which means
she doesn't trust me

or she is doing something
that she knows is wrong.

And you think this is
more than her

just putting on
some skimpy clothes?
I don't know.

I don't know, but I'm gonna
turn her room upside down

until I figure out
exactly what's going on.

Well, uh, ruthie looks fine.
How are you doing?

Yeah, you got
these two little ones

and 4 others at home
under, what, 8,

and you're--
you're great, huh?
I'm very blessed.

Doesn't mean
you can't complain.

Tell me you're exhausted.
Oh, I gave up on sleep
a long time ago.

I mean, you got
no time to yourself or...

It's, uh, shimmon.

Yeah, it's your husband?
He's not...


Oh, uh, okay.
Well, that, uh, that happens.

Some men feel awkward
with their wives

during or sometimes even after
pregnancy, but it passes.

Dr. Freedman, I shouldn't be
talking to you about this.

It's not proper.
If there's a problem--

it's not proper, and, uh,
I don't think you can help.

I need your help.

If you knew somebody
was admiring you,

specifically your ass,

would that
just be flattering,

or would that
get you aroused?

Who's admiring my ass?

'Cause I think that would be
arousing, right?

To know that somebody
right near you

is thinking about you

Wait, who are we
talking about, me or you?

W-We're talking about y-you,

You asked me to help you
with something?

Oh, yeah. Um, a patient.

Two months postpartum,
and she's concerned

'cause her husband
is not interested in sex.

Oh, well, could be
depression, stress,

performance anxiety.

Unless it's vascular disease,

iatrogenic impotence.

Forget where
my office is, Coop,

the one with
all the marital aids

and books you sneak in
to look at during lunch?
No, I was just--

referring a patient to Violet
you should be referring to me

because you're still mad
and petty.
Pettiness aside, there's no
reason to jump to physiology.

I mean, sex issues,
more often than not,

are rooted in
emotional dysfunctions.

Actually, we're finding
more and more

that problems in the bedroom
stem from hormonal imbalances,

nerve problems, all kinds
of equipment failure.

Okay, you know what? I would
like to see her alone first.

I thought we were
one big team here at o.W.G.

Or is that only when you want in
on other people's patients?

So how exactly
do you see this working?

Having an awkward lunch
together every few days

that it takes you three
vodka tonics to get through

and me a half a bottle of wine
at night to forget?

Addison, please.

I enjoyed
seeing your office.

Violet's ass
or the whole thing?

I'd like
to see your house.

So we could sit there
and stare at each other,

see who blinks first
without even a waiter

to break the tension?


You working on
anything interesting?

I'm just...

I'm trying, Addison.

I might be doing an in-utero
intracranial septostomy.


Trick there is getting
a good angle

on the foramen of monro.


And then finding the avascular
plane of the septum.

Yes. Yeah.

So would you go

to the contralateral
ventricle first?

What are you doing home?

I don't know
who you are...

But you should leave.

Yes, ma'am.






Mom, what are you
gonna do?

Three... four...

why are you counting?


I am trying
to calm myself down.



It's not working.

call your father.

Tell him to come here now
and save your life.

It's not the first time
shimmon hasn't been interested

after we've had a baby, but it's
lasting longer this time.

And I started thinking...

Does your husband f--
how often do you
and your husband...

Okay, well, other than
the lack of interest,

have you noticed anything else
different about your husband?

Well, like what?
Is he emotionally distant?

Not at all.
Shimmon's wonderful.

Oh. Oh, good.
Well, have you noticed--

any physical changes?
Well, he hasn't been
sleeping well,

so he's always up poking around
the fridge with weird cravings.

And, well,
maybe I'm imagining it,

but up here...
Getting a little flabby?

It's the couvade.
What's that?

Well, sometimes
a woman's pregnancy

causes changes
in her partner's hormones.

His testosterone gets
converted to estrogen.

It's a sympathetic reaction,
so his symptoms mimic yours.

But it's easily treatable--
cognitive behavioral therapy--

androgen supplementation.

Either way, we can help you get
shimmon charged right back up.

I'm sorry. Maybe I'm not
being clear.

That's not what I want at all.
I love my husband.

I love being intimate with him.

But I can't have him
charged back up.

I thought you wanted
help with your sex life.

We have six kids
who I adore.

But if I have to raise

or shimmon has to provide
for any more...

We can't use birth control,

but we can't have more kids.

So this couvade,

is there any way to
keep it going permanently?

She wants you
to keep him tamed,

and you're okay
with that?
Well, people have

meaningful relationships
without having sex.

And yet, when they're not
having it,

it's usually a sign that
there's a problem, isn't it?

You asked me
to help, Cooper.
No, actually,
I asked Violet to help.

And I don't think that what
Rachel needs right now

is for you
to bring her back in

and start tossing around words
like "oral" and "a**l."
Well, personally,

I don't think Rachel needs
to give up sex at all.

I mean, why should a woman

who's feeling something
not act on it?

No matter how deeply
she tries to Bury her feelings,

eventually, they're gonna
come back, right?

I think we need to
convince her that it's okay

to use birth control.
Well, I agree, but I don't
think she's going there.

I think we're missing
a major part of this equation.

Sex... guy involved.

Or at least
there's supposed to be.
You know, he's right.

We should get shimmon to help.
But if Rachel
won't talk to a man,

would shimmon
talk to a woman?

Well, then even if the buildup
of c.S.F. Is significant,

you can still get
complete resolution.
Ideally, yes.


I have a patient,

and, um, then I have to go
to the hospital after that.

So thank you for lunch.


Oh, hello.

Dr. Montgomery.



She was here

ditching school
on her back with some boy.
His name is dink.

You told me that you two
were just friends.
Wait a minute. Wait.

What, what, you--
you knew about this dink?

Uh, not--not much.
I-I know that she likes him

and that he's in the band.

He's in a band, dad.

You told me
he was in the band.

You two aren't...
Having sex?

So you say. How are we
supposed to trust you, Maya,

when you go and you do
something like this

and you show
such poor judgment?

So having a boyfriend
counts as poor judgment?
Yes. Did I say you could have
a boyfriend?

Did I say
you could talk to boys?

Did I say you could even
be around a boy?
Okay, l--calm down.

All right, let's just try
to discuss this rationally.
That's fine with me.

Mom is the one that's
getting all worked up.


Maybe if you had
a boyfriend...

What? I will--i-i will k*ll
this child, Sam.
Don't--no, she--

you--you better go upstairs
and pack a bag.

Go upstairs and pack
a bag... Now.

Okay, don't worry.

All right? I-I got this.

Um, I'll bring her over to
my house for a couple of days.

You've been doing all
the parenting. It's my turn.

Thank you.
I-I-I got this.

you better have it, Sam.

This is our child.

What's bradycardia?
It means that the baby's
heart rate has slowed down.

Nobody said anything
about the heart.

It's a side effect
of increased cranial pressure.

How dangerous is it?

Your baby isn't going
to make it to viability.

We either need to perform
the septostomy

or terminate the pregnancy.

I'm sorry.

I'm worried about you.

Let's just worry
about the baby.

How soon can you operate?

I should do this
more often.

♪ When you... ♪


♪ Come home tonight ♪

♪ my love ♪

Mm. I'm sorry.

I can't. I can't.
You don't need
to say anything.

It's just been a long time,
you know, since I felt this way.

You know, I've been stuck
in my head for so long,

the idea that I have a body,
that I could be touched...

Do you mind my scar?

Not at all.

I can't look at it.

♪ Where they don't... ♪

Then don't.

It'll fade.

And in the meantime,

let it be
a reminder that...

You went through something
no one else quite understands

and survived...

And that you--
you earned the right

to do exactly what you want
for a while,

whether it's this
or... anything else.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ ooh ♪

I'm afraid Addison's
gonna hate me.

You'll be in good company.

Do you think there's any way

to explain it to her
that she'd understand?

Emotional discussions
are not our forte,

so I don't know.

That's sad.

It is.

I was always...
Working, traveling

when Addison had this or that
going on.

No one event I missed
looms large,

but in the aggregate,
I suppose I...

Lost track of her,

of who she is anyway.

But you're here now trying.

I guess I should just
try harder.

Well, maybe if you saw her
more here...

In her element...

That might make it easier.

It might be good
for both of you.

♪ Ooh ♪

Maya's being stupid.

Well, she's a teenager.
If you take
her side in this,

I swear, I will take
my chocolate and I will leave.
I am not.

I am on your side, Nai...
For what it's worth.

I mean, honestly, you'd be
hard-pressed to find someone

who knows less about functional
parent-child relationships.

What, is the captain that bad?
He says he wants
to spend time with me,

but he doesn't know how
to spend time with me.

We talked about surgery.
He lectures, and I pretend

to not already know
what he's telling me.

I should just send him home,
let him and bizzy clank around

in that empty house
in wasp-y silence.

Yeah, well, sitting around
in your empty house,

you start to have doubts.

Will you please tell me that
I am doing the right thing?

You are doing
the right thing, Nai.

I don't mean to disturb you.

Captain, how are you?

I came to ask a favor.

I was hoping
I could observe you

perform the septostomy.

You want to watch...

I've never seen you work.

I know your reputation,
of course, but, uh...

I'd like to see it,
to see... you.


If it's not an imposition--

just take yes as an answer.

Look, I work two jobs
six days a week,

and Rachel is consumed.

She makes our home,

she juggles schools and doctors
and meals and birthdays--

so many things,
I lose track.

Exactly, so at a certain point,
whether it's 7 or 9 or 12 kids,

do you think
you'll want to stop?

The torah tells us
"to be fruitful and multiply,"

fill the earth
and subdue it.

We interpret that to mean
that we can't do anything

to try to prevent a pregnancy.

I love my wife.

And neither one of us wants to
give up... you know--

what if
we could find something

that wasn't technically
birth control?


We have chosen to be faithful,
Dr. Freedman.

Who would we be fooling?

People are unpredictable.

Look, Addison--
just when you think
you know someone,

they go ahead
and do something nice.
Wait, what?

My father. He wants to
watch me do surgery.

I mean, the man never made
a single piano recital,

tennis match--
nothing my whole life.

And suddenly--
that's--that's great.

Violet, look, I know that
you think people can change,

but do you really think
the captain--

Hey, Pete.

Yeah, of course.

I'll be right down.
Uh-huh. Okay.

What's wrong with you?

Nothing is wrong with me.

I'm normal. I just--i just
did something normal.


No, really. I, um...

I slept with someone.

I didn't think I would,
but then I did.

And it was... normal. I didn't
even think I cared anymore,

but then I slept with
the captain, and it was

the most normal thing
I've done since the attack.

Did I just say his name out
loud? Because I was thinking it,

and then I just--
yeah, I said it out loud.
So all that about
getting your needs met--

no, no, no.
This was not about sex.

It was... it was good.

Except for the part

where you committed adultery
with your friend's father.

We need a rabbi.

She's 15 years old, all right?
She's becoming her own person.

We gotta give her room.

Room to what,
roll around on the couch

with some boy named dink?

Well, maybe we should
meet him, you know,

see what kind of a guy he is.
He's the kind of guy

who had his hands all over
your daughter's--
oh, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, do you remember what you
were like when you were his age?

Oh, yeah, well, you're--
you're not a good example,

but this dink person,

he looks like a scruffy
little hormone.

Okay, I will talk to her
about him.

Talking's good,
but yelling's fine, too.

She's gotta feel like
she can trust us.

She needs to know
that she cannot cross us.

We've gotta
hold the line, Sam.

Tough but fair.

All right, well,
when in doubt, you...

Channel me.

That's worked out well.

You need to talk her
out of it, Dr. Montgomery.

I know what we said,
but... when I look at you

and I think about
what they're about to do...

We don't have to do this.

If you want to save the baby,
Eleanor has to have surgery.

I'm scared, too, Ronnie.

But this our baby.

Okay, maybe it's not my egg,
but it's got your d.N.A.

Honey, it's your child.

It's not that I don't
love it. I do.

But right now...

I love you more.

I can't even think
about losing you.

But you will.

We're never gonna have
the kind of time

that other couples
have together.

And after I'm gone,
you're gonna have this...

To remember what we had

and what we were together.

Look, I get that you want
what's best for Eleanor,

but if you do what's best
for the baby,

I think I can give you both.

Ronnie, please.



Violet slept
with Addison's father.


I thought you'd want to know.

Why would she do that?

Why would she tell you?

Some people can talk to me.


I'm trying to tell you things,
like you wanted.

Gossiping about
who's sleeping with whom

is not want I wanted.

Where are we, Cooper,

you and me?

I don't know.

Okay, hold on, baby.

Sit still.

I wish she could give
the baby a paralytic

to slow everything down.

Can't because of
Eleanor's age.

Well, you could. I would.

I've learned...
Don't second guess her.

Well, I-I didn't mean to,
but that's nice.

you're being protective.

I can only imagine
what she's said about me.

She hasn't,

not much anyway.

Are you two... close?

We are.

Um, not like that.
I'm with Violet.

Well, I was with vi--

We recently had a baby
together, so we're...

Well, I don't know
what we are.

Okay, I'm in at...

2 millimeters.

Get ready to inflate.

Okay, go.

You ever seen Addison

do surgery before?

Not since she was a kid.

Uh, when she was 8 or 9,

she used to love to come to
the university with me.

She'd sit in the back of
my class cutting on a hot dog

while my other students
worked on their cadavers.

She always wanted
to impress me.
With a hot dog?

You ever try to take
the casing off in one piece?

It's like separating

the dura
from the cerebral cortex.

She's gotten good at it,


Damn it.

The opening's closing up.

Stay and visualize...
Then reinflate.

Come on, Addie.

She will.

Okay, repositioning.

Come on.

Okay. We're back in
at the original incision.

Inflate the balloon
to 3 millimeters...


Come on.




Got it. Camera.

She's got it.

She's good.

Okay, let's prepare to close.

It's a mitzvah, guys.

Married people
are supposed to be having sex.

Whether or not
they're trying to have kids?

Absolutely. Judaism is unique
among the major world religions

in that it promotes sex
not just for procreation

but for pleasure.

You see? You should come
to shul more often.

You'd learn
all sorts of good things.

That's good. Sex is good.

But even if people are just
having sex for pleasure,

babies happen.
And you want to know
about birth control.

You should read
the story of onan.

We're pretty down on anything
that has to do with

destruction of the seed.
Well, the pill doesn't
technically destroy any seed.

You're right. It--it's all
about interpretation.

Depending upon how observant
they are, some Jews feel

that if you've had
at least one boy and one girl,

you've been fruitful enough.

Others take a harder line.

So with the hard-liners,
is there any kind of loophole?

Isn't there a mercy clause
in judaism

for parents who have already
filled up the minivan

but still want to keep doing
those--those mitzvahs?

Look, rabbis have been
debating these rules

for hundred of years.
So can't we find one who would
let 'em use birth control?

Sure, but it doesn't sound
like your patients

are looking to end-run
the lord.

They sound like
they want to live

by the letter of the law.



Thank you.

Your work is... elegant.

I was glad to be here.

I was glad you were.


Look, if, um...

If you still
want to see my house,

I mean, you could come over
tonight for a drink...

Around 7:00.

Uh, sure.

♪ just somewhere I go ♪

♪ when all my roads... ♪

I love hanging out
with you.

And I love rainbow sprinkles.

But are you gonna pick me up
from school every day?

You can trust me, you know.
I want to. I really do, but--

I know, the dink thing
wasn't good.

I should've just told mom
about him.

But she's so judgmental.

Hey. She's supposed to be.

We both are.

I think
you'd really like him.

Dink is... amazing.

Amazing, huh?


All right, I think
I should meet him then.

You totally should.
He'll think you're cool.

All my friends do.



Okay, so let's make a deal.

Uh, you tell me everything
you do, with whom and where,

and I will treat you like
you know right from wrong.


Okay? All right.

I'm excited about this,
living with you.

Aren't you?
I am. Mm-hmm.

Go ahead.
You can get that.


What, is that your, uh,
your b.F.F.

Making you l.O.L.?

Daddy, please don't do that.


So... he came
and watched my surgery.

You know, I was afraid
he was gonna do something awful,

like make some big speech

about upholding
the Montgomery name

or some snarky postmortem,

but... he didn't.

He called it elegant.

It was nice.

Oh, boy.

Don't hate me, Addie.

I am your friend.

I am your friend who slept
with your brother

and didn't tell you,
and I know what that did to you,

and I want to be your friend
and I don't want

to keep secrets from you--
oh, my god, Nai.
You slept with the captain.

- No, no, Addie. No, I wouldn't.
- Oh, okay. Thank god.

Okay, for a minute,
you scared me there.

I thought--
Violet slept with him.

And--and Violet told Charlotte,

and Charlotte told Cooper,

and then Sam read it
all over Cooper's face,

and then he didn't know
if you wanted to know,

so he asked me, and I...
I'm sorry, Addie.

I couldn't not tell you.

You need to just let it go,
Addie. Okay? It's not about you.

Hey. You look wiped.

You should go home and pour
yourself a glass of wine.

Yeah, well, a glass of wine's
not going to help.
Yeah, Pete's right, Addie.

You should--you should go.


Is it Eleanor?

She's having
these stomach pains.

Her sats are dropping.
What's wrong?

Let's take a look here.

What's happening to her?

Free fluid in her abdomen.
The uterus is almost empty.

There's leaking around
the site of the incision.

The baby's in distress.
Okay, Eleanor.

We need to go back in
and repair the defect

and then we will infuse fluid
back into your uterus.

Please... save the baby.
Let's go.

Save them both.

Focus on the uterine incision.
We need to localize the leak.

Tissue's not as resilient
as it was when she was younger.

Couldn't hold the seal.
Okay, grab
the suction irrigator.

Her respiratory rate is up
and her sats are dropping again.

She's going into failure.
She's fluid overloaded.

We need to get the amniotic
fluid out of her belly.

500 cc's

okay, we need to stabilize
her cardiac function.

Give her 40 of lasixs.
I need to get a patch in now.


Blocks sperm.

If they ever do
want to have kids again,

it wouldn't be
my first choice.
How does the female condom
work exactly?

No, really. It's like a big,
flappy, messy mystery.

We have to be able
to find something here.

We can't
just preach abstinence.


It's just like... you're just,
like, all about the sex,

just, like,
with whomever, whenever...

the age difference.

I mean, how long
do I have to pretend

that I don't know that you
slept with Addison's father?
Look, I'm happy about this.

I think it was--i think
it was really good for me.
That's good.

Good for you. But, you know,
telling people things,

telling the truth,
it's important.

And that's a lesson

that the women
in this room could learn.

Are you done
with your lecture?

'Cause it's not getting us
anywhere with the golds.
Yeah, it really
should not be this hard.

Well, it's not. It's the one
time we have a magic pill.

Doesn't take a genius to pop
one of these every morning.

Salt, water, little bit
of estrogen--

if it didn't say "birth control"
on the side,

the golds would be fine
with it.

I think we should ask them
to come back in.


You're okay, El.


You're okay.

Would you like
to see your baby?


The head...

It's perfect.

I can't believe I almost...

I almost took this
away from us.
But you didn't.

When things got hard,
you acted like a father.

I gotta go.

Excuse me.

Addison, hey.

You want to talk about it?


Yes and no.

My father
slept with Violet.

I know.

♪ get your body
up off the wall ♪

♪ hey, and put your hands up
like you broke the law ♪

♪ let me see you
take it down to the floor ♪

♪ whoa ♪
♪ now make it bubble up ♪

♪ what? ♪
♪ make it bubble up ♪

♪ get your body
up off the wall ♪

♪ hey, and put your hands up
like you broke the law ♪

♪ let me see you
take it down to the floor ♪
♪ whoa ♪

♪ now make it bubble up ♪
♪ what? ♪


Hey, dad.
Hey, I got this from
your fridge, doc.

Hope you don't mind.

Hi, Dr. Bennett.
I'm dink--

I know who you are.
You said you wanted
to meet him.

Get out of my house.

Go upstairs and put on
some clothes.

get your behind upstairs.

Okay, everybody, this party's
over. Don't bother cleaning up.

Daddy, can I just exp--
this party is over!

♪ Hey, and put your hands up
like you broke the law ♪

♪ let me see you take it down
to the floor ♪
♪ whoa ♪

♪ now make it bubble up,
make it bubble up ♪
♪ what? ♪

Do you want me
to explain?


I think things happen
for a reason, Pete.

And sometimes
you don't see them coming.

Sometimes you don't think
they could come.

But they do.

And I hope you're not upset,

I'm not ashamed.

I'm hopeful, actually, and--

stop talking, Violet.

You're talking as if I care,
as if it concerns me.

But what you do--
I don't care anymore.

I'm done.

We have all sorts of ways to
help you--devices, counseling--

if and when you decide
to avail yourselves of it.

But ultimately, this isn't
a medical decision.

It's a personal one.

So that's it?


Uh, Rachel.

Um, so Dr. Freedman told me
how exhausted you are.

I'll be okay.

Well, you're probably
just anemic.

It's very common
in young mothers.

Uh, this should help.
Is that...

Among other things, it treats
iron deficient anemia.

So if you feel like
you need it,

that would be up to you.

Okay, guys. Let's go.
Are we ready?

Come on.
Come on, come on.


Sometimes you don't tell
the person you love something

to protect 'em.

I have a question for you.

When you
slept with my father,

when you helped him
cheat on my mother,

uh, what did you say to him
to make him

behave actually like
a human being?
Addison, he is a human being.

Are you that gullible, lonely?
Is that it? What is it?
It wasn't like that.

So then what was it like?
Tell me, because of

all the faceless, nameless women
he's rolled around with,

you're the first one
I can actually ask.

Okay, um, if you--
if you really want to know,

it was, um...
It was wonderful.

No, i'm--I'm sorry
if--if that hurts you

or if it doesn't jibe
with how you see him,

but he was kind and caring.

He was a real gentleman.
He helped me.

He's the first person
in a long time

that made me feel normal.

And maybe I was wrong for
doing it, maybe we both were,

but he's not a bad person.

And I didn't mean
to hurt you, Addison--
well, but you did it anyway.

Well, you told Pete.
Did you mean to hurt him?

That's different.

But you did it anyway.

Get out.
But, daddy, I don't think--

get out of this car,
go in the house

apologize to your mother
and mean it,

because if you
screw up again...


She will k*ll you.

And I will help her
hide the body this time.

So... go.

♪ We blew into space ♪

♪ into space ♪

♪ a common lover's rift ♪

♪ uncommon words
thrown like fists ♪

♪ 'cause if you meant it, baby ♪

♪ it's too late ♪

♪ you've got a woman
that knows her worth ♪

♪ and ain't prepared
to compromise it ♪

♪ you better listen,
you better... ♪

I love her, but, man, sh--

I know.

What are we gonna do, Sam?

What if she keeps this up?
What's the next step?
We gotta stay tough...

Stay together on this.

♪ You can't treat me that way ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ ooh ♪


I have tolerated them.

I may not have forgiven you,

but I have tolerated them all.

This is different.

She's a consenting adult.
No, she is not.

In addition to being my friend
and my colleague,

Violet is damaged.
I understand
that's how you see her--

you took advantage.
I don't think Violet feels
taken advantage of.

She doesn't.
She called you a gentleman.

She said that you
were wonderful to her.

You know, and as bad
as I've felt about myself

for covering for you
for all of these years,

and as depressing as it is

to watch Archer
follow in your footsteps...

compared to hearing that,

because it made me wonder,

Why is it
that you can be so good

to every woman in the world

except bizzy and me?

Especially when we're the ones
that love you the most.

♪ compromise it ♪

♪ you better listen,
you better make it better ♪

♪ but don't make me say ♪

♪ you can't treat me that way ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ oh ♪

Bizzy, hi.

Listen, if you don't come out
here and tell her the truth,

I will.