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03x04 - Pushing the Limits

Posted: 10/15/22 19:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

I forgot about
the adrenaline rush.

I know.
You gotta hike more often.
No, no, surgery.

Yeah, amazing, right?
The thrill, the high.
I felt invincible.

The scalpel in your hand--
nothing beats it, not sex, not--
no, sex beats it.

Well, I wouldn't know, Sam.
It's been that long.

It's bad down there. It's like
some old western town...

I can't hear you.
Please stop talking.
With tumbleweeds...

Please stop talking.
Please stop talking.
Tumbleweeds and a sheriff.

I'm changing the subject.

Look, we still got to, uh,
make a decision about Naomi.

If we're not gonna replace her,
I think we should

at least have a talk.
About buying out her shares?

I was thinking the same thing,
and I came up with a figure.

I was thinking about making
the suggestion today.

You know what? Even without
adding someone,

we could still have another
surgeon at the practice.


♪ ...That we could've had ♪

♪ love is a notion
that I can't forget ♪


♪ I will never regret ♪


♪ Won't you tell me ♪

♪ am I in love to stay? ♪

The nanny had a cold.
I didn't want Lucas to get it.

Not that bringing a baby
to a medical practice

is a great way
to stave off germs,

but I'll keep him out
of the way. He'll be fine.

Well... have a good day.

♪ I don't know why ♪

♪ I love you like I do ♪

♪ after all the things
that you put me through ♪

♪ the sixteen candles
burning on my wall ♪

Oh, it's you. Dell.

We missed you around here.

You okay?
She cried and she held on
to my leg,

and I-I hate it
when she cries.
We are talking
about Betsey, right?

It's her first day
at a new school.

She's gonna be okay, right?

Okay, look, I know I just
got back to work,

but do you mind if I
take off early, check on her?
Sure. Whatever you need.


Uh, kimmie. Yeah, is it--
it's time.

My contractions
are a few minutes apart.

I'm going into labor, Dell.
Good. Yeah.
Let's get you to a room.

Welcome back.

He doesn't even look at me.

That is not true.

Okay, it feels like
you don't look at me.

It's just...

Ever since...

The r*pe.
It's okay to say it.

Sometimes that can help.

I think if you could
work on saying it--

I don't want to keep
bringing it up.

Collette, she's--
you think
if you don't bring it up,

I'm gonna forget
it happened?

That's the thing, Ty.
It's there. It happened.

And if you're not able to deal
with what collette went through,

then you and she aren't gonna be
able to move forward together.


I'll see you next week.

Uh, Ty. Meet me
by the elevators.

I have to stop by
the ladies room.


I, um...

I-I took
a home pregnancy test.

You're pregnant? That's...

You guys have wanted that
for so long.

You're having feelings
about telling Ty?

No, it's just, um...

I'm eight weeks.

Dr. Turner...

I don't know
who I'm pregnant by...

My husband...

Or the man who r*ped me.

- She didn't even look at him.
- Nothing?

She looked through him.
She's having a hard time.

She's gonna come around.

So I have a patient who
doesn't know if she's pregnant

by her husband
or the man who r*ped her.


Since when did you start
wearing ties to work?

What's the occasion?

No occasion. I wear ties.

Occasion. It's volunteer
clinic day at the shelter.

And I've recruited Coop and Sam
to come down there with me.

So you didn't need me?

Oh, no, no, no.
I-I just figured that--

I'm seeing patients, Addison.
I am fine.

So, uh, listen, by the way,
since we're all here.

There is something
we need to discuss.

Since we decided
not to replace Naomi,

uh, we need to buy out
her shares.

What do we need to do?

We each need to put in
$50,000 to the practice,

and then we'll be
equal partners.
50 grand?

- Check okay?
- Check is perfect.

I could do mine.
Good. Great.
Oh, come on, guys.

It's an investment
in our future.
Sure, whatever you need.

It's fine.
All right, so if we can just get
checks by the end of the day,

I'll get
all the paperwork rolling.

Okay. I will write mine...
Right now.

we have, uh, tampons,

condoms and a sample
of birth control pills, so--

we hitched here about
a month ago from Portland. No.

I tried out Seattle
and Tacoma,

but I realized,
if you're gonna be homeless,

you might as well be warm.

You know, it would be great

if, uh, you and Elliot
could get checkups more often.

There is medi-Cal.
Yeah, you--you need
documents and I.D.

Well, I could help you
track down your documents.

You know what? It's okay.
We'll make it.

Danielle, um,
how old are you?

And there's no one,
no family?

Well, I-I got a mom.

She's out of the picture.

If I wanted to keep my baby,
I had to leave.

But we're good. You know,
I take care of us.

It's been hard...
But we're lucky.

You know, we have each other.

Well, sometimes...
Look, mom.

That's all that matters,

He's had a runny nose
for weeks.

I mean,
I gave him cold medicine.

It just won't go away.
Well, he's got
a little fever.

Let me just have
our pediatrician take a look.

Okay? Coop.


Danielle, this is,
uh, coo--Dr. Freedman.

And this is Elliot. He's 2.

He's got a little runny nose
and it feels like a fever.
Can I take a look at you?

Come on now.

Hey, when we get done,
you want to go to the park?

Let me see here.

How long has he had this?
Oh, the rash?

Um, a few days, maybe.

It's not something serious,
is it?

Um, we should--
we should probably

get him back to the practice,
do an E.K.G. now.

I was so sure
it was time.

It will be. You just--
you just have to wait.

Hey, uh...

Your first patient back?

Yeah. Uh, false alarm,

Oh, hey, I-I heard
about Lucas, that he's yours.


Hey, Dell.
Do you have a minute?

I need to get
a-a c.V.S. Test done.

Yeah, sure.

There. See?

Tiny aneurysms
on his coronary arteries.

Blood vessels to his heart
are inflamed.

So it's kawasaki syndrome. It
explains the erythematous rash.

So this kid's homeless
with a heart condition.

So we treat it
with immunoglobulins.
It could help, but it's not
a definitive repair.

Yeah, but it's the first line
of treatment, right?

I mean, his mother can't even
afford a place to live,

and now she's gonna have a son
that could continue to get sick.

I-i--I'm worried.
I-I would like to do more.
Like what?

I could fix it--
a bypass procedure.

Sam, I know
you just did surgery--

well, hey, wait, it was
an amazing surgery.

but there's a process.

You can't just jump back
into surgery overnight.

The boy has a heart problem,

a heart problem that you and I
both know nobody else will touch

because there's no money in it.
Sam, you're jumping the g*n
on this.

Maybe I am,
but... I mean, I look at her,

and she should be in school
with Maya, and she's not.

She's not. She's alone,
and it's wrong.

Can we run her social,
get an address,

try to call the mother?

We don't know the situation.
She may be a runaway.

But she could've been
abused or molested.

Okay, we are not going to
put her in danger,

but she is a kid on the street,
in over her head

with a sick baby.
Well, not everyone's rich
with a perfect life.

What does that mean?
I don't--it just means
we... I don't know.

Let's find the mom.

You guys...

What? Why are we here?
Did something--

i'm... pregnant, Ty.

And, um, there's--
you're pregnant?

So I'm gonna be
a father?

Th-this is great. This--
this is what we wanted.

I know it's been awful.
I've been awful.

But it's like
a new start, baby.

We ran a paternity test.

It turns out that
you're not the...


No! It's his?

Ty, I-I know this is awful.

How soon can we abort?


Now she's not looking at me.
Now she's not talking.

what are you thinking?

It--it--it's awful.
I know it is.

But--but--but we've been trying
for so long to have a baby.

And--and this isn't how
I imagined it could happen,

but this could be our chance.
Our chance?

Yeah, babe...

You're thinking about
having him?

After that pig did--

you r--after he r*ped you?

Look, there, I said it.
He r*ped you!

And you want him inside you
for another nine months?



Oh, hey.
Naomi asked me to come
downstairs for a consult.

Do you mind watching Lucas?

Uh, I'm sorry.

I'm in the middle
of a situation.

That husband just found out

his wife is pregnant
by her r*pist.

So i'm--I'm way behind
in patient notes.
You have time.

Lucas will not be insulted

if you do a little work
while he's visiting.

Naomi, if Violet asks,

I'm here to consult
on a case for you.

What am I an excuse for?

So I can leave
the baby with her.

Come on.
I have to do something.

I figured if I brought
Lucas to work,

she'd be forced to see him,
and maybe--
uh, I don't know that forcing
her to bond with the baby

is gonna be
such a good idea.
Look, I don't expect
a miracle,

but maybe if she just
got curious,

something to remind her
that she has a son with me.

Am I crazy?

Trust me. Chocolate cures
almost everything.

This place is nice.
You've done well.

Yeah, yeah, it's nice.
It's a little quiet.

Well, quiet's good.
No, no, yeah, quiet is fine.

Quiet is professional.

But it's... I don't know,
it's a little weird.

Everyone's always holed up
in their offices working,

and I just kinda...
I feel like...

They treat me like--
The boss?


You're on my turf.

You have turf?

Work is turf. You've got Violet.
You've got Lucas.

I'm out of the picture,
and I'm dealing with it.

But you being here
at my work?

That is not part of
my program.

So I will ask you
to leave, please.

Uh, it--it's okay.
I'll talk to you later.


I'm fine. Just working my way
through the grieving process.

Denial never lasts
very long with me.

The anger does,
but I'm past it.

And frankly, I'm too busy
with work to be depressed,

and as far
as acceptance goes...

Well, screw acceptance.

But really,
I feel, um... fine.

You want to eat
some chocolate with me?


Do you always
stuff your feelings with food?



I found the mother--
Danielle's mother.

That's... great.
I have got Sam
and Violet's check.

I can get yours, too,
and get it in the account.
Right now?

It's for the practice,
for our practice.

I need to get the checks by--
by the end of the day.

Right. Oh. Do you need
until later in the week?

A little later in the week?
A little later in the week.

What? What, Cooper?

Not everyone has
a $30-million trust fund.



Okay, i--okay--

no, no, no, it...
Forget it.

That's a lot of tubes.

Are they hurting him?

No, no, the tubes
aren't hurting him.

That's how he gets
his medicine.
He's never stayed
a night away from me.

And if I'm not back
at the shelter by 8:00--
okay, you can stay in there
with him.

We'll get you all set up.
I'll speak to the nurses.


So we'll, uh, we'll see
what the--what the meds do.

I really think that surgery
would be a better option.

Not until the mom gets here.
I called her--the mom.

She is on her way.

Am I an ass...

A callous, oblivious ass?

What exactly
are we talking about here?

Cooper called you an ass?
He yelled at me about money.

Oh, that.
What? What?

Nothing. It's just...
You're a rich kid, Addison.

You grew up with money.
You never had to worry about it.

The rest of us,
it's not so easy.

But we're all doctors.
I mean, you backed me on this.

Yeah, because it's what
we need to do for the practice.

And it just so happens
that I could write the check.

So I am an ass.

You could be
a little bit more sensitive.

Kind of like, because you're
this world-class surgeon,

you don't see how telling me
I can't operate on this kid

might be cutting my legs
from underneath me.
I didn't.

Well, you did.


What... what's going on
right now?

Faucet drip was going on
all night.

It was driving me bonkers.
And so you decided
to tear up my bathroom?

New marble counters, hardwood
floors, recessed lighting.

Oh, you swept me off
my feet and dragged me here,

but don't expect me to live
in a manhole.

Bulldozing my bathroom
to avoid going to work

and dealing with your problems
is not cool.

This is so not cool.
What are you doing home
so early, Coop,

hangdog look?

Good. We're two peas
in a pod.

Now there's
dry rot that's a mess.

Receipts are on the table.
You can write me a check.
For what?

To pay for all this.

Damn it, Charlotte. You really
should not have done this.

Ah. Oh.

No contractions,
just like this morning.

Uh... but I feel it.

No, no, no. It's all
right here, and she's due.

My daughter?
A week overdue.

And I'm about to
pick her up from school.

It'll happen
when it's supposed to, okay?
But what if something bad
happens when I get home,

like she ends up breeched

or I have her in the tub
and she drowns?
Kimmie, your baby
will be fine.

How can you be sure?
My husband's not around.

I have tons of questions
I need answered.

Hey, look! I paid
for the midwife experience,

and you haven't been around.

Okay, okay. Let's, uh, let's
go over some of your questions.

You just left Lucas
sitting there?

He hasn't cried.
But he's awake, Violet.

Didn't you want to pick him up
and play with him?

No, I'm working, Pete.
I'm at work, working.

You're his mother.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


Charlotte is taking out
her problems on my bathroom.

She needs to be stopped.

So I need to
hide this here before...

I just can't let her destroy
anything else.

Why are we staring
at the floor?

I've been trying for weeks to
get the blood out of the wood,

and nothing works.

I've tried every brand.
That's my fifth bottle.

So... if Charlotte was r*ped

and ended up getting pregnant
by her r*pist

and decided to keep the baby,

that would be a deal breaker
for you, right?

Do not hypothetically
r*pe my girlfriend. I don't--
the couple--
the woman that was r*ped--

she wants to keep her--
the r*pist's baby.

She wants to keep the baby?
Yeah. That's just crazy,

I think I'm gonna tell her
it's crazy.

I mean, I know it's not my job
to make decisions for people,

but--you know, it's not fair.

you get to diagnose,

you get to tell people
what to do.

I'm supposed to just sit back
and let people figure it out.
Help them
figure it out. Right.

I mean, the point is,
it's wrong, right?

Right. I think.

Hey, did you actually
write Addison a check?


Do you think it's working?

Yeah, maybe a little.

How could she look
at this face

and not melt?

She's not looking.
I'm--I'm out of ideas.

Was I not clear?

I realize you're not
a trained therapist, Pete,

but I would think that
a doctor such as yourself

would understand boundaries.
Uh, Sheldon.

No, Naomi, please. This is
my battle, not yours.

We're not battling, Sheldon.
Naomi's my friend--
no, no, no. My friend.
I call Naomi.

No, he gets the girl.
He gets the baby. I get you.

You're my friend.
Now get off our floor.

Pete, I'll--I'll just--
I'll see you later.

Go ahead and go, okay?
Yeah, but sh--

just go.

For the record, I may not be
fully over the anger part.

Maybe not.



Wait. What are you
doing here?

You look so thin.

I'm fine, mom.
Wait. Who called her?

Who called her?

Danielle, I called.

I looked and I looked for you,
but you were just gone.

Oh, he's beautiful.

He looks like you
when you were a baby.

Don't touch him.

Danielle, you can
come home now. I don't--

you brought her here?
How could you do that?

Danielle, Danielle, she--
she was trying to help.

Help? She dragged me
to an abortion clinic.

And when I wouldn't do it,

she said I had to
give him up for adoption.

I don't want her here.
please don't do this.

Fine. Fine.

if she won't leave,
then I will.
Just stay. Just stay.

You told me so.

Let's just hope
we find 'em, okay?

Look, I'm sorry, Coop,
about the money.

I mean, I wasn't trying
to be an ass, you know?

And if--if you're not liquid,
I could front you the money.

It's not a problem. What?

I don't want your money.

and I really don't want
to talk about it.

Shh, baby.

- Danielle!
- Danielle.

How long's he been like this?
Over an hour. It's fine.
He's just--he's hungry, okay?

He always cries like this
when he's hungry.

We were just too loud inside.

I was scared
I was gonna get kicked out.

Come on.
Be a good boy, okay?

I-I got some pudding
from the hospital.

I took it off the trays.
Do you think he'll take that?
Danielle, Danielle,
listen to me.

If there's something wrong
with him,

pudding is not going to help.
Can you let me check him?

Let me--let me just check him,
just real quick.

Okay? It's okay.
Shh, shh, shh.

That's a good boy.


It's okay.

Okay, call 9-1-1.

Lay him here. Come on.
It's okay.

- You're okay.
- Just stay with us, okay?

He never came home.

I haven't seen him
since he left here.

Well, he's working
through this.

He doesn't understand

Why you would consider this.

I know. I love Ty.

We were summer camp counselors

We were perfect, but...


But I'm having a baby.

A-And you really think
that you're up

to putting yourself
through this?

Well... yeah.


You don't think I am?

Well, I know you want
to have a child,

but do you understand
what life is gonna be like,

seeing that baby every day?

Every time you see it,
it's gonna be like a recording

playing over and over
in your mind.

So you'll... remember
lying there feeling helpless.

You will remember him
standing over you

and touching you.

You will remember...
Screaming your lungs out,

screaming until you're hoarse,

hoping and praying

that somebody will come
and find you.

But nobody is coming.

And then comes
the unbearable pain.

And then you feel yourself
passing out,

but before you do, you wonder
if you'll ever wake up again,

and part of you hopes
that you never will.

So all of that...

All of that will be
staring at you every day.

Do you really think
that you can look at that?

Oh, my god.

Oh, my...

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.


One of the aneurysms
must have ruptured.
This doesn't make any sense.

That medicine that you gave me,
you said it would work.
We wanted it to work.

The last thing we wanted to do,
Danielle, is put you and Elliot

through anything more
than we had to.
But you--
you can fix him, right?

Well, there are a few things

we could do for Elliot,
one of which is bypass surgery.

That's where we take a vein that
goes around the damaged vessel.

Or we could insert a stent.
What's a stent?

That's experimental
in kids his age.

We put a tiny tube in the vessel
to keep it open.

I mean, they--
they both sound good.

What am I supposed to do?

Well, uh, bypass surgery.

It's the right treatment,
he needs it, and I'll do it.

I'll do the surgery.
That sounds good.

I trust you. You...

All right.
Do the surgery.

Can I see Elliot?

Sure, yeah.
I'll take you to him.


I know what you're gonna say,
but I couldn't stand there

and watch that girl
be so confused.

I can do this surgery.

It's your call.


Thanks for seeing me.

I just wanted to come by
and say thank you.


For talking sense
into collette.

She scheduled an abortion
for tomorrow.

For tomorrow.
She's sure?

She is now.

I don't know
what you said to her--

she wouldn't listen to me--

but thank you.

Violet. H-Hello.

Were you--were you
looking for me?
Pete, actually.

I just wanted to finish
a conversation we were having.

I had some final
choice words for him.

Uh, hey. I'm sorry.

Violet, I-I have a-a patient
in labor again,

and Betsey's waiting
for me at school,

and I can't find Pete,
so can, um, can you just...

Go ahead and... help?


Yeah, thanks. Okay.
Got him?

Okay. Uh, no, you can't go
into labor from burping, kimmie.

So, Violet--

it was good to see you.


Oh, hi. Uh, thank you
for answering my page.

Uh, he's getting prepped
for surgery right now.


Danielle could... barely
take care of herself.

I was always getting her
out of trouble.

You know, she has a real knack
for making mistakes.

Yeah. Well, we all do.

I know, but dragging
that poor boy around

with no roof over their heads,
no safe place, I just--

I want better for my grandson.
I can afford better.

I have spoken to my attorney,
and after the surgery,

I'm gonna petition the court
for custody.

He doesn't think
there'll be a problem.
Don't you?
Taking Elliot away from her?

She's a child.
I'm the mother.


I'm gonna say something to you
which I've never said,

well, to anyone before.

And I apologize
for how it sounds,

but... you're an ass.

You're a good person,

a-and you're right,
you are a mother,

but Danielle
is a mother now, too.

And I believe that you want
what's best for your daughter,

but sometimes,
even when we mean well,

we end up hurting people.

I'm just saying,
think about Danielle.

Think about what Danielle
thinks about you.

Um, right now...

I have to think for her,
not about her.

You're not in labor.

I feel contractions.

Look, I was sure
I lost my mucus plug.

Yeah, maybe you should
check it again.

Y-You just need to go home,
kimmie, and be patient.
I can't,

because it's gonna happen,
and I'm gonna be there alone,

and I'm not gonna know
what to do.

I'm staying here
because I know.

I don't care what you see
on that monitor.

I know this baby is coming
today. I'm not leaving, Dell.

I'm having my baby.
Okay, uh, y-you can't force her
to come before she's ready.

You can't read a book
and know what's happening.

I am trained. I am trained
to tell you what to do.

And I can't sit here
and wait with you

and babysit you
until she comes, okay?

I'm not your babysitter.
I'm your midwife.

And you're not
my only responsibility.

And if you can't be patient,
if you can't deal with waiting,

then are you really gonna be
ready for her when she comes,

when she's crying
and begging you to stay

and you've got a thousand
other things you gotta do,

like I've got a thousand
other things I've gotta do?

You're not
my only priority, okay?

So you need to pull it together
and be patient.

Take your little book
and go home

and don't come back
until it's really time!


Good luck.

You think I'm crazy
for thinking I can do this?

Are you serious?

It doesn't matter
what I think.

You made your decision.
Surgeons step up, Sam.

They don't question.
They don't doubt.

They don't let other people
decide for them

what is right
or what is wrong.

Be a surgeon or don't be
a surgeon, but don't do this.

Don't waver. You told Danielle
that you could do this.

You need to do it. Now go.

Well, thanks
for watching him.


By the way,
you're on my turf now.

Yeah, duly noted.

Violet really doesn't
look at him, does she?

It's hard to watch.
Yeah, you could say that.

I'm gonna
hate myself for saying this...

You need to come downstairs,
and you need to hire him.

You keep this baby up here,

you're gonna push her
further away.

And even if you
kept Lucas at home,

seeing you every day, that's--
that's putting failure

in her face.
I'm not gonna run away
just because she--

I-I couldn't possibly.
Yeah, i--

you've hired
a great group of physicians

who have the sum total
personality of a hermit crab,

present company excluded.

And Pete likes you,
you like Pete,

a-and I can... learn.

Besides, how much chocolate
can you eat?



Want a drink?

I mean, it's water,
but I'm imagining.

Yeah, yeah. An imaginary drink
would be good.

♪ I could hardly speak ♪

♪ my apology ♪

I yelled at a patient.

I told a scared pregnant woman
to go home

and not to call me
until the baby came,

'cause I was busy and I was
thinking about Betsey

and I didn't want
to deal with her

and I didn't want to do
my job and...

♪ And I took it without... ♪


I scared a patient
into doing something

I don't think
she really wants to do.

I scared a pregnant woman
into k*lling her fetus

because I was r*ped,


Once actually, and then...

And then the baby thing.

I'm sorry.
This was supposed to be
my safe place, you know?

It was supposed to be

the one thing
I could still do well.

You're here.

You know, at least--
at least you want to be here.

You're trying
to get better.

You don't want to be here?
No. Look, I like my work,
you know?

But right now all--all I can
think about is Betsey.

I mean, she kept begging me
to stay and she needed me and--

and you told your patient

what you want
to tell Betsey?

"Be patient. Wait.

I'll be there
when you need me."

That's good advice.

I don't know what you told
your patient,

but you are
a good therapist, Violet.



Dr. Freedman,
you scared me.

♪ ...piano keys ♪

please don't tell.

I-I just got enough stuff
for a week.

Okay, and then after
a week, then what?
I'll collect cans

or make change
washing windows.
Oh, okay, good. And then
the month after that?

And the year after that?
I'm doing the best I can
for Elliot.

No, I'm sorry,
but no, you are not.

You have a child now.

It's not about your mom
and it's not about you anymore.

It's about Elliot.

And when you decided
to have him,

that meant
putting everything else aside.

Doing your best for Elliot
means doing some hard stuff.

It means growing up.
It means asking for help.

It means admitting
to the people who love you...

You're drowning.


Went to the grocery store
the other day...

And he wanted cheese puffs.

But I couldn't get them

because I needed the money
for the bus fare.

Who can't buy their kid
cheese puffs?

You're hovering.

I'm moral support.

So I'm 0-for-2.
With what?

Danielle's mom wants to
help Danielle

by trying to get custody
of Elliot.

I tried to tell her
to back off,

and then I went
to apologize for Cooper

and only made matters worse.

Sam, you okay?
His vessels are so small.
Damn it. I can't connect 'em.

B.p. Is dropping, Sam.
Hand me the Gerald forceps.

If I could just keep the walls
of the arteries apart.

Damn it. I can't--
I can't get the lumen open.

Sam, do you want me to call
somebody else in to take over?

It is okay to step aside.

Sam? All right,
I'm calling someone.

Addison, you are
not calling anybody.

You are a guest in my O.R.
now shut up!

♪ When the sun fell down ♪

♪ and fell asleep ♪

♪ Drunk from drinking ♪

♪ all the heat ♪


Thank you for saving his life.

He's a, uh,
he's a tough little guy.

He'll be--he'll be fine.

Ms. Palmer...

Elliot's, uh,
out of surgery,

and it looks like
he's gonna be okay.


♪ Oh ♪

♪ oh ♪

♪ oh ♪


♪ ...and fell asleep ♪

Do you want to come with me
to see him?

♪ Drunk from drinking
all the heat ♪

♪ It made a splash
onto the sky ♪

♪ stars stayed up till morning ♪

Thank you for coming in.

I know this is not
your regular time, and...

A therapist should be
a facilitator.

What my role is--
what I believe my role is--

is to help you decide
what you want.

Not to impose my views
on you.

When you were here,
I crossed a line.


You made me think.

But I was talking
about myself.

I've had some things
happen to me,

but they should never, ever,
impact my patients.

I don't know what you said,
but... this is all good.

We're moving forward.

Well, if that's what you want,
if that's what you both want,

then that's good.

I'm just afraid that
I haven't given collette

the chance to think
what she thinks,

to feel what she feels.

So I'm asking you both
to wait a moment,

to step back
and talk about this.


Just--just to think,
just to be sure.

Because there are some things
that you can't take back,

and this
is one of those things.

I'm scared.

Everything you said...

That's how I feel.

But when you first came in,

you were feeling
other things, too--

joy... hope.

Let's put those things
into words, too,

so you can move forward,

I hate this...

That I couldn't protect you.

I know.

I know.


What do you want to do?

I am a pregnant woman.
I am nine months pregnant.

Look in the book, Dell--
hormones out of whack,

emotions all over the place,
and so I'm freaked out.

And you, the person who's
supposed to be my support,

question me whether I know
what I'm ready for?

I am ready for this.
This is everything that I want.

The only one that
I'm worried about is you.

You're right.
I-I was out of line

and unprofessional.

I'm the one who needs to be
more patient, and I'm sorry.


I just peed myself.

I hate being pregnant.


What, this is funny?
Pee is funny?

It's not pee.
Your water just broke.

It's time.
Really, it's time?

I-I-I got you covered.

All right?

♪ where I grew up
it was different ♪

get your butt out here now.

You did not
just say that to me.
I'm broke.

I'm broke.

I need 50 grand to buy out
Naomi's shares. I don't have it.

And I am humiliated
that I don't have it.

But you're my girlfriend.

So you need to know about
these things... I guess.

You're a doctor.
How can you be broke?

make less money.

I'm spoiled.
I'm spoiled, and I like porn.

I've paid way too much money
for porn in my life,

and I think
fast cars are good

and shiny electronics
make me happy.

I'm a 12-year-old boy,

and I never planned
for next week or next month.

And now
I have to deal with that.

♪ You know it's time
that we let go ♪

♪ been drifting
so far away from home ♪

♪ November came back ♪

♪ and all was gone ♪

So could you go find
something else to do

besides tear up my bathroom
and make me broker?

♪ My darling ♪

♪ this time it's going down ♪

I'm telling you... surgery.

I forgot what it felt like

to be a godlike,
arrogant... ass.

Ha. Funny.

You're a funny, funny man.

Well, sometimes an ass
is good.

I shouldn't have doubted you.

I shouldn't
have doubted myself,

so we're even.


♪ Cameras feeding the world
with pictures... ♪

Can I come in?

Don't worry. I'll be quick.
I'm here to discuss the buy-in.

Here's your check
for 50 grand for Cooper

and a blank check for me.

Write in whatever number
you need. I want in.
You want to work here?

I-Is there something in this
besides alcohol?

Stop looking at me
like I've lost my scruples.

I haven't. I believe
in whole wellness, too.


Does Cooper know
you're doing this?

You let me
take care of Cooper.

♪ 'Cause you know
where I belong ♪

I'm not in the mood
to fight, Pete.

I know I don't have a client,

it's not fair,

me throwing Lucas
in your face.

But if I stay here,
I'm going to want to.


I'm taking a job
at pacific wellcare with Naomi.

♪ This time
they're going down ♪

♪ going down ♪

I'm sorry
it's so hard for you.

I am.


He was supposed to wait for me
to get better, not walk out.

I just--i just needed time,

That's all--time.

So I thought to myself,
well, I'll give him Lucas.

I'll get myself together
if I just had a little time.

And I say this with love,
but you did push him away.

Of course I pushed him away.
I needed some space.

I mean, you know,
not this amount of space.

But, you know,
what is it with people?

You push 'em away, and they
just--they just don't get it.

And you know what pisses me off
the most is this stain remover?

It is 40 bucks, and it is crap!

♪ You know where I belong ♪

♪ you know
it's time that we let go ♪

♪ been drifting
so far away from home ♪



♪ Now it's gone ♪

♪ you know where I belong ♪

♪ my darling ♪

It's gonna get better,

When, Cooper?


♪ Down ♪