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05x15 - Grub Snub/She's All Bat

Posted: 10/15/22 19:10
by bunniefuu
- ♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls
like Ping-Pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the bathroom
on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's got to do
what he can to survive ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck, dodge, push,
and shove ♪

♪ That's how we show
our love ♪

- ♪ In the Loud house,
in the Loud house ♪

- ♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

- ♪ Wouldn't trade it
for the world ♪

- ♪ Loud, Loud, Loud ♪

♪ Loud house ♪

- Poo-poo.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

Gus' Games & Grub,
you never disappoint.

After a long week
of sixth grade,

there's nowhere
I'd rather throw back

a few cold glasses of water.

Ahh, that's good tap.

[slurp] Ahh.

- One spaghetti pizza
for my favorite customers.

all: Mmm.

- I only make this
for my most regular regulars.

Speaking of, Stella,
I found your hoodie,

washed it, then dried it
in the pizza oven.

- Ooh, pizza-pressed.

Hey, there's a pepperoni
in my sleeve.


- Liam, we got your special
seat cushion right here.

- Aw, nothing better
on your behind

than a bale of hay.

- And, Rust Man,
heard the good news

about your report card.

As promised, here's
a game token for every "A."

- Yes!
Thank you, wood shop.

- And thank you, Gus,
for making us feel like family.

- You're welcome, kids.
Enjoy that pizza.

[door bell chimes]

- Oh, Lincoln,
isn't that your sister?

- Hey, Lincoln.

It's, like, totes packed
in here.

Mind if we share your booth?

- Well, it's already...

[all grunt]

- [gasps]
Is that spaghetti pizza?

- Yum!
- We're starving.

- Ooh, can I have a slice?

- Oh, well, I guess.

[all gobbling]
- [burps]

- So what are you guys
doing here?

- Yeah, don't you guys usually
hang out at the mall?

- Usually, but Dim Yum
is closed.

- Yeah, but the Skee-Ball
is open.

Come on, let's play some games!

- Yay!
- Aw, yeah.

- They ate all of our pizza.

Now they're playing
all of our games?

- No, they're taking over
this place

like skeeters on a sugar sucker!

- Guys, it's okay.
It's only for an afternoon.

We can still have fun.

- [grunts]

[all cheering]

- Mind if I get next?
I don't get "A" s very often.

- Sorry, dude, Miguel's
gonna be here for a while.

He's on a roll.
- Yeah!

- Only , more tickets,
and he has enough to win

the Rip Hardcore waffle iron!

- ♪ Waffles ♪

- I've been saving up
my tickets for years

trying to win that!

- Sorry, Clyde.

Maybe this will make you
feel better.

Scuse me, Gus, Clyde here
needs a garlic knot pick-me-up.

- Ah, sorry, Lincoln.

I just served up my last order.

[all munching]

- [smooches, giggles]

- O-M-gosh, this was totes fun.

This place is great.
Who knew?

- We did.
Anyways, thanks for coming.

Have fun at Dim Yum tomorrow!

- Ooh, sorry,
we weren't clear before.

We meant Dim Yum is closed...

[all gasp]
- [coughs]

- See you guys tomorrow!

- And you better believe
your boy's getting his hands

on the rest of that
Rip Hardcore kitchenware line.

- Don't worry, guys.

I'll make them see
that this is our hangout.

I'll be friendly but persuasive,

charming but mature,
casual but firm.

Please, please, please,
please, please!

- I'm really sorry, Lincoln,
but Gus' is the only hangout

that works for all
of my friends.

- Seriously?
There's nowhere else?

What about the Burpin' Burger?

- How dare you?
I'm recently vegetarian.

- Okay, what about
the Burnt Bean?

- I don't do hot liquids.

- Well, what about the...
- Ah, ah, ah.

We could do this all day,
but we're not going to.

See ya tomorrow.

- Hmm.

- [growls]

We cannot sit by
while our hangout is taken over

by garlic knot-loving teenagers.

We need to reclaim Gus',

our beloved home away from home,

because they may take
our waffle irons,

but they will not take
our freedom!

- Could you get your foot
off my sandwich?

- Oops.


- Uh, Lincoln,

super inspirational
speech and all,

but how do we get rid
of Leni and her friends?

- Do you think I would've
stomped on Rusty's lunch

if I didn't have a plan?

- That ought to do it.

Now all the games look

- [gasps]

- O-M-gosh!
An arcade just for VIPs!

- Girl, I only do VIP.

[all exclaiming]

- Yes, yes, I did it!

[all groan]

- Time for plan B.
Clyde, you're up.

- They're gonna know it's me.

- That's what the disguise
is for.

- Now I'm nervous,
and I can't see!

- Go get 'em, buddy.

[indistinct chatter]

- Do you have
any special pizzas today?

- Uh, no!

Actually, we don't have
any pizza at all...

or pasta or food.

- Aw!

- Guess we should go, guys.
- Hey, g*ng!

The Royal Woods Men's Choir
ordered this GusBuster,

but they got called away
on a singing emergency.

You want?
- Ahh!

- Amazing.
- Yes!

[all groan]

- Time for plan C:
Gus' famous ice bar.

- Which ice we going with?

Cubed, shaved, flaked,
still, sparkling, diet?

- Nope, pebbled.
Leni hates it.

She says it's like chewing
baby rocks.

Liam, think you can get these
into her cup from over here?

- You're darn tootin' I can!



- [slurps, screams] Ew!

Ugh, baby rocks, ugh!

- Ma'am, what's wrong?
- It's that awful ice.

I can still feel it in my mouth,

and it's stressing me out.

- Then Gus' shall provide
a way to relax.

Get comfortable; you're
gonna be here for a while.

- Ahh.

- Gah!
That's it!

Leni, we're done
with you hanging out here.

- Yeah, now, get!

Don't make us huck more ice
at y'all.

- The baby rocks was you?

Not cool, Lincoln.

- Yeah, if you're gonna pull
dirty tricks,

there's no way we're leaving.

- There's only one way
to settle this.

We have a competition to see

who gets to call Gus'
their hangout.

Losers are banned forever.

- Let's do it.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to Gus' Game-a-Thon.

Here's how this works:

we compete in a series
of challenges.

The group
with the most Gus points wins.

Round one.

Whoever eats the most hot wings
gets a Gus point.

You and me, Leni.

[upbeat electronic music]

♪ ♪

[both growl]

- I'm sorry.
I just can't!

- Ahh!
Hot sauce in my eyes!

- Ahh, that's the end
of round one.

It's Team Lincoln, one;
Team Leni, zero.

- [gasps, sighs]

- Round two.

Whoever crosses
the finish line first

gets a Gus point.

On your marks.
Get set. Go!

- You aren't gonna win
if you don't speed it up.

- The skies are not
a playground, Rusty.

- How is Clyde beating you?

- Flying is hard.

Plus, I'm afraid of heights.

- Don't worry, I got this.

There's a fashion show in Paris

that you totes don't want
to miss.

- [gasps]
- Yeah!

- Ooh, ooh!
One Gus point for Team Leni!

- [grunts]

- Ahh!


- Round three.

The claw game.

Grab a prize, get a Gus point.

- [gasps]

- [scoffs] This thing is broken.

- [grunts]


Told ya I was good at hoisting.

I been forklifting on the farm

since before I could midwife
a hog.

- Gus point to Team Lincoln.

The score is two to one.

- Huh?


[both grunting]

- [gasps]

- Ha!

- Two to two.

- Oof!

- Yes!

[group cheering]

- Three to two!

- Hmm.


This is really not my day.

- [grunting]


- [grunting]

[both gasp]

- Three to three.

[group cheering]

- That's how we do it!

- Whoa! Whoa!
Ow, ooh.

- The score is tied as we come
to the final round:

dance battle.

[fast dance music]
- [grunting]

- Boo-boo-boop.

- [grunting]

[both grunting]

- Whoa, this is
really heating up.

No, I'm serious.
You need to stop.

My machine is about to break.

- But we don't have
a winner yet.

- Keep dancing, everyone!

- Ow, that's my toe!

- Ahh!
- Ahh!

[all clamoring]

- Come on, guys.

[people screaming]

[suspenseful music]

- Ahh!

- Ow!
- Oof!

- Is it over?
Did we win?

[both gasp]

- [groaning] [siren wailing]

- Uh, I think we all lost.

[both groan]

- You know
what the worst part is?

- All the splinters in my butt?

- I'm still so hungry.


- Leni, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry too.

We shouldn't have just
barged in and taken over.

Gus' was your place first.

- Thanks, but I shouldn't have
made such a big deal

about you guys sharing it.

Now none of us have a place
to hang out.

- Oh, don't you worry.

I know how all of you
can still hang out here.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Guys, look, the booth is done.

- But wait,
who gets to sit in it?

- All of us.
Check this out.

- Wow!
- Awesome!

- Ooh-whee, it's roomier
than a barn after...

[both scream]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Guess the seats
still need work.

- Wow, this place looks great!

Who wants a spaghetti pizza?

- Thanks, Gus.
Can we get ours to go... aah!

[spooky upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[owl hooting]

- Spirits, we beseech thee.

Make thy presence known.

- Ahh!

- The spirits are on the move.

Let's go.

[heavy breathing]

- Look, our familiars
have found something

from beyond the grave.

[crow caws, chomps]

- Yowch!
Shoo, shoo!

Go on, get!

- Sigh, why must they
always be alive?

- Oh, there you kids are.

- Hello there,
Principal Huggins.

- I was sent here
with a very important matter

to discuss with your club.

- School Clubs Act of ?

- It states all clubs must have
at least seven members.

- How oddly specific.

- You need to have
another member by tomorrow,

or your club must disband.

- But no, this can't be!
- This cannot be.

- Sorry, kids,
but rules are rules.

Good luck.

[crow caws, chomps]

- Fear not, we'll just show
everyone at school

how great our club is.

Then they'll be dying to join.
Ha-ha, ha.

♪ ♪

- Join the Morticians Club,
and you, too, can do this.

- [grunts]

[all scream]

- Our club has
its very own crow.

[crow cawing]

[people screaming]

- [gasps]


- Sigh, we asked everyone
at school,

and they said no.

'Twas the final nail
in our coffin.

The Morticians Club is dead.

- Wait, there's one person
we haven't asked.

- It's Lola!

[cheers and applause]

[elegant music]

- [sighs] Lola's our last hope.

Lucy, you have to go ask her
to join.

- I, uh, never interrupt Lola
while she's strutting.

Family rule.

Uh, no, please.


Guys, you don't understand.

She doesn't like
funeral marches.

She won't wear black.

Trust me, she's not right
for our club.

- This is the only way.

- Fine.

- [laughs] Remember,
I do private pageant coaching.

My usual hourly rate applies.

- Lola, I have to ask you

The Morticians Club
needs one more member,

or we'll have to break up.

Would you join?
What, not interested?

Well, thanks anyway.

- Wait!

Believe it or not,
there is a heart

under all this fabulousness.

I have always considered it
my personal mission

to spread glitter and glamour
to every corner of this earth.

So yes, I'll join.

all: Yay.

- Yay.

[wolf howls]

I call this meeting to order.

- Psst, Lucy,

shall we start with a few words
from our new member?

- Oh, I didn't prepare a speech.

- That's okay, Lola...
- JK, JK.

[clears throat]

For as long as she can remember,

Lola Loud has been a giver.

It all started when... [gasps]

- Well said.
Thank you for your words.

- Oh, hey... whoa!

- Time to review old business.

Dante, how are the club cloaks

- [laughs]

- Blech!

- Perfect,
any other old business?

- Um, yeah, this chill out here
is getting "old,"

and my "business" is freezing.

- We like
the bone-chilling cold.

- Actually, it is pretty chilly.

- She is right.
- I agree.

- I say we go back to my place
for some yummy rose hip tea.

- Boris wants yummy tea.

- Grumble.

Now that we're settled,

I'll demonstrate
funeral makeup techniques.

Any volunteers?
- Me, me.

- Okay, Boris.

- [gasps]

Sorry, it's just, um,
why not add a hint of color

for the afterlife, eh?

May I?

- I suppose.
- But nothing too lively.

- This will be a total disaster.

- Voilà!
- Gasp.

all: Gasp.

- It's still Boris, only better.

- Funeral glam me next!
- No, me!

- Grr.

[indistinct chanting]

Patience, everyone.

Keep chanting
your hypnotic spells.

- [laughing]

- Lola, this spell doesn't
include ribbons.

- I'm just trying
to liven it up.

- It doesn't need...

[frogs ribbiting]

- [gasps]

- Whoa, look at those frogs!
- Whoa.

- Lola, can you teach us that?

And do you have
any black ribbons?

- Oh, sweetie,
Lola Loud has everything.

- I knew Lola would take over
my club.

That dumb School Clubs Act
ruined everything.

I wish Principal Huggins
had never found it.

Wait, that gives me an idea.

Ha-ha-ha, ha, ha.

- Lucy, please.

Your diabolical laughter is
upsetting my unstable isotopes.

- [whispering]
Ha, ha-ha, ha, ha, ha.

[crow cawing]

- Is the wig too much?

- Not at all, you bring
goth glam to a whole new level.

- Whoo-hoo.

- Hey there, kids.

- Principal Huggins,
such a surprise.

What are you doing here?

- I found this taped
to my computer monitor.

Don't know how I missed it

It's the School Clubs Amendment
of .

Cancels out
the seven-member rule.

As you were, then.

[crows cawing]

- Well, Lola, looks like
you don't have to stay

in the club anymore.

Thank you for your service.

Please accept this cloak
as our parting gift.

Get home safe.

- Oh, um, okay.

Well, I guess I'll be on my way.

[sad music]

- All right, any old business?

- I want Lola to stay
in the club.

I've never felt so fabulous.

- She really mixed things up.

- I enjoyed her upbeat presence.

- Boris too.

[horn beeps]

- Never left!

I was hoping you'd want me
to stay.

I'm having such fun,

and I've got
so many great ideas!

Three words:
goth beauty pageant!

[all gasp]
- Gasp!

- Grr, I have to get Lola out
before she ruins my club,

but how?

- Aah!
Sky demons!

Get me out of here!

- That's it, I'll scare her out.

Ha-ha, ha-ha.

[eerie music]

- Ugh, you know, Lucy,
I don't actually believe

you can see my future
in that cheap hunk of glass.

- Gasp, I see a pageant.

- [gasps]
Is it Little Miss Sugar Beet?

Who wins?
Tell me.

- I see it now.

You've just finished
the talent portion.

- Yeah?
What else?

- They're tabulating scores.

- [whimpering nervously]

- And the winner is...

Lindsay Sweetwater.

- No!
Why would you tell me that?

- Just another great perk of
being in the Morticians Club:

having your fortune told
every week.

- [groaning]

- Good thing fortunes
can be changed.

- They can?

- I just read the new issue
of "Modern Enchantress."

It has a stage fright spell
that might come in handy

on a certain Miss Sweetwater.

- Tell me more, sweetie.

I might just be
Morticians Club material

after all.


[bat squeaks]

- Time to dial it up
to scare level two.

♪ ♪

- Why are we even meeting
out here anyway?

- It's just our weekly
"spin" class.

- Oh, good!

I've been meaning to work
on my glutes.

- Not that kind of spinning.

[spiders chittering]

- [shrieks]


- This is Debra.
She likes to cuddle.

- Gah!
Get that thing away from me!

- Ah... ah-choo!

- Oh!

Boris, my -foot angel!


- [growls] No more kid stuff.

Time for scare level .

Ready, everyone?

I have a feeling the ghosts
will be very active

this evening.
- [gulps]

- Spirits, give us a sign
you are amongst us.

I said give us a sign.

[bat squeaks]

[ghostly moans playing]

Our spirit must be
in that crypt.

[ghostly moans playing]

I'll go inside and coax it out.

- I swear, if it's
Principal Huggins again,

I'm outta here.

- Quick, Fangs.
Costume me.

♪ ♪

Lola Loud,

I was once a young
and beautiful pageant queen

like you.

I must devour
your youthful essence.

- [screams]

♪ ♪

- [moaning]

[crow caws]

- [screams]
- Shriek.

all: Gasp!

- Lucy? Wait a minute.

Were you trying to scare me?

- Sigh, yes.

I wanted to make you quit
the club.

- Oh, okay, fine.
I'll leave, then.

- Lola, wait.

- Wow, that was cold-blooded

but not in a good way.

- [groans]

[soft music]

- Hmph!

Mr. Sprinkles, tell this person

I never wish to speak
to her again.

- Lola, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have treated you
like that.

It's just... I'm jealous of you.

- Hmm?

- You always steal the spotlight

with your charm and talent.

The Morticians Club was
the one place I could shine.

So when you joined,
I felt threatened.

I know it's silly.

- Not necessarily.

Believe it or not, I feel
the exact same way about Lisa.

All that stinking genius and
inventions to save humanity.


- So you forgive me?
- Mm-hmm.

- Hug.

How about giving the club

another funeral makeup

I'd be happy to be your corpse.

- Sorry, I'm gonna pass
and resign my membership.

Go shine on your own.


- Oops, sorry!
- [growls]

- I was just splitting atoms.
- [laughs]

- ♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad
but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Duck and dodge
and push and shove ♪

♪ That's the way
we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
- ♪ Loud house ♪

- ♪ Laundry piles
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line
to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's the way
it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪