01x06 - The Shepherd

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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01x06 - The Shepherd

Post by bunniefuu »

–[Real World]–

(David and Kathryn are standing outside of their house. There is a little sign that says ‘The Nolans’ on the lawn.)

Kathryn: You know, you had the same look on your face before we bought it, too. You couldn’t see past the ugly windmill on the lawn and said you’d never buy an old lady house. Do you remember what made you change your mind?

David: Well, I see the windmill’s gone.

Kathryn: Come on. Everyone’s waiting.

David: Who’s ‘everyone’?

(They walk up the walkway and enter the house.)


(Most of the people of Storybrooke are at David’s coming home party. Kathryn introduces him to various people.)

Kathryn: This is Gene.

Gene: Good to see you, Dave.

David: How you doing?

Kathryn: And this is Ellen, his wife.

David: Ellen. Hi.

Ellen: Good to see you, too.

Kathryn: And Frank.

David: Hey.

Dr. Whale: Hey.

Kathryn: Dr. Whale.

Dr. Whale: Hi, David. Look, I know this is a lot, but it’s good for you. The smallest thing can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun.

David: Thank you, Dr. Whale. I’ll do my best.

(Over by the stairs, Emma and Henry are talking.)

Henry: You know why he doesn’t remember? The curse isn’t working on him yet.

Emma: Henry, David has amnesia.

Henry: Well, it’s preventing the curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories.

Emma: Right. Because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are.

Henry: Right. And now’s our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he’s-

Emma: He’s Prince Charming.

Henry: We just have to jog his memory by getting him and Miss Blanchard together.

Emma: Didn’t we just try that?

Henry: And it woke him up.

(David joins Emma and Henry.)

David: Hey. You’re the ones who saved me, right?

Emma: Oh, yeah. I guess.

David: And, uh, you’re also the only ones I know here.

Emma: You can hide with us.

David: Fantastic.

(A man serves David an appetizer. David stabs a cocktail weenie with a toothpick.)

David: Oh, thank you.

Henry: So, you ever use a sword?

David: I’m sorry? Emma, you live with Mary Margaret, right? You know if she’s coming tonight?

Emma: No, she couldn’t make it.

David: Oh.


(Regina and Kathryn are in the kitchen.)

Regina: You should go out there. There’s plenty of food. Go. Be with your husband.

Kathryn: I lost him once, now I have him back. But it’s like I still don’t have him back. You have no idea how that feels.

Regina: Actually, I do. I lost someone once, too.

Kathryn: Really?

Regina: Yes. But the love I lost – there’s no bringing him back. You have a chance here. Go to him.

Kathryn: You’re right. And Regina – thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. It’s been so lonely. I’m not used to having one.

Regina: Neither am I.

Kathryn: Well, like it or not, you have one now.


(Kathryn approaches Emma, Henry and Dr. Whale.)

Kathryn: Have you seen David?

Emma: Um, he…

Dr. Whale: No.


(Mary Margaret is trying to hang a bird feeder in a tree. David calls to her from the sidewalk.)

David: Did you not get the invite?

MMB: David.

(David jumps over the fence and hangs the bird feeder for her.)

David: So, I heard you resigned from the hospital. Was it me? Cause of what I told you, about how I felt about you… Oh, come on – don’t tell me it’s one sided.

MMB: You’re married. It should be no side.

David: Should be doesn’t matter. Whoever married Kathryn, it’s not me. I didn’t choose her. I’m choosing you. I know you feel it – I can tell.

MMB: I know you think that we have this connection, but maybe it’s because I happen to be the person who saved your life? So, why don’t we leave it at that.

(Mary Margaret leaves.)

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Prince Charming and a heavily armoured man are fighting. Prince Charming ends up victorious.)

Prince Charming: Next time, make sure I’m really dead.

King Midas: Well done!

King George: Well done? There’s an understatement. See what my son did to that brute? He just k*lled the unkillable.

King Midas: A valiant feat, for sure, but it is still just a man. Can he do the same with a dragon?

King George: Do fairies sprinkle dust? Do trolls live under bridges?

Prince Charming: Father, relax. I can k*ll whatever beast you set after me.

King Midas: My kingdom is plagued by a dragon like nothing you’ve ever faced before. He has k*lled every warrior that’s tried to slay him.

Prince Charming: Well, he’s yet to face me.

King Midas: My kingdom needs this threat vanquished.

King George: And my kingdom needs gold. I’m sure we can work something out.

(King Midas raises his hand, which is covered in a metal glove. An assistant comes over to remove it.)

King Midas: Careful – remember what happened to Frederick.

(When the glove is removed, King Midas appears to have a glowing, golden hand.)

King Midas: Your sword.

(King Midas touches Prince Charming’s sword and it turns into gold.)

King Midas: Consider it a down payment. You’ll get the rest when you deliver the dragon’s head to me.

Prince Charming: It’s a deal. Forgive me if I refuse to shake on it, King Midas.

Midas: Come – let’s discuss the details.

(King Midas and King George leave.)

Guard: A toast, to our fearless prince.

Prince Charming: No, there’s no celebrating today. This was but a simple test. The task before us is too big, too important to make light of. Just because I was easily able to k*ll this brute, doesn’t mean-

(Prince Charming is stabbed through the chest by the man he was fighting earlier. He falls to the ground and appears to have been k*lled.)


(Inside the castle, Prince Charming’s body is laying on an altar. King George is there, along with several guards.)

King George: Goodbye, my son.

(Some of the guards carry the body away.)

Guard: Your Majesty, there is no time to grieve. If Midas learns he is dead, he will find another warrior to slay his dragon and we will never see an ounce of his gold.

King George: Yes, yes. The kingdom must survive.

Guard: So what are we to do?

King George: I have asked for help. It should be here soon.

(Rumpelstiltskin appears behind them.)

Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, it’s here.

King George: Leave us.

Guard: Move.

(The guards leave the room, and King George and Rumpelstiltskin are left alone.)

Rumpelstiltskin: So this is how you treat my gifts? You really must be more careful.

King George: He was not a gift. He was my son.

Rumpelstiltskin: A son I gave you.

King George: In a deal we made. You did me no favours.

Rumpelstiltskin: Yes, yes, I did. Shame you and the queen couldn’t conceive a child on your own. My price for that was a pittance. But now that she’s gone, well, I assume that conceiving another heir is out of the question – let alone a dragon slayer.

King George: Then let’s do another deal. Bring him back. I need my son to do this. I’ll give you anything.

Rumpelstiltskin: Anything?

King George: What do you want?

Rumpelstiltskin: There’s a magic wand I desire. It belongs to a certain fairy godmother, who’s patron to your family. And I want to know her whereabouts.

King George: Done. Now tell me – how do I bring my son back to slay the dragon?

Rumpelstiltskin: Bring him back? Oh, no, that’s out of the question. He’s dead. Magic can do much, but not that.

King George: But you just said-

Rumpelstiltskin: Nothing about resurrection.

King George: Then, my kingdom is lost. I’m alone.

Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, dear. Oh, dearie dearie dear. Did I not tell you, that I could have your son slay the dragon? And am I not a man of my word?

King George: I thought you said he was gone forever?

Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, that he is. But his brother…

King George: His what?

Rumpelstiltskin: His twin brother. Did I not mention there was another?


(Prince Charming’s twin is shown in a field. He appears to be a shepherd.)

–[Real World]–

(Mary Margaret is scrubbing at a dish in her kitchen. Emma enters.)

Emma: You might want to ease up, or that brillo pad’s going to press charges.

MMB: Dishes were just piling up…

Emma: This have anything to do with David stopping by? I saw him sulking away as I pulled up.

MMB: We just, uh… He just…

Emma: Yeah, I know. You’re both just. And you did the right thing.

MMB: He made a pretty compelling case.

Emma: But he’s still married. I know – I was just at the party.

MMB: What do I do?

Emma: You need to stop cleaning. And have a drink.

(Emma grabs a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. She pours them both a drink.)

Emma: Here’s the thing – I don’t know a lot about relationships, other than having many that failed. But generally speaking, if you think something you want to do is wrong, it is. So, you got to stay strong and he has to figure out his life. Cheers.

(They clink glasses.)


(David is in his living room. He has a box of pictures in front of him and is looking through them. Kathryn enters and sits next to David on the couch.)

Kathryn: You look different. Your hair – it’s longer. You used to always have a buzz cut. You used to complain that long hair was itchy and hard to take care of.

David: I guess it grew while I was in there.

Kathryn: So, I was going to go to bed. Do you…want to join me?

David: You mean, go to bed go to bed, or ‘go to bed’.

Kathryn: Whatever you want.

David: Why don’t we just sit and talk some more?

(They kiss.)

David: This isn’t right.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Prince Charming is rounding up goats in a field. There is a small farmhouse next to a pen.)

Prince Charming: Come on, come on! Didn’t see that coming, did you?

(Prince Charming’s mother, Ruth, arrives and calls out to him.)

Ruth: Honey.

Prince Charming: Mother! How was the market?

Ruth: It was…interesting.

Prince Charming: Interesting? Normally you come back cursing the prices.

Ruth: Oh, well, that’s still the case. But this time, I had a very interesting talk with the grain merchant.

Prince Charming: Grain? We don’t need any grain.

Ruth: He has a daughter. She’s ready for marriage. He thinks the two of you would make a great couple.

Prince Charming: Mother…

Ruth: I know, I know. I hate myself for even bringing it up.

Prince Charming: Let me guess – she has a dowry that will save the farm?

Ruth: We are running out of options.

Prince Charming: Mother, please. As poor as we are, love is one thing I can afford. I will find a way to save this farm, but I won’t do it by marrying for riches. When I marry, I want it to be because I choose to spend the rest of my life with someone I love.

Ruth: When are you going to learn? You can’t have everything.

(Rumpelstiltskin appears behind them.)

Rumpelstiltskin: Or perhaps he can.


(Prince Charming and his mother are talking outside the house. Rumpelstiltskin is sitting off to the side.)

Prince Charming: A twin brother? And you gave him to that man?

Ruth: We were poor – barely surviving – then, he came along with an offer. One of you for the farm.

Prince Charming: Why didn’t you ever tell me?

Ruth: The deal forbade us from ever speaking of it. Your father regretted the decision the minute that man took your brother. He carried the guilt with him to his grave.

Rumpelstiltskin: Hate to interrupt this tender moment. Time is of the essence.

Prince Charming: Mother, wait in the house while I deal with this.

(She goes into the house.)

Prince Charming: What do you want from me?

Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, not me, dear. The king. He needs a prince to slay a dragon.

Prince Charming: I’m not a dragon slayer.

Rumpelstiltskin: No, but your brother was. This new found kinship will be your salvation. Simply play the part. The king’s knights will take care of everything else. All you must do, is deliver the dragon’s head to Midas.

Prince Charming: What’s in it for you?

Rumpelstiltskin: What’s in it for me is my business. You should be asking yourself what’s in it for you. You do this, your poor mother, well, the king is going to make sure she never wants for anything ever again. Your farm will be saved and you, should you survive, you shall come home the conquering hero. Now, don’t tell me you don’t want that?

Prince Charming: I don’t have a choice, do I?

Rumpelstiltskin: Oh, everyone has a choice, dearie. Just make sure it’s the right one.

–[Real World]–

(Mary Margaret is reading the paper at Granny’s Diner. The front page article is about David. Dr. Whale walks up to her.)

Dr. Whale: I’m a hell of a doctor, huh? No way he wakes up on someone else’s watch.

MMB: Hello, Dr. Whale.

Dr. Whale: So, I heard that you resigned from the hospital. I hope it wasn’t because of me.

MMB: Wh-why would it be because of you?

Dr. Whale: Well, our date… I never called you after. Yeah, I know, I know. It’s not classy. And I’m sorry. But, if you could find a way to get over it, you know where to find me. Have a good day.

(Dr. Whale leaves the diner. As he’s walking out, Regina walks in.)

Regina: Miss Blanchard, may I have a word?

MMB: Of course.

Regina: I wanted to talk to you about my friend Kathryn. But more specifically, I wanted to talk to you about her husband David. You don’t belong together. He’s not yours, he’s taken, find somebody else.

MMB: I haven’t done anything.

Regina: Really? So he just up and left his wife on a whim?

MMB: He did what?

Regina: You don’t know.

(Mary Margaret shakes her head.)

Regina: Well, I suspect you soon will. So listen carefully, dear, cause it’s in your best interest. Stay away. He’s in a fragile state, he doesn’t know who he is or what he’s doing, and you’re this close to wrecking multiple lives. So, before you do something that can’t be undone, let him remember who he was.

(Regina leaves Mary Margaret alone in the diner.)

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Prince Charming is looking at his reflection in a shield. King Midas approaches him.)

King Midas: There he is – our saviour! The man who is going to tear the dragon limb from limb.

(Prince Charming pulls out the sword that Midas had turned to gold.)

King Midas: You do this, and you’ll be a legend.

(King Midas walks away. A knight comes over to help Prince Charming with his armour.)

Knight: Here – let me. You fastened it wrong. Here – give me that.

Prince Charming: How will I fight? How will I protect myself?

Knight: You won’t. You will stay outside the cave while we k*ll the dragon. If you don’t come out of this alive, Midas won’t give our kingdom any gold. You might have the title of hero, but not the job.

(The dragon’s roar is heard from the mountains.)


(Prince Charming and a group of knights are walking up a narrow mountain trail. Along the way, they see various burnt items from previous visitors. They arrive at the entrance to the dragon’s cave.)

Knight: The dragon’s lair is through there. You stay here. We’ll be back.

(The group of knights draw their weapons and enter the cave. Two knights stay behind with Prince Charming.)

Prince Charming: Did you know him well?

Knight: Who?

Prince Charming: My brother, the prince.

Knight: Yeah, we knew him. He’s the bravest man I ever met.

(The dragon, who is still in the cave, roars. Flames are seen at the cave’s entrance. The knights are heard screaming.)

Prince Charming: They need our help.

(Prince Charming tries to run to the cave, but is held back by the two knights.)

Knight: We stay here. Our orders are clear.

Prince Charming: People are dying.

Knight: Don’t move! Hey, stay back!

(Prince Charming gets free and runs towards the dragon’s cave. A knight is laying at the entrance of the cave and his legs are on fire. Prince Charming drags him away from the cave. The dragon appears and flies out of the cave. The knight drops his sword.)

Prince Charming: Where’s your sword?

(The dragon flies back and att*cks them with fire. They duck behind a rock and escape uninjured.)

Prince Charming: Stay here.

(Prince Charming leaves the knight behind and goes to grab a sword from a fallen knight. However, the sword is still hot and he burns his hand. The dragon flies back, again, and att*cks Prince Charming with fire. He dodges the attack. Prince Charming sees a crevice nearby and runs toward it, picking up a sword along the way. The dragon follows him into the narrow space and ends up getting stuck.)

Prince Charming: You didn’t see that coming, did you?

(Prince Charming cuts off the dragon’s head with the sword.)

–[Real World]–

(Mary Margaret is opening letters with a letter opener in her classroom. David stands at the door.)

David: Careful – looks sharp.

MMB: You can’t be here.

David: I… I needed to see you.

MMB: Tell me you didn’t leave your wife because of me? I do not want to destroy your marriage.

David: You’re not. It’s me. I don’t want to hurt her either, but the most hurtful thing to Kathryn would be me pretending. she needs someone to feel about her the way I feel about you.

MMB: I’m really trying hard to stay away from you. To do the right thing.

David: Why is that the right thing?

MMB: Because you already have a life.

(The bell rings and kids start to file into the classroom.)

David: With someone I didn’t choose. The man who chose that life, whoever married Kathryn, is gone.

MMB: You really have to leave me alone.

(Mary Margaret starts to push David out of the classroom.)

David: Is that truly what you want?

MMB: Go.

David: Meet me tonight. At least think about it. I’ll be at the bridge where you found me at 8:00. Think about it until then and then decide. If you don’t show, I’ll know. And I’ll never bother you again. But if you choose this – if you choose us – you know where I’ll be.

(Emma is sitting at her desk in the station. Graham enters with a box of donuts.)

Graham: Sometimes, clichés are true.

Emma: Okay. What do you want?

Graham: Remember when I said no night shifts? I need you to work tonight. Just this once.

Emma: Why?

Graham: I volunteer at an animal shelter, and the supervisor’s sick, and someone needs to feed the dogs.

Emma: Very lucky you bought a bear claw.

(Emma takes a donut. Mary Margaret then runs into the room.)

MMB: Emma, can I talk to you for a minute?

Graham: I’ll just go patrol my office.

Emma: Thanks.

(Graham leaves the two of them alone.)

MMB: He left his wife. David – he left her. He left Kathryn.

Emma: Okay, slow down.

MMB: He did it for me. He wants me to be with him. He wants me to meet him tonight.

Emma: That’s, uh…

MMB: I mean, I’m trying so hard to be strong, but he just keeps coming. I mean, how do I stop it? You know, how do I let him down? What would you do?

Emma: I’d go.

MMB: What?

Emma: Well he left her. It’s one thing to say that he wants you, but it’s another to actually make a choice and now, he has. That’s all you can ask for.

MMB: Given her new friendship with Kathryn, I don’t think Regina would be happy.

Emma: All the more reason to do it.

MMB: Good Lord, is this really happening?

Emma: You tell me.


(David is at Granny’s Inn. He looks out the window at the clock tower and fiddles with his wedding ring.)

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(King Midas, King George, Prince Charming and a few guards are gathered around the dragon’s head. Midas has turned the dragon’s head into gold.)

King George: He has done it. Everything you asked for and more. My son battled the dragon and prevailed.

King Midas: Bring it to the palace. Put it between the chimera and the mapinguari.

(King George whispers to Prince Charming.)

King George: We did it. We pulled it off.

Prince Charming: Yes. Now how much longer before I can return home?

King George: That’s a discussion not for now.

King Midas: From this day forth, may that beast’s head be a reminder to us of the valiant warrior who k*lled it. The bravest, most noble prince I have ever met. You have earned my utmost respect.

King George: We treasure that respect, King Midas. Just as we respect your treasure.

King Midas: Yes, yes. You were promised gold and gold you shall have. But, I did not get to where I am by thinking small. I stand before you now because I dared to dream big. I was not just looking for a dragon slayer. I was looking for the strongest warrior in the land. A hero. Someone who could unite the kingdoms. Someone I would be proud to call family. Bring her!

(King Midas’ daughter, Abigail, enters the room.)

King Midas: Gentlemen. May I present my daughter, Abigail. Beyond gold – beyond anything – I value her most. I promised her I would only give her hand in marriage when I could find a companion worthy of her. And now, I have.

Abigail: He k*lled the dragon?

(King Midas nods.)

Abigail: I guess he’ll do.

King Midas: And so, Prince James, I offer you my daughter’s hand in marriage.

Prince Charming: King Midas, I am humbled by your generous offer, but I cannot honestly say-

King George: My son – always so humble.

(King George goes to hug Prince Charming and then whispers in his ear.)

King George: If you say anything but yes, you will be responsible for the destruction of everyone and everything in our kingdom. You will marry this girl, or I will k*ll you. I will k*ll your mother. I will turn that farm to ash. Do you understand me? Now take your father’s wisdom – follow it. I know you’ll make the right decision.

–[Real World]–

(David is walking down the main street of Storybrooke. He has a map in his hands. He runs into Regina.)

Regina: Mr. Nolan?

David: Oh!

Regina: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just heading home from work and I saw you. Are you lost?

David: Yeah. Yeah, kind of. I’m looking for the Toll Bridge.

Regina: Ah, where you were found.

David: Yeah.

Regina: Trying to jog your memory?

David: No, I’m meeting someone.

Regina: So you made your choice.

David: Yes.

Regina: Well, I don’t suppose I can convince you to change your mind?

David: I can’t change how I feel.

Regina: No, of course not. Walk down this street to Mr. Gold’s pawn shop. You’ll find a fork in the road – go left. It’ll take you to a hiking trail that leads directly to the bridge.

David: Thank you for understanding.

Regina: Good luck, David. I hope you find what you’re looking for.

(David runs down the street.)


(Mary Margaret is seen waiting at the Toll Bridge.)


(David arrives at Mr. Gold’s pawn shop. He looks around, but realizes that there isn’t a fork in the road. David opens the door to the pawn shop and yells in.)

David: Hello?

(He enters the pawn shop and closes the door.)

David: Hello?

(David looks around the pawn shop. He comes to a glass unicorn mobile. He goes to touch it, when Mr. Gold speaks up.)

Mr. Gold: Charming.

David: I’m sorry?

Mr. Gold: The mobile. Isn’t it charming? Exquisitely designed, masterly crafted… I can get it down, if you like.

David: No, no. I mean, it’s… It’s very nice, but actually, I’m looking for the Toll Bridge. The Mayor said there was a fork in the road by your shop, but-

Mr. Gold: It seems Miss Mills has lead you astray.

David: Yeah, yeah you would think the Mayor would know her own town.

Mr. Gold: One would think. Out of the door, turn right, two blocks you’ll find a trail. Can’t miss it.

David: Thank you.

(David turns to leave. However, he sees a windmill in the shop and stops.)

Mr. Gold: See something you like?

David: Where did you get that?

Mr. Gold: That old thing? That’s been gathering dust for…forever.

(David spins the windmill. He watches it go around.)

David: I think… This belonged to me.

Mr. Gold: Really? Are you sure?

David: Yes. …I remember.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Prince Charming rides up to his mother’s farm on horseback. He gets off and yells to her.)

Prince Charming: Mother!

Ruth: Oh, you’re back! You’re alive!

Prince Charming: Yes. I did it.

Ruth: Are you hurt? I’ve been so worried.

Prince Charming: I’m fine, mother, really.

Ruth: Oh, look at you! Look at you, you… You look like a… Like a… Oh, you look like a prince! Come inside – I’ll make us some supper. You should see the house, the farm. The king is going to take care of us. He’s already started.

(She starts to head into the house, but Prince Charming doesn’t follow her.)

Ruth: What? What’s wrong?

Prince Charming: Midas wants to unite the kingdoms. By marrying me to his daughter.

Ruth: What?

Prince Charming: It makes the grain merchant’s dowry look like sheep dung.

Ruth: No. You were right to turn down that offer, as you must this one, too. Every day you’ve been gone, has shown me it was shameful of me to ever encourage you otherwise. Your freedom to choose is more important than anything. I’ll give up the farm.

Prince Charming: No.

Ruth: They can’t force you.

Prince Charming: Yes, they can. Because of our ruse, Midas can never really know who I am, which…

Ruth: We can’t ever see each other again.

Prince Charming: Yes.

Ruth: Then don’t do it – run away.

Prince Charming: I can’t. They will k*ll you.

Ruth: I lose you either way. At least I’ll know you’ll be happy.

Prince Charming: I already accepted Midas’ offer. I didn’t come here for advice, mother. I came here to say goodbye. There was too much at stake. I couldn’t let the kingdom suffer on my account. I couldn’t let them hurt you. You know, you were right about one thing – can’t have everything.

Ruth: My boy. My sweet, sweet boy. Give this to your wife to be.

(She takes off her ring.)

Prince Charming: No, no I don’t love her. I don’t even know her. I… I can’t take this.

Ruth: Just because you don’t know her, doesn’t mean you won’t grow to love her. True love follows this ring wherever it goes, my son. I had it with your father, I’ve had it as your mother, now you will have it. Take it.

Prince Charming: No, no.

(She forces the ring into his hand.)

Ruth: Take it, and I’ll know. Even if I never see you again, I’ll know you’ll find love. I’ll know you’ll be happy.

–[Real World]–

(Mary Margaret is still waiting at the Toll Bridge. She is fiddling with the ring that Prince Charming’s mother gave to him. David runs up behind her.)

David: You came.

MMB: You sound surprised. In fact, you almost sound a bit disappointed.

David: I remember.

MMB: Kathryn?

(David nods.)

David: Everything.

MMB: And you love her.

David: I don’t know. But I know I did. I remember how I felt and I think I have to honour that.

MMB: And everything that you said to me-

David: Is true. I do have feelings for you – intense feelings. Feelings I don’t quite understand.

MMB: And you’re going back to her.

David: It’s the right thing to do.

MMB: The right thing to do, was not to lead me on.

David: I know.

MMB: So, you’ve made your choice.

David: I’m sorry-

MMB: That’s okay. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.

(Mary Margaret walks off and leaves David alone.)


(Emma is doing her night shift. She drives past the Mayor’s house and sees a figure leaving one of the windows. Emma pulls over and gets out of the car. She ambushes the figure and hits them with her knight stick. The person turns out to be Graham.)

Emma: This is volunteering?

Graham: Plans changed. Regina needed me to-

Emma: Sleep with her?

Graham: No.

Emma: Then… Why were you sneaking out the window?

Graham: Because… She didn’t want Henry to know.

Emma: You did this with Henry in the house?

Graham: He’s sleeping. He doesn’t know.

Emma: Oh my god, I wish I was Henry right now. This is disgusting.

Graham: I really do work at an animal shelter.

Emma: You can finish my shift. I’m done working nights.

(She throws Graham the keys to the car and leaves.)


(David knocks on the door of his and Kathryn’s house. Kathryn answers the door.)

David: You were right – I did hate that windmill out front.

Kathryn: You remember.

(David nods.)

Kathryn: How much do you remember?

David: Enough. I know we weren’t at a good place when I left. I know you thought I was leaving you, but I wasn’t. I wanted to work things out, I just…needed some time. Then I had my accident and got much more time than I expected. I’m sorry.

Kathryn: I’m sorry, too.

David: I know we have work to do. Let’s see what happens.

Kathryn: I’d like that.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Prince Charming takes Abigail’s hand, and the two walk towards King Midas and King George.)

King Midas: Let this mark the beginning of a new era – of a new kingdom. United and strong.

King George: An era of mutual prosperity.

King Midas: Abigail. James. As I stay to work out the particulars of our new land with King George, go to your new home at my palace. We’ll be along shortly and the celebration will be beyond your dreams.

Abigail: Thank you, daddy. I trust that you know best.

(King George takes Prince Charming aside.)

King George: I’m glad you made the right decision, son.

Prince Charming: Thank you…father.

(They shake hands and Abigail walks up to them.)

Abigail: Come – I’m tired of waiting.

Prince Charming: Well then, our journey shall begin! I’d thought we might take the scenic route.

King George: Smile, son. You’re on the road to true love.

(Prince Charming and Abigail head to their carriage. They travel through the forest along the same road they were on in an earlier episode. Snow White is seen waiting in a tree.)

–[Real World]–

(Mary Margaret is sitting alone in Granny’s Diner. She is, again, fiddling with her ring. Dr. Whale enters the diner and sits down next to her.)

Dr. Whale: Rough day?

MMB: Don’t feel like talking.

Dr. Whale: Come on. Sometimes, it’s easier to talk to someone when you don’t give a crap what they think.

MMB: You ever walk into a situation, where you know exactly what’s going to happen and then you go into it anyway. And then, when what you’re afraid of happens, you kick yourself. Because you should’ve known better. But that’s just who you are. It’s like you’re punishing yourself.

Dr. Whale: No.

MMB: How do you do that?

Dr. Whale: By never knowing what’s expected – keeps life interesting. Can I buy you a drink?

MMB: You can buy me two.

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