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01x18 - The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp

Posted: 10/15/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[frogs croaking]

[frogs croaking]

Ah, Harvest Day. My favorite holiday.

I'm hungry just thinking about it.

I get it. Frog Thanksgiving.
You even have a turkey.



Eh, who am I kidding? I'll eat it.
Harvest day! I'm all in!

Here, Anne. How 'bout you put these
turnips "All in" our display?

All right, all right.


Go farmers? What's that all about?

The big bugball game, of course.

Every year, Wartwood plays
a friendly game of bugball.

Farmers-- that's us-- versus the Townies.

And every year, the Townies
destroy us! It's humiliating.

And to top it off, the losers have
to wear these ridiculous costumes

-for a whole week.

Those outfits are so itchy.

Whew, tough break, you guys.

Hey, do you think I can make this?


-Ha! Three-for-three, baby.

Anne, where'd you learn
to sh**t like that?

Learn? I don't know if you've noticed,
but I have natural athletic ability.

[fanfare, cheering]

You'd be perfect for bugball.

If you join our team,
we might actually win!

Win? [laughs] Not in a million years!

Hello, farmers.

Allow me to introduce
this year's townie team.

First, we got Lydia,
four-time frog-lympian.

-Olaf, who transferred from state.

Frog Jordan,
who I literally bribed to join.

-What's up?
-And last but not least, Toadie,

Who is surprisingly good at this.

Mm-hmm, yes. Scary stuff, huh?

Be careful you farmers
don't soil yourselves on the field.

[laughs] Did you hear that? Soil?

-'Cause they're farmers.

[all groan]

Sorry, Mayor.

Farmers are gonna win this year
because they've got me.


We're gonna beat you
and your fancy townie team.

Well, I'll certainly enjoy
watching you try.

Townies, move out.

[Anne] We can still see you!

No, you can't!

Huh, guess I should probably
learn how to play bugball.

-Oh, yeah, probably.
-Yeah, that's a good idea.


-What's up?

[grunting efforts]

Welcome to team farmers.

This is the playing field.

Those skulls are the goals.

And this is the bugball.

Oh, how cute.
It's shaped like a real-- ah!

Real bug. It's a real bug. Got it.

So we just put the bug in the goal, right?

Seems pretty simple.

Oh, there's more to it than that.

[straining effort]

Now, see here. You got your sh**t,
that's you and Croaker,

and you got your passers, me and Chuck.

That's Chuck, by the way.

-I grow tulips.
-Good to know.

And lastly, on defense, there's Sprig.

-'Cause he's not really

great at the sh**ting part.

-Never scored a point in his life.
-[squeals, deflates]

That's 'cause you never give me a chance.

Mm-hmm. Anyway, Anne, it says here

the most important thing
about bugball is teamwork.


Toss that playbook away,

'Cause all we need
is the "pass it to Anne" play.


Yuck! I don't know, Anne.

You're good,
but the townies are hard-core.

Yeah, Anne, I think
the team should really--

Look, I don't usually do "team sports".

I do "me sports", like tennis.

Me sports, I win.

You guys wanna win, right?

Yeah. More than anything.

I grow tulips.

Well, then, trust me. I got this.

-Ooh! Uh!
-Whoopsie daisy.

Beat it, farmers. We're here to practice.

Hey, farmers have the field
for another hour!

Oh, yeah? Well, our schedule
says different.

Oh! [grunts] Ah!


Unless you'd like to scrimmage against us.

Eh, I think we need a little
more practice before--

-You're on!

Game on!

[Anne] Hop Pop, gimme!

Oh, OK, Anne.



-[crowd cheering]
-OK. Let's try that again.

-Anne, pass!
-It's all good. I got this!

[groans] Again!

Anne, over here! I'm open, I'm open!

-[Mrs. Croaker] Anne, Anne! Over here!
-I'm open!

[grunts] I'm taking the shot!


-[Anne groans]

-[Anne] Dang it.

-[Anne] Dang it!

-[Anne] Dang it! Again!
-[record scratch]

Yeah, no, that's the end of the game.

-[Mayor] Field's all yours, farmers.

Looks like we don't even need to practice.


What the heck happened out there?

[sighs] This is why I hate team sports.

-I'm always outnumbered.

Look around you, Anne.

You have an entire team to back you up.

-You're not the only one who can sh**t.
-I grow tulips.

[sighs] In tennis, if I'm losing,
I just play harder.

But this is different.
I don't know how to win this.

Not you, Anne, we.

The only way we win is to work as a team.

What do you say, Anne?

-Yeah, Anne, what do you say?

[groans] I guess I'll give it a shot.

-That's the spirit!

-We can work with that!

[blows whistle]




Yeah! Huh!


Ah, refreshing.

[groans weakly]


All right, Anne, we got
one final exercise for you.

True teamwork is all about trust.

Just listen to your team,
and we'll guide you.

Uh, OK.

Dodge left!


Now, stop. Turn slowly.

Can you hear me, Anne?
Can you hear your dear, old Hop Poppy?

Yes, I hear you, Hop Pop.

Do you trust me, Anne?

I trust you.

Now, sh**t!

-You did it, Anne!

You know what, guys?

This teamwork stuff
is actually pretty cool.

That's the spirit.
You're finally a team player, Anne.

We can't lose! Tongue five, everybody!

[straining] OK, I'll just do this.

[announcer] Ladies and gentle frogs,

-welcome to the annual big bugball game!

-Give it up for Team Townies!
-Bring it on!

-And the Farmers!
-We got it, we got it.

All right, frogs, listen up.

I want a good, clean game, right?

Now let's play bugball!

Farmers, are we ready?

-[all agree]

Everybody cover Anne.

[scoffs] She's never gonna pass it.

[whistle blows]

-[all growl]


-What the--


Well, looks like
we got ourselves a challenge.


[crowd cheering]

Toadie throw!

-Over here, Hop Pop.

This is it, folks,
with only one minute left in the game,

whoever scores the next point wins!

[all panting]

Come on, g*ng! We can win this thing!

Townies, huddle up.

Now, their teamwork may have improved,

but, Anne is still the only reason
those yokels have gotten this far!

Looks like we may need
to resort to drastic measures

to win this game, know what I mean?

By drastic measures,
do you mean switching our focus

from the outcome to just having fun?

No, frog Jordan. I mean cheat! Cheat!

Initiate plan "last resort".

All right, let's keep it clean, now.

-Sprig! Huh?


-My peepers!
-[whistle blows]

Blinding powder, eh?
Well, that's a foul, as in foul play.

Toadie, you're disqualified!

Thanks for taking one
for the team, Toadie.

By the time that powder wears off,
we'll have won this game.

Oh, no! Our star player!

Well, sauté my legs
and serve me for lunch. We're done.

Never! We've done this before,
and we're gonna do it again.

The trust exercise?

Uh, news flash,
that didn't involve actual opponents.

There's no way we can pull this off.

Guys, you taught me that teamwork
can make the impossible possible.

Also, I'm not actually crying,
my eyes just won't stop watering.

Well, sh**t, I'm crying,
'cause that was beautiful.

Anyway, let's do this.

[all] Yeah!

What? You're gonna play blindfolded?

-Well, now I've seen everything.
-[laughing together]

[laughs] That was funny.

Anne, go!


-Dodge right!
-Dodge left!

Do a cartwheel!

Yeah, nice!

[together] Stop! sh**t!

Stop her!


Did I do it?

[yells in slow motion]

[slowed] No!

[buzzer sounds]

[crowd gasps]



-[horn blares]

That's the game. Farmers win.



No! [blubbering]

Oh, oh, oh.

-[turkey gobbling]

Dude! You did it! Your first goal!

-How's it feel?
-Amazing. I feel like a living god!

You did it, Anne. You did it!

No, we did it. This wouldn't have
happened without my teammates.

Know what else wouldn't happen
without teammates?

-[Anne screams]

Get them off me! Get them off me!

-[all munching]

Oh, this is worse!

[frogs croaking]


I still can't believe you're bringing
us to a day care, Hop Pop.

Look. I'm sorry, OK?

But I have to go
to the annual crop convention.

It's a long ways away,
and I can't leave you kids

on the farm alone for the weekend.

-[both] What?
-Ugh! Are you kidding?

Wish I was, Anne.
But you kids need supervision.

Why, sometimes it feels like we have
at least two wacky adventures a week!

Here we are!

Greetings, I am Tritonio Espada,
the instructor of this day care.

Huh, I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater
ran this place.

The Bogwaters retired last year
and sold their business to me.

Well in that case, I'm Hopadiah Plantar.

-This here is Sprig, Polly and Anne.
-[Polly blows raspberry]

She may be gigantic,
but she's also a child.


Ah, yes. I shall educate them!
Teach them true discipline!

Oh. I like the cut of your jib,
Mr. Tray-Tony.

-Did I say that right?
-Absolutely not.

This isn't so bad, I guess.
There is a cool tower.

You guys don't get it.
And Tritonio's a teacher,

enemy of all that is good.

Uh, what's so bad about teachers?

Let's just say, me and them don't mix.

-OK, so then you carry the three and--
-[video game noises]

[sighs] Not again.

[noises continue]

You'll never take me alive!

Anne! Anne, get back here!

Teachers. They just don't like me.

Probably 'cause they're jealous
of my carefree spirit.

Well, kids, looks like you're
in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio.

Hyah! Crop con, here I come!

Finally. It is just us now.

So let us cast aside these illusions, yes?


[all] Whoa!

And this is no mere day care.

This is a combat crash course for kids.


Adults, they shelter their children.

I say no! Teach them to fight.

For danger lurks around
every corner of Amphibia.

Stay on your toes! Trust no one!

-Ah! Look over there!
-Ah! What is it? Danger?

-I said trust no one!

Now, follow me,
and we will begin the next lesson.

Hit me again, Tritonio! [laughs]

This guy's awesome!

Eh, we'll see.

Your next lesson is to pick your w*apon.

Find one that resonates with you.


Ooh, what are these?

Ah, the noble boom shroom.
Small, unassuming,

-but in the right hands...


-[gasps] Oh.
-Perfect for you, I think.

Who's next? No wrong answers.

-No! Wrong!

What? How so?

From what I have seen, you do not have
the dexterity to wield a sword.

Pick something else.

Whoa, these are big forks.

Ah, excellent choice, Sprig.

[expl*si*n booms]

[Polly laughs]

So, what's the next lesson?

[Tritonio] Wonderful, Sprig!

Polly, truly inspiring.

No, Anne. Knees higher!

-[Sprig] Blah!
-[Tritonio] Sprig, Polly, nice work!

No, Anne. More nimble!

[grumbles, shouts]

-[Anne straining]
-[Tritonio] That's it, children!

Feel the stone beneath your hands,
the strong breeze in your hair.

Much like the breeze
on a fast-moving train.

-Man, Tritonio's so encouraging.
-Must be nice.

[Tritonio] Anne,
your hand placement is all wrong!

Ugh, what'd I tell you?
The guy's totally picking on me.

Why don't you just ask him
why he's doing it?

Tritonio says, "an honest dialogue
is more powerful than any w*apon."

Blech. That's the corniest thing
I've ever heard--



Even your fall needs work, Anne.


-[owl hoots]
-Here, children,

your quinoa macro bowls are ready.

Where is the gangly one?
Does she not like quinoa?

She said she wanted to be alone.

You must eat, Anne.
Only a fool fights on an empty stomach.

Tritonio, can I ask you something?

Why don't you like me?

-What? I like you.
-Oh, come on.

You're always being
super tough on me for no reason.

Just like my teachers back home. Blech.

[laughs] Oh, Anne.

If I seem tougher on you,
it's not because I don't like you.

It's because I see a girl who
is not living up to her full potential.


In you, I sense someone that,

with a little effort
could achieve greatness.

And I am sure your teachers
back home felt the same way.

And now, I believe you are ready for this.

Oh, wow!

This blade has been in my family
for many years, and now it is yours.

Get some sleep, Anne,
for tomorrow, the real training begins.


Parry, swing!
Imagine I'm a fearsome assassin.

Or perhaps, a meddlesome train conductor.

[shouts] You're too fast.

Indeed. But when you find yourself
outmatched, think outside the box.


-[Anne grunts]

[laughs] Excellent!
You've all improved so much.

-Especially you, Anne.

Now, come. It is time for your final test.

Tomorrow is our last day together.

So I put together an exercise
to test all the skills you've learned.

I have rented a train, inside of which,

I have hidden a fake priceless ruby.

Also, I have hired actors
to portray guards

who will stop at nothing
to keep the ruby safe.

You must retrieve it using the wisdom
and skills I have taught you.

Now, study these plans.
Become one with the plans.

Eat the plans. [lips smacking]

Eh, up! We leave at dawn!

So does anyone else think

this just looks like
we're robbing a real train?

Yeah. Could Tritonio be using us?

-[Polly screams]
-That's ridiculous!

Tritonio's a good dude who believes in me.
I think we should do it.

Anne, you seem oddly invested.

Yeah, where's old "teachers stink" Anne?

That Anne is dead and buried.

Now come on, these plans
ain't gonna study themselves.

You got me convinced.

As long as I get to use
my boom shrooms, I'm good.

-[bell dinging]
-[train horn blares]

-Huh? What the--
-[horn blares]

[brakes squealing]

Please, Governor, I'm a poor orphan boy

who done and twisted his wee ankle
on these here train tracks.

[sniffs] Poor kid.

Guards! Help me!

Another day,
another wounded orphan to move.

[Anne and Polly laugh]

[squeals, snorts]

This ankle isn't twisted.

Hey! The train!

-Stop! No, no, no!

Hey! Get back here!

-[Sprig laughs]

[Anne laughs]

-Acting is fun!
-I trusted you!

Oh, my gosh!

[both grunting]


Man, these guys are really good actors.

Never mind that. Let's get that ruby!


Polly, you're up.

[beeping, expl*si*n booms]

[grunting, gasping]

There it is. We did it, guys.

Big T is gonna be so proud of us.

[Tritonio] Proud is an understatement!

-[all gasp]
-[together] Tritonio!

You've all done so well.

Ah, here it is, the tiger moth's eye.

Now, I have one more question.

What was the first lesson I taught you?

[gasps] Oh, oh! Trust no one!

-[door locks]

-[Polly, Sprig gasp]
-Tritonio, what are you doing?

Sorry, kids, but I never
could've robbed this train by myself.

And now that I have what I want,
I'll be going.

Give my regards to the guards! [laughs]

[grunts] I don't believe this.
He double-crossed us.

The first teacher I really clicked
with ended up being a fake.

Well, he's not getting away with this.
Polly, got any more boom shrooms?

[weapons cocking]

Ah, they were good kids.
Too bad they have to go to prison forever.

-[beeping, expl*si*n booms]


[laughs] I have to say,
even I'm impressed.

You really mean if-- guys, now!

[both scream]

Whoa! Whoa!


Oh, hi, Sprig.

[grunts] Oh, that hurt.

[beeping, explosions boom]

Come on.

[horn blaring]

[Anne screams, grunts]

Ah-- huh?

Ooh! [panting]

Oh! [grunts]

Trusting you was a mistake,
but you've made a huge mistake, too.

Oh, yes? And what is that?

You taught me how to fight.

Ah! Big T's eyes!

[both grunting]


School's out, teach.

Thanks, kids. The tower's been trying
to catch this slimeball for months.

Been robbing trains with kids
for quite sometime now, the sicko.

You do have to respect my creativity.

We respect nothing!

Yeah, get out of here, you fraud!

See you around, Anne.

I wasn't kidding
when I said you had potential.

You certainly bested me.

Save it, you crook.

I just have one more question for you.

Was the goatee even real?

What do you think?

[horn blows]

[all groan]

Oof, you probably dislike teachers
more than ever, now, huh, Anne?

You know what?
Tritonio might have been a crook,

but he was onto something.

When I get home, I'm gonna give
my teachers another chance.

-[monotone] OK.
-[horn beeps]

Hey, kids.

How was the convention, HP?

Oh, fine.

Didn't get swarmed by k*ller locusts,
if that's what you mean.

How was your weekend?

-We didn't rob a train.

Nope. No crimes committed.

Good, good.

Great to know we definitely
didn't have two wacky adventures.

[theme music playing]