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01x04 - Taking Charge/The Domino Effect

Posted: 10/15/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[frogs croaking]

[frogs croaking]

Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter.


[grunts, groans]

Ah, whiffed it. [gasps] Sprig!

Huh? [gasps]

-Wanna go again?

Wait, you have hair?

Hey, sorry about your hat.
Oh, there it is.

-[laughs] Hey, you found--

Shh. Do you hear something?


[gasps] Something's in trouble.


[both gasp]

[loud buzzing]


Oh, my gosh! We have to save her.

Right behind ya.


[grunts] Gotcha!

Oop, gotta go. [grunting]

Take that, buzz brains!

Go sting someone your own size!

-Let's go!
-Sprig out! Peace!


You're safe now, little fella. [screams]

What's wrong? Are you stung?
We'll have to amputate.

No. This caterpillar looks exactly
like my cat Domino from back home.

[meows, purrs]

I love my cat
more than anything in the world.

She was irreplaceable.

But now I found a replacement.
Let's take her home with us!

Eh, I don't know, Anne.
That's a wild animal.

I'm not sure bringing it
home is a good idea.

-Pshh. That's ridiculous.

My cat back home was a stray
before I adopted her.

All it takes is love and patience

and... love.

You said "love" twice.



It's settled.

I hereby dub thee "Domino ."

Come on, girl. Let's go home.


-Uh, is it broken?
-Hold up. I got an idea.

-This worked on Domino without fail.


That's it girl. You can do it. Come on.

I want it. Give it to me.

Hey, Hop Pop, old buddy, old pal.

-What do you want, Anne?
-Oh, nothing.

I was just thinking.
Doesn't this house feel empty to you?

Not especially.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet,
fuzzy, loving critter around?

-A pet?
-Great idea, Hop Pop.

No pets!

Every time we get one,

Sprig and Polly swear
they're gonna take care of it!

Like this one spider we had,
Charlie Big Bottom.

I mean, sure, they were there
for all the cuddlin' and the snugglin',

but who gets stuck doin' all the work?

Good ol' Hop Pop, that's who!

I swear to Frog, whoever brings
a fuzzy critter into this house

will be on dung duty for a month!

[Hop Pop] I told Charlie Big Bottom
to stay out of the--

Plan B. We're gonna have to sneak
Domino inside.

Should we be concerned about this?


That is called "play biting."
Isn't it cute?

-Yeah, kinda seems like she's tasting me.

That's ridiculous.

Trust me. I know cats.

Well, all right, if you say so. [grunting]

[Hop Pop] And how many times
did I tell Charlie Big Bottom

not to go up the chimney?

And that little spider'd look at me
with those big green eyes

like he understood me.

[Hop Pop] Two minutes later,
where do I find him?

-Up the chimney!

-What's that?

Uh, hey, Hop Pop,

what's the worst thing
Charlie Big Bottom ever did,

since we're talking about
Charlie Big Bottom?

Heh! How can I even choose?

Jumping out in front of Bessie
and over turning the wagon.

Getting tarantula hair everywhere.

Then there was the time
she put a hole in the roof.

-Where'd that happen again?
-You blind?

-The big hole right there.
-I don't see it.

-[Hop Pop] Right-- It's right there!
-[Anne chuckles]

[rooster crows]

Anne, you awake? Anne?

[gasps] Anne! Anne!

Anne? Anne?

Anne. Anne!


-Hey, wake up, wake up!

What happened? Are you okay?

Hmm? Yeah, totally.

Domino just had a bit
of a rough first night indoors.



Hop Pop is definitely
gonna notice something.

Oh, this is nothing.

We just have to keep an eye
on her while she's adjusting.

-Isn't that right, Domino ?


[chuckles nervously, shouts]

[muffled screaming]

That's just how she says
"I love you." [kisses]




Hmm. Oh, forgot the mustard.


-[buzzes weakly]


[mouths words]



[Anne laughs]

-[laughs] Whoo!
-[Domino meowing]

[Anne laughs]

Whew! Hope there isn't
a Domino . [laughs]


[Domino purrs]

It's all worth it when you get to watch
your adorable little boo take a nap.

I gotta admit, she's pretty darn cute.

Welcome, brother, to the church of cute.

-This a cult thing?
-[stomach growls]

Whoa. Looks like Domino
isn't the only thing purring.

Come on. Let's go grab some grub.

Ooh, I love grubs.


Sleep tight, my precious baby angel.

Whoa, whoa there! Hungry much?

[with mouth full] We've been running
around all day. We're starving.

"Runnin' around"? Doin' what?

-[gulps] Oh, nothing.
-I mean, who can say really.


What was that?

Mmm, basement ghost?

Don't be ridiculous. Basement ghosts
don't sound anything like that.

[all gasp]

What the heck is that?

Domino , where are you? Baby precious!

Wait. "Baby precious"?
That's a pet name, for a pet!

-You sneak a pet in here?

[grunts] Okay, we did!

What'd I tell you about pets?

Uh, I'm sorry.

It's just that the caterpillar looked
just like Anne's pet from back home.

It was small, cute. It was
black with white spots and it--

Wait. A black caterpillar
with white spots?

Yes. Sensing something is wrong.

That's a Coastal k*ll-a-pillar!

They're dangerous amphibivores,

and they only get white spots
right before they're about to--

[Domino shrieks]



[all screaming]

Domino , is that you?

Shh. These monsters respond to sound.

Let's back away slowly and quietly.

[Polly shouting]
Hey, family! What's happening in here?



-[Hop Pop] Run, kids!
-[Sprig] I don't wanna die in a basement!

Domino ? It's me, Anne.

We bonded. I gave you treats.
You gave me dead things.

Don't you remember?

[purrs, roars]


No, wait! Come back!

-[Polly screams]
-[Hop Pop] Get outta here!


[Sprig, Hop Pop, Polly shout]

[Polly] I would like
to get off the ride now!

Oh! She's gonna bite their heads off
as soon as she's done toying with them.

Toying with them. Wait a second.

-[all grunting]

[all whimpering]

Hey, Domino ! Over here!




Oh, crud.




[sighs] Oh, Domino ,
I thought I could change you.

-But I guess I was wrong.

[hisses, growls]

I'm sorry I couldn't make it work.

[sighs] It's time to go. [grunts]


Sayonara, Domino .

And look who's cleaning up after the pet!

Hop Pop, that's who!

-[melodically] Hey.
-Anne, you're okay!

Tell me that thing is gone!

Yeah, it's gone.

[sighs] I'm so sorry, you guys.

I had no right to put you all in danger,

no matter how much I miss my cat.

I hope you understand.



I miss Charlie Big Bottom
with all my heart and soul!



Uh, can we please fix
the giant hole in the house?

[sighs] Well, just goes to show ya.

You can't take some wild animal
you found in the woods,

have it live in your basement,
and think everything's gonna be okay.

I don't know. Sometimes it works out.

Ohhh! You're talking about me, right?

Hey, um, made you a little something.

I used Domino 's hair balls as the fur.

Here ya go.

You hate it, don't ya?

It's too ugly, isn't it?

-You know what, give it back to me--
-I love it!

[frogs croaking]

-[Polly] Whoa! [laughs]
-[Sprig] Whoo! [laughs]

-[Polly] Higher!


Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Look!

What are we looking at here?

Suspicion Island.
It's, like, my favorite show.

I've got the new season
and didn't even know it.

It must have auto-downloaded
before I got here.

Who's this Otto?

And how did you download him?

-Just watch.

[announcer] Previously on
Suspicion Island.

I've got a lot of feelings
about this place.

Look! More Annes!

Ha ha! They have noses.

I feel like everyone on this island
is suspicious, Peruvia, except you!

But, Randy, I think you're suspicious!


[announcer] Suspicion Island.

If you don't stay suspicious,
you won't stay alive.


What is this demonic nonsense?

Hop Pop, this show's got beautiful people
doing dumb things while stuff explodes!

It's literally perfect.

-Let's do it!

Now, hold on.

Instead of that garbage, how about
I treat you to some real entertainment?

-Oh, no.
-Oh, no.

A scene from The Shallow Pond.

[clears throat]

Sadness. The world is sadness.

But look. There. A pond!

Is it deep or shallow?

[chanting] Suspicion Island!

-Suspicion Island!
-Okay! Fine!

[all] Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

But just one.

It can't be, Vivica. These pterodactyls
are clones of... my dead brother!

[gasps] No way!



[announcer] Will these beautiful teens
ever make it off the island?

Find out next time on--

And that's enough for tonight.

-Aw, come on!
-[groans] This is t*rture!

Trust me, guys.
You gotta pace yourself with this stuff.

All right, you two grubs. Off to bed.

[both groaning]

How am I supposed to sleep without knowing
what happened to Vivica and Chad?

[Polly] Stupid sleep!
I wanna watch it right now!

So? What do you think, Hop Pop?

Better than that boring stuff
you read to us, right?

That "boring stuff"
is called literature, Anne.

And maybe, if you had an ounce of culture,

you wouldn't reject it
in favor of your substandard,

puerile garbage show!

Sheesh! Tell me how you really feel.


Nup, nup, nup.

[wind whistling]


[beep] [announcer] Last week on
Suspicion Island.

[rooster crows]

Come on, guys!
It's time to get suspicious.


Wait, what?

-What's wrong, Anne?
-What's all the ruckus?

-Why you screaming?
-My battery is low.

But it was fine last night
when I turned it off.

Huh? "Watched"?

Who watched all these episodes
and used up all the--


No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

-It's gone.
-What's gone?

Everything. My pictures, my texts.

Videos of my cat!

Now all my memories from home are gone!

[panicked breathing]

-Um, there, there?

-Was it you?
-What? No!

I didn't watch anything.

-It must have been Polly.

I even heard her get up in the night.
Very suspicious.

I needed to pee!

Plus, if you heard me, you were awake too.
You're the suspicious one!

Don't change the subject.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What about... Hop Pop?

Heh! Me?

In case you forgot,
I despise that garbage.


Maybe you ran down the phone so we'd
have to listen to your boring play!

-Oh, that's good.
-[Hop Pop] That is preposterous!

[groans] Enough!

If none of you are going to admit to it,

the least you could do
is help me fix my phone.

Fair enough, Anne.
How do we bring this thing back to life?

Magic? Live sacrifice?
I know a guy in town--

We need power. Electricity.

[All] What? Huh?

You know, zap zap?

"Zap zap"?

Oh, I think I know
what you're talking about.

Quickly! To my study!

I've heard talk of a creature
called the zapapede

that lives deep in the Misty Peaks.

It zaps its prey
with a small spark of lightning.

Yeah, it's pretty cool, actually.

Sounds like it's worth a shot.
So, how far away is this bug, HP?

Don't call me HP. [clears throat]

It's half a day's travel, but
that should be no trouble for this g*ng.

Oh, yeah? Well, that's
just what Chad Vanderblad said.

Right before he was stabbed in the back
by a backstabber on Suspicion Island!

Watch where you're pointing that finger!

I would never s*ab Chad in the back,
but one of you two would.

Hey! Every time you point,
two fingers point back!

That doesn't make any sense!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey!

You're all suspicious. Just look at you.

Now, come on. Let's get going.

The sooner we move, the sooner
I get my memories back.




[growling, grunting continues]


[Sprig] ♪ A family distrusts each other

On a dangerous mission

Like the nearly naked humans
On the island of Suspicion

Peruvia, Felicia
And Randy, so hot

Beguiling, hostile-ing

We're all suspicious isle-ing

Quiet, boy. Look! There's one now!

[Hop Pop] A zapapede!

Oh, looks pretty cute.

-Step lightly, everyone.

This thing doesn't look like
it can take much weight.


[Sprig continues grunting]


-Sup, HP?

Sprig sure looks tired, doesn't he?

Awfully suspicious. And don't call me HP.

The old man's a lying snake,
but he does have a point.

-You guys talkin' scum?

What? No, no. No, no, no.


-Psst, Anne.

-Excuse me, HP.

I want to find out who's guilty
just as much as you do.

Let me help you.

Oh, no, you don't!

You were trying to
Chad her into trusting you!

And you're trying
to Vivica her into not trusting me!

Oh, and look at Hop Pop
trying to Randy his way out of this.

I don't even know what that means!

Guys, cut it out. You're gonna--

[all screaming]

[electricity zapping]

[loud crash]

[all groaning]

Rope bridge? More like nope bridge.


[gasps] Look! Down there!

More zapapedes!

They're pretty far down.

Hmm. Oh!

Let's just link arms
and lower someone down,

just like the teens did in episode eight.

Ha! So that Polly can drop us
to cover her tracks,

just like Vivica did
in the very same episode?

You callin' me a Vivica?


-[Sprig grunts]
-[blows landing]

Kids, no! Stop fighting!



[grunts, screams, shouts]

Hey, cut it out, you guys.

Seriously. Ow!

Oh, sorry, Anne. You okay? [chuckles]

-[Anne shouting]

[blows landing]

Kids, no! Stop fighting!


Eh, no. [grunting] Oh. No.

I-- It was me! [echoing]

-Say what?

-You mean--
-That's right, Anne.

I watched all the episodes.
Every single one!

But you hated Suspicion Island.

Hated it?

Hated it?

I loved it!

[thunderclap] Ever since the end
of that last episode,

I-I couldn't sleep.

I fell in love with those crazy kids
on their crazy island.

I couldn't get enough!

I did the only thing I could.

I snuck out to the living room
to watch another episode.



I vowed only to watch one,
but Suspicion Island had its hooks in me!

And before I realized what had happened,

I'd finished the season!

-[rooster crows]

-With dawn approaching,

I covered my tracks and made my escape.

Come on, guys!
It's time to get suspicious.


-What a twist!

But now I'm gonna make things right.

I will redeem myself!

-Hop Pop!

I'm okay!


-You know, it's actually kinda relaxing!
-[electric spark]

[whimpers, screams]



[pants, whimpers]


He can't last much longer!

We have to work together!



Almost. Nearly there.

Got him! Oh, wait a second. [screams]


[all screaming]


[all groaning]

Holy smokes. That's a lot of percents.

So, you love Suspicion Island, huh?

Yeah... [sighs]

And I'm sorry I lied
and drained your memory box.

Can you ever forgive this old, silly frog?

Dude, you just risked your life
to recharge my phone.

I think we're square.


Really glad I didn't push you
off a cliff like I was planning.

[laughs] Me too, Polly. Me too.

All right, enough fiddle-faddling.

We gotta get home so you guys
can finish the season.

If I don't talk to someone about it soon,
I'm gonna explode!

I mean, that part where the island itself
is revealed to actually be--

-[Polly] No!
-[Sprig] Oh, come on!

[Anne] Dude, spoilers!

[theme music playing]