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01x01 - Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds

Posted: 10/15/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[frogs croaking]


[band music playing]

Good night, you frogs.

See you in the morrow.



-[accordion plays]

[loud rustling]


[wind blowing]

[whimpers] What's that?


[gasps] No, no, no, no!

[screaming echoes]






Ho. Ho.

All right, kids. I'm gonna do
a little shoppin'.

You watch the cart. You got it, Hop Pop.

I'll defend this cart with my life!

Sprig, I was talking to Polly.

-What? Polly's a baby.
-You're a baby!

Polly's got more responsibility
in her little flipper,

than you have in your entire body.

Ridiculous. What makes you think
I'm irresponsible?

Oh, gee. Let me think.



[Hop Pop] Sprig, what did I tell you
about leaving the lights on?

-[all screaming]

OK. So yesterday was a bad day.


[grunts] Polly, make sure Sprig
stays in the cart.

Well, how do you do, Mrs. Jonkins?

[sighs] Wish there was a way to prove
I'm not such a goof-up.



Th-- There's a monster in the woods!
I seen it. I seen it.

Now, simmer down, Wally.
Just tell us what you saw.

Oh, it was horrifying.

It had a huge head, a weird, stubby bump
right in the middle of its face,

and long, spindly legs!

[gasping] Obscene!

We better catch this beast
before it hurts somebody.

Because for Mayor Toadstool,
your safety comes first.

Well, it's the responsible thing to do.

-Responsible. Responsible.

Polly, I just had a great idea.

I am going to catch that beast
and save the town.

Stop right there!

Hop Pop said that
you had to stay in the cart.

You know you can't take me!

[grunts] Oh, oh, Polly, look.

Candy! [blows raspberry]

Bribe accepted!

Let the monster hunt... begin!

[echoing] Don't die!



Seems like the beast
roams these parts.

Probably a good place to... Aah!

[groaning] Huh?


Caught ya. Thought you got
the best of ol' Anne, eh?

Well, you didn't. [chuckles]

[gasps] Giant head, spindly limbs,
face bumps.

-The beast!

Stop following me.

I have bad news for you, beast.
I taste terrible.

Ew. I am not gonna eat you.

You tried to eat Wally.

I tried to ask "Wally" for help.

He ran off screaming the second he saw me.

That does sound like Wally.


-It's coming back.
-What is?

-Where are you going?


[shouts, grunts]

[munching] Huh?



-Oh! Here we go.



[sighing loudly]

You-- You saved me.

You're not a beast at all. You're a hero.

An ugly, ugly, ugly hero.

Call me ugly again,
and maybe I will eat you.

Ha! You're not gonna eat me.

You got a name, stranger?

My name's Anne.

Anne Boonchuy.

I'm Sprig Planter. Put 'er there.

Uh... OK.

Uh... so, your hand
just barfed on my hand.


[sighs] OK, Sprig.
You got anything to eat?

Sure do.

Things that aren't bugs?

No bugs, eh? Blah.

Mmm. We'll have to hunt around a bit.

Come on. Follow me.

How do I know I can trust you?


Does this look like a face
that could deceive you?

[laughs] Yeah, I guess not.

-Well, then come on. Chow time.

[humming] Huh?

Now, when I say "k*ll," you say "it."



Heh. Another day, another mob.

Come on, kids, time to-- What the--

I don't have a candy problem!
You have a candy problem!

Polly, where's Sprig?

Uh, something-something monster,
something-something woods.

Oh, if your boy went into the woods,
he's as good as eaten.

That beast will devour
everything in its path.

Not on my watch!

Hang in there, boy!

Hop Pop's a comin'!

[angry shouting]

Harvest the toenails
for medicinal purposes!

-Hey, this is pretty good.

So, first question.

What the heck are you,
and where did you come from?

I'm a human being, and I come from...
another world! [echoing]

Either that, or this is a dream.

Wow. Do you know
how you got here?

Nope. One minute I was in my world,
and the next thing I knew, I was here.

I don't know how to get home

or if I even can go home.

So, yup, that's my story.

How 'bout you?
What were you doing in the woods?

Proving that I'm responsible.

Oh, yeah? How?


There they are!

-Careful now, boys.
-What? Stay away from me!

No! You guys got it all wrong.

-Get her! Ha-ha!

Ha-ha! You caught the monster.

Sprig, I'm impressed.

Dude, what the heck? You set me up?

-I thought we were connecting!
-No, no, no! This wasn't my plan.

[monster roaring]


Hurry! Everyone! Mantis formation!

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup!

Hyah! [karate yell]


We scared it off! We have power!

-Nope. That scared it off.
-Yeah, that makes more sense.


It's gonna eat our guts!

No! Huh?

What is this, another trick?

I'll distract that thing.
You get out of here.


Hey! Ha-ha! Oops.




Do something!

Oh, right. On it. Here we go.





-[all gasping]
-It's down!

[both] We did it!

Up top.

Oh, boy. That's gross.

Well, now that that's settled,

what the heck are we gonna do
with this thing?

Maybe we ought'a
run it out of town just to be safe.

Let it be someone else's problem.

[angry shouting]

Stop right there! She's not a monster.

She's just lost and needs our help.

We should take care of her.

Are you crazy?

Yeah. What if it goes nutty tomorrow
and starts eating people?

Not gonna happen, buddy.

Don't worry yourselves silly.

I'll keep an eye on 'em, both of 'em.

Hmm. Have it your way, Hopadiah Planter,
but I don't like it.

-All right, boys. Pack it in.

You know, this thing tastes
really great with butter.

Looks like I'm back to causing trouble
for the family again, huh?

Trouble? Sprig, standing up to that
angry mob to help this creature out

was some of the bravest
and most responsible stuff I've ever seen.

That was pretty cool, Sprig.

It was also really dumb!

Yes, really, really dumb.

[gasps] You think I'm responsible?

Well, yeah. I mean, just this one time.

-Yes! Whoo-hoo!
-Well, don't get carried away.

-Big win!
-Welp, this has been great.

But just give me a map. I gotta
find my way out of this kooky place.

Oh, a map won't be enough.

This here valley
is surrounded by mountains

that are impenetrable this time of year.

It should clear up in a couple of months.

But until then,
you try to cross those mountains--

You will die.

Are you telling me I'm stuck
in this crazy place for two months?

Where am I gonna stay?

-[switch clicks]
-Alrighty! Kitchen's upstairs.

Breakfast at sunrise, sharp.

OK. Thanks, dude.

-Hey! Gettin' comfy?

Brought some toys to keep you company.
I'm too old for these.

Oh, except for this one. Oh, and this one.

Oops. This one too.
Sorry. This one as well.

I'm glad you're livin' with us, monster.

Yeah, me too, weird little frog boy.

OK. Good night. Sleep tight.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Seriously, they can
drain a body in seconds.


[inhales, blows]

Come on, come on.

[sighs] Looks like
I'm gonna be here for a while.

[frogs croaking]

Ah, this is a good shirt.

All right, Anne. You can do this.


[music playing on speakers]

[screams, gasps] Guys, guys, guys.
I just had the craziest dream.

I was trapped in a world of frog pe-- Oh.


Hey, Anne. Sleep good? Careful, boy!

It could be hungry. For your guts!

Dude, relax.

I am not gonna eat something
that clearly doesn't bathe.

-[flies buzzing]
-Fair point.

See? Told you it was harmless.

Hmph. For now.

Just give me an excuse
to use old Doris here.

I think the little one wants to k*ll me.

Yup. So, you must be so excited
to be trapped in another world.

Very jealous. Oh!

[chuckles] It's not all that.

I miss my home and my stuff

and especially...

my friends.

Without them, I just feel
kind of lost, you know?

Well, then, why don't I be your friend
in the meantime?


-Come on. It'll be fun!

-What did you do together?

Marathon, dumb TV shows, drink boba
till we vomited, hung out at the beach.

Oh, we've got a lake. Would going there
with me make you feel less homesick?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Is gonna be great.

I like your moxie, frog child.
Let's do it!

-You ready to go?

[both] Hey, hey, hey!

And where do you two think you're going?

We're going to the lake. Ooh. Ow.

Why? You want in? You wanna come?

Absolutely not! Look, Anne.

You're a new, unsettling, strange,
bizarre, gangly, horrifying--

Thanks. I got it.

Point is, the frogs in this town
can be pretty small-minded.

-Oh, hey, Hopadiah.
-And paranoid.

We just need to give 'em time
to get used to you.

I think it's best you stay put.

-No buts.

Now I'm gonna go into my study
to get a little reading done.

Uh, Hop Pop.

Don't do anything stupid!

Ugh! Adults are all the same.

Curfews. Rules. Old.

Yeah, looks like we're stuck here.

Ooh! I know what'll be fun.
Let's try some of Hop Pop's pain peppers.

So hot, they'll make you
wish you were dead.



Aah! Aah! Aaah!


Someone just k*ll me, please! Blah.

-Your turn.
-No, thanks.

I'd rather go to the lake.

What? But Hop Pop said, uh--

Sprig, you wanna know the best thing
about friendship?

When you got your friend by your side,
anything is possible.

Whatever you want,
a real friend will help you get.

-And you know what I want?
-The lake!

-Yup. Now let's go rob an old man!

Yeah, that didn't sound
as cool as I wanted it to.

-Any ideas?

What if we use fishing line
to lower me from the ceiling?

Then I grab the key
right out of Hop Pop's pocket.

I'll move like a shadow.


Shadows knock things over sometimes.

-Do you hear that?

No way.

This might be the creepiest thing
I've ever seen.

Happens all the time.
He makes a great scarecrow.

[sniffs] Know what this smells like?

[inhales, blubbering]

A key that's been in an old man's pocket?

Freedom! That was my next guess!

[sighs] This is great.

Two pals beatin' the odds
to have some fun.

Here. Smile!

Whoa. Hey, that turned out great.

I don't know what's crazier,

that you just stole my soul in a tiny box,
or that we look so incredible.

I gotta say, this friend business
is amazing!

Didn't you have friends
before I showed up?


[giggles] Your turn.

Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys!
Check this out!

[both screaming]

Aaah! Help! It's eating me alive!


Ha-ha! I'm just kidding, guys.

-Aaah! Aaah!

Kids around here don't really get me.

Well, hey, they are missin' out.

Come on.

So, is punching part of friendship?

[Anne] Absolutely.

-We made it.

[Anne] It's beautiful.

-You ready, dude?
-Yeah! Whoa-ho!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!


-This was not here last week.

Hmm. I know exactly what's going on here.

Some jerk just wants this beautiful lake
all to themselves.

-Well, forget that.
-Ah, I don't know, Anne.

Whoever wrote this wrote it in a hurry,
like they were scared to be here.

Or maybe they just had bad handwriting.

Come on. Don't be a buzzkill.

Ooh, that's nice.

Hey, what are you doing?

Something's not right here.
Let's just go back.

Ugh, I thought you were trying
to be my friend.

I am.

Well, this is what friends do. Remember?

They help each other
get the things they want.


Look, if a friend likes a pencil case,
you get it for them.

If your friend likes your new shoes,
you give them to her.

And if a friend wants you to steal
a crazy music box from a thrift store,

even if you don't really want to,

you do it, OK?

Because if you don't, they might not want
to be your friend anymore.





Ah, yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about!


[both laughing]

[upbeat music playing]

[water skipper whinnying]




I was blinking, wasn't I?


Stupid non-webbed human hands.

Anne! [grunts]

Ah. That explains the sign.

Sprig, I'm just slowing you down, buddy.

Get out of here. This was my fault anyway.

I should have listened to you.

-Friend punch!
-Ow! Hey.

Never! I'm not about to let
my first real friend get eaten.

We're in this together.

Uh, any ideas?

Ah! What are you doing?

I have a plan. Stand up!

Uh, OK.

When I count to three, duck.

What? Are you crazy?

Just trust me.

All right. One, two...


Sprig! Vengeance!

Take this and this! Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


[Sprig screaming]

You're alive.

What did you do?

So hot, they'll make you
wish you were dead.

You little genius, you.

And it looks like
he couldn't take the heat.

-[both laughing]

-Death approaches!

[sighs, mumbles]

[gasps] I'm up! I'm awake!

The key. It's gone!

Oh, no. Did they get out?

Is the town rioting? Are they dead?

Has Anne eaten the kids, the whole town?


What's this now? It's still locked.

[dice rattling] Come on.
Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

Seriously though, I do need new shoes.

You guys been here all day, huh?

Yeah, dude. I'm on a winning streak.

I owe her my first-born child.

Oh, by the way, Hop Pop.

We found this on the floor.
You must have dropped it.

Dang shallow pockets.

Well, you get what you pay for.


'Sup, Polly?

You're not gonna eat us, are you?

You're not even gonna try.


[sighs dramatically]

Hey, sorry I almost got us k*lled today.

Are you kidding?

That was the most exciting thing
that's ever happened to me!

My heart was beating faster
than a dragonfly on a sugar rush.

In fact, I'm feeling a little sleepy.



Sasha, Marcy,

I hope you guys are OK, because I am.

[thunder clap]

Take a look at this please, Sasha.

It was found far from here,
in the South Forest.

Now we know that you've been lying to us.

Now we know that there are more of you.


[theme music playing]