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03x12 - Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road

Posted: 10/15/22 08:41
by bunniefuu


Listen up, soldiers.

The Marauders have intercepted
our latest shipment of weapons.

- [booing]
- How could they?

Sorry. [Chuckles] Marauders?

A g*ng of dirty,
anarchist frogs

who don't work
for Andrias or the rebellion.

They hijack caravans,
raid villages for scraps

and are basically
a huge, unwashed thorn in my side.

Can't we just
smack 'em down?

There are too many of 'em
to take head-on.


So, we're gonna sneak
into their camp and steal our stuff back.

- Diabolical.
- Thieving from the thieves?

I love dramatic irony!

Croaker, you and your team
come up with the battle strategy.

Me and Anne are gonna go
grab the gear.


All right,
you miserable layabouts, listen up.

[clears throat]
Uh, hey. [Record scratches]

Before we start,
does anyone want a Post-it note?

Can't have a good meeting
without Post-it notes.

[sighs] Okay,
here's the plan.

Loggle and Maddie,
you're with me.

Wally and To a die,
you're on offense.

We keep the
pressure on until Anne

and Sasha are
out with the goods.

Now gear up.
We leave in three!

Um, Mrs. Croaker?
[feet screech]

As much as I'd like
to be on offense with Wally,

I'd be much more
comfortable as the...

Lookout! Again?

To a die, this is our team's
sixth mission,

and all you ever wanna
do is organize the meetings

and be the lookout!

It's what I'm good at!

Direct physical confrontation,
not so much.

[screams] Oh, my gosh!
I blew up Maddie!

You wish.


Listen, To a die. The
world has changed,

and we've had to change with it.



Don't you wanna
step out of your comfort zone,

become something more than
the vest-wearing pencil pusher

you've always been?

But my comfort zone
is so comfy.

Well, I think you're capable
of so much more.

Back to the comfort zone!


[wind whistling]

It's quiet.

Too quiet.

Who cares?
Let's get our stuff and go.

- [cackles]
- [shouts]

[Marauder] We got you.

They fell for it.
Get 'em!

Head for the rendezvous!

[both grunt]




That was clo...
Oh, no!

Where's everybody else?

[marauders chuckling]

The others got caught!
We gotta get back down there.

Absolutely not.

Why not?

We might just
get captured ourselves,

and the resistance
can't lose both its leaders.

Then what do we do?

Just wait.
Croaker's team is pretty tough.

There's a chance
they'll escape on their own.


What should we do till then?

We'll train.


Well, well,
what do we have here?

The candy man?

You run
the Marauders?

Dang right, I do.

Turns out I've got
a sweet tooth for anarchy.

What are you gonna
do with us, you sicko?

We're going to sell
you sugarplums to Andrias's army.

They pay extra
for resistance frogs.

- [all gasp]
- You help Andrias?

What are you,

Look around you, toots.

The whole world is insane,

but that's suits us,
don't it, Brian?

I used to be
a tax accountant.

Now I drink
the blood of my enemies

and eat dessert
for breakfast.

See? Turns out
the end of the world is sweet! [Cackles]

[all cackling]

Well, nothing left to do
but accept our fate.

Anyone want
a Post-it note for their will?

[sobbing] No!
I'm too beautiful to die!

Get it together!
Here's the plan:

I'll get a guard's attention
and take him out.

unlock the cell.

To a die and I will
take the Marauders on the ground

while you all
get the stolen weapons.

Then Wally blasts us
an exit.

- Got it?
- [all] Got it!

Uh, Mrs. C.?

[shouts] Fine!
To a die, you're the lookout!

Now let's do this.

Excuse me,

I'm a little confused.
Where am I?

Back off the bars, lady.
You're in Marauder jail.

Now, if I've been helpful
to you, can you please

fill out this comment card?


[shouts] G-G-Guys.
Incoming. Incoming.

Uh, come on, To a die.
You can do this.

Excuse me, sir,

but I am going to
ask you kindly

to please stop
what you are doing.

Hey, that wasn't so har...

Shut up, tadpole.

[To a die screams]


Oh, that's
not good.

Haven't we waited long enough?

We've gotta
get down there.

[chuckles] Come on, Anne.
It hasn't even been 30 minutes.

Give it a little
more time.

Easy for you to say.

What do you mean
by that?

I-It's nothing.

On your left.

[all cackling]

[sighs] I knew I should have stayed
in the old comfort zone.

I made things worse.

Oh, man.
She's out cold.

We need a plan, and we need it now.
So what do we do?

I could craft dolls
to curse the Marauders

in a few hours
or days.

What if we just did a bunch of push-ups
to get the brain juices flowing?

I've got it.
Just get me to the boomshrooms.

- And then?
- That's it. Just get me

to the boomshrooms.

What were we
talking about again?

I just need a strand
of their hair!

I knew I should have
brought me own boomshrooms!

- I've got a barrel of them.
- Or a toenail.

- Um, guys.
- Only one speaker at a time.

You can't be productive,
if you're not organized!

Guys. Guys!

Aw. Look who it is.
The tadpole.

You having
a good time?

Ooh, what do
we have here?



And thanks for the souvenir.

That is it!


Croaker was right!

It's time for a change.

Time for me to be



Oh, not again.

[Wally, Loggle] Wow.
He's possessed.

Forget organized
and productive meetings,

we just need to
get it together.

Loggle, let's put those muscles
to good use.

Start digging!

Maddie, you navigate us
to the stolen weapons.

Wally, when we get there,
you will use a few boomshrooms

to cause a distraction
so we can get away!

What about you?

I'm the lookout.

As in look out
for my fist!

I'll be the guy who makes sure
this all goes according to plan. Got it?

[all] Yes, sir!

Enough with
the slapping!


Ach, it's kind of hard
to tell where we're going.




Look, Anne, I'm telling you,
we just have to wait.

Wait? My friends are in trouble,
and here we are sparring.

That's because
we can't risk...

Getting captured.
I know. I get it.

And I know
they're just soldiers to you,

but to me
they're everything.

Anne, it isn't like that.

What was that?
That's our cue.

Come on.
It's go time.

- [Marauder screams]
- [Loggle shouts]

- Huh?
- What the...

When you're
in a meeting,

bring some pens
and notepad!

[screams, grunts]


No, no, no,
no, no, no, no!


Oh, gumdrops!
Not again!

Get back here,


I'll be taking
this back.

Whoa! To a die!
Where'd you get those moves?

It's actually how I dress the mayor
every morning.

Let's go!



Wow, To a die.
Great work out there.

Savage stuff.


Impressive, To a die.

I always knew
you had it in you.

Not me.
You kidding?

I'm still in shock.

Wow. You were right.
Looks like they could

handle themselves.

Hey, uh,
about what I said back there...

It's okay, but believe me,
I do care about these frogs. A lot.

We've been through
some serious stuff together

when you were gone.

[all laughing]

But being in charge
means making tough calls.

And sometimes you have to
stop and remember to have faith

in the people around you.

You taught me that.

Thanks, Sash.

[all groaning]

Aw, man. They took all our stuff.
Even our food!

This couldn't possibly get any worse.

What are we
gonna eat now?


Holy... [crows]

[frogs croaking]
Episode Title: "Olm Town Road" Part 2 of 2


All right, team.
We've been on a roll lately.

Destroying factories,
taking down Marauders...


...but don't even think
about celebrating.

All of this is barely a dent
in Andrias's armor.

And if we don't act fast,
he'll be ready to invade

other worlds soon.

We need an actual plan.
Ideas, go!

- Uh...
- Hmm.

What if we had free bagels
Fridays and Mondays?

Oh, you mean to
defeat Andrias?

- Oh! I almost forgot.
- D'oh!

While we were back home,
we saw this old vase with

Amphibian writing on it.

Let's see.
It says,

"Seek the mother of Olms.
She will guide you to your destiny."

What's it mean?

We don't know.

But we found
this message on Earth,

so it must be

I'm sure if we find Mother Olm,
she'll have all the answers.

All of this isn't much to go on.

Plus, no one's
seen an Olm for decades.

We have!

Lysil and Angwin.

The Olms that
almost ate us in Quarreler's Pass.

Huh. Anyone know
any friendlier, less-murderous Olms?

[all] I don't know.

Murderous Olms it is.

[bird shrieking]

Never thought
we'd be here again.

Hey! That wasn't
there before.


Ugh. Yikes.
Go low, Joe.


So, how do we get
these Olms to come out?


Ow! Hey!
Cut it out!

Yes, good!
Whine louder!



[all gasp]


Hey! It's those
squabbling frog siblings.

This time we're going to
actually eat you.

And your little friends too!

[all shout]

Go ahead and eat us.

We'll just carve
our way out of your stomachs.

Whoa. Okay.
Point taken.


We just wanna talk to you.

Do you guys know
the Mother of Olms?

How do you know about Mother Olm?

You dum-dum!
Now they know we know her.

the dum-dum!

Hey, guys, focus.

[clears throat]
Sorry, sorry.

Mother Olm is the oldest,
wisest Olm in the world.

Keeper of ancient secrets
and prophecies.

She lives in our homeland,
the subterranean city of Proteus.

Can you
take us there?

We could, but it would
be pointless.

Olms are famously suspicious
of outsiders.

They'd never
let you inside.

Plus, we're
sorta banished.

What? Why?

One time we were
on night watch

and, well,
we started arguing.

Because we were distracted,
a swarm of troglobites snuck past us

and nearly destroyed Proteus.

Not our finest moment.

They threw you out after one mistake?

That's totally not fair!

Everyone deserves
a second chance.

[clears throat] Well,
the fate of Amphibia

may rest on us finding
the Mother of Olms.

If you take us to Proteus,
you'd have a hand in saving the world.

Then the Olms would have
to take you back, right?

probably not.

But we don't
have anything better to do, so...

That's the spirit.



What are these?

It's how we

What does it say?

Steve's a jerk?

Come on.
We're almost there.

Welcome to Proteus.

[Anne] So cool.
[Hop Pop] Amazing!


Lysil, Angwin,
what are you two doing here?

You're exiled.

You brought strangers?

Ooh, Parisia is not going to
like this.


She presides
over Proteus.

Is she a warm, sweet-natured Olm
who will help us any way she can?

You're about to find out.
Now move.



what did you do?

It wasn't him.

Mysterious earthquakes have been
wreaking havoc on the city for weeks.

Water is being diverted,
tunnels have become blocked,

sunlight has even seeped in.

Sunlight? No!


Have you gone out
to investigate the cause?

Or asked the surface dwellers
for help?

We can't go above ground.
We'll burn alive.

Plus, we don't associate
with your kind if we can help it.

Indeed. Insularity
is how we Olms survive.

Fewer friends, sure.
But also fewer foes.

I am Parisia.
What do you want, outsiders?

We've come
to see Mother Olm.

Mother Olm? How do you know...

You two!
I should have known you were involved.

For bringing outsiders here,
you shall be punished severely.

You should be
thanking them.

King Andrias is gonna
destroy Amphibia

if we don't join together
and stop him.

That's none
of our concern.

We will thrive down here
as we always have.

By keeping our snouts
out of other species business.

- [rocks crashing]
- [rumbling]

[Olms screaming]

It's probably that giant drill
we saw.

Andrias must be mining
for something.

Got to be iron ore.

Proteus is built
on a huge deposit of it.

He must want it
to build more w*r machines.

A giant drill?
w*r machines?


These natural tremors
are nothing more than common earthquakes.

- Makes sense to me.
- Uh-huh.

But what about the sunlight?
How do you explain that?

Guards, dispose of these outsiders.

What about us?
Give us a second chance!

No second chances.

This is the Olm way.

And stay out.

[Lysil, Angwin sigh]

Hey. I know what it's like
to make a huge mistake you regret.

I'm still fighting
to make up for it.

And I hope
you won't give up either.

[sighs] We'll try.
Easier said than done.


The drill!

It must be getting close
to the city.

We have to do something!

Come on.
I know a shortcut to the surface.

Phew. You didn't say
the shortcut was full of stank beetles.

Don't worry.
You'll stop smelling in five days.

Or was it five years?

All right, team.
Attack plan epsilon.

What about us?
We want to help too.

The sunlight's too strong.
Just wait here. We got this.

All right, Plantars.
Let's go.

[computer] Reaching Proteus
in ten, nine...

- This thing's on autopilot.
- ...eight, seven...

- Everyone try to find a way
- ...six...

to shut it down.

[alarm blares]

Oh, crud.
It needs a password.

Any guesses?

Try 12345!

[alarm blares]
Eh, worth a shot.

[computer] Five,
four, three, two...

We're out of time.

It sounds like
they're in trouble.

We can't
just sit here.

Finally something we agree on.
Come on!

[both groan]

[both] For Proteus!

[both groaning]

Lysil, Angwin,
what are you doing?

What we have to.

Angwin, you ready?


[both screaming]

Hold fast, Lysil!

You too, Angwin.

It's coming down.

[all screaming]

[all groaning]

Everyone okay?

Lysil? Angwin?

Oh, no.


Guys, are you okay?

I can't believe you dove
into the drill like that.

It was the only way
to save the city.

Proteus will always
be our home.

Even if we don't
live in it.


Gonna be real hard
to deny the existence of that drill now.

This doesn't
prove anything.

[all] What?

How do I know

you didn't
fake this?

Look at Lysil and Angwin.

They nearly k*lled themselves
to protect you and your dumb city.

Did they? Maybe they injured
themselves on purpose

to make it look like
they protected us.

- Yeah.
- That's right.

You two, get these outsiders
out of our city.


You are the biggest moron
I have ever met!

Excuse me?

Whoa. Sash, I don't think
that's a good I...

I don't care
anymore, Anne!

Lysil and Angwin
bent over backwards

to prove they deserved
a second chance.

But this snooty despot and her crummy town
aren't worth it.

Come on, guys.
If these idiots wanna perish in denial,

that's their business.

Let's get out of here.


Don't worry,
you two.

If this city won't have you,
Wartwood will.

- We will?
- [Parisia] Not so fast!

You dare insult Parisia,
the guardian of Proteus,

who has ruled over the city
for thousands of years?


You've all got guts.

the fur-clad one.

[all] Huh?

I haven't been
yelled at like that

for about 500 years,

and it kinda
shook me up.

I don't know
what's going on topside,

but maybe it's better
to be safe than sorry.

You shall meet
Mother Olm.

Hang on.
What about Lysil and Angwin?

Ugh. Fine.

They shall be
granted access to the city.

- Yes! - Yay!
- You won't be sorry!

Under constant supervision.

Oh, that's lame.

Oof. Oh, okay.

Thank you so much.
We appreciate it.

Yes, yes.
Don't make me regret it.

Now then, follow me.

Mother awaits.