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04x07 - Martha: Secret Agent Dog, Parts 1 & 2

Posted: 10/15/22 08:29
by bunniefuu
artha was ♪

♪ She went... and... and... ♪
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say ♪

♪ Now she speaks... ♪

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks ♪

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks... ♪

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got the voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique... ♪

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak ♪

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates ♪

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates! ♪

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪






Secret agent.

Today's words are all about
secret agents and spies.

See how many words
you can uncover

and I'll see you
at the end of the show.

Here you go.


Aren't you going to fetch it?

You were really excited
about it a minute ago.

Eh. I guess I've just
figured out how it works.

Me, too.

Well, what do you two
want to do?

Can't we do something
that's adventurous?

Yeah! Good idea!

You can't expect an adventure
to just come to you, you know.

You have to go out
and do things.

It doesn't just fall
out of the sky or...

come knocking
on your door.

Is one of you
the talking dog?

Uh... me?

For you.

What was that all about?

Maybe it's an invitation
to a surprise party.

I don't think so.

I've never seen
those guys before.

Maybe that's the surprise.

"Dear Talking Dog..."

That's you.


"Have you ever thought about
becoming a secret agent?"

A secret agent?!

I can see it now.

Being a secret agent would be
perfect for you.

You'll look just like
a normal dog,

but actually,
you'll be fighting crime.

I've got the secret
plans-- let's go.

A secret agent is someone
who does secret work.

Sort of like a spy.

And when the bad guys
try to grab your collar,

it could turn into handcuffs
and trap them.

And maybe you could have a
doghouse that turns into a car,

so you can get in it and...
drive off down the...


Just sounds
a little farfetched.

Car doghouse?


Uh, never mind.

So where do I go?

" Jones Street."

"Ask for the Chief."

Well, this can't be right.

(car motor rumbling)

Excuse me.

I'm looking
for the Chief?


This must be it.




I'm Martha?

The talking dog?

Ah, wonderful!

Yes, of course.

Come in, Martha. Come in.

I'm so glad you decided

to lend us your services.


Oh, I thought you wanted me
to work for you.

Well, services are the jobs
people do for other people.

In this job your service will be
to help us fight crime.

(clanging outside)

Excuse me.

Keep it down!

(noise stops)

Sorry about that.

Have a seat, please.

I am sitting.

Oh, yes. Of course.

Martha, our agency
needs your services

to help us stop
a terrible crime.

I think you know this place.

Granny's soup factory!

We have reason to believe

that someone is trying to steal
the formula for Granny's soup.

(Martha gasps)

The formula for her soup?!

That's horrible!

Who would do that?!


What's a formula?

Oh-- a formula is like a recipe
for something.

The formula for the...

Oops, sorry.

The formula for the soup is the
top-secret list of ingredients

that Granny uses to make
her soup so tasty.

You made a slide just to define
the word "formula"?

Our agency likes to be prepared
for everything.

(small expl*si*n)

You didn't see that.

The point is, Martha, if another
soup company stole

the formula for Granny's soup,

they could put her
out of business.


No more alphabet soup?!

That's right.

Martha, we need
a secret agent

who can go in there
and find out

who is trying to steal
the formula

and defeat them
before it's too late.

Oh! Well,
I'm your dog, Chief.

I must warn you,
it might be dangerous.

Let me at 'em.

Mesdames et monsieurs,
les jeux sont fait.

I don't believe
we've met, Ms....


Plain Martha.

Here's your drink:
fresh toilet water.

Shaken, not stirred?

Wait. I didn't order a drink.

Bring me another one.

But this time,
hold the poison.

(Chief clears
his throat)


Uh, wha... huh?

Were you daydreaming
about being a secret agent?

Oh, uh, well...
yeah, sort of.

I was just wondering what
my disguise should be.

Maybe some kind of tuxedo.

Or maybe I should go disguised
as an ordinary food taster.

Oh, you don't need a disguise.

I don't?

Certainly not.

You have the best disguise
of all.

No one will ever suspect
that a normal-looking dog

is actually
secret agent K - .

K - ?

That's right.

That's your new code name.

Well, it's no tux,
but it's something.

I don't know what
all the fuss is about.

No one could steal
my secret formula.

It's locked up
in this safe.

Trust me, no one's getting their
hands on my soup formula.

You're right, it would be
extremely difficult.

But I must warn you that these
spies are very tricky.

And if they ever got hold of
your formula, you'd be ruined.

Well, as long as I don't
have to pay for the guard dogs,

I suppose there's no harm.

What did Granny mean
when she said "dogs"?

Is there more than just...



Don't do that!

Y-you could really
scare someone.


Someone's been
eating sausages.


Martha, I'd like
to introduce you

to our other
undercover agent, K - .

K - , this is K - .

(barks twice)

Of course I'm not a spy.

As if!

K - is one of our
best secret agents.

Have you seen anything out of
the ordinary today, K - ?

(barks twice)

What did he say?

He said, "Nothing out
of the ordinary, Chief,"

but he thinks something may be
happening tonight.

Well, K - ,
then it's up to you,

because you're on duty tonight.

Watch for anything suspicious.

Right, Chief.




What are you doing here?!

I come here all the time
with my dad.

The factory's cool at night.


Well, I was sure glad

it was you and not
the soup thief.

So you're doing

No, I'm watching the factory.


Actually, that's what
surveillance is.

It's when you watch
really hard

to see what someone
is going to do

or what's going to happen.

Oh, surveillance!

Oh, that's right.

I knew that.

I thought you said,

Dad, is it okay if I help
Martha do surveillance

and defeat the forces of evil?

Just don't go too far.

I know every hiding place
in this whole building.

Watch this.

(motor humming)


Granny uses this.

She can watch the factory floor

and make sure
everything's going okay.

What's that?

It's just a janitor.

Maybe we should watch him,

just to practice doing


(both gasp)

What's he doing?

(bucket rattles)

He's coming! He's coming!


Who's there?


Ha! Some guard dog you are, pup.

We found him!
We know who he is.

We found the spy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on.

What happened?

We found the spy who's
trying to steal the soup!

I've got to tell the Chief!

The janitor?

So that's their plan.

Very good work, K - .

We'd better warn Granny.

The janitor?

Ha! That doesn't make sense.

I think your secret agent is
seeing things.

Martha is one of
our best agents.

I think you should make
sure the formula is safe.

Well, I suppose
it couldn't hurt.

Hang on.

Hmm. Well, thank you.

What is it?

What happened?

She says the formula is
still safe... in the safe.


Perhaps you fell asleep.

You just dreamed that
you saw this janitor.

No! He went
into Granny's office.

And I wasn't the only one
that saw him.

Well, janitors do
clean offices, Martha.

With a flashlight?

By picking locks?

I'm warning you, Chief,

something fishy
is going on here,

and I'm going to find out
what it is.

(metal bangs)



I told you not to do that!


Huh? You have a message
for the Chief?

Well, what is it?


That makes no sense.


Oh, it's in code!



"November- -X?"

Yeah, that's right.

He said it was a code.

It certainly is.

Martha, the case is cracked.

We have all the information
we need to stop that spy.


You saved the soup.

What a story!

I don't
believe it.

I knew there was something
sneaky about that janitor.


Where are you going?

The factory's the other way.

The factory is closed.


Someone stole the secret formula
for the soup,

and they say a dog helped them.


I hate to-be-continueds.

Say, Martha?

Yes, TD?

Can you tell me
what "defeat" means?

"De feet" are what you put
in "de shoes."

They're attached to "de legs."

No; "defeat" means

to beat someone at
something, or to win.

For instance...

if you win at a game,

you defeat the other player.

Ha! I defeated you!

Another game?

And if you lose the game...

I'm defeated!

How did that happen?

To win a video game,

you have to defeat
the bad guys.

To win a soccer game,

you have to defeat
the other team.

Now do you understand?


Now when do we get
to "de toes"?

I give up.

I'm defeated.

Someone stole the secret
formula for the soup,

and they say
a dog helped them.

Who is "they"?

The other people who work
at the factory.

Or at least they used
to work there.

But how could someone have
stolen the formula?

It was locked up in the safe.

No one had the combination
except Granny Flo.

It looks like the bad guys got
the combination somehow.

We have to tell the Chief.

This is it!

Wait. This is the secret agent

Yeah, follow me!

Are you sure
about this, Martha?

Yes! Come on!

Hi! I... (gasps)

What happened?!

I'm telling you, there was
carpet and drapes

and a big desk, and...

I just talked
to the manager.

He said there was no
spy agency in here.

But there was!

I'm telling you.

I was here just this morning.

I gave the Chief the coded
message from the other dog!


Uh-oh what?

I think I know how the bad guys
got the combination.


You told them.

I did?!

You didn't mean to,

but remember what you
told us happened?

So that's their plan.

You told the Chief
about seeing the janitor.

He called Granny.

He had Granny check
the safe.

She secured the room so she
knew no one could see her,

but she forgot
about one person.

it wasn't a person.

The other dog told you

he had a coded message to give
to the Chief, right?

Oh, it's in code!

You're saying the coded
message was actually...

The combination!

November- -X?

November is
the th month...

And X is the th letter
of the alphabet.

So the combination
was - - .

And the Chief
was actually...

The soup thief.

The janitor!


Actually, I'm Agent Johnson.

I've been working undercover

to try to defeat
this g*ng of crooks.

Looks like I'm too late.

You have to admit,
it was a very clever scheme.


You mean a sneaky plan?

Like a plan
to do something bad?

That kind of scheme?

Like the kind I fell for?

Don't be so hard
on yourself, Martha.

Yeah, who would ever suspect
a dog could be a spy?

No one!

That's what made it perfect.

They pretended they were
protecting Granny.

But they had one problem.

The dog couldn't communicate
with that crook.

At least until I came along
and helped them.

I wanted to be a secret agent
so bad, I fell for it--

hook, line and secret code.

Come on, it's not really
your fault, Martha.

What if Granny doesn't
make soup anymore?

I won't be able to speak.

I'm sure Agent Johnson is going
to catch those crooks.

Try to get some rest now.

(phone rings)


It's Agent Johnson.

We think we have a plan
to get the formula back.

But we need your help.

Glad you could make it.

Allow me to introduce...

the professor.

He's the head
of our operations.

Pleased to meet you.

Is this the man?


And that's the dog!

Just as I thought.

The man you're looking at
is a criminal mastermind.

His name is Dr. Feltmarker.

He has a secret

that no one's ever
been able to discover.

Here is a very rare picture
of it.

The sky?

It looks like
the sky,

but actually in the
middle of this picture

is the hideout.

It's an invisible dirigible.

An invisible dirigible?

An invisible dirigible.

Ah, an invisible dirigible.

Very clever.

Only... what's a dirigible?

This is a dirigible.

It's a kind of giant balloon
people fly around in.

But Feltmarker's dirigible
is invisible.

When something is invisible,
that means you can't see it.

You can't see it,
but it's there, all right.

That's where
you come in, Martha.

Me? But how?

Dogs have an excellent
sense of smell.

You may not be able to see
an invisible dirigible,

but that doesn't mean
you can't smell it.

Well, I'm happy to be
of service.

Just one question.

That guy knows
what I look like.

Shouldn't I have a disguise?

Hmm. A disguise.

Not a bad idea.

This is not the disguise
I had in mind.

Well, the diamond collar
is very stylish.

(the Chief chuckling)

My plan worked perfectly.

The soup formula is ours.

Now we'll control the world!

Or at least
the soup world.


What's that?

Something's following us?

Mmm. Too small to be a plane.

Bah, it's nothing.


That's engine exhaust,
all right.

And it's coming from
that direction...


Ow. Found it.

The invisible hideout.

Here goes.


Made it.

Flying pack off.

(alarm wailing)
Trespasser alert!

Trespasser alert.


A trespasser is someone

who has gotten inside
who isn't allowed.

I know what a trespasser is!

Put it on visual.

Who's trespassing
in my dirigible?

A poodle?

Well, we'll see
about that!

Bruno, come.


Where are you?

(Bruno growls)


Whoever you are,

you're smart
enough to dump paint,

but not smart enough to keep
from stepping in it.

Got you!

Huh? Disguise!

You saved me!

No time for thanks.

There's a flying pack
on top of the dirigible.

Go for it!

What about you?

I'll keep them busy
while you escape.

Now hurry!

The formula!


Not as tasty as the soup.

(swallows hard)

Where is she?

Where is
Granny Flo?

Long gone, Feltmarker.

So it's you!

That's right, Feltmarker.

And I'm sorry to inform you that
your little scheme didn't work.

You're defeated.

Oh, I am, am I?

Fetch, doggie!

Sorry, Feltmarker,
but I'm in no mood for...


Sleeping... gas...

Where am I?

Don't you know?

You're in the big time now.

(chuckling evilly)


So you think you can bury me
in sand, eh, Feltmarker?

Oh, no, that isn't sand.

(chuckling evilly)

Oh, no, it's...

it's... f-f-fleas!

I'll be leaving you
to have a good time

with your "friends."

But don't worry,
it won't be long.


Computer, set for self-destruct.

Self-destruct initiated.

Ha-ha! Now you'll see!

Are you sure you want
to self-destruct?

Nothing will be saved.

Press "yes" or "cancel."

Uh... yes.

"Self-destruct" means

that something destroys itself,
so that nothing is left.

You do know that,
don't you?

Yes, yes.


Everything blows up-- kerpow!

Yes, yes, yes!

All right.

Self-destruct in five minutes.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

You'll never get away
with it, Feltmarker!

I am sorry.

I'd love to stay and chat,

but I'm a little pressed
for time.

Happy itching!

Oh, there's no way out!

Wait a minute.


Only a few minutes
to self-destruct.

Okay, let's see.

One of these buttons
has to stop it.



(alarm wailing)

Somehow I get the feeling
that isn't good.

Ten seconds to


What do I do?!

What do I do?!

Hang on, Martha.

Pull yourself together.

After all, you are
a secret agent.

Five seconds...

What do I do? What do I do?


Granny Flo!



Oh! That was close.

Look! Down below!

Help! Help!

Get us down!

(Martha chuckles)

Looks like those two decided

that the Come-On Inn was
a nice place to "hang out."

What is that? Rain?

No. It's fleas.


Oh, no... fleas!

Oh, get me out of here!



I love the smell of sausages
in the morning.

And the Come-On Inn serves
the best sausages of all.

You did it, Martha!

You saved the soup!



Wake up.


You were talking
in your sleep.

What? You mean
I was just dreaming?

They haven't really
caught those crooks?


I hate it when it all
turns out to be a dream.

And then they were
trapped in the trees

outside the Come-On Inn.

That was some dream.


It made me really hungry
for sausages.

Well, all we have is soup.

And maybe not much more of it if
they don't catch those bad guys.

The funny thing is,
I feel like I've smelled

those Come-On Inn sausages
somewhere else.


Sizzling sausages!

I remember.

Here's your soup.

No time!

Good work, Martha.

But how did you figure out
where those crooks were hiding?

Simple. By using
my sense of smell.

I'd smelled sausages
my first day on the job.


Hmm. Someone's been
eating sausages.

There's only one place in town
that serves sausages

with that particular delicious,
fragrant, succulent,

tender, tasty...



But it wasn't
until I had that dream

that I remembered where
those sausages came from:

The Come-On Inn!

It was obvious this must be

where those crooks
were hiding out.

Well, that dream saved the soup.

I don't know how
we can ever repay you.

Well, I have a thought.

(smacking her lips)

(Agent Johnson chuckles)

All right, Martha, come on.

The sausages are on me.

Hey, check out this song.

(pop rock music plays)

♪ Lots of things are visible ♪

♪ Your books, your shoes,
a chair ♪

♪ Other things are not visible ♪

♪ Like the wind
that moves your hair ♪

♪ They're invisible ♪

♪ It means that you can't
see them ♪

♪ They're invisible ♪

♪ They're there
but you can't see them ♪

♪ Music and molecules ♪

♪ A certain something
in the air ♪

♪ And that little boy who lives
next door ♪

♪ Who sometimes isn't there ♪

♪ They're invisible ♪

♪ And no matter how hard
you stare ♪

♪ You'll never see wind ♪

♪ You'll never see songs ♪

♪ And that's because
they're all invisible. ♪

Did you catch all the words
about secret agents?

Let's see some of them again.

You mean a sneaky plan?

Like a plan to do something bad?

That kind of scheme?

Like the kind I fell for?

Well, services are the jobs
people do for other people.

"Defeat" means to beat
someone at something; or to win.


See you next time!

♪ Who's that dog? ♪

♪ Who's
that dog? ♪

♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪

That dog is Bert.

We're at Children's Hospital

He's not a doctor.

Bert is a volunteer with the
volunteer services department,

the Pawprints program.

"My name is Bert.

I love to walk on the beach
and go swimming."

Bert is in the hospital because
he's a friend.

I think that it makes them feel
for a little bit

like they're not
in the hospital

and they can take their mind
off things.

Bye, Bert.

He enjoys coming to see the kids
because he gets to be petted

by a lot of children.

That's the spot he likes--
look at his leg.


Bye, Bert!

♪ Hey, ho! Bert, go! ♪

"I also enjoy treats."

He gets to have
little doggie treats

when we get back to the office.

♪ He's that dog... ♪
♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. ♪