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03x15 - Martha in the Doghouse/Martha Models

Posted: 10/15/22 08:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Martha was an average dog

♪ She went... and... and...
(barking, growls)

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say

♪ Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks, yeah,
she speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks
and speaks... ♪

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right,
but still that Martha speaks. ♪

Hi, there!

♪ She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two!

♪ Hear her speak

♪ Martha speaks and speaks

♪ And speaks and speaks
and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates

♪ Elucidates, exaggerates

♪ Indicates and explicates

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ ...hyperventilates!

♪ Martha, to reiterate

Martha speaks!
♪ Martha speaks.

Oh, hi. Today's show

is all about
and building.

No, it's not.

Today's words are
all about outfits,

patterns and styles.

Well, actually,

a dress pattern is
just like a blueprint--

which is one of today's words.

But the really
important words

are the ones about
fashion and apparel.

Buildings are way more
important that clothes.

Would you rather walk around
with no house or no clothes?

Watch for all the words
about constructing buildings

and clothing, and
we'll see you at the
end of the program.



(vacuum cleaner running)


Oh, brother. Vacuums...

throw them in the river.

Much better.


(Jake crying)

I don't want it.

And it's a high pop fly!

(horn blowing)

It's going... it's going...


Wow, this batter
is really thick.

Use the electric beaters.
They're noisy.

Good idea, Martha.

Hey, where's she going?

(sighs contentedly)

(barking playfully)




(thunder crashing)

(barking excitedly)

You have to wait, Skits,
till these aren't so ouchy hot.

Where's Martha?

She's usually trying
to steal cookies, too.

She's right here.

Martha, you're all wet,
and you look so tired.

Why don't you come inside
and take a nap.


What? What did I say?

If you have
trouble sleeping,

you should do what I do.

Just close your eyes
and think about stuff.



Shh, he's sleeping.

Maybe we should go
in the other room.

Good idea.

How come no one ever says,
"Shh, Martha's sleeping.

Let's go in the other room"?


Next to food, sleeping is
the most important thing

in a dog's life.

All I'm asking for
is a little quiet.

No more than
or hours, tops.

I don't think we could be
quiet for that long, Martha.

You just need to find
your own quiet place.

You should get
a doghouse.

You mean like dogs live in?

In the yard?


A simple shelter.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You can't fool me.

A shelter is a nice way
of saying the dog pound.

That's true.

A shelter can be another word
for the pound.

But it can also be a building

that protects you
from bad weather.

Like a house
or an apartment.

Well, that I could use.

We'll build
you one.

It'll be great.

We'll build you
the best doghouse ever.

The best doghouse ever?

Yeah, it would have...
Hang on, I'm trying
to imagine it.

(alarm ringing)

Good morning, Martha.

It's time for breakfast.

Oh... huh.

Nothing like hours of sleep

to really work up an appetite.

Ooh, I guess I'll just go
for the garbage sampler plate.

(chewing noisily)

Ah, this is the life.

We can all work together

to construct
the perfect doghouse.


means to build.

Yeah. We'll get some
tools and some wood

and we'll construct
your doghouse

just the way you want it.

What do you say, Martha?

Huh?! What?!

What did I miss?



I brought a
pencil and paper.

Maybe we should
sketch some plans

before we start
building anything.

No need.

We're almost done
with construction.

Here, help me move the roof.

But you can't
put it here.

This is where
the basement goes.

Oh, good, Martha,
you're here.

You can tell us.

Is it okay for the pool
to go here?

I started digging over there,
but there was a rock.

Coming through.

You already started building?


I'm okay.
I'm okay.

That's one deep pool.


A little help?

(chuckles nervously)


Wow, it looks
just like a building.

Let's go in.

Por aqui no.

You can't come in this way.

This is the closet.

How do you get in?

Try the window.

What window?

Hmm, I don't know.

Look around, there must
be one someplace.

But this is where
the porch is going.

Sorry, this is where
the pool goes.

I dibs-ed it.

Where's the porch go?

Over there

But a porch is supposed
to be attached to the house.

It's a part of the building.

It can't be over
there someplace.

Well, I'm not moving
the pool again.

I can't have a house
over here and a...

You can't put a porch
over a pool.


I have a question.

How do I get in?

Oh, easy.

You, um...

You just, uh...

Uh, you can't... get in?

Um, how do I
get out?

Maybe we'd better
discuss this.

Maybe we should have a plan
before we go any further.

Martha means we should do
what real architects do, right?

Yes, exactly.

What's an architect?

An architect is
someone who makes plans

for building things like houses.

And doghouses?


And before anyone picks up
their tools to start building,

an architect makes a plan.

He draws a blueprint
or makes a model

so that everyone can agree

on what they're
going to construct.

That's what Truman
said we should do.

Hey, where did he go?

(Truman grunting)

Truman, hold on.

We're coming.

So here's what we'll do:

We'll all sketch
or make a model

of the kind of doghouse
we want to build.

And we'll let Martha
decide which design
she likes best, all right?


I'll work with Truman
till his arms come down.

I think I feel them
loosening already.

(crowd cheering on TV)

(wind whistling)


I can't wait to see
everyone's ideas.

Can I turn mine
in tomorrow?

It's not
homework, TD.

We're starting the construction
on Martha's doghouse today.

Oh, right.

Okay, go ahead.
I'll sketch fast.

Don't worry.

I brought a modelo,
a model of the perfect house.

(curious barking)
Oh, a model is just

a small version of something.

It shows what it will look like.


And this is a model
of the doghouse

we should build for Martha.


It looks like your
old Britanny Dream House.

It is-- only better.

Everything is white.

White curtains, rugs,
pillows, everything.


Not so close!

Quit breathing on it!

It's just to look at.

To look at?

It's for company.

They come over.

You say, "Would
you like to see my doghouse?"

They say, "Yes."

You go outside,

you look at your doghouse
and then

you go back in, that's all.

Don't talk on it.

You can actually go
into our house.

Truman and I made
some sketches.

We call it
"The Sound Mind...

...In The Sound Body

It's more than
just shelter.

Inside the building,
there's a treadmill

so you can get your walk whether
it's sunny or raining,

a bed that's also a trampoline
you can jump on,

circular pool

and a machine that pitches
all the balls

you can fetch.


And the mind part is that
there's music and books on tape.

Do I use those posts
in the yard to...?

No! That's
the sculpture garden.

They're statues
for you to look at.

Oh, okay.

Still they're a pretty good
height for...


Done! You're
going to love this.

This is the
perfect doghouse.

It looks like
a haunted castle.


That's how you keep
the other dogs away,

so you'll have it
all to yourself.

You just speak the password
to the pirate skull...

Alphabet soup!

You cross the drawbridge,
slide down the waterslide...

and parachute into...
the hidden underground lab

(siren wails)

There's a robbery
over on Main street!

You hit the button,

your seat goes up

and puts you right behind
the seat of...

the Marthamobile!

A complete crime-fighting
machine on wheels!

And fetch!

But I can't drive.

That's okay.
I'll drive.

But you're not old
enough to drive.

He will be by the time
we finish building it.


Oh, don't start

I want to hear Helen's idea.

Oh, my design
isn't as fancy as those.

I just put in a few things.

A place to put your sticks
you find in the park,

a place to hide
when there's thunder

and lots of doggie doors to go
in and out and in and out

and in and out of.

Will there be room for everyone
to visit?

Sure. We can make it nice
and big.

Then I choose... Hmm...

that one.

You really know what's important
to a dog.

Fair enough.
We have our blueprint.

Let's go get our tools
and build it!

(all grunting)

(sniffs, sighs)

Did I ever tell you
what "TD" stands for?

It stands for "Ta-Daa!"

How did you do that?

I thought we ran out
of nails and wood.

I just used some tape,

a few boards from the
tree house and my belt.


I'll go get
some more nails.

Yeah, me,too.

Wow, it's pretty cool
what you can do

with some boards and tools.

And plans.

What do you think, Martha?

It's great!

Yay! Whoo-hoo!

Is anyone listening?

You guys?

You're in my doghouse.

Hello? Eh...

Martha's going
to be so happy.

(all chattering)

Can't even get into my own...


Hey, anyone seen Martha?


(sighs, smacks lips)


People build all sorts of
things to take shelter in,

from houses to skyscrapers.

But before they build anything,
they make a blueprint.

A blueprint is a plan that
shows how to build a building

right down to the
smallest detail.


Uh, yes, Skits,

sometimes blueprints are blue,

but they don't
have to be blue.

The people who construct
the buildings

use the blueprint
to tell them exactly

how to put things together.

Because without a plan,

you can end up
with some pretty shaky designs.

So, if anyone ever hands you
some tools

and asks you to build
a skyscraper,

be sure
you ask for a blueprint!


(Mrs. Clusky clears throat)

First off, girls, I want to say,

last month's Old-Tyme Picnic
and Horseshoe Throwing Contest

was a resounding success.

And Alice,

Walter Middly wanted
to assure you

that his new toenail
is coming in just fine.

Thank goodness.

For our next big gopher event,

the whole town
is getting involved.

I think you girls
are going to love it.

A dog parade?

Isn't that great?

You know, I've always dreamed
of something like that.

And here it comes,
one of the favorites.

It's Martha!

She's over five-stories high

and takes two-dozen people
to operate.

That's a lot of hot air.

When do we start making
the big balloon?

It's not that kind of parade.

It's just a "dogs walking down
the street

wearing funny outfits"
kind of parade.



It's another word for clothes.

I'm against dogs
in clothes.

Even if there's
a prize for best outfit?

Is the prize food?


I'm in.

You are one lucky dog!

I know.
Free food.

Not you. Helen!

I am? Why?

Do you know who's judging all
the outfits for the dog parade?


♪ Mindy Munchhausen,
Mindy Munchhausen ♪

♪ Mindy Munchhausen.



That's Mindy Munchhausen.

Welcome to Operation Catwalk!

Gah! Cats?!

Can't be good.


Our mission?

To make cutting-edge apparel.

And by apparel,
I mean something to wear.


Today, our contestants

will sew an outfit

for our lumberjacks to model.

Talk about cutting edge!

Stay tuned! We're going to leave
you in stitches.

She's judging the costumes
for our dog parade?


I was hoping I could design
a costume for François,

but Mrs. Clusky wants
to do it herself.

Well, you could stitch up
something for Skits.

¿De veras?
You'd let me do that?!

Sure. Why not?

Maybe we could work
on something together!

Thanks, cuz!

Now we just have
to figure out

what kind of costumes
to make.

We have to make sure
our design is the best.

A style no one's ever
seen on a dog before.


A bee and a flower?


How about...?

Romeo and Juliet?


magician and rabbit?


two peas in a pod?

I know!
Sherlock Bones

and Dog-tor Watson?

If you're doing that,

how about Hot Dog-ula
and Frankfurterstein?

Yeah! Good idea.

I was just kidding,
you know.


inches from neck to tail.


What are you doing?

Before we start sewing,

we have to get
your measurements.



Measurements tell you the size

of a thing or how big it is.

We're measuring your body
so that your costume fits.





I still don't see
what difference...

Shh! If I'm going
to get the right

you have to stop

Wow, Helen.

This pattern is so cool.


Huh? Oh, a pattern
is a plan you use

to make clothes from.

It's like a blueprint,
only for clothes.

We should sew some stitches
in the forehead here

so it looks like a scar.

Yeah. And use
green fabric.

Hey, Let's sew
some cork thingies here

so it looks
like Frankenstein bolts.

Great idea!

Did you finish Martha's
Hot Dogula pattern?

It's over there.


No, my costume
is going to be way
cooler than yours.

Is not!:
Is, too!

Is not!
Is, too!


I'm going

Martha, Skits,
stop it!

You're going to rip my...

Maybe the models
should go outside

while we make
a new pattern.

Good thinking.


Oh, I thought you were done
taking measurements.

I am, but we have
to hem your costumes

if they're going to fit right.

Your hems are
so straight.

Mine are a mess.

Well, my model is being

a little more cooperative
than yours is.


Maybe we should take
the booties off for his fitting.

I feel ridiculous.

(camera clicks)

You two look great!

Qué estilo!

Very stylish apparel.

Does this hem look
crooked to you?

Not if I tilt my head
like this.

Let me re-hem this, and
we'll get another picture.

Come in for a second, Martha.


You're such
a great sewer.

This prize is ours!


Skits, where are you going?!

Come back!

Skits, come back!







Is this your dog?

His collar says "Skits."

Uh, I, uh, uh...

I love his costume.

It really fits him.

You must be entering him

in the dog fashion parade
tomorrow, right?

Uh, uh-huh.

Well, you're a fabulous
little fashion designer.

And he's one cute model.

See you at the show.

She said that?

Can you
believe it?

Can I take
this off now?

All right, Martha.

I couldn't believe it.

It was her,
right here in our town!

And she was so nice.

(doorbell rings)


It couldn't be.


It's you.

You'll never guess
who I just saw.

Mindy Munchhausen.

I was standing behind her
in line at the corner store.

I wanted to say something,

but she was on her cell phone
the whole time.

She was talking about
how she just met

the youngest
fashion designer ever.

(girls gasp)

She did?

Yeah, she said she wants her
to come on her TV show

with the apparel she designed.

Can I eat this?


She said that?!
On her TV show?!

I can't believe it!

(girls screaming, cheering)


She had to be talking about me.

Of course, I'll tell her
that we're a team.

What do you say, Martha?

Want to go to New York
and be a big-time model?

Will I have to
wear clothes?


Count me out.

Well, Skits wants
to be on TV.

Right, Skits?


Uh-uh-uh. Get up!

We have to get you ready!

It's important
to stay in shape.

That way, your
clothes always fit.

(excited barking)

Skits, no!

No playing in mud.

You have to look your
best for the parade.

Come on, keep running.


Remember, Skits, posture and
poise, a good model makes.


If you're going to be a model,

you're going to have to learn
how to do the model walk.

Now you try.

Why would anyone walk like that?

It looks like there's something
wrong with your hips.

Hey, out of my chair!


He needs his beauty rest.

Tomorrow is his big day.

What's the big deal?

He's dressed like
a giant frankfurter.

He shouldn't be on TV,

he should be handing out flyers
in front of a hot dog stand.



(with thick accent):
Hi! I want to drink your blood!

What fun!

Look at all these costumes.

Is that little girl lost?

She keeps going
in a circle.

She's looking at me.

Mindy, I just wanted you
to know I'm all packed.

I'm ready to go.

I'm sorry?

Oh, you don't have
to pretend with me.

I know all about your hip,
young designer.

Alexis Tabouli?!

Are you friends with her?

She's terrific.

I can't wait to have her
on my show.

She's the youngest
fashion designer ever.


She's really something.

I don't feel bad for me.

I feel bad for Skits
and for America.

They don't know what
they're missing.

Helen, will you watch
this for a minute?

Where are you going?

To yell at TD.

Sorry you're not going to be
on Operation Catwalk, Skits.

Woof! Woof!

Yeah, I can't wait to get
this thing off, either.

Sorry it took so long,

but we had a tough
decision to make.

All you animals looked great.

And the dogs looked cute, too.


I'm pleased to announce,
we have a tie.

Well, you didn't
get to be on TV,

but at least
you won a prize.

(happy barking)

Can we eat them now?

Why not?
You've earned it.

Who knew fashion
could be so tasty?

Oh, hey, it's TD.




"Style" means the way
you do something.

For instance, you can have your
own style of dressing, like me.

My style is to wear...

well, this stuff.

Or you might dress in
the style of a circus clown.

Can I take this off now?

Not yet.

You might sing in
a certain style.

Like an opera singer.

Hit it!

♪ La-la-la-la-la-la-la,
la-la-la-la. ♪

Or you can dance
in the style of
a circus dog.

Go ahead, Martha.

♪ La-la-la-la-la-la-
la-la-la-la. ♪

Or you can do all three at once,
in the style of a big doofus!


I don't like your
style of humor.

Come on, it was funny

and educational.

Did you catch all the words

about construction,
measurements and so on?

Let's see some of them again.

A pattern is a plan you use
to make clothes from.

It's like a blueprint,
only for clothes.

Measurements tell you the size
of a thing or how big it is.

We're measuring your body
so that your costume fits.

An architect is someone
who makes plans

for building things,
like houses.


"Construct" means
to build.

See you next time.

Okay, that's a wrap!