01x10 - Tri-Kingdom Picnic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x10 - Tri-Kingdom Picnic

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in a village doin' all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm findin' out what bein' royal's all about sofia the first makin' my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Sophia: "tri-kingdom picnic.

" ( horses neighing ) They're here! Prepare the picnic grounds! ( horse neighs ) I present to you the royal family from the kingdom of wei-ling! ( grunts ) ( both chuckle ) I now present the royal family from the kingdom of khaldoun! And finally, the royal family from the kingdom of enchancia Has arrived at the tri-kingdom picnic! Make way for the cakes.

Hold up, sofia.

This will take a moment.

Just so you know, the tri-kingdom picnic is no ordinary picnic.

I'm starting to see that! ( giggles ) the picnic feast has food galore I've never seen so many treats! the grand buffet is here, my dear Sofia: It goes on for miles! that's just the start of so much more More than this? this is the picnic of the year we'll play a lot of picnic games Like capture the crown! and make new friends from far and near I've seen those princesses at school! we'll try some food with different names Mu shu! Couscous! Cole slaw! Kabobs! this is the picnic of the year we three kingdoms gladly join together for royal fun under the sun or any kind of weather all enchancia gladly comes together to welcome the kingdom of khaldoun we welcome the kingdom of wei-ling so let the fun begin and get the party in full swing everything is served on gold Everything is served on gold? the ants were sent away from here they were sent away from here we go too far, so I've been told he's been told he's been told this is the picnic, the picnic the picnic of the year it's over the top the fun won't stop they're going to party until we drop the feast will surely be delicious extra fancy And nutritious! we're so thrilled to have our neighbors here Ah-ha! for the tri-kingdom picnic the tri-kingdom picnic the picnic of the year Great! Hi, sofia.

Are you ready for the picnic games? I don't know, I've never played them before.

You'll love them.

Princess maya and I always have so much fun.

Here, catch! ( all giggle ) Uh, sofia.

I need to show you something amazing.

Uh, okay.

I'll be right back.

We're gonna get ready for the games.

See ya out there! I have an important announcement, everyone.

Every year, it's a tradition That our children play picnic games.

With neighborly spirit, they take the field-- Oh, rollie.

Just tell them.

Okay, dear.

This year, for the first time, We, the parents, are going to play picnic games, too! Oh, how delightful! Games, king roland? Uh, what kind of games? All kinds, emperor quon.

This way, I'll show you.

Look at this! Wow.

It is amazing.

( chuckles) um, what is it? It's the golden chalice.

All the kids at the picnic play a bunch of games, And the kingdom that wins the most games, Gets to keep the chalice until the next picnic.

I've always wanted to win it! You've never won it before? Amber: Not even close.

But it's not his fault.

It's because I've always been his teammate And I have a small problem with outdoor sports.

What's that? They're outdoors.

We were thinking, sofia.

Since you like flying derby so much, Maybe you'd like the picnic games, too.

They sound really fun.

So Teammates? Teammates! Thanks, sofia.

I can't wait to play! But if you're not playing the games, amber, what are you going to do? Oh.

Something much less messy.

I'm going to show princess leena here The fine art of parasol decorating.

Whoa! Oops! Oh.

( chuckles ) I guess you'll need some twirling lessons too.

Oh, so much to learn.

Young majesties, time to change into your team jerseys.

All right! Thanks, baileywick! Hi, everyone! I see you have a new partner this year, james.

I'm prince jin.

And I'm khalid.

Good to meet you! Young majesties, here are your horseshoes For the flying horseshoe toss.

Why is it called the flying horseshoe toss? Whoa! Gotcha! ( chuckles ) That's why.


The aim of the game is to throw the horseshoe around that stake.

The team that gets the closest wins.

( blows whistle ) ( grunts ) Good try, jin! ( grunts ) Close one, khalid! ( grunts ) Good job, james.

Best throw so far.

My turn! ( grunts ) Oops! Someone tell my horseshoe it's not time for lunch! ( giggles ) ( grunts ) ( grunts ) Yes! Nice one, maya.

Thanks, khalid.

Sofia, it's up to you.

If you get closer than maya, we win.

The trick is to aim low because the horseshoe will fly up on its own.

Got it.

( grunts ) Khalid: Look at it go! Jin: Nice toss, sofia.

I think.

( gasps ) I did it! All: Whoa! Way to throw! Enchancia wins! Yay! That was fun! We won the game.

We really won! I've never won before! Nicely done, sofia.

Yes! We're the best! Enchancia's gonna win the chalice this year! Whoo-hoo! All right, we heard you.

Come on, sofia! Let's go win the next game! What's with james? I don't know, but I don't like it.

Sorry, I guess he's just really excited to play.

I guess so.

Young majesties! It's time for the golden egg on a spoon race.

Yay! Sounds fun! Let's go! Is there going to be a prize for our games, roland? ( chuckles ) no, queen anya.

It's just for fun.

So what are we playing first? Musical thrones! Oh! Sounds fun, doesn't it, quon? I suppose it does, lin-lin.

All right.

Let's play.

Just wait until the music stops.

And then we all sit as fast as we can.

Except there's not enough thrones for all of us.

Get ready.

Oh! Uh! Oh! Ugh! Ooh! Ooh, are you all right, emperor quon? Yes, I'm fine.

I better go clean myself up.

Uh, don't worry.

Quon is a little bit clumsy.

But he'll be all right.

Now, leena.

Let's decorate our parasols.

First we glue on the jewels.


Dab, dab, dab.

Jewel, jewel, jewel.

Huh? Hmm? Dab, jewel.

Dab, jewel.

( gasps ) dab, jewel.



Why isn't it working? Oh! Isn't this lovely? No sweaty, messy sports here.

Just a nice, neat art project.

It won't-- ( gasps ) ( gasps ) I said dab the glue! Dab, dab, dab! Oops! On your mark Get set Go! Whoa! Don't fall! Oh, no! ( grunts ) Aw! Go, sofia! Go, go, go! Whoa! Oh, nice save! Thanks! Sofia! This is a race, there's no time to talk! Okay, okay.

Oh! Oh, no! Whoo! Go, james! Khaldoun wins! You did it, maya! Great job! Ugh! What's wrong, james? I would've won except the sun was in my eyes! But it's cloudy.

A-and my shoelaces were untied.

Well, you should have tied them before the race, then, james.

Well, I didn't! It's not fair! We should do the race over! They won fair and square.

A do-over will not be necessary.


James, wait! Just leave me alone.

( sighs ) What a sore loser.

I know.

I'm sorry about james.


I'll go talk to him.

Now it's time to add the glitter.

Ah! Oh! Oops! Oh! Oh! Why is this happening to me? Come on, dear.

It's our turn to play.

I don't feel like it, lin-lin.

You should all play without me.

But blazing badminton is so much fun! I'm sure it is, queen anya.

But I'd rather watch.

Maybe emperor quon doesn't want to play Because he thinks he's too clumsy to have a good time.

Well, it doesn't matter how well you play.

It's still a fun game.


I-I have an idea.

Emperor quon.

Is it okay if we take a turn? Of course.

Okay then! Let's play! ( grunts ) Whoops! Let me try that again.

( grunts ) ( chuckles ) Guess I'm a little rusty.

( chuckles ) I think emperor quon should see that we can Still have a good time no matter how clumsy we are.

Oh, you're playing like this on purpose so he feels better.

Rollie, that's so sweet.

My turn! ( grunts ) Oh! Whoops! Whoa-ho-ho! We're not very good.

But it sure is a fun game! You should give it a try, emperor quon.

Uh, maybe I will.

Great! James, could you be a little bit nicer to the other kids? What do you mean? I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm just trying to win.

But james.

( laughter ) I-I got it! ( grunts ) Nice shot, quon! ( both chuckle ) Hey! What's everyone standing around for? We have another game to play.

We're coming.

( sighs ) The rules for tri-kingdom volleyball are simple: You must keep the ball in the air.

If it lands on your side, the other team scores.

Ready? You bet! Let's play! ( blows whistle ) Don't worry, I'm on it.

Nice one! Got it! Got it! Ooh! Sorry about that.

( laughs ) It's not funny.

We lost the point.

It's just a game, james.

Yeah, and I'd like to win it.

So stop fooling around and let's play! ( whistle blows ) That's ten points for enchancia, Nine for wei-ling, and six for khaldoun! ( blows whistle ) Another point for enchancia! Yeah! ( grunts ) ( grunting ) Enchancia scores again And wins! Yeah! Good game, james.

Next up is enchanted discus.

Everyone to the great lawn.

( blows whistle ) ( sing song-y ) we won and you lost! ( sing song-y ) we're gonna win the chalice! And you're not! First your brother was a sore winner.

Then a sore loser.

Now he's a sore winner again! You've got to stop acting like that, james! Acting like what, a winner? Oh, yeah! ( sing song-y ) I'm a winner! I'm a winner! I don't want to play anymore! ( sing song-y ) boom goes the cannon! Boom goes the cannon! We've had enough.

No more picnic games for us.

( sing song-y ) I'm a winner! Boom goes the-- what? Us, too.

If you want the chalice so badly, james, you can have it.

We quit.

Sorry, sofia.

Jin! Uh, khalid! Where are you going? There are still more games to play! I don't get it.

Why's everyone quitting? Because they're not having any fun.

And neither am I.

You've been a bad sport all day.

I'm just trying to win.

Well, it's a good thing they quit, Because I don't think I want to be your teammate anymore.

Sofia! Sofia! Come back! You paint light, soft strokes.

Like so.


Now you try it.

Oh! Perfect! Hey, amber.

How's the decorating going? Let's show her, leena.


( both humming ) Well twirled, leena.

What do you think? They're very sparkly! And so are you, amber.

What happened? Never mind that.

What are you doing here? Are the games over already? I remember them taking forever.

Everyone quit because james was being a poor sport.


It's hard to believe we're twins when I'm so much more grown up than he is.

Maybe you need to show him the right way to act.

Show him? Yes.

When leena first started decorating, she made a lot of mistakes.

I realized I needed to take the time To show her the right way to do things.

And now She's fabulous! Thank you! That's a good idea.

But how can I show him? We're not playing the games anymore.

( laughter ) huh? ( laughter continues ) Great game, everyone! Indeed! Well played by all! Another round? Oh, definitely! That's it! I know what to do! Thanks, amber! I'm such a good sister.

James? Sofia! What are you doing here? I want to show you something.

What? Just come with me, okay? All right.

Oh, they're playing bewitching bowling! I love this game! Watch how they play.

Okay, everyone, my turn! ( grunts ) James: Nice roll, dad! Aw! Dad didn't knock over any pins! But look at him.

Better luck next time.

I hope! Emperor quon, you're up next! See? Dad's having fun even though he's not winning.

But doesn't he want to win? Sure, but games are supposed to be fun.

Whether you win or lose.

I see what you mean.

I ruined the games for everyone, didn't I? Maybe, a little bit.

( sighs ) what do I do now? Well, you could tell them you're sorry.

Do you think they'll forgive me? There's only one way to find out.

Rollie, quon's having a good time now.

You don't have to keep playing badly on purpose.

I'm not playing badly on purpose.



Uh, you'll get 'em next turn, dear.

James: Hey there.

All: Huh? I owe all of you an apology.

I got so excited about winning, I forgot what the tri-kingdom picnic is about.

All of us getting together and having a good time.

You should be, james.

I was really looking forward to the games.

And we didn't even get to play enchanted discus.

That's my favorite.

I know.

Hold on.

I'll be right back.

James feels really bad.

And he said he's sorry.

Can't you forgive him? We can forgive him, sofia.

But it doesn't change what he did.

James: Hey, everybody.

There's still plenty of time to play the rest of the games if we wanted to.

We can pick up where we left off, with enchanted discus.

( chuckles ) I'll be a good sport this time.

I promise.

What do you say? I'll play.

Me too.

Fine by me! Okay.

Let's do it.

Young royals The goal of enchanted discus is simple! Whoever catches the discus wins.

But if the discus touches you and you don't catch it-- Oh! Then you're out! Whoa! Okay, then.

Let the game begin! ( blows whistle ) There it goes! Come on, everyone! Catch it! Don't let it touch you! ( grunting ) Oh! I'm out! Whoa-oh! Catch it, james! Here, jin! ( grunts ) ( chuckles ) Wei-ling wins! Great play, guys! Way to go! Thanks.

There are three games left: The royal relay, unicorn sprints, And capture the crown.

Having fun, sof? Uh-huh! Me, too.

( giggles ) Hmm? There's the crown.

Shh! Mm.

Don't let him get the crown! All right! Khaldoun has won capture the crown! Whoo-hoo! We did it! Good job, khalid! Thanks a lot! That's our final game.

Now it's time to announce the winner Of the golden chalice! I want to thank all the royalty, young and old, For being part of this year's tri-kingdom picnic And making it such a wonderful event.

When kings and queens before us Began this tradition, many, many years ago-- ( clears throat ) excuse me, your highness? I believe the children would like to hear who won the golden chalice.

Oh, yes.

( clears throat ) And the winner of this year's golden chalice is Princess maya and prince khalid from the kingdom of khaldoun! Khalid! We did it! All right! ( giggles ) whoo! Go khaldoun! James? What are you doing? I want to give this to you myself.

Congratulations! You deserve it.

Thanks, james.

Yeah, thanks a lot! Two, four, six, eight! All: Who do we appreciate? Maya! Khalid! Yay! Maya.


Mommy is so proud of you.

Excellent job! Well done.

That was nice of you.

And who knows.

Maybe next year we'll win the golden chalice.

Teammates? Teammates! ( all cheering )
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