01x09 - Baileywick's Day Off

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x09 - Baileywick's Day Off

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in the village doing all right then I became a princess overnight now I've got to figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way it's been adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them that I'm sofia the first ( sofia reads onscreen text aloud ) Good morning, princess sofia.

( yawns softly ) Good morning, baileywick.

What's that? A little treat to start the day.

Ohh! Thank you.

Nothing like a bit of berry to make your day a bit more merry.

You're in a good mood today.

I should be.

It's my birthday.

( gasps ) it is? Happy birthday, baileywick! Is there going to be a party? Oh, I should say not.

A job well done is celebration enough.

Oh, baileywick! Off I go.

Enjoy your breakfast, sofia.

( sighs ) What would we do without baileywick? I don't know, miss.

He does everything around here.

You can always count on baileywick.

It's true.

baileywick takes care of all of us never puts up any kind of fuss the castle steward who always aims to please he polishes all of my trophies making sure that my dog has no fleas provides a hanky anytime I need to sneeze Ah-choo! he's baileywick the man of the castle does everything without any hassle, and super-quick you can always count on baileywick baileywick, the king's right-hand man draws up all of the household plans reminds the children that they need to wash their hands before meals he jots down all of my proclamations and he never takes any vacations when there's a problem he always understands he's baileywick the man of the castle does everything without any hassle and super-quick you can always count on baileywick he's always there, he's everywhere all day and every night when troubles lurk I'll make it work he gets the job done right he's baileywick the man of the castle does everything without any hassle and super-quick through thin and thick you can always count on baileywick count on baileywick you can count on baileywick Everything's ready for your royal play date, children.

Your friends will arrive any moment, And I'll be on hand in case you need anything.

Oh, you no you won't, baileywick.

Your majesty? It's your birthday today So we are giving you the day off.

Oh, that's not necessary.

You always say no, but this time I insist.

In fact, consider it a command.

But your majesty, I wouldn't even know what to do with my day.

Your brother nigel does.

( trumpets blowing ) Huh? Happy birthday, wicky! Wicky? ( giggling ) Nigel? So good to see you! Happy birthday Baby brother! Birthday noogies! Nigel! ( chuckling ) I didn't know you had a brother.

We don't get to see each other much Because wicky just works, works, works, But today, I have big plans! What kind of big plans, nigel? Today, wicky and I are going to do all the things we loved doing When we were your age, many years ago.


Now, first We're off to the orchard for a little apple-picking.

Remember how much fun we used to have apple-picking? As I recall, I was the one who did most of the picking.

Here's a good one, nigel.

Thanks, wicky.

Is the basket full yet? Nope, but my belly is! Ha ha ha! And after the orchard, We'll swing by the village ice cream cart.

Hey, wicky, do you think mine smells funny? ( sniffing ) ( laughing ) ( laughing ) ah, you fell for it every time, Little brother! And to cap off the day, After we're done wiping the ice cream off your nose, A boat will pick us up off the dock To take us fishing, Just like we used to do.

Whoa, look at that snapper.

That was a catfish, nigel.

That was a snapper, wicky.



Catfish! Snapper! Both: Ohh! Ohh! Oh, what fun we used to have.

I can't think of a better way to spend the day.

Sounds like you're going to have a great time, baileywick.

( trumpeting ) Our friends are here! Hey, everyone! Zandar! Hildegard.



( all giggling ) Hi, sofia! Hi, sofia! Ruby! Jade! Princess hildegard! It's so great to see you again! I know.

Amber, james, and I each planned An activity for all of us.

My activity is playing pirates in my tree house.

All right! Race you there! You're on! Wait for us! Come on, sofia! Bye, baileywick! Enjoy your day off! Amber! A tree house?! Don't worry, hilde.

I'm having a little tea party later.

You can help me set it up.


I just need to fetch my things, Excited for your day off are you, mr.

Baileywick? Indeed, violet.

I can't remember the last time Nigel and I got to spend a whole day together.

I just hope the children will be okay without me.

I'm sure they'll be just fine.

( bell dinging ) Hoist the sails, captain zandar! Aye-aye, admiral james! Admiral! We're under attack! ( giggling ) pirates! Your ship is ours, admiral! Aaarrghh! En garde! Aaarrrgh, matey! Charge! Avast! Surrender your ship, admiral james! Take that! And that! ( all laughing ) Unh! Ohh! ( both audibly straining ) Ah! Hey! Unh! James! Are you okay? Ah, my ship! Maybe we can fix it.

How? Hey! Maybe baileywick can fix it.

But it's his day off.

But he hasn't left yet.

Baileywick! Baileywick! Oh, dear.

Is that james calling me? Oh, wicky, I'm sure whatever he wants can wait.

It sounds like he really needs me.

I'll be right back.


No can do.

We have to leave now, Or we're gonna miss our ride to the apple orchard.

Come on! Wicky! James is more important.

Besides, we have the whole rest of the day.


If you insist, wicky.

It's your birthday.

Baileywick's coming! All right! What's the problem, james? The tree house broke.

Oh, dear.

We could really use your help.

I'll have your tree house in tiptop shape in no time.

Brilliant! So Can you fix it? Rest assured, james, There is nothing that cannot be fixed.

( clears throat ) no, it can't be fixed.


We can use my walking stick as a splint.

A what? I'll show you.

Great idea, baileywick.

Yoo-hoo! It's time for my activity.

To the gazebo, everyone.

Do we hafta? They're fixing the tree house.

Yummy snacks will be served.

I'm there.

Hey, jade, best two out of three.

You're on! James! Gazebo! Thanks, baileywick.

Any time, james.

Now I really must go.

My brother is waiting.

Whoooaaa! Sorry for the delay, nigel.

I'm ready to go pick some apples.

Well, it's too late for that, I'm afraid, dear brother, But, uh, we can still make it to the ice cream cart For a scoop of sorcerer's swirl! For my activity, I've planned a perfectly pink tea party.

( gasps ) it's so pink! Ruby: It's so perfect! Well, at least there's food.

Both: Teddy bears! One for each of you.

And they're holding little teacups! They're so cute! You throw the best tea parties, princess amber.

You should invite your friends over more often, sofia.

My bear's starving.

When do we eat? Unh unh unh! First things first.

( sighs ) now, Wait until you taste the cookies.

They are simply Plaid! Ohh! Ohh! I said pink, not plaid! It's okay, amber.

Just breathe.

They'll still taste just as good.

No! They are all wrong! Baileywick! Princes amber Should know it's your day off.

I must see what's the matter.

But sorcerer's swirl! Wicky! Amber is more important.

Oh, wicky! Amber, I think baileywick left.

He has the day off, remember? But it's an emergency! Princess amber! Oh, thank goodness you came! Look! Oh, dear.

That won't do at all.

Uh What won't do? To the kitchen! Oh, wicky, let someone else handle this.

It's time for us to get our ice cream.

Aah! Hey, prince, think fast.

Thanks, nigel.


Princess amber, how does this look? It could be a bit more pink.

You heard the princess.

More pink, please.

How about now? Almost.

Would you mind? Ohh! That's it! The frosting is perfect.


Now you can go back to your day off.


Not quite yet.

Now we must put the frosting on the cookies.

I'll help you.


And here are your perfectly pink cookies.

And now we are perfectly late.

Thank you, baileywick.

What would we do without you? It's my pleasure.

Enjoy your tea party.

Enjoy the rest of your day off.

( sighs ) well, we've missed the apples, And now we've missed the ice cream, too.

Ah, but we still have an afternoon of fishing ahead of us.

Ah, wicky, You always look on the bright side.

That's because there's always a better view there.

Well, come on, let's go catch some snapper.

Or catfish.

( sighs ) I'm full.

I'm stuffed.

I'm bored.

What's next? My activity.

It's just over here, in the garden.

Brilliant! After you, jade.

No, after you, ruby.

Both: Ohh! ( both laughing ) We're going to paint butterflies! Oh! Ugh! Great idea, sofia! I'm gonna paint that yellow one.

I'm going to paint all of them.

( humming softly ) Ah, finally.

Finally we'll get to enjoy your birthday, Just as soon as that boat gets here.

Where is it? Oh, dear! Where's my fishing pole? I must have left it in the hall.

I'll be right back.

Wha--? Uh, the boat! The boat will be here any moment! Hurr-- chop chop! I loveyour painting, ruby.


No! Ugh! Would someone please make my butterfly stay still? In my castle, the butterflies are trained to pose for us.

That's a weird-lookin' butterfly.

That's 'cause it's a lizard.

Uh, wait! Stop! It's getting away! ( audibly struggling ) Zandar: There it goes! James! James! Unh! You scared all the butterflies away.

I didn't get the lizard either.

Now what do we paint? Oh! There's baileywick! Maybe he knows where to find more butterflies.

Baileywick! Nigel: Wicky! Come on, wicky! Baileywick, we need you! What's the trouble, sofia? I know you're on your day off, But it'll just take a second.

We were painting butterflies in the garden, But they flew away.

Do you know where we could find more? And how we can keep them from flying away? If it's butterflies you need, Then butterflies you shall have.

I know just what to do.

Come back here! Wha--! Hup! You can flutter, but you cannot hide! Wha--! Come on, wicky! What's taking you so long? Jade: Red, please! Amber: Pink! Got one! And another.

A green one would be nice.

And another.

No, a blue one.

Blue one.

And another.

Here you go, james.

Hey, baileywick found our lizard.


And you, princess sofia? What kind of butterfly would you like? Well, I was painting a purple one before.

Say no more.

Hold still.

Thanks, baileywick.

You're the best.

You're quite welcome.

And now I really must go.

( panting ) Sorry.


Oh, well It's too late.

( chuckling ) we missed the boat.

( groans ) you see, nigel, sofia is more important.

I know.

Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't we fish right here? Now, there's an idea.

Ah! Mr.

Baileywick, you're back.

Well, actually It's time to start preparing the royal supper.

That it is.

I'll meet you in the castle, violet.

Very good.

I can't wait to hear all about your day off.

Come, nigel.

I'll have a coach take you home.

There's always next year, wicky.

Okay, everyone, let's take our paintings inside to dry.

Nigel: Oh, wicky! Baileywick! Shouldn't you be on your boat ride? I thought you were going fishing with nigel.

We missed the boat, I'm afraid.


But how were the apples, And the ice cream? We missed those as well.

So You never left the castle at all? No.

I helped you, james, and amber Have a lovely play date, And that is far more important.

But it was your birthday.

Oh, I'll have another next year.

See you at supper, princess sofia.

Miranda: Sofia! Hey, your friends are about to leave.

You should go say goodbye.

Baileywick never got his day off.

Why not? Well, he fixed james' tree house, And then he frosted the cookies for amber's tea party, And then I asked him to find butterflies So baileywick never left because he was here Helping the three of you all day.

( sighs ) it's all because of us.



I have to find amber and james.

Goodbye, everyone! See you later, zandar! Bye, guys! All: Goodbye, sofia! We really messed up.

Every time baileywick tried to leave for his day off, We asked him to do something, Like catch butterflies.

Or fix the tree house.

Or make new cookies for your tea party, amber.



Well, we should do something to make it up to him.

Maybe we can give him tomorrow off.

But his birthday is today.

Today should be special.


If only we could do over the whole day.


( gasps ) Hold on.


Maybe we can.

James, can you get more apples from the kitchen? Uh, sure.


Amber, can you get ice cream? Of course.

Suzette, can we get some ice cream? Right away, miss.

What are we going to do? You'll see.

Come on.


Nigel! Wait! Princess sofia.

I thought you were painting butterflies or something.

We feel bad about baileywick not getting his day off, And wanted to do something special for him, But we need your help.

Ha ha! Anything for wicky! Lead the way, princess! We need another place setting here, And two more glasses.

Baileywick, we need you! Is it urgent, sofia? We're setting the table for the royal family dinner.

Yes! Whoa! We need you right now.

Up there.

The tree house? Again? All: Surprise! ( roland laughing ) your majesties! What's all this? We're so sorry we didn't let you take your day off.

We should have been more thoughtful.

If anyone deserves a day off, It's you, baileywick.

So welcome to your day off do-over party! First, we've invited a special guest.

tah-dah! Happy birthday, baby brother.

Time for some more birthday noogies, wicky! We have everything you wanted to do, right here.

Apple-picking! And since we are in a boat, more or less, I brought our fishing poles In case we see any snapper Or catfish.

Sit down, baileywick.

It's our turn to serve you.

That's right.

You're not just the castle steward, you're part of the family.


Thank you, But you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble.

You'll be late for your royal supper.

Baileywick is more important.

Roland: To baileywick! All: Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray!
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