01x02 - The Big Sleepover

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sofia the First". Aired: November 18, 2012 - September 8, 2018.*
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Animated series features Sofia, an ordinary girl who becomes a princess overnight when her mom marries the king.
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01x02 - The Big Sleepover

Post by bunniefuu »

I was a girl in the village doing all right then I became a princess overnight now I gotta figure out how to do it right so much to learn and see up in the castle with my new family in a school that's just for royalty a whole enchanted world is waiting for me I'm so excited to be sofia the first I'm finding out what being royal's all about sofia the first making my way it's an adventure every day sofia it's gonna be my time sofia to show them all that I'm sofia the first Man: We need more marshmallows and graham crackers.

Look at all this! Our slumber party is going to be amazing! Oh, sofia.

This isn't just any slumber party.

This is your first royal slumber party.

I know.

I'm very excited.

Oh, me too! And I want everything to be perfect.

That goes in the banquet room! Quick, quick! It's on its way to the banquet room right now, m'lady.

Ah! Very good.

Thank you, baileywick! ( sighs ) here, let me straighten your tiara.

Thanks, amber.


Up we go.

Now, wait until you see where we're sleeping tonight.

( squeals ) Oh, and here we are! The observatory! Wow, amber! We're going to sleep here? Yes, we are! This is amazing! It is, isn't it? And there's one more thing: The most important part of any great royal party Yes? The guests.

I invited princess hildegard and princess clio.

They're the most popular princesses in school.

Who did you invite? Ruby and jade.

Oh, I don't know them.

What kingdom are they from? Ours.

They're my friends from the village.

( gasps ) you invited village girls? They're really awesome.

( gasps ) but they're not princesses.

Amber, I know you're going to love them.

We used to have the best sleepovers.

( scoffs ) sofia Must I remind you Again, That this is your first slumber party as a princess.

You do want to make a good impression, don't you? Yes, but ruby and jade are so much fun.

Wait 'til you see this dance they do.

They're going to make this the best party ever, I promise.

( humming ) ( knocking ) Ow! Oh, what is it? Cedric.

Oh, king roland.

Queen miranda.

( squawks ) The girls are having a slumber party tonight.

Oh, I can already hear the endless giggling now.

And we were hoping you could put on a little magic show for them.

You want your royal sorcerer to, uh, entertain the children? We actually wanted the jester, but he's out sick.

Let's say 8:00 in the royal playroom? And could you do a few card tricks? You know, children love card tricks.

Oh, and card tricks love children.

Of course, your majesty.


Thank you, cedric.

Yes, my queen.

Oh, I can't believe this! Fifteen years of sorcerer training, So I can be a warm-up act for milk and cookies! ( squawks ) Indeed, wormy.

Well, I'll show them.

I'll use this little magic show To steal the amulet of avalor from princess sofia.

The only question is how.

Ah-ha! I'll have my little puppets put on the magic show! And the one and only trick Will be to make sofia's amulet disappear right into my hand! Puppetti venite! I will finally have the power to take over the kingdom! ( neighing, trumpet playing ) ( gasps ) they're here! May I present, from the kingdom of corinthia, Princess clio! ( grunting ) And from the kingdom of freezenberg, Princess hildegard! ( squeaking ) Wow.






So nice of you to invite us.

And from the village of dunwiddie, Ruby and jade! Sofia! Princess amber! Jade! Ruby! Here I come.

I gotcha.

( grunts ) ( giggling ) Both: Hi, sofia! Welcome to our castle! I can't believe we're here.

This is going to be so much fun.

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited I couldn't even sleep last night.

I was thinking about being in a real life castle Like, do princesses brush their own teeth Or does someone brush them for you? I brushed mine twice today, Especially for the party.

See? ( gasps ) wow, princess amber! I love your tiara! Can I touch it!? Absolutely not.

Princesses clio! Princess hildegard! It's such an honor.

I'm a big fan, big fan.

Oh, a white squirrel! How cute! Lulu is a mink.

I have a pet donkey! Isn't he cute? ( donkey brays ) ( giggling, donkey brays ) Welcome to the royal sleepover.

Ooh, come on, ruby! Last one in goes to the dungeon.

Our castle steward baileywick will help you all get settled.

Thank you, your majesties! ( giggling ) Right this way, my little ladies.

we're at a royal sleepover ( grunt, laughing ) They're coming to our party? They're just village girls.

Sofia invited them.

Ruby and jade are the best.

You'll see.

Ah, I love getting dressed up to go to sleep.

I under-packed.

Your luggage, m'ladies.

( gasps ) jade, did you bring the pinecones? Yep! Sure did! Ruby: You look funny! ( giggling ) la, la, la I'm a pinecone princess.

( giggling ) ( beat boxing ) ( rapping ) we're at a royal sleepover a royal sleepover a royal sleepover we're at a royal sleepover a royal sleepover a royal sleepover What? we're at a royal sleepover What are they doing? What are they wearing? Are those Pinecones? Want one? We brought extras! Uh, thanks.

Sofia, pinecones are not Part of a perfect princess slumber party.

Oh, I thought I explained this before.

But I guess I'll have to do it again.

our perfect slumber party is just about to begin and at a perfect slumber party everybody's gotta fit in there's a certain way we do things we don't snort and we don't squeal and running around with pinecones really isn't part of the deal we do our hair, we have some tea, and when we sing it's soft and always on key and by chance if we should dance we'd waltz elegantly that's our perfect slumber party and that's the way it's always been the gist of it, to be a hit you gotta fit everybody's gotta fit in everybody's gotta fit in ya gotta fit in at a perfect slumber party why should we all act the same 'cause at a perfect slumber party isn't fun the name of the game why can't they bounce on every bed or wear a dozen pinecones all over their head give their dance a single chance it may be as fun as they said Oh, sofia.

it's our perfect slumber party and our patience is wearing thin they need to quit you must admit they're not gonna fit they're not gonna fit they're not gonna fit and everybody's gotta fit in I've gotta help 'em fit in they're never gonna fit it they can fit in at a perfect slumber party they'll never fit in they'll never fit in I'm gonna help 'em fit in Good luck.

How would you two like a royal makeover? ( both gasp ) Can we? We can make it work.

First, the dresses.

Oh, thank you helpful bird friends.

( birds chirping ) Oh! So soft! So silky! Hooray! And now, for the hair.

Let's do something stylish but regal.

And tall.

Very tall.

Oh! There.

And there.




Ah! Ouch! I've never had my hair done by a bird before.




( giggling ) No.

Yes! And last but not least, the tiaras.

( sighs ) Baileywick: And Done.

I'm a princess now! They look just like princesses, don't they? They look the part.

But can they act it? Ooh! ( grunts ) Oh! Oh! You okay? Baileywick: Okay! It's time for the first activity: Fan decorating! Princesses one and all, follow me.

What kind of flowers are you painting, hildegard? Roses.

What kind of flowers are you painting, clio? Roses.

What kind of flowers are you painting, amber? Roses.

I'm mr.

Happy fan.

( giggling ) Say "hi" to happy fan.

( giggling ) Sofia! Ruby.

Can you just paint roses? Don't make me mr.

Sad fan! Ruby.


Baileywick! Is it time for pin the tail on the unicorn yet? It is now.

( sighs ) great.

Ooh! Ooh! Can I go first? Unicorns are my favorite animal in the whole world! No offense.

Which way should I go? Ruby: Left.

Left? ( gasps ) no.


Um, right? Uh? Now left.

Left? Uh Wait! Not that far.

Wh- whoa! Aah! Oh! Oh! Stop.

Stop, jade, stop.

( grunts ) Ruby: Watch out for the planets.

( laughing ) Look at me! I'm the princess of venus! ( giggling ) oh! Did someone else want a turn? Sofia, I need to talk to you.

( bell rings ) ( gasps ) the bell! That must mean it's time for a new activity.

Yes, indeed.

Cedric's magic show is about to start.

Right this way.

( sighs ) a magic show! Doesn't that sound like a fun activity That everyone can enjoy together? Ah! In just a few moments, Sofia's magical amulet will be mine.

( squawks ) Right.

Let's practice this one more time from the top.

Yeah? Okay.

( cedric as wizard puppet ) for my first magic trick, I will make an object disappear! Now, who will loan me their amulet for this trick? ( thump ) ( squawks ) Oh, everyone's a critic.

Jade: Princess clio, I heard it gets warm in your kingdom-- Do you really have swimming pools in every room of your castle? Yes.

How many dresses do you have? Princess hildegard, I've always wanted to know how many tiaras do you have? Wow.

84? How many gowns? More than I can count.

I bet you can count really high! Sofia, do something about your friends.

Ruby, uh, did you know there's a chocolate milk fountain? Why don't we get some before the show starts? A chocolate milk fountain? Sofia, this is so much fun! I'm having the best time.

Thanks for inviting us.


Jade! Save me a seat, front and center! All they have to do now is sit quietly And watch a magic show.

What could go wrong? ( trumpet playing ) ( cedric as assistant puppet ) welcome to the greatest And only magical puppet show in enchancia! ( cedric as wizard puppet ) for my first magic trick, I will make an object disappear.

Now who will lend me their amulet for my trick? How about you, little princess? How about a pinecone? Can you make that disappear? ( regular voice ) no! No pine-- ( wizard puppet ) no, I need an amulet.

Only an amulet! Do you know any card tricks? I love those! James: Hey, everybody! Mom and dad asked me to tell you that th-- Both: Prince james! Remember us? We met the last time we were at the castle.

No! Ruby: You poured me tea! ( screams ) ( gasps ) Merlin's mushroom! My nightgown Is ruined.

It's only a drop.

Look at it! It's ruined! It's ruined.

We're so, so sorry.

Jade: So sorry.

This was my third favorite gown.

Amber, it was just an accident.

( grunts ) Oh no.

Oh dear, oh dear.

Okay you two.

Let's go to the dressing room and get you cleaned up.

( laughing ) What are you doing here, james? Mom and dad wanted me to tell you there's dancing in the ballroom.

Then maybe we can enjoy five minutes of our party Without sofia's friends getting in the way.


My friends are ruining the party.

That was the funniest thing that's ever happened at one of amber's sleepovers.

Oh! It was awful! Jade and ruby have done everything wrong since they got here.

Says who? Amber.



So? Who cares what they think.

Everyone! Well, what do you think? I don't know.

I just don't want them to ruin the rest of the party! ( sighs ) Where is everybody? In the ballroom, but can I talk to you guys first? Sure.

I love to talk! Yeah.

That's the thing.

I want you both to fit in with the princesses.

And you want to fit in with them too, right? We look just like them now, don't we? Yes.

You do.

But now you have to act like them.

Both: Huh? Princesses don't talk so much, Or laugh so loud, or make so many messes.

We talk too much? We laugh too loud? We were just having fun.

But we're sorry, We didn't realize we were causing problems.

We'll try to act, uh, more like the other princesses.

Oh, great.

Thank you! ( classical music playing ) Just act like them.

Hmm? Hmm.

Do you know how to do that? Uh No.

( sighs ) let's give it a try.

( sighs ) are you having any fun? Nope.

Um, sofia? We're gonna go home.

What? Why? We're not having a good time.

But you're finally fitting in! And the best news is you're not embarrassing me anymore! We were embarrassing you? Sofia, I'm sorry if we talk too much And laugh too loud for your fancy new friends.

But we like to talk and we like to laugh.

And if that's not okay with you now that you're a princess, Then maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore! Hmm! Don't worry about them, sofia.

You're with us now.

But I wanted to be with them.

( sighs ) Ruby? Jade? Oh no.

Jade just asked me to summon her father.

Is everything all right? I told jade and ruby to act more like the princesses.

I was trying to help them fit in.

But I just made them feel bad.

It seems to me the only one who needs to act more like a princess Is you.

Me? Being a real princess is all about how you treat people, sofia.

And if someone is your friend, You should like them for who they are.

You shouldn't try to change them, No matter who else is around.

I really messed up.

( sighs ) now it's too late to do anything about it.

Well, it's never too late to start acting like a princess.

And saying you're sorry is a great place to start.

( sighs ) You know, they're probably still here.

Go on.

You better hurry.

Thanks, mom.

Ruby! Jade! Wait! I'm sorry! Please don't leave! Hmm! I thought we were embarrassing you.

You're not embarrassing me.

You're perfect just like you are.

You're sweet and loyal and so much fun to be with.

We are pretty fun.

And, you're my best friends.

I'm sorry about the way I acted tonight.

And I'm really, really hoping you'll give me a chance to make it up to you.

I don't know.

We can start over and have our own slumber party.

Like we used to.

What do you say? Just the three of us? Hurry! Hurry! I wanna see.

Hmm? Not bad.


Something's missing.

( gasps, giggles ) Oh finally, it's just us princesses.

Now this is a perfect slumber party.

( distant laughter ) You know, sofia's friends were kinda fun.

( distant laughter continues ) Jade: Pinecone princess is back! Sofia: This is the best slumber party ever! Jade: Ruby, that's a funny dance.

( knocking ) Oh! Who could that be at this late hour? Um, sofia? Can I talk to you for a moment? Hmm? Sure.

We, uh, we heard a lot of laughing, And, and noise and stuff down here And uh, I, we just wanted to make sure everything was All, all right.

Oh, we're fine.

In fact, we're having a great time.

Really? How about you guys? Oh, um, well, us? Oh, oh, well, you know, we're, um, uh-- Pardon me? Well, we're, we're having-- It's, it's kind of, um, well, it's different.


Amber, your party's no fun without ruby and jade, is it? Okay, yes, sofia! We're so bored without the three of you! Is there room for a few more princesses at our party? The more the merrier.

( giggles ) thank you.

( music plays ) And one, two, three and forward, back and chicken elbows.

( beat boxing ) we're at a royal sleepover a royal sleepover a royal sleepover ( laughing ) ( giggling )
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