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01x13 - Screaming Your Calls; The Time-Out That Wouldn't End

Posted: 10/14/22 19:32
by bunniefuu
♪ MVA ♪
♪ MVA ♪

♪ Monsters vs. Aliens ♪

♪ It's us vs. them ♪

♪ Foe vs. friend ♪

♪ Brain vs. B.O.B. ♪

♪ It's a super-freaky job ♪

Oh, yeah, it's freaky.

♪ MVA ♪

♪ Monsters vs. Aliens ♪

♪ Monsters vs. Aliens ♪

♪ Monsters vs. Aliens ♪

♪ MVA ♪

My crowning achievement!

Two thoughts: One, I love it.
Two, where is it?

- Down here.
- Oh, your new phone?

Is something wrong with it, Dr. C?

Because I think that's
gonna void the warranty.

Yes, something's wrong!
They advertize it as a smartphone,

yet it is incapable
of independent thought.

So I did some tinkering and now...

This smartphone is a sentient phone!

It's alive!

Booting up.
Stock market's down . points.

It's your turn on "wordzy."

And you've got three new texts.

Why, thank you, Smarty.

Doc, are you saying
your phone is alive?

Like alive-alive?

Yep, and I'm jacked
into the internet / .

I know it all. Literally.

Oh, yeah? Then what's the
atomic weight of rubidium?

. .
Nailed it.

I have no idea if that's right.
I just wanted to sound smart.

- Is rubidium even a thing?
- Ooh! Let me try.

If you're so smart,
then what color am I?


Guys, Smarty knows everything.

Of course!

Daddy made me fully functional.


I'll just put my bed next to yours.

That way you can read me
bedtime stories every night.

Okay, Dad?

Fine, Smarty.

Susan, Link.

This is, not to put too
fine a point on it, weird.

Maybe not.
I mean, you created Smarty.

You gave him life.

- So you kind of are his father.
- True.

And, unlike some of
your other creations,

this one isn't trying to mangle,
eat, or disintegrate anybody.

- Which I find refreshing.
- Refreshing?

Look, he just wants to be
your son. I say give it a try.

You make good points.
Perhaps I will try.

What are we gonna do now, Dad?

A better question, Smarty,
Is what aren't we going to do?

We could launch a modest-sized rocket
packed with thousands of mirrors.

, at a diameter
of inches.

With precise interval
delivery timing,

we could, indeed, put a
smiley face on the Moon.

Then whenever we looked
up at the night sky,

we'd think of each other.

I like seeing Doc
like this, all fatherly.

- It's a new side to him.
- Uh-huh.

Though I'm still waiting on

the mangling-eating-
disintegrating stuff.

'Cause you know that's coming.

The bug has started a family, eh?

I smell opportunity.

Yo, little Earth phone.
I'm Coolverton.


Yes, that's my name, yo.

And I'm very rad and...

Okay, Coolverton.
Gotta go.

Say! Have you tried
the latest extreme apps?

They are totally a bag of chips.

Ooh! Apps?

Carry the two and...
ah, Smarty, there you are!

What's the square root of ?

. .

Thank you.
Oh, and cubed?

, .

Very good. One more.

Gotten into you, lad?

A burp app, Dadster.

Look, I can do the alphabet.

A, B, C...

Child, where did you
get such a grotesque app?

- A friend showed it to me.
- Well, delete it now.

It's sure to corrupt
your operating system.

- But I...
- Delete it.

- I was...I...
- Delete it.

Are your audio sensors
not working? De-lete!

But it's not fair!

"Not fair." Classic.
I used that one on my Dad all the time.

Life's not fair.

You live under my roof,
you live under my rules.

Oh! I remember my folks saying
that when I was just a tadpole.

More like I live under your thumb.

Don't get smart with me, young man!

Aw, my mom would have
said the same thing.

If she hadn't been,
you know, a tomato.

Can't help it, Dad.
I know everything, remember?

Oh, and one more thing.

I... did you hear any of that?

- Unh-uh.
- Nope.

Every last word.

Are your audio sensors working?

What's up, Smarty?
Why you all... bugging?

Um, yo?

My Dad said I can't
keep the burp app you gave me.

Sounds like he's up in
your grill and dissing yo.

You. Yo.
Which is ridonkulous,

because I bet you
have mad "skills-zzz."

I bet you could even hack into
Area -something's mainframe.

Well, yeah!
If I wanted to.

Then you could drop in this
awesome-sauce app I created.

It's called
"Phones totally rule, OMG!"

Yeah, maybe I will.

Do it, I say!

Then your father will see
you are slamming and rad.

Uh, what-what?

Mornin', Sam.

Beyond easy.

So when I say, "keep my seat warm,"
that's just an expression!

General, again,
I want to apologize

for my unfortunate misinterpretation.

Tell it to my slacks, Sqweep!

Hello, everybody!

- Smarty?
- Hey, Dad!

How'd that get on my screen?
This is a secure connection!

Oh, I'm not just on this screen.

I'm on every screen on the base!

Smarty, you log out,
right this instant.

Here's a notification, Dad.
You're not the boss of me.

I've plugged into the computer core

and completely taken
control of the entire base!

Everything on this base answers to me!

It's my house now, Dad.
My rules.


Emergency lock-down.


Doctor, get your phone in line,

or I'm gonna take it offline!

Smarty, you stop this at once

or I will put you in
airplane mode for a week.

Dad, I'm not doing it.
Not on purpose.

Something's making me.

Smarty's been infected
with a malware program called

- "Phones totally rule, OMG!"
- A virus? Can we remove it?

It blocks any attempts to disable it.


I mean, perfectly horrible situation.

Whatever shall we do?

Dad, help me!
I'm scared.

Fear not, my boy!
I'm on my way.

Ooh! Usually these
slide open automatically.

There are other ways
to the computer core.

You know how they say,
"if you see cockroach

there are , more in the walls"?

Tell me that's not
even slightly true.

No, it's very true.
Cockroaches love traveling by walls.

I just need to find access.


- Dad!
- Son!

Now, I'm just going to unplug you.


If you do that, the virus will
make the base self-destruct.

Seriously, we need to rethink this
whole "base self-destruct" thing.

We come up against it,
like, every other day.

Then we have no choice but to
remove the virus from Smarty.

There's only one way to do that, Dad.
Memory wipe.

You can't!

What a deliciously
horrible predicament!

Sacrifice the base
or erase his son!

Whatever will he do?

Doc, there must be some other way.

I'm afraid there isn't.

Bye, Dad.

Poor little guy.

So, who's up for ice cream?

How can you be so heartless?
You just erased your son!

Yeah, Doc, that's way cold-blooded,
even for a half-insect.

What kind of monster
do you take me for?

Smarty automatically backs
up every five minutes.

Rise and shine, Smarty.

Hey, Dad!
What's up?


Good news, Monsters!

The top brass was very impressed
with the virus infiltration.

Wait. They thought
that was a good thing?

Proved our system is vulnerable.

That's why they'd like Smarty to be

part of their
cyber-security task force.


I'm proud of you, son.
Be sure to visit.

I will, Dad. And I'll text.

A lot. Like, all the time.


Greetings and welcome to
another informative edition

of Earth studies!
For today's entry:

Behold, a local classic.
The baking soda volcano.

Built to scale.

- No.
- Please?

- No.
- Please?

- No!
- Please, please, please?

- No!
- Cherry on top, please?

For the last time, Coverton,

you cannot attend the
top-secret Aero-t*nk test.

But, General, it is a flying t*nk.
A t*nk... that flies!

I simply must attend for,
um, fiercely peaceful reasons.

And just what does a
galactic peace ambassador

want with a -ton,

flying mega-w*apon of hot doom?

Flying doom.

That is some grade "A"
nightmare fuel, son.

And now for the reactive ingredient.

Science is fun.

Let's get outta here!

You cannot attend the Aero-t*nk...
What is that?

- Oh, wait!
- Protect me!


I expected a messier reaction.

Get back here right this...

In all my days...

I have never...

such blatant...

disregard for...

This is serious!
Pay attention!

General, I do not know
why you are so upset.

- The foam is harmless.
- Not to my music pod.

This ain't about damage!
Explosions and sudden avalanches

are a routine part of base living.
But what you did was worse.

You made a mess!
And left without cleaning it up.

- Oh, no!
- Look at this mess.

No, you didn't.

I had to ask Henry to do it.
Took him half the live-long day!

Oh, this is Henry's everest.

General, Earth studies reports
are extremely time-sensitive.

I did not have time to stop and clean.

That may be, but on this
base, we clean up our messes.

No exceptions!

Little alien, you've
earned yourself a time-out!

A time what?



Did someone say "time-out"?

I do not understand.
How can one be outside of time?

Oh! Time-outs are great!
You go to this room. No TV.

No toys. No video games.
Just a cot and a funky-smelling toilet.

It's like a dream vacation.

General, requesting
permission to time-out!

B.O.B., you haven't
done anything wrong y...

Self-destruct activated.

Reactor overload.
Launching all missiles.

Welcome to the official time-out chamber.

You are not to leave this chamber
until your time-out is complete.


Now you two think
about what you've done.

This does not feel so

"Hello, would you like to discuss
advanced quantum particle physics?"

"Oh, I would, but hands cannot talk."

And that is how you
eat a sloppy joe, men!

Excuse me.

Whoa, Mama Yeti!

I have completed my time-out.

What happened to you?
It's only been five minutes!

For a brain that
thinks in dimensions,

five minutes of boredom
can feel like an eternity.

- Yeah, what's up with the whiskers?
- Oh, this is not a beard.

It is merely bed stuffing
I glued to my face.

I do not recall why.

Things got a little
weird after minute four.

General, sir. The Aero-t*nk
is ready for its test flight.

Let's do this!

- Right behind you, General.
- Not for you.

Time for my test drive in the...

Sqweep, why are you t*nk-blockin' me?

General, you made a mess and left
without required cleanup.

Easy, son.
Ol' Henry's just mopping your face.

That all?
Tiny alien, I've got

a -ton flying
boom-maker waiting for me.

I can't stop for this!

But you put me in time-out
for not following cleanup protocol.

Oh, that's different.
This is an exception!

On this base, we clean up
our messes. No exceptions!

- That thing always recording?
- It sees everything.

Well, well, well.
Isn't this quite the turning of tables?

A time-out for the time-outer.

A kid giving a grown-up a time-out?

That's the funniest
thing I've ever heard.

General! You said!

It seems the General is
intent on setting a bad example.

Well, now, I am not.

- Because, um...
- No exceptions!

No exceptions!
No exceptions!

Oh, don't mind me.
Just found my new text-alert tone.

You said, General.

Halt the Aero-t*nk test!

I've got to set a...
good example.

Now a little creative editing,

and then it's Aero-t*nk...

Now, please, think about
what you've done, General.

Well, time to k*ll some time.

"Hello, you wanna talk
about flying tanks?"

"Why, yes, I would."


It's me!

So I heard you were in
time-out, and I thought,

"hey, why not play time-out
with the big guy too?

- He's always fun!"
- I am not!

Oh, let's play funny faces.
My turn.

B.O.B., I'm not here for games!

I'm just setting the
right example for Sqweep!

I've even put my t*nk test on hold,
just to show I respect the rules!


Aero-t*nk test flight
is now commencing.


Required personnel report to
airfield for immediate launch.

Who authorized that?!

Start... test flight...
and... let... Coverton... attend.


Good face!

Looks like you just pooped your pants.

- Did you?
- First of all, that's disgusting.

Second, I gotta get over there!

Shame on you, General.

You have not finished your time-out.

I don't have time for this anymore!
There's a t*nk taking off!

You can go in five minutes.

Tiny alien,
I'm not playing around with you.

- Ten minutes.
- Don't you touch that timer!

- Oh, minutes.
- I'm warning you!

- minutes.
- Whoa, okay, calm down.

I'm good, I'm good.

Please do not try to escape.
It will only add to your punishment.

B.O.B., you gotta get me out of here,

before someone gets their
hands on my Aero-t*nk!

Oh, you wanna play
pretend prison breakout?

That's my favorite time-out game.

Keep your head down,
your chin up, kid.

I'm gonna bust youse out
of this here hoosegow. Mwah!

Excuse me, mister guard person.

My name is Granny Monger.

I have come to bring my
bubala a yummy baked treat.

Plan "B."

Thanks, B.O.B.
I owe you one.

Nightmare fuel.


Oh, flying doom.

Awaiting primary target.

Ooh! Ah, yes.

Where shall I doom first?

So many choices, you know.

Banana... sock warmers...


Ukulele... hot dog!

Hush, you!
Kangaroo pouch?

- Stapler... loofah...
- You served your purpose.

a*mo reload!
Alien... base attack!

Command recognized.

Using alien as
amm*nit*on to attack base.

What? No!
What is this?

Obey my will, you infernal...


Let's get outta here!

Great bald eagle!

Continuing mission objective.

Aero-t*nk, stop blowing up
my base with Coverton's face!

Continuing attack.

- Why will it not stop?
- Electronics must be locked.

This is why we test things!

Well, looks like papa Monger's
gonna have to do this the fun way.

- Yee-haw!
- Electronics?

Protect me!

- Oh, floognarg.
- Oh, floognarg.

Obstruction detected.

- Firing to free amm*nit*on.
- Say what, now?

Mr. Aero-t*nk, you made
a big mess. Time-out.

Fast thinking, soldier!
You just saved our sweet patooties!

But I must clean up, or I will
have to go in time-out again.

Little alien, sometimes
there are exceptions.

Besides, I think
Coverton's earned this one.

Oh, best time-out buddy ever!


And you can set the timer, B.O.B.

No! Anything but him!