02x12 - Homeward Bound

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x12 - Homeward Bound

Post by bunniefuu »


- Hey, Sheldon.
- Shh-shh-shh.

Don't scare the erection.

It's up, Violet. Full mast.

- I thought you just wanted to be friends.
- I did.

But a week of friendship...
Looks like I'm over my issue.


Is this okay ?

Oh, God.

This is embarrassing.
I shouldn't have come.



Hold it.

What's your problem ?
You look like someone died.


- Big Daddy.
- Big Daddy ?

Well, that is a screen name.

When you get back on the horse,
you really get back on the horse.

- Cooper.
- What's k*lling him ?

The sex or the cold-fish attitude ?

Big Daddy's my father.


- Hey.
- Hey.

So Kevin's back at my place.

That's good. It's good.

- Yeah.
- I don't know, it's just weird.

It's all negotiation
and awkwardness,

but it's fine, it's fine.

Sam has a girlfriend. Maya hung out
with her last night at Sam's.

- That's not good.
- Oh, no, no, it's good.

- Oh. Oh.
- No, no, no. It's good, yeah.

Why do you two look like that ?

- We're good. Yeah.
- We're good.


- What ?
- Your girlfriend is nice.

Oh, thanks.

You have a girlfriend ?

- Well, that's...
- Good.

- That's good.
NAOMl: It is really good.

Good morning.

I mean,
who calls their father Big Daddy ?

I mean, it's like Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
It's like...

Charlotte King does.

- She actually calls her father Big Daddy ?
- Yes.

And, you know, he's dying,

and I made a jerk of myself in front
of Charlotte, because I was laughing.

- Nice move.
- Should I do something ?

Yeah, walk away, Cooper.

Big Daddy's not your problem.


- Have another kid we don't know about ?
- Funny.

- This is Julian.
- It's the CF family's, Sam.

Champ, come here.

It is just wrong.

A single father, two kids,
and all of them have cystic fibrosis.

And Julian's father
doesn't sound so good.

Hey, you two. Is this photography day ?

DARON: Yeah. I got Gracie a camera
for her birthday.

She's been taking pictures
of everything.


- Oh, sure.
- I'm making a scrapbook.

It's really great.

When I don't feel good,
it gives me something to do.

Let's see if we can make you feel better.
Wanna be first ?

I'll keep your dad entertained
with percussion.

- Where you beat me healthy ?
- Let Addison do the bronchoscopy lavage.

Great, we'll get your labs done,
get you out of here.

- Gonna be okay on your own, kiddo ?
- Dad, I'm 9.



- All right, any dizziness, slurred speech ?
- No.

- Yes.
- Seth.

Will you please
tell my son that I'm fine ?

You still have weakness
in your right side,

and a persistent visual-field defect.
I'm concerned.

- Tell her she needs to move.
- I'm not moving to Florida.

- I can take care of you there.
- I can take care of myself here.

Right ?

Well, you're still at risk
for another stroke.

- You should be with someone.
- You ganging up on me ?

You know, since Dad died,
you barely wanna talk on the phone.

- That's not true. It's not true.
- It is.

He thinks I'm depressed. I'm not.
I have friends. I'm not alone.

Not family. You should be with family.

This is a big decision.

Deciding to move,
uproot your life, it's huge,

but losing a spouse is huge too.

Do me a favor, Cynthia.
Speak with our therapist.

It would make me feel
a lot more comfortable.


I thought I was okay with it,
but I'm not sure if I am okay with it.

I'm sleeping with two men.

- Do I get a lecture now ?
- Yes.

Yes, you do.

This is good.

- This is progress.
- Really ?

- That's my lecture ?
- It's fun, it's exciting, it's...

Congratulations, man.

You're okay with it ? Because
the weird thing is I'm okay with it.

Except for the part of me
that thinks I shouldn't be, but I think I am.

Sex is good. Relationships are bad.

Relationships are what cause people
to be cold and lying and deceitful.

- You're a therapist.
- Okay, professionally, I'd dispute that,

and suggest you need to see
your therapist,

but personally, yes.

As a red-blooded American,
sex is your birthright.

- Go forth, enjoy, guilt-free.
- I will.

I will exercise my right.


Sorry to interrupt.
The CF results are back.

How bad ?

If this is serious, if I'm gonna die,
please, just tell me now.

- Ahem.
- Daron, your test came back fine.

It's Gracie.

She tested positive
for Burkholderia cepacia.

- It's a bacteria that gets in...
- Yeah, I know what it is.

- I'm sorry.

Gotta be some kind of mistake.
She looks fine. Look at her.

You're not gonna tell me
that her lung function is going downhill.

From her test results,
it appears that it already has.

I mean, you know how contagious
this bacteria can be for CF patients.

It's a miracle that you and Julian
haven't caught it.

What we need to do now
is get Gracie to the hospital,

get her into isolation
while we figure out what to do.

Okay. All right, I'll take her there now.

No, Daron, you can't take her.

You can't touch her,
you can't be with her, or you'll die.

I'm not being stubborn.
I don't want to move.

Moving to a new city at any age
is stressful,

but just for a minute,
let's look at the other side.

Could this move be good for you ?

I can't move,

and I can't talk to him
about why I can't move.

And he's not going to take no
for an answer,

And now he has Sam on his side.

Well, you can talk to me.


If Seth finds out the truth,
he's gonna hate me.

Cynthia, anything you tell me
stays with me.

Let me help you.

Talk to me.

I can't even tell Sam.

If I can't come near you,
how are you gonna take care of me ?

We'll figure something out, honey,
okay ? I promise.

But for right now, you're gonna have to go
to the hospital with Dr. Freedman, okay ?

She needs me.

You can't put yourself at risk, or Julian.

If either of you gets exposed,
this will k*ll you.

So I just leave her alone ?

Isn't there a family member
you could call ?

Someone who could help you,
could be with Gracie ?

I've got a sister in Nashville,
but she doesn't really know Gracie.

Gracie needs me, okay ? I need her.

She's already lost her mother.
You know ?

I'm all she has.

Look, I could wear a mask, right ?
You know, we could take precautions.

Daron, if you live together,
you will get this,

and there is no way we can treat it.

Well, I need to be there
for both of them.

Yeah, they both need me.

How am I supposed to choose ?


- I'll be back.
- Okay, take care.

Hey, how's Gracie ?

Oh, you know, not good.

Trying to be brave,
but she doesn't like the hospital.

I don't think she understands it.

Not seeing her dad or her brother,
not living with them, that's permanent.

What were you talking
to Charlotte about ?

Oh, she asked me to do her rounds while
she goes to Alabama to see her dad.

What, like you owe her a favor
after what she did to us ?

Cooper, her father is dying.

I'm sorry about your dad.

- If there's anything you need...
- I'm fine.

I see death every day on the job.

It's a part of life and I'll deal with it.

I'm late for my flight.

Cynthia is fully capable of making
decisions about her own care.

You're not at all concerned
that a 70-year-old woman

still recovering from a stroke is putting
herself further at risk by living alone ?

- Sam, you asked me to evaluate her.
- Yeah.

She's not depressed. She is not clinging
irrationally to her independence.

She has legitimate reasons
for what she's doing.

- Which are ?
- Privileged.


- Hey. Um...
- Hey.

I think it's confusing to Maya,

meeting a woman
that you've just started to date.

- What ?
- A new girlfriend could be scary for her.

You have a problem with Sonya ?

No, no.

You date whoever you want.

Just think about how this affects Maya.

Dr. Milton, 2631.

- Oh !
- Whoa.

That was almost the highlight
of my day.

Not in the mood.

Cute kid.

What ? I can't feel for a patient ?

Try me.

Nine-year-old with cystic fibrosis,

Rare bacterial infection in her lungs.

Father can't be with her anymore
because he has CF too.

Same thing with her 2-year-old brother,

because if either of them get infected
with the bacteria, they'll die.

So father has to choose:

Let his girl die alone or stay with her
and leave a 2-year-old with CF behind.

Burkholderia cepacia ?

What ?

I've had cancer patients manifest
the same bacterial complications

as those with B. Cepacia.

I've had success eradicating
the infection.

Okay, no one in the world
has found a cure for cepacia syndrome,

but you're gonna pitch me one ?

I know cancer's a lot different
than cystic fibrosis,

and bacteria is more drug-resistant,
I just...

It's a tragic story.

- Worth a shot.
- Why would you help me ?

I'm a doctor.

So I've spoken to your mother, Seth,

and she is not ready to move.

- Mom...
- If you won't listen to me, listen to her.

She understands.

She has agreed to come in
for weekly checkups with Sam

and counseling with me,

and to put a MedicAlert system
in her house.

And if her condition worsens,
then we can always revisit this.

I promised...

I promised Dad
I would take care of you.

Most of my friends, the idea of a parent
moving in is terrifying. We want you.

- Seth.
- Not like I wanna put you in a home.

- Please, Seth, stop pushing me.
- Then help me understand.

You hate this city,
you hate the traffic, the crime.

- Talk to me.
- Easy, Seth.

- I think I need a...
- Uh...

- Mom ?
- I got her legs.

Get an ambulance, please.

Is she having another stroke ?

Is she having another stroke ?

It was a transient ischemic attack.

Press. A warning sign for a stroke.

It happened because I got upset.

That's all. I am fine.

You're not a doctor.
Your doctors are saying you're not fine.


Hey, I came as soon as I could.

- I'm fine. Everyone is making a fuss.
- You're not fine. Hi, Annette.

- Hey, Seth.
SETH: Thank you.

Can you just wait outside ?
We're discussing things with the doctors.

She can stay.
I want someone on my side.

It's not about sides.

I'm sorry, I can't...

I'm moving you out.
I'll get a lawyer if I have to.

Talk to him.

Talk to your son.

He'll understand.

Violet, what's going on ?

She's right.
It's gotta be better than this.


I'm not alone.

I have someone here

who loves me
and who wants to take care of me,

and I was afraid to tell you
because I love you too,

and I'm afraid you won't understand.

Understand what ?

I have someone.

Your mother's in love.

She has someone here
that she doesn't wanna leave

and she was afraid to tell you.

I get that you've been alone.

I get that since Dad's been gone,
it's confusing

and you need
to have somebody here with you.

This is not who you are.

This isn't a reaction to your father dying.
- I'm not talking to you.

- Seth.
- This is some grief-stricken reaction.

No, no, we've been together for years.

When you were with Dad ?


- I am so sorry.
- You cheated on Dad with her ?



You wanna catch a movie after,
just get away from it all ?

I can't. CF research to do.

Wow, begins the day, ends the day.

I've got a little girl
who's about to die, Kevin.

It's hard to think about going out
and relaxing.

You could have called.
You could have said, "Don't come over."

- You wanted me to cancel ?
- You're giving me attitude.

- I'm here.
- There are other things I could be doing.

I get a lot of invitations.
My friends, women...

So, what,
you wanna date other women ?

Maybe I do, but I don't.

I'm not, because this is so much fun.


What happened to us ? I mean,

there was a time when you'd eat noodles
off of my naked body.

What ?

What happened to us ?

Look, I'm sorry. I thought...

I usually think
that honesty is for the best.


Well, I knew at 15,

but back then,
that was not what you did.

You found a guy, got married, had kids.

And I loved him.

I did.

And then I met Annette,

and our kids were the same age,

and she was...

I couldn't stop myself.

Well, you were honest with yourself.

That's sometimes the hardest piece.

He's got to understand, right ?

I mean, once he gets over the shock.

He loves you.

He wanted to do what was best for you.

He'll come around.

Electrons that detach
and move around are called ?

- Atoms ?
- Free electrons.

Why are you being so nice to me ?

When's the last time you gave me
answers without torturing me ?

I just know you didn't have a chance
to study last night.


What do you wanna know about her ?

- Sonya.
- Ha-ha. I wasn't...

- How was last night ?
- It was fun.

It wasn't uncomfortable ?

Because, you know,
you do not have to hang out

with your dad and his new girlfriend.

I like her, Mom,
and Dad really likes her.

You'd like her too,
if you got to know her.

Don't worry about me.
Dad's just having fun.

You should have fun too.

You need to get a life.

- Pete.
- I can't stop thinking about you.

She loves Sonya.

And why shouldn't she ?
She's smart, she is pretty and she is fun.

She brings over movies and popcorn.

And I just... I do homework.

Nai, you're her mom.
You're supposed to do homework,

and Sonya is being fun because
she's trying to make a good impression.

That's what happens
when things are new.

You go out of your way to be nice.

Look at me and Kevin, you know ?

Not so new, not so nice anymore.

- That sounds like marriage.
- Ha.

You gonna end it ?

Hey. I've been through
all of Wyatt's research.

It's pretty convincing.

- Wyatt ?
- Yeah. He had an idea to help.

Let's go find Pete and Coop.

So I could get her back ?

It's a long shot, Daron,
but we'd like to try.

It's not gonna hurt ?
I don't wanna hurt her.

Her lungs are already full,
so we have to clear them.

It's the same procedure.
We take a sample of the bacteria.

We know that it worked on cancer.

We are hoping, really hoping,
it can help Gracie.


You know, she loves horses.
Her whole room is horses.

And I thought if she had these here
in her room, that she'd feel more...


I don't know. I'll go call her.

I'll tell her maybe.

Delivery for Miss Gracie Rousakis.

He's worried about me.

I don't like it when he worries.

- Well, he's your dad. It's his job to worry.
- Tell him I'm fine.

- Gracie...
- Make him stop worrying about me.

Since Mom died, he's done everything.

But when he starts worrying,
he starts coughing, and then...

You need to tell him I'm fine.

It's okay if you miss him.

I want my dad.



- We got your page.
- You've gotta give her something.

Seth hasn't come back or called.
She can't stop crying.

We'll prescribe lorazepam.

What you need to do is call Seth
and get him back.

Tell him she'll go with him to Florida.

- No.
- I love you more than anything.

But you need your son
and you need your grandchildren

more than you need me.

Please, talk to him. Tell him she'll go.
Just get him back here.


DELL: Hey, I just want you to know
that your dad's outside, waiting.

He wanted to let you know.

- What about Dr. Cooper ?
- He's gone for the day.

You don't have to worry.
I'm gonna take good care of you.

Once you're asleep,
I'm gonna use this to clean out your lungs.

You'll feel much better.
See, who's that ?

Then we're gonna give Dell
what we took out

to give to Dr. Montgomery
and Dr. Lockhart to test the antibiotics on.

I know it's scary,
but when you wake up, it'll all be over.

I just...

I hope it works.

Now, we just need one of these
to stay clear,

and then we'll know
that the bacteria is sensitive

to that combination of antibiotics.

By morning, we should know,
one way or the other.

- Wanna grab a bite ?
- Actually, I am starved,

but I am supposed to meet someone.

- Ah. The cop.
- Yes, the cop.

So you really think
a hot date and fine dining

is better than a guy you can barely stand
and cafeteria mac and cheese ?

Well, I do love the mac and cheese.

From a psycho-physiological standpoint,
this is remarkable.

- What is ?
- You.

What you do to me.
All day, I couldn't stop thinking about you.

And ever since you called...


- I remember this tasting a lot better.
- I don't know.

It takes me back to residency,
you know, when life was simple.

See, I have a hard time picturing you
taking crap from your attending.

- By year two, they all hated me.
- It took them that long ?

- Sorry.
- No, it's just...

Yeah, they really hated me.

- Ha-ha-ha.
- So did my wife.

- You're married ?
- Was.

And the divorce took two years,

four lawyers,
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We discussed assets, property,
money, the dog,

but not once in all that time
did anyone ever ask me about love.

I'm still bitter.

About the dog.

I get what bitter does.

You know, you have all that love,
and then where does it go ?

- You too ?
- Member of the club.

So I'm gonna ask this again,

but this time,
pretend you think I'm human.

You wanna maybe have dinner
with me sometime ?

- A date ?
- I don't think that's a good idea.

Is it because it's me
or because of the cop ?

Think about it.



- Nai ?

I am not here.

This is not jealousy.
This is concern for my daughter.

Nai, remember when Maya told you...

Remember when Maya told you
to get a life ?

I have a life.

I have a great life.

I'm just standing here on my patio,
in the dark,

spying on your ex,
his girlfriend and your daughter.


- I'm being replaced.
- Oh.

Sonya is my replacement.
That's Maya's new mommy.


Oh, I'm freaking.

Oh, God. Ignore me, ignore me.

I'm just freaking out.

Thank you.

Why aren't you out with Kevin ?


It's not like we're married, Naomi.

I don't have to be with him every night.

I don't have to call or check in.

And if I wanna talk to another man,

it's not like we have promise rings
or anything.

Who is it ?

- This other man.
- Oh, no...


Wyatt asked me out on a date.


He's different than I thought.

Okay, well, can I just say
that you're in a relationship,

so, you know, knees together.

No, I'm not a cheater.

Okay, I've done that.
I'm not gonna do that again.

You know, but I do wanna say yes
to the date.

I just... I don't know.

Should I ? I shouldn't.

- Should I ?
- Oh, God, we are so screwed up.


This is a nice place.

Crazy humid.



Lung cancer.

Doctors gave him six months.

Two years ago.

He went into respiratory failure
last week.

How you holding up ?

Well, let's see.

Duke and Landry are downing bourbon.

Mama's taken to her room
with the vapors.

And not a one of them wants any part
of making a decision about Big Daddy.

The vapors ?

You have a medical degree. You
diagnosed your mother with the vapors.

She's a drug addict, Cooper.

Here in Dixie,
we're more polite about it.


- What ?
- Why are you here, Cooper ?

In the middle
of my Southern Gothic tragedy.

I came for you.

Landry was supposed
to pull the plug this morning.

Couldn't do it.

Duke can't even come in the room.

So it's just you.

Just me.

Not even there anymore.

It's just the ethical, moral,
medically correct thing to do.

Pull the plug, and it's done.

- Are you okay ?
- No.

Not really.

So I've been having sex.

- Lots and lots and lots of sex.
- Yes, with Pete.

And with Sheldon.

Many times.

Many, many, many times.

And I'm in pain.

And I can't stop peeing.

You need Addison.

You've got honeymoon cystitis
from too much sex,

so I will prescribe you an antibiotic
and something for the pain.

Violet Turner,
I am your friend and I know you.

Sleeping with Sheldon and Pete
is not you.

Oh, come on.

When Cooper does it, he gets a slap
on the back and an "attaboy."

But when I do it, when a woman takes
control of her sexuality, she's a whore.

You are just not that person.
Something is going on here.

I mean, I don't know,
you're avoiding something

or in denial or something psychological.
I don't know.

You're the therapist, you know,
and you know that this is not good.

Wouldn't it be better just to figure out
which one you wanna be with ?

How can I choose ? I mean, Pete is...

Pete's all heat. I just see him,
and I melt.

- And Sheldon is comfort.
- Like mac and cheese.

What ?

Do you think this is okay ?
What she's doing ?

I think that it's hard to figure out
who the right person is.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, I mean, Kevin's great.

But, you know, I mean, is he the one
or is it someone else ?

I wanna be okay with Sonya, I do,
but I don't think I care that Sam is dating.

But do I care ?

Am I in denial ?

No, no, this is about Maya, right ?

I'm not crazy, this is about Maya.
I'm not crazy.

Does this really look like
the time for therapy ?



Oh, hey, thanks for coming in.

Look, I just came to pick up my laptop.
I left it yesterday when I ran out.

Your mother needs you.

She is willing to move all the way
to Florida if that's what you want.

Think about it, Seth.

Think about what's best for her.

Only thing I've been able to think about is
how stupid I was not to figure this out.

Well, she wanted to tell you.

- She was afraid you wouldn't accept her.
- It's not about accepting her.

You think I can't accept that she's gay ?

I've known Annette my whole life.

Now it's like I'm replaying every moment,
every Christmas, every Thanksgiving.

You know,
I was in the backyard playing football,

and they were, hah, fooling around.

- You don't know that.
- Think I wanna think about it ?

And my dad ?

She was everything to him.

She betrayed him.

She betrayed us.

You're a father.

You've gotta know
how difficult it is to be a parent.

You love your kids,

so you wanna do everything you can
to protect them.

So you try to figure out
what's right to tell them

and what's right to keep from them,
and sometimes you don't get it right,

but, you know, you do your best,
because you love them.

Think it would have been better
if your mother had left your father

when you were a kid ?

She was just trying
to keep the family together.

Trying to give you
the mother that you wanted.

I don't know her.
I feel no connection to that woman,

because I don't know her at all.

She is your mother, Seth.

She would give up everything for you.

Don't you think
she has given up enough ?

I'm almost afraid to come in here.

We just need one dish
without bacterial growth.

You make it sound so simple.



So that's what it looks like
inside of her lungs ?

It was a long shot.

You had to try. We had to try.

- Addison...
- I don't think we should have dinner.

Why ? Why, because of me
or because the miracle didn't work ?

I don't know.


Sam just left for Saint Ambrose
if you're looking for him.

Oh, thank you.

- Heh.
- I guess patient trumps lunch.

Look, we didn't really get a chance
to talk the other night.

- And I just wanted to...
- No.

Look, you don't have to.

It's me who should say something.

It must have been weird,
seeing me hanging out with your daughter.

I remember what it was like
when my mom dated.

Oh, no, no, no, it's fine.

Well, you know, I just want you to know
that wherever this is heading with Sam,

I wanna be really careful
about Maya's feelings.

I got burned a few times, so I get it.

Well, thank you.

That's very...

Thank you.

You're very nice.

Well, so are you.


Big Daddy always said cancer was just
his chickens coming home to roost.

See, he didn't believe in tears.

If he ever cried, he did it in private.

Cancer was just his chickens.


Payback for being a son of a bitch.

And he was a son of a bitch
to everybody.

Everybody but me.

He loved me being a doctor.

He loved that I didn't just marry some boy
and have a bunch of babies.

He would've k*lled me
for marrying a son of a bitch of my own,

because he knew
what that would have been like for me.

But if I'd have stayed,
married some boy and had babies,

I would have been here

when he got sick.

I would have been here
to take care of him.

So these aren't his chickens.

These are my chickens.

Because now I'm the doctor in the family,
and I know what has to be done.

- Charlotte.
- I can do this.

Shut up.

I can do this.

I can do this, damn it.

- I can do this.
- Okay. Okay.



That's that.

It's okay to cry.


It's not.


Daron, I'm sorry.

Nothing ?

Well, we knew it was a long shot,
but I'm sorry.

I can't even go in there to tell her.

I'll do it.





I can't.

- Gracie.
- I want my dad.

Pete's gonna handle this.
He'll take care of her.

I can't do it. I can't...


Here. Here are the keys to my house.

All Julian's clothes and his toys
are in his room.

Okay, just...


Just make sure that he knows
why I did this.

- No.
- And that they take care of him.


- No, Daron.
- You can't do this.

I will not let my daughter
go through that alone.

Daron, if you go in there...

I love my son...


...but I love my daughter.





He's not coming.

- I can try to talk to him again.
- Maybe he just needs more time.

It's my fault. I tried to keep it separate.

Who I was, who I loved.

You are who you are, and you
shouldn't have to hide that from anybody.

I love you.


I made it all the way out,
but I couldn't get out of the car.

I just sat there for an hour
in the rental-car return lane.

I'm still trying to understand this.

I know you took care of us.

Dad was happy. I was happy.

I guess it's your turn to be happy.

So you should stay here with Annette.


I'll visit.

Maybe sometime we'll visit.

I'd like that.

Daron gave up on his son.

He just walked away from him.

Well, it was an impossible choice
to make.

It's hard to fault him.

The reality of Gracie dying
was right in front of him.

The idea of Julian having to bury him
or not be with him, it's just too abstract.

I just wanted to...
Oh, I'm sorry. Hey, Pete.

- Sheldon.
- I didn't mean to interrupt a conference.

I just wanted to know
if you wanted to come over later and...

You're going over to his house ?

- Pete.
- I'm sorry, is there a ?



Okay, look, Pete, Sheldon,
I'm sleeping with both of you.

I thought it was okay, but it's not.
I realize that you just can't do that.

I can't do that, and...

And I'm sorry.

Who are you ?

He's right.

I'm a mess.


We're all a mess.

Don't you know that by now ?


All I know is,
I don't mind finding out who you are.


Oh, hey. I was just coming to see you.

- Yeah ?
- Yeah.

I just wanted to say that I feel
I have a responsibility to our daughter.

For her to know who I am, good or bad.

Even if that means
telling her who I'm dating.

I never want her to not know who I am.

Now, I'm gonna say this,
and I know how it sounds.

- Maya likes her better than me.
- She's your daughter, Nai.

You are her mother.
She doesn't like Sonya better.

Sonya's just new.


I don't know what I'm doing here.
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