02x07 - Tempting Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x07 - Tempting Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Private Practice:

This is business,
and Cooper is personal.

It's not that simple.
You need to tell him.

Go. Go to Ghana.

But come back.
I'm happier when you're here.

You don't lie about r*pe.

That's one of my rules.

If we move back in,

it won't change the fact
that it wasn't working.

We have to let go.

The power.

The speed, the control.

I mean, who knew go-cart racing
could be better than sex?

Well, if it's better than sex,
I'm not taking you again.


Okay, almost better than sex.

The door's open.


Oh, be careful, Kevin.

Stay put.

L.A.P.D. Get on the ground!


- Archer?
- You're dating a cop?

Archer, this is Kevin.

Kevin, this is my brother, Archer.

Will you put some clothes on, please?

What are you doing here?

I missed you. And you said you're happier
when I'm here.

So I took some time off. Here I am.
I figured that we can see what this is.

- Right now, it's a great surprise.
- I have another surprise for you.

Does it involve a Kama Sutra?


That is great.

But there are more natural ways
to quit smoking.

Oh, well, you're the expert.
Where do we start?

I went for a swim.
I think she's a neighbor.

So I invited her in to be neighborly.

Oh, this is L.A.

No one is neighborly.

Well, in that case, you really should
do something about your alarm system.

But then again, you do have
your own private cop to keep you safe.

Oh, God.

It's good to have you here.

I've missed you.

- Can't find the Barolo.
- Top shelf.

The writing's Italian.

He's not a moron. He's smart.
And funny.

- By the way, he's not a cop. He's SWAT.
- So very different.

- Oh, you are such a snob.
- Takes one to know one.

- So you in town for long, Archer?
- No.

My publisher suckered me
into attending his winter launch party.

They parade new authors and their books
to foreign buyers and agents.

He needed some star power.

So I figured it'd give me an opportunity
to come see you and get drunk.

Yeah. See, Archer used to be
a world-class neurologist.

But now he makes his living
telling tall tales

about his most disturbing patients.

But really,
he's here to spy on me for Bizzy.


God forbid she should let her children

define her identity
by calling her "mother."

She's not happy with you.
You left Derek, you left Seattle.

She thought you'd come back
to civilization.

L.A.'s not civilization?

L.A.'s Sodom and Gomorrah
as far as she's concerned.

Wait until I tell her
that Forbes Montgomery is dating a cop.

- No offense.
- None taken.

So in your sessions with Mr. Jarvis,
did he give you any reason to believe

he harbored inappropriate feelings
toward children?

I only had three sessions with Hal.

We discussed his divorce.

His job. His feeling isolated.

So they weren't about pedophilia?

Child abuse?

Was he struggling
with any sexual issues?

- Not that we discussed.
WARREN: Great.

Now, in your professional opinion,

does the fact that Mr. Jarvis
was found in possession of pictures

depicting children in minimal clothing
indicate that he's a danger to children?

Well, any psychiatrist will tell you
that simply possessing materials

doesn't make someone a threat.

But it's a risk factor...

WARREN: But risk factors
don't mean he's a predator, do they?

- No.
WARREN: So is it plausible that Mr. Jarvis

could have a pleasant conversation
with a young girl like Jody Sampica

without her being in danger?

It's possible.

No further questions, Your Honor.


Dr. Turner?

Not so fast.

Okay, so the office is nice.

Quit spying and sit.

I'm just taking it all in.

Gave her the best view.
Mine has a palm tree in the middle of it.

A generous doctor.
Now, he's appropriate.

Bizzy would love him.
Why aren't you dating him?

Pete, this is my brother, Archer.

Archer, this is Pete Wilder.

Our alternative-medicine guru.

Wait. Archer Montgomery?

You didn't tell me your brother
was Archer Montgomery.

Well, you know,
I'm just so very, very proud of him.

Let's go to the kitchen.
Get some coffee.

I've read your books.
The one about amnesiacs.

- Forgettable.
- Oh, God.

Archer, Addison didn't tell us
you were coming.

Surprise inspection.

Look at you.

- Hello.
- The last time I saw you...

She had her head over the toilet
in Bizzy's country house, puking.

We're Wasps. We drink. Naomi's
just gonna have to learn to keep up.

Unbelievable. You try to do your civic duty.
I should not have to do this.

- What's up?
- You guys like pedophiles?

- You're about to have one. Every day.
- What?

Is this the court case
you were subpoenaed for? Your ex-client?

They gave him a suspended sentence.
Mandated therapy with me.

Starting today. Here.

No. This is a pediatric office.
We have children here.

It's after hours.
He has to be out by 9, in after 7.

I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't realize...

Oh, my brother, Archer. Archer, Violet.


- Hi.
- Stop that.

- Back to the pedophile.
- All right, this is wrong.

- A sex offender here at this office?
- He's Violet's patient. He needs help.

You rather have him roaming the halls,
looking at my wall of kid photos?

And what if, God forbid,
he should target one of them?

Oh, damn it, Dell.

I'll talk to him.

Is this a bad time to mention
you're all invited to a party tonight?

Look, Dell, I know this might be
particularly hard on you...

I got hit a lot, okay?

By someone who made me feel
like if I told, I'd get it worse.

I can only imagine
if it was sexual abuse.

All abuse is bad. I know that.

But most abusers
were themselves abused...

No, that's a crap excuse.

I don't like this any more than you do, Dell.
But if you wanna talk about...

He's coming in tonight, right?
I'm leaving early.

I'm not the only one who objects
to your patient.

Why are you all mad at me?
It was a court mandate.

Oh. Oh, did something else happen?

Besides the pedophile?
What are you talking about?

No, I came in here in a great mood.

- Really? So you and Charlotte...?
- Are great. We're great.

I'm thinking about asking her
to move in with me.


Don't worry about money.

The clients will be rich.

We want the offices to feel rich.

You haven't told Cooper?

Excuse me while I handle something.

- I'm not something to be handled.
- We're on the same side?

You're opening up a practice
that competes with your boyfriend's,

in his building, you're in charge,
and you haven't told him?

- I will find the right moment and when l...

You know, I don't like you, Charlotte.
But Cooper does.

So do us both a favor.

Just tell him. Tonight.

So tell us.

Two of your triplets
are sharing the same blood vessels

and circulation system.

This baby's heart is pumping too hard
because it's not getting enough blood.

It's becoming starved.

This baby's heart is failing
because it's getting too much blood.

- Oh, my God.
- What about the third one?

Luckily, she doesn't share
the same blood supply,

so she doesn't seem to be affected.

And what I'd like to do is operate,
to separate the blood supplies.

You wanna cut into me?

The babies are showing signs
of early heart failure, Tess.

If we wait on surgery,
in 90 percent of the cases,

one or both babies won't survive.

And it could affect the third.

This is my fault.

Everyone kept asking
when it was gonna be my turn.

I wanted a baby so badly.

We should have waited.

Doing IVF, we were tempting God.

God is not punishing you
for trying to have these children.

Dr. Bennett put in one embryo.

And it divided into three babies.

Now that's a miracle.

They could all die from the surgery,
couldn't they?

That's always a possibility, yes.

And if we do nothing,

there's a chance it's all okay.

A small one.

I'm sorry.

We can't do the surgery.

We can't interfere again.

God will provide for them.

He has to.

I'm saying laparoscopic surgery
comes with inherent risks.

Fetal survival rate is 50 percent
at best?

Which is 40 percent better than doing
nothing at all. We should push them.

Wait, you can't push a couple
to go against their beliefs.

TTTS syndrome in triplets.

Two of the babies are affected.
Surgery or not?

The couple has faith everything's
gonna work out. Surgery or not?

- It's like Dr. Jeopardy.
- There's something to be said about faith.

We've seen cases
where you can't explain the healing.

And we've all seen cases
where we do nothing, the patient dies.

You did your due diligence,
you laid out the options,

- and gave your recommendation.
- You feel qualified to judge their beliefs?

I'm not saying that there's no place
for religion in medicine.

I'm just saying that I prefer
to put my faith in what we can do.

Maybe it's not your patient's faith
that's being tested. It's yours.

- He'd be good for you.
- Oh, shut up.

Excuse me.

I'm here to see Dr. Turner.

Hal. Hal, why don't we go back?

I don't blame them.

What I am,

I know it's sick.

Well, that's why you're here.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth
when I came before.

That's why I was so depressed.

The secret was crushing me.

Do you know what that's like?

Hiding a piece of yourself?

Especially a piece you hate?

Well, secrets are hard. On everyone.

This may sound crazy,
but getting caught,

it's been freeing.

I mean, because I can't hide.

I have to get help.

I just wanna get the thoughts
out of my head.

Thoughts of these girls.

It's awful.

It's sick.

And if l... If I did anything...

What? What would happen?

They would become what I am.

Because you were abused.

And I hated it.

And I liked it.

And it tore me apart.

And I don't wanna do that to anyone.

Can you help me?

I hate L.A.

I'm here a day,
I already have road rage.

Master Point Zero returns the body
to homeostatic balance.

- Relax.
- I can't. You know what I did all day?

I cleaned, I reorganized. sh**t me now.

- I have to put a needle in your Tim Mee.
- That sounds dirty.

It's a specific point on your wrist
to help you quit smoking.

What I need is more of you.

How about you take tomorrow off,
we stay in bed all day?

If I'd known you were coming,
I could've rescheduled.

Will you at least come home early?

I'll see what I can do.




Thank you.

Hey, where's your prodigal brother?

He's showing Kevin around.
Hopefully making nice.

Apparently Archer
didn't appreciate Kevin

treating him like a criminal
when they first met.

- When he broke in like a criminal?
- Exactly.

Well, it looks like
they're making nice now.

ARCHER: Can I ask you a question?
- sh**t.

sh**t. That's funny.

- What are you doing with my sister?
- Excuse me?

I bet you're a stand-up guy.

And Lord knows we need people like you
keeping the world safe.

For people like us.

She's got a $25 million trust fund.

You think you can get at that?

- She has a $25 million...?
- She didn't even tell you.

What does that say?

Addison Forbes Montgomery
is a thoroughbred, Kevin.

She's enjoying you. I see that.

But she's enjoying you for now.

Did you tell him yet?

Not here.

Not here, not there.

I'm not gonna cover for you anymore.

How great is this?

My two favorite girls, making an effort
to get to know each other.

How great is that?

Oh, how great is this?
Unlimited spanakopita.

- Yeah, no. I'm good.

No. I'm gonna go.
Give you two a chance to talk.

Hey, what do you think about,
uh, moving in with me?

ARCHER: You having fun?
- Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Absolutely. It's great.

Is it weird?

You and Naomi?

Oh, well, you know,
we made a choice to be apart

and keep the business.
Yeah, we're okay.

You're free to date?
Because you're sitting alone.

Oh, that's... I like to observe. Yeah.

- I'm an observer.
- Yeah, observing her?

Well, do you know her?

Her name's Theresa.
She has a thing for authors.

Theresa, there's someone
I'd like you to meet.

- Okay.
- Dr. Feelgood.

Hi. Hi there.

- How you doing?
- Good.

- Oh, have a seat.
THERESA: Thank you.

You look like you're having a good time.

Heh. Yeah, it's fun.

Just be careful.
Everyone here is selling something.

- You can't trust anyone.
- Yeah, not even you.

Oh, come on.
You've known me forever.

You think Addie hasn't told me
all of your secrets?

I think Addie doesn't know
half my secrets.

- Hey.

Meet anybody good?


Hey, um, so, what did you
and Archer talk about?

He was just giving me
the lay of the land.

I know he can be arrogant.

Okay? But he's just his mother's son,
and he's my big brother.

And he'd do anything for me.

I've got an early day. Uh, maybe I'll go.

But Archer can get you back, right?

Hey, guys.

Great party, right?

Actually, you know,
I think we're gonna head out.

- Oh, you don't have to.
- No, I want to.

- Is that okay, Nai?
- Yeah, I'll just get my wrap.

Wait a minute, you're leaving too?

NAOMl: Kevin and Addison
picked me up so...

I'll take you home.

- You sure that's okay?
- Totally not a problem.


A polite house guest would've called
to say they weren't coming home.

Good thing I'm not polite.

I thought I was doing you a favor
staying out.

Not interfering with you
and your boy in blue.

He's a man in black. SWAT is black.

And unfortunately,
you wouldn't have interfered.

He called things off early.
What did you say to him?


Well, I at least hope
you got Naomi home okay.

Before what I can only imagine
was a night of drunken debauchery.

Yeah, I absolutely got her home.

- Did you sleep with my brother?
- Yes.

You know him.
You know what he's like.

Yes, he's fun.

It doesn't mean anything.
It's not gonna go anywhere.

And it was great.

God, who knew?

Who knew that meaningless sex
could be amazing?

You had meaningless sex?


- With my brother.
- Oh, nice.

- Yes, well, you know, he's very...
- Violet.


Uh, I know it's difficult to view
family members in a sexual context...

Okay, stop. Stop, okay?

My brother and sex
in the same sentence: Ew. Ew, ew.

I thought you and I were past all this stuff.
I thought were good.

I know you're feeling that this is personal,
but, uh... But it's not.

No, this is not about you.

This is about me.

This is about me
and a really handsome man

who I was attracted to,
who wanted me.

And for once in my life,
instead of second-guessing, I just let go.


Why aren't you mad at him?

Because there's a difference
between my brother being a whore

and my best friend consciously choosing
to sleep with him.


I'm not your best friend.
Can I sleep with him?

What happened?

Tess fainted at the airport.

One of the babies developed
a fluid collection around his heart.

Tess was having mirroring symptoms.

But I'm feeling much better now.

So is the baby. See?

The baby's heart has stabilized
because you're resting.

Well, I'll just keep resting, then.

This is a sign of increasing stress
on the babies. Things are getting worse.

I know what you're thinking,
but you know I can't.

WOMAN: Excuse me, doctor.
I need to take her vitals.

Gregory, I know you think God
is testing you because of the IVF.

It's a Saint Gerard Majella medal,

patron saint of childbirth
and expectant mothers.

"Pray for us."

And we all are, Gregory.

But sometimes prayer isn't enough.

Like praying for a car to stop.

Unless you put on the brakes,
it isn't going to.

- I know that.
- I admire your faith, Gregory. I do.

And I have faith too.

Faith that God has lots of ways
to help people.

Prayer is good but so is medicine.

I can help them, Gregory.


help Tess see that.


- Something wrong with that tea?
- I hate secrets.

You have secrets?

I have something that shouldn't be
a secret, but I made it into one.

And now I think the other shoe
is gonna drop.

And it makes my stomach feel all...

You know what? Maybe I'll skip food today.
Ate enough at that party for a week.

Hey, we missed you.

I was doing acupuncture.

Meg is trying to quit smoking.

- Good for her.
- Mm.


She's quitting for me.
I don't know what that means.

- Maybe that she cares.
- Maybe.

- You don't like having her back?
- Don't think she likes being back.

Except when she's with me.

- Because you're good company.
- She's quitting for me, came back for me.

And I just don't feel like it's about me.

ADDISON: The vasculature's more
complicated than the ultrasound showed.

NAOMl: Yeah, but you can get it.
ADDISON: I can if I can just...


hyperthermic reaction to the anesthetic.

ADDISON: All right, get some ice
and a cooling blanket.

Let's start an IV drip of Dantrolene.

I'm removing the trocars.

We've gotta get her off the table
or we'll lose them all.

Tess is okay.

And so are the babies, for now.

But I wasn't able to complete
the procedure.

And Tess is too weak to try again.

- So you can't...?
- We can't do anything right now.

You talked me into it.

And I talked Tess into it.

I made her go against
what she believes.

And now...

And now they're gonna die.

In a good mood? You took the morning off,
I thought something might be wrong.

No, just tired and hung over.

After the party last night,
I was Captain von Trapp,

Charlotte was a nun.
We were celebrating.

- Celebrating?
- She might move in.

Oh, don't even say it. I told you about this.
It's good. It's a good thing, it's healthy.

The construction on the fourth floor
is for a competing medical practice

that Charlotte is going to be running.

It's been k*lling me to keep it a secret
but she said she would tell you.

- You've been happy.
- You've known this for how long?

- I wanted to tell you.
- Well, you should've.

DELL: This is bad, isn't it?
VIOLET: Yes, Dell, it's bad.

Come on, how bad is it really?

Charlotte is the chief of staff
at Saint Ambrose.

How many of us got referrals
from doctors at Saint Ambrose?

You can kiss all those goodbye.

Charlotte King,
of all the pains in the asses.

God, poor Cooper.

- How did he find out?
- I told him.

- I've known a couple days.
- What?

Charlotte's his girlfriend.
She wanted to tell him...

- Why wouldn't you tell us?
- Oh, okay.

Anybody else around here held secrets
the last couple months?

- I'm on your side.

We're on the same side, we are
still screwed. Can this day get any worse?

I think if maybe we had...

If you tell me I shouldn't have rented
the fourth floor, I may break a door.

Hey, you can't go back there.

COOPER: You used me,

you slept with me,
you heard about our problems,

our fourth floor problems,
and you swooped in and...

What? What is this about?

Don't you dare come here using that tone.
This is business. And we're personal.

And I couldn't tell you because I signed

a non-disclosure agreement
when they hired me.

And until this place was staffed,
I couldn't tell anyone.

- But Violet's known for...
- Violet found out something she shouldn't.

I told her I would find the time to tell you
when I could.

Now you know.

I'm glad you know.

So when you look at the pictures,

the pictures of the little girls,
what do you feel?


I wanna be with them.

- You wanna hurt them?
- No.


Just touch them? Sexually?

The girls in the pictures,

they're fantasies.

I don't feel

as guilty

about wanting to touch them.

- As guilty as?
- Jody.

Jody Sampica?

What do you think about
when you think about Jody?

Come on, now's the time to be honest.
We have to face this.

I don't wanna hurt her.

I just...

I just wanna be with her.

I, uh...

I imagine driving over to her house.

And, you know, stopping and talking.


And then

she gets into the car,

and I take her.

And we drive somewhere.

Away from everyone else.

Seems like you've thought a lot
about this.

L... I just wanna talk to her.

Just talk.

Is that what he told you?

The man who abused you?

He just wanted to talk?

Hal, you wanna do more
than just talk to Jody.

I don't...

I don't wanna do anything wrong.


Okay. All right,
I'm gonna go get my wallet.

- You hang here. I'll be right back.
- Okay, I'm fine.

Hey, Kevin, it's me.

Look, I know you didn't have a good time
at that party last night,

but I haven't heard from you all day.

Will you call me, please?


Charlotte stands ready
to eat away at our practice,

those three babies
are probably gonna die,

and I can't do anything.

- What are you doing here so late?
- Please don't ask me that.

You're seeing Archer again.

Look, I know we were just getting back
to normal and I don't wanna upset that.

I wanna be able
to sit down with my best friend

and tell her what's happened to me.

Look, I've never had sex with anyone
other than Sam.

And I didn't know that sex without love
could be any good.

But it was great.

I'm sorry it was your brother.

You slept with Archer?

- Look, Sam...
- And you're okay with this?

I'm not okay with this.

Hey, Sam.

What's up with you...?

NAOMl: Sam.
ADDISON: Sam. Archer.

- What's going on?

- I didn't...
SAM: Yeah, but you did.

Look, Sam, this is not your place.

No, but this is my place.

I have to come here
and hear about this?

Okay, look, everybody, let's just...

Oh, God.

Hey, get the hell away from her.

NAOMl: Dell. Dell, Dell!
DELL: No, no.

SAM: What did you say to my daughter?
What did you do?

NAOMl: Did he hurt you?
MAYA: What's going on?

VIOLET: Get out. Okay, let's go, honey.
MAYA: Nothing. No.

- Dr. Turner.
MAYA: He didn't do anything.

- What did he say?
- Nothing.

Okay, it's okay.

- I just... I saw him there and...
VIOLET: I know.

I know. We all thought the same thing.

No. Okay? I thought about my daughter.

It's not just about me.
I have a 6-year-old girl,

whose mother is a drug addict,
hanging around bad people,

and I can't control it.

And all I can do is pray that Betsey's safe
from people like Hal.

But I can't protect her, and I hate it.

Because you know
what it's like to be victimized.

I was 20,

in college.


And a man broke into my dorm.

And it was awful.

And violent.

And awful.

People like you and me,

we turn a negative
into something positive.

Helping people.

But people like Hal,

they're victimized,
and they just hurt more people.

They cause more pain.

I saw him with Maya and...

I don't know what he thinks about.

I mean, there's this girl
he keeps thinking about,

and I don't know
if he's thinking about a plan,

or if it's just something
that's gonna stay in his head.

- You have to stop him.
- It's not a crime to think bad things.

- He hasn't done anything.
- He wants to.

He wants to get better.

Is that enough?

Hey, did, uh, Maya finally get to sleep?


She said she felt dumb she couldn't
figure out he was the bad guy.

I should've never left her alone.

You know, I'm not sorry
that I punched Archer.

Well, you know,
you flirt with girls in front of my face

and get set up on dates in the office.

I know. I mean, I know in here. I just...

I never expected you
to be the first one of us

to move on.

Neither did I.

Ugh. Did it have to be Archer?

I didn't plan it, Sam.

But it happened.

And I'm not sorry it did.

You're always talking about
wanting to live your life.

I'm not gonna feel bad
for doing the same.

That's why we got divorced, isn't it?
To live our lives.

To be alive.

It's good.

You should try it.

You know what?
I'm glad it was me first.

Because now when it's you,
I'll know it's okay.


I want my key back.

I brought you a present.

It's all edible.

In fact, that's chocolate frosting
you're staring at.


You want me to melt?

You're supposed to be spying on me.
Not sabotaging my life.

If I knew it was such a big deal...

Did it have to be my best friend?

It was just sex.

At least with someone appropriate.
Bizzy likes Naomi.

Stop about Kevin.

Then help me understand it.

Because I want you to be happy, I do.
But I know you.

I know who you are,
maybe better than anyone else.

And this guy?

He's not you.

He's nowhere near you.

I don't know, Archer.


Kevin, finally.

Who is this?


Kevin, hey.

I told Leslie not to call you.

Shh. I'm here now.
We'll take care of you.

This isn't right, Addison.

You need to go, please.

Just... Just go.


His pressure's down to 80,
and his sats are dropping.

- Get a chest tube in. Stabilize him.
- That's what I'm doing.

Well, do it faster.

I told you you should've stayed home.

Make sure I behaved.

I don't care about the cigarette.

What are you doing here, Meg?

- You don't want me here?
- I do.

- You don't wanna be here. You hate it.
- I love it when you're around.


That's... You can't put this all on me.

I mean, you don't call, you show up.
You blow in, you blow out.

You expect me to drop everything,
and I can't.

You say that you want us
to figure things out,

but that's not what you want.

You wanna figure things out.

And when I know
that you don't wanna quit smoking,

and you don't wanna be in L.A.,
all that leaves is me.

And that's too much pressure.

It doesn't leave me any room
to figure out what I want.

There, upper right.

Perihepatic hematoma.

I see it, Dr. Montgomery.

ADDISON: If you just...
SURGEON I see it.

NAOMl: Addison.
ADDISON: I'm fine. It's okay.

Addison, it's Tess.

I've got the b*llet.

- Go to your patient.
NAOMl: Go. Go.

Go. I will make sure he's okay.


[WHISPERS] Thy will be done on Earth
as it is in heaven.

Her heart stopped beating.

The healthy one died?


Tess' body reacted to the anesthesia.

Her blood pressure and temperature
went critically high.

The baby just couldn't take it.

I'm so sorry, Tess.

It's all we wanted.

These babies.

And now...

I shouldn't have talked you
into that surgery.

No, this isn't God, Gregory.

It can't be.

Because I know,

I know, he did not put us on this journey
to take all three of our babies.

She said it, Tess.
There's nothing we can do.

Two of my babies are still fighting.

You said to trust in medicine,
to trust you.

Please, you have to help them.

You nearly died a couple of hours ago,

Your body can't take another surgery.

My body can't take losing all of them.

We could use local.

She'd be awake,
and there's a risk of hemorrhaging.

You could have a heart attack. A stroke.

It's too dangerous.

I know you put the mother's life first.

I don't want that.

You talked me into this surgery.

You told me letting her do it
was God providing.

I believe that.

I have to believe that.

And if you believe that, if there's a chance
that you can save these babies,

you have to do it.

You have to do something.

Yes, Judge Ortiz?

I'm sorry to call you so late.

This is Dr. Violet Turner.

It's about Hal Jarvis.

I think Jody Sampica's in danger.

How are they doing?

ADDISON: Good. Hang in there.
Just a little bit longer.

I'm scared.


ADDISON: I need you to stay with me,
Tess, okay? Look at the monitor.

See the connecting vessels?

We're almost there.


In place.


What happened?

I just separated the babies' arteries.

- They're beating on their own now.
- You did it.

You were supposed to be helping me.

All I did was talk to that girl in the lobby.

I know that.

And I know

that whatever goes on in your head,

you didn't put those thoughts there.

But you and I both know
that they're there.

And when you were talking to her,

they're there.

And what starts out as just wanting to talk,
leads to wanting to do more.

Like with Jody.

It's a fantasy.

It sounded like a plan, Hal.

I have an ethical duty to protect anyone
in harm's way, and you know that.

And I know you well enough to know
that you'd want me to protect Jody.

You don't want to do anything
to hurt her.

But you can't control it yet.

I haven't done anything.

I haven't done anything.


I haven't.

I know.


I got shot.

And I could get shot again.

- I'm a cop.

I'm a cop, Addison.

Stop trying to class it up.

I'm a cop who's got a couple of grand
in credit-card debt.

Who goes go-cart racing

and gets his news from Yahoo!
Instead of The New York Times.

I don't fit into your life,
and I don't feel comfortable in it.

So, what, you're just...?

You're gonna quit on me?

Because somebody put the idea
in your head that you're not good enough?

This is my life.

And have I ever said once
that you are not good enough?

Don't quit on me.

Don't quit on us.


You did the right thing, turning Hal in.

I hope so.

- I wanted to ask you for a name.
- Oh, good. Good. I'm glad.

- There are therapists who specialize in...
- I don't want a therapist. I need a lawyer.

I'm gonna get custody.

I'm gonna protect my daughter.


I came down here yesterday
to tell you off.

To tell you I hated you.
And you turned it around.

You do this to me, and you pretend
that it's okay, that things are normal.

And I let you. I slept with you.
And I ate chocolate off your naked body.

But this is not normal.

This is not okay.

This isn't about us.

I asked you to move in.

I was ready
for you to be a part of my life.

But clearly, I'm not part of yours.

I'm done, Charlotte.

You were right. I didn't call
because I didn't want you to say no.

I love my work,

but there's a hole in my life,
and I thought maybe you might fill it.

So here I am.

And when you're here, it's great.

But when you're not, it's hell.

I don't know who I am,
I have nothing to do.

And I think about work,

about how pissed I am
that all I can think about is work.

Cigarettes are the only thing that
can calm me down, but if I smoke them...

I'm sorry I pushed.

I want this to work, Peter.

I'm sorry I pushed back.

But I don't want you giving up
anything for me.

I won't.

You've been around Bizzy too long.

You're becoming one of them.

We are them.

You know what I like about Kevin?

He's real.

And he makes me happy.

And he doesn't care
that I'm a Forbes Montgomery.

He cares about me. Addison.

He's not just some meaningless fling
I picked up on the beach, Archer.

He's my boyfriend.

It's time for you to go home, Archer.


You said you wanted to sit down with your
best friend and tell her what happened.

- Really?
- So long as it doesn't involve me

hearing a single detail
about my brother having sex.

Or being naked.
Or anything that might make me feel ill.

I can live with that. Come in.
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