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02x13 - Ivy on the Run/After the Rain

Posted: 10/14/22 12:57
by bunniefuu

Think you can sneak up on me,
alarm bug? I've been awake for hours!


Excuse me, young lady.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm meetin' Sprig for
some Glitter Bug huntin'.

I told you last night, remember?

I remember saying you
had to finish your chores first.


Now let's see how
good a job you did.

Aha! What's this?

A plate?

A filthy plate!

And just look at
these napkin swans.

Their necks are
looking pretty sad.

Aw, come on,
Mom. They're good enough.

They most certainly are not!

Now fix your shoddy work or you
aren't goin' anywhere, young lady.

But, Mom, I'm gonna be late!

Up, bup, bup. Should have thought
of that before you rushed your chores.

Heavens! That'll
be the morning rush!

- Come on in, everyone!
- My favorite time of day.

Oh, Mr. Patterson,
is that a new scarf?

Hello, Ivy.

Uh, how's it hanging, Ivy?


Oh, Ivy. Sorry,
didn't see you there.


Hey, Ivy. I wasn't here talking
to myself. That's for sure.

Uh-huh. Well, sorry I'm late.

My mom was on my case
again. It's so annoying!

I'm sure she's got
her reasons. I guess.

Muay Thai! Muay Thai! Muay Thai!
Muay Thai! Muay Thai! Muay Thai!

We're Muay Thai-ing!

You're what?

It's a form of traditional
Thai martial arts.

My mom enrolled me in a class when
she realized how high-spirited I was.

♪ I'll tell you what I need What I really,
really need ♪

You know what
Mommy really needs?

You. Out of her kitchen.

Anne's gonna teach me some
sweet moves. You guys wanna join?

Aw, man, that sounds awesome.

But Sprig and I can't. We're
about to go glitter-bug hunting.

Muay Thai! Muay Thai! Muay Thai!

let's catch some bugs. Okay!

Gotcha. Nice one.

So tell me more about
your adventures on the road.

I wanna hear all the details.

they really looked up to me in Bittyburg.

And Ribbitvale was crazy ritzy,
but I fit right in.

I pretty much have friends in
every town from here to Newtopia.

Ah, your trip sounds amazing.

I've never even been out of Wartwood.

next time I head out of the valley,

maybe you can come with me.

I mean if you want, no big deal.

Heck, yeah, I do.

Check it out.

All right,
Sprig. Time for the super net.

Aha! Ready? One, Two, three...

Ivy Sundew!

No! Come back!

you're late for your tea ceremony lessons.

But, Mom,
me and Sprig just got started!

Don't "but,
Mom" me. Come home this instant!

She's so cool.

Okay, listen well,
my young pollywog.

Muay Thai is all about...

Enough talk.

Ow. Wha... How did you...

You're too eager.

My instructor "Jai yen yen."

It means to have
patience and a cool heart.



Uh... totally wasn't watching.
Nothing creepy going on here.

Say, that looks like
fun. Mind if I give it a try?

Ha. You? Good luck, Wallers.


Holy cow,
Wally. You're pretty good at this.

You see this right here,
Polly? This is what you should be doing.


First things first.

We need to evaluate
your attention to detail.

Now, this was my table
setting from this morning.

And this was yours.

What's wrong with it?
There's no difference!

You're just missing that
extra something-something.

It's the details that count,

I'll demonstrate. Then you follow.

We'll start with folding
the swan napkins.

We all have our off days,
I suppose.

Next, let's steep the tea.

Careful. Don't
break my frog china.

Oh, sh**t,
did I leave a kettle on?

Oh, we'll deal with that in a
bit. Now for my favorite part.

Changin' the tablecloth!

Ivy, if you're going to do things halfway,
we'll just have to start over.

That does it! I don't want to do
any of this boring, frilly garbage.

I wanna travel the world
and have my own adventures.

The only thing that's garbage
is your attitude, young lady.

A nice cup of oolong
will cure that right up.

Do you care about
anything other than tea?

You just don't get me, Mom!

I've got to get out of here.

"Adventure waits for no one."

Posters on my wall,

are you trying to
tell me something?

Well, I can't just leave!

There has to be another way!

it's hard to argue with that logic.

Whoa. How'd I do that?

Huh? Ivy?

Come on, Sprig.

- You and I are leaving the valley. Tonight.
- Wha...

You said you had
friends in every town

from here to Newtopia, right?

Uh, yeah. But...

Great. You can be my guide.

Let's go!


Woo-hoo! Freedom.

No more tea,
no more swan napkins...

just me, you, and the open road.


what if I was exaggerating

about how much of an
out-of-valley expert I was?

Ivy Hibiscus Matcha Sundew!

You come home this instant!

You're in big trouble,
young lady.

Oh, yeah, Mom?

Well, me and Sprig are runnin'
away and leaving Wartwood for good!

So there!

You kids are in big trouble!

Not bad,
Polly. But you still lack...


This is impossible. I'll learn
how to fly before I learn...

Oh, hey, thanks.

Ivy Sundew,
I've had it with your disobedience!

Well, I've had it with your nitpicking,
your rules, and your tea lessons!

I can't believe I have raised such an
ungrateful and disrespectful daughter!

Oh, yeah? Well, then,
maybe I don't even wanna be your daughter!

Sorry, it's just... I wanna see the world,
you know?

Get my hands dirty,
learn martial arts, things like that.

Martial arts, eh? Fine.

You don't have to take
tea lessons anymore,

if you can beat me
in a martial arts fight.

Three rounds. And you
only need to win one.

Wha... Seriously?

Me against you?

This is gonna be easy.




- Huh, must've been a lucky dodge.
- Here I come!


And Felicia gets the
boop! Round one to Felicia!

Whoa. Where'd you
learn those moves?

picked them up on my travels.

Travels? What travels?

Two for Felicia!

It's the third and final round.
Whoever wins this, wins it all.

tsk. Shouldn't have rushed in.

Now you're gettin' it.

Finish it.

- Fold the swan napkin. - Huh?

I said fold the swan napkin.

I got free, but-but...

- Now sift the tea. - What?

Sift... the... tea!

Now, Ivy, change the tablecloth.

It's all right. Do it.

Round three to
Ivy! Ivy wins! Whoo!

where did you learn those moves?

I was a little bit of an
adventurer myself back in the day.

Where do you think my exotic
selection of teas comes from?

Or my frog china?

I-I had no idea.

Ivy, you think I don't see you,
but I do.

You want to travel the world,
and I get it.

But you have to be patient,
because it's dangerous out there,

and I just want you to
be ready before we go.

You don't mean...

Mm-hmm. All of these tea
exercises were to prepare you

for when I take you on my
next tea-gathering adventure.

You're the best mom ever!

Mmm. I still can't believe you used
to be some kind of world traveler.

Oh, honey. Where do
you think I met your father?

Mom, please!

I guess our work here is done.

To be honest,
I have no idea what's going on.

Hey, have you guys seen Polly?


You what?

That was technically your fault.

Eh, there's a good chance
he won't remember this.