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01x12 - Civil Wart/Hop-Popular

Posted: 10/14/22 12:45
by bunniefuu
Theater night.

The one night a month we come
together, watch our stories,

and forget all our horrible,
horrible troubles.

Now who wants popcorn?

- Oh, me, me!
- I do!

- My seat! - My seat!
- My seat!

Theater night,
theater night!

Oh! Right in the middle!

- Dibs!
- That seat is mine!

Not if I get there first.



No fair. You have appendages.

Tut-tut. Sprig,
give Polly the seat.

Say what? Come on, Hop Pop.

I got here first.

That's what older brothers do,

They look out
for their little sisters.

Now, move that rump
over to that stump.

Bummer, dude.

It's just not fair.

Just because she's
a little younger,

she always gets
special treatment.

I'm an only child,
so I don't relate.

All my parents' attention
was focused on me.

And it was... awesome.

- Lucky you.
- All right, now.

Everybody settle down.
I have some bad news.

The acting troupe had
to cancel on account of...

well, being eaten
on the way here.

We need our stories!

Hold up, everyone.

I have something
that might work.

It's called a "movie."

It's like a play,
but totally better.

A movie.

- Thanks, Tad, local glass artisan.
- Yep.

Okay, so tonight I'm going to be showing
the timeless classic Love Choice,

which has always been one
of my favorites because...

Just start the movie!

You got it.

Dang it.

In the
not so distant future,

three grounded
yet supernatural teens

must navigate their feelings

if they hope to survive.

Wait, how could they be both

grounded and supernatural?

Oh, Hunter. I know that together
we'll make it through this nightmare.

Constance, my cybernetic abs
belong to you and you alone.

Hmm, Polly likey.

I know I said
I liked Hunter,

but I can't help but be drawn
to you as well, Alastair.

May I sing you the
traditional song of my people?

I like this Alastair.

He's ethereal,
yet approachable.

It is now time for me
to make my love choice.

I choose... I choose...


We must go after her!

- I'll save you, Constance!
- I'll save you, Constance!

To be continued...


- That was the end?
- Who did she pick?

I'm so frustrated
right now!

Believe me, guys.
Been there.

They are making a sequel,
Love Choice 2, but it's not out yet.

I'll tell you who she picks!

Hunter! He's a beefcake.

What? She should pick Alastair.
He's a thinker.

A dreamer.

Listen up!

I don't even want to live

in a town with someone
who likes Alastair.

Well, I don't want to live in a
town with someone who likes Hunter.

That does it!

Everybody who chooses Hunter,
get behind me!

- Yeah!
- He looks strong.

He's so attractive.

anyone who likes Alastair

can get behind me.

- Alastair's my man!
- Definitely Alastair.

- Excuse me, pardon me.
- Hey!

Sprig, just let Polly win
this one,

before things
get even worse.

Sorry, Hop Pop.
But I've had it with this pollywog

and her special

We ain't backing down!

This means w*r!

I have a bad feeling
about this.

Eh, I'm sure by morning
clearer heads will prevail.

Or, you know, not.

I don't believe this.
The town is split right down the middle.

Hail Alastair!


Hail Hunter!


This is just like
an Internet message board...

but IRL.

Were things on this "Internet"

resolved in peaceful
and civilized ways?

See for yourself, dude.

Oh, gosh.

I forgot my house
is over in Alastairtown.

- Ow! Ow!
- Take that, you stinking Hunterite.

If we don't do
something fast,

this whole town is going
to tear itself apart.

Polly and Sprig
are the ringleaders.

If we can just get them
to get along, we'll be fine.

- Amazing, Leader Sprig.
- You have the voice of an angel.

Deer Sprig,
you have a visitor.

Should we throw her
in the deer prison?

No, no. It's okay. Thank you,
Deer Stumpy and Deer Croaker.

- Take five, deer friends.
- Mmm.

Anne, great to see ya.

Are you here to join
our deer choir?

I'm here to tell you

this dumb feud
with Polly is dumb.

And you need to end it.

Just let her have
this one, dude.

You're an only child, Anne.

You don't understand.

I'm always giving up things
for Polly.

Well, no more!
The only way to end this

is if Polly submits to me!

- But...
- We're done here.

- Ha!
- Got you.

Oh, come on.
This isn't cool, Sprig.

This isn't cool!

That's Deer Sprig to you.

And stay out
of Alastairville.

Anne! Polly's not budging. She won't
even see Sprig till he surrenders.

Not only that, but they
graffitied my tum-tum.

- Any luck on your end?
- Nope.

How are those kids
supposed to make up

if they won't even see
one another?

I know, right?
We've got to get them together.

But how...

Hey, Hop Pop.
You ever play capture the flag?

So I named my kid
Alastair last night.

Wow, you're a good dad.

Personally, my favorite thing
about Alastair

is how he's not afraid to cry.

No! She's stealing
the sacred flag!

Quick, sound the alarm!


Chief Polly,
an old man is climbing the flagpole.

Somebody get him!

For Hunter!

Ha! Got it!

Anne, you did it!

Got you!

For Hunter!

Eh, he'll be fine.


No Hop Pop yet.

Oh, man.
I hope he was able

- to get the flag..
- Watch out!

- Whoo! Both flags captured!
- Now what?

Now this.

Ha ha! Tricked you all!

Now that you're face-to-face,
how about discussing this like civilized...

- Whoa!
- So, older brother,

you here to finally admit
I'm right

and surrender
to the... Hunter tribe?

- Death first!
- Then perish!

Take this, you brutes!

Well, at least we brought them
together to clear the air, right?

- Too bad they couldn't...
- Aah!

Retreat, my dear brethren!

After those
wimpy deer cowards!

Hail Hunter!


Something's off.

- Aah!
- Ow!

It's a trap!


You lose, Polly. Looks like your special
treatment couldn't help you this time.

- Now just surrender...
- Enough talk! Let her have it!

Uh, what?


That's what
older brothers do, Sprig.

They look out for
their little sisters.


What have I done?


Why, Sprig?
I don't understand.


Because seeing you in danger
made me realize...

it doesn't matter what's there.

What matters is that I'm here
to take care of you.

We surrender, Polly.

We... surrender.

Bro... brother. No...


Hoo! All right, folks.
Pack it in, we're done.

Yeah, this thing
is pretty played out.

Wait, what?

Glad I finally got a chance
to use this bad boy.

Now, that was exciting.

You guys were
at each other's throats

just a second ago.

Are you seriously
over this already?

Oh, that's just
the way we are, Anne.

You should have seen last year's
avocados versus almonds fiasco.

We almost tore this place
to the ground.

Whew, good thing it's over. I don't even
remember what we were fighting about.

I can't believe we almost k*lled
each other over a work of fiction.

I know, right?

Can we watch another one?


Hey, Sprig!
Over here!

- I saved you a spot.
- And I brought you some sweets.

You're a good
older brother, Sprig.

Aww, well, ain't that nice.

Now scooch over.
I need a seat.

Hello, everyone!

For tonight, I've picked
a conflict-free independent film

called My Dinner with Anders.

- But before we start, a little context.
- Just start the movie!

You got it.

Episode : "Hop Popular"

Sync corrections by srjanapala

Hey, Hop Pop! Got the groceries!

Couldn't buy much since we've
barely got any money left.

Feeling any better,
Hop Pop?

No. Ever since we lost
the vegetable stand

I've just felt, well, lost.

I was fine
the first couple of days,

but it's really starting
to catch up with me.

Well, maybe this
will cheer you up.

- Pa-pow!
- The Grub-N-Go's hiring greeters.

All you gotta do is smile
and be friendly.

Just another job for me to lose.

See? You're a natural.

Now head out there and
get back in the game.

Lemme go! The couch is the
only one who understands me!

Thank you, Mr. Plantar.
Don't call us, we'll call you.

Got to get ready!

What's all this rabble?

Sign-ups for the election!

You been living
under a rock?

- 'Cause I have and even I knew that.
- Election?

Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected,
I will always look out for the little guy.


Some mayor.

That guy keeps raising
our taxes,

and what do we got
to show for it?

Our snail-ways are a mess.

Our buildings are falling apart.

Heck, we ain't even
replaced the schoolhouse

after last year's
millipede incident!

Am I crazy, or is
he making sense?

Maybe we need a mayor who looks
out for the people he's mayoring.

'Cause ours, well...

He's only looking out
for himself.

Anyway, good afternoon,

I nominate Hopadiah Plantar
for mayor!

- I second that!
- I third it.

Let's hear it
for Hopadiah!

Sounds good to me.

Hop Pop for mayor, everyone.


Guess what, kids!

- You passed the interview?
- You got the job?

Nope! I'm running for mayor.

- Huh?
- Don't you see, kids?

If I win this election,
I'll prove once and for all

that Hopadiah Plantar
ain't no loser!

Oh, no. If he loses,
he'll be more down than ever.

And we just got
the couch cleaned.

But if he wins maybe we'll
get the old Hop Pop back!

- True that.
- Fair point.

Hop Pop, we're all in!

Really? Aw, kids.

I won't let you down.

If anyone needs me,
I'll be in the bathroom

my distinguished expression!

Ugh. Politics are the worst.

Yeah. The monster fights
are pretty cool, though.

The what now?

You've made a powerful enemy
today, Hopadiah.

Toads have run
uncontested for decades.

This is a disgrace.

The only disgrace
is you as mayor.

Oh, I like this Hopadiah.

I don't know.
Toadstool is tried and true.

Ahem! Welcome to the
official mayoral trials,

where the candidates
try to win your vote.

I'm suddenly very interested
in politics.

Okay, Anne. That's enough.

Our first trial is
all about strength.

The first candidate
to mount the beetle wins!

Ready, set, go!

Oh, my giblets!

I've got you!
No, I don't!


Come and get it.

The second trial
is about sensitivity.

Can you figure out what
these hatchlings need?

A good mayor would.

I know what these dumb birds want.

All right, all right.

Here's your handout.

Oh! Oh!

- There, there, sir.
- Hmm...

- Aww...
- That's how he fed us

when we were babies.

Being mayor is a lot like
being dropped in the woods naked

and forced to find
your way home.

So that's what we did!

Thanks for showing me
the way, Jeremy.

Safe travels, brother.

Yeah! Whoo!

Hop Pop! Hop Pop!

This is getting out of hand,

I could actually lose!

Looks like we'll have
to stop him... Ow!

The old-fashioned way.


Excited for the final trial
tomorrow, Hop Pop?

Not really.

I know I've been doing well,

but if I mess up tomorrow,
it could cost us the election.

Mr. Plantar, an anonymous associate
would like to speak with you.

- You mean the mayor?
- No comment.

Come on. You only know
like one person!

I said no comment!

Ah, so glad you could join me,

I'll give it to you straight.

I want you to lose
tomorrow's trial.

Well, yeah. I figured.

No, you dimwit,
lose on purpose!

In return, I'll give you
a new vegetable stand.

Heck, I'll put it in the center
of the market, tax free!

You'll make tons of money.

That's, uh...
hard to say no to.

Well, then, don't.

Hey, Hop Pop.

So, uh, what did
the mayor want?

If I lose on purpose,
Toadstool will give us the stand back.

What? No!

You've got
a real chance to win.

He'll also make us rich.
We'd be set for life.

Oh, in that case,
take the deal.


We were all thinking it!

Polly's right, guys.

It's just too good to pass up.

Well, whatever you pick,
we'll be behind you, dude.

All the way.

Thanks, kids.

Guess I've got some thinking
to do.

and gentlephibians,

you know the candidates,
you've seen 'em fight monsters.

But for the final challenge,
you'll see them fight... each other!


Now you both know the rules.

Fight starts as soon as
the bell rings.

What? Ring the bell?



Ow! Okay, Plantar! You've put on
a good show but... that's enough!

This can't be good.

Like we talked about.

Stay down, Plantar.

Get up!

You can do it!

Come on, Hop Pop!

Stay down!

What are you, crazy?
You could have been rich.

You could've had
your stand back.

All you had to do was give up!


Because this is about more
than just me!

That's a knockout!

Huh? Ring the bell!

- Hop Pop!
- Yeah! Whoo!

Well, folks,
that wraps up the trials.

Now it's time
to tally the votes!

With 88 votes, 100% of Wartwood,
Hopadiah Plantar!

What? I won?

And with 22,000 votes,

the entire rest of the Valley,
Mayor Toadstool!

- What?
- Congratulations, sir.

Thank you. Thank you all.

You're all too kind.
Democracy wins again!

Well, you certainly gave this
toad a run for his money.

Good thing you didn't win
though, huh?

A frog beating a toad.
That would have made headlines!

Just be proud
the whole town loved ya.

I'm surprised the rest
of the valley didn't.

How was I supposed to know the
rest of the valley got a vote?

I'm a theater major,
for cricket's sake!

Wait, wait now.
You didn't campaign outside Wartwood?

Oh, son. That's just sad.
Really is.

Almost takes the joy
out of my victory.

The victory piñata is all
set up in the lobby, sir.

Well, I did say "almost."

Wahoo! Piñata!
I'm gonna hit it.

Hey, Hop Pop...

You okay?

Yep! I've never felt better!

- Huh?
- Really? You know you lost, right?

Are you in shock?
Is he in shock?

I may have lost,

but I stood my ground

and fought
for something important

- and that feels good.
- Hopadiah?

Uh, may we have a word?

We all pitched in
and built you a stand.

For giving us something
better than produce...


You've made us all proud.

I may have lost the race,

but I'm back at the market
with all of you.

And that makes me a winner.

This is perfect.

I wouldn't have put the root
vegetables with the tubers, though.

It's not important.

I'll fix it later.