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24x04 - The Steps We Cannot Take

Posted: 10/14/22 07:30
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

- Mom!
- Hey, sweetie.


I am so sorry, Miss Olivia.

Oh, please don't apologize, Martha.

Go home and take care
of your husband's migraine.

- Thank you.
- OK, well, uh...

- We'll see you tomorrow?
- Yes.

- OK, great.
- Yes, bye.

- She feed you yet?
- Not yet.

Well, Mommy is tired and hungry,

so, what do you say
we go to Shake Shack?

- Really?
- Cute kid.

Ah, Noah, this is Detective Muncy.

- Nice to meet you, little man.
- Hi.

OK, I'll meet you at the elevator.

- You're working late?
- Yeah.

Sarge approved overtime
on my peeping Tom case.

Figured I'd eliminate every

Hamilton Heights
rando on the sex registry,

and maybe get lucky with a perp

that doesn't like to commute.

- Well, did you find anything?
- Big waste of time.

So, there's nothing that
you can do about dead ends,

but, just make sure,

that all your mistakes happen
before you hit the stand,

because there's no do-overs in court.

- OK.
- OK.

Also, Muncy, gentle reminder.

This isn't g*ng unit, right?

You got to do something
about your wardrobe.

OK. Good night.

Good night.

Dad, do you even know
what you're doing?

I do now, after watching that video

you were kind enough
to send me three times.

Why don't we just call a contractor?

After what happened?

The less we use them, the better.

And if I do the work, we'll save money.

Money we need to buy
all the kitchen equipment.

Dude, this is too painful to watch.

Would you like to give it a try?

I totally would, if I didn't
have so much math homework.

Then go do it, totally,

instead of acting like my supervisor.

- Hey, hey, hey. OK, you two.
- Whatever.

Do you hear how she talks to me?

- Dude, totally, whatever.
- OK.

Rav, it's America.

You wanted to come here now...

For a change.

Come here.

So, what's next, a pedicure?

Do I look like the kind
of girl that gets a pedicure?

Look, I uh...

I'm not, I'm not a stylist.
Why am I here?

I told you.
My brother's got a date.

Well, for all you know,
I could have been on one too.

Oh, yeah?
With which hand?

Which one do you like?

Split the difference
and go with the gray one.

All right, weird question.

Which one's the gray one?

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

I'm colorblind.

That's why I asked you to come with me.

Yeah, it looks great.
It suits you.

Just get whatever you like.

It's not about what I like.
It's about what Benson likes.

SVU is not the g*ng unit.

We're working with victims now,

and Benson wants me to project
empathy and professionalism.

Well, you got the first one down.

Come on, cowgirl.


Who are you?

What are you doing?

There's no money.

I promise.

There is nothing in the till.
We are not open yet.




What's your emergency?

Where is Priya?

Nisha and Rav Singh own the restaurant

and live in the apartment above it.

So, the intruder
forced his way in the back?

Yeah, he shot the husband
in the kitchen,

made his way upstairs to the wife.

- Are they OK?
- They're both unconscious.

On their way to Mercy as we speak.

Listen, so far, this is
sounding like a home invasion.

- Why'd you call us?
- Well, the wife was naked.

It looked like a r*pe.

Copy that.

- There's a lot of blood.
- Yeah.

. cal.

That guy is lucky to be alive.

You think the wife was the real target?

I mean, look at the place.

- There's nothing to steal.
- Yeah.

The missus was laying right here.

Shower is still wet.

That explains the nudity.

So, wife's washing up.

She hears him coming in,

reaches for the phone, and calls .

Boom, ambushed.

The operator sends the unis,

who only ID it as r*pe
and get us involved.

And you don't think this is a r*pe?

One look at the bedroom will tell.

Perp was in full control.
Husband is down for the count.

He could have r*ped her in the bedroom,

then dragged her over here

in an attempt to wash away
the evidence before the shot.

Yo, Velasco.

They have a teen daughter.


- Unis didn't mention that.
- Yeah.

Priya Singh.

Packed in a hurry, dumped
her clothes in a trash bag.

Now it's starting to make sense.

Immigrant family, dad
didn't approve of her dating.

She gets the boyfriend
to sh**t mom and dad

- before they run away together.
- OK.

You're putting
a little too much emphasis

on the birth control there, hot shot.

Sometimes young girls use them
to regulate their periods.

- I know that.
- Yeah.

But then, why hide it?

Like you said, immigrant family.

Pop is strict, old world,
wouldn't understand,

so, mom tells the girl
to hide them to keep the peace.

But she didn't run away,

not without her phone.

She was taken.

Priya Singh, .

Her family moved to the U.S.
five years ago.

She's now a sophomore at Stuyvesant.

And we think that she's the
target of the home invasion?

It's starting to look like it.

So, the perp knew she was home.

The restaurant was under construction.

- No security cams.
- CSU is checking for touch DNA, prints.

We canvassed,
but nobody heard anything,

not even the g*nshots.

Crime is on an upswing.

g*nshots are the new soundtrack
of the city.

What about the parents?
How are they doing?

Still in surgery.

Anything on Priya's phone,
social media, friends?

So far, no red flags.

Excuse me, Cap.

If you ask me,
I think it's a good thing

the guy emptied her drawers
and took some clothes.

He's planning to keep her.

It means there's a chance
she's still alive.

Good deduction.

By the way, nice jacket.

Mother's out of surgery.
She's asking for her daughter.


My husband, is he OK?

Your husband is alive.

He's here in ICU.

And Priya?

She wasn't in the apartment,
Mrs. Singh.


He took her?

Before he shot me,
he was asking where Priya was.

- So he knew her name?
- Mm-hmm.

Did you get a look at him?

No, he was wearing a,

that covered his face and his eyes.

Can you describe
anything else about him?

His, his race or his build?

He was a big man with dirty hands.

After I fell, I noticed his boots.

His boots, they were very strange.

They had some kind of an apron on them.

OK, um.

Have you had any men doing work
in your restaurant lately?

We had a contractor.

But, he and Rav had a fight,
and Rav fired him.

- Did he tell you why?
- No.

But that's why Rav has been
doing all of the work himself.

Yeah, I remember him.

That restaurant job down on th.

- The guy is a prick.
- How so?

That Indian guy wanted
his money back, all of it,

just because him and
one of my day laborers

- got into a fight.
- About what?

He claimed he was
looking at his daughter.

This laborer wouldn't happen
to be a welder, would he?

How'd you know?

OK, so we're looking for a welder,

who became fixated with Priya,
kidnapped her.

Do we have anything else to go on?

Contractor I spoke to
gave me a first name... Elias.

And I can't find him

through any other
local contracting companies.

And I called every trade
school in the tri-state area.

- No luck there.
- Got him.

Elias Olsen, .

Union says he hasn't
paid his dues since .

- Do we have a last known?
- Union sent his dues notices

to an address in Fishkill, New York.

Call the local sheriff,
have them meet us there.

And everybody wears a vest.

This guy shot two people
to get his hands on Priya.

No telling what he'll do to keep her.

It doesn't seem like anybody's home.

Check around back.

Did you run the house?

The utility bills
and the property taxes

are paid by Soren Olsen, the owner.

He's Elias's father.

- What do you know about Soren?
- Not a lot.

He has no arrest records,

and there's
no employment records either.

The light's on.

What's with the dollhouse?

Fresh tire tracks.

Check with the DMV.

These Olsen guys
don't have any kids, right?

Not that we know of. Why?

There's a dollhouse.

Ready to move when you are, Captain.

We're going in, now.

Elias Olsen?


Priya, it's the police.

Can you hear us?

Go clear the woods out back.

Kitchen clear.

There's no sign of Elias.

I guess he didn't bring her
to the house.

Maybe he's on the run with her.

Anybody home?

I got something.
Open this door.

Get me bolt cutters, now.






My name is Grace.
We're police officers.


My name is Olivia.

You're safe now.

We're gonna take you home.

It's OK.

It's OK.

Your name is Nadine, right?

We're gonna take you
to the hospital now, Nadine.

I'm not supposed to leave.

No one's gonna hurt you now.

Nadine, we're gonna take care of you.

Come with us.

Just, one step at a time.

It's OK.

It's OK.

There you go.

Listen, you're gonna,

you're gonna go to the hospital now,
all right?

And Detective Rollins
is gonna ride with you.


I'll be right there.


They've been locked in that
house for God knows how long.

We need to ID them and find out
if they have any family.

We have approximate age.
We have first names.

Nadine, Gillian...

If those are even their real names.

I mean, I know it's a start, so...

We check missing persons, NCMEC.

We run the rapid DNA.

The little girl, Bella,
keeps calling Gillian "Mommy."

If that's true, she could
have been born in this house.

Rush her DNA as well.

Muncy, you're gonna go with them.

All right? And after they
both get medical attention,

you guys find out if they can answer

any questions about Elias.

So take a guess
what the neighbors said.

Elias was quiet,
and he kept to himself.

Do we know anything about this guy?

Anything about the father, Soren?

- No one's seen him in a bit.
- It's real remote up here.

It's like the sheriff said.
There's not a lot on this guy.

No credit cards, no cell.

He transported Priya here last night.

What about the vehicle?

DMV confirmed
it was a white Chevy pickup.

We have alarms out.

The plate numbers are
in the license plate readers.

It's been over hours.

He could be anywhere.

We'll find him, Liv.

No one talks to the press,
until they talk to me.

Gillian Moore.

She disappeared on vacation
from Virginia Beach years ago.

I remember that case.

Disappeared walking from the
beach to her parents' rental.

- Mm-hmm.
- Heartbreaking.

Are the parents still alive?

Local PD is alerting them now.

Nadine Chavez.

Snatched off her bike years ago

in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.

Her parents were so devastated,
they moved back to Peru.

And we're trying
to track them down now.

OK, what about the little girl?

No missing persons report.

Gillian is sticking to the
story that Belle is her child,

so, we're waiting on DNA.

And another thing, Nadine is...

Three months pregnant.

Does she even know?

If she didn't, she does now.

The doctors say that
they're malnourished.

There's evidence of healed
injuries, sexual as*ault,

and, no medical,
or dental work for years.

What about Priya?

Uh, dazed and scared,
but not physically hurt.

OK, so go talk to her.

She was the last one to see Elias.

I woke up.


I heard my mom...

Screaming my name,

then a loud shot.

- Is she OK?
- Yeah.

She's OK, Priya.

And the doctors are
taking good care of your dad.

- Can I see them, please?
- Soon.

But right now, we need help
catching the guy who took you.

So, can you tell me what happened?


He threw me in the back of his truck,

told me to...

To stay down.

I begged him, to take me back, cried.


Any time I said something, he...

He would just tell me,

"Good girls get good things."

"Bad girls get bad things."

After that, I...

I just stopped talking.


That's Elias.

- Is he here?
- No, no.

No, I meant what I said.
You're safe here.

No one is going to hurt you, OK?

Where is he, then?

Well, that's what we're working on.

When is the last time you saw him?

I don't know.
Before you came.

Do you know where he was going?


But, he was in a hurry.

He brought the new girl downstairs,

locked her up with us, said,

- "Teach her."
- Teach her what?

The rules.

There's only two.

Good girls get good things,

and bad girls get bad things.

We got locked up in the basement.

That only happens when Elias goes out.



do you know when that was?

I'm trying to think.

I never knew what day or month it was.

It just always, felt like...


All the time.

- Sorry.
- Gillian, no.

- Gillian. Gillian.
- I'm so sorry.

You never have to apologize to me,
or anyone.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- It's OK.

I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's OK. It's OK.

It's OK.
It's OK.

Your mom's gonna be OK, sweetheart.

She's not a big talker,

because it's safer to stay quiet.

Right, Bella?

What's the rule?

Be a good girl.

You are a good, good girl.

Elias just disappears sometimes.

And when he disappears,
are you left alone?

I-I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Where's Gillian?

Gillian's here at the hospital.

She's safe, just like you.

I'm not feeling well.
I don't want to talk anymore.


It was pitch black in the basement.

I was scared.

I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I was quiet by then.

He said I was a good girl,

that he would bring me some treats.


You get anything from Nadine?

Before she shut down?

I got a full description of Elias,

- what he's wearing.
- OK, great.

We'll get that out wide.

Captain, he's using food
as a tool of control.

Good girls get good things.

It's called operant conditioning.

Ah, the kitchen was empty.

Nothing in the cupboards, fridge.

So, coordinate with Fin and Velasco.

I want an airship looking
for that white Chevy,

in every supermarket parking lot,

within spitting distance of Fishkill.

On it, Captain.

This one?

Or this one?

Elias Olsen. NYPD.

Hands where we can see them.

Get on the ground now.


I got you, you sick bastard.

Get her off of me!

- Get her off of me.
- Stop. Stop.

Come on, Muncy.
Come on.

Come on.
Take it easy.

Get him up.
Get him up.

Elias Olsen, you're under arrest.

It wasn't me.

Then who was it?

It was my daddy.

- He's blaming the father?
- Yeah, Soren.

any intel on where this guy might be?

No credit cards, no cell phone.

And this guy is smarter than he looks.

He wanted to wait on his lawyer.

Well, his lawyer is gonna salivate

when he sees that lump on his head.

What the hell happened?

I don't want to cause any trouble,

but it was your little rescue, Muncy.

- Muncy did that?
- Yeah.

She went all g*ng unit on his ass.

Broke one of our radios on his head.

OK, I assume
you got him medical attention.

Just got released by a doctor.

I don't want to take
any chances on this one.

Well, he has a thing for young girls.

When Muncy comes back,

have her go in there, and apologize.

So you got him?

We just have a few photos
for Priya to look at.

I don't want to see him again.

He can't hurt you ever again, Priya.

That's him.

- What happens now?
- We have him in custody.

He's gonna be questioned, arraigned.

This guy's going away for a long time.

Good news. Mrs. Singh,
your husband's awake.


- Everything OK?
- Yeah.

Elias' lawyer showed up.

Benson wants me to interrogate him.

Looks like that blazer
is doing its job.

The question is, can you?

Detective Muncy,

thanks for freeing up some time
from your busy schedule.

Is this the woman
who assaulted my client?

You hit me.

I had to get eight stitches.

I know.

I'm so sorry about that.

I hope you're OK.

It's OK.

I got a hard head.

Well, my client is here
talking, of his own accord.

That mean he's ready to cooperate?

Our vic ID'd your client,

and his g*n was a match
to the one used on the Singhs.

Elias, you shot two people.

And you kidnapped a -year-old girl.

No one's denying that.

But I understand
both victims recovered.

I didn't...

You know, touch that girl.

I-I didn't.

I didn't. I...

You know what?

I believe you.


You were buying ice cream
when we picked you up.

For Priya?

She was good.

My client is another victim.

We pulled two women and a little girl

out of a padlocked basement,

and the keys were in his pocket
when we cuffed him.

It wasn't me!

It was your father, right, you said?


Where is he now?


When is he coming back?

I don't know.

- He drives around.
- Where?

Different places.

Why'd you take Priya?

I wanted to...

Make him proud of me.

Let's call this what it was...


Elias Olsen was held c*ptive,
just like those women.

Yet somehow, he was able
to do odd jobs as a welder?

He's the victim of lifelong physical,

educational, and emotional neglect.


Pay attention, Muncy.

You're about to learn the difference

between a bad lawyer and a good lawyer.

You see, a bad lawyer,

can drag a case out for years.

A good lawyer knows
how to drag it out even longer.

From what my client tells me,

these women were
given full run of the house,

whenever he was home.

They had ample opportunity
to escape over the years,

and yet they didn't, not once.

Yeah, well,
not all chains are physical.

And I might say the same for my client.

OK, this guy, Carter, is pretty slick.

And she's green.

Imagine, what he'll do to a jury.

If it goes to trial,
Carisi will rip him up.

Soren is out there somewhere,
hunting other girls.

Where are Gillian and Nadine now?

They just got transferred to Bellevue.

You know, the walls in that house

that they were locked
in were pretty thin.

Maybe they heard something
about Soren's road trip.

Yeah, it's sick, but...

Soren calls it hunting.

So, Gillian, who took you?

Was it Elias?


Elias is big, but
I've never seen him be violent.

Are you sure?

Because he shot two people yesterday.

Soren is the one that took me...


I was coming back from the beach.

He was kneeling by a car,

said his cat was hiding underneath it.

And I stopped to help.

And then he threw me in the trunk.

That must have been so frightening.

He broke my fingers that first night

to teach me the rules,

and then my ankles,

once, when I tried to escape.

But after a while of being good,

he allowed me, to keep Bella.

She's the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

She kept me sane.


Where does Soren go hunting?

Soren would make us have sex
with him, like, all the time.

And what about Elias?

He never tried to touch us.

He knew we were
Soren's property, not his.

When is the last time you saw Soren?

I don't know.

But, when he would go out hunting,

Elias was in charge.

Did he say where he was going hunting?


- I don't... I don't know.
- You don't know?

How long ago did he leave?

A month, or two.

Time passes weird for us.

No, please!
No closed doors!

- It's OK. It's OK.
- I'm so sorry.

It's OK.

It's OK.
Look. See?

No closed doors.

It's OK.


Fin and Velasco are back in Fishkill.

Cadaver dogs find something?

Let's hope not, but uh,

what did you learn from Nadine?

Only that she's being evasive.

Well, I can understand why.

The DNA came back.

Elias and Bella are brother and sister.

Which means Soren is Bella's father.

He r*ped Gillian...

Nadine too, for over a decade.

Where is this guy?

The dog alerted in this area
of the yard about an hour ago.

So, what did you find?

A white male.
I'd say about .

Well, it looks like
Soren won't be coming back.

Advanced decomposition.

The weather's been warm.

The body has been buried
for at least six weeks.

Found a g*nsh*t,
in the south occipital region.

So, you're ruling it a homicide?

Well, I'm assuming he didn't

sh**t himself in the back of the head.

You should be a detective.

What else can you tell us?

The b*llet was fired at a low angle.

And then, we have our second body,

what the dog alerted to
from across the yard.

Skeletal remains of a newborn.

- Another homicide?
- Hard to tell.

Decomp is faster in newborns.
Less fat.

But, the hyoid bone is splintered.

If I had to hazard a guess,
I'd say he was choked

and in the ground
for at least a few years.


Baby boys have
a more defined brow ridge,

- prominent cheekbones.
- Two women

were imprisoned in that house,

so, either one of them could
have been the boy's mother.

That might explain the evasiveness

I was picking up from Nadine.

Bad girls get bad things.

Well, you can't blame her
for not wanting

to talk about the m*rder
of her infant son.

If it's even hers.

We're gonna need DNA.

There's something else
that might interest you.

The baby's burial was respectful,

unlike Mr. Olsen's grave.


Daddy is dead?
W-w-what happened?

Are you gonna pretend you don't know?

The slug in his cranial cavity

matches the one
you shot the Singhs with.

My client didn't sh**t his own father.

Well, like you said,

Elias was terrorized.

All the more reason to k*ll him.

We know he's capable.
He shot two people.

I never would have hurt my daddy.

The problem we're having,
Elias, it was your g*n.

So, can you explain that?

One of the girls
must have got in my room.

They sneak around.

I thought you kept them
locked up when you went out.

They're tricky.

I'm telling you.


I didn't.

I was just trying
to make him proud of me.


What am I supposed to do without him?

We have nothing further to discuss.

The Dutchess County DA
wants an update on the case.

I mean, certainly,
Elias is guilty of a lot...

Attempted m*rder,
abduction, confinement,

but patricide?

What are we, in ancient Greece?

Look, it was his g*n.

We have a ballistics match.

There's no other DNA
or prints on the w*apon.

And there's no alibi
at the time of the crime.

But we don't have a confession either.

The opposite, really.
The guy was crying like a baby.

He's only crying 'cause he got caught.

What's Elias, ' "?

The ME did specify that the entry wound

came from a low trajectory.

Well, how tall are the women?

Gillian and Nadine?

- They're under ' ".
- Look,

these women have been through enough.

So, I would prefer not to open
an investigation against them

if we don't have to.

You have an open homicide,
Captain Benson.

And as long as that's true,
you have an open case.


Soren is dead?

Are you sure?

We found his body.

He was shot in the back of the head.

Do you know anything about that?

I know Elias has a g*n.


Did you see Elias sh**t Soren?


We also found...

The body of a...

A baby boy, buried in the yard.

He was wrapped in a blanket.

Somebody who loved him,

buried him like that.

Soren said,

he already had too many mouths to feed.

He said, our food was too expensive,

He broke his neck.

He k*lled my baby.

And you buried him?

Me and Nadine,

we buried her baby boy together
about two years ago.


OK, and, um...

And what about Soren?

What about him?

Who buried him?

It must have been Elias,

after he shot him.

Because he tried to k*ll
that Indian girl's parents,

didn't he?

He did,

but, the medical examiner, um,

thought that Soren
was shot by somebody,

much shorter than Elias.

How do they know that?

From the angle that the b*llet entered.

Maybe it was that Indian girl

'cause she was really upset

over what happened to her mom and dad.


That is a good,
that's a good theory, Gillian.

But the timeline, doesn't add up.

So, if Soren didn't sh**t himself,

and Elias didn't sh**t him,

we know that Priya didn't sh**t him.

- So that leaves...
- It was me.

Elias didn't sh**t Soren, did he?


I did.

I shot him.

I shot him.

It was self-defense.

They both confessed?

Is it possible, that Nadine
and Gillian did it together?

Well, they're definitely
protecting each other.


Or somebody else.

So, Bella, I...

I know that you're supposed to be good.

Good girls aren't supposed to talk.

I know.
I know.

So, I'm just gonna ask you
a few questions.

That's it.
And you can just nod yes, or no.


All right.

did you know that Soren was dead?

That he was buried in the backyard?

That somebody had shot him?

Was it Nadine?

Was it your mom?

Honey, did you know that...

That Nadine was gonna
have another baby?

And, sweetheart, just one,
one final question, OK?

Did you know where Elias kept his g*n?

What happened?

Did you get some hot
sauce on your sleeve?

Nah, it's a speck of blood.

- What, from that big guy's head?
- Yeah.

I probably shouldn't have
thrown my radio at him like that.

You ever heard the policeman's prayer?

"Lord, get me out of this one,
and I'll never do it again"?

That's a good one.

I just don't want to
wind up on YouTube.

You know, back in my day,

we used to rough guys up all the time.

But this is not about YouTube.

You got to learn
to think more tactically.

Yeah, I'm lucky I didn't
take that guy's eye out.

I don't care about that.

I'm concerned with you.

You got to protect yourself,
in case we're not there.

What if things went real bad,
and you needed that radio?

And trust me.

You don't want a guy like Carter

taking you apart on the stand.

Copy that, Sarge.

Hey, this tough love thing,
did Benson put you up to it?

No, this was my idea.

But she knows, right?

Oh, yeah.
She knows.

Is she pissed?

Listen, if Benson is pissed,

you'll know about it.

Good night.

So, both Gillian and Nadine
have confessed?

And they're obviously both lying.

And Elias?

Elias didn't do it.

So, you have no suspects?

No suspects whatsoever?

Look, all I know,

is that Soren m*rder*d
Nadine's baby two years ago.

And now, Nadine is pregnant again.

So, it would seem likely,

that whoever shot Soren,

did so to protect this baby.


That seems...

Like the most likely scenario.

And this is where you tell me
you haven't the foggiest notion

of who that good Samaritan
might be, isn't it?

I believe this is what we call
a stalemate in chess.

I think I've been clear with you,
haven't I?

An open homicide means

that your case remains open forever.

Yes, of course.

And if the investigation
turns up a viable suspect,

you will be the first to know.


We understand each other.

But, Captain...

Justice may be blind,

but she's not entirely heartless.

And you'll see how heartless I can be,

should this conversation
ever come back to haunt me.

So, Maxwell just let it go?

Well, "let it go" is
a generous way to phrase it,

but, yeah, she made it clear

that she will not pursue
Soren's homicide unless we do.

And we're not.

Carisi tells me that Elias'
attorney pled not guilty.

This is going to trial?

Those women have to take the stand.


I just want to say goodbye,

and-and thank you.

Um, Bella and I are going
home to my mother's house.

I'm so glad to hear that.

And you know that we're here,

if you need anything.

And that goes for you too, Bella.

I almost don't want to leave,

because it's so safe here.

How am I supposed to walk out that door

knowing what's out there?


You know, there's also

so much good out
there in the world too...

Your freedom,

your family,

your whole life,

ahead of you.

You go live it.

I'll go with you, Mommy.

