01x05 - In Which Addison Finds a Showerhead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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01x05 - In Which Addison Finds a Showerhead

Post by bunniefuu »

[ ? Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 :
Mas Que Nada]



This isn't good.

- You being here.
- You want me to take the stairs ?

Working together. I...

I can't focus. I can't think.

- Really ?
- It's...

...your red hair.

- And your brain.
- I am very smart.

I barely notice your incredible breasts.

Or your cellulite-free thighs.

Because your brain
is such an immense turn-on

to a man as highly evolved
as I am.

Yes. I can see
how I might turn you on.

Pete ? Pete is your dream guy ?

Maya ! You're going to be late !

Friend spent the night,
which I never do on a school night,

but I'm trying to be the fun parent.

He's not my dream guy, OK ?
I had a dream about him last night.

And the night before that.

- And the night before that.
- OK. Maya !

I can do dreams.
It's just these particular dreams...

...making me incredibly...
- Do not sleep with Pete.

I don't want to sleep with Pete !
My head wants to !

It's not your head
that wants to. Maya !

I'm right here, Mom. God.

Hi, Auntie Addison. This is Ruby.

You didn't... How long have you two
been standing there ?

Why ? What are you guys talking about ?

- Shoes.
- Shoes.

Hey, Pete.

You guys k*lled at the Millrose Games.

I was hoping you could
take a look at Nic.

Hey, Nic ! She's got a cold,
doesn't want to see a doctor,

she's afraid taking something
will mess her up.

My stride felt off,
I got nothing left at the end.

Nic, this is Pete Wilder, the doctor
who helped me with my back.

I've seen you here. It's a chest cold.
I don't need a doctor.

- Pete does holistic medicine.
- I can treat without meds.

Stop by later today,
we'll see what's going on.

OK. Want to race ?


No. You go ahead.

OK. I think we all have a pretty full
day. So let's make this one quick, OK ?

Let me mention quickly, that Dell is
doing his first solo Pap smear today.

- We should all be proud.
- [Cheering]

It's just Pap smears. No big deal.

Don't choke, it might seem dark
and scary in there, but I think...

Do not mock the midwife.
Next order of business.

- Nicole Clemmons is coming in.
- The runner ?

Says she has a cold, but I heard
wheezing. I ordered pulmonary tests...

Why do you look so...

You look hot.

I... do I ?

No, I mean you look hot.

As in flushed, overheated.

Um, the next order of business ?

You're fantasizing about Pete ?

- Naomi !
- She's a licensed professional.

I do not need professional help.

- William Jefferson Clinton.
- Huh ?

It's 2010. Bill and Hillary
have grown apart.

It's nothing he did.
Just... it happens.

We inexplicably run into each other
at the Lincoln Memorial

- and it's very late at night.
- Oh, my God.

He recognizes something in me,
something that makes him feel whole.

Some talk about the Camp David Summit,

some chat about how we can't possibly
and the Secret Service is...

And the next thing you know, I have
a Presidential library in Little Rock,

and there's a legendary picture of me
and Bill laughing

and sharing sections of the Times

while our child plays
under the dinner table. And...


You're really over Allan, aren't you ?

Oh, I got Bill now. Bill's all I need.

So you don't think about someone real ?

Oh, Bill's real. Bill is very real.

Not Pete real. Not in the office real.

My point is : Whatever helps you
scratch the itch is fine.

- Oh, I don't do that.
- What ?

[Cell phone rings]

Hello ?


Yeah. OK. I will be right there.


I got to go. I'll see you later.

She doesn't do that ?

- If you have any pains, let me know.
- A patient of yours is in the ER...

Beth Burton. Somebody broke
into her house. She said she's hurt.

Her husband flew back from a business
trip. He'll meet you at the hospital.

- Is she going to be OK, though ?
- It wasn't that bad.

The man...

I came down the stairs,
I saw him there.

And he got spooked and took off. And I
tripped and fell onto the glass table.

Well, that's a pretty bad cut.

We're going to need a CT.

I'll call your mom.
Go check on the kids, OK ?


Pretty frightening.

It could have been so much worse.

Bill. Bill ?


- Naomi cannot keep a secret.
- OK, OK, OK.

First, who are you to talk ?

Second of all, did you notice
who I wasn't talking about ?

- Allan. Hey !
- I'm telling you.

I am over the hump.

Hey, were you expecting Allan ?
Because he's here.

OK, that's not funny.

You hear me talking about Allan

and you want to mess me up,
Pap smear boy.

No. He's here.
Allan's... in the lobby here.

You tell him to get lost.

It's like he has Spidey sense.
Every time you split up,

- the exact moment you breathe again...
- Violet ?

- Coop. Hey.
- Al. Hey.

Do you have a minute ?

- You have patients.
- I have patients.

Right. Yeah, it's the middle
of the work day.

I was just...

I was thinking about you. And...

Another time maybe.

- Good girl.
- Allan. I have a minute.

Maya ?

What's with the stealth call
and hiding ?

- Aren't you supposed to be in school ?
- Did you tell my mom ?

Not yet.

- What's the emergency ?
- It's... We think...

- I mean, I think that...
- Maya totally has a disease.

A disease ? What kind of disease ?

Tell her, Maya.

I'm pretty sure I have gonorrhea.


John went to fill out
some insurance forms.

Your CTs are negative. How you doing ?

- Cold.
- Yeah.

OK. Dr. Bennett ?


I saw something on the news
about this drug.

They said it worked for some
Katrina victims.

- What kind of drug ?
- It makes you forget what happened.

- Is it real ?
- I... I've never heard of it.

What I went through,
I know wasn't that bad.

But John's away on business a lot,

and I'm just afraid I'll never get
another good night's sleep.

OK. I'll look into it.

Please. And don't tell John.

I don't want him thinking he can
never leave me alone again.

Gonorrhea, that's the good STD, right ?

- You just give me pills and it's gone ?
- No.

I need to do a full pelvic exam.

- But...
- There's no buts.

I won't know if it's gonorrhea
until I check you out.

And I also need to rule out Chlamydia.

if you're engaging in sex,

you need regular checkups.
It's the responsible way to behave.

Although I don't expect you
to be responsible at 13, Maya !

Honey, look at me.

Are you... Are you OK ?

Did you do this because a boy...

Are you being pressured ? Because...

I'm not a little kid.

Mrs. Worth is here for her yearly.
This is the one I'm doing ?

- It's Pap time. Get papping.
- You don't want to be there ?

Just ask her if she wants
a female chaperone present

before you lay a finger on her.
Relax. Patients can smell fear.

Keep the speculum warm,
tell the patients what you're doing

before you do it. And introduce
yourself. Doctors always forget that.

I aced bedside manner.
I'll give a happy pap, no worries.

- Good. Where's Sam ?
- He had to go to the hospital.

- Naomi's in the back ?
- I don't need help ?

You're going to be fine.

I can do it myself.

Hello, I'm Dell Parker.
I'll be doing...

No, get checked napkins,
the red and white kind.

- They told me I was getting a nurse.
- I am. I have my nursing degree

- and I'm about to be certified as...
- They sent me a boy nurse.

I know.

Excuse me. I need to ask if you'd like
a female chaperone present for the exam ?

No. Just do it. I got to pick up
my daughter from ballet.

Right... OK.

I don't know. He's like five years old.

- Yeah.
- Let me just get this for you.

- OK. OK, OK, OK.
- He just dropped the thing.

OK. That happens.

- The thing ! Yeah.
- OK. Let's do this.

- You're not going to use that !
- No. A new one. I'm getting a new one.

Getting a new one.

OK, not a happy pap.
Not a happy pap.

- [Monitor beeping]
- [Breathing heavily]

It looks like you're working hard.
This pace should be a piece of cake.

I got an audience.

Wanted to see Nicole Clemmons
run in person, once,

before she's on my Wheaties box.

I've done some marathons.

Nicole, this is Dr. Charlotte King,
she does marathons.

[Rapid beeping]

- Uh, you should stop.
- I just got to push through.

Bad idea. Get off.

Stop !

They've been in there way too long.
They are not getting back together.


[Whispers] Good to see you.


- What ?
- Allan. He just wants to be friends.

- We're having coffee.
- [Sighs] Come on, Violet.

Sometimes friends can mean just friends.

- Look at me and Naomi.
- You two are so not friends.

- You guys are...
- A corporation.

We are handling a tough situation
with maturity.

He apologized for hurting me.
He just misses our conversations.

Allan always blows in, he makes you feel
all good and then he hurts you worse

and I pick up the pieces.

Sorry to interrupt.
I need... Could I get...

- I need to borrow you for a consult.
- Gladly.

Get help.

Hey... I...

Allan wants to be friends.
That's healthy. We're moving on.

If Cooper doesn't have to listen to it,
then neither do I.

Now, I have this patient, Beth Burton,

she interrupted a robbery in her home,
and she's interested in a drug

- used on post-traumatic stress.
- Propranolol, beta blocker ?

- So then it's for real ?
- Uh... It's controversial.

But, yeah. It's real.

It blunts physical response to
the memory consolidation of trauma.

- So then you don't actually forget.
- It more, um...

...lessens the fear and
panic when you do remember.

Will you talk to her,
make sure she's a candidate ?

- Yeah, sure.
- All right. Thank you.

Hey, Sam ? Um...

If I were to wear a skirt
to have coffee with Allan,

would that mean,
"I want to get with you ?"

Not that I want that !
I'm asking because I don't.

Little Maya ?
Little, sweet, innocent Maya.

From the Christmas card. The onesie
with the pacifier and the drool !

Sweet, innocent drool !

- God knows where that's been.
- Why me ?

Why did Maya have to come to me ?

Poor Naomi. I just ran
an STD test on her 13-year-old !

How do I tell her that ?

California has strict patient
confidentiality laws for minors.

I know.

But how can I keep something
like this from Sam and Naomi ?

- She's everything to them.
- Maya doesn't need you to tell them.

What she needs is someone she can trust.
Maya could use a friend right now.

So you be her friend, Addison.
You give her what her parents can't.

Nicole, you have severe bronchospasm.

Your oxygen levels
are dropping when you run.

You need inhaled steroids
and continuous nebs.

I can't use those ! I have
national championships coming up !

I know you want herbs,
but at this point you have no choice.

You cannot compete
until you control this.

- What ?
- If you listen to Dr. Wilder,

let him get you stabilized,
you will race again, but not yet.

- This is an Olympic qualifying meet !
- The condition you're in ?

If you run too hard, push too hard,
if you even walk too hard,

you could die.

- Here she is.
- Good morning.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Just ask her.
- OK.

What did you mean the other day
when you said you..."don't do that ?"

That... I don't do that.

You don't...
You actually do not...

You physically,
actually, do not do that ?

- I don't do that.
- I feel like she's speaking Czech.

- Or Mandarin.
- I'm not a prude.

It's just... I'm from Connecticut.

And besides, for me,
sex is a two player game.

Solo doesn't cut it for me.
You know what I'm talking about.

Showerhead massager.

What about Maya ? I mean,
I would think as a mother...

A mother with a very expensive
showerhead massager.

First, self-pleasure
is a feminine right.

As a single woman, sex cannot
always be a two-player game,

you get desperate
and play with the wrong guy.

Pete. Pete is the wrong guy.

Except in her fantasies, he's fine.
You know, do him in dreamland.

So you're saying,
to avoid having sex with Pete,

I need to have "sex" with Pete ?

No, you need to have sex with yourself.

Pete is more just like
a helping hand.

Please stop talking.

- Uh... Beth Burton is here.
- Yes, I'm coming right away.

- We were just...
- Ah. No. Don't... Don't explain.

I don't... I...

- He's going to tell Pete.
- He's going to tell Pete.

Hey, um...

How's, uh... How's Maya doing ?

I mean, she seems so grown-up.
After the divorce and she...

Actually, I think she kind of digs
having divorced parents.

You know, like, two houses and double
the clothes, you know. She's good.



Are you watching ? Addison doesn't
think I can do this ? I can.

I'm just observing.
You know, go. Do this.


OK. So, what I'm going to do is...

- What I'm going to do...
- You're cute.

- He's cute, right ?
- Let's just focus on the exam, OK ?

OK. So, sorry. I'm going
to tell you the names of the stuff.

- Is he allowed to be this cute ?
- She allowed to ask me that ?

She is, but you're not allowed
to pay attention. Keep going.


No. This isn't going to work.
You're way too cute.

[Stammering] No, no. I'm not. I'm not.
I'm ugly. I have moles in weird places.

No. Uh-uh. I'd be having all these
thoughts about your eyes and stuff. No.

No way you're touching me.

Unless you want to touch me ?

OK, Dell. I think
I can handle this one.

I would like to try
some therapy sessions

before we even consider
using the propranolol.

- Why can't we use the drug ?
- Even if you were to take it,

it would involve
sessions with Violet.

I would walk you through
the details of the event

after the drug has taken effect.

- All the details ?
- Right.

- I... I can't do that.
- I know, it can be scary. But...

No. No. I can't do that.

No, wait. Beth.


I got your test results back.

You don't have gonorrhea.

Really ? Well, that's great.

But could I get some of those pills,
for the guy ?

No. Absolutely not.
He has to see a doctor.

Maya, can I ask...

How long have you been having sex ?

Well, I don't know. A year ?

OK. A year.

- And the boy ?
- Well, there's a couple of boys.

A couple of boys ?
Not that I'm judging.

Friends don't judge. Just...

It's just because you didn't get an STD
now doesn't mean you won't get one.

- Not to mention HIV, a pregnancy...
- I use condoms.

They're not 100% effective
in preventing disease and pregnancy.

- They're not ?
- Maya.

Sex at your age...

Hey. I didn't know
you were here already.

- She's not bugging you, is she ?
- No.

She's, uh... No.

I just... I just wanted
to say hi to Aunt Addison.

Well, say goodbye to Aunt Addison.
You've got violin. Come on.

- Goodbye, Aunt Addison.
- Bye.

Beer ? Sudsy, relaxing beer ?

Violet is having coffee
with Allan tonight.

I deserve beer before
I wipe her off the floor.

I'm going to the track
to see Coach Mike.

How'd he take
having to bench Nicole Clemmons ?

He hasn't returned my calls.
She's the one I'm worried about,

- if she can't race for a while.
- Maybe she doesn't know about beer.

Have you told her about
our good friend beer ?

[Doorbell rings]


I left you a few messages.

I was just on my way out
for the evening.

I need to make sure you're OK.

Something more happened, didn't it ?

Than what you said.

[Man] On your mark...

Get set...

[whistle blows]

[Man] Go ! Go !

That's it ! Come on !

He put his hand over my mouth

and pushed against me
until I felt his g*n.

He had a g*n ?

I told him just to take
what he wanted and to leave,

but he shoved me down on the couch.

[Wavering] Please leave. Please leave.

What did he do, Beth ?

[Pete] She...

- She hasn't had any trouble breathing ?
- No.

Look at her go.
You're a miracle worker, Pete.

I didn't do anything.

I kept calling and then I remembered
he wasn't home. I was all alone.

It's not happening now. You're safe.

I kicked him, hard !

- He fell off me.
- You did ?

I got up and he grabbed my hair
and I fell onto the table.

My son...

I heard him wake up upstairs, crying.

Beth ?

That man hit you ?

He touched you ?

I've never seen her better.
She's about to break a record.

- Tell her to stop.
- You kidding ? The record...

She should stop.

Nicole !

He's barely said a word
since he found out. I thought, maybe,

because he trusts you...

It was right to tell the truth.

It's just how he is.
He takes everything on himself.

That man had his hands all over her.

He touched her.
I should have been there.

The thing you need to focus on
is your wife.

I'm going to give notice.

No more business trips, no more leaving.

- We're going to get a g*n...
- No.

How are you ever going
to rest easy in our home ?

- How are you ever going to feel safe ?
- Listen to me.

OK, there's something that I can take
so I won't remember this.

- A drug. We do not need a g*n.
- Let's go slow

before we go to medication.

Please. Nothing has changed.

I don't want to feel it.
I want the drug.

Where's her family ?

Out of the picture.

My wife and I,
we pretty much raised her.

Excuse me. Can I talk to you ?

What kind of snake oil
did you give that girl ?

We found it in her bag.
She's alkaloid toxic.

This isn't mine.

- I'm not even sure what this is.
- Well, that's a damn shame,

because she's your patient and
it may be what's about to k*ll her.

Come on, Vye. Open up. It'll be OK.

I got the post-Allan emergency kit.

Roscoe's and every Ashley Judd
sh**t-her-cheating-husband movie

I could find.

- Oh.
- [Both chuckle]

- Vye, you look, uh, good.
- Well, I shouldn't.

I had this intense thing with
this post-traumatic stress victim...

Who's there, Vye ?

I got it.

We're just talking.

OK ? Work went late and so he came here.

Save these for later.
You will need them.

- Cooper.
- No, no. See this is what I was...

Now is the giddy updraft, which just
means you'll have farther to fall,

and I can't be the one on clean up
detail when this goes bad.

Oh, so suddenly you're
a relationship expert ?

I'm an expert on this relationship
because it's all I ever hear about.

And you know what ? I'm done.


[Elevator dings]

- Come on.
- You're fantasizing about me ?

- No.
- It's sweet.

It's not sweet. It's... Go away.

- That what you said in your dream ?
- I'm not talking about this.

- You like me.
- Why...

Why do you have to t*rture me like this ?
Do you think this is fun ?

Kind of.


- OK...
- Oh, no ! No, sir !

I'm not having a child
poke around in lady town.

- I'm not a child. I'm...
- My facial hair is older than you.

- I'll take you.
- I can assure you that Dell...

- Your loss.
- I don't think so.

You know, Beethoven composed
his first symphony when he was five.

Picasso mastered the human form at
seven. This is what I was born to do,

and I'm doing it.
I would've rocked this Pap smear !

I guarantee, you'd never receive
a more respectful,

complete examination of "Lady Town"
in your life. So yeah, your loss.

- Go ahead. Go ahead. Go. Go.
- Thank you.

[Addison] She's my best friend.
I tell her everything.

How can I not tell her about this ?

[Exhales] Sometimes
you have to disengage.

You have to tell yourself
it's better... not to get involved.

- [Sighs]
- I'm disengaging.

Violet can do whatever she wants.
I'm not getting involved.

Not anymore. She can just... suffer.

- But we were talking about you.
- We were.

[Cell phone rings]

Hello ?

Maya. Calm down. Calm down.
I'm going to be right there. Bye.

- If Naomi asks where I am...
- Disengaged.

Maya ? What's wrong ?

- You said something was wrong with you ?
- Not me.

Ruby ?


We thought she just had gonorrhea.

What ? What ? You said that you...

- I thought you had...
- We lied. It was her.

We thought she just had gonorrhea,
but now we think she's pregnant.

Addison ! What's wrong with her ?

Ruby has a late stage ectopic pregnancy.

It's very dangerous, she's bleeding into
her belly. I've contacted her parents.

- What do I do ?
- She's lost a lot of blood.

- I've got to get her to surgery. Now.
- But... But what do I do ?

Mommy ?

It's typical for victims of
sexual as*ault to hide details,

to protect their partners.

John, right after the attack,
Beth started worrying about you.

Well, I'm not the one to be
worried about. Beth's the one...

What happened to Beth...

...was awful. But what she did...

Beth, what you did,

was incredibly brave.

You survived.

I survived.

[Deep breath, exhale]

I never thought of it that way before.

I survived.

I believe that you can get through this.

That you have the strength
to get through this. Without a pill.

What you're afraid of is not remembering
what happened to you that night,

you already did that.
And look. You're still standing.

What you are afraid of is not that
you're not strong enough to handle this.

What you're afraid of is...

That... John isn't
strong enough to handle this.

Wait, are you saying...

Are you saying that I'm too weak ?

I'm saying that you're human.

I'm saying she's your wife.

And you couldn't protect her.

And that's not your fault.

I'm supposed to take care of you.

John, maybe this time
you could let Beth take care of you.

And there's no pill for that.

Nicole, I need you to tell me the name
of the person that gave you this.

Maybe I just took too much.
I won't use it next time.

I don't think you understand
what this guy...

After today...

...l'm not sure
if you'll ever race again.

No. I did not work this hard.

I did not give up my life for this.

Nicole, you need to stay in bed.
Stop. Stop.


Tell me who did this to you.

- I didn't know !
- Knew to shop for a doctor

- to tell you what you wanted to hear.
- She was going to lose everything.

Olympics, scholarship.

- She almost died.
- She couldn't miss that meet.

You can't allow for weakness.
She was going to break her record !

- What's Cami like ?
- Well, Cami's great.

Come on. You got to give me one little
juicy detail I can hate about her.


Well, she... she's young.

Young is not a flaw.

Unless you're an old guy
dating a young woman.

Ouch. OK, her flaws. OK.

Well, there's you.
She's a mess when it comes to you.

- Really ?
- Uh-huh.

See, I have this file with
all your old e-mails and she found it.

It was like, kaboom.

- Kaboom.
- Add that to the baby fever...

Baby fever ?

Yeah, we're...
we're trying to get pregnant.

You know, which is...

- Finish the sentence.
- I'm sorry.

Why ? Why ?

She's your wife, you're talking
to a friend. Finish your sentence.

You're trying to get pregnant...

- We don't need to do this.
- Finish the sentence !

You're yelling.

- I'll go.
- No.

- Violet.
- No, no.

You don't walk away from me this time.

This time, I walk away from you.

[ ? Sia : Little Black Sandals]

I think I understand Beth
and her husband a bit more.

Wanting to just erase the bad stuff.

Who doesn't want a life without pain ?

I'd like to think that pain...

...is what forces us to grow.

Well, maybe I don't want to grow.

Maybe growing sucks.

Maybe I just...

- Oh ! I'm sorry.
- It's OK.

No. I am sorry.

As in... I am pathetic.

[Whispering] Oh, shh, shh, shh.

[Sobbing] I'm so...

Ruby dropped her crit
to 26 intraoperatively,

but she's gonna be OK.


...don't ever lie to me again.

I didn't know what else to do.

How to get her to come see you.
She wouldn't.

Mom, I'm not...

...doing what Ruby's doing.

I swear.

I'm still...

...l'm a kid.
- Go wait in the car.

- Mommy, I'm...
- The car.

How could you ?
She's my child.

She came to me, Nai.

Maya came to me.
I couldn't betray that.

You could betray that.
You just chose not to.

You're a doctor, that's not true.

I am not a doctor right now.
I am a parent.

And she's a little girl.

And I have a right to know,
and you're supposed to be my friend.


...am going to walk away now.

Because I need to go find Ruby's
parents and tell them that

their 13-year-old daughter was pregnant

and is still suffering
from an advanced case of gonorrhea.


Nai, I know you're mad at me,
but as your friend, I'm telling you...

...spend some time
talking to Maya about sex.

So she can stay a little girl
a while longer.

I thought she was still into that
stupid little mini bake oven thing.

Me too. Well, not
the mini bake oven, but yeah.

You had the talk with her.
What happened when you had the talk ?

- The talk ?
- You didn't have the talk with her ?

It's a lot harder than it looks, I
don't see you having the talk with her.

I don't... You have the right parts.

- What ? The right parts ?
- Yes.

You have the right parts when
it comes to explaining what boys want.

Oh, no. I thought
we were so good at this.

- The divorce...
- Yeah, we were supposed to be the model

for screwed-up parents.

Maybe we need to...

...let it hurt a little more.

Stop trying to make it look
like we got it all together.

Yeah. We got to do better.

- Or we could buy a chastity belt.
- Yeah. Let's get a chastity belt.

- Let's get the chastity belt.
- Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Why didn't you check on me ?

Hey, I just wanted to thank you.
Awesome week of gynergy.

Dell. You cannot say "gynergy"
if you want to work with me.

Got it. OK.

Hey ! What happened ?

Nothing. You know, just being me.

Yeah. Long day.

Listen, about the fantasies...

Please don't.

I just wanted to say that
I'm not above a fantasy or two.

About you.

[Winces] Ouch.

Come here. Let me see. Don't be scared.

- I'm a board certified...
- Neonatal surgeon.

And that helps me, how ?

You hit someone.

I know.

It's stupid. Incredibly.
But this guy, he was a... He deserved...

No, it's not that. It's just...

...you hit someone. With your fist.

Like a cowboy. Like, um...

...a gladiator.

Yeah. Yeah, like a gladiator.


Or not.

- I'm leaving. I'm heading out.
- What just happened ?

Pete the cowboy. Pete the gladiator.
Thank you for that. It'll help.

- Help with what ?
- Just this itch I've got.

[ ? Sheila Skipworth :
Look What You've Done To Me]

OK, she did not have to tell me that.



Scratch the itch.
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