01x03 - In Which Addison Finds the Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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01x03 - In Which Addison Finds the Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ohhh ohhh ohhh ♪

(Rain falling)

(Thunder rumbling)


It's raining.

It's raining!


(Addison groans)



It's raining!


(Electronic female voice)
You have one saved message.


(Allan) Hi, babe. It's me.
I'm gonna be late.

You should pick up some Chinese
and we'll eat in bed, okay?

Love you.

Hi, babe. It's me.
I'm gonna be late.

You should pick up some Chinese
and we'll eat in bed, okay?

Love you.

You listening
to Allan's message again?

I have other messages...
From patients.

Do those patients ask you
to pick up Chinese

and tell you they love you?
You know what?

I'm sorry I told you about it.
I thought you'd understand.

Guys don't keep messages from
an ex. That's a woman thing.

Well, what do you know
about women

that you didn't
get off the Internet?
Oh. Just erase the message.

Be a man.


Um, mom...

You know, I can drive you
to school today?

You know what? I can--
I can drive her to school.


Back up, woman.
(Elevator bell dings)

Good girl.

It is raining.

You're wet.

Because it is raining.


It rains in Seattle,

which is where
I left my umbrella.

It does not rain
in Los Angeles.

It rains in L.A.
it's raining right now.

Really? Right now?

Maya's staying at Sam's.

For a whole week--
she asked to stay at Sam's.
She's growing up.

I hate her.
Are we gonna do
the morning meeting?

Well, Sam's gonna be late
'cause he--
and where's Pete?

(Violet) He is running
an errand.

Is that a chocolate cake?

Yeah, I made it. But you can
have some if you want.

Addison, you want
some chocolate cake?

Can I talk to you?




Violet says I should
come here and talk to you.

I don't believe in it.

But Violet says...

She thinks I'm not gonna heal,

which is so...

Until I say this thing to you,
I'm not gonna move on.

That's what she says.
I don't know.

But I'm gonna say it...

Just in case she's right.

You were a lousy wife,
and I hated you.


There, I said it.

I think Maya likes Sam
better than me.

I think he wins.

Where are the beautiful people

running in slow motion
on the beach?

This is L.A.

L.A. is supposed to be full of
swimming pools and movie stars.

L.A. is a place
that you lured me to

with your champagne wishes
and caviar dreams.

Okay, first of all,

you need to start watching
more current TV.

And second of all,
it's just a little rain.

It'll--it'll pass.
It's not about the rain.

I mean, it is about the rain.

But I would be fine
with the rain

if everything else
was just a little more...


I had this whole dream
about... moving here,

that... it would be...

Better and... special,

that I would be...

I don't fit here.

I'm a surgeon.
I think like a scientist.

There's no science to this.

Look, dig in, all right?
Make friends.

Learn to play well
with others.

It's raining.

Not to get all Pete-zen on you,
but it's raining everywhere.

(Rain falling)


We've been talking
about this for years.

We've come a long way.

You have come a long way.

You asked me to help you
decide what you want,

and you have.

You are so close.

(Sighs) I-I just don't know
if I can leave her.

You have everything you need.
You have all the tools.

You're like a... a...

A running back.
A running back,

sprinting past the obstacles,
running for the goalposts,

and you're almost there.

And I'm sitting right here
rooting for you.

I am your own personal
cheering section.

I just, I-I don't--
Doug. Doug. Doug.

I should leave her.

I should--
Doug. Doug. Doug.

I should stand up to her.

I-I should fight
for my right to be happy.
Bring the ball home, Doug.

I am telling my wife
I want a divorce.



Okay, boundaries, Doug.

Sorry. I'm sorry.
Gosh. Sorry.

(Elevator bell dings)


Hey, cathleen, Geoffrey.
How was the, uh, wedding?

Mm. Magical, beautiful,

Everyone should get married.

Yeah. We had
a 3-week honeymoon in Africa.

We climbed
mount Kilimanjaro,

scaled Victoria falls,
and now we're back here.

We--i made an appointment
with the new o.B.-G.Y.N.

Honeymoon baby?

Just let us see
the doctor!

We're just eager to--

yeah. Dr. Montgomery, right.
Take you right back.

It's just... (Sighs)

On our wedding night,
we, uh...

I couldn't even...


(Sighs) We've been married
for three weeks,

and I haven't been able
to do it even once.

Oh. Sex. You couldn't--

she's worried there's
something wrong with her.

There is something wrong
with me.

My hoo-ha is broken.

So how do you feel?

Like it was
a waste of time.

How is talking to a rock over
my dead wife's body helpful?

You're in a rut.
You're stuck.

You needed to jump-start
your emotions, face them.

You know, I hate to disparage
your profession, but--

you know what? I am good.
I am brilliant.

I had a patient this morning

trapped for 19 years
in a marriage.

But today he's ready
to ask for a divorce.

I got him out of his rut.
He's ready to move on.

You like yourself
an awful lot today.
I kick ass at my job.
I rule.

(Elevator bell dings)


Are you the therapist who told
my husband to leave me?

Is this her?
Is this her?


Did you tell my husband
to divorce me?

You do. You do rule.

I don't mean to be
a bother.

I had to bring Erin back.
She was just so... blue.

Well, it's gotta be
hard on her.
It's terrible.

But it's normal for kids
to feel a little down

when they're sick.

It's really nothing
to worry about.
What? No, she's blue.


Light blue.

Okay. What?


blue. Right.

that's a pretty nasty bleed.

Doug, what happened?
I'll tell you what happened.

Mr. Midlife crisis here
came home, dropped his briefcase

in the middle
of the living room floor

and demanded a divorce.

You're not leaving me.
Oh, no, sir. You made a vow.

I need you to keep your head
titled, please, Mrs. Adams.

She got upset about the...
Then her nose started bleeding,

and it wouldn't stop.

Mrs. Adams, has your nose ever
spontaneously bled before?

What are you thinking?
Probably just
mucosal irritation.

You know, it's not like
life with Doug has been

a walk in the park,
but I'm not a quitter.
I need you to keep your head
tilted back, please.

I'm doing the best I can!
Okay. I think the best thing
to do right now

is for everyone to stay calm.

Um, was she... exposed
to any water from a well

or a spring?


How about antibiotics?

Unh-unh. Nothing like that.

(Girls whispering)

Quiet for mommy.
The doctor's thinking.

Dental fillings?

Yes. She went to the dentist--
her first cavity.

Dental anesthesia can react
with hemoglobin in the blood.

I've never seen it before,
but it happens.

But it isn't serious?
She's gonna be okay?
A onetime thing like this,

I'll give her an I.V. Treatment
of methylene blue,

she'll be nice and pink
in no time.

That should do the trick.


I gotta take a picture.

You totally do.

All right.

Okay, cathleen, I'm gonna
ask you some questions

about your sex life,
and the more you can tell me

about previous partners,

(laughs) Oh, my god. I don't
have any previous experiences.

I mean, uh, men,
before Geoffrey.

I'm a virgin, Dr. Montgomery.


I know. No one
waits this long. It's weird.

It's not weird.
It's just... surprising.

I didn't want to give it up
in high school

to some band geek in the back
of his dad's car, you know?

In college, I kept thinking,
he's coming... the one,

and I wanted to wait for him.

And then I thought,
I've waited this long,

I should hold out.

I want it to mean something.

I wanted the fairytale.

I want it to be special
and perfect.

I wanted--
the magic.


Some magic.

Let's take a look.


All righty, this is gonna be
a little cold.


Okay. I know
it's a little uncomfortable.

Just try to relax. Okay?

I am relaxed.



You've had exams
before this?

Oh, god. It's really broken.
It's broken, isn't it?

It's not the kind of thing
that breaks. Okay.

We're gonna go really slow.


Knocking at the door.

Stopping in
for a little visit,

and I'm knocking.

Knocking a little harder.

Ow! Ow, ow, ow. (Sighs)

And I'm done knocking.
I'm gonna die a virgin.

We're gonna figure this out,

We are going to get you
your wedding night.


She's 35, and she's never--


And the gates are closed,

locked, welded shut.

Holding on to your virginity
for that long? I think it's sad.

It's not sad. It's sweet.

Okay, not being able to
have sex with your husband

when you want to,
that's sad.

But the waiting?

I mean, what's wrong
with wanting a little magic?

I lost my virginity when I
was 17. It was not magic.

A lot of friction.

I got rug burns
in bad places.


You know, I didn't get
the magic until Sam?

I didn't know
it could be magic until Sam.

I hardly remember the last time
I had a little magic.

Mmm. I hear that.


What? What?

How can you eat that much sugar
this early in the morning?

Dell made it.
I'm just being polite.

You know, and what's all this
magic talk anyway?

First L.A. doesn't have it--

I don't know.

The last time I was here,
I just felt more... magic-y.

Well, yeah. You kissed Pete.

I did not kiss Pete.

Pete kissed me,
which I did not ask for.

I don't even know
if he's normal.

You know, one minute he's hot,
the next minute he's arctic.

I don't need
that kind of damage,

no matter how fancy
his lips are.

Here he comes.


You're talking about sex,
aren't you?

We were talking about
a patient...

Who can't have sex.

Well, send 'em my way.
I'll get 'em going.
You know, this is
a very serious issue.

This is a woman who has needs,
who has wants,

who needs and wants magic
in her life.

This is not
a dirty little joke

that you can make

your dirty little jokes about,
dirty man.

You don't know me at all.

You think you do,
but you don't.

So... don't call me names.

You should give him
a pass this week.

You just...


See what I mean?

A club. A closed club.


I went back on my vow,
and--and now she's bleeding?

My words did that.

No, you don't control
anything except yourself.

Our work together
has not been about

getting you
to leave your wife.

It's been about getting you
to say what you want.

Remember the goalposts, Doug.

The goalposts.




So she lost some iron.

Big deal.

I want a divorce.

Yes, you do.

Karen, I...

The bleeding got a lot worse.
I checked her c.B.C.

Her hematocrit's
less than 30.

Less than 30?
Are--are you sure?

You mean there's something
really wrong with her?

Yes, there's something
wrong with me.

You picked a great time
to walk out, Doug. Just great.

It's called vaginismus.

It's a condition that causes

a constant involuntary
muscle spasm.

So you have a way
to fix it, right?

You--you can fix it?

Not--not that I'm not fine
the way things are. I'm fine.

I love you,

and I don't need to have sex
to know that I love you.

You can fix it?
Please tell me
you can fix it.

Well, I would like to prescribe
a muscle relaxant

for you, cathleen,

and you'd take it
about an hour before you--

a pill. That's good.
A-A pill.
I can do a pill.
And it'll work?

Well, there have been
case studies.

Um, just, uh...
Give it your best shot.

(Clears throat)

At--at home.

Give it your best shot
at home.

(Naomi) And she needs to do
her homework and show it to you.

And she can talk
on the phone,

but do not let her
get on the Internet

because you still don't have
that thing

that blocks
the child predators.
Good night, Naomi.

Shuffling Maya back and forth,
it's just not practical.

We're gonna be fine.
Maya's gonna be fine.

You and your head
take the night off.
It's just that she's a girl.

Mothers know more
when it comes to girls.

Uh, i'm--I'm shutting down
for the night

unless you need anything.

No, uh, but, uh, here.
Uh, here's your cake carrier.

You ate the whole thing?

We. I-I didn't...
Eat a whole cake.

I mean, I c--
I wouldn't.

I-I couldn't. I...

It was really good.

I'm glad you liked it.

Uh... okay.

Okay, thank you.

(Elevator bell dings)

Still raining.

Yeah. I see that.

I made you another one
last night.

I r--
I-I really shouldn't.

(Whispers) This time I baked
chocolate chips inside.

I can't. (Laughs)

Thank you.

You know what? Maybe someone
else might want it.

So I'll just, uh...
(Normal voice) Right.

No sex.

Not even a little sex.

Really? Did--or--

She took the pill. She--

we tried. Oh, sister,
how we tried.

Honey, it's okay.
It's not okay.
I need sex.

I need sex, Geoffrey.

I have waited and waited
and waited,

and I want to do it.
I want to do it now.
Look, I know,
I'm just saying,

you don't need to get upset.

We have other things
to connect us.

You're a man, Geoffrey,
a big, strong, very hot man,

which is...

I hit the jackpot
with you.

And we want kids.
We want a family.

Which is now not gonna happen
because you're gonna leave me

for someone else--
I'm not gonna leave you.

I don't need sex.

We don't lie to one another.

We never have.

Don't start now.

Please, doctor.


Okay... (Sighs)

Nothing I've tried
has worked.

I mean, she just can't...
Ju--she just can't.

And she deserves--
he's... her guy, her one.

Marriage without sex.

It happens all the time.

Maybe it's psychological.

Can you see her?


Pete should see her.


There are
some very good studies

about guided actualization,
and that's his area.
That's my area.

Yeah... uh...

Want some cake?


Sweet mother of chocolate.

I know.

You realize your replacing sex
with food?
You want some?


Come on. Come on.

Holy... mmm.


(Addison) Mmm.

(All speaking indistinctly)

(Violet) You eat it, baby.


See? They're getting happy
over cake.

I mean, if I could
get happy over cake...

Well, I wouldn't be a man.

Secret to women.

Oh, like you know
the secret to women.

You're a child.

You can barely grow
facial hair.

You don't know anything
about women yet.

Figure out what they want
and give it to them.

Yeah... well, that's...

(Speaking indistinctly)

You baked that cake?

(Chuckles) My grandmother
baked that cake.

But Naomi doesn't need
to know that.

Figure out what they want
and give it to them.

It wasn't the fillings.

Is Erin okay?
What happened?

I-I don't know.
They just got worse.

Get an exam room--

you want just one?

Your patient
who can't have sex?

My patient.
Mind your own business.
She's checking her history
to see if she might be able

to find anything that could be
causing the vaginismus.

He asked.
He snooped.

You really don't want
to try my thing?
Your thing?

What, to creatively visualize
the parting of the red sea,

a gentle opening of a flower?

You know, Addison, the way
we work around here is--

yeah, I know,
you utilize each other.

I got it. But this is--
we take it slow.

And your solution is, what,
put her in surgery?

This woman is not gonna die
if she doesn't have sex.

Oh, please.
If it was you going without,

you'd be begging
to go under the knife,

my highly skilled knife.
I knew it was too much

to hope for a double
board certified surgeon

not to be
the most arrogant--

You've got a god
and a Buddha complex

all rolled up
into one big, arrogant--

I got this.

Back off.

(Telephone rings)

(Sighs) Oh, come on.

Naomi is this close
to a diabetic coma

thanks to your cake,
so you're way worse than I am.


Dr. Turner?

Stay out of my marriage.

I think you took care
of that.

Doug canceled his therapy
appointment this morning.

Well, I want to make sure
it stays that way.

And if he shows up again...

(Clears throat)

I pay the bills.
You won't see a dime.

I don't care about the dime,
and even if I did...

W-Why are you
fighting for something

that makes you both
so miserable?

You have no idea
how my marriage makes me feel.

You have no idea who I am.

You only have Doug's side
of the story.

I'm the bitch,
and he's--he's... (Coughs)

I-I am not on anybody's--

just stay away from--
did you--


(Violet) Karen! Karen!
We need some help!

I hear you got
blue girls.

I ran labs.
Nothing's turned up so far.

It's driving me crazy.

I give them I.V.S, and they
turn pink and seem fine and...

Their mom insisted on
taking them home.

You want me to take
a look at 'em?

I ordered extensive
blood chromatographs.

When those come back,
yeah, maybe.

The mom checked the house
for environmental toxins?

Yeah, I gave her the full list

and she said she's gonna
go over it top to bottom,

which is gonna
take a while and...

That's time we don't have.

You know, I'm going over there.
I'm gonna give her a hand.

(Girls laughing)

(Cooper) There's nothing here
from my list of contaminants,

and the girls
were no place else today?

No friend's houses? No--

they've been here all day,
with me.

This was my great plan.

I quit my job, fired the nanny
because I could do it better.

You've childproofed,
you buy organic,

you have, uh,
biodegradable dryer sheets.

I could eat them. Okay?
This is not negligence.

Yeah, but...

If something happens to them,

i--their dad travels
all the time.

I can't call him up and say--
for now we just need to
find out what's doing this

so that the exposure doesn't
become even more dangerous.

But we've gone through
the house top to bottom.

The yard, the garage--
what did the girls say
about it?

Where were they
before this happened?
They don't talk, not to me,

not to anyone over 8.
(Girl) Mommy!


Mommy, what's the matter
with Erin?

She's having a seizure.

She'll be okay.
She'll be okay.

(Sam) I got your test results.

You've got something
called wegener's disease.

It's a disease
of the blood vessels

that affects the ears,
nose, throat and kidneys.

Does she...

Does she die from this?

Well, it takes years
to progress to that stage.

With the proper treatment,

we should be able to keep it
at bay for a long time.
You were lucky.

Some people bleed out internally
before the disease is caught.


I can't believe this.

(Monitor beeping)

You should change.


What would you have done
if it were Naomi?

If she had gotten sick
right before the divorce?

I would've stayed.

Vulvar vestibulitis.


What? I thought we were
saying weird stuff.

My virgin. She has
vulvar vestibulitis.

I went through her entire
medical history.

She has inflammation,

probably caused by
chronic yeast infections,

which made her nerve endings

extraordinarily sensitive
to pain,

which in turn made
any attempt to have sex--

That kind of pain is what
caused her muscles to lock up.

So I'm gonna do
trigger point injections

of Lidocaine and steroids
in the sensitive areas.

And then you're gonna
send her to Pete?

No. I can fix this myself.

You can fix
the vulvar vestibulitis,

but Pete can fix
the vaginismus.

if you work together with him,
the two of you will be able

to give this woman
a normal sex life.

Why is everyone
always pushing Pete on me?
Why are you pushing
so hard against him?

you want to belong here,

you want to feel like
you're a part of this place,

you need to accept that Pete
is part of the solution.

Wisdom coming from
a cake fiend.

Well, I just, um, I just
take all these feelings--

the, uh, rage, the exhaustion,
the sexual frustration,

the desire to run Sam down
with my car,

the fact that
my child now thinks

that her father
is the good parent--

I just take it all
and I shove it down

as far as it'll go,

and then I just put
some food on top of it.

Maybe... you should
talk to Sam

instead of inhaling
4,000 calories a day.

You know what? You find
your magic your way.

I'll find my magic mine.

(Clears throat)

Violet said that I should
cut Pete some slack.

Yeah, you should.

Mm, the "why"
is what I'm missing.

It's the anniversary
of his wife's death.

Is this going to hurt?

I'm sorry. It is.




Here we go.


H-How many more?
Four more.

Four more.
I can do four more.



I'm okay. I can do this.

This is gonna work? I mean,
she's going through this.

It's gonna work?

It will solve the cause
of the vaginismus.

And then I'll get
my wedding night?

(Addison) Thanks.


(Softly) Just do it.

(Normal voice) Hey.

I, uh,
did a little research,

and I think my patient
should try your thing.

You want my thing?

My patient. My patient
needs your thing.

What, no comments
about my dirty talk?

Why are you being
so nice to me?

I'm not. I...

Can you help or not?

I have an opening at 3:00.

She's toxic.

Treatment's gonna have to be
a lot more aggressive.

She'll pull through?

It would help if we knew
what we were dealing with,

the contaminant.

Girls... this is very,
very serious.

Did you eat anything,

touch anything
that you're not supposed to?

Mommy promises
not to get mad.

It would really help Erin
if you tell.



You ordered
these antibody studies

for Karen Adams,
room 1001?
I did.

As chief of staff,
I can't sign off on this.

These studies
are obviously unnecessary.

I had to confirm
a diagnosis.

And since when has that been
against hospital policy?

Since your patient--
this Karen Adams--

was diagnosed
with wegener's disease

at this hospital
six months ago.

Wait, how is that possible?

She just started
exhibiting symptoms.

That's what she told you.

These records
speak for themselves.


She knew.

And she never told
her husband.

With everything he did
to you, that isn't--


Hey, Charlotte king
just called.

Unnecessary tests
on Karen Adams?

I've got a patient
who's lying to me

about her medical condition.
It's not my fault.

If we could just tell Doug
that Karen's been lying to him,

he would leave her.
We can't. We can't reveal
her medical information

to anyone, including her
husband, without her approval.

Doctor-patient confidentiality.
She's a patient.
She's your patient.

And your patient is messing
with my patient's happiness.

Three years of kick-ass therapy
down the drain

with one swift diagnosis.

Maybe they'll work it out.

I mean,
people do make marriages work.
They won't make it work.

She'll end up hating him.

And he'll hate himself
for staying.

After she's gone,
that's all he'll have.

So I think if you can find
a way to help your patient,

you do it.

Hey, the hospital sent over
these results on Erin merring.

I still don't know
how these girls

are getting exposed.

I can't even get them
to talk to me.
Well, what are they into?

Uh, fluffy... pink

Okay, so go there, too.

Give 'em what they want.

Oh, you and your cake.

They are women, Cooper.

Tiny blue women,
but still women.
Yeah, no.

I didn't get into this deal
because I'm a clown.

What, I'm supposed to play
with my patients?

I put a sticker
on my stethoscope.

That's as far as I go.

And Erin's lying there
getting sicker.

Commit to the cake, man.

(Doorbell rings)

Who wants to play?

Hi. Come on in.

Make yourselves comfortable.
I'll be right there.

Flowers opening...

Rivers parting.


I gotta go give out
the ol' Pete special.

Okay, what?

It's just, Naomi told me
what this week is.

The anniversary.

(Scoffs) It's nothing.

(Cooper) Where exactly
are we going?
A secret place.

Ooh, you have
a secret place?

We have a magic castle.

But first we gotta
get through the fortress.

The fence is the fortress.

Come on.

(Girls screaming)

Yah! Aah!



(Door creaks)

(Wind chimes tinkling)

(Girl) Come on.

Sit down.

Awesome castle.

Magic castle.
It makes you see stars.


Oh, stars. Yeah.


(Chimes tinkling)

The stars make me dizzy.

Me, too.

Me three.

See? See the stars,
how they go all funny?

The stars make you dizzy.

(Girls cough)

(Karen) Dr. Bennett.

I told you
we don't need a therapist.

You are not my patient.

I am here for Doug.

And I'm here for you,

Now I have
your medical records here.

Would you like for me to
discuss them in front of Doug?

Or would you like Doug
to leave the room with Violet?

It's up to you, because
as your doctor, I cannot discuss

what's in here in front of him
without your permission.

Why--why would I
have to leave the room?

This isn't fair.
You can't do this.

I am not discussing anything
without your permission.

Either Doug can stay in here
with you and Sam,

or he can come out in the hall
and talk to me.


So I knew I was sick before.
So what?

I didn't think
you could take it.

I thought you'd run away
like the weakling you are,

so... I didn't tell you.

But you knew you were sick
all--all this time?

I thought you were a weak,
whiny pain in the ass.

But you surprised me.
You didn't run.

So it proves
that you're not weak.

You're strong,
and I need you.

I need your strength.
I want you to stay.

What do you want, Doug?

You've been coming to see me
for 36 months--

36 months and thousands
and thousands of dollars.

You came and you worked...

All so you could say
what you want.

You've earned yourself
a very expensive backbone.

Use it.

What do you want?

You promised.
I'm talking to Doug.

(Sighs) What I want...

(Laughs) What I want...

I want to stay.

Doug, you--
I want to stay.

All right?
End of discussion.

I'm staying with Karen.

I'm staying with my wife.

Good-bye. Thanks.

Good luck tonight.
Take care.

For what it's worth--

don't say anything nice
to me.

I wasn't.
You were.

I don't need your pity.
I don't need your sympathy.

I was going to say,

whatever you did in there
for cathleen, I hope it works.

They deserve to have
a perfect night.


I get a little...

I need...


I'm a little lost here.

My wife went to sleep
beside me in bed

on a Tuesday night.

On Wednesday morning,
I woke up, and she was dead.

One bad night, but...

All our nights were bad.

And we never had
a perfect night...

Not even our wedding night.

Nothing's perfect.

Nothing's ever perfect.

That's the most
he's ever told anybody

about his wife.

The, uh, castle
in your neighbor's yard

is full of toxic fumes

from open bags of fertilizer.

That's what made them sick?

Yeah, they were inhaling
ammonium nitrate.

First it turned 'em blue,

then it att*cked
their nervous systems.

They play in the yard.

I never thought they'd get
beyond the fence.

Well, you know,
they kinda kick ass so...


Can they sit in my bed?

Be gentle. Okay?

(Girls whisper)

(Knock on door)


I'm sorry.

I-I know how much...
You cared,

how hard you worked.

You worked.
You did most of it.

I-I may not be in love
with her,

but... I owe her.

No one should have to go through
what she's going through alone.

She doesn't have to be--

I just wanted to say,

I-I still think
we did something here.

I mean, before I met you,
things just happened to me.

I made a choice today.

But you're still picking
what's safe, what's familiar,

pain that won't even
make her better.

What about--
what I want...

Is for you to be the therapist
and me to be the patient.

It's my life.

At least now I know
I've made my bed.

Nobody else.

You're right.

It's your choice.

And you made it.

And that is something.


(Elevator bell dings)

It's not raining.

Yeah. Yippee.

I'm starting to agree with you.
About the magic?

Thank you. That--that's--
thank you.

Okay, so, um,
just call me tonight, okay?

just--just call me, okay?

Will you make sure
she calls me?


Quiet down in there.

Double fudge
with chocolate frosting.

You know what?
Enough with the cake.

I don't want your cake.
I don't need your cake.

I-I didn't ask for your cake.
I'm all caked out.

You know whose cake I want?
I want Sam's cake.

I want Sam's cake,
but Sam's not baking a cake.

He's not baking a cake for me.
So could you just--

Dell, she's, uh, she's goin'
off sugar for a while.

I'm not gonna stop
bringing you cake.

whoa, whoa, whoa!

All right, Dell,
Dell, no more cake.

You know what? It's just that
Maya likes Sam better,

you're mad at me
for bringing you here,

and this boy
is baking cakes at me!
Okay. Shh. You know what?

We're gonna
get through this.
We are?

Yes, we are all
gonna get through this.

That's why you have us.
We're gonna
get through this together.

Just--when is something good
gonna happen? Huh?

When is--when is there
gonna be a little--

magic? Yeah,
that's the unending question.



You drank all the orange juice.

You hogged the covers.

You put our dog to sleep.

You never took my side.

You were mean to me.

You withheld sex.

You were cold.

You were a mean, cold bitch!

And I hate you!

I hate you so much!



I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

(Allan) Hi, babe. It's me.
I'm gonna be late.

You should pick up some Chinese
and we'll eat in bed, okay?

Love you.


(Electronic female voice)
Message deleted.


Way to be a man.


(Mouths words)


(Speaks indistinctly)


(Speaks indistinctly)

Aah! (Laughs) Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you!
You're amazing.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Uh, uh, Pete helped.

Dr. Wilder--

thank you. Thank you.

I love you, man.

What did they do
that was so great?

Yeah, what did they do?

They saved a marriage.





(Rain falling)


(Thunder rumbling)

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