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05x03 - Prodigal Son

Posted: 10/13/22 06:29
by bunniefuu




[r*fle COCKS]

Get the hell out of here!


Drove a car through the front
window, smashed the glass case,

grabbed as many weapons as they could,

got back in their car,
and got the hell out of there.

And this poor bastard got in the way.

- Owner?
- Owner's brother.

Guy named Ted Whitman.

Works here part-time.

- Not anymore.
- Damn.

Looks like he got hit
with something pretty hard.

Bat, tire iron, that sort of thing.

You contact the owner?

He's waiting for you outside.


Mr. Whitman,
we're very sorry for your loss.

I, uh,

I don't know what to say.

I can't believe this actually happened.

Your brother was working alone?

Teddy was working nights
trying to make some money.

He was a chef too.

He was hoping to open up
a restaurant someday.

Anything unusual going on?

Any threats, or either
one of you owe anyone money?

No, nothing like that.

Everything's been going
really good until tonight.

Well, look, if you think of
anything else, give us a call.

And in the meantime,
we're gonna need a list

of all the items that were stolen, okay?

Make, model, serial number.

We're also gonna need to
access your security system.

Again, we're very sorry for your loss.

We don't know much yet,
but we'll keep you in the loop.

Please do. The folks down in D.C.

get real nervous when g*ns are stolen.

Well, we got that in common.
Folks in New York do too.

Um, I'm here if you need me, Jubal.

- Feel free to reach out.
- All right. Great.

- Appreciate it.
- How's Isobel feeling?

Ah, well, not great.

But she's tough. She'll make it through.

This damn COVID thing is getting old.

Ah, tell me about it. Morning, folks.

So we're chasing a m*rder,

but we're also chasing
a cache of stolen weapons,

but the question of the moment is "why"?

Why do they steal these weapons?

Kelly, ready with that video yet?

Pulling it up as we speak.

Guessing that's the m*rder w*apon.

ERT recovered the sledgehammer?

No, they must have taken it with them.

Mm-hmm. All right, let's do some math.

See if we can figure out
how tall the suspects are.

- Copy that.
- And we need to find

- the owner of that car.
- It's a Blazer.

License plate is cold.

Okay, I guess we're gonna have to settle

for the owner of the car
whose plates were stolen.

I had no idea my plates were missing.

I haven't driven the car in a few days.

You know, COVID and all.

Does this security camera work?

Yes, we had it installed
a few months ago.

A neighbor down the road
had his house broken into,

so we upgraded our whole system.

Okay, that's great. We're gonna need

to see the footage. Is that okay?

Of course.

Here are the two perps.

This is two nights ago, around : p.m.

Mm-hmm. All right.

Let's see if we can get
a good shot of this guy.

- Mm.
- Yeah, there you go.

One of them looks pretty young.

He's a baby.

All right, run it through facial rec.

- No hits.
- Yeah.

You know what? This logo
on the hoodie looks familiar.

Let's see if we can get
a better look at it.

Okay, there.

Looks like a lion.

No, that's a cougar.

It's a mascot for Chapman
Private School in Scarsdale.

My son goes there.

That's Clayton Hall. He's a junior.

Why? Something happened to him?

We think he might be involved
in a robbery-homicide.

You don't seem as surprised
as one might expect.

I'm not, unfortunately.

- And why is that?
- Clayton is...

he has issues.

Okay. What kind of issues?

The art teacher notified us
last week that his drawings,

his cartoons, were disturbing.

A lot of violent images.

Okay. Is Clayton here now?

Let me check.

No, he called in sick today.

Okay, we're gonna need his home address.


We're definitely in the right place.

FBI! Anybody home?

Don't come inside. Just stay away.
You understand me?

Clayton, is that you?

Yeah, it's me.

But I'm not coming out
no matter what you say.

All right, that's fine.

But we're not gonna go anywhere,

so it is probably best that we come

- to some sort of compromise.
- [SOBBING] No compromises!

That's all people
want these days is compromises.

What the hell does that even mean?

You're right.

Clayton, you're right. I'm sorry.

I misspoke. I used the wrong word.

What I should have said is
that we are here to help you,

that we want to help you.

Okay, Clayton, does that sound better?

Yeah, that sounds good.

Okay, thank you.

I just wanna make sure
that no one gets hurt.

[g*nsh*t, THUD]



He's down.

We need an ambulance

to Hancock Drive in Scarsdale.

Right now.

Inspect that.

The house is clean. There are no g*ns.

Okay, so he only took the Glock

that he used, and what?
Hid the other g*ns?

Or his partner has them.

Either way, we gotta find
his accomplice fast.

Hey, look at this.


I don't understand.
I mean, how do you...

how do you go from smiling
and laughing on the beach

to, I mean, all of this?

Who the hell knows?

I can't believe it.

Clay's been struggling,
but he's a good kid.

- He just...
- We did everything we could.

We tried different doctors,
different medications.

I can't imagine
what you're going through.

Do you have any idea who
your son was with last night

or the night before?

No, we've been giving him
more independence,

so we try not to ask a lot of questions.

It sounds really stupid now, I get it,

but the psychiatrist
thought it might help, so...

We understand.

Did Clay have a best friend?

Someone that he liked to hang out with?

He wasn't really close to many kids.

None that we knew of.

Only one he ever talked about
was Simon... Simon Branch.

I haven't hung out with Clay
in a long time.

- Two or three months.
- Why not?

I don't know, he and I just...

it started to get weird.

Some of the things he would
talk about were pretty serious.

I hate to tell you this, Clay is dead.

He took his own life about an hour ago.

But it is extremely important

that we understand what Clay was up to.

It's also important that we
know where you were last night.

I was home all night studying.

And your parents can verify this?

- Yeah, definitely.
- It's good to hear.

And just so you know, we're not
accusing you of anything.

You understand that, right?

Now, if you don't mind,

we need to know what crazy things

Clay was talking about.

About a month ago,

he said that it would be pretty cool

to sh**t up a school.

I said he was nuts and that he needed

to talk to a shrink or something.

I even called his parents,

and they were pretty freaked out,

but they begged me not to say
anything to anyone else.

So I didn't.

Who was Clay hanging out with
these past few months?

Gamer dudes.

You know their names?


Did you find anything
interesting in Clayton's SUV?

Not really... we pulled three
different sets of prints

but ran them through IAFIS, and no hits.

Uh-huh, but Tiffany sent over
that list of gamers, right?

Yep, we've got names.

We're pulling as much info
as we can on every kid.

Mm-kay, and we found Perp One's height?

Approximately ' ".

Okay, so let's use that
to narrow down the list.

And yes, let's dig into
these kids' social media posts.

See if we can't figure out
who Clayton's accomplice is.

Look for any veiled
or cryptic references

- to a school sh**ting, yeah?
- We're all over it, boss.


You got a second?

Uh, sir? What, are you gonna ask

for my daughter's hand in marriage?

- No, I, uh...
- What's up?

It's about the list.

I didn't wanna say anything
in front of everybody,

but there's a kid's name...
um, Tyler Kelton.


Yeah, I didn't...

it's your wife's maiden name, right?




Right, okay, um...

well, thanks for the info.
I'll look into it.

- Sure.
- Okay, great.

I can't believe Clay would
really do something like that.

Yeah, I know, it's
a difficult thing to process.

But he was also involved in something

pretty bad last night, Ty.

It was a robbery and a m*rder.


That's insane.

Well, it was him
and another man or a student,

and they robbed a g*n store.

Stole about weapons,

including four AR as*ault r*fles,

and they k*lled an employee
in the process.

So were you friends with Clayton?

We hung out sometimes,
but he was pretty weird,

so I kept my distance.

Do you know who else he hung out with?

You asking me to snitch?

Well, I'm trying to figure out

who was with him.

I don't know, like I said,
I never really talked to Clay.

Okay. But you hung out in his crowd?

His crowd? What does that even mean?

I don't know, Ty. You tell me.

There's nothing to tell.

I hang out with some kids at school.

Sometimes, we play video games.

That doesn't make me a bad person.

Hey, no one's accusing you
of being a bad person.

I'm trying to figure out
if one of your friends

or acquaintances or whatever
is involved in this thing.

I told you, I don't know.

Look, until we figure this thing out

and we catch Clayton's accomplice,

you need to stay away from those kids.

Every single one of them.

- Hello? Do you hear me?
- Yes, fine.


I love you, buddy.

Hey, what's going on?

Was Tyler here last night?

Here? What are you talking about?

Yeah, was he at the house here with you?

Yes. Why?

You know that robbery
last night in Scarsdale?

- At the g*n store?
- Yeah.

Well, one of the perps went to Chapman.

Are you serious? That's crazy.

Yeah, what's even crazier

is that Tyler used to hang out with him.

Played video games or something.

But I had no idea he was hanging out

in some fringe gamer crowd

or using the surname Kelton
for that matter.

I was going to tell you about...

Yeah, what's that about?


he's been pretty negative
lately about you.

He said he'd feel better
using my last name.

It's just a phase.

Oh. Why didn't you tell me this?

Because I didn't wanna get
into a whole thing, Jubal.

He's just having a hard time.

I'm having a real hard time
understanding why

you didn't feel it necessary
to tell me this, you know?

I say something pretty much
every time we talk.

Every single time,
but you just gloss over it.

He'll be fine.

All kids go through an awkward stage.

Kids need to fail. It builds character.

I didn't... I didn't know
it was that bad.

Well, it is.

Or it was.

Things have been better
the past month or so.

He said he'd made new friends.

Fringe gamers or not, he's happier.

No, that's good. I guess.


But until we find this other perp,

who I'm guessing goes to Chapman

and hangs out in this crowd,

he needs to stay away from these kids.

I told him as much,
but if you could, you know,

just keep an eye on him.

Of course.

Okay, okay.


Listen up, I just spoke
to Agent Valentine,

and he's asked me to help out.

The good news is,
I'm up to speed on the facts,

so it's business as usual
minus Agent Valentine's

irrepressible wit and charm, of course.

Okay, let's get going.

Where are we on the list of friends?

Have we ID'ed anyone who fits
the physical description

- of perp number one?
- Not yet, sir.

No need for sirs.
What about social media posts?

Anything that mentions
the g*n store robbery?

Uh, no, sir. Sorry.

Any references to mass sh**ting events?

Negative. The social media
posts have been pretty tame.

Mostly about video games.

Got something.

This kid, Zach O'Connor,

he's a really good match
for the body type of Perp One.

We just did some quick math,
looks like he's about ' ",

and there's lots of online interaction

with Clayton Hall too.

Looks good to me.
Find his home address now.

No, Zach isn't here. Why?
What is going on?

Your son is a person of interest

in a recent robbery-homicide.

What? Zach?
No, there must be some mistake.

You mind if we come inside
and take a look around?

- You have a warrant?
- No, sir. We don't.

But the truth is, we are concerned

about a school sh**ting

or some other kind of mass sh**ting.

Do you mind if we come inside
and take a look around?

Yeah, okay. Just do what you have to do.


Looks like Zach is our guy.

It's empty.

How many of his g*ns are missing?


Looks like one AR as*ault r*fle

and two nine-millimeter
semi-a*t*matic Glocks.

And you think that Zach
has these g*ns with him now?

Yes, which means we need to find him,

so let's get him on the phone.
Call him now.

We've been trying to contact him

for the last hours.
He's not answering.

Why didn't you tell us this earlier?

We thought he was partying,
playing video games.

Okay, well, he's not,
so let's call him back.

Maybe he will answer this time.


On speakerphone.


Hi, this is Zach.

Please leave a message. Thanks.

Ian. Hey, you ping Zach's phone yet?

I tried. Looks like it's been shut down

- for over hours.
- Okay.

Do we know anything about his plans?

Is he targeting
a specific person, place,

or is he just running around with g*ns

for the sake of running around
with g*ns?

Probably not that,
but we are short on specifics.

You finally get access
to these kids' text messages?

- Yeah, just came in.
- All right, great.

Start reading.
Elise, we need to start working

traffic and bus cams within
a mile radius to Chapman.

Let's get boots on the ground too.

I want four units canvassing that area.

- Just found something.
- Go.

Zach sent Clayton a text two days ago.

It says, "When this is over
and hundreds are dead,

the world will know our names.
We will be iconic."

All right, we need to
evacuate Chapman right now.

I'll call the head of school.

Let's get local police
down there right away.

You know what? I'm gonna head to campus,

see what I can learn.



Go all the way in.
All the way in to the back.

Move out in an orderly fashion.

What's up, buddy?

Yeah, yeah, just do what
the police officers tell you.

Your mom is waiting for you outside.

No, no, everything's fine.
No one's been hurt.

We're just being extremely cautious.

Exactly. All right.
I'll talk to you soon.

I love you, bud. Bye.


Agent Valentine.

To be clear, we have not found
any evidence

explicitly referencing Chapman.

But we do believe Zach O'Connor
is armed and dangerous

and planning some sort of
mass sh**ting event,

but it will not take place here.

We have agents
surrounding the school.

Has anyone seen Zach recently?

He's been out of touch
for about hours,

which means he's hiding out,

likely someplace near the school

or his parents' house.

I know you've been counseling
him for the past few months.

Do you have any idea where he might go?

Did he ever mention a hangout
or a hideout somewhere

he might go when he's
feeling anxious or depressed?

No, sorry.

We just talked about
his emotions, his anxiety,

lack of confidence.

I thought he was doing better.

Okay. Who does he hang out with?

Who might he turn to when he's
feeling afraid or desperate?

He was pretty aloof,

but he did start talking
about a student he just met,

said they were becoming close friends.

Great. Okay, do you have a name?

Yes, right here. Tyler.


He never mentioned a last name.

Hey, why didn't you tell me
about Zach O'Connor?


You didn't see that he'd been
spending time with Clayton?

He's Clayton's accomplice.

- No, that's not right.
- Yes, it is.

And I need to find him right now.

He's a good guy. He helps people.

No, Tyler. He k*lled someone.

No, that's not right.

If it weren't for him, I would've gotten

my ass kicked last week,
but Zach stood up for me.

Got in this kid's face.

He said we were friends,
and the kid backed down.

That... that may be, but Tyler,

if you are not telling me something,

if you know anything
about this robbery...

The hell are you talking about?

Of course I don't know anything.

I'm not some criminal or some
weird high school freak.

Is that what you think?


When was the last time
you talked to Zach?

A couple of days ago.

Do you have any idea
where he might be hiding?


Do you have any idea
who he might be going after?

I don't know.


Well, look, if you think
of anything that could help,

would you please call me?

And until we sort this out,
you need to stay in the house.

I can't believe Zach k*lled someone.

He is, like, the only kid at school

who's actually nice to me.

- We need to find your son.
- I know. I wanna find him too.

Look, I know how these things go.

So just tell me
whatever you want me to do.

Okay, do you guys have
a second home anywhere?


Okay, what about an office?
An apartment?

Anywhere where he might
feel comfortable hiding at?

No, no, nothing like that.

But my sister has a place
a mile from the school.

What do you mean?

She's been in London
the past couple of months.

The place is empty.

And Zach knows this?

Yes, and he has a key too.

He goes there once a week
to water the plants.

Okay, what's the address?

Federal agents!

We have a warrant!

Upstairs, clear.

The house is clear.

He was definitely here.

I have a receipt for : PM today.

Zach's cell is turned off, right?

Somebody used this landline?

- Maybe.
- Re-dial.

Hi, this is Tyler.
Please leave a message.

The last call that he made
was to Jubal's son?





Tyler. Tyler.

- Hey, take these off.
- What are you doing?

Why aren't you answering my call?

- I just didn't hear it.
- Did Zach O'Connor call you?

- Yeah.
- And you didn't tell me?

You didn't think I'd wanna know?

It was really brief.
He just started rambling.

- He wasn't making much sense.
- Did he say where he was?

- No.
- Did he say where he is going?

- No.
- What did he say exactly?

He just kept saying,
"I'm gonna be iconic."

Over and over.

I said, "What are you talking about?"

and he said, "You'll see,"
and then he hung up.

I'm gonna need you to call him, okay?

If he answers,

ask him where he is, where he's going.

I don't wanna get Zach in trouble.

Okay, you need to snap out of this fog.

Zach O'Connor is a dangerous young man.

He's my friend.
Why can't you understand that?

He committed a horrible crime, Tyler.

He m*rder*d an innocent person.

And we're pretty sure he's
looking to k*ll more people.

So this is not about
your so-called friendship.

There is nothing so-called
about it... it's real.

And he's been there for me
when I need him, unlike you.

Look, I'm glad that Zach
has been a good friend.

- I get it.
- No, you don't.

You've no clue what I deal with.

What I go through.
What's it's like to be me.

The weak kid.

The sick kid.

The cancer kid.


You're gonna get better,

and you're gonna feel more confident.

I promise you.

You just have to believe that
and be patient, okay?

But right now, we've gotta find Zach

so I can help him before
he hurts someone else, okay?

Okay, so if he said anything

that could be helpful
in your phone call...

Like I said, he was rambling.

But right before he hung up,

he said he was thinking about me...

Because he was wearing my hat.

[STAMMERS] Your hat?

Why would he be wearing your hat?

He said he found it on the floor.

Thought it was a good omen,
so he put it on.

Uh, where did you leave your hat?

I lost it last week.

We were hanging out
over by this old theater

over by the train station.

Hey, Scola, I think
I know where Zach is staying.


FBI! Put your hands up now.

[SLURRING] I... I didn't
do nothing, I swear, I...

Drop the bag.

- Are you by yourself?
- Just me.

Hey, Tiff?


So Zach comes here,
hides out for a little while,

then heads back into the world
with his AR

and his Glock loaded to the hilt.

- No, not necessarily.
- What do you mean?

The only a*mo that they stole

from the g*n shop was a nine-mill.

He's not gonna chamber an AR with that.

He's gonna need a . .

Hey, Jubal. It's Tiff.

We need the address
to the closest g*n store

to Grafton Street.

There's a good chance Zach O'Connor

is headed there right now.


We have sh*ts fired at Grove Street

at Ed's g*n and a*mo.
We're going in now.

Hey, hey, you're
gonna be okay, all right?

I need an ambulance here now.

I have a g*nsh*t victim
who's breathing and conscious

but bleeding profusely.


No sign of the suspect.
He fled the scene on foot.

We need to set up a containment,

half-mile perimeter now.


Zach O'Connor is in the wind.

Good news, g*nsh*t victim is stable.

Looks like he's gonna survive.

The bad news is,
Zach now has enough a*mo

for his AR .

He is locked and loaded,
ready to carry out his mission,

the event that is gonna make him iconic.

So we need to find him.

Traffic cams, bus cams. Get me a visual.

I got him.


Zoom in. Let's make sure it's him.

And he's armed.

Yeah, it's him. Where is he?

Corner of Heathcote and Wilmot.

Okay, call OA. Give him the location.

Copy that.

We need to know
what this young man is up to.

What is his target?
Who does he hate or love?

How is he planning to become iconic?

Let's get to work.

[g*nf*re, PERSON GROANS]


Tyler. Have you heard from Zach?


We have not found him yet,
but we did find

a video of him on Heathcote and Wilmot.

- You know where that is?
- Yeah.

Do you have any idea
why he'd be over there?

Did he have any friends over there?

Enemies? Girlfriends?

I don't know, we've only
been friends for a month.

I don't know everything about him.

Okay, well, have you thought
of anything else

- that might be help...

I gotta go. I got another call coming.

What... who's calling?
No, don't hang up. Tyler!



Sam! Tyler!

- Hey, what's going on?
- Hey, is he still here?

Yeah, he's upstairs. Why?

- Uh.
- What happened?

Jubal, talk to me.

Tyler? Tyler?

Ty? I thought you said he was here.

He was, I just brought him
a snack ten minutes ago.



You said you were gonna
make sure he didn't leave.

I've been checking on him
every ten minutes.

- What is going on, Sam?
- He got mad. He told me to...

Are you paying attention?

Our child is a mess here.

He's hanging out with kids that are...

Don't you dare put this on me.

I am the one who is here
every day, trying to help him,

encourage him. I'm not a magician.

I can't just wave a wand

and make our son's cancer go away.

Trying to make him the cool,

confident kid that you want him to be.

I know. I know.

I didn't mean that.

I'm just... I'm sc... I'm scared.

If Tyler is somehow mixed up in this,

I know it's my fault.

It's because I wasn't involved enough,

it's because I wasn't present,
and that is going to change.

I pro... I promise you.

I need to go now before...

call me if you get a hold of him.

I will.

Where are we on Tyler's phone?

Have you been able to locate him?

Yes, and we're tracking his GPS now.

We're also tracking the phone
that just called him too.

Looks like he's heading west.

- We have a name?
- Jeremy Brosnihan.

He's the owner of the g*n shop,
the guy who just got shot.

Zach must have grabbed his
phone on the way out the door.

We've been looking over
his social media accounts.

He posts a lot about a girl
named Grace Gilmore.

He seems pretty obsessed with her.

In one of his posts, he says,

"You laughed at the wrong dude."

I don't see any overt threats
or anything like that.

- Just a hunch.
- Who is Grace Gilmore?

She is a junior at Westchester South,

about a mile
from Zach's current location.

Okay. Call the school.
Have them evacuate right now.



Jubal, it's Reynolds.
We have eyes on Tyler's GPS.

He's heading east on Chesterfield Road.

Copy that. What about Zach?

We're tracking his GPS too.

He's in the same vicinity as Tyler.

We have agents in pursuit right now.

All right, stay with me.
Let me know where Tyler is.

He's just gone stationary.

Corner of Chesterfield
and Tompkins Road.

Okay, copy that.




Tyler! Tyler!


No, no, no. Zach! Zach!

Zach! Drop the g*n! FBI!

Put your hands on your head!

Don't come any closer!

I'll sh**t him! I swear to God!

You lied to me, Tyler! You lied!

Zach, that's not what happened.

Get back! I'll k*ll him.

I'll k*ll everyone.

Every single person in this damn town.

So get back now!

Okay. I'm getting back.
Zach, don't go in there.

Zach, don't go in there!
We can work this out!

- Get down! Get down!


I have eyes on the suspect.

He's inside a bookstore
in Tompkins and Chesterfield.

He has several hostages.
Send SWAT right away.


Zach is inside. He has several hostages.

Okay, what's the plan?

I'm going inside.

Nina, go around back.

No, no, no, no.
Whoa, whoa, we wait for SWAT.

No, we're not. Nina, 'round back.

OA, you can get a clean angle
from over here if need be.

Okay, Jubal. Jubal!

Are you sure?

My son is one of the hostages.

I'm sure.

I told you to stay away!

I know. I know.
I'm just... I'm here to help.

I've been talking to your parents,

and they're very concerned,
and they asked me

to help you to make sure
you didn't get hurt.

I want a plane.

And I wanna go to Mexico.

Okay. We can talk about that.
I'm here to help.

I promise you, okay?

So please, let's put the g*n down.

Let's let these people go,

and then you and I will sit down,

and we'll talk about it.
We'll figure it out.

Just do what he says.
He'll help you. I promise.

Okay, good.

I want a plane, or I'll k*ll him.

I'll sh**t him in the head,
I swear to God.

Zach, you do not wanna k*ll Tyler.

He's a good kid.
He cares about you very much.

He told me that
he appreciates your friendship.

You protect him from bullies at school.

Is that true?

Well, I wanna thank you.

I'm grateful to you for doing that.

That's who you are.

Man, you're a protector.

You care about people.
You're not a k*ller.

So please, let's put the g*n down, okay?

Please put the g*n down.

I want a plane. And I want a car.

An SUV, a black Escalade. So go!

Get out of here, or I'll
start sh**ting, I swear to God!

Zach, please. Please.

What you're asking for,

a plane, an SUV, that's...
it's a bad idea,

and I'm gonna tell you why, okay?

Because the second you walk
out this door,

you are in danger.

The agents out there,

they do not care about you.

They do not wanna help you.

They don't know that you are a good kid,

that you're a protector.

I'm telling you, I am your best move.

So please, put the g*n down.

You have three seconds!

Zach, I'm not leaving the store.

Zach, if you wanna
k*ll somebody, k*ll me!

- No, no!
- Hey, hey, hey. Go, go, go.

- [SOBBING] I'll k*ll you.
- We got him. Go, go.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You good?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm fine. Thanks.

Kid's barely years old.

Yeah, and now his life
is officially over.

You ever find out what was wrong?

What was going on with him?

I mean, not really, no.

I'm guessing we never will, either.

Yeah, I don't get it. I don't know

how the parents couldn't see
that he was unraveling.

Well, kids don't always share
what they're feeling, you know.

And yeah, sometimes parents
don't wanna see it

even if they pretend to because,

I mean, it's just really hard.


I'm gonna talk to your dad.

Hey, he's doing okay.
All things considered.

Yeah, thanks for keeping an eye on him.

He's strong.
And your boy is gonna be fine.


Thanks, guys.

Hey, how are you doing?

- I'm okay.
- Yeah, you sure?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Talk to me.

I wasn't trying to help Zach.

I was trying to convince him
to surrender.

I wanted to help do something good.

I know.

I'm proud of you.

Proud for what?

I screwed up. I almost got you k*lled.

You kidding me?

Tyler, you saved my life in there.

If it weren't for your strength
and your bravery,

I would be dead.

So thank you.

I love you.

I love you too.