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05x04 - Victim

Posted: 10/12/22 07:16
by bunniefuu
I am not saying that your
coworker is right or wrong.

Amira, I am just saying that
he is entitled to his opinion.

Whether or not you agree
with that is up to...

how is that sexist?

It is too early for this, okay?

Please save the postmodern Muslim

progressive grad student speech
for someone else.

Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me, sir.

Call you back.

Can I help you?

Some man just... he tried to attack me.

How? When?

Like, five minutes ago. He had a knife.

Okay, are you all right?
Do you need medical attention?

No, no, no, he grabbed my arm, and I...

Wallet and watch now.


Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Just relax, all right? Put the g*n...

Wallet and watch or you're a dead man.

Do what he says, bitch.

Okay. All right.

- Okay. Okay.
- Come on!

All right. There you go.

- Let's go.
- All right, all right.

Just take it.

Next time a girl waves
at you, keep walking, dumbass.

You okay? I called .

Cops will be here any second.

Nina? Hey.

Okay, I'll be there in minutes.

I'm just dealing
with something personal.

So what do we got?

Female, Hispanic, about ,
no purse, no ID, no phone.

So we're thinking robbery?

Looks that way.

Hey, everything good?

All good.

Whoa, what happened?

I, uh, took a spill while I was jogging.

But you're okay?

Yeah. I'll have ERT
start to process the scene.

Morning, folks.

So victim was k*lled in a federal park,

which means this one's all ours.

Preliminary report
suggests she's Hispanic,

approximately years old.

Other than that, we are
starting at the beginning.

So we get an ID yet?

Got a hit on facial rec.
Her name is Marta Muñoz.


All right, start preaching to us.

Elise, tell us about Marta Muñoz.

No priors, single, and appears to have

been working as a hairstylist.

Mm, she file any police reports

or restraining orders
in the last few months?


There's not much of a
social media presence, either.

By all accounts,
looks like she was living

a pretty mundane existence.

All right, well, let's get some video
in the bath, and start scrubbing.

I want pods, street cams,
surveillance video.

This perp didn't just
appear out of thin air.

Elise, and pull Marta's
last known address

and get it over
to Tiff and Scola, please.

Got it.

Good morning.

It looks like we're
starting from scratch.

Yeah, a quiet part of town,
especially at night.

There's not a lot of surveillance
cameras down there, either.


OA and Nina are at the
M.E.'s office right now.

Cause of death is strangulation.

You can see the bruising under the neck.

Hyoid bone was crushed,
cutting off the flow of oxygen.

What about the marks on her wrist?

Ratchet marks.

The k*ller used handcuffs.

Looks like it.

So that he could strangle her?

So he could r*pe her.

There's significant tearing
and abrasions.

He leave any DNA behind?

No, unfortunately.

Nothing under the fingernails?


I wish I had more answers for you.

So do we.

- Hi. Mrs. Muñoz?
- Yes?

Hi, we're Special Agents
Chase and Zidan.

What's going on?

Has something happened?

Yes, I'm afraid so.

Oh, my God.

It's Marta, isn't it?

I'm sorry to say, your daughter

was k*lled this morning.

Hey. I got you. I got you.

Marta was a good girl, a good daughter.

Was she having any problems?

Was anybody threatening her,
maybe an ex-boyfriend?

No, nothing like that.

She wasn't dating anyone.

And her last boyfriend was very nice.

He moved to Texas, I think.

Okay, did she mention
anything unusual lately?

Like what?

Did she mention somebody
who might have been scary,

anybody following her, watching her?

Last week.

She said that some guy was watching her

when she closed up the salon.

I told her she should
start taking taxis.

It's too dangerous to take the
subway at that time of night,

but she wanted to save money.

She kept talking about buying a house up

in Westchester someday.

Did this man, did he...

did he do more than just k*ll her?


We are gonna find
the man that hurt Marta.


He's gonna pay for what he did.

I promise.

I'm so sorry.

All right, listen up, Yankee fans.

Marta told her mother
someone was watching her

near the salon
around closing time last week.

So let's start pulling video

near the Left Bank Hair Salon
on East th Street.

Hey, you got a sec?


I just got off the phone
with Detective Chavez

at the th precinct.

I am so sorry. I had no idea.

I'm fine.

I don't care how long
you've been on the job.

Being robbed at gunpoint...

It was not a big deal.

He asked for my wallet.
I gave it to him.

That was that.

Well, NYPD has offered
to let us handle the case.

- So if you...
- No, no, no.

I appreciate that,
but it was a few addicts

trying to make a quick buck.
Isobel, that's it.

I'm not so sure about that.

Case detective thinks that
these two perps

are responsible for at least
ten other robberies.

Okay. Well, that's your call.

But I'm good.

If that's what you want, okay.

If you don't mind, I would prefer

to keep this private, though.

Yeah, of course.

Hey. How'd it go with the boss?

Good, she just needs me
to clean up a report.

Oh, fun. Well, it'll have to wait.

The JOC pulled street cam footage,

and they found the dude
who was following Marta.

We ran facial rec, and that
is him... Norm Carver, .

He has two priors,
one for forcible touching,

and one for stalking
in the third degree.

He has warrants out
for his arrest on both.

Also, he's a security guard off and on,

so he owns his own handcuffs.

Okay. We have an address?

, ...

It's gonna be right up here.


I think I spot him at our two.

Same height, same build.

Yep, that's him.

Stay put.


Norm Carver, you're under arrest.

Hey! Hey.

I've had enough, okay? I've had enough.

- Do you understand?
- Hey.

Hey, hey, hey. Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Norm here just doesn't like to listen.

Let's give him a chance to, OA.

Yeah, okay.

- Are you gonna cooperate?
- Yeah.

Hands behind your back.

Let's go.

No. Don't know her.

You sure?

Sure as I can be
about something like that.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Means I meet lots of women.

Some I remember, some I don't.


So just to be clear, you don't
remember ever meeting her?



Well, this is last week.

That's you and that's Marta.

A man's allowed to walk down the street.

Why are you lying, Norm?


You just said that you don't know her.

I don't.

Doesn't mean I've never seen her before.

You might want to rethink
your strategy here.

Okay, we are investigating a m*rder.

What are you talking about?

She's dead. Someone strangled her.

You're on the short list of
people who could have done it.

I... I thought this was about
my outstanding warrants.

I got nothing to do with any of this.

On my mother.

I'm sure you love your mother very much,

but we're gonna need more than that.

Look, I remember walking home,

and I saw her near a hair salon.

She was cute,
so I followed her, hoping to,

you know, start up a conversation.

I'm old-school.

I like to chat up ladies face to face...

don't like all that swiping
left and right nonsense.

You like to look them
in the eye, is that it?

That's the best part,
seeing the twinkle.

I'm sure you love to watch
the twinkle disappear, too,

right... the life leave their eyes?

I followed that lady for a few blocks,

said hello, then I tried
to start up a conversation,

but she was scared, so I stopped talking

and walked away.

- Because you're a gentleman?
- Exactly.

Gentlemen don't have priors for stalking

and forceable touching, Norm.

That's all in the past.

I had a crazy ex-girlfriend.

She got wasted and called the police.

You got a second?

So NYPD just found another body,

same MO as Marta's m*rder...

sexual as*ault, strangulation,

handcuffs on the wrist this time.

- Time of death?
- An hour ago.

- Prince Charming is not our guy.
- Okay, are we sure about that?

I mean, there's more than one
angry white dude in the city.

Yeah, we checked his phone's
location, pulled video.

He was in Bed-Stuy
at the time of Marta's m*rder,

so he's not our guy.

But I'll make sure he gets
booked on those warrants.

You guys head down to the scene, okay?

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Female, white, age ,
name's Andrea Morris.

- Any witnesses?
- No... not yet, anyway.

But we're on it.
We have agents out canvassing.

We got to stop meeting like this.

- I couldn't agree more.
- What's the matter?

You guys don't have enough resources?

Forgot how to solve
a simple m*rder case?

What did you say?

What the hell are you talking about?

We are doing everything we can...

everything, do you understand?

- Get out of my face.
- Or what?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Omar, chill.

Okay. All right.

- That's enough. Back off.
- He's out of line.

He's got no right talking that way.

Yeah, maybe we stop
with the jokes, okay?

We have two dead bodies.


What was that all about?
I mean, the guy was joking.

A bad joke, sure, but still.

You do not joke about stuff like this.

OA's right.

That was out of line.

You good, Omar?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Poor girl.

I can't imagine how scared
she must have felt.

You know, being so alone
and so vulnerable.

This guy knows what he's doing.

He filed the serial number
off of the handcuffs.

The ADIC is getting anxious,
and the mayor wants

to set up a press conference, so please,

tell me something good.

I wish I could. ERT came up
empty at the second crime scene.

No forensics.

The k*ller's obviously
using condoms and gloves.

Okay. What about the handcuffs?

Still being processed.

All right. You two get over
to the crime lab

and light a fire under their asses.

We have got two murders
in two days and not one clue.

Hmm, hate to say it, but he's good.

Now, maybe.

- What about before?
- What do you mean?

Well, he didn't just
wake up two days ago

and become a k*ller, right?

This guy had a life before.
So what was he doing?

What kinds of crimes was he committing?

He didn't go from model citizen
to k*ller overnight.

Right, he worked his way up
to the big leagues,

- started small.
- Harassment, stalking.

Yeah, and then moved on

to more serious crimes, like r*pe.

And got better along the way,
learned from his mistakes.


All right, people, let's start digging

into recent sexual as*ault
cases in the Lower East Side.

Scrub any and all police reports
within the last three months.

Look for victims that match the profile

of our two recent m*rder victims.

All right, grab your hoes and spades.

Get to work.

Detective Chavez,
I don't have a lot of time.

I'm in the middle of an investigation.

I won't be long, promise.

I just want to go
over your police report,

see if you remember anything
that might be helpful.

What does that mean?

Excuse me?

I told the cop everything that happened.

I know, it's just that, sometimes,

people remember things
down the road, you know?

In the moment, there's so many emotions.

It's like, you can't really
process what just happened.

Yeah, I get it. I do this for a living.

No, you solve cases for a living.

It's, uh... it's different.

Okay, well, like I said,
I don't have a lot of time.

You told the responding officer that

you didn't see either
of the perps' faces.

Is that true?

Of course I did, I...
it just happened fast.

You described the female
assailant as white,

thin build, average height.

Anything else you want to add...
tattoos, scars?

Uh, no.

That's, uh, everything that I remember.

And the male assailant,

wearing a hoodie,
medium height and build?

That's correct.

And you said neither one
actually att*cked you.

They just asked for your wallet
and you handed it over?



Look, Omar, these two perps
have been pretty active,

and they're getting more
and more violent too.

They're flashing g*ns,
p*stol-whipping people.

We need to get them off the streets.

And I wish I could help you.

I really do. But I saw what I saw.

Would you be willing
to look at some photos?

I told you, I saw what I saw.

I know you didn't get
a good look at their faces,

but sometimes,
seeing a picture stimulates

a victim's recollection.

Helps people remember things
that they wouldn't remember.

Detective, I did not get
a good look at their faces.


You can save this victim self-help crap,
for someone else.

This guy is picking up the pace

and we are no closer to identifying him.

Where are we at
with the prior police reports?

Any similarities worth chasing?

We might have something.

NYPD filed a report three weeks ago

about a young woman who was assaulted.

- Uh-huh.
- Hmm.

Those abrasions certainly look
like they're from restraints.

Who is she and what do we know?

Citra Susanti, ,
claims a guy in a ski mask

dragged her into an alley,

used a zip tie to bind her hands.

All right, good. I mean, zip ties,

not handcuffs, but close enough.

It still fits the k*ller's profile.

- Then what happened?
- Nothing.

According to the report,
she managed to fight him off.

Anyone identified or taken
into custody behind it?

Negative... the cop who wrote
the report noted the victim

was reluctant to file a complaint.

The only reason she did was,

a witness heard her screaming,
called the police.


It's not easy coming forward
after being att*cked.

All right, why don't you two
go talk to this young lady?

- Kelly, send them the address.
- Sure.

Maybe she saw something that'll help.

My memory of that day
is a little foggy, I'm sorry.

I understand.

We just still need
to ask you some questions.

What do you want to know?

Can you tell us what happened
from the beginning?

I was out to dinner with friends,

and I was walking home when I saw him.

He just moved toward me.

Did you see his face?

No. He was wearing a ski mask.


What happened next?

He grabbed me.

And then he dragged me
behind a building.

He tried to bind my hands, so I bit him.

But he had gloves on, so I had
to bite down really hard.

He... he ran away.

Is there a problem?

No, not at all.

We're just trying
to understand what happened.

She just told you.

I know that.

But the crime scene photos
tell a different story.

They show that Citra's wrists
had abrasions.

- Are you saying she's lying?
- No, absolutely not.

We're just saying that
injuries like that

indicate that she was fully restrained.

What difference does it make?

A man att*cked her,
but she's still alive.

End of story.

It's not as simple as that, ma'am.

We believe the man who att*cked
Citra may have also just

k*lled two other women,
so we were hoping

for some sort of information
to help us identify him.

I just want to be clear, okay?

This man didn't hurt you?


Like I said, I bit him and he ran.


I know you didn't see his face,
but did you see his skin color?

Do you remember his height
or his build, anything?

I remember seeing his wrist.

He was white or light-skinned.

And he was average height
and weight, I think.

It's hard to remember.

I honestly can't remember
a lot about that night.

For the better.

- Can you just...
- We understand.

And we appreciate your help.

If you remember anything else,
please give us a call.

There's more than she's saying.

It's possible, but she needs time.

Look, I'm not judging her, OA, trust me,

but she's holding back.
I can see it in her eyes.

Well, maybe it's pain.

Or maybe it's fear or humiliation,

or the fact that her parents
are hovering over her,

forcing her to pretend
that it never happened.

All right, that can't help either.

- Right?
- Yeah.

- Yeah, you're right, but...
- But what?

But it doesn't mean
that I'm wrong, okay?

And I'm not trying to blame
her or revictimize her.

I'm just frustrated, okay,
because I wanted more answers

so that we can catch
this guy before he hurts

or kills other women.

Still got a k*ller on the loose,

so we're hoping for good news
and good news only.

Well, I am doing my best, but...

Not the start I was hoping for.

No fingerprints on the handcuffs.

Did find DNA, but it belongs
to our victim, Andrea Morris.

- So we got nothing.
- Not exactly.

Serial number was filed off,

which initially made it difficult

to determine the place of sale.

- Initially?
- Yeah.

I remedied it by using a technique

we normally use on firearms...

applied some reagents, etched the metal.

- The number reappeared.
- Hmm.

We're gonna need that serial
number to ascertain the seller.

That's nice work.

A slow start,
but finished with a flourish.


I've never been in one
of these stores before.

Me neither.

Special Agent Scola.
This is Special Agent Wallace.

We need to ask you a few questions.

What about?

A pair of handcuffs that
were sold here used in a crime.

What kind of crime?

We can't say, but your
cooperation is important.

Look, I'm as pro law
enforcement as they come,

but if you won't tell me what happened,

I can't help you, can I?

It's simple, sir.

We just need to know who
bought these handcuffs.

And that means we're gonna need access

to your sales records,
any video footage you have

covering the cash register area.

Yeah, sorry. That's not gonna happen.

I mean, my boss would k*ll me.

The dude is super against any
sort of government overreach.

So unless you got a warrant,
I can't help you.

We do.

- Do you mind if I take a look?
- Please.

You can read it, frame it,

put it on your wall if you want.

We're not leaving until we have
those records, and that footage.

Are we clear?


Kelly, where are we at
with that surplus store info?

Well, the inventory list
shows only one pair of cuffs

was sold in the past two weeks.

Trouble is, I've been scouring
credit card receipts

and can't find any charges that matches

the purchase of the cuffs.

Well, maybe he paid in cash.

What about the cameras
covering the cash register?

Yeah, I think I might have something.

Obviously, there's no audio
to go with the footage.

That's all right.

A picture's worth a thousand words.

Throw it up. Let's see this guy.

Well, it's not a guy.

Does she pop on facial rec?

Yes. Got an immediate hit.

Barbie Simmons, ,

has two prior arrests for solicitation.

What else do we know about Barbie?

Um, arrests were made
by undercover vice cops

conducting sex-for-hire stings.

She apparently specializes
in bondage and roleplaying.

Hmm. Do we have an address on her?

Yes, an apartment over in Queens.

All right, well, obviously
she's not our r*pist,

but send Tiff and Scola over


FBI, open the door.

Jubal says her phone is
still pinging at this location.

Come on, Barbie.

You can open it up,
or we can kick it down.

It's your choice.

What's going on?

The woman who stays here,
you seen her today?

No, sorry.

And where's the super stay?

You're looking at him.

- You got the key?
- Sure do.


Barbie Simmons?

Anybody home?

The closet's clear.

We got a body.

I'm guessing that's Barbie.

Death appears to be
from a violent strangulation,

and based on the advanced
levels of decomposition,

I'd estimate she was k*lled
about two weeks ago.

Hard to determine exactly when
until I get her on the table.

What about the trauma to her face?

Was that before or after death?

Looks like it was inflicted post-mortem.

Son of a bitch couldn't get enough

even after she was dead.

Probably got upset
she died, so he got angry

and started punching her.

Who knows what was in this guy's head.

The good news is,
looks like he left behind

some leather fragments.

- So he was wearing gloves?
- It appears that way.

I'll run them for DNA.

It's a long shot,
but uh, you never know.

Thanks, Neil.

- Any luck with ERT?
- Nothing.

No working security cameras
in the building.

They think that the suspect
wiped the apartment down

with liquid bleach.

They found a bottle discarded
in the kitchen.

He left the windows open,
too, to air it out

and delay the discovery.

This guy's always thinking.

Well, it's time to stop admiring
his work, and nail his ass.

Yeah, I appreciate it.

Okay, so the medical examiner
just confirmed

that Barbie Simmons was k*lled
approximately days ago.

So that makes her our first victim.


Where are we with the leather fibers?

Uh, they found two samples,
one was Barbie Simmons,

and the other one was an unknown female

of Southeast Asian descent.

- So we're thinking Citra?
- I mean, it has to be.

She said she bit down hard
on her attacker's glove.

Hey, uh, there's a Detective Chavez

waiting in the boardroom,
says he wants to talk to you

about a photo array.

A photo array?

Uh, yeah, unrelated to this case.

You couldn't call before
showing up, detective?

Tried. You didn't pick up.

That is because I am in the
middle of an active case.

So am I.

Patrol units just called me
a few minutes ago.

Looks like the two perps that
att*cked you just robbed another guy.

Okay. You can talk to him.

Can't. They shot him.


He's in bad shape, too.

On the operating table as we speak.

So with all due respect,
showing up unannounced

isn't my biggest concern.

You are correct.

My apologies. I am sorry.

I put together a photo array
of potential suspects

hoping you'll take a look.
Might jog your memory.

It's called guided visualization...

pictures, objects, locations.

Seeing them sometimes
jogs repressed memories.

Give it a shot, Omar.

What's the harm in looking?

Um, I will.

I'm a little distracted right now.

We just got a lead on our
serial k*ller, but today.

I promise, you have my word.

I appreciate that, Omar.

No, thank you.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey, what's going on?


Come on, don't do that.

- Do what?
- Pretend like nothing's wrong.

I'm your partner. Just tell me.

Two punks tried to rob me this morning.

The detective has some photos.

He wants me to take a look,
see if I can identify anybody,

but like I told him this morning,

I didn't get a good look,
because it was not a big deal.

Okay, well, I'm sorry that you...

OA, where are you going?

I want to go talk to Citra again,

alone this time, if you don't mind.

The detective gave me a new
angle that we haven't tried yet.

I think it can work.


I don't know what else I can tell you.

My memory of that night is limited.

I'm sure that it is.

But like I said,
the man that att*cked you

k*lled three other women.

This is important.

I get it, I do.

But I never saw the person's face,

and I already told you what I remember.

I know.

But maybe we can try again,
because Citra, sometimes,

when something like this happens,

your brain plays a trick on you.

Like it deletes some memory
so that you don't have to deal

with what really happened,

so that you don't have to talk about it

with your friends or your family,

and feel the embarrassment
or the judgment,

as if, somehow, you getting
att*cked was your fault.

I know what you mean.

I keep replaying that night,
wondering why he picked me.

I know.

I get it, trust me, but

you know that this was not
your fault, right?

No, I don't.

I... I was in inappropriate clothing.


There is no such thing. Okay?

You can wear whatever you want,
wherever you want to.

It was sinful.

Even if it was, okay, the Koran says,

we are all forgiven our trespass,

and that we must tell the truth.


So now that we are here,

in the place where he first grabbed you,

I need you to try and remember
that night one more time.

- I don't want to.
- Please?

Just try.

It's called guided visualization.

And I think it might help.

He didn't just grab me.

He tried to as*ault me s... sexually.

He... he zip tied me
and pushed me to the ground,

and he... he took his pants off.

But then I bit him.

And I scratched him too.

I must have cut him,
because later, when I got home,

I saw his blood on my blouse.

He got his blood on your shirt?

- Did you wash it?
- No.

It's at the bottom of my closet.

That's really good, Citra.

Citra, thank you.

Thank you.

The lab is running the blood
on Citra's blouse.

- We should know something soon.
- Fingers crossed.

Hey, do you really think
that she didn't remember

until today, or she just
didn't want to talk about it?

Uh, I don't know.

Maybe both.

But I'm gonna go talk to Chavez.


I thought you said
you didn't get a good look.

I didn't.

Nina, I didn't, or I didn't think I did,

but after talking
to Citra, I got to try.

Yeah, maybe you just needed more time.

It's not easy being a victim.

Really messes with the way
you see things.

I'm not trying to upset you. I...

It's not that.


The perps that mugged me shot someone.

He's in critical condition.

The detective doesn't know
if he's gonna make it, and...

he's got a family, and...

Hey, go easy on yourself.

You were mugged. And you are a victim.

And I don't care who you are
or what you do,

that's really heavy stuff.


That's him.

You sure?

I'm positive.

Okay. Good.

And that is her, the female perp.

No doubt about it.

These were the two we've been tracking.

We just wanted one more
positive ID before getting a warrant.

I'm sorry that it took so long.

Is what it is.

The victim that they shot, how is he?

I'm not sure.

The last I checked,
he was in rough shape...

touch and go.

- Thanks for your help, Omar.
- Yeah.

Thank you. Hey, DNA came back.

We got a hit.

Looks like this son of a bitch
was hiding in plain sight.

It's the clerk from the surplus store.

FBI. Hands where we can see them.

Federal agents.

Where's Jason?

- Why? He in trouble?
- Answer the question.

He left. He got off shift like,
ten minutes ago.

- On foot?
- Yeah.

- What direction did he go in?
- I'm not sure.

He's not here.

I saw him talking to a girl
shopping for some cargo pants.

- Did she leave with him?
- I guess.

I got a little busy, but

definitely looked like they were vibing,
so probably.

Jubal, Jason's not here. He left
with a girl about ten minutes ago.

Copy that. Standby.

Elise, when you pinged Jason's phone,

he was at the surplus store, right?

Yes, or at least in that general area.

Yeah. Can you ping it again?

Cell coverage in that area
is a little spotty,

so I can't give you an exact location,

but it shows he's still
within a few hundred yards

of the surplus store.

OA, his cell is still pinging
off the same tower,

so he's still somewhere in that area.

Copy that. Okay. Let's split up.

Check restaurants, bodegas,
anywhere this guy

could be with this girl, yeah?

Excuse me, sir?
Have you seen this person?

- No.
- All right.

Excuse me? Have you seen this guy?

Guys, I just heard a woman scream

one block east of the surplus store.

- I'm checking it out now.
- Okay. Copy that. On my way.

I think it came from one
of the shipping containers.

I'm right behind you.

Shut up! Shut up!

Hey! FBI!

Show me your hands!

Here's here, guys. Send backup.

Help is coming.

Hey. I got her. Go.

Let's get these off. I got you, okay?

It's all right.

NYPD is arriving on the scene.

They should have it contained
in the next few minutes.

Where are you exactly?

I'm in the rear of the warehouse.

I lost sight of the suspect,

but he's got to be in here somewhere.

Hold your position.
We're headed towards you.

What's the matter, Jason?

You don't like being
on the other side of this?

Hey, hey, hey! OA, OA, OA!

Enough, enough, enough.

- Back off.
- Okay, okay, okay.

You got him. You got him.

- I got him.
- You got him. It's good.

- Is the girl okay?
- Yeah, she's fine.

Come on. Take a breather. It's over.

You did good.

Thank God you got the bloody shirt

from Citra, otherwise that girl
would have been dead.

I could have gotten it earlier.

If she didn't block it out.

- If she gave it to us earlier.
- Hey. Hey.

No. Don't say that.

It's the truth.

If she gave NYPD the bloody shirt

at the beginning, if she...

if she remembered,

then three other girls
would be alive right now.

She did the best that she could.

She was humiliated and traumatized

and scared to tell the people
that she loves

what actually happened to her.


I think she's amazing.

And I don't blame her,

not one minute, for what happened.

Okay, she worked through her pain

and her fear and her anger,

and she found the courage to
remember what happened to her.

You're right.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm looking for a patient

who sustained a g*nsh*t
injury earlier today.

I'm not sure his name.

Um, Peter Atkins.

And he's still here?

He's in the ICU, recovery room A.

Okay. Any idea how he's doing?

No, I'm sorry.

All right, thank you.

What are you doing here?

I, uh, I just wanted
to make sure that he was okay.

What about you?

We just collared the perps.

I just came here
to deliver the good news.


End of the day, we're just people.

Badge or no badge.

You know what I mean?
