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01x05 - See You Later

Posted: 10/11/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come back.

Come on, Anya. Come on.


Jesus, Anya.

Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay?

Are you okay?

What's wrong?

Do you see it? It's right there!

It's right there!

It was an overdose.

She was apparently palming her pills.


You didn't know this?

Mark said when he got there...

I thought I heard him ask somebody
about a do not resuscitate order.

Did Anya have a DNR?

- She didn't tell you about that.
- Why didn't you tell me that?

I'm her roommate.
If anyone needs to know, it's...

If I would have known, I wouldn't...

- I don't know. I would have...
- Done the same thing, I hope.

A DNR doesn't mean do not treat.

I always say that Brightcliffe
is about agency and it is.

But, Ilonka, we won't stand by

and watch someone overdose
on their own meds.

I'm so glad you didn't either.

You did the right thing.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

I didn't know and I shouldn't have...

I shouldn't have interfered.

I'm sorry, Anya.

It's okay.

How are you?

Are you okay?

You know, I don't know
if you remember, but...

you were really hysterical
when you came to...

You asked me if I could see something.

What did you see, Anya?

I was high.

- I didn't see anything.
- You did, though.

You... You talked about something
Rachel said toward the end.

- Something about a shadow.
- No... shadow.

It's bullshit.

You understand?

I didn't see it.

I was high.


How are you doing? You okay?

I don't know.

I can imagine how you must feel right now.

But you... you got to be kind to yourself.

Yeah, it's easier said than done.

Come here for a sec.

Just a sec. It's cool. Come on.

What was that?


The Paragon Diary belonged
to a girl who called herself Athena.

She was 16 when she escaped.

And this is her story.

Cults were a big thing in America
in the '20s and '30s,

and huge in the '40s.

The Psychiana Movement,

the Silver Legion and the I AM Sect
got the headlines,

but the Paragon was the most tragic
of them all.

It was started in 1931 by Regina Ballard,

who would later call herself Aceso,

after the Greek goddess of healing,

which makes a sad kind of sense.

Her husband died of pneumonia
and her son died of polio,

so she started the group
as a new age health philosophy,

just a naturopathic alternative
to the medical establishment.

But it changed into something else.

Aceso was obsessed
with the ancient Greek goddesses,

in particular the Five Sisters.

Panacea, the goddess of universal health.

Hygeia, goddess of cleanliness.

Iaso, goddess of recuperation.

Aglaea, goddess of beauty.

And Aceso, her namesake,
goddess of the healing process.

With the right worship,

Aceso thought she could accomplish more
than healthy living and healing sickness.

She picked a symbol that represented time,

the hourglass,

which could be turned over again,
and again, and again.

Aceso chose which members
would represent the five sisters.

Outside of herself, of course.

So they dug deeper into the god
and goddess worship of the ancient world.

Prayer wasn't enough anymore.

Offerings weren't enough.

She finally crossed the line
into true ancient ritual,

blood sacrifice.

Athena was freaked by what she saw.

She wasn't just any member.
Aceso was her mom.

She had watched her dad
and her brother die,

and now she's watching her mom
lose her mind.

Athena begged her to stop
to see how crazy she was getting.

She knew she had to stop her mom.

So Athena gathered the other children
and snuck out in the middle of the night.

She led them almost a mile
to the nearest neighbor,

and called the police.

The police went back
but couldn't find anyone, anywhere.

Until they finally listened to Athena
and checked the basement.

The basement that had a secret button
in the elevator.

All of the adults were dead.

Poisoned. All except one.

Aceso swore it was an accident.

Said she'd gathered the wrong plants
for the tea they drank in their rituals.

But that was just a story.

Because Athena says her mom knew exactly
what she was doing.

Her mom told her something big was coming.

A blood sacrifice
the goddesses wouldn't ignore.

The blood sacrifice
that would give her a long, long life.

Five goddesses?

The five sisters.

They're Greek?

Well, these names are.
Panacea, Iaso, Aceso.

But see, in Rome, they were different.

They were Carna, Feronia,
Valetudo, Cardea, Fabrice.

In Egypt, they were Sekhmet, !sis, Serqet.

Same things, different names.

It's f*cked up is what it is.

Poisoning people
because of some bullshit old stories?

Well, she really thought
it could make her live longer.

Did it work?

Aceso dropped off the radar after
and went to her real name,

so I don't know how long she lived.

What about her daughter, Athena?

Well, that wasn't her real name either.

And she definitely got out of here
as fast as she could.

But left the journal?

And Julia Jayne found it,
and read it, and hid it in the library

and left those numbers
for someone else to find it.

Why, though?

Well, we know that Brightcliffe
was empty after the Paragon.

Empty still Stanton bought it in '66.

And she cleaned a lot of it out
but missed some stuff.

The journal, the basement.

And along comes Julia Jayne
and she finds both of them.

She reads Athena's diary,
which talks a lot

about what they actually did.

In pretty specific detail.

She starts the Midnight Club
in the basement

and walks out of here, cured.

I don't know.

I mean, I've tried some crazy stuff.
Like really crazy stuff.

Honestly, I tried just about anything

because I don't want to die
any more than the rest of us do but...

It isn't about believing.

I know that the Paragon was here
in Brightcliffe.

And they slept in our beds.
They sat at our tables.

They walked in our halls.

And thanks to Athena,
I know what they believed.

I know that Julia found that journal.

I know the Midnight Club met
in the same place

that the Paragon did the rituals.

And I know Julia walked out of here,

So, what do you wanna do?

Go gather some poisonous berries,
throw in a couple of togas?

Togas aren't Greek.

Thank you.

Hello, gorgeous.

What did you get?

My mom, she's sh**ting a movie right now,
and she's working with Molly Blake.

You know who that is?

Is that an actress?

Nope. She's a wig maker.

And not just a wig maker. She's...

the wig maker.

She's made wigs that cost
more than a hundred thousand dollars.

And she just worships my mom.

She's worn her stuff for like, four movies
and, like, 400 red carpets.

So I send her the sizes, and she resizes
one of her showroom pieces...

and voila.

- Wow, that's...
- I know.

And she did this one based on
pictures of me before chemo.

And this new one, it's even better,
I think.

- Uh, that's really great.
- And I think, honestly,

you and me might be the only two people
in the world

who got an original Molly Blake
without having to fly to Italy.

Wait. What?

Oh, yeah. This is for you.

That's why I measured your head last week.

And that's why I broke into your room
while you were sleeping

and stole those pictures of you.

- Wait, you what?
- Try it on.

- Put your fingers up.
- Like this?

There you go.

Okay. You can let go.

See that face? Beautiful face.

Oh, yeah.

There it is.

I... I don't...

- I mean, I don't know how to thank you.
- You're welcome.


Because you mentioned it.

You look great.

We are gathered here today
to celebrate Amesh's death day.


A day he was not supposed to reach.

A year ago, a bunch of doctors told him
he had a year to live.

A year ago, today, and here we are.

Here he is. Stubborn m*therf*cker.

Don't adlib. Don't...
Just read what's there.

Sorry. I'm late.

No, that's okay. We just got started.

Amesh's brain
has been eating itself for a long time.

That glioblastoma is an assh*le.

Uh, you're just speaking from the heart
spontaneously, aren't you?

An assh*le that took this beautiful,
brilliant, handsome man

and gave him all the seizures?

If he drinks alcohol,
he could have a seizure.

If he takes an aspirin,
he could have a seizure.

To be blunt,
if this man breathes too hard,

he could have a seizure.

His shit just don't work.

And yet...

He thrives.

- And now, your funeral suit, please.
- Oh, yes.

- Oh, come on.
- Whoo!

- Yes!
- Oh, wow.

Look at those socks.
It's all coming off.




I was gonna be buried in this suit today.


It's the one my parents picked, and...

I'm told it's a nice one, but...

I can tell, it's not me.


Oh, yes, this is the shirt
that I would actually like to be sent off.


See you later.

Thanks for being you, Amesh.

Hear, hear.

Glad you're with us, my man.

Well, that's done.

Shall we party?

These are really special... brownies.

Getting high was on your BID list.

Uh, we had to make it happen.

Here you go.

- What's this?
- Open it, fool.

What the...

How did you... This isn't up for months.

My dad's working in Japan right now,
and he knows a lot of people at Sony.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.

- Oh!
- Okay. Okay.

Do you all think Stanton smokes weed?

- Yes.
- Yes.

- You really think so?
- Mm-hm.

She bought this place.

So, yeah, one's gotta have
some kind of escape.

And she doesn't strike me as a drunk,
but weed, makes sense.

Maybe she's super evil,

and she really just started this place
so she could watch other people suffer

or maybe even siphon off our life force
and put our souls into dolls.

And late at night,
she talks to those dolls,

makes them do tricks,

and the dolls have to escape
but they're way too short

to reach the doorknob.

- Well, now, I'm thinking about it.
- That is a good point.

Do we really know where these bodies go?

What if it's like Hansel and Gretel,
but also like Sweeney Todd?

And she... she lured us here
with our sicknesses

just to bake us into pies.

Sandra is high, y'all.

Like, death pie high.

Oh, my god. I'm going to tell a story
called Death Pie High.

And it's about a high school lunch lady
catering a pep rally

and getting revenge
for a bake sale scandal,

and holy shit, it is writing itself.

I'm glad you finally emerged
from your cave.

Keep your distance.
I'm sure I smell bad.

Oh, you don't smell bad.

Okay. You smell bad,
but I... I've smelled worse.

And I've smelled worse.

I don't blame you, though.

You've been in your room for a while.

Dr. Stanton told me I have...

like, clinical depression.

I can't imagine why.

My mom thought I was doing it
for attention.


acting out because of my dad.

I... I didn't know till I was here that

there was a real name for it.

Dr. Stanton told me,
maybe that's why I have not...

felt stuff sometimes or most times.

I think with what happened to Anya that...

it got me low again.

I'm so f*cking scared I'm gonna die
before I see my parents again.

I've been really scared all week.

All month, actually.

All about today.
Like how I wouldn't make it.

So, you're not dead.

That's a good thing.

What are you gonna do?

There's only two things
that I've actually...


really wanted...

is to get the girl and...

save the world.


Is that all?

That's all. Yeah.

And I don't know if I'll ever do that.

I don't know if I can.

I don't know if I should, you know.

Okay. Time to f*ck off, evil brownie.


- Shit.
- Jesus.


Are you okay?

Did you just come in here?



Because it's midnight.

Fire's ready, folks.

Did you hear that music?

- What music?
- I don't know, actually.


you must have found a really,
really special brownie.

What did you see?

There was a woman...

standing over Anya.

Oh, shit.

You're still high.

I'm still high.

I am. Sandra is almost asleep.

I don't know, though.

I didn't want to say anything
just because, I don't know,

I thought maybe I imagined it.

But a few nights ago,

I heard someone calling my name
out of the intercom speaker

in the recovery wing.

I had Mark open the door.

- No one was there.
- What did it sound like?

- Yeah, was it a voice you recognize?
- I'm not even sure I heard it,

and I didn't want to bring it up,
and you know, sound all weird for nothing.

Maybe it was a sign...

telling me that you're okay.

There's a heaven. There's a place to go.

You guys know what Anya would say, right?

She'd say, if it was a ghost or a sign,

if they could say "Spence,"

they could say something else, too.

I don't think she's coming.


She was asleep when I left.

Should we even do this tonight?

I mean, if we're still high
and we're still freaked out,

- then I totally understand.
- Oh, we're doing it.

You plan this day to the letter,
and you said it ended in your story.

And unless you want to hear Death Pie High

which I'm totally committing to,
by the way,

I suggest you step up.

So a little twist
on the toast tonight. Um...

I want a toast to...

I want to toast to days.

Thinking about the day that we've all had,

the day that somebody told us
that we were gonna die.

I wanna toast to those days before
and to those after.

To those before, to those after.

To these days now
and to those days beyond.

To these days now,
and to those days beyond.

Seen or unseen, here but not here.

Seen or unseen, here but not here.

To all those days.

All of them.

My story is called See You Later.

And it doesn't have things
that go bump in the night.

But it does have things,
a few things, in fact,

that scare me.

Luke loves video games.
Quite a programmer too.

Already designing strategy games
from his basement.

But lately the only thing on his mind
is the girl at the counter.

He's come in every afternoon
for the past two weeks,

trying to find the guts to talk to her.

And today's the day
he's gonna talk to the girl.

It's also the day he's gonna k*ll
the whole world.

I was wondering
when you were gonna pull the trigger.

You played it?

Nah, I'm into strategy mostly.

That's my thing, too.

Then why are you buying Broadsword?

Did you know I, um...

- design games?
- Yeah?

Strategy games, actually.

Um, I'm working on this one,
Starlight Crystal.

Um, I actually wanted to ask you

if you wanted to go out, um,
to a movie with me.

Um, I'm actually seeing someone right now.

We just made it exclusive a week ago,
but I'm flattered.

I'm Becky. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too. I'm Luke.

I'll put back Broadsword.

Don't want to buy this.

Starlight Crystal.

Sorry. I wasn't spying.
I just overheard you.

You said you design games.

- Um, yeah, it's...
- I don't mean to freak you out.

No stranger danger.
I'm Vincent from V-com.

Sorry. I don't mean to intrude.

It's just not every day
I meet a high school kid

who code strategy games.

Tell me more.

Vincent Beggs was a legend.

Nobody ever knew what he looked like.
Nobody ever saw him.

He was just a coder, designer, hotshot,
mysterious, genius, rock star, recluse.

So when Vince offered to give him
a sneak peek at his newest game,

Luke didn't even think twice.

Holy shit.

You live here?

This? Nah.

No. This is a rental
just to finish the game.

Check this out.

Holy shit.

This isn't next-gen,
this is next millennium.

What... what are these graphics?
What's the engine?

Near-future battle strategy.

This thing is...
it's basically risk on steroids.

Nuclear arsenal has been moved to orbit.

USA, Russia, China, India,
all have orbital arsenals.

You could start World w*r III,
you could end World w*r III.

Or you could end the world.

First of 10,000 decisions.
And this, this is the only easy one.

How many w*apon stations do you spin up?

All nine at once or start smaller?

Play it safe one at a time.

Assuming they don't get shot down.

Good luck.

First game
last less than ten minutes.

Complex is an understatement.

Sovereign nation simulated perfectly,
with response times,

wild cards, technical advantages,
and glitches,

and array of weaponry,
unheard of in gaming,

and a complex global ecosystem
that overwhelmed him at every turn.

By midnight, he's seen a hundred
nuclear holocausts,

burned the planet, and obliterated
the human race, again, again, and again.

In short, this game is impossible.

This game is impossible.

It's almost not a game.
It's a proper simulation.

I... I got to factor in weather,
fallout. It's...

It's not fun.

It's, um... It's too real.

I mean, it'd be a crazy useful training
tool for the military or something, but...

For ethicists too. Nuclear age morality.

All of human strength
meets all of human weakness.

Checkmate for the planet Earth.

This one's my opus.

I'm sorry, I'm late.
I got a bit carried away.

Close at one restaurant, went for another...


Hello there.

Uh, this is Luke.

- He's a programmer.
- Yeah.

Um... Hello, Luke.

Um, it's nice to see you. I'm Kara.

Luke's trying out Decision.

Yeah, and I'm not doing so well.

Well, it's difficult, that one.

Almost impossible, that one.

Vincent is a genius, isn't he?

Well, you boys might want to take a break
because I was just down on the beach

and the stars tonight, and the moon...

And you said we would see it pretty soon,
right, Vince?

Yeah, that's right.

See what?

Is that your girlfriend?

Forget games, man. You won at life.

Game over. High score.

You got to see this, Luke.

When? How close?

About 50 seconds or so.

He says like it's normal
to know something like that.

In 50 seconds or so,

you will be able to see
the International Space Station.

He can tell you when a planet
is about to appear on the horizon.

He's amazing with sidereal coordinates.

Yeah, you can tell from the game.

Really makes you consider
the greenhouse effect

is just too much for anyone
to keep track of.

You can't beat a game like that.
It's just... I don't know.

- It's just too much going on.
- Well...

If you help me crack it, Luke,

I'll split the advance with you.


Yeah, take money off your list of things
to worry about.

What do you say?

Uh, um...

There she is.

Holy shit.



Sorry. That was... that was weird.

I'm okay now, I think. Yeah.

I'm okay.

Nothing weird about this.

I totally drink whatever they handed me,

especially after I blacked out
for no reason.

Uh, there is a reason.

Luke has a bad heart.

He's known it since he was a kid.

He gets winded going up the stairs

He could never play sports.

That's... that's actually one of the reasons
he found video games.

Because his heart had to work
a little harder than most people's.

The doctor said it might not run as long.

It could actually, uh...
quit on him any time, really.

Meanwhile, Becky's
new relationship only grows deeper.

Her new beau is Ray.

He's a son of a major politician.
Rich, connected, and handsome as shit.

He's got a bright, bright future.

The kind of kid that could be anything
when he grew up.

The White House or Wall Street, you know?

The kind of guy who always
gets the girls' attention

and is about to get some more.

Oh, that is just the worst.

And happening to such a beautiful machine.

I've got a jack, cutie.

You need help changing it?

Meanwhile, Luke's over
at Vincent's every day after school,

trying to beat the game.

It's not going great.

Okay. I don't know what you're playing
at here, but I did it.

I triggered the evac
before the bombs hit DC,

and I'm still alive, so...

I'm just stranded out
on the space station now.

Yes, so now what?

Well, I mean, is there another game
that's supposed to start up here?

I'm the only one left,
there's no one here.

What, am I supposed to sit here

and breathe myself to death
for a few months?

What? What? What can I do?

What's... Why isn't the game over?


Now, what?

That's it?

- That's it.
- Okay, you got to change that.

Um, I don't know
what the deus ex machina is meant to be,

but it's lame as f*ck.

Um, God, please don't tell me
those are supposed to be aliens.

Then one day, Becky just
breaks down while she rings him up.

Hey. Everything okay?

Just cries her eyes out
in the store.

And Luke tries to help.

Lipstick on his clothes.

She tells him that Ray has been
cheating on her with an older woman.

And though Ray denies it,
Becky knows that it's true.

And that her heart has been broken.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- See you.
- Of course.

- I know what you're doing.
- What?

Hey, back off.

You set me up.

He told me what you're doing,
and it won't work.

Honey, you're being crazy.

Okay? We got caught.
That's all there was to it.

I never touched you, and you know it.

You set me up.

He told me everything. He told me.

You stay away from me.

Wait, who are you talking about?

Frederick. He told me.

We have to go.

- What?
- Now!



Oh, no, no, no, no.

Smell that?


This... this is just a message.

- Where's Vincent?
- He's got him, I think.

- This is his way of saying so.
- What...

What's happening?

I need you to hear this story.

And don't judge me until I'm finished.

There was a girl who fell
head over heels for the perfect boy.

He was just destined for greatness.

They got married too young.
He rose up the ranks fast.

Youngest senator out of New York.

He even gave his wife's best friend a job.

Writing code
for the Department of Defense.

Together, they made something...


A global defense system based in space.

They move the nuclear arsenal
safely off the planet

onto the space station.

And then, her best friend,

her sweet friend,

who she could have been happy with
in another life...

Her friend died.

He had a bad heart.

On his 33rd birthday, he died.

And five years later,

her husband becomes
President of the United States.

And the world goes to hell.

The Doomsday Clock goes to midnight
and he spins up the arsenal.

And he wants to drop a b*mb
to stop the bombs.

That's what he said,
and she holds him back.

She begs him not to do it, and he...

listens to her.

He hesitates.

And then the missiles fly anyway,

and they evac to the space station
into orbit.

And then he pushes the buttons.

But it's too late.

His missiles fly down
and their missiles fly up.

And the world is burned to nothing.

And they wait.

Just a handful of people
left on the space station.

The air is running out,
the food is running out,

and the world below them is dead.

And he's losing his mind.

Her husband snaps.

He goes manic and he's violent.

He's driven insane by what he's done.

And then they came.

These, uh, bright lights like stars.

Bigger and bigger,
circling around the space station.

Peering in the windows

and then coming inside.

Are they angels?

The white lights, are they angels?

Sandra's gonna Sandra.

They're not, I call them...

- the Alumini.
- The Alumini.

Beings from a galaxy far, far away.

And they had been watching us.

They could send us back, they said,
into a point in our timeline.

A chance to change something.

A chance to change everything.


I'm Becky...

from the future.

And Frederick...

Who are you talking about?

Frederick. Ray, my husband,
and he's back here too.

If you're Becky and this guy is Ray...

then who's Vincent?

Honey, that's you.

He took the name Vincent Beggs
because he knew you idolize that name.

You trust him.

He also knew, more importantly,
that you had no idea

what the real Vincent Beggs looked like.

But I thought you said I died
on my 33rd birthday long before the w*r.

- You did.
- Yeah.

So, how, how did I end up here?

I don't know exactly. Um...

You haven't told me everything,
but they sent you back too.

You woke up here on the beach
and they told you

you had a purpose to teach yourself.

Something about the game, the code.

You came back here to stop the w*r.

And what about Ray?

I've got to k*ll him.

I got to say,
I'm a little shocked to see you here.

I mean, you weren't even there.

You died, man,
before the whole thing went down.

Yeah, they brought me back anyway.

Yeah, but why?

I mean, with us, it was...
They just told us that we could go back.

A chance to save all of humanity.

We could go back and change...

something, I don't know.

You're here to find Becky, why?

She's messing with me.

And I, I... I can see her in my memories
and these new memories.

I think that she is trying to k*ll me.

She thinks k*lling me
might stop the whole thing.

Like it was my fault.

This was her fault, you know?

If she dies,
maybe none of this happens at all.

I won't tell you where she is.

I won't.

You always had a thing for her.
I always knew that.

Shit, I should have just
let you have her, Luke.

And I would have done it right.

I would have won.

You wouldn't have.

That's not the way you beat the game.

It's not a game, Luke.

I know that, Ray.

You tell me where she is, right now!

What did they look like...

...when they came to you?

I thought they were aliens at first.
They... they had to be.

Or some kind of incredibly advanced,
telekinetic lifeform.

I was there on the ground, dying.

My heart wasn't beating.

And the light came,

and they told me I had one chance,

one chance to come back...

So, you came back here
to try and get with the girl?

I came back here to program.

- I came back here to code.
- The game?

What's the point?

It worked pretty well. Sad to say.

Not the game, the program, him.
Me, I guess, I...

I think it might have worked.

You're not gonna tell me, are you?

Do what you got.

All right.

So Luke dies for the second time
in his life,

but he isn't scared
because he's felt it this whole time.

Felt the idea taking root
in his own brain.

That's the thing
about being from the future.

You don't have to wonder
if you change the past.

If you did, you'll know it.

Because you'll change too.

But despite his assurances,
Becky refuses to believe

that Luke can stop the world from ending
by simply not writing the code.

The only way to win is not to play,
so I won't write the code...

Because in her mind,

there was only one way
to change the future.

To change everything.

Just leave me alone.

k*lling Ray.

- Get out.
- Becky, don't do this.

- Get out.
- Becky. Becky, please.

Get out!

Look out!



- Becky. Hey, hey, hey. Look at me.
- Luke.

- Hey.
- What have you done?

Why you!

Luke went on his way.

He never did write the code,
never ventured outside his games.

If the world was gonna end,
it wouldn't be because of him.

No, he was careful.

Careful for the future
and careful for his heart.

Ray still became president,

but he was changed
by what happened that night.

He was wiser.

He knew what death looked like.

Luke, he lived a good life,
living every moment.

And he realized something else too.

Whatever those lights were,
whatever those beings were,

they were probably not alien.

No, they felt too human.
Angels, he decided.

The Alumini or whatever Becky called them,
they were angels.

And maybe that's what angels are, really.

Maybe angels are just second chances.

♪ Seem to me ♪

♪ Can't turn back the hand of time ♪

Years later, he went back to that beach.

A normal Wednesday.
Nothing special at all.

Except it was the day
after his 33rd birthday.

The day after his death day,
according to Kara.

But his heart hadn't given out.

No lights in the sky. No, Luke was alive.

He didn't know if it'd be for another day
or another year or what,

but, hell, do any of us?


Watch out, James Cameron.


she's gonna be so mad.

Weeks and weeks of angel porn,

and she missed the one angel story
that worked.

What are you doing?

f*ck off!

- I'm gonna help.
- I said f*ck off!

How about you shut the f*ck up
and let me help you?

I wet the f*cking bed.

Let's get you in the bath
and I'll take care of the sheets.

I... I k*lled my parents.

Let's just start with the bath,

then the sheets, and...
then we can talk about your parents.

Why did you end it like that?

Like what?

Becky kills herself.

Luke doesn't get the girl.

Right, yeah, well...

You write what you know.

I don't like that.

It rang a little hollow for me
because of that.

I wanted them to be together.

- Good night.
- Night.

See you later, Amesh.

I was offered this chance.

This big American ballet school

was going to bring me
all the way to the States.

And they came with me.

Gave up their whole lives
just to give me a shot at mine.

I don't know why I wanted
to f*ck that up so badly.

I went...


The one time they noticed
I'd... I'd snuck out...

One time...

they noticed.

They went looking for me.

The police said
they drove around for hours,

and they hit some black ice.

And they, uh...


And there was the funeral.


And the rest...

And Rhett...

My best friend, Rhett.

Well, not my best friend anymore, I guess.

After they died, I started doing H,

and he tried to get me
into a bunch of rehabs.

He bought this for me.

Then I threw it on his head
when he told me

that I was gonna die
if I didn't get cleaned.

And its leg broke off
and Rhett f*cked off.

Two months later, I got diagnosed.

Same g*dd*mn leg.

I think I know what it was.


The thing I saw when I came to...

The shadow.

The only thing it can be
in a place like this.


Darkness creeping, nothing.

Coming for you when it's your time.

f*cking with you until it is.


I don't... I don't wanna die.

I don't want to die, Ilonka.

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ I go out, come back in ♪

♪ I have died a thousand times ♪

♪ I will die once again ♪

♪ I wake up in the morning ♪

♪ I go out with my friends ♪

♪ To a bar ♪

♪ It's the weekend ♪

♪ And it just doesn't end ♪

♪ I stay out 'till 5 a.m. ♪

♪ And it's light when I leave ♪

♪ I go out and pack my stuff ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm dying once again ♪