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01x03 - The Wicked Heart

Posted: 10/11/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
So you're saying what?

The wallpaper...

the furniture was different?

The whole hallway.

Everything was different.

All... like...

All the paintings...

all the furniture...

no light bulbs, just candles.

It was like going back in time.

And this woman...

Well, that's...

That's crazy.

I'm sorry, did you just...

- call me crazy?
- No.

No, not you. That's not...

I mean, it has to be crazy.

Right? With the meds that we're on,
I mean, they make us see stuff.

I mean, it's not just you.
It happens to all of us.

That happened much to you, Kevin?

Your Haldol make you see
terrifying old ladies too?

Never mind.

I'm going to bed.

Oh, Jesus.

You don't always wake up like that,
do you?

If you're an alarm clock,
I'd slap you into snooze.

These gave me some insane dreams.

Oh, no, not dreams.

Hey, can you take a look at something?

Do I have to?

Have you seen this symbol before?

I saw it in the forest yesterday,

and I'm pretty sure I've seen it
somewhere in the house.

No, sorry.

Or... or these?
Do any of these mean anything to you?


I don't know if I care.

It's an old patient file.

She buried these numbers
in a lot of her art therapy.

Oh, my god.

I knew it.

I don't care.

- Fine.
- Sorry.

It's just not my favorite day.

- I can be a bit of a bitch on...
- Weekdays?

Family Day.

It's like a petting zoo,
but all the animals are dying.

It's the exact same
as every other day for me.

No plus-one's.

What about you?

Your foster dad showing up?


I'm sorry, Anya.

You should come down, though.

Tim's a good guy with a big heart
and he'd love to meet you.

- I told him all about you.
- Bet that was fun.

Told him all about your bitch roommate?

It's good to vent.

I told him you're the toughest person
I've ever met.

Our father,
who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...

I looked for what you asked for.

I don't have a lot,

but I found these.

The base in Okinawa.

Where you met?

We met near the base.

What about the one I asked for?

The last one.

That's the last picture of him.

The day before the ambush.

I really don't know why
you want this photograph.

There are so many better pictures
of your father.

This one is...


I called Mom last night.

Or I guess this morning in India.

The time difference is always wild,
but she sounded rough.

Aunt Abir, you said the immigration
lawyer you're talking to

might be able to get them back next month?

It's difficult to say.

They know time is a factor, right?

They, they know...

...time is a factor, right?

They do.

Deportation cases like this, I mean...

they didn't expect your parents

not to be granted asylum
in the first place,

especially after so long.

But we promised them both
a picture of all of us.

So, come here.

You too, Uncle Dharm.

- Come here. Come, come, come.
- Okay.

Oh, hey!

- I'll take that for you.
- Thank you.


Say cheese.


Maybe write a little something?

I got to write a little something
because she's not here?

She had the sniffles this morning.

You know, they say if you're sick,
it's not good to visit at all, you know?

She gets the sniffles every time.

Come on. I'm not dumb. It's her 50th.

She's with her church group.

They're throwing her a big party tonight.

I could go.

I could go with you.
We could surprise her.

You know, um...

I don't think that would go
the way you and me would want it to go.

Your brother's gonna run track.

Just like you did,
stepping into your shoes,

as much as anyone could.

- Do you want to run track?
- Of course he does.

That's cool.

I just thought you wanted
to do the school play.

Well, maybe he can do both.

I thought you'd be excited.

He's carrying on the torch.
It's your legacy.

Don't worry about my legacy.

Mine's all played out.

And your high school experience
should be all yours.

I'm gonna get some more coffee.

What is this? Decaf?

She's been hitting the coffee
pretty hard today, huh?

Late night.

Another late night.

- They picked the theme for prom.
- Hmm?

Parisian romance.

Oh, okay.

Parisian romance.

Oui. Oui.

Well, that would be cool if that means

they're going to decorate the gym
to look like the Louvre.

But knowing them, I'm guessing,

- Christmas lights, Eiffel tower.
- Christmas lights, Eiffel tower.

Legacy is important, is what I'm saying.

Your father did enough to shit
on the Carter name and you fixed it

- single-handedly.
- Ilonka!

Hey, come say hi.

This is the new girl
I was telling you about.

Super smart. Great student.

Terrible burglar, though.

I'm Ilonka. It's great to meet you, guys.

Uh, this is my mom, Samantha,
my brother Morgan,

and this is Katherine.

Oh, Kevin's talked so much about you guys.

Kevin said his little brother
looked exactly like him,

and you do, Morgan.

And your sister is way prettier than...

Sorry, Kev, you clearly drew
the short stick when it came to...


No. Oh, man. Um...

I'm so stupid.

You're Kevin's girlfriend, obviously.

Oh, no, no. I would have thought
the same thing, you know? Family day.

Yeah, I didn't mean to say
that you look like you were related to...

You know, I'm gonna stop.

It was... It was great to meet you all.
I'm going to go grab a bite.

- You don't have to...
- Okay. See you later.

Oh, yeah.

- Hey, sweetie.
- Hey.

So sorry I'm late.

I just got held up talking with Anya.
Your roomie was kind enough to escort me.

She's hilarious. I haven't laughed
that hard in a long time.


I want to show you my favorite place here.

If you want to see it?

Of course I do. Yeah. Uh...

Oh, it was great talking to you.

You're coming, right?



That's right.

Um... Latitude or longitude maybe?

Longitude only goes to 180.

Latitude goes to 90.

Are you okay?

Because I'm not so sure.

Time's funny here.

Had this roommate.

She used to swear... swear up and down,
the clocks ran slower inside than out.

Caught her...

running in and out one day.

Wristwatch in one hand.

Wall clocks out in the woods.
It was weird.

You tend to get a bit caught up in things
when there's something on your mind.

There's ways through it, though.

So you really shouldn't worry.

And why is that?

Because we take care of each other.

Come in.

Oh. Delivery.

Another bear.

When you've come full circle,
we're back to bears.

Put it with the rest, I guess.

You know, you don't always have
to hide in here on Family Day.

Other family's down there.
They're pretty fun.

I'm sure they love to fold you
into the reverie.

- I'm good.
- What else did you get?

Hm, looks like lots of fancy soaps.

It looks like she's in Italy
if I had to guess from these soaps.

They put these kind of things
in her trailer when she starts a movie.

I bet she just got too many soaps.

You want some of these soaps?

I... kind of do.

Hey. I'm sorry.

I know it's shitty, but...

Look, just because your parents
aren't here,

it doesn't mean
that you don't have family, you know?

You're family here...

whether you realize it or not.

These are gorgeous.
They just give these to her for free?

I should have been a movie star.

Can I keep the lemon and lime one?

Help yourself.

You know, my great grandfather
invented liquid soap?

- Really?
- Yeah, in 1865.

He was the first one to use palm oil
and olive oil for liquid soap.

And he even coined the term Palmolive.

But somebody stole the idea.

Wow, that is amazing.

So cool,
and I don't believe a single word of it.

- Okay.
- Oh, my god. These smell so good.

Hey, Tris?

You awake?

Shit's about to get weird.

I had this breakthrough
on Freedom Jack and Puppy Corn.



Hey, Tris?

I thought she was getting better.

I was even going to decorate her side
of the room for when she came back.

Do you take away the sheets?

I... I mean, do you wash them
and someone else sleeps on them later

or are they... or are they done...

now that she's gone and those are new?

We brought nothing with us
when we came into the world.

And we can't take anything with us
when we leave it.

These pillows, though.

They're good.

They're really good,
Tucked it right when she picked these.

You know, the ancient Egyptians,

they used to carve a piece of wood
to rest their neck while they slept.

Did you know that?

I didn't know that. No.

You can come in if you want.

I get it.
People are scared of these rooms.

People fear death...

even more than pain.

It's strange that they fear death.

At the point of death...

pain is over.

Yeah. I guess it is a friend.

That was Jim Morrison who said that.

You know who he is?

I do.


My dad loved "The Doors."

Loved them.

Come in.



I haven't said today.

I'm sorry about last night.

- That all came out wrong.
- It's okay.

No, no, I'm sorry.

I hope I didn't embarrass your...


Hm. Nah, she thought it was funny.

I could have just died
calling her your sister like that.

- I just...
- Hah.

It's all good.

I just hadn't...

I... I don't know
how I hadn't heard you had...

Or maybe I missed it.

Your family seemed really nice.


They are. They're great.

Except my mom.

Well, she's had her issues drinking
and worse.

But they're... great.

Except when they're fighting,
and except when they're not.

And except when they're talking
about this Kevin guy.

What do you mean?

I mean, this...

guy they keep going on about.

Perfect son.

Perfect student. Perfect boyfriend.

I got detention too, you know?

- Like, a dozen times.
- Yeah.

You're a real monster, Kevin.

Maybe I am.

What'd you find?

- Hm?
- You know, your loot,

your heist, your stolen property.

The file.

"Julia Jayne. The girl who lived,
Brightcliffe's mystery miracle."

What did you find out?
Anything interesting?


I mean, there isn't a lot here
and Stanton doesn't say much, but...

Julia's art therapy has got
a few things that intrigued me.

There's this.


And I've seen this before
on the grounds for sure,

but someplace else,
and I can't quite remember.

And this number.


- What is it?
- I don't know.

So my whole life,
I've had this little voice inside

that's driven me forward.

It's helped me on tests, gave me ideas.

It steered me well every time.

This little whisper.

But here, I... I don't know. It's...

It's an overdrive, and I don't know why.

I mean, this symbol, these numbers...

I don't know,
it just feels important.

Whatever these voices are...

they've been whispering real loud
since I've been here.

I hear things.

I see things.

Those whispering voices,
they're telling me to look at this.

They're practically screaming at me.

Doesn't mean you have to listen.

Look, I'm just saying,
you've got a lot to process here.

And I get it.
I totally get the attraction.

Something else to focus on.

Something besides...

Besides what?

Never mind.


I really hope you find
whatever it is you're looking for.

Maybe then those voices
will leave you alone.

So that was it,
just a split second.

And I checked the bedding. It was cold.
Sheets flat, undisturbed.

And I can't tell whether or not
it was my imagination.

- So what do we think?
- Nope.

I get it and I hear you, but...

- No.
- No.

I don't think so.

I think, yeah.

She could have popped in by
just to tell you she's okay.

And using all her powers, all her energy,

she decided to sit up in bed
for a split second?

Maybe she took a little trip down
from heaven just to say, "Hi. I'm okay."

Heaven and hell.

World's such a colorful f*cking place.

Why do you go out of your way
to make it so black and white?

- Anya, come on.
- Excuse me.

Are you voting yes or did I hear wrong?

A sign is a sign.

And Tristan wouldn't go
through all of that...

just to be vague and brief.

I promise, when I go...

if I can come back

and say something to youse all...

I'm going to f*cking say it.

And it's going to be something tangible.

Something youse can hold.

Something you can show each other.

Something youse can f*cking verify.

None of this boo bullshit.

Nothing that's just a glitch on your meds.

So we all agree?

Not a sign.

Nope. Not a sign.


Onward and upward.

Anyone else?

Or shall we move on to tonight's ghost?

Let's make a f*cking ghost.

Who's got one?

I got one.

It's half-baked or...

maybe a little more than half-baked,
but I'd love to give it a shot.

Well, let's hear it.

Let's... let's hear it.

To those before, to those after,

to us now...

and to those beyond.

To those before, to those after,

to us now and to those beyond.

Seen or unseen,

here but not here.

Seen or unseen, here but not here.


Dusty was perfect.




Or maybe he wasn't.

I'm calling this one...

The Wicked Heart.

It's between fifth
and sixth period at Roosevelt High School.

The Velt.

That's always the hardest five minutes
of the day.

You're so close to freedom.

But first...

another 50 minutes of t*rture.

Dusty Shane, high school senior,
is, well, I guess he's perfect.

Perfectly normal.

I mean, perfectly average.

Good grades
but not so good as to get attention.

Athletic but second-string.

People think he's nice,
but that's about it.

Don't know much more.

Never in trouble,
but never volunteering either.

Head down, quiet.

A bit of a mystery, if we're honest.

Just not on a lot of people's radars.

Hey, sorry, are your parents

actually leaving you home alone
this weekend?

- Wait. Who told you that?
- Well, Sheila said.

I'm not going to be throwing a party.

Nancy, if your parents are away,
you have to have a party.

What is wrong with you?

They're going to be
in Vegas all weekend.

Why don't we have a sleepover tomorrow?

Nothing at all tonight?

Come on, the whole place to yourself?

I'm going to be taking a long bath
and I'm just watching TV.

Can't wait.

Okay, Grandma.

Have fun. I'll see you later.

That's kind of the thing.

Nobody really knows about him.

They only think they do.

Like, for example...

nobody knows
that Dusty lives alone with his mother.

Few years back, her mind started to go.

She never talks anymore.

But she's always listening.

So if Dusty wants to drive across town
on a school night

to see a young lady
who has the house completely to herself...

that's exactly what Dusty does.

Again with the smiley face.

- What?
- You did a serial k*ller story last month,

and the dude drew smiley faces in blood.

- Remember?
- Oh, I forgot about that.

Okay, it's...

It's like an X,

with the top filled in.

Like an hourglass.

That's a little better.

But that's...


Go ahead.

So the car turns down
this old, abandoned road.

This wasn't the first time
Dusty took a life.

And it won't be the last.

I had a good night.

I think I did well.

I hope I make you proud.

Now, leave me alone.

Make them leave me alone.

Good night.

All of you.

I'm sorry.

I can't hear you.

No one can.

He sees them every night.

And those new ones...

they cry a lot.

And scream a lot.

But once they're dead a while,
they figure out the rules.

And they don't waste their time.

But those older ones...

they just stare.

Just stare at him.

And maybe that's worse...

because that's what hell is.

Knowing stares.

Not lava or brimstone.

Hell is everybody knowing.

Yeah, I just don't understand
where she is.

I mean, she said she was going
to pick me up in the morning for school.

I mean, if you want to change plans,
that's fine, but odd.

And I waited until the last second for her
to see if she would show up,

and eventually,
I had to haul ass to get here.

And I was maybe 15 seconds late for Econ,
and Ms. Starley still gave me a hard time.

So annoying.


It's just weird.

You haven't seen Nancy today, have you?

I can't say that I have.

Maybe she just ditch people,
ditch all the time.

Not Nancy.

Nancy has never ditched.

Not even in junior high.

Maybe she got sick.

I hope she's okay.

Look, I'm...

I'm sorry, I've sat here all year,
and I've barely said two words to you,

and I'm just throwing up all over you.

You're a good listener.

I try to be.

That's the thing about this place.

Nobody ever listens.

I'm Sheila.

I moved here this summer.

I'm bad at lacrosse
and I don't like shopping,

but I'm great at piano

and I love movies about aliens.


Oh, don't do it, Sheila.

Don't fall for the broody guy trick.

Oh, she's thinking with her hoo-ha.

- I'm sorry, her what?
- Girls like Dusty.

Some of the boys too.
Probably some of the teachers.


It's a bit of a problem.

Yeah, that sounds just awful.
Wait a minute, f*ck you.

But they always like Dusty,
and it is a problem.

Because he knows, doesn't he?

What's gonna happen to them?

There was a spot...

south of town that had amazing burgers
and milkshakes.

And there was a spot north of town

where you could park your car
for a few hours, undisturbed,

with a great view of the city,
at least until the glass fogged up.

Sheila was driving north.

Her hoo-ha was driving north.

Or was she?

Because she took a turn that took him
by surprise before their date.

Where are we going?

I'm just checking out something.
Or someone, really.

Wanna swing by Nancy's,
just make sure she's okay.

It won't take five minutes.


You know, she might be sick,
like you said.

I'd just feel better if I stop by.

But, I mean, what if she's sleeping?

If she's sick, shouldn't she rest?

Her folks are out of town.

If she's sick,
she might need something, right?

Is that her place?

Yeah. Come on.

Oh, that's okay. I can just wait here.

Don't be weird. Come say hi.


Maybe she's just asleep.


I told you, I can't.


Uh... I can't believe
anything bad happened to her.

I just can't.

I'm sure I'm wrong.

But let's just prove it, shall we?






I'm gonna call the police.

- Hold on.
- This isn't right.

There's nothing wrong here.
I mean, the place is spotless.

- There's no reason to...
- I have a bad feeling. Okay?


My friend is missing.

You're her best friend?

That's right.

And like I said...

there is something very, very wrong here.

She might just be out.

I mean, I don't see anything to suggest...


You're the best friend. Who are you?

I'm Dusty.
I was just hanging out with Sheila.

You know Nancy?

No, not really.

Have you seen this symbol before?



- What do you mean?
- I mean does it look familiar?

Did she doodle it in a notebook
or did you touch this card?

No, I... I try not to touch anything.

Well, that's smart.

You shouldn't touch things
at a crime scene.

Crime scene?

We called the hotel in Vegas

and they don't have eyes
on her parents right now,

but they'll call when they do.

So she was here alone?
That happened often?

Maybe she just went with them.

- She didn't.
- You sure?

I am.

I'm sorry to do this,
but it's getting late.

I, uh... I live alone with my mom,
and she's sick. So, I need to go.

You didn't look surprised.

I'm sorry?

About the symbol.

You asked me if I'd seen it before,
but you went right for it.

Have you seen it before?

You can go.

Thanks for being here for your friend.
We'll take it from here.

Hey, I'm sorry about Nancy.

I'm sure it'll all be fine in the end.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Are you into computers?

- Into? How?
- Chatting with people online.

AOL, Prodigy, that kind of thing.

- You have an Einstein account, maybe?
- No.

You know if Nancy did?

Shut up!

Dusty, I need to talk to you.


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but...

I don't think Nancy is missing.

I don't think
this is a missing person case at all.

I think... I think this is a m*rder case.


- Hold on.
- You know, I just...

That detective.

The more she talked,
the more I could tell.

She was asking questions
that were too specific.

They're not trying to find out
more about Nancy.

No, she was holding this whole thing up
against something else.

Comparing it in her brain,

bringing new information
into the conversation,

not just collecting what was there.

That's not how you do it.

Not unless...

- Sheila.
- I think someone k*lled Nancy.

- That's quite a leap.
- Someone the detective

doesn't know how to catch.

- I'm sorry, but...
- I know.

-'s just speculation.
- You're right.

But that's why I need you
to help me prove it.


Oh, no.

- To be...
- Don't do it, Kevin.

To be continued.

I'm sorry, guys,
but that is all I have for tonight.

But, hey, if you want to hear the rest,
all you got to do is...

Yeah, we know.

- Stay alive a little while longer.
- Stay alive a little while longer.

- I hate it when you do that.
- Hey, it works.

You're all still here.

So far, at least.

What's up?

- You took my symbol.
- It's yours?

I thought it was Julia's.

I'm sorry.

- We all have to draw from somewhere.
- Yeah.

Here's the thing.

Listening to you talk about hell
and descent.

I remember where I've seen it.

Holy shit.

I know.

I mean, it doesn't look like
everything else.

It's a more recent metalwork.

It's not a part of the original elevator,

I mean, I guess.

And why put it on an elevator panel?

I mean, it's useless, right?

Why bother?

Only one answer.


It's not.

Useless, I mean.


I thought for sure...

I mean, it's a button.

Look, you can even see
where they cut the panel.

- It's a button, Kevin.
- And think about it.

I mean, they reel gurneys in here,
carry things all the time.

If it's a secret button,
that doesn't make much sense.

Someone's going to bump into it,
someone's going to lean on it.

It wouldn't stay secret for long.

I'm sorry, Ilonka.

- It's a cool thing for sure, but...
- You're right.

You... You'd trigger it
by accident.

You'd need a fail-safe.

Here, the buttons work just fine.

For real?

I'd really rather not just...


Yeah, shit.

We're really not supposed to be down here.

Wait, I've got an idea.

Just please don't send us up
to Stanton's apartment.

I have zero idea how to explain that one.

How do you make sure
no one hits it by accident?

You make sure
it takes more than just a hit.

Stop. There's nothing below the morgue.

There's nothing down here.

What the f*ck?

Oh, my god.

Let's go back up.

Hold on one second.

Ilonka, we should go back.

Just let me look.

Oh, damn it!

Holy shit.

What is it?

Oh, my god.

- Kevin. It's the hourglass.
- Shit.

- Ilonka.
- Kevin!

- Ilonka.
- Wait.

- Kevin.
- Ilonka.
