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02x07 - Guyfall

Posted: 10/11/22 08:32
by bunniefuu
Where were we?

Oh, that's right.

With a baby on the way,
things were looking fine,

until E.B.'s screw-up
put Guy's job on the line.


E.B., get down here, young lady!

Anything that you'd like to tell me?

Oh. Uh…

Yes. I wanted to tell you
last night at dinner…

Maybe about a missing funpass?

My funpass?

I… I… I lost it.

But how did you know?

I know because the Zooks know!

They found it on top of the wall.

Oh boy.

"Oh boy" is right!

What in the world
were you doing up there, E.B.?

I can explain.

Oh, you better.

Butter side down! Butter side down!

Wait, have you eaten lunch yet?

-I thought I was in trouble.

You are.

But if you starve,
then I'll be in trouble with your mother,

and your mother can be
a fearsome woman, E.B.


Raghetti and wheatballs?



-Now start talking.

Okay. I'm sorry for sneaking out.

That was wrong.

But there's something so much
more important I need to tell you.

Guy, the Yooks aren't bad.

What are you talking about?!

-They're monsters!

Side salad?


But they aren't monsters.

In fact, some of them
have the coolest hair,

soulful eyes, and a passion for poetry.

You were fraternizing with the enemy?

No! Well, yes.

Ha. Whoops. Yes.

I met a Yook named Looka,

but they aren't the enemy, Guy.

That's the whole point.

We need to tell the Zooks
that the Yooks are good people too.

We have to…

…spread the word!

We've been wrong
about the Zooks all along,

and they've been wrong about us.

What do you know about Zookia?

E.B. told me all about it. How nice it is.

How much like us the Zooks are.

Hearsay from a Zook sympathizer!

I'm telling you, Dad,

this is all just
a big misunderstanding over toast.

-There could be world peace.
-World peace!

World peace?

Don't be naïve.

Fresh parmesan?

Yes, please.

-Say when!

-Seriously, how much cheese--

I'm disappointed in you, E.B.

I trusted you
to explore Zookia by yourself,

and how do you repay me?

By going behind my back, breaking the law,

and putting us both at risk.

I'm sorry, Guy.

I know this job means a lot to you.

Forget me!

I have a family to provide for.

I know, but you don't
have to take my word for it.

I'm meeting Looka on top of the wall,
under the big willoak tree at sunset.

Come see for yourself.

Meeting a Yook?
You won't be meeting anyone…


Especially not some
duplicitous down-butterer

who's trying to poison your mind
with Zookish propaganda!

-Dad, she's not--
-Now go to your room!

You're not meeting her!

And that's final.

That's what you think.

You're not meeting him.

This conversation is over!

The only reason
you're taking the Zooks' side

is they're the only ones who don't care
that all your stupid inventions blow up!

Ouch, that hurts.

While one family's struggles
are taking their toll,

our mother-son duo's on a ding-dang roll!

All right, Sam.
Time to save your friends.

Let's put these fellas to sleep.

A little higher. Higher.

Oh, that's the spot.

-Chamomile tea?

Mmm. I'm so relaxed.

No! No! No! Ah!

Ah. Mmm…

Remember, stay hydrated. Namaste.

Yeah, me too!

Mama bear, mama bear, turn around.

Baby bear, baby bear,
touch the ground.

Mama bear,
mama bear, do a high kick.

Baby bear,
baby bear, do the splits!

Mama bear
and baby bear rising in fame.

Other spy duos feeling the shame.

Whoa. Now what? Oh look!

Cat's cradle!

Ready, aim--

Fire me, Mama!


Oh yeah!

Hey! Effortless.

I cut through the air like a knife.


What's going on?

Wait a minute.

They're onto us.

Or are they?


-What the…


-Lookie here.


Checks out.


We did it.

Can't I just sit in a chair?

No! I'm never letting you
out of my sight again.


If this is about the funpass,
why don't we tell the Zooks the truth?

I'm sure they'll understand.

Don't worry about the funpass,
I already took care of it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, Guy!

Hey, Guy. Thanks for your help.

We caught the intruder
exactly where your daughter said he'd be.

Oh no.

Looka's in cuffs,
and her stepdad's to blame.

How could Guy do this? Has he no shame?

And you were right.
The kid's eyes really are soulful.

What is Looka's face saying?
E.B.'s ill at ease.

I didn't mean to.

Is that anger, betrayal,
or sadness she sees?

You and your daughter sure are true Zooks.

I… I had no other choice, E.B.

Otherwise, they would have locked you up.

I had to protect you.

My only friend in this whole stupid place
is in handcuffs because of you!

And now Looka thinks
I'm the one who ratted him out!

I'm sure he understands.

I saw the look on his face.

He hates me!

Shh! Please, quiet down.
What if the Zooks hear?

I don't care!

I told you about Looka
because I trusted you!

I'll never make that mistake again.

E.B.! E.B.!


Wait, stop!

How are you so fast?

Guy saved her from danger,
but at what cost?

Now E.B. can't stand him,
his daughter is… Whoa!


Now Guy's lost too? Wait!

-I'm worried.

-Who are you people?

Who's got them?

Oh thank goodness, it's just…


Get in here, Guy.

This is a group-hug moment!

I'm so happy you're safe, Sam!

Me too.

Of course I was safe, you silly mongeese.

I was with my mom,

you know, international super spy/
queen of keeping Sam safe.


I was worried you guys weren't safe.

We were perfectly fine.

Actually, I feel much safer now.

Thanks for looking out for me,
Sam, Pam, and, um… hmm.

Nope! No one else on this mountain!

this mountain,
this mountain, this mountain…

You are welcome.

And we're in!

-What is this?

My spy syndicate's safe house.


A place to hide out
when missions get dicey.


A lot of floral print for a spy house.

I made some design suggestions.
They fell on deaf ears.

Safe, safe, safe,
and… safe in the safe safe!

You know what that means, Mom.

One step closer
to mission accomplished, son.

That's right! Tomorrow we save
the Yooks and your job,

because no one puts
baby spy mom out in the cold.


-Hey, hey!
-Perfect landing.

Eleven out of ten.

Victory handshake to celebrate
the nailed landing?

Do you have to ask?

Whoo! Ooh. Whoo-whee!

-Ah. Uh-huh.

Isn't this fun?


-Guy, look! Ah!


You two are really close now, huh?

Yep. Me and Mombo here
are each other's favorite person.

-Just like you and E.B.

And since I finally have
all my favorite people in one room again,

dare I suggest

a sleepover?

No pressure, but here's my vision.

Popcorn, Truth or Dare, fur braiding,

green eggs and ham a la Mom,

and actually, yeah,
I'm applying some pressure.

Sam, I can't. I have to get back to work.

The Dookess is probably
giving my job away as we speak.

Plus, I'm sure your mom
has zero interest in a sleepover.

Let the fur braiding begin!

Here we go!

Dibs on firsties!

Oh! Yellow beads, please.

Strange place for a sleepover.

Yeah, I wonder where
Looka's sleeping tonight, right?

Oh, wait. I remember. Jail!

Ooh! The Moo-Lacka-Moo is safe!

It won't blow them sky-high.

But will a different b*mb
go off between E.B. and Guy?

Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!

Chug! Chug!

-Bring it on home, Pam!

-I'm just…


Mother of mine,
you truly are the Truth or Dare queen!

All right, Guy.

A question for you.

Perhaps the most important
you've ever been asked in your… 40 years?

Eighty? Really not sure how old you are.

Just realized that.

Anyway, truth or dare?



Seems like you stepped
in a puddle of boring!

Oh yeah.

Not boring, incredibly boring!

Come on, Guy.

I know my mom just perfected the art

and you'll probably
embarrass yourself by trying,

but why don't you give "dare" a shot?

-I dare you.

Actually, wait.

Let him have truth,
'cause I thought of the perfect question.

Really? Well, great.

Have at it, E.B. Ask me anything.

Okay, Guy, tell us the truth.

When did you become

such a total smuntz!



Ooh, time for bed.

Come on, Sam.
Let's go brush each other's teeth.


There's no quitsies in T or D.

I… I think we can make an exception.

This seems personal.

No, it's okay. I'll answer.


I've been such a total S-word
because I've had a lot on my mind.

I'm under incredible pressure
to protect you and provide for our family,

especially now that…

Now that what?


No. Truth means truth, Guy.

Just tell me.


now that your mom is having a baby.

A baby?


A baby!

Green eggs and ham for everyone!

Not now, Sam.

-She's having a baby!
-Congratulations, Guy.

Welcome to the Parents Club.

I already am a parent. I have E.B.


We're having a baby.

I didn't want to tell you this way,
Michellee wanted to be here, but--

Whoo! Hey! Whoa-ho-ho!

But you're gonna be a big sister, E.B.

Whoo! Ha-ha!

Name ideas. Sam!

Wait, is it a little guy or a little gal?

Eh. Doesn't matter. Works for both.

E.B., what are you thinking?
Talk to me, please.

Truth or dare? My turn, and I pick truth.

You're going to be
a terrible father to this baby,

because you've been terrible to me.

Wait, did I miss something?

I'm going to my room!

And that was the bathroom.

That was also a bathroom.

I'd better go talk to her.

No, she's pretty upset.

Why don't you let me talk to her,
woman to woman?

I'm Dr. Linda Schwartz.


Help me help you help us

help them help others! Help--

Kids. Ha-ha!

They have feelings.

And thoughts.

Bringing about world peace
is literally easier than being a parent.

You really think
your mission will bring world peace?

Yep. We deliver the Moo-Lacka-Moo
to the Yooks tomorrow,

then everyone can eat
their toast in peace.

The Zooks butter side up,
the Yooks butter side down.

Actually, you have it backwards.

The Yooks are the ones
who eat toast butter side up.

Don't you work for them?

Uh… right. Right.

I'm just ready to be done
with this butter battle business.

Go back to my life the way it used to be.

Well, it won't be quite the same.

You have Sam now.

Well… …of course.

So what's the plan,
for both of you, after the mission?


I don't…

We'll figure it out.

What? Does Pam care at all
about the big butter strife?

More importantly,

will she keep Sam in her life?

Help strangers help me help--

Sam, stop.

You can't fix this.

I know I can't, but what about

my friends?


This is Fry!


Oh look.
Here's his daughter, R.V.!

The mother, Grape Jelly.

Oh brother.

And this is
Fry and Grape Jelly's new baby.

Let's call him Sam, just for fun.

Oh, so here we are, a simple puppet family

with absolutely no connection
to your own family dynamic whatsoever.

But what do you think, R.V.?

Is there anything
R.V. might like to say to Fry?

I get what you're trying to do,
Mrs. Schwartz--


Sorry. Dr. Schwartz.

That's right. Mrs. Schwartz was my father.

But it's not going to work out.

And it's not just about the baby.

My own stepdad went behind my back
and put my friend in danger.

I just…

How can I forgive that?

Come on, E.B.
Don't give up on Guy just yet.

I know he's a little
rough around the edges.

A little?

Okay. He's mostly rough around the edges,

but I didn't give up,
and he became my best friend.

And I didn't give up on my mom,
and look at us now.

When you love someone,
you have to keep trying.

You never give up.

Thanks, Sam.

But you have something I don't.

A parent who gets it.

And a bunch of weird puppets.

Would you believe I made them myself?

Bad news.

Dr. Linda can't fix this one.

I suspect only time can.

That and ice cream.

I'll see if we've got any.

Moms know everything.

Not everything.


I should stay out of it.


I'm Fry. No relation to you.

I don't want to tell Sam
what I'm thinking.


Fine, fine.

It's just, your mother…

We were talking earlier
about the Yooks and the Zooks,

and Pam doesn't even know which side
each country butters their bread on.

That's an easy mistake to make.

Up? Down? It's confusing.

It's important, and she doesn't even care.

She just wants to complete her
stupid mission for whoever's paying her,

good guys or bad.

My mom's a good person.
She wouldn't work for the bad guys.

Sam, you're being naïve.

Well, you don't get it, Guy.

You haven't seen us
out there in the field together.

We're straight-up crushing this mission.

Okay, but what happens
when there is no mission?

We're going to have a great life together.

Eating green eggs and ham for every meal?

Ideally, yes.

As soon as she makes them for me.

She hasn't made them for you yet?

Not exactly.

You see what I'm talking about?

It's your dream
and she hasn't done it yet.

She's been busy with her mission,

but I'm sure when
our life together starts--

Where are you going to live?

With my mom.

-Oh, so she's moving to Glurfsburg?
-I don't know.

-Or are you going to move in with her?

Where does Pam live anyway?

Does she have room for you? What about--

I don't know, okay?

We haven't talked about it!

We haven't talked about any of this.

And why do you think that is?

Because she's going to leave you behind,

just like she did before.

I'm sorry, Sam. I know this is hard,

but I'm trying to protect you
from Pam and this whole mess.

Let's just take
the Moo-Lacka-Moo to Zookia

and explain everything to the Dookess.

She'll know what to do,

and then we can put
this whole thing behind us.

I promise.

Have a bag ready, E.B.

We're heading back to Zookia at dawn.

Sam's coming with us.
We'll all be safe there.

What about Pam?

Well, it turns out Pam isn't
exactly who she said she was.

She's not coming with us.

So it wasn't enough
to turn me against you,

you had to turn Sam against his mom too?

You clearly didn't listen
to a word I said.

Poor Guy.

He's trying so hard to save the day,

but he's pushing
his stepdaughter further away.


It's time to go.


Sam chose his mom
instead of his best friend?

What's next?

Wait, no, this can't be the end!