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02x05 - To Yookia With Love

Posted: 10/11/22 08:30
by bunniefuu
[orchestral pop
theme song playing]

♪ A secret story
Somewhere in time ♪

♪ An unsolved mystery
Playing in your mind ♪

♪ A time for action A
fire we must light ♪

♪ A new beginning A
tale we must write ♪

♪ So come with me
It's now or never ♪

♪ So come with me Let's
do this together ♪

♪ Come with me On
this adventure ♪

♪ Come with me ♪
♪ Let this last forever ♪

♪ So come with me ♪

[spy music playing]

[narrator] Ah. There's our
heroes, Pam and Sam you-know-who,

back on the trail of
the Moo-Lacka-Moo!

I bet danger awaits, a
real roll of the dice!

Oh, come on! They're
using a cloaking device.

Well, forget about them.

Let's check in with
our friend Guy.

He needs this gizmo to work
so that he can provide...

Okay, we'll leave you alone.

The door slam was a little
harsh, is all I'm saying, but…

I guess this isn't Sam's story,
and it ain't Guy's neither.

We'll hit pause on them,
take a little breather,

so that we can focus on
dear, sweet E.B., whose life

- is in a great deal of jeopardy.
- [yelling]



- [trumpeting]
- [grunts]

- [guard] Freeze!
- Ah!

[guard 1] You are trespassing
on the Zookian border wall!

[E.B.] Durfle!

[guard 2] Freeze!

You are trespassing on
the Yookian border wall!

Double durfle!

- [guard 1] Freeze!
- Oh!


[guard 2] Freeze!

[gasps, yelps]

- [grunts]
- [Looka whispering] Shh. They'll hear you.


Stay down.

[romantic music swells]

You smell like pine cones.

[guard 1] Where did he go?

[guard 2] Nice work,
top-spreader! You lost him!

Because you got your light
in my eyes, down-butterer.

You got your light
in my eyes! Hello!

Now's our chance.
Can you climb down a…


Wow. Okay.

I'm sorry. Were you
saying something?


Gotta get away from the wall.

It's going to be crawling
with patrol Yooks any minute.

[gasps] Wait, did you just say…


[narrator] E.B.
is over the wall.

The land of the Yook!

Over here, she'll be
considered a cold-blooded Zook.


[both gasp]

[Yook patrol chanting]
Yook, Yook, Yook.

The Zooktruder must
be here somewhere!

Lock down the wall!

[narrator] Locked down?

How will she get back
to the other side?

If Guy finds out she's
gone, her fur will be fried!

[Looka laughs]
You can relax now.

Oh. Right. [Chuckles]

As can you.

At ease, Sergeant!


Are you all right? That
was pretty scary up there.

What, are you kidding?

I had 'em right
where I wanted 'em.

But, um, thank you.

Eh. Always happy to
help a fellow Yook.

Oh! That's me.

Yook head. Abso-yook-ly.

Hundo percent Yook, just
like, uh, this gentleman.

The Unknown Yook.

Poor guy got
slingshotted by a Zook.

They say it was his… last word.

Oh. Huh.

We should keep moving. Come on.

["Love The World You Find"
by The Flaming Lips playing]

♪ You don't know what
you're becoming ♪

♪ Who knows what
you're gonna be ♪

♪ We don't know
where we're going ♪

♪ We don't know
cause we can't see… ♪

[narrator] As E.B. looked around
this new place called Yookia,

she realized it's a heck
of a lot like Zookia.

It's not so different.

[Looka] What?

Uh, um… [clears throat]

Evading the patrol
with someone else.

I usually run my
operations solo.



♪ If I could tell your future
I'd say love the world you find ♪


[laughs] You're not from
around here, are you?

Oh! Why do you say that?

Well, you didn't know
about the Unknown Yook.

So you're obviously new to town.

Yes! Very new.

I'm from Glurfsburg.

We're… We're here visiting
for my stepdad's job.

Wait, wait, wait.
You're from Glurfsburg?

That's amazing!

You've clearly never
been to Glurfsburg.

Well, I mean, I've
never been anywhere.

I've always wanted to travel the
world, you know, go on adventures!

But my dad's work keeps
us here in Yookia.

Ugh. You are so lucky.

Has anything exciting
happened on your trip so far?

Whoa! I am not cool! Oh! Ah!

- [saw revs]
- [laughing maniacally]



[gasps, yelps]

Shh. Stay down.

Not really. [Laughs]

[gentle upbeat music playing]

So, where are you staying
while you're here?

Uh, why do you ask?

Figured I should walk you home.

Oh, that's really not necessary.

- [footsteps]
- Come on.

[chanting] Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook,
Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook. Yook…

[chanting fades]

I've been dealing with
patrol Yooks my whole life.

I know all their maneuvers.

Thanks, but I think I
can take care of myself.

I have sick stealth mode and
the night vision of a tabby.

Perfect. Then you
can watch out for me.

So, where to?

Uh, I'm staying… Um…

Not in Yookia.

Their Aquatic Center is just a big,
dirty hole they fill with a hose.

Near the Aquatic Center.

Sure. I know where that is.

Well, then let's get going.

And try not to slow
me down. [Chuckles]

[clears throat]

The Aquatic Center is that way.

Ooh. Must've gotten
turned around.

I did just move here
from Glurfsburg, so…

[laughs] Wonder what's
happening there right now.

[narrator] E.B. can't know the
answer, but guess what? I can.

'Cause when you're narrating,
continents you can span!

It's called omniscience, son!

Knowing all of the story!

What's up?


Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

[narrator] Huh.
Michellee at home.

This seems kind of boring.

I bet it'll get good,
though, hold onto your lids!

- [woman] Morning, Michellee.
- [narrator] Wow, this is so lame.

Quick, cut back to the kids!

So where to from here?

I'm sorry?

You said you live near
the Aquatic Center.


the Aquatic Center, of course.

And it is definitely not a
dirty hole in the ground.

That's an odd compliment.

Yeah, that's how we say
nice things in Glurfsburg.

For example,

you are not a piece
of walvark poop.

Um, thank you.


Want to go inside?

Very much so.

But isn't it closed?

Very much so.

[powering up]

[loud rock music playing]


This is the most
whimsilarating place ever!

And you only got to wait
behind one person in line!

[laughs] Yeah!

Me! [Laughs]

[both laughing]

- Whoo!
- Whoo!


- Whoa! Hey!
- Whoa!


[laughs] Woo!

- [Looka howls]
- [E.B. laughs]

- [E.B. squeals]
- [Looka laughs]

[both whooping]


Whoo! [Laughs]

[Looka] Whoa!

[E.B.] Whoa! [Laughs]



[both laugh]


[soft piano music playing]

- Uh…
- Oh.

[both chuckle nervously]

Hey, um, E.B.?


You are also not a
piece of walvark poop.



Don't you need to get home
before your stepdad notices?

I'm probably already grounded.

Whatever's below grounded.

Buried? [Laughs]

So, um, what else have
I been missing here?

A museum?

This is my favorite
place in all of Yookia.

Come on.

[gasps] Is that…

Very much so.

Chickaraffus Rex.

They used to roam this land,

alongside Large-Rumped-Gumps
and Whizzle-Nosed-Fizzlers.

Eventually, our ancestors
made this our home.


[E.B.] "The Savage Zook"?

[narrator] "Well, that's
wrong," E.B. thought.

It's judgy and it's mean.

If he knew she was Zookish,
is that how she'd be seen?

- [Looka] You okay?
- [gasps]

[narrator] Will E.B. risk
losing him and come clean?

Yeah, I just

can't stand those Zooks.

It really churns my stomach how they
eat their toast butter side down.

Yeah, right.

I mean, can you even
imagine what Zookia is like?

I've heard they're all super
surly and extremely wamnankerous.

I don't know.

I mean, I know that's
what everyone says.

Our parents, our teachers. But…

I can't help but wonder whether the Zooks
say the same stuff about us. You know?

[narrator] Oh, the
boy's not a Zookist.

Well, that's a relief.

Both sides aren't so different.
They share that belief.

Yeah. I wonder.

So they eat toast with butter
on the bottom. So what?

Yeah, it's a little gross,

and they probably have butter
all over their thumb pads,

which makes their handshakes
really greasy, but…

It's not all that bad
when you think about it.

No, I guess not.

Please don't tell
anybody I told you that.

It could get me in
a lot of trouble.

I promise.

[soaring orchestral
music playing]


Where would you go?


If you could leave Yookia, get
in a boat and sail anywhere,

which anywhere would you choose?

Well, that's easy. Glurfsburg.

Really? Why?

Because you could
show me around.

[E.B.] It'd be a
really short tour.

What are they building?

No clue.

It's been under
construction forever.

Let's check it out.

Looka, look.


[Looka] "Hundreds of years ago,
before there was Yookia and Zookia,

there was only Ookia."

"One happy nation where
everyone got along."

Whoa. I wonder what happened.

[dramatic music playing]

[fanfare playing]

[narrator] Oh, I know this!

Way back in the
year florty-one...

[female narrator] The
story of the Ooks.

[narrator] Argh! Why do other
narrators get to have all the fun?

[female narrator] In the year
florty-one at the Ookian castle,

the first Dooka and Dookess
had their first butter hassle.

- Top!
- Bottom!

- Top!
- Bottom!

- Top!
- Bottom!

[female narrator] A typical spat,
as siblings are won't to do,

but the spats just kept
spatting. It grew and it grew,

till soon Dooka and Dookess
got their own houses

and spent all their time
calling the other one louses.

Just like salty butter,
their anger, it spreaded.

Soon Ooks called for their
neighbors to be de-breaded.


[female narrator] But that would
not do, it would not do at all.

So Dooka and Dookess
built themselves a wall.

Calm returned to the land.
Finally peace had been brung,

until the day the fateful
first slinger was slung.

Each one blamed the other,
pouring gas on the fire.

So both sides built the
wall up higher and higher.

What once was Ookia,
one family united,

is now Yookia and Zookia,
two factions divided.

How could they
keep this from us?


Everything I've been
told my whole life

was a lie.

The Zooks may have some
crazy ideas about toast,

but they're the same.

We're all the same.

[narrator] While E.B. and Looka
have just had their minds blown,

I bet Michellee's got a
wild story of her own.


She's buying some food
to make herself lunch.

But what comes next
will be thrilling!

I've just got a hunch!

[muzak-style music playing]

[narrator] Nope, no, big reveal.

Mrs. Am I-?

[narrator] No excitement here.

It's the standard checkup
she gets every year.

Let's just go back
to Yookia, okay?

[crickets chirping]

You know [sighs]

if two people from each side
just hung out for one night,

I bet they'd get along great.



That place looks sweet.

How do we get inside?


Oh! This is your house?


you're a crazy rich Yookian?

Did I not mention that? I'm
pretty sure I mentioned that.

Pretty sure you
definitely did not.


Are you yipping kidding me?

Looka, you're a prince?


Your Glory-ness.

Uh, technically I'm the Crown
Dooka of Yookia, Chief Yookeroo,

Order of the Unburnt
Toast, 17th of his name,

but my mom only calls me
that when I'm in trouble.

My dad is the Dooka of Yookia.

Say what?

That's the Count of Meltington.

My cousin, the first
Earl of Margarine.

Who's this guy?

[Looka] That's my grandmother.

You go, Nana!

A Zook on our side of the wall?

It's a national emergency!


[Dooka] They don't
send their best,

they send the worst of
the worst, down-butterers…

- Uh, Dad?
- …toast-flippers, bread-benders.

Dad, this is my friend E.B.

Shh. Looka, not now.

I don't care how many
patrol Yooks it takes.

I want that Zook sneak found.

Uh… I should, uh…

I… I should get going.

[Looka] E.B., wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Don't go just yet.

[Dooka] If you know where
your bread is buttered,

you'll find that Zook!

I couldn't let you
go home hungry.

Man, I am starving.

I got caught up, I didn't
realize we've been out all night.

Is your stepdad gonna be mad?

Maybe he's still asleep and
hasn't even noticed yet.

[muffled] If you're quiet, I bet you could
sneak right past and he won't even know.

It's like you never
left the house.

Blah blah blah blah…


Looka, I haven't been
totally honest with you.

I've been thinking a lot about
what we saw at the museum and…

I have something to show you.

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] And with that one
simple gesture, something so small,

Looka knew she came from
the other side of the wall.

[Dooka] That's not good enough!

I want the border sealed
in the next 20 minutes!

Come with me, Zook.

- Looka, no!
- I'm tired of your excuses.

You don't have to do this.

[narrator] Oh no, this is
awful. He's turning her in!

I'll toast your families, I'll butter you
on every side, in every nook and cranny.


Yes, Looka?


[narrator] Wait, hold
up. No, he isn't!

Looka for the win.

- Where are we going?
- I couldn't let anything happen to you.

You heard my father. They're
closing the border in 20 minutes.

We need to hurry.

I knew you'd understand.

Yeah. But they won't.

["Tower Of Strength"
by The Mission playing]

[chanting] Yook, Yook,
Yook, Yook, Yook.

♪ And when there's
darkness All around… ♪

[patrol] Yook, Yook, Yook,
Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook, Yook…

♪ You are the
guiding light to me ♪

♪ To me… ♪

We'll never make it!

I have an idea.

I saw the Zooktruder over
by the Aquatic Center.

Get your men over there now.

We've been ordered
not to leave the wall.

Do you know who you
are speaking to?

I am Looka Ba-Dooka, the
crown Dooka of Yookia.

Which one of you wants to be the one I
tell my father disobeyed a direct order?

Uh, the Unburnt has spoken.

Yook, Yook, Yook,
Yook, Yook, Yook.


Well done, Crown Dooka!

[giggles] You pulled a
"Do you know who I am?"

[chuckles] Never
done that before.

Are you kidding? I
would do it every day!

[both laugh]

- [siren blares]
- [E.B. gasps]

You better go.

♪ To me ♪

♪ To me ♪

♪ You are a tower
of strength to me ♪

I'm never going
to see you again.

Yes, you will.

If it's safe, we'll meet under the
willowoak tree on top of the wall.


[chuckles] You mean tonight.

Yes. Tonight. At sundown.

See you tonight, E.B.

[soft whimsical music playing]

[narrator] Oh my gosh. Is this
the most boring thing yet?

I'm gonna say maybe.

Wait, why are we
still pulling back?

Michellee's having a baby!

She bought pickles,
and ice cream…

And the doctor! We
missed all the clues!

Yes, we! You thought
it was boring too.

Oh! Now she's packing her
painting with a stamp and a seal.

Off to Zookia it goes.

It's a baby reveal.



- Okay, everyone, I've got it. Ah!
- [scattered gasps]

[clears throat] This
thing cannot blow up.

There's nothing more
important than this.

[narrator] Yeah,
there is, dummy!

In that package from your wife.

It's some news that is
going to blow up your life.

[dramatic music
builds to a climax]

[orchestral pop
theme song playing]

[woman vocalizing]