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02x19 - Tamper Proof Seal

Posted: 10/11/22 07:56
by bunniefuu
This is me--
eliza thornberry

Part of your average family.

I got a dad, a mom...

And a sister.

There is donnie--
we found him.

And darwin-- he found us.

Oh, yeah, about our house--
it moves

'Cause we travel
all over the world.

You see, my dad hosts
his nature show

And my mom sh**t it.

Okay, so we're not
that average.

And between you and me,
something amazing happened.

And now I can talk to animals.

It's really cool...

But totally secret.

And you know what?

Life's never been the same.

( Whales singing )

( Laughter )

( Barking )


hey, eliza.

Wow, jim, I've never been
in an igloo before.

This is so cool.

( Sniffing )

Want some rancid flipper?

Bleah. No, thanks.

I got to run.

My folks

Are looking for seals.

I should give
them a hand.

I can help you find seals.

They gather on the pack ice.

But first, here's some extra
flipper for your family.

That's okay. I'm sure
mom and dad are doing

Just fine seal-wise.

See you later.

( Sighs )

The radio report said
this area would be brimming

With our little seal friends.

They come here every year.

Oh, looks like migration's

Running late

And we need that footage
by tomorrow.

Now don't you be
a no-can-do-ster.

I'm just
stating a fact.

Wait, I think I hear the faint
stirrings of life.

( Loud snorting )

This arctic thing
is totally freezing.

Could you please deal with
the dumb seals so we can go?

We have to find them
first, dear.

Maybe they wised up
and moved someplace warm.

I'm getting frostbite on my...

( Yelps )

( Laughs )

Oh, you psycho ice puppy!

Yes, good idea.

Play with donnie.

It will take your mind
off the cold.

Still no seals?

An understatement.

If we just man these cameras
long enough...

We'll become
human ice sculptures.

I think I know where we
might find some seals.

Let me check it out.

Now there's a can-do-ster.



Jim says seals
get together on pack ice.

Like that island over there.

Then why don't we let jim
visit it

And tell us what he finds?

Come on, darwin.

You're kidding, right?

There's nothing to this.

Easy for you to say.

Ah, that wasn't so bad.

Yes, it was.

Now let's climb the ridge.


Ladies and gentlemen,
sealville, u.s.a.

Population zero.

( Nervous chuckle )

Imagine, here we are
in a corner of the globe

That most anyone would find
perfectly uninhabitable

But the inuits call it home.

Well, right now I'm
wondering where the
seals call home.


Perhaps it's time once again
for my patented nigel thornberry

Call of the seal.

What do you think?

Are you sure?

It's failed
12 times in a row

But what are the odds
it'll fail again?

( Loud, raucous bellowing )

Lucky 13.

( Seals barking )

Ah! Hello!

You could knock me over
with a flipper.

Quickly, marianne.

( Barking )

Get ready for your intro.

( Humming vocal exercises )

The breeding season
is upon us...

For seals, that is.

And we've just spied a glorious
pair of pinapudia... Um

Punaped, uh... Pennsylvan...

Oh, gosh.

( Grunting and groaning )

I still think
you should have let that boy

Help you find the seals.

Jim's nice and everything,
but we're in a hurry.

Between you and me

I think we can
get things done
a little faster.

Trust me, we'll find the seals.

Don't look now, but I think
they've found us.

( Barking )

( Gasping )

I don't like this.

Easy, guys.

Watch out!

( Screaming )

We've come upon this pair
of northern fur seals

In the calm
of the arctic, where...

( Jabbering )

Cut. What's going on?

( Sneezes )

Debbie, please
scoop up donnie.

We've just started filming
these two incredible seals

And we might not
find any more.



( Excited jabbering )

( Gasps )

Uh, guys...

You found some more.

( Screaming )

Come on.

( All yelling )

Eliza, are you

All right, poodles?

I... Found some seals for you.

Oh, eliza, your safety's
more important than
a bunch of seals.


Do these things ever bathe?

( Sneezes )

No time to dawdle, debbie.

We have seals to film.

I can't wait
to talk to them.

Not every one, I hope.

The arctic coast
has become seal central.

In a frenzied festival
of mammal migration...

Cut. Oh, I'm getting a glare.

And I left my filter
in the commvee.

I'll get it.

Quickly, before these fine
creatures breed without us.

( Panting )

Guys, come here.

We've got a problem.

that is some big mongo seal.

( Loud barking )

A bull seal, deborah.

600 Pounds of blubbery fury.

No need to worry, though.

We'll just trot right in.

Pardon me.

Nice, nice sealy.

Coming through.

Terribly sorry.

What got into that seal?

Best I can surmise

We inadvertently parked
on their breeding ground.

That bull seal believes our
commvee is on his property.

( Sneezes )

Come off it!

I have a cold!

I need my personal space!

( Screaming )

Easy, muffin.

In time, when he sees
we pose no threat

He'll let us enter
his territory.

How long will that take?

Oh, I think at the most,
a few hours...

Though it has been known
to take weeks.

But, nigel,
it's cold out here

And it's only going
to get colder.


I'm serious.

By nightfall, it's going
to be below zero out here.

Now, let's not be
a freezy-wheezie.

Think of it
as zero degrees warm.

( Sneezes )

This cold is simply not cool.

My friend jim made
an icehouse.

Splendid idea.

A chance to use my complete set
of igloo blueprints.

Eliza, find jim
and borrow his trusty ice saw

While I get started
as best I can.

( Donnie jabbering )

Debbie, watch donnie

While we set up camp
with what we've got.

An ice house?

No way
am I going to play eskimo.

Bit of a boo-boo, pumpkins.

The proper term
nowadays is inuit.

Uh, but...

No buts. We have
work to do

Before the sun
goes down and we
all start to freeze.

Come on, darwin.

Come on, donnie.




( Jabbering )

That's not funny.

Eliza, this
isn't the way...

We don't need an ice saw.

All I got to do is talk
to that big seal and explain.

Excuse me,
but I need to speak

To the big seal in charge.

He doesn't speak
to anyone.

Never has,
never will.

But there's a problem.

My family has to get
into the commvee.

The what?

Speak seal, girl.

The boxy thing
behind you.

That's why I need
to speak to the big guy.


You can turn
yourself around.

What's this person

Doing here?


I was wondering if maybe
you could let my family through?

This happens to be
our breeding ground.

But we were here first.

My herd has been coming
to this spot

As long as anyone can remember.

I protect them.

You have a problem
with that?

Tell him we don't
have a problem.

Oh, there must be
something I can do.

( Barks )

Hey, you eat lots
of fish, right?

Of course.

Well, what if I bring you
lots of fish?

Will you trust me then,
and then let my family through?

Hmm. Interesting.

No one has ever done
that for us before.

I'll get you enough fish

To feed everybody.

( Laughing )

I don't believe you.

I'm serious.

( Angry barking )

So how are you going
to catch all these fish?

Come on, how hard can it be?

There's always a few emergency
supplies in the snowmobile.

And for bait...
Cheese crunchies.

That was a good
idea, darwin.

hello, eliza.

Oh, hi, jim.

What are you up to?



( Noisy chewing )

Hey, eliza, you don't
need those

To fish in a stream.

Hey, watch it.

You'll scare
away the fish.

( Grunting )

This is how I fish.

What are you
trying to do?

Bop them on the head?

No, it's not like that.

I'd rather do this
my own way

If it's okay with you.

You know, I was just
trying to help you.

Jim, come back.

I didn't mean anything.

Well, at least now
we can catch some fish.

Eliza, we already have.

Wow, he made
a fish-catching thingy.

Hey, jim, jim, it worked!

Well, we better get
these fish

Over to the seals.

It'll be dark in
a couple of hours.

( Jabbering )

Slow down, you mini-muck-muck.

( Donnie jabbering )

Oh, look at them play.

( Chuckling )

You know, I think
the two of them

Have grown closer.

( Both laughing )

( Grunting )

There you go.

All the fish you guys
will ever need.

I knew you couldn't
be trusted.


That wasn't even enough
for me, let alone my herd.

Man, I had no idea.

I eat my weight in fish
every day.

Get out of here!

But we have to get
in the commvee.


You said you have
a lot of fish.

You lied.

I didn't lie.

It's not like I have
a fishing boat or anything.


I hate that look.

Donnie, you get
back here right now!

Nyah, nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah-nyah.

You just don't get it, do you?

( Jabbering )

( Sneezes )

I'm going to hate myself
for this tomorrow.

Excuse me, mr. Kugland.

Oh, no.

We're totally sunk.

Maybe we should have tied
part of it to the boat.

Wait, over there.

Isn't that jim?

and look at what
he caught.

Looks like that kid
knows fish.

I think you're right.

Hey, jim, I don't know
what I was thinking

But you sure know...

( Darwin screaming )


Watch out!


( Yelling )

( Gasps )

Hang on!

Faster, faster, darwin!

Does it look like
I'm taking a break?

Don't eat us!

We taste bad!

I'm not going
to eat you.

I'm trying to bump
this thing off of me.

That's horrible.

Oh, I bet that
really hurts.


Don't worry,
it'll be okay.

I'll help you out.

( Grunting )

No luck?

No. But that boy back there
can help.

Show me. Hop on.

Jim, where are you?

( Darwin chattering )

Darwin, he doesn't
understand you.

Aw, the curse
of being a chimp.

Can you hear me, jim?

Wait, over there.

That's him!

( Groaning )

Jim, are you
all right?

Eliza, look out.

The whales are behind you.

It's okay. Don't worry.

I think she needs
your help.

It's like...

She understands.

Don't worry, whale,
I'll help you.

Wow, how'd you do that?

The tips are made a special way.

They stay in until the hunter
wants to pull out the harpoon.

She's saying thank you.

I know...

How good it must feel
to get rid of a harpoon.

Sometimes I wish
I could be a whale.

They catch more
fish in a day

Then I will
in my lifetime.

They do?

Eliza, where's your kayak?

( All gasping )

I think we're
getting a ride.

Whee-oh, we've done it.

And a beauty she is.

Well, this will keep us
warm for the night

But where are the kids?

They should be
back by now.

Oh, they're probably off
enjoying this winter wonderland.

( Jabbering )

( Yelling )

Donnie, hold on.

Debbie's here.


You knucklehead.

You're okay, right?

( Jabbering )

It's getting dark and colder.

There's no way we'll ever
get back to shore.


Like anyone
can hear me.

debbie, is that you?

This is like some weird dream.

Hey, cool igloo.


We were getting worried.

Yes, fun and games
are all well and good

But it was getting on...

It was amazing.

It was.

Thanks, jim.

Getting a bit nippy.

Better head for shelter.

( Whales calling )

The call of a whale.

And it's coming from
the direction of the commvee.

What's all that

Before the whale left,
I asked her for a favor.

Oh, marianne

In all my days

I've never seen
anything like this.

I'll get the camera.

I could just gag.

Today, in a fabulous display
of interspecies cooperation

A k*ller whale,
normally a seal's enemy

Has provided
a scrumptious smorgasbord

For a mob of whimsical
yet steadfast seals.

( Donnie jabbering )

( Chuckling )

Now that was a lot of fish.

You are true to you word.

So you trust
us now?

You'll let us by?

What was that
all about?

I told you, they'd
trust us in time.

Problem solved.

Though it's a shame

We couldn't spend
just one night

In our fabulous
ice palace.


Oh, well.

You want to stay
for dinner?

We're having
dried caribou.

Thanks for the offer,
but no thanks.

We had a great
adventure today, eliza.

Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't
listen to you first.

It would have made things
a whole lot simpler.

( Horn honking )

I got to go.

We're leaving
in the morning, so...


In our language
there is no word
for good-bye.

I'll see you again.

We have a word for that
in our language.


( Donnie jabbering )

That's attached
to my head, you know.

Come here, donnie

Before my sister tosses
you out of the commvee.

No way.

Go get your own
wild boy.

( Speaking baby talk ):

Who's the most annoying human?

( Sneezes )

Debbie and donnie,
they're actually sort
of getting along.

Shh. Don't jinx it.

Now, let's not be
a freezy-wheezie.