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09x03 - Daniel's Very Different Day/Class Trip to the Movies

Posted: 10/10/22 09:35
by bunniefuu
Hi, neighbor.

Things are a little
different today.

We're getting ready for a
special picnic with Katerina.

And later, we're going on a
field trip to the library.

I'll be right back.

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in the neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be my, could you be
my, won't you be my neighbor?

It's Daniel Tiger's
neighborhood, a land of make


Won't you ride along with me?

Ride along.

It's Daniel Tiger's

so much to do, so much to see.

Won't you ride along with me?

Ride along.

I've got lots of friends for
you to meet in this land of make

believe, a friendly
face on every street,

just waiting to greet you.

It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor,
Danielle Tiger's neighborhood.


Hi neighbor!

Guess what?

We're going to
Katerina's house, today.

I'm painting a picture for her.

Come see.

This is me, and
this is Katerina.

We're singing and dancing.

We like to sing and dance.

Dip a dee dee dee dee dee dee.

Ta da!

[GASP] Oh no.

MOM TIGER: Uh oh, looks like
you got paint on your sweater.

I did.

You better put on
something different, so I can

put this sweater in the wash.

I-- I don't want to wash it.

I want to wear it.

I always wear my red sweater.

It's my favorite.

I know it's your
favorite, my little tiger.

But today, you're going to have
to wear something different.


(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

OK, I'll go change.

Come with me to my room.

My blue sweater is right in--

hey, where is my blue sweater?

Your blue sweater's dirty.

I just put it in the wash.

My blue sweater
is in the wash, too?


Here, let me help you
find something you can wear.

Here's a nice t-shirt
for you to wear.

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Well, I guess I can wear
my sweater tomorrow.

That's the spirit.


Mm, there.

Looks good.

How does it feel?

It feels OK, just different.

I want to show mom.

Mom, look.

I'm wearing my t-shirt.

Nice choice, Daniel.

Ga ga.

Margaret likes my
t-shirt, don't you Margaret?

Da da.

Dad, I'm ready to
go to Katerina's.


Bye, mom.

Bye, Margaret.

Oops, I almost forgot
Katerina's picture.

Off we go.

Hi Trolley.


Trolley, please
take us to the bakery.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

We're having a pink picnic.

That means, everything we
eat is going to be pink.

I'm taking pink cupcakes.


Here we are at the bakery.

Thanks, Trolley.


Let's go get the pink cupcakes.

Hello Tigers.

Hmm, Daniel, something is
different about you today.

I know.

It's because--

No, no, no, no, don't tell me.

Let me guess.

Did you get new shoes?

N-- no.

Did you get a haircut?


Oh, how silly of me.

I know.

You're not wearing
your glasses today.

Baker Aker, I
don't wear glasses.

I'm wearing a
different shirt today.

Usually, I wear my red sweater.

Ah, of course, of course.

That is a very nice t-shirt.

Why, thank you, Baker Aker.

Now, what can I
get for you today?

We need pink cupcakes, please.

[GASP] Oh, pink
cupcakes, let's see.

Hmm, pink cupcakes,
pink cupcakes, hmm.

[GASP] Un, no, no, no, hmm.

It looks like I'm out
of pink cupcakes today.

But I need pink cupcakes
for Katerina's pink picnic.

Well, can you
take something else?

I don't want to
take something else.

I want to take pink
cupcakes like we planned.


Oh, Daniel, I know you really
wanted to bring pink cupcakes.


(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Well, maybe Baker Aker
has something different

we can bring that's still pink.

Good thinking.

Let's take a look.

Do you see anything pink
we can take to Katerina's?

[GASP] Look!

I see something pink,
that pink strawberry cake.

Ah, my pink strawberry
cake is an excellent choice.

It is magnifico.

Ha ha, all right,
we'll take it.

This will be grr-ific
for Katerina's pink picnic.

She's going to love it.


Do you hear that?

That sound means
my bread is ding, I--

I-- I mean, done.

Just one moment, while I
take it out of the oven.

- Ding!

It sounds like
music, bakery music.

[GASP] Hey, do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe
that we can make music

with everything in the bakery.



(SINGING) Musical bakery,
musical bakery, roll it out.


Whisk a whisk.


Pour it out.


Mix a mix.


Aw yeah, musical
bakery, musical bakery.


Ha ha, wasn't that grr-ific?


BAKER AKER: Here you go.

One very pink cake for
a very pink picnic.

Thanks, Baker Aker.

- Thank you.
- Bye!

You're welcome.

Bye, Tigers.

Trolley, please take us
to Katerina's treehouse.


(SINGING) We're on our way to
Katerina's for a pink picnic.

Won't you ride along with me?

Ride along.

Won't you ride along with me?


We're here, Dad.

We're here.

Katerina, I'm here
for our picnic!

Oh, meow, meow, hello there.

I'm sorry to say
that Katerina can't

have a picnic today, after all.

She's feeling sick.

But-- but we were going
to have a pink picnic today.

Oh, Katerina wanted to
play, too, meow, meow.

But she needs her rest.

Bu-- but-- but.


Daniel, I think we
should let Katerina rest.

When you're sick, rest is best.

We'll have you over for
a picnic another time.


(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Oh, I made Katerina a picture.

Will you give this to her?

Of course, thank you.

Oh, that's very kind, Daniel.

We'll see you later.


Bye bye.

Trolley, please take us home.


I wish Katerina wasn't sick.

I know you do, son.

I'm sorry our plans
had to change.

Since I can't have a picnic
with Katerina, what can I do?

Well, you could
have a picnic with me.

Oh, our own picnic
would be grr-ific.

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Every morning, I
eat the same food.


But this time, I'll
try something new.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

We read the same
book every night.

But we might read a different
one, and that's all right.

DANIEL TIGER: Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

There isn't any more
of my favorite snack.

But I can find a way
to make things OK.

DANIEL TIGER: Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

And tomorrow is a brand new day.


Ooh, we can have a
rainbow picnic, where

we eat all of the
colors of the rainbow,

red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, and purple.

Look Margaret, a fruit rainbow.


And now, I'm going
to eat my rainbow.

- Oh ooh.

Ho, ha, ha, ha, ha.

It sounds colorful
and delicious.

A lot of things
were different, today.

And it was hard at first.

But it turned out OK.

One thing that stays the same is
that you are always my friend.

That never changes, ugga mugga.


Let's go see some neighbors.

Kelly and Donovan are
excited to meet their friend,

Tommy for a picnic in the park.

Dad's getting all
the food ready.

They're really excited.

They've been waiting
all day to go.



DAD: Hello?


DANIEL TIGER: Time to go.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, I hope he feels better.

OK, bye bye.

I'm sorry, we can't
go on the picnic.

Tommy's sick.

DANIEL TIGER: Oh no, they
can't go on their picnic?

They were so excited for it.

Can we have a picnic
in the living room?

That would be
a great idea, OK.

DANIEL TIGER: An inside picnic.

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do--

What a great idea.


may change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Things changed today.

So they had their picnic
in a different way.

I like these visits with you.


Hi, neighbor.

Oh, look, it's raining.

Ha ha.

Today, we're going on
field trip to the library.

I love the library, because
I love books, hoo, hoo.

And your uncle,
X, is the librarian.

Hoo, hoo, I like that, too.

OK, everyone, we'll be going
on our library field trip,


But first, it's circle time.

[GASP] Hooray, circle time!

I'm here.

Take a deep breath, and
shake out your wiggles.

Let's learn something new,
and have some giggles.

- Huh?

What's that?

Meow, meow.

Hmm, it's water.

Uh-- uh, it's getting
the floor all well.


Um, it's getting me wet.

Is it raining in here?

It's not supposed to
rain inside, hoo, hoo.


It's not raining inside,
O. It looks like there's

a small leak in the roof.

Here, these will catch
the water until someone

can come fix the leak.

Ho, the water sounds
different in the bucket.

- Drip.

Looks like this is not a good
place to have our circle time.

We can have circle time
in the block corner.

The block corner?

We've never had circle
time here, before.

Yes, meow, meow, never, ever.

I know it's a
little different.

But it's just for today.

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Let's try it.

But this is a square
rug, not a circle rug.

Hoo, hoo, it's hard
to make a circle here.

Hmm, maybe we can
make a square instead.

We can have square time.

Ha, ha, ha, well then,
everyone, let's make a square.

Square time.

I'm sitting next to you.

Me here.

It looks really different.

ALL: (SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Now, we can have
square time, he, he.

Now that we're all settled,
let's talk about our trip

to the library, today.

Can anybody tell me
what we'll see, there?

Books, hoo, hoo.

Yes, there will
certainly be lots of books.

And how are we getting
to the library?

On Trolley.

That's right.

Let's see if Trolley's here.

I can't wait to
ride on Trolley!

Trolley ride to the library.

Yay, Trolley's coming!

Is Trolley here, yet?

Do you see Trolley?

I don't see Trolley anywhere.

Oh, looks like we
just missed Trolley.

- No, meow, meow.

But look, it stopped raining.

We can walk to the library.


But we were going
to take Trolley.

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Nifty galifty, let's
walk to the library.

Come on.

I can't wait to
get to the library.

I'm going to look for a
", The Adventure Tiger"

book, grr, he he.

I'm going to look for
a book about penguins.

They live in the freezing cold.

And they walk like this, waddle,
waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle.


What kind of book
will you look for, O?

I'm going to look for
a book about dinosaurs,

and a book about science,
and a book about books.

A book about books?

(CHUCKLING) I really
love books, hoo, hoo.

There is the library!

We're almost there.

See the library?

There are so many books, there.

Even the flowers have books.

I wonder what they're reading.

Hey, do you want to
make believe with me?

Let's make believe that
the flowers could really

tell us what they're reading.


(SINGING) Open up the
pages, and have a look.

Tell me, tell me, tell
me what's inside your book.

FLOWER: This book
is out-of-sight.

It's about a dragon
and a brave knight.

This one's about
a sad, sad puppy.

I hope he'll be all right.

Stars and planets, the
moon and sun, this book's

about space, and
it's so much fun.

We opened up the
pages, and had a look.

Now I know what's
inside your book.


Ah, wasn't that grr-ific?


Do you hear that?


What's that noise?

It's coming from
inside the library?

Howdy, Teacher Harriet.
Hi, kids.

Hi, Uncle X. What's
happening in there, hoo, hoo?

Why is it so loud?

W-- we've been fixing
some broken shelves inside.

And it's taking a little
longer than I thought.

So I'm sorry to say, class,
the library is closed today.


The whole day?

I'm afraid so, Daniel.

It's just too messy and--


--loud for you to
be in there, today.

Well, thank you, X. We'll just
have to come back another day.

Bye, now.


Well, it looks like we won't
be having our library visit,

after all.
- Aw!


But I really wanted to
look at all the books.

Me, too.

I wanted to look at a ",
The Adventure Tiger" book.

And a book about penguins.

I know you were all looking
forward to our library visit.

But remember--

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Because the library is closed,
let's think of other things

we can do.

Like what?

There isn't another
library we can go to.

But we have books at
school, lots of them.

So maybe, if we can't
go to this library,

we can make a library at school!

A school library, hoo, hoo.

It will be different from
this library, but still fun.

ALL: (SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

We're here, hoo, hoo.


We can make our library
over here in the book nook.

I'll be the
librarian, hoo, hoo.

O, the librarian,
at your service.

We'll find all the
books, meow, meow,

so it looks just
like a real library.

And here are some supplies
to make your own library cards.

[GASP] Oh, I want
to make library cards!

Me, too.

We can make enough
for everybody.

Found some more books for
our library, meow, meow.

- One for you and you.
- Grr-ific.

Aw, thanks, he, he.


Hiya, Librarian O. I would
like to check out this book,

- Nifty galifty!

[COUGHS] I mean, do you
have your library card?

Sure do, [INAUDIBLE].

I even made it.

There you go.

Thank you for coming
to the library.

Librarian O, do
you have any "Tigey,

The Adventure Tiger" books?

Let me see.

Yes, here's one.


Here's my library card.

There you go, hoo, hoo.

Thanks, come look
at the book with me.


[GASPS] Wait a minute,
I know this Tigey story.

[SIGHS] I like reading
in our classroom library.

Even though it's
different, that's OK.


SINGER: (SINGING) It feels so
good to say a different way

is OK.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Doesn't it feel good to say,
I can find a new way to play?

Doesn't it feel
good to know, you

can choose a different seat?

Doesn't it feel good
to know, you can choose

a different snack to eat?

It feels so good to say,
a different way is OK.

Things may change,
and that's OK.

Today, we can do
things a different way.

Doesn't it feel great
to say, I'm getting

bigger each and every day?

It feels so good to
know that you can

play with a different friend.

So good to know
that you can find

a different way to pretend.

It feels so good to say
a different way's OK.

You're big enough to say
a different way's OK.

It's library puppet time.

[GASP] Our pretend
library has puppets,

just like the real library.

That's right, hoo, hoo.

I know they're different
from the library puppets.

But that's OK, toots.

Know why?

(SINGING) Things may
change, and that's OK.

ALL: Today, we can do
things a different way.

What did you do that
was different, today?

Things were different at school.

We made our own library.

Thanks for playing
with me, ugga mugga.


such a good feeling to play

with family and friends.

It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand.

You wake up ready
to say, I think

I'll make a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

feeling you know--

--that I'll be back
when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will, too, because
it's you I like.

Let's spend some time
with one of our neighbors.


Hi, my name is Anisha.

I'm going to make a book
with my friend, Debbie.

Hi, Debbie.
- Hi, Anisha.

Are you ready?
- Yes.


So this is where
we make a book.

Would you like to come
around and sit in this chair?

Yes, please.


I'm going to take three
pieces of white paper.

This is the inside of the book.

We'll put it flat on the table.

Now, we're going to
fold it up like this.

And we want to make
the corners match.

Can you match up the corners?

Very good.

And then, fold it
just like this.

And we're going to
do the same thing

with the cover of our book.

All right, Anisha, then
let's finish it, and push.



Do you know what
you get to do now?

ANISHA: Um, write the book?

DEBBIE: Write the
book, that's right.


Anisha, what does your book say?

There are four
people in my family.

I have one sister.

I have a mom, a dad, my sister.

DEBBIE: That's wonderful.

Hey Debbie, can I
make another book?


This was fun.

Thanks for coming, neighbor.


OK, what color do
you want this time?

I'll take blue.


I like these visits with you.