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08x05 - Daniel Takes His Time/Sometime's It's Good to Go Slow

Posted: 10/10/22 09:32
by bunniefuu
- Hi, Neighbor!
My Grand-père is visiting

and we're going to
bake some raisin bread.

And then at school,
we're going to take

our time on a nature walk.

You can come too!

I'll be right back.

♪♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ A land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of Make-Believe
A friendly face ♪

♪ On every street
just waiting to greet you ♪

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪♪

- Hi, Neighbor!

It's me, Daniel Tiger.
I have something to show you!

Here it is! Ta-dah!

This is my Grand-père.

That's what I call my Grandpa.

And he's coming
to visit me today!

- Oh, Daniel,
did you make a picture?

- Uh-huh! That's Grand-père,

and that's his favorite snack:
raisin bread!

Can we hang up my picture
so that Grand-père can see it?

- Of course!
(baby giggling)

Why don't you hang it
on the front door,

so Grand-père can see it
as soon as he gets here?

- I like that idea!

- Dada!
- Here's some tape.

- Thanks, Mom.
Grand-père is going to be

so surprised when
he sees my picture!

There, done!

Stay... stay...

Grr. Why won't
my picture stay up?

- How can I help?

- I can't get my picture

to stay up! See?

- I noticed that you were
rushing a little bit.

Sometimes, when you

slow... down...

things may work better.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- ♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

OK, I'll try....

I'm gonna start all over.

OK. Nice and slow...

And a piece of tape
for the bottom...

And now...

I hang it on the door.

Press this part...

And this bottom part...

nice... and slow...

OK! Do you think my picture
will stick to the door now?

Grr-ific! I went
slow and it worked!

The picture stuck to the door.

Now I just have to wait
for Grand-père to get here.

- Looks like you don't
have to wait any longer.

- Grand-père! You're here!
- Hi, Grand-père!

- Hello! Bonjour!

And what have we here?

- It's a picture.
I made it just for you.

- Why, that's me!

And that looks like...

- Raisin bread!
Your favorite snack.

- It looks so real
it's making me hungry.

- Me too!
- I have an idea.

How about we make

some raisin bread...together?

- Really? We can
make it? Ourselves?

- Why, yes! It will
take us a little time...

but it will be deeeeelicious
when it's done!

It's really very simple...

all we need is
a few ingredients.

- I think I have
everything here.

You'll just need
some flour and raisins.

- Shall we go to the store?

- Yes! We can take Trolley!

- Well, then! Off we go!

(Ding! Ding!)

- Trolley, Please take us
to the Neighborhood Market!

- (together): ♪♪ We're on our
way to the market to buy ♪

♪ Some yummy things
Won't you ride along with me ♪

♪ Ride along
Won't you ride along with me ♪♪

(Ding! Ding!)

(bell tinkling)

- Hi, Prince Tuesday!
- Hi, Little D!

And hello,
Grand-père Tiger.

- I'm going to make raisin
bread with my Grand-père!

- We need to buy
a couple of ingredients.

Daniel, do you remember
what they are?

- Flour and... raisins.

- Oh! I know just
where they are. I can
get them for you right away!

Do do doo ah!
Here we go! Flour...

Oh no!

The flour! I guess
I was going too fast.

- ♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- Ah. You're right. I was just
so excited I went too quickly!

And now... there's flour
all over the floor.

- I can help you clean it up.

I'm a helper tiger.
- Thanks, Daniel.

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

OK. Let's try this again,
only a little slower this time.

(straining slightly)
- Flour... and raisins!

- Now we have everything we need

to make delicious
raisin bread, together.

- Looks like you got a little
of the spilled flour
on you, Daniel.

- (giggling): Oops.

Look! It's snowing
in the grocery store!

That would be so funny!

Hey! Do you want to
make believe with me?

Let's make believe...

that it's REALLY snowing

INSIDE the grocery store!

♪♪ This is my grocery store ♪

♪ Winter wonderland ♪

♪ We could have
so much fun and build ♪

♪ A vegetable snowman ♪

♪ Let's make snow angels
where we lie ♪

♪ Or take a snow ride
way up high ♪

♪ And down a snowy apple slide ♪


♪ This is my grocery store ♪

♪ Winter wonderland ♪♪

Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Here you go! Have fun
baking together, you two!

- Thanks Prince Tuesday!
- Thank you!

- Bye!
(Ding! Ding!)

- Good timing, Trolley!

I'm getting hungry.
- Me too!

- Trolley, please take us home!
(Ding! Ding!)

- (together): ♪♪ We're going
home to bake some bread ♪

♪ It's sure to be so sweet
Won't you ride along with me ♪

♪ Ride along
Won't you ride along with me ♪♪

(Ding! Ding!)
- We're home!

Come on! Let's go
make some raisin bread!

- I started getting
this ready for you.

Have fun, you two!
- Thank you!

Alright! Let's wash up.
Nice and slow

so we know our hands are clean.

- Washa, washa, washa.

- OK, my baker tiger.

First we need flour...

- Flour... check!

- Next the sugar.
- Check!

- And... a little salt.

- And check!

- Now here's the butter...

and the eggs.

A splash of milk.

And finally...
- The raisins!

- OK! That's grr-ific,
baker tiger!

And now you can
mix it all together.

- ♪ Mix-a mix-a mix-a ♪

♪ Mix-a mix-a mix-a ♪
- Uh, Daniel...

- (speed increasing):
♪ Mix-a mix-a mix-a ♪

♪ Mix-a mix-a mix-a ♪
- Oh, Daniel, you might want

to slow down a little.
- Mix-a mix-a mix-a mix-a!

Oh no! Grand-père...

Sorry I made your shirt messy.

- That's alright, Daniel.

You were just going
a little too fast.

Remember, go slow...

and everything will stay

in the bowl where it belongs.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- ♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

Mix-a, mix-a, mix-a.

Oh! Everything is
all mixed together.

It looks kind of goopy.

I wonder how this goopy dough

will turn into bread?

Do you know?

- Well, the next thing we do

is put this dough in a pan,

like this...
- Oooooh.

- And now, we put the pan

into the oven

to bake.

And now we wait for
the oven to go DING!

- ♪♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ When you ♪

♪ Take your time ♪

♪ You can make a gift
for someone that you love ♪

♪ No need to rush ♪

♪ No need to hurry ♪

♪ Take your time
and do it just right ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ When you're ♪

♪ Singing a sweet song ♪

♪ Or making a thank-you card ♪

♪ No need to rush
No need to hurry ♪

♪ Take your time
and do it just right ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪♪

- Mmmmmm!

It looks so yum-yummy!

It was fun spending
the day with Grand-père

and making raisin
bread with him.

It'll be deeeeeeelicious

because we went nice and slow.

Ugga mugga!

Let's go see some neighbors!

- ♪♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

- Makenna and her dad are making
pancakes for breakfast!

Add the flour!

And sugar!
- ♪ No need to rush ♪

♪ No need to hurry ♪

♪ Take your time
and do it just right ♪

- And... an egg!

- ♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

- It's nice to be with
someone you love.

To take time to do
fun things together!

- ♪ No need to rush
No need to hurry ♪

♪ Take your time
and do it just right ♪

- Like... making pancakes!

- ♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

- We're eating pancakes! Yummy!

Mmm, that looks like such
a great breakfast, Makenna.

- ♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good
to go slow ♪♪

- I like these visits with you!

- Hi, Neighbor! I'm at school.

Today we're going
on a nature walk!

- OK everyone, there's
something we're going to do

before our walk. We're going

to make nature bags

to hold all of the things
we find along our walk.

You may each collect a few

'nature treasures'
to put in your bag.

Now, to make your nature bags,

put the two square pieces
together, like this.

Then use the ribbon
to sew the pieces together.

Through one hole, out the other.

In and out, all the way around.

- Beautiful, meow meow!
- Grr-ific!

- Nice and slow.

- Meow meow!
- Whoa!

- Make sure to leave an opening

so you can put your nature
treasures in your bag.

(all exclaiming)

- Grr-ific!
- Lay the squares together...

Now carefully sew....

- In, out, around, in, out...

I'm done!
- You're done already, Daniel?

That was fast.

- Can I go look for nature
treasure to put in my bag?

- All right, Daniel. You can
pick things up in nature

that are already on the ground.
- OK! Come on.

I found something!

Oooh, it's an acorn.

Into my nature bag.

Let's keep looking!

Nature treasures,
natures treasures,

looking for some nature...

Aha! I found some pebbles.

Look...they're so shiny.

I'll put them in my bag, too.

Teacher Harriet,
look what I have!

I found something that looks
like a tiny little hat...

it's... an...

acorn! Huh?

My bag is... empty!

- Empty? Oh no.

- Where is everything?
Where's my acorn?

And my pebbles? Gone!
- Hmmm...

Let me see...
Do you notice

anything about
your bag right here?

- There's a big hole
at the bottom!

How did that happen?

- Hm. Let's think.
- Hmmm...

I made the bag just
like you showed us...

Oh, but look! I skipped these
little holes at the bottom

when I was sewing...

and it made a big GIANT hole.

That's why everything fell out!

- Sometimes I make mistakes
when I'm rushing.

Were you making
your bag too fast?

- Maybe. I was really

excited to start
the nature walk.

- When you're excited,
it can be hard to slow down.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

When you go slowly
and take your time,

you can make sure
you don't make mistakes.

- ♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

Teacher Harriet,
can I fix my bag?

- I think that
would be a good idea.

Come on, I'll get you started.

- OK. And this time,
I'm going to go

niiiiiice aaaand slow,

to make sure I do it just right.

OK, I'm going to

to start here at the top...

Then sew the ribbon...

all the way around...

in every hole...

I'm going slower now. See?

Here's where I went too fast

and skipped some holes.

And almost... There!

Did I get them all?

Yes! Now nothing will fall out!


I'm glad I went slow
making my bag.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- Haha! I'm finished
with my bag!

I put a butterfly on it

because I'm going to look for
a butterfly on our nature walk.

- I'm finished too, hoo hoo!
- Me too, meow meow!

- Look at mine. It's
rrrrrrrroyally purple!

- Oh, they're all
so colorful and creative.

All right, everyone.
Let's start

our nature walk!
- Come on!

- I want to see a butterfly!

Oh butterflyyyy!

Where are youuuu?

- Miss Elaina!
When you go slowly,

you can see so many
wonderful things.

- But I don't want to go slow.
I want to see a butterfly!

- I found a rock! It's green.

I'm going to put it
in my rock collection!

- A rock? Seen that,
what's next?!

- I hear a bird, meow meow!

Ooh! There! It's a blue jay!

- Have you ever seen
a blue jay before?

I like his pointy beak...
and his wings.

Fly, blue jay...flyyyyyy!

He listened to me!

It's like I'm
the king of nature!

Hey. Do you want to
make believe with me?

Let's make believe... that
I really am the king of nature!

♪♪ I'm the king of nature ♪

♪ And when I sing
- When he sings ♪

- ♪ All the animals
dance with me ♪

♪ I love to sing
When I'm the nature king ♪

♪ Sitting at
the top of a tree ♪

♪ I spy
A bird flying by ♪

♪ Singin' its sweet song
through the sky ♪

♪ I'm the king of nature ♪

♪ And when I sing
- When he sings ♪

- ♪ All the flowers
bloom for me ♪

♪ I love to sing
When I'm the nature king ♪♪

Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Wow!
- It's an inchworm.

See how it's moving
across the branch?

It's taking its time.

- His whole body
goes up and down

and up and down!

- Oh! I heard something,
meow meow!

It sounded like
crunching leaves.

- I don't hear it!
- Uh... Do you hear it?

- Shhh. Let's take our time...

and listen.

(rustling and chirping)

- A squirrel!
- He's running!


- Oh, butterfly, where are you?

- Everyone, everyone!
Look. Look!

(all exclaiming)

- Miss Elaina wanted
to see a butterfly!

Miss Elaina! Miss Elaina!
Come see the butterfly!

- Coming, Toots! Where is it?
Where's the butterfly?

- You missed it, meow meow.
It flew away.

- But I REALLY wanted to see it.

- You saw the other
grr-ific things, right?

Like the inchworm...
- I didn't see an inchworm!

- Hoo hoo! What about
the blue jay?

- I didn't see
a blue jay either!

- Did you hear
the leaves

crunching when
the squirrel ran across?

- There was a SQUIRREL?

How come I didn't see
ANY of those things?

- Miss Elaina? Maybe you
were going too fast

and you missed them.

Like I went too fast
making my nature bag.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- Maybe... I REALLY
don't want to miss

anything else.

Now I'm going to
walk nice and slow.

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- I'll go slowly with you.

- Thanks, toots.

- It looks like that tree
is wearing a sweater!


- That sometimes grows on trees.

That's called lichen!

- I like lichen!


It's a butterfly!

I see a butterfly!

(all exclaiming)

Look at its colorful wings.

Wow! I'm so happy
I was going slow,

because I finally saw...
a butterfly!

- (all): ♪♪ Sometimes
it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

♪ When I take my time ♪

♪ It can be great
Everything I see ♪

♪ Is worth the wait ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- ♪ If you slow down ♪

♪ And take your time ♪

- ♪ You never know what ♪

♪ You'll see or find ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

♪ When you're excited ♪

♪ And want to go ♪

♪ You'll see so much more
if you take it slow ♪

♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪

- ♪ Sometimes it's good ♪

♪ To go slow ♪♪

Thanks for going on
the nature walk with me.

Ugga mugga!

- ♪♪ It's such a good feeling ♪

♪ To play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling ♪

♪ When they lend you a hand ♪
(Ding! Ding!)

♪ You wake up ready to say ♪
- Hi!

- ♪ I think
I'll make a snappy new day ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling ♪

♪ A feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back ♪

♪ When the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have
more ideas for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things ♪

♪ You'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will ♪

♪ Too ♪♪
Because it's you I like.

Let's spend some time
with one of our neighbours!

- Hi, my name is Jazmyn and
I'm here with my friend Jamie

at the aviary! What's an aviary?

- An aviary is a place where
birds live. Would you like

to go take a look?
- Eeee! YES!

- Well Jazmyn, this is our
tropical forest room.

- It's really loud in here.
- It is loud because we have

a lot of tropical birds.
- I see'em!

I see'em!
- Alright, let's take a look.

You found
our Victoria Crown pigeons.

They are the biggest pigeon
species in the world!

- Do they eat strawberries?
- They eat lots of grapes.

Grapes are one of their
favourites here at the aviary.

Oh, those are our white-crested
laughing thrushes up there.

And all that noise they're
making is their way

of welcoming us to
their neighbourhood.

Because these two birds
think this entire forest

is just for them.
And what's really neat

about the white-crested laughing
thrush is the older brothers

and sisters will
stay back with mom and dad

to help raise the little
brothers and sisters.

- Wow. What's that?
- This is our palm cockatoo,

Bubba. And believe it or not,

he is able to mimic so well
it sounds like he's talking.

So you wanna see if we can
get him to talk for us?

- Can I try?
- Yeah, go ahead. Look right

at him and say "Hi, Bubba!"
and see what he says.

- Hi, Bubba!
- Hi, Bubba!

- Awww! This was great.

- Well I'm glad you had fun!
- Can we go see some more birds?

- Absolutely, Jazmyn,
let's go see some more birds.

- Thanks for coming,
neighbor! Bye!

- Bye bye!

(upbeat music)

- I like these visits with you!

(cheerful jazz)